HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-02-27, Page 5t er' the'tl 'd and th glorify thy. &On, thee. As thou hoot Hosie, tirtr de sh L Vilma asks ?tempi Re?" thegoo of whom ale hour has corms„ t thy Son may glorify ;were 'ham power over all d.ive eternal life to as many as thou has given him. And this is life eternal theyknow thee the only true , and esus Christ, whom THOU HASTSEENT." (John 17:3) Here Jesus stresses the need for knowing, first of all, the only true God, then, Jesus Christ, whom God had sent. (John 3:16) Psalm 83:18 tells us that the One whose name alone is 'JEHOVAH is the most high over all the earth. Jesus also said tti reefer to Jehovah: "Holy Father, keep tugh thine own name those whom thou hasttiven me, that they may be one, as we are." (John 17:11) Speaking to the religious leaders of the Jews who had rejected Him as Jehovah's Anointed, Jesus. said: "Ye neither know me, nor my Father; if ye had known me, ye iR �t! C4 should heave Icn � the Father abs." (John 13:19) Deespite the fact: that. at Otis- 9:16 - an amens 9:17 it is written teat Jehovah pits -'N .,to have itlsf ',Owe de ted throughout a the . earth' modern .translators have endeavored to have the proper name of God "Jehovah" removed • entirely froth the Scriptures but, "God"..,"did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." ( Acts 15:14 ) In conclusion let me quote .Jesus: "No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him... It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of God." (John 6:44, 45".' Sincerely C.F. Barney Townshipholspublicd xneet�n • Colborne Township Council held a public end of Pine Street. The Greenaways in- a residence. By-law 8 of 1985, amends by - meeting under authority of The Planning dicated that while they had no ebjections to law 18 of 1982 by status zoning a 1.75- acre Act, Feb. 19 to provide information as to the Harvey's plans to build a residence on the site .in a 31.5 acre parcel zoned Natural En - purpose of a number of proposed amend- lot, they did not want to see the natural wood vironment (NE 1) to permit the establish- ments to the township's zoning by-law. lot, destroyed with a road. Mr. Harvey ment of a residence and accessory buildings An application' for amendment to the •zon- assured council that he had no such plans to on the smaller site. By-law 9 of 1985 is to ing by-law was submitted „by' Gerd build a roadway and Mr. Davidson told amend the comprehensive zoning by-law b Leudemann, R.R. 5, to change the zoning from Agriculture General (AG 1) to Agriculture Small Holding (AG 4) on Part of Block D (Northwest Corner) to permit the renovation of the old hotel building on the property into a single family residence. There were no objections to the application, however, Ministry of Transportation and Communications advised by letter that because their policy permits one residen- tial entranceway per holding, the entrance 0 the property north of Allen's Creek will be removed and the ditch re-established. Ac- cess to the lot will be from County Road 25. The second application was from Wayne Harvey, who proposes to purchase an ap- proximate 31.5 acre property in Block A from Kenneth Allen. The property is zoned Natural Environment (NE 1) and the ap- plication requests that an approximate 1.75 acre site on the north side of the property be status zoned to permit the establishment of a single family residence and accessory buildings on the status zoned site. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority asked coun- cil to consider a site plan control by-law for the proposed dwelling so that the natural en- vironment zone would. be protected from future development and/or severances. Mr. Gary Davidson, Planning Director, assured council that the status zoning of the small site within the large property would achieve this effect by limiting any building to the one specific area, while leaving the balance of the lot intact in the Natural En- vironment zone. council that they controlled a one ,foot changing from Agriculture General (AG 1) .reserve at the east iinhit of Pine Street and, to Agriculture Small Holding (AG 4) the zon- as' such, effectively prevented the extension ing on a three -acre parcel in part of Lot 6, of that street across the reserve. The Town Concession 9, Eastern Division to permit the of Goderich advised by letter that they had establishment of a residence and accessory no objections to the proposed rezoning. ' buildings thereon. The third application was from Gerry In other business, council accepted MacPhee, owner of a three -acre parcel in reports from D.H. Grahlman, P. Eng., Part Lot 6, Concession 9 E.D., requesting drainage superintendent, to proceedto that the parcel be rezoned from Agricultural prepare a cost estimate for the replacement General (Ad 1) to Agriculture Small at a lower depth of tile in the Lamb Holding (AG 4) to