HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-14, Page 8if 4.484 ?'ir0 1! +i 44f+N� 44.44114gl►4►et el A'br444414404!444i!4'4 4•4w414444444444btA1 WA 444 • Market Report. -The following to the report of the EEaxeter inerts etc core rented nee itis November 14t'k;'S le heat Stazderd Oats '34 to 115, '`ea: "it 47' 1 ATE 16 n4. NewSuits::• •• 44. •a 0: 4 44 • 4 4.,• 4; 0 4 !* 0* ' .. • \, ,. 400004+004*♦O4444.4.4.44444+®O'OOiOr00004441000004.00.00*** 460000•0044.0.044b.44...4+•0•'9 444404.0.•00000000404.60404. 111106., 7 *044O444444$440000000040404004,00040000#0+0044>044440, 0 Ilen Blankets rted Scotch Blankets, pure wool. Beautiful t saxony finish at per pair $4.50, $5.50 & Sweater Coats For everyone in the home. Big variety oi' colors, in the new Tri -Collar: See our Spe- cial at $3,50 AND Overcoats: For Mien. and Boys We have a full line of Men's and Boy's Winter Overcoats in- clud L Diagonal Weaves in Grey and Brown effects. All oar New Coats have the New two way Col.. lar: Great Values at $10, $12 & $15 Fur Collared Coats For Men and Women, curl or quilted. linings .interlined lined with Rubber. Good shell of fine Kersey cloth. A very warm coat for the cold weather. $16.50 to $.25:00 Underwear You need it t We have it ! All the best makes to choose from. Every garment fully guaranteed. We sell Com- bination for Men and W omen We will buy any quantity of Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples, and Live ox Dressed Poultry. We pay highest prices, J. A. STEWART 40 •0 Om •d 40 4 0@ ®o 44 e 04. r+ 0. 4"r 4• • as • ,.► p AO 4• 40 Oe 44 40 4.* 0 •O i 4► f0 �O a• 40.0 • 4 414 •4 ,* ar • 4 rb fr • '4. 4 es. 4 ;•i R t • ainaGr 1R •,. mteware All This and Next Week 4 0 We Must Clean Out These Lines• • • to Make Root,,' for Xmas Stock • Then for Xmas. It will pay you to patronize this Big Store this year. Never were Toys, Fancy Goods and Ghina.ware bought at so low price and marked as low as this year. The Prices this year will sell the o° goods. Begin buying now. Bring along your cata- • logue and compare prices. • e Early Xmas Shoppers may have anything laid q away now anytime, tillXmas, by making asmalldepos- o it on same so choose early and get the best choice. RARE VALUES IN—Fancy Milk Jags, Teapots, Q Vases, Water, Table and Berry Sets. A big Stock of Edison and Victor Talking Machines to choose from. Friday and Saturday Specials r 4 4 e 4 0 illearimp, Sale of Handbags, 35c and up; 100 pieces of Glassware 4> up to 35c on Sale 150. All must go. Come Early, • O POWFLL'S BAZAAR 4 BIG VARIETY STORE a et 0 X e.ea40@d40®teatea4.4+a' .401+0044/4Y 0001►004►m4>440.004.C3.004►**** 4444at@/eeee** >4e 000.90044f4+0 jAn J,dvancej •All wholesalers have ad- va aced the rice of 4. but we were fortunate in une ing our large warerooans • +s before a ore the advance. There- 44 e we are able to sell at the • • old price,Ootne Coe ` xn and Ln- • speeour well selected stock • • of all kinds of Furniture, O Also everything up to date in 4 40 the undertaking line. ee 4, residence next to store. ;0 i Phone 2,oa 0_ • 4► Undertaker & Licensed 4 4 4 t17(1681,1iYlap 4 "Rzeter, -- Ordero. 