HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-14, Page 5antia$DA"ii";
OvaIgia0 14 P12
Illealthy Mothers ao ChiI
area Make Happy Homes
Xetherhood is wordarra highestsphere
In life. It is the fruitier' a her deareet
hopes and greatest desires; yet thou,
sands of polde women threpeth some des
In many hornesencechildles,s there are
now children because of the fact that
Lydia E. Pinklaand s Vegetehle Compound
Thaloitewornen normahhealthyandstriong.
This N evidenced by the f °Bowing lettere
Which are germine and truthful:
London, Ont,—"I wish to thank you
for the benefit I received by taking year
famous medicine,
•Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
promd. Befbre any
baby was born I was
so 111 I coold not
stand long or wa/k
any distance, had
to lie down natirly,
all the time. Alger
I took your medicine
I felt like a new Wa-
isInould Week
rom'inorning till night and was happy
and well. I certainly think it relieves
VAin. at childbirth and recommend it to
every evranan who is pregnant. You may
use this testimonial if you ince. It may
help some other wornitn. "—Mrs. FRANK
COnarle, 132 Adelaide St., London, Ont,
Brooklyn, N.Y.-9 was ailing all the
tinatrand did not know what the matter
was. I wanted a baby but my health
would not permit it. I waszervous, my
fade ached arid I was all run down. I
beard that Lydia E. Pinkharnis Vegetable
Compound was good and took the medi-
cine. I have now a beautiful baby and
your Compound has helped me in every
waytii—Mrs. J. J. STEWART; 299 Hum-
iholdt BtooklYns N.Y.
+ 'Thousands of ambous yonag
* people are instructed in them t
* homes by our borne study dep.
artroent You may finish at 4.
4 College if you desire. Pay de
ea whenever you wish. Thirty
Tears' Experience. Largest +
. trains in Canada. Enter any ti
st day. Positions guaranteed, If 4.
dt you wish to save board and
4 learn while you eaua, write 3:
ihdt forparticulars.
Clinton Business College 4.
4. President Principal •1(''
' 4
• Write for the large free cat.
• •
alogue of this school, and you
Sr earn how you can succeed.
it will then rest with you to de e
esi vide if you will succeed.
• We are placing students in •
• positions paying $600 and $700 e
Sp per annum, and we have many
sneh applications for help ;
as" which we cannot supply The •
best time to enter oar classes is •
now Write for our free cat ;
"la .ogne at once,
Principal. *
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A er..DG.. „
Students assisted tcriaositione. College
; in session from Sept 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter sexy time. ' • •
3.W. Westervelt J.111. Westervelt,Jr.
Principal , CharteredAccountot
eseritaisa leRietlLVVAY
Winter Tours To
Iifornia, Colorado,
and Pacific Cdests Points
The Grand Trunk Railway "is> 'the
, most, direct route from all pobetsicast.
ttrotigh Centide via Chiaeo •
Doable track, Fast tservioe, latest
litteribed, lelothars egaipment tfiaexcell
sed Dieing Car Service.
All eleineete a. safety ,and comfort.
No more desiritale roate teen via
Grard Tr•Inie. to Detroit thetee via Cie
seir.nati to aacksonville, Paine eieeete
lio gel trip thiltets easing otalge of
ell tee beet rtiatose together with
zit ir.iormation 'and reservatiatte may
ti obtaited from nearest Grand
lit irk esidott er write A*„. i Duff t.)
3e. at, %sweat() Ont.
3, IrOlria Age
t Creditor'
Yeabee Clark is able to be out agein af-
ter a long illness,
Miss Weldo liallee was in Landon a
few dans last week.
Rev. Mattbew rlock of Oincint
riatti occupied thepelpiti in the Evan-
gelical Chitral on Sundey morning
and /lithe Methodist Church Sunday
Miss Carrie Kuhn was in leendon
on Monday on businets,
• A number of young people attended
the Be -Bur show which was giver irs
London an Friday evening, They re-
port having a tine thine,
Miss Eva Hirtzel returned home af-
ter spending several weeas with
friends in °apace.
