HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-02-27, Page 28DearCaptain Comet: Hi! My name is Jason Heipel and I would like to join your birthday club. I was eight years old yesterday, Feb. 26. , I live in Clinton with my Mom and Dad, and my brother Jeffrey. Mom had a skating birthday party for me on Sunday. Bye for now, Jason. Hello, My name is Melissa Joy Mellecke. I will be one year old on Mar. 2. My mommy will be decorating. a cake shaped like "Strawberry Shortcake" for my party. My baptism anniversary is Mar. 11. I H ould like to say happy birthday to my room, whose birthday is'on Mar. 9. Love, Melissa Joy Hi. My name is Angie McBride and I was six years old on Feb. 20. I had a birthday party with my friends and my big brother, Mike. We had chocolate cake because that's my favorite kind. Bye for now, Angie P.S. A special hello to my Grandpand Grandma McBride. r Hi! I am going to be 3 years old on March 4. At the Ice Capades this year I saw the Smurfs and they did their exercises. So for my party I hope to have a Smurf Cake. Love Pamela Kellestine P.S. Happy Birthday to Adam .Sillery, my friend in Blackfalds, Alberta. Wrong date for Legion Vimy Banquet In the Branch 109 article that appeared in the Feb. 20 edition of the Signal -Star there was an error in the date of the Vimy Ban- quet. The correct date of the Branch 109 Vimy Banquet is Saturday, April 13 not March 13 as was stated in last week's edition of the Signal -Star. m.*p,;iriviy over $Qc;iQ for Re.. The Feb. 5 Meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter 1,9iD,g., was' held at the' home of lilirs. T Papernick with the regent, Mrs. R.L. 'McDonald presiding over the reuIar meeting and the annual meeting, , Reports were accepted from.the secretary 11'Ii's. J. ,Schaefer and the treasurer Mrs. G.B. Ke y," ' The education secretary Mrs, H.J. Mur- phy informed the members that the Mailbox Canada will be starting up again, as of Sept. 3. Also the members voted to purchase book awards for the three levels (advanced, general, and basic) in Grade Nine and 10 history and geography. The Opportunity Shop requires more mer- chandise as reported by the Opportunity Shop treasurer and convener Mrs. W. Fin- nie. Then, the meeting adjourned to the annual meeting at which time the secretary read the minutes from' the 1984 'annual meeting, followed by the ail ival reports of the secretary and the treasurer. As noted from the detailed annual report of the secretary, the following conveys the chapter's activities of the past year. Money was raised by operatieg the Oppor- tunity Shop, as well as selling box lunches at the Craft Festival held by the Huron Count Pioneer Museum. In turn, various projects in the communi- ty were supported such as the Huron County Family and Children's Services, Adult Basic Education, Lady Diana Nursery, Minor Hockey, Goderich Figure Skating Club and the Goderich Ringette Association. Outside of the community, the Chapter contributed to the Provincial Bicentennial Literacy Project to assist Frontier College with their resource material and to the various National and Provincial.I.O.D.E. allocations. Also, a bale was collected by the Services Committee and sent to head- quarters for distribution consisting of knit- ting, crocheting, layettes, and good groom- ing kits. Locally, the members volunteered to organize the Red Cross campaign in May raising $5,309.49. On behalf of the Chapter, a wreath was Cross Mid at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day: • Under etIl bati0n, in June at the grade 8 level a t$pby Was presented for general proficiency at Robertson School and one for proficiency . in social studies at St. Mary's School.; A Grade 12 student was awarded a bursary. Also, a presentation of awards was made at the Q.D,C.. Annual Commencement and Graduation lxercises, for grade nine and 10 history and grade nine and 10 Canadian geography. Under . the guidance of the citizenship committee, .an article on the chapt'er's history was inserted in the Historical Atlas for Huron County, a presentation was given on May 24 at the Maitland Manor Nursing Home, and a float was entered in the July 1 Bicentennial Canada Day Parade. Mrs. McDonald passed the chair over to the 1985 installation officer Mrs. Murphy whd called upon Mrs. Wm. F. German, the chairman of the nominating committee who submitted the following report. 1 Past Regent Mrs. W.J. McIntyre, Regent Mrs. R.L. McDonald; First Vice -Regent Mrs. C. .Boddy; Second Vice -Regent Mrs. G.B. Kelly; Secretary Mrs. J. Schaefer; Assistant Secretary Mrs. J.H. Stringer; Treasurer Mrs. R. Nephew; Education Secretary Mrs. M. McGill; Services Secretary Mrs. K.D. Anderson; Citizenship Secretary *s. C. Knight; Membership Secretary Mrs. E.D. Howey, Echoes Secretary Mrs. F. Durst; Standard Bearer Mrs. R. McCallum; Public Relations Secretary Mrs. R. McGee. Mrs. Murphy thanked the regent for her leadership during the past year. Resuming the chair, Mrs. McDonald thanked all of the 1984 executive and con- veners. The regent presented a few an- nouncements which included the Provincial Annual Meeting will be held April 17 and 18 in Hamilton and the National Annual Meeting will be held in May at Niagara Falls. The hostess,Mrs. Papernick was thanked by Mrs. G. Hunter for opening her home to the members, as well as providing the lun- ch. circle sows seeds of peace. Valentines and doves decorated the parlor for the February meeting of the Arthur Cir- cle Auxiliary. President Sandi Davidson opened with prayer and a hymn was sung, followed- by the roll call. the secretary's and treasurer's reports were.read and approved. Get well cards were sent to Grace Cameron and Dorothy Blake. Hazel McCreath Convenor, informed the group that the plates commemorating the Church's 150th Anniversary will soon be ready and frames for the plates could be procured. Sandi Davidson reminded everyone about ,the Women's World Day of Prayer to be held Mar. 1 at 2 p.m. at St. Peter's Church. Betty Coulter led in a sing song' and she was the accompanist for the evening. Tr The devotional was -led by Shirley McCall and her group. The theme "Sowing Seeds of Peace" was given in a meditation by Helen McManus and Margaret MacKenzie. 'Shirley read a poem on Peace and Lee Mc- Callum read a story called "An Instrument of Peace". Shirley showed the film "Sowing Seeds of /Peace", in which a dialogue with children depicting Peace was given along with their drawings. The challenge was given that ire should begin with Peace in our lives, our homes and then to the Comrn inity and then the World. We were asked - what kind of seeds do we sow? The Lord's Prayer (paraphrased) was said in response to close the meeting. Winnie Walters group will be in charge for the March meeting. 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