permit the establishient Municipal Drain in Lots 3, 4 and 5, Conces- of a residence and accessory buildings on sion 4 Western Division, and for the cleanout the parcel. The clerk advised that no letters of sections of the Main and "A" Branches of objecting to or in support of the application the Jewell Drain. in Lot 11, Concession 10 had been received. Western Division. Council also directed the Reeve Kernighan advised each of the ap- clerk to request the drainage-superinten- plicants that their applications Would be dent to examine the Renon Drain in Lot 15, considered as required under the Planning Concession 8, Eastern Division with a view Act and they would be further advised of to placing stone work in a part of the main council's action. channel to prevent further erosion, COUNCIL MEETING By-law 10 of 1985, being a by-law to At 8 p.m. the regular session of Colborne establish a plan for the co-ordination of Township .the commenced. sessd. municipal emergency services in the event ofcatastrophic The Treasurer presented a financial state- municipality, occurrences in the ment for the year ended December 31,1984, was given all required readings and was Wised. This by-law up - which showed that, subject to audit, the dates an older similar by-law and repeals municipality ended the year with a surplus by-law 6 of 1977. of $67,309.00 on total revenues of $583,225.00 Reeve Kernighan advised council that against total expenditures of $515,916.00. Shirley Hazlitt has accepted the position of Tenders for the crushing, hauling and chairperson of a committee to enquire into spreading of 21,800 cubic yards of gravel on the publication of a township history book township roads were approved be ativer_ the hors • _ _ pr"" "" to " "• iiiiau we aauiuidlg ui 011ier c:oi[uaieuIoa-auve 1 tised and to close at 5:00 p.m. on March 19, events to xrart the township's sep o uiceet en-1985. All required readings were given to by- nial. in 1986. Committee members named - laws No. 7, 8 and 9 of 1985. By-lawl7 of 1985 is were Wm. (Bill) Vanstone; Lorna C. A letter received from a Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Bob Greenaway, Thamesford, Ont., a by -laver to amend zoning by-law rio.18.1 82 Milburn; Keith Homan; Bob Jewell and to change the zoning on a parceled land in Irene Clark. Mr. Vanstone is a member of owners of adjacent property in the Proctor the northwest corner of Block D from ,the township council and in this capacity, Subdivision (Plan 576) expressed concern Agriculture General (AG 1) to Agriculture will act as liaison member between the com- that they had been told that Mr. Harvey in- Small Holding (AG 4) to permit the owner to mittee and council. The committee well be tended to put in a connecting road to the east renovate an old hotel' building on the lot into holding its first meeting in March. Buildingg renovations included inpolice budgetestimates proposed The Goderiu, ranee rt omtritssion was �1985 the police force was operates under budget spent; and $11,500 for London Life In - presented with- a 1985 -budget estitriate-,,- --- in }g84 __ _ .. _---- _ ... calling for a 7.9 per cent increase over the The 1985 estimates xotal surance pretnitims, an increase of- hoat ` 1984 actual a $ ,actuanex-. _ ...980 from -the -a count -actually -spent in expenditures, at a February 20. � crease.of $36,180 over the '84 actual ex- 1984. commission meeting. penes. The 1984 estimates totaled The force has also budget for $6,000 The estimate which has yet to be $462,316,- worth of renoyations to the building which presented to Goderich Town Council Salaries for officers and secretarial staff houses the police station. Although only represents a slightly smaller increase make up the bulk of .the police operating $500 was budgeted for renovations in 1984, when compared to the 1984 estimates, as budget. The 1985 salary estimates •total a total of $3,274 was eventually spent on Mother Goose • $362,985, an increase of about 7 per cent building improvements. amounted to $339,235. Salaries in '84 came suggested improvements for the building over the 1984 actual salaries, which Chief King submitted a lengthy list of to visit o,,,sit local to slightly less -than $345,629 called for in to the commission and suggested that the estimates. much of the work could be done b off -dui _..