Chlitarislees,RR. Zwicher of London is spend
ding several weehs with her brother
• Mr. Bell of the Temperance -me
•Toronto occupied the pulpit in the
Evangelical chntaria on Sunday even-
ing. Ile deliyered a fine speech,
Mr, Albert Wolfe was in London a
few days last week on. business,
Tee pupils of the public school are
preparing to give a concert at Xmas.
A large number attended the funeral
of Mrs. Kestle on Sunday afternoon.
A brick kiteben is being erected to
the Methodist parsonage which adds
greatly to the appearance.
A number froni here attended the
ball at Exeter on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grattan of Grand
Bend spent Tuesday with friends in
When.,' .
,Mr. 'Saneuel'alrown was in London
one clay last week on business.
Miss Martha of Hamilton is spending
a few Weeks the guest ot Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Morlock,
Mrs. Mac. Edwards left for London
after visiting with Miss .Orree for a
few days.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rieder of Lieury
spent Tuesday with friends in town,
.A. number from bere attended the
concert at Exeter last week. All re-
port having a good time.
Mr. °brie Fahner was in Dashwood
one day last week.
Mr. Norman Passmore arrived home
last week from the West.
Rev. R. Turnbull delivered a very
inspiring sermon last Sabbath in the
Presbyterian church.
Next Sabbath evening the report of
the International S. S. Convention
will be given by Mrs. illeya Colin
Fletcher, Mr. Arthur Doupe and agar
era in Bethany Choral.
Mrs. Hollran was taken suddenly ill
on Friday last, The doctor was called
and she is improving nicely.
Mr. D. Hicks bas been sick for the
past few days. Be is getting a little
better at the timeofveriting.
Mr. Wesley Parkinson is spending a
few days with friends in London.
Mrs. Fred Brewed. 'A.kindon spent
Thanksgivieg at W. Kilmer's. .
Ansel:tab/Min of London spent the
holidays with Clandeboye friends.
May, the little daughter of Wm..
Abbott, fell and broke her arm. This
is the third time she is broken it
sincelast May', same atm and in the
same place,
Mr. A. Collins of Galt spent the hol-
ineys with his father, Thos. Collins,
and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Grundy of Toronto
visited at their brother's over the
Alton, the little son of A, Neil, is
still under the doctors care,
Mies May Kilmer spent the holiday
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Laur of .Aylmer
spent a. few days the guests of Dar.
and Mrs. W. Kilmer.
Mrs. Thos. Brook spent Thanksgiv-
ing with bier parents at
Miss Edith .Lewis spent part of last
week in London.
Rev. Blatchford of Centralia, and
Rev. George exchanged pulpits on
Sunday last..
Mrs. W. Patton of Ailsa Craig spent
a few days with her mother. Mrs. Ab-
bott Lewis.
Mr. Thos. Weser of Denfield spent
Sunday with air. and Mrs. E. A. Mc-
Mrs. MeKechnic, who has been
spending the simmer in this place.
has returned to her borne in Toronto.
Mr, Wm. Cerro] of Parry Sound
spent a few weeks recently vsith old
friends of this place.
. ,11
• 1711AllentIOUS VERDICT *
Newspit'per Pablithers and eiiiizertit
geterally •texprahotit the Dominion,
are :ar.animoue in thiiir opinion that
the pintarc .ertitled anther's li'retta-
ares 'given 'with i the Family Herald'
and Weekly star of Montreal, this
aeason is a most delighttill and, beaut-
it'll subject Here is the. opition of
one peiblielter. '9i/father's Treasure's
ea a marvel of bewity, The subject is
orie that Neill have a tendency 'to
etr'ergtt.ert home tie. „we; n tha
same basitaiiiiii "Wonder 'how you can at
ore, re sack value it pietures
'besides the vast arechet Of • good
tair.ge in tee Fatuity Herald ani
Weekly Star. Ste taxi 'E. W. Rice-
ardes Tte Mirror iefillbrook • No
home ir. Canada ehooid be without
this heaatifuI picture; One,dollar
pays atefell years subeariation a the
Family 'Herald and Weekly Star in -
chiding the picture which is ready
for 'framing size 28 by 29 rantea.. ' It
is a big, dollars worth itdeedi
r LiTip Baker Luta algalhiLs boes,e and
lot to P, retrait of Thedford Mr.