4 i4*0'MOA•44444►40444 444.440.44. fit l;;axse driver_, by Mr. Charles, aYfona hath or the T'laa ,ries+ Road fell' i'�to a t 4diLoi that was fbeirlg dd,,f hems Maio Street opposiis the MetroPol- ` ay '#;Orel' on r'rir7ay loot. The :barns', *AO slit oe4t• withOUt ;ai54 da;maze bolls GOULDS VROGIRY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Place We 'make a specialty of fil- ling Family Orders. - The Groceries we deliver to you are the best to betted and the prices we ask are the lowest possible. Send or bring your next or- der rder to us and be convinced th:t.t this te e the Stbreto buy 3+onr Groceries alta Pro visions. TOF TFA AND ORE STORE WAI+;TED-Choice Butter and Fresh f'ggs', tl3ztrlc�f $ to 60 l ; .I. *e • iR eek;vilest 48 -to 504 Peas 90 to $111,00 i $ ' . 1 Short. $25 per tea i Garan $28 per ton # cY :andel Deo:u' 2,70 Peed Pro's, 1,06 't . •,. Saes Ks Better 25' •ee ., .. ei i'ot'atoee aI00. a bag i r 4Jhioken 1.10 , T erkeye 4 • ' a Geese -dressed 11 L"1 ,f ; Bens "7' . + F i'° 1 OLc1 ..toosCers ii ,•a Old Ducks 8 • Dicke. live 10 cents I1 acres Dressed 13 Geese live 8' cents: t . f 't t..• t Efoigac $7,40, , ectei.ee Export steers, 5.,75 tta 6,00 :Medieue Export eleters, 5,40 to 5„60 'Choice hatcher heifers, 8.65 5,90 Medearn Uiuteher heifers • 6;50 5.60 Chace Lratetier cows 4,75 to 5,00 M'edi;ini butcberccows. 4, 5 to 14;50; Common, cow 1250 to .3,00; Choice Jambe e,00 to 6,23; CS:oiee sheep 4,00 to 11„25: t 3 f° '1 RU t8 tl% " NO'R I�S�jil ++++++44++++++++++.4.4.4+ 444 +++++++44.++++++++++++4+++ 44.4+++++44.444. ++ ! Y ++ ++ g ,444 +iN++! „¢.ti',i+ +.lel e t'llef+ i;' ' lre++II! '+, .+ k k+fi delet +ieefiet.l lelei.;'I'+F. telt +'' ell(" 4`' ie l:+ l + t 14 .Wj 4. 4* 44 4* . g +4* 4 4.4.. 4+ 44+4 X• 4, +4'4 +4444 4. 44. +4+ 4 + 4. 4444444.44,440444.044.444444 LOCALS • 11 i E, 13ti txt and childrefa are visit ir.,ij in. Zeriela );2'r. le St PI;:illips ea. seie aing; sieve. oral days in Toronto, 'Inspector 3, E, Toni (paid an (official visit to 'town- ti'n's week:, Mr, Jahr. Patterson of Blyth: vi it - ed friend's in town bl'onday leveeing'. Mr., R, Dining arrived Lome Mon- day after spending tele, srxmnier in, the west,' . , Mrs, E4 rnedy and grandson of Et. trick are visiting ;Mr, and i4lrs, 'Thgs i lliott, t lVIrs, John- Ilackney and h.'o child- ret of R:aseseldaaLe are visiting Mrs., S, Piassxnore•, + Mrs, Fowell leaves text Taesday on at. extended visit; to'Chemaintus T., iJ to visit with her eon. The maty friends, of Miss Re ttio Sweet will be pleased to h arr. 's k is able to be oat ansair. Dr Roulstor. will address the Young, Metes [Claes of Main Street' Church next Sunday afternoon, A',,;Hoaze, 'Ca. S, and wife left last week for •Inwood where Mre Holaze will open, rap a practise.. tire Gee, Petty of Tordcto, spent a flew days last week visiting art; tate home of Mne, Jahr tC.dokson. One. dollar wiid ;pay for the Esetec (Times to new aebscribtns from now entil the end of next January, WANTED -Janitor for Caven Pres- by..eriar_ ch. arch . 'Applications to be it thy '.Le 2Otle of this month.. Apply to Secy, J, a3 Scott. Mr, aid VI's, R. Jahnaton Mrs. Brod;erickaard Mass L ] estl+e on Lon - dot attended the fea.neral of . 'their >nether ox Sunday lust. 1.0ST-+.Ort Senday evened?, on Ja.mer c Main. Street a gold Gaff link with the +irwi:tiial.s• II, T; S, Finder wili kindly 'leave at Times oaffice,, FMis, Ae Marshall arca si's•fer Mrs Fiis'Ler of Forest are! Mr, Will New - tan: of Umiak( attended the • Denerali of the late Mrs, Kesstle i:r Stephen o1r Sunday, Word has beet received that Mrs, beettart o1 Lozdon;, formerly of Exe- -ter is very lows s;afferiag from in- ternal tral;ble, Mrs s duttart is in her 94th: year T bachelors card }edict o The t>aG zero Ire i �w f fazet 1 er el den. le asa'r:t . rla Ge % on la P PridePriday ovetinglast Mexa1 $ .