__ . Police zief-Pick-King-notectthat-t e salary estimates should be treated as a officers' therebyTowermg a I or costs. libraries - variable, owingto the difficultyof King recommended the commissioners tour the police station with members of the calculating potential overtithe needs. police building committee, to obtain a bet - Other major budget items include an ter understanding of the proposed renova- '' estimated. $14,500 for gasoline and oil, up tions. The commission agreed to arrange $330 from the 1984 actual gasoline and oil such a tour. expenditure; $20,000 for the Ontario The budget estimates also reflects lower Municipal Emloyee' Retirement Savings cruiser maintanence costs, which are ex - plan (OMERS), which was budgeted for at pected due to the purchase of a, new $20,000 last year, though only $19,188 was crusier, budgeted at $12,230. Visit your lOcal library if you are looking for something to do during March Break. In - addition to providing records, books and magazines for hours of enjoyment, nine special children's programs are being held at a number of Huron County Library bran- ches. All programs are free of charge and everyone is welcome. To get March Break off to a great start, Marian Doucette will present "Mother Goose Tales" at the Goderich Branch Library on Sat. Mar. 9th at 10:00 a.m. In the • afternoon-,--a->second- perf-erfnanee - will -be_ given at the Wingham Branch Library at 1:30 p.m. Marian's lap and finger puppets will amuse and entertain children three r seeing their favourite Mother Goose characters. On Tues. Mar. 12th Mickie McClear, Bernier at the Midwestern Regional Library, will bring her unique storytelling talents to the Blyth Branch Library at 10:30 a.m. This program is funded by Outreach Ontario. Later in the day "Mother Goose Tales" will be presented at the Clinton Branch Library at 1:00 p.m. and at the Seaforth Branch Library at 3:00 p.m. On Thurs. Mar. 14th "Mother Goose Tales" will be hosted by three branch libraries: -Exeter library at 10:00 'a.m., Zurich library at 1:00 p.m. and Hensall library at 3:00 p.m. On the same day Cascade Theatre will be performing an original children's play at the Brussels Branch. Library at 2:30 p.m. This program is funded by Outreach Ontario. Ask for more details about March Break prograins and regular weekly storytelling programs at your.local branch library. Your library staff will also be happy to help you find some interesting reading material td help make your March Break enjoyable. NEWBORN NEWS FARNSWORTH Born to Carl and Wilma (Van Aaken) a daughter, Laura Megan Chantal, 4 lbs. 14 oz., February 3rd, 1985 in Cranbrook, B.C. Happy 'grandparents are Mel and Beth Farnsworth and and Gerry and Catherine Van Aaken. <0 Twin City School of `-s(' tin;ate a ; . it 1�� ..i ttPiJ 11.11,5 Waterloo, Ont. v •Hairstylin •Barbering ▪ •Ear•Piercing •Make-up '55 Erb St. East 886-6305 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to .4:30 pm Clpss**tit * of tworyocinth. .r PONTIAC !�Ugik ods .outI i �n oo ► , ' atlIfft amore' .•A9eto:end W %N , 4Sportino Gl+o' °cIQQliliiti uvird FeetWesr at • Leer, Low, Prices *New And orad Furniture - *Carpeting And No -wax Flooring Wingham Sales Arena TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT . DIRECTION WITH TAX $ SAVINGS RETIREMENT SECURITY Why not start saving on your income tax right away while you prepare for your retirement years? Come talk taus now before the March -1st RRSP deadline. We handle more RRSP dollars than any other Canadian bank. And, you'll find at the Commerce,' RRSP ownership has never been easier. EXTENDED HOURS Our Goderich branch has extended its normal banking hours to accept 1984 R.R.S.P. contributions on Wednesday. neui UaIy oand rhuYsuay, February. 2o , from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.rn. • THE RRSP LEADERS MAKE ET EASY AT THE COMMERCE. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE . DEADLINE MARCH 1st GARAGE & BAKE SAtE The temperature has dropped outside...but nothing like it has inside. Get in on these super hot values during our r SALE!!! of tolketrna Cantrell Schrum! (2 Km. South of Carlow, County Rd. No. 1) From 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Donations -Woken -is.- Items may be left 'at the school all day Friday, March 1, 1985, until 8:00 p.m, (Please no shoes) Refreshments Available FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 524.4367 524-480 ' 524-9828 Storm Date Saturday, March 9, 1985. Up to 20% on all wallpaper Over 90 books to choose from. on KIRSCH 8. RODA VERTICAL & MINI BLINDS on all in stock wallpaper. LARGE SELECTION OMHA JUVENILE Quarter Finals Sat., March 2 at 8 P.M. and Sun., March 3 at 2 P.M. AT THE GODERICH ARENA for your Convenience here are sweater numbers and names of the GODERICH SIGNAL STARS 1. Jay Williamson 2. Lee Frisby 3. Tim Chisholm, Captain 4. Trevor Martin 5. Jeff LeBeau 6. Ken Huff 17. Darren Doak +, 8. Chris Sided; 9. Ray Vanstone 11. Tim Jaynes - A 12. Doug Smith 14. Rob Dupee 15. Kevin Telford 16. Brent Williamson - A 18. Matt Wilkinson 19. John Graham 35. Randy Gaynor " SPONSORED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE BY THE McGEE TEAM INTRODUCING Selectone Trim Paint pre -mixed paint in basic colors BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE GET SECOND CAN AT HALF PRICE NEW HOURS EFFECTIVE MARCH 1st, 1985 Mon. -Fri. 10-5:30 Sett. 10-5:00 OPEN WEDNESDAYS OuSeau 74 HAMILTON ST., GODERICH 524-2448