Tetraa, took poseerneet last weeks
Sim Davey vieited tie palette at
Mier, Mable Elsie le Yisitite in Deets
Me, It, Pollock of the aled sot. re
dived the, end tore et tied -death ol
tas bother joist of Qi' Apella Bask
Ile was killed beetently inns aiatoinoe
bile *snake
Ohil droll Cr
Of tending Montreal .1,0BY
Endorse* GIN PILLS
IV,E image years of
riff g "front
leidney Trouble --
two hoxes of G4N
PILLS sr -and. it's
all gone, That has
been dee experience
of ner, Eugene
Quesnel Chief Pity
Circulation Agerit
of La Petrie, of
Montreal. Ile
describes it
May- erd, /912
"I have been suffering from Kidney
Teouble for over five long yeas.
had also Reeuntation in all my bones
and nauscIes, could not sleep nights and
on some occasions eould bardly walk.
eadbeers treated by some of aur best
Physicians but -without relief and,' lost
over fifteen pounds. One day I met
one of our leadiug hotelkeepers, who
had been cured by your famous GIN
and he advised me to try teem.
So 1 bought two boxes at my clruggistis
and before I had used one lam 1 felt a
big change. Before I finished the
second one I was completely cured.
I ewe assure feu X can hardly believe
it for if / ha.clienly knoin what Iitnow,
now I vrould not bave spent over One'
litandred Dollars for nothing when two
• boxes of QIN PILLS cured me."
GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide
reputation, by the way they conquer the
most obstinate eases of Rheumatism
and all kinds of Kidney Trouble,
gee. a box, 6 for east. Sample free
if you write National Drug and Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 149
Re; Mr, Vance of Merlin former
pastor of, Woodhara Cirealt lute beer.
r.et.ewing a.cgaaintaneee in the econ-
Mre, Wilsor. District Organiz'er of
the W,, M, S. Sotiety addeessed tee
areal eociety recettlye
The service or,. Sabbath evening
held Jr. the hall ender tile nuispiclee
of •eta Orar.ge Order was very !stree-
t!, at tees:let The Rev, C„ W. Baker of
Woodtaradaresided ar.d Rev, G, W
Beery of Itarkter. delivered on ex-
celtett address,
The Oyster( .issieirer held utder the
anspicee, of ithe Orange artier wits a
marked teaccess. Tbe spacious hall
was well tilled. At excellent pre -
gramme was rendered,. The Harpers
from Loudon delighted the audience
by their ealeadid selectionMr.
Witliam Male seen- hi excellent voice
Stirring :ma:tresses weee given by
Revs, C. W. Baker of Woodeam. Ma-
ier of St, Marys, Steadmat.tilmville
Burton of Kirktort also Di, Steele M.
P, P, for Swath Perth. Rev, G. W..
Pacey presided with ranch accelptaece
The proceeds of the aulpper amoutt d
tti aboat $1.110.00
ate Robert Wiseman lost a vale -
able 'tome the evernag- et the pester
sepper. It is supposed the arenal
struck its Lewd against the eeoaent
foundation breaking its neck.
Mies lda Wisemea who bee hem
et:riot:sly ill is improviag nieten,
Mr, James Howe is able to be
aroned again his rapid recevery is
iedes d Ire market:tee
The Rev, .1a. IC. Reran_ of Kirkton
preached Educe notal sermons on the
Woodtem telircuit Sunday November
10cl,, Tee Rev, C. W. Bak.:r prof:shed
Educational sermons on Kirke= 'Cir-
cuit on the maim datee
Tke .funeral af the, late John Cope-
r.d took place erorn his late 'residue.
ce St, ,Marys on Teeaday 'Novi, 5th
Tee Bed. It, ,Enereallott or St. Marys
lifethodis't eh arch beir.g in charice
'lite f aneral cortege which came by
way of the elase Lee Bianshard was
met by' the Rea; 0, :W. Baker ,Be
at Woodham and It, 10, Burton at
KixIttor. The three .clergymen took
eart it, the service at the: graves In
ter uett took plaoe in the lairktors
Cemetery. Tee flora/ tribe Les were
maey and beaatiful witnesseng to the
Lige esteen in which tale late Mr;
Oopelatd was held in this
commeeity. The •eineere sym-
patty is exteeded to the bereaved re -
la tivkiss. C ,
A. Iffe goes on tee, road ;grows
et ra nee, i
4nd einesnew mad aerie tke end.