+ krill,. Tota Vita ffroliestr�ta;, u�, X.an clti n Pl?1. , ..t 3041X05./.. 1)A, i l . { : l ear, and. t'6l1rs, Pa al Mal• ; a Miek Riv- en Alta. 'formerly of Thames Roads ate- mance feta, marriage or their 4auixh- •ter Olive to Mr, W, .D. Stewart of Tacoma Wash, The marriage to take place ox. November e27t1:F. nay. gt, At, Steadm•ar. of EIimvilIee gave a r, excellent a d essAncient Historyof 7kdian Missions at. Main Street Epwot tle Leag•ae service Tugs,- (ley evczin8,. Me, Stead'mn also sang a. ,very acceptable solo, NOVICE Havix:g rented the 'ol:d blacksmith, shard' of Wright & Atkin- soe, kin Main Street 1 em' prepared to do allf kia..dta of' Lors:e shoeing and [gen- eral }repair work, SeeistectNiore guar- anteed, A eel( solicited, D. • Mc- Donald; •, tiBookLovers. Cl•z'b-e5: took lode's club has beers form'e'd in town. with thirty neenelnens,+ Ea.eh member per- chases or.e of the latest books' and a Meatier, will be held once a week when the hooks exehan:bee. At address, of e. literary nature will be o. featrere at the meetirigs, Exeter La'dy's ).+'other Seriaasly Ir Bred -Mrs, W, 3'. Reamer. receive:I word or. Saturday that her father Mr, C. TT. Skeltoe of Tacoma Wart- trgton met with as serloas, accident Ire wee Struck on the head by a :fai- lir timber e and Danes " •n t5 �ssuo of tLe bra,,,.; resulted. The, Tight oyc is also aafrcctede 7ilateet reports, state teat be;ia igettireg along eavora'bl;y 44+ + ++ v 1. ++ + 4+44+ +4+ n 441, z +4 ++ + 44 4444+ +4.4- +44 +4.?. 4 4.4 +k' + **T- +++ ++ +1, +1+0y+ 3 +4 x4. +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + -t+ +§ ++++++++++++++++++.1454.+4.+4. • +5.-14+* 4-5.* ++++44.44441.41.4+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++4+++++++ O +�1+ +3r: Having sold our Store which has to l'e vacated by Jan. 1st, we are offering for Sale our $15,000 Stock of General Merchandise which consists of Br good s, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Carpets, RugeM Wall Papers, China,1 Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Groceries. We can Save you at least 25 per gent on Dress Goods, .Mens Furnishings, Ulldrwear and Carpets. X4.4 4.4 4, 44* +ea.' . ele4 4.+€�-. 4.t acs 50 per cent Discount on 30 per cent discount on all Wall Paper l� Crockery & China Big SALF Now ON W. J. Carling Produce taken at the Sale at Cash Prices Mee, D,• Johns and Mille Johns are expected Leine from Sarnia i- :to -day (Thursday Mr, and Mrs', J'. May who recently moved to Clinton were' ire town Gaged arday last, Mee W,, D. lR..arke returr.eed to Monday Ber- ate M a o y after visiting'. for.several days iz. town.. , Mr, and Mrs, Wan., ,of Granton were the guests of Mal, and terse Thomas over &ir.daay. - Mr, WI It Gaeher and Mre, H. Ohis,g off. Lendoni, were the ;Just.% of Mr, and, Mrs( Ed. Treble over Seaday The (balance of it(hie year while be ',even tree to new 'e'a'bscrittters who nay lee one idollatr ,for the Times for the year 1913 • Mrs .Maroc and tivo children of a Clittan are spending e. coaple of weeks with the formers, parents Mr, ar_d Mrs, E, Heideman: Mrs,' . Nlcois and son andadaezghter of' McGillivray visited as fete (:lays las't'. week et the home of the fdrm,eas brother Mr, Geo. Mawsora,• The annual bazaar of the Trivitt bL,emorial church, will be held in the tows Hall Friday .December fitly. Sale ofefacey articles aid afternoon tea,: Admission 10 cents, Evening program, Admissior_ 10 cents. Tee Gay Pros held forth W Lhee Opera Hoose or. TLuraday evening of last week The eieizot. of .Exets,r are always ready 'to torr out and hear the Guy lira}. and last . }Thursday they packed: the Q!pere Boresee They were tot disappointed; 'A Street par- ade was held at noon and the music by ,the bared was mach appreciated, It is tat too early to cotmnaence yollr, adt'ert:isemetts for the 'Christ mas season.