HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-14, Page 3FROM BONNIE SCO1IA111) NOTES OP INTEREST FROM MLR BAN liS AN B114.48. What Is Going on in The Ilrghlands and Lowianda of &aid Sootia. K.irkoowan. School has a new soup kitchen and tool shed. The sawmill al Rilmahog near ' , Callander has been totally destroy- edi P 11 present is 1,380. serve in the ,south of Scotland at by fire. The trength of t e National Re - .4, .A clock wiLli three dials is at pre- sent being fitted up in the tower of The death has occurred of Mr. li Rothesay Academy. Charles A. Lindsay,. one of Aber- deen's rnost prominent _business ORO -WING GIRLS AND ALL DAMAGE BY ittier$4 , Authorities Put Annual Loss In Reoruiting at Stirling Castle for the year ending. September was 277, compared with 107 of last year. A serious epidemic of measles has broken out in Wick and one ele- mentary school has been closed. What remains of the old Starr. Hotel opposite the railway sta,tion in Port Glasgow is to be demol- ished, David Robertson, a, Crimean vet- WOMEN. Should Keep Their Blood Supply France at $40,000,000, the estimated figure of the damage On every hancl you see w"aen done by rats to crops and property and grnwln$ girls in the cleadlY in. France. The publication of these elutohes of anaemia, Slowly but statistios by the Incorporated So- surelY aloe of death, settles eiety for the Destruction ef Vermin on their °hooka; their eyes grow bas given an irapetue to the eaarv. dull ; their appetite fickle ; their paign for the ,extermination of the steps languid. Daily they are be- rodent, vvhieh is also known to be ing robbed of all vitality and a transmitter of disease, brightness. The trouble, if neg- The examples set by several looted, becomes more acute until American eities have been followed the signs of .early eonsiunption be- with great interest in France and come apparent. What women and lia,ve led Dr. Fontenelle to make young'girls this condition need is a 'special 'study of the subject. He new, rich, red laloOd, and 'there is finds that the role of the rat and no or. -medicine can do the work the mouse has been very 'serious in of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in mak- colanection with cases of pneatmon- lag this new, god blood. These ia. Por a long time it has been no:. Pills make girls; and , women well, tice,d that this 'disease was mote and bring 0,6h fhe charm and deadly in hospitals than other brightness. .9f perie4, j.egniar places, The pneumonianaiorobe be - °macs extremely virulent in the health. liere.is a bit of proof. Miss ont., blood of a mouse a,nd, if &sick per-, Lillie O'Carroll, Norwood, says :--"About two ,years ago my soh e'4:41163 in 00nta'd with a moase health began to fail a was weak, mierobe, he will be gravely attacked • • by the disease. run down and had no ambition for • anything. I had frequent head- -u92'..J.°32TLe se -Ts the vitals ot fill.rits, especially the old aches, would be eempletely tired • — • Rich, Red and Pure. Forty million dollars yearly is eran a,nd pensioner, was found dead in his house in High Street, Lin- • lithgow. It has been decided by the Stir- ling County Council that council- lors travelling expenses shall not be paid. Plans, have been passed at Moth- • erwell Dean of Guild for an exten- sion of Camp Street School at a, cost of $7,000. The Clyde Navigation trustees are to proceed. with the re.construction of the wharf at Renfrew at a cost of $125,000. There has been an outbreak of black scab in four Dalbeattie gar- • dens, and the Board of Agriculture are making an inquiry. The old colors of both line bat- talions of the King's Own Scottish • Bordeters will be hung,in St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh. What is considered to be the skel- eton of a Viking has been discov- ered at Reay, on the north coast of the County of Caithness. Callander Tol,vn Council have fix- _ / ones, are a ive with rodents. The out after the least exertion, and pneumonia microbe exists, there - had little or no appetite. A doc-,fore, in conditions calculated to in - tor who was giving Me medicine crease its virulence and its murder - finally told me he feared I was ge- am powers of de•struction. He ing into eensenliptien, which, ef urges the necessity of an. immediate course, made me very much down- and relentless extermination of hearted. As the medicine I was ,rodents in every hospital establish - taking was not doing me any good naent in France or an any other I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink country where the rat or mouse Pills, and I shall ever feel grateful may be found. that I did se. My story may be The depredations of the rat in summed up in the words "nine France on property are enormous. boxes of the Pills fully restored my It is reckoned tha,t for a farm of 50 health—perhaps saved my life, and hectares of wheat and pasture lands I am now as strong and healthy as the losses caused by rats reach an any girl." annual minimum of $200. The de - Every anaemic sufferer can eb- truction by rats about $1 to each tain equally good results through a inhabitant. jar. Fontenelle says : fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "This is too high a tax tc" pay t° the Sold by all medicine dealers or by rat tribe and the ever-present dan- mail at 50 cents abox or six boxes ger from the rodent's propagation for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' of maladies like the plague and M4dioine Co., Brockville, Ont. Pneumonia shows the wisdom of carrying on a determined war of ex- • termination." r------41,--- Wrote Back. -4..—.--..... A friend once ,.M -e to Mark ed the assessments for the current year on owners at sd. per 21, and .00cupiersat Yad. peirs21. It has been agreed by the Kirk- caldy and 'Dysart School Board to apply the $500 special grant to den- tal*treatraent of school children. The Royal National Lifeboat In- stitution have agreed to &wept the offer of the Wick Harlem Trust of $1,250 toward a new lifeboat for Wick. The question of establishing at Stornoway, a permanent naval base for torpedo destroyers is., at • present, under the consideration of the Admiralty. Edinburgh Town Council have agreed to confer the freedom of the city an the Right Hon. •Viscount Haldane or Clown, Lord Chancellor, and the Right Hon. Lord. Duneden. --ka FIVE CENTURIES UNTAMED. GOOD FOR ALL BARIES. Baby's Own Tablets are good for all babies, They are , good for the newborn • babe pr the growing child— the babe who suffers froM constipation or the inc Whose teethiug. is difeeult or who has indigestion, colic, worms or any of the other babyhood ailments. The Tablets ban- ish all these troubles—they are perfectly safe; being guaranteed 'by a government analyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs. Sold by • medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bo i from The Dr, Williams' Medicine 'Co., Brockville Ont. 1 MtSINGS OF TUE CYNIC, If love is really a disease, it is kbe MOO contagious one on record, The sins that pay 110 dividends are the ones that shook the world. 1 Xusie bath obai=s, but it isn't tpah: ent pg. ie 07n .gbirds that makeiithe beat he realizes that youth Must have its When a girl throws a 141,401? over Every man has his, 'price, Etrid it is 'generally about twice as much as 'leis worth. Some people never enjoy good health, even when they have it. If it's the unexpected that 'hap- pens, why should it be unexpected Almost as many people have been Sidra leby 'WO laoh money as by too little, The farther a, man can seo the leas is he apt to be sure he is right. A man's ideal of an ideal wife is one who believes everything he tells her. ' We never realize how much it costs to visit friends till they return the visit. A WONDERFUL CASE. Three Months in Hospital and Came out Uncured. --- Zam-Buk Cured Him in Few Weeks Mr. Fred Mason, the well-known upholsterer and mattress manufac- turer of St. Andrew's, N.B., says :— "I ha,d eczema on my knee, which caused me terrible pain and inoon- venience. The sore parts!would itch and burn and tingle, and then when rubbed or scratched, would become very painful. When the knee got warm, it burned worse, and the itching and burning and smarting were almost unbearable. I tried various remedies, but got no better, so I decided to go to Montreal and take special treat- ment. I reoeived treatment at