The mill etotes into head :stones
• clatege
Neath every. ,ote a friende
Ctildren Cry
- Mr, John gettinan was in Sarnia g
tow ,..clays or; beseriete, L
II/17AM, S fifittf Las retereed healer
after visitingat Staffa,
!Mr, l'a il Mesezer hes rehurned
Lome eater' speeding the slimmer at
a race Inver District:
Din Wm. alraut las /leaved alto tee
hoase formerly owned by Me, liander
This inar.y friendsiof Mese Heed ldel
lerrnan who was teken siolc at Ter -
onto will he pleased to learn teat
she is improvir.g. itlise •Kellerman is
expeeted home elaertly,
Miss .Eloer.i Guenther is improving
;Her many etierrds tope to> eati
her aroandegaixt aeons
epselat Rodeo.
Spanking does not cure aileron of boa -
Wetting. There io a constitutional cause, for
this trouble. Mrs. al. Summers, Box 841
Wincition Ont., will send free to may meteor
her etteocasful home treatment, with hat
instructioes. Send no motteyelatit write lex
•to -day if your oltildteit traieble you in tbia
•orar. 6, Don't blame the clench the obenche
aro it can't help it. This treatovesst A104
Otirdel faults ota lined teerpht trageket 'With
Wino diffieteltiehe 441r or rtxg,ht,
074 and after first ef D'Adlary ;text
* tte tar,dersigned merchants or
tfr Villege ef Exeter oven to elese
per place of lainsineas at eat Oek jn
tt.e curing exeeptinz liiat,Arday
risgtte when we agree to close ak„t baif
pt ter. ofaloek
Ames 'X Mad'
sie, Stewart
Wa W Taman
W. j, Beaman
11. Seacknitati,
Sealer ^ ' r
%sage ' ,
T, liawkir.sf & dons
;r, (Beverley
Tema Months in hospital and came
' Oat 'Uncured
Zant-Blek cnrd bin frj Ire* weeks
Me, Fred Masers the well knowln ep-
koliterer ad, .mattress manufacturer
of Sts '.elestireevis N, 53, Says
I had eczema on nay Anne which
ceased roe terrible pain and inconven-
iersee The sore part, woeld itclia and
leart and. ainede, nod tbert wher, rub -
dr iscratened would becoine very
panne' When the knee got warm
LS hertail worse and the itching and
bereing and ereartiee were almost
unieeddablel `I tried dieteous remediys.
bet gee r.o lattter so 1 dieeidad,in
te Moetreal and alke apeciat treats
Vstecetvett'ibreatratent"iat •the
Moetreal Gene.ral Hospital for ttir-
deer. 'weeks talt at the omit of: that
time 1 was Lot eared and almoat gars
it A friend tatleised me to gee° Zam-
a strial.
A.Inaost aa sego. ati apielied Zamoleak
stariped the itehir.es and the irritation
I aersevered with the balm raid .1..1
was )so'ot. evident that it weal& do
rne good, Eacti day the pain was re-
'elidedthe sore !spots begat, 1:o heal
aad •by tee time I had lased a few
boxes ofeZara-Bak I was quite cured
Sine tben Zam-Tlek heel cured 'Woad
uoiisor. in my finaer and at 5 time
wtet, rny finger was in tench a, ter
rible aoadition 'that t feared it would
have to ibe anapetatedi,
For eczema alood-paieoringe,
ulcers!, sores, abscesses varicose ulders
'bad leg, toed sores, el:apnea hands
outs burr.s bruises aind all skirt to -
aeries .cted dine/ode Zam-Buk as tvith-
teak equal.