• Xtna.s goods are arriving daily and are being placed on sale. E xperience has ta:aght that the wisest easiest` and (most ;suitable way to. pur- 'Lease preseeets for the holiday season is to start early to plan. tour gitts and make your se1ecti1ons4 it is easier ;fatr the pocket (book and .gives greatest eetisfactiot, The thing ^oar )nave, to nen is thee,thing that vPiill ap- peal to eomeoree;• fMr, Gro T, ifieverley :after at ;aia- S'ea.ee of, fifteen years is vileiting1 kin CTtcic+ Mr, James IS.1cveriey of this town., .Mr, iBeverl,ey was formerly of litr.esall an'd, went to (be etetea when atbeeC 118 years of age to aleck, his tor - tar e,. Wel a ,re glad to i:nar that he is row operating a large .stock farm t5aa:thern Ohio. I'le says, there iL a Qaitetxe.ss, and harmony in (business and Social circles nn 0.rttario, that is yrknown to many in the States, A'tterded Senday School Wive 'Years v'thwat a Mies -Master Plsm„e z f Galt,. ori �r os ofMand.M,..I,C rt erre, Wleminyg formerly of Exeter; was in town over Senday and reeeived his Re:lett seal tor. the Robert Raikes diploma,. Tktw makes five years in secceesioaa Robbie 1icsS attended Sun- day seemed not missing ono Sabbath 'zr,less being compelled to remain et .home throe h illnesu and as,tberseats. were given} out on Sunday In connec- tion with the Main Streee Anniver- sary Master (+'Temicg was present to receive his. Two more seals filly ant tt.e diplotna and we lioPe to.5ce 1to(b. hie back next year, The record ie bete aY. o be ad: at an there i no •b..t et r is l ter place for a: boy to be tl.az, in the racks of; the itanday Se1osI.. +4++444444.44+4+++ ++4.44 4. . + 44 • DELAWARE LACK, :f: & Es r ERN 't�AlVNAW T 9.+a+ • COAL COMPANW8 l ++ Scranton Con The Rest Hard Cos ' Mined + +1+ Try a'ton , +� 4. +i+ +b 4 W. ti.. LEVETT COAL MAN Rove W, X. Martin of London ;for- mer .pastor of ,Cover. Presbyterian church will preach in Caven . church text Senday botch morning and even - u weekly eekly market reports and do- ings of Farm Conventions, are two thixgs that every farmer should, in his owr_ interest read care:f al'1yt The Weekly SurToronto the framer's bus ixess pa'pereis away en tele} lead! of all others when it comes to looking, atter the farmer's irterente. To ,the far- mer it is worth mazy times, the sub - r. ..o + r>.ptioni'price; Plablicity Campaign --The Board of Trade, of .}Clinton, have called a meet- ing to be held in Cltinton(•on November 21st to 'di'srisis a pu.blioity campaigr.. for the coatrty of Iiurant Invitations have . beer.'' sent out inviting any one ictcrestcd to attend_ the meetings; A move of this kind shoaid have the l:eerty eupporte of the different men- ieipalnties ar.d1 a vigorous campaign 1a nchled+, Huron County is; second to cone and tts is op to 'the lieo[ Te to boot t ,D:ERT ' ' Of all ih'e dark bogies that scare, acrd keep you a -tearing your hair and walking the Sidor in a. sweat of all the klirer perils you ktow whose pia�x- ians are reeking wiith+ woe t'her'e'si no tbi.g so dreadful as. debt Toe fellow it debt' never knows the meaning of peace std r 1pos.e; there's always a wolf 'at his ,door; its better en lever to dire •t'l;axa'revei in. oysteni andrwine the which has been elearged ae 'the srerlet. Itis} better to. wear old dads owl live, on a. diet of spuds. for whiech you have paid o.it,tehe mot than dereeset like •a,&ke or az earl, and feed ,from a platterot pearl 1 areaalwaysexpect- ing esp ec - tCr adare Q t an Old morn of the 1 +44+4.4++++++44444.