50e box all dnegeista Red storeseor
Post free ,from Zan, Bak Co, Toronto
Lor price; Refuse imitations
The neneversary sserviees and fowl
supper 'held .here last wee& was 'the
best end largest attended since the
church was °pelted the Ipericeeda a-
mountea to &bent 1•30 dollars,
ailartyn Ryan tvho has been ailing
summer died last Tuesday and
was bailee or. Teursday at the Rom-
an Otatholie cemetery the funeral -was
largely atteeded.
•ar ,Tohra Parkinson left an Thurs-
day last tp receive medical attention
at St, iitosepha ,Hoepital London.,
Miss Violee Shortt of Waite Oak
and Mr. Wilbert Makson of near last -
teen visited their 'uncle a. V, Matson
last week.
"...Miss Katie Stroeder is e,perdinge
few weeks at ter home in Deemerton,
Mr, Alfred Foster had his bard in -
j ared last week white working with
lYferr.eris threshing machine.
Mr, Henry Weber and Itamily have
moved to Hespeler where they will
snake tbeir tatune home.
Mr, Edward Keobler of Hamilton
visited bi pareets Me, and Mrs, Pet-
er Keohler (kat weelta
Me. W, Welsh, en.: a" Wig moved hin
familv sled temseholtt 1....feta to Tore
or. he east' week -
Mrs. James Chesney las 'arrived
tome after risitieg her ,dattehter MrS
irrtibio, •
Miss, Dora Seerritt who is taking
a course in Training at Victoria Hos-
pital visited for a few days at her
Lo eel ' t
Here are Pacts we watt yea to
'.rove at Oar Risk
!Jr an our experieneee with Hair
Toreos ttere is one that ha o done
more towards rattiug. cur tonfiden-
• ce thee any other. We really believe
this remedy, known. as,. Rexall '93i
Hair Tonic is so superior to other pre-
parations teat we afer it to yoa with
our personal and auqualltied prom-
iae teat if sou nee it and if it does
tot in every way prove satisfactory
to you, we will, upor. your mere re-
quest tab sea !store return to, you the
money Yea paid us tor it.
Ilexall '93' Hair Tonie a.ctie scientifi-
cally destroying the germs Which are
usually respoesible for baldness. It
acts to per.etrate to the rooes. ef
the hair stimelatir.g and inourisihing
theima .lit is a (most pleasant toilet
necessity., in delicately perfamet. and
'will rot gem or pe,rma,nentey istain
the 'hair!.
We Wart you to get a bottle
all '93' Baer Tori e a,nd lase it ae.direce
era If it eb eo tot relieve scalp irri-
tatior. remove dendraff prevent the
hair from fallieg oat and prometie
an bicregsed growth of hair and in
every Way give entire satiefections
tome back and tell es, and get your
money back. Two sizes, 50e and $1,00
Sold otly at Oar store—The Rearall
Store. Wt 8, Coie, •
Mr, 'Oka:a Steeper has, taket aos-
achators of the fartn recently .rented
front Mai A, E. Coribete,
Mei 'Albert, Moser arid 'tensity taws
moved oeto the feral recently per.
cheseci. from 1dr, Ed, liyat one and
a naarter miles hest of t,trei,
in and Vera A. J. Rotate) have
moved orsto tke earn) treeeetly par
°Lased from Xr, Jog MacGregor, halt
aide enteth afebeite,
entre Eddie .Meteherson who hae
lieeti be Vietopitt laispitet, Tandem.,
bats retivccat boom god is iterate/deg,
ildren Cry*
.17:0 R 1 A
Mr, Long or Santa Barbara AI is
visiting at W. R. Elliott's,
The meeting of the W, M.
Mrs. troolt's ou Tuesday was Weil al -
tended. Boxes of clothing And fruit
are being prepared to be sent to the
Deaeoness* aoroc, Toronto.
Rev. W G. IL McAllister, M. A., of
Exeter, is to lecture in the Methobist
()laurel), Centralia. on Monday nighe
Ptter '
lseioanvile ; as org-
anized bere. by Ilars, 'Wilson, District
Organizer of the W. hi. 8., with 25
MeMbere, Four have jolued sines,
.4" very iseeeeeeful meeting was tela
the Methodist oberch on Tuesday
yi,o°sve* me
e fbox'5rgtt
att J'azint rva41;/It:rt
bars, A. M, Wilson District ar'esenizer
of the W, M, 9 or Exete,r district
was preset:1 in her smile' able manner
eeplairied felly tete purpose and work
of tee bard. Tji rrteeting waa very
tisfactory it. every :respect twenty-
tive &Jaye axed lerirN be tweee the agee
of eiett eta *lateen becomine mem-
hers nut at a meeting add the ,tol-
lor tee Friday four more lbeeame mem
xtaitirsit a total of twenty -rine
cterter members',. The followlen of-
(teers were tippoit fed for the coining
year presideet, Mabel Hearne/a vire
tx eider.t Lloyd illayrilmoi ; and Vie 2 -
presisiet. t lleac secetary Della
Ittooks; correspordiag se cr.e tary, Etta,
el e3ovedern treasurer Cyril lwill;
orgarast Viola Neil Saperin te nid ts
for the barici Mrie P, Coeval teErs Al
131.00ka, 1,fr4; 8, Atchete. Mach, cred
it is eat! di/no ldrileet for :the ititeeast
she neoesed et the minds oe tee shied-
rex_ and a visit from her at' axle tim•e
weal& be " much 'appreciated, Twat ty
ate reem'bers were present at the
first rneetien, Next rneetine will be
held November 20th.
The faneral of Mrs, Gabriel Reeves
was teld "Wedte.arlay from tee family
residetee to Maitland Bank Cemettire
Deceased died or. Noverabee 411, after
a short illr.ess of heart trouble. She
tad beer. ill with bronebitis come
Lime ago 'bet had recovered arid lad
beer: in , very fair health -.trait Sunday
trotting, when she saffered an attace
off heart troable followed Ir. the
eveting by a sander R ttack. She ral-
lied oed felt resich better until early
nforsday morning when a vitient at-
tack cased her death. She was I:
her dirge 'year was a tiwighter of 'the
late 'Abram Worth ar.d leaves a has -
bars& and 'grown eg family of arms to
moarr: her Jose,
Mr. Frank' Sills of Seaforth had a
r.arrow escape front being killed.
Weile be was takirg a farnace and
other Lax:aware from the 'freight
shed to the 'stare the rig was atrack
and overterned, by a rurmaway team
beior.gir•g to Mr, Calder of Melaillop
Tee tship The 1 ernace was . strewn
over the street and Mr. Sills* 'pitch-
ed Lcadierg' to the pavement just
grLaing a water hydrant'. lie was
coesiderably bruised and Lad his
kpee wretched, ,but was able to re-
name his nork shortly .aftertvardes
The ranee -ay. was 'caused by the ton-
gie breakine and awaits; tee wagon
to run up ran ea* boese,se • :
A Medmite that sloes not cost ;Leptis-
-Leg Unless it Cares..
-it Tee a ative' 'medical ingredient of
Rerall Orderlies welch are odorle.sis
'tasteless aed colorless es a compar-
atively new discovery/ lOoMbined
with other extrenaely eel ua'ble ie.gre-
dieees it forms a perfect bowel re-
ela tor, ittestinal, invigorator end
strengthener). Ilexalt Orderlies are
oaten like eandy and are notable for
tteir arca:lateness, to the palate and
,gettleness of asthma, They do not
cause 'griping or ang dIaagreeable ef-
fect oxi inconvenienue,.
Unlike otter prtiparationa for.' a
Bk e purposes they do :Lot •create a
kabit but instead they act to over-
come tee cause >af habit acquired
through the use of ordinary laxative&
cathartics are] harsh physic end per-
manently remove tee owese sif con-
stipation, or irregular bowel action.