+4.444+4+4 4.4-44+++++++++++++++++++444 +44.4-1-4444+++++++++++++++44: DoNotoret +§+ That we have a (Full Stock of 4. Rogers' .1041 Silverware --Also- 4 Watches, Clocks, Diamonds +, and everything in the +4€+ jewellery Line. Repairing Done Neatly. and Promptly. Prices Right 4+. sea from whom it is, Chard; to get ,free 1 he rides you in [spree of your screams reg. 35e for 25e reg. 260 for 20e he r. tries you when you are awake andl ' fin you va ith sorrow and cache and MERCERIZED CUSHION CORD reg. 5c a yd.Sale Price 3 yds. for IOC gallops: you round in your dreams. Re BattenburgPatterns g gives, you ea iai3ly renown and spreads tee s and Braids, Roman Embroidery, Scarfs, Centre Pieces, it; all over the town nod brings you a etc. at Reduced. Prices harvest of steers' he; takes affil the' joy from your life 'britgs� shame to 'your' ctildrer. and; wife and splatters, yoCr a, colt a with tears:, t, kt to rs a5 So free nut of p e C� debt if you cat; steer clear; or .the ereilitotr zn.as.--and this you can do �i;f you try; lits better to' liV�et in a, keg }ted feed on an onion and og 3, t as eat aar. tunsettLed for pie --want Mason Sinks r cat _IV tFo e s Rcact'or. r. 8, 1 a 9 SLa'rra periods ,falis or. and touching the LSth' nth ac,d '2btba,, There. will be electrical: storms centering on a,ad. Y to'aChL 'date t, i• to 1Jfh% the Goff the t, a :Motors teroselege' the celestial equator Under the strain. of ?hath Mercury ai;dt Votes periodis, decided storm's eenl- agitating in snow' and sleet may .be expected at thine (peeled, +A get.eirat lo'w 'barometer at this time will be a an tele Warr.i n�, ot &tn eeroa.s� e.0 turtle nal (soles, especially on the 'Atlantic �+ '•r . r _ and lover 'the r. x e lake. regions. 1•Iu b ba • 4 t7 5 N n I t "i• 'f • arJd ra 1 . o ac ar, vi tw stat gales tC y cold wove A ,tt,+gelar stoma period ir«volvee I"t3x+i1 to }lie 8th„ This period 4+ A- Marchand JEWELLER 4 4..p++f+.f+4 +4+++4++II+03++f++3++3++II+4.4444.44+ic+f+ ++E+44.4.:esir+4++II.>g,.g4 ++II.4.4++ +,l+++ "1847 Rogers Bros." "Silver Plate that ,Wears." Mi. SvfZ oat + THE -1847 xa You Wxsi TEM G:ewun rt AND ORIGINAr. t +Fl Rogers - Knives, Forks,• 1 _ Spoons, etc.' PREPARE FOR XMfIS. Few ' Suggestions of Interest To The Ladies SLIPPER SOLES In large sizes for Ladies and Children Sizes 1--2 - 3--6i-=' CUSHION TOPS Regular 50o for 40c, reg. 40c for 3Oo HAY P.Q. calla for misted autumnal 4s;terans. Bair sleet and snows fierce ,gaups ear d a ,;sweeping cold wave following z'1 v i be r �d r The ,+ gi a a are 'Ven era . e x o,ai p which hegir.si about the meddle elf November will, it -tensity and agerat vate }'tons conditions alt the .last hale of 1' v xaear but the culmination of ilia Periodwill fall it I)ee ruhI r„ STOR IA or Infants ,Ind Children, Have Always ONO Ito Kind YonN� � Beata the tgn4turb TAKE NOTICE ThePublic General ubl c will take a e notice that I am still doing business in and a=- round Exeter. tt WANTED — All ,kinds of 1ide1, also ,Horsehailc,. dub- Der; Copper, • Scrag Iron, Rage, Highest market prices paid. Call at one door south f Telephone e o d hoiile Of#i C eY Mreler � x