We wili refuted yoar money with-
out, argteneet if tiny do not do an we
say then wilt. Two sizes 25e and 10c
Sold oely at our Store—The Rexall
Store—W, 0}, Cole. 1 ,
Thinking Caps
The Brit -isle Hone of iCommores has
passed by al vote. of 261 to 101 n 1.ts
third .readirg [plying Scotland local
Statiatice front illavaria 'stow a
greater free aerny of cancer amen.• ;
those whose trades favor indulgence
in alcotoe
Is is estimated that r.o le.se than
6.000,000 .Afrieties die annually front
he effects of ilrinicin.g alcohol:1C la
gears. .
&Ica& should never be given so
chitdrea. pr, Prank Ilillin,gs, Chicago
ttli, l'eat. of tee Bash aledieal College
Much at auccess atter:ding Ada
mandeeres (Inch o the South Pole is
cloele beta doe to tee, lain that no eleo-
holic liquor of any kind were edloweid•
Ike mere,
Tke British ,Colitualtia ,MethadIst
Conference at Victoria last May pas-
sed a rune:Mors against 'tee encour-
agement of tee tetra; ot militarism
throughout Carndas
it tee king of Sweden.'18 'speech at
Ile opening of the ,National Parlia-
ment a bill was announced ;giving
learner, fell franchise and (making
team titte for Oconee to Pantie.
'1'heboy Who Smokes seven will
dritei whiskep al; fourteen take mor-
pl.:re at twenty or twentsafive and
witd up with cocaine and the ;rest of
the leareatiea at thirty and later on.
Ji oin a medical point of view IL
woitid be diftereet to, imagine a
more irieiderae and dangerous poison
frit intents end chitdren than &Nobel-
ic etient Press Etgland
For a nunaber oi years the Swedes),
Government tave voted appropriar
tions for maintenance Ot, a corps, Of
special instractors on tte %alcoholic, ,
question. for the training oe teachers
arid students,, •
Tke atneal etcline th tbe consump.
dor. or aicoholie litators in Frtgiond
for to'. yen rb he Ve rage (i is rtkI VS,
Wine 4.00,00e galionsi foreien ispirit
650.000 'gallons anti tionteetee apiriti.
14000,0001^ ' I r •
' Pide gaige,o ptea .ielaiOaaleA,
WHIM) 01000,141# MIRItt) WNW gm
9 coo n r
Mal IIf3UII1flhI IJWIgliamMounOunnA":1
„, eg$41eTieParanalgrASw"
Mt:04806g tbeFOOdattaegilia''
wig ihe_,staimthsaviDovros or
urallorptine 110141.04at
tom NAifit cc oirte.
qw.•,/{••••••011*.ilt 4 esitlso.................
23%44,11.4.61:a4ald 211:11MZEllrarlij..
"Mamma, 4.•
Rodsorte Ararer -,
s ttdre Soicc 0
naval .,
Canbogate.674 1 i o
HE rz:. aced -.•
Cidprodrugto-_,_ ...-
itgafoorracrk.rtarar 2
i I
Apirtect namely fortnnstipa--
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
, [f
VacSimile Signature of
149fir"---"e4 -----•
NEW irOiOalf.
, .i.
e sea " et
Mtv,....... -,,, ,
TM. Kind You Ha
Always Bough
For ver
Thirty Years
k3 WvTg,C.M12,403P-
stkIr 0174'"
setteeirsee. Vale este
of tee Metropolitan life Inserance
Company's bulletin .of iscientitic facts
about alcoholic( drinka were distribut
ed. so as to reach 7,000,0001 poll cy-hol d -
ere La tee Halite.] States and Canada.
Under the Atoended 'Act the rain
intern penalty Tor being drunk in tee
Streets, Of. local option towns, like Or-
illa is $20 a.td eosin. In Barrie and
Gran:anat you can be Ora)* for
totteng —and weletune. .11 helps, tress
ineas they think—Orilla Packet
Some say. tear ?Lord made wine an.d
therefore it mast lie good , end must
be meaet for use. No doubt all total
absteltere would be , prepared ito
slritk wine as oar, Lore
made itt front -ware wa.teri. It is
wine made from fermentedgrapes
welch cattaine the deadly poieen cel-
led, alcoltoll, to which they object.
The WIlite Star Line boats which
rat on the Detroit and Toledo .route
Lave beet ',dry' daring tile past sea -
sr, At! a !meeting of the boartl of
,dineetotra held ir. Detroit), after a
lengthy discission, every member vot-
ed .for the total errelesior of fall Li -
trier sellir.g, from the five passenger
vessels whiahthey operate. .
Ttere is a wide...serene delesiot a-
raoag peeple who consider teene-
selves temperate acd sobier that beer
is a safer Llnitk than weiskey, The
ifertlevenseis tee trete but it seenes
slew to be believed>, thick teere
is tot a medical man of any atanding
ic 'the ,coetatry but will tell. you es'at
beer is touch more 'harmful than
weeskey, The Teaser- ot that is that
an acid is de,vehed in the beer dur-
ing the proeess of fermenation that
1:9 very 'destructive to the kidneys.
Ift,, Is well known that a man oda
drink many times as aek beer as
water', becareee the beer acts so pow-
erfully tee the kitcleteys• as to oarry it
oft yerinaickly That is why so maty
hetr drinkers die Of Bright*. disease
of the kbeiney.s„ —Dr, • H„ ;Arnott.
Hamilton Ontario_
1)r, Forbes Wizatey, She great Eng-
lish authorita or :Willi CY and nervous
'diseases, speaking recently on the ilia
crease ie, the number of imbeciles and
luta ties connatitted to the ,Londo
Asylatna, said The world is Tepidly,
Eotr4" mad. Civilization is on the
read to perdition, ft have no patience
wigs those wbo aacelbe this terriale
corsdi Lion at affairs to increased coma
petitior. and that wear and tear
Li (alert. lite. No it is mere shelving
of resporeibility, end the tripe 'causes
of insanity are the vices not the wor-
ries ot 'should put the
eauses of itsanity fin I:he following
mider—1 Drink; 12, Cigarette Smakirree
a. Heredity, Aral 'until the drink
question has aeon prolperiy dealt wit'h!
ara tee marriage laws revised, the
ration tent continue to go from bad
to worse, • ,
Court Tolstoi the great Ruesia.rf
writer said—lf a mat wants to com-
it ar• action of whieh his 'eonseience
disapproves Le itloxicates einaselft 1
remember the cotfeesera of a prisa
eters The time had arrived for hiat •
to "commit Lis crime, the murder el
lee employers „Ho toek hi Irtife in-
to lee bedroom but he felt he settid
not •commit this deed if he Were delete*
iso he went back drank two glasses oa
liatton then he felt himself quite
reedy am& toramitted. tte deed. Ninn
t etes ot Chet:rimed are eommitted is ,
this way Wire and other intoxicurt-
leg drinks are responsible for head
the licertiouenena 'in the world. aaent
knowing its ,deadening ballsaence on
the, repectenee give it to the weak aoal
vacillating' in order to (gratify kthein
own pasaionist flaf it Mot enough, thae
men intoxicate themserVea to suppress
the voice of eorsciencel, they iintoxi-,
cate others, knowing the effect of
wine, when 'they wish to accomplish
ar. object that other white they coned
reit lave sacceeded in, till tha. voictel
dt conscience was silenced, • Tans,
tkey orgarize 'this plan to rob rads
a their conseieneeal, Enbbers, televe
.prostitutes .caenot, with.outi
Thomas A. Edison announces
his New Cylinder Phonograph Record
he Blue Atnberol
The Blue Arnberol is a musical and mechanical triumph. Its
volume is greater, and its tone is decidedly finer" than,any other
phonograph record you can buy. And it is practieally unbreak-
able and unwearing. Careless handling !AC not
injure it, and no amount of playing will cause it
to ieproduce less perfectly than when new.
Ask your Edison dealer to play a Blue Amberol
Record for you on an Edison Phonograph today,
or write us for particulars.
Thome* A.X.tiboo, lava 100 LaLonde kola Casa*" N. S.. V. A..
A complete line of Edison Pboncligeplut sod Primulaw L bo found gt
Main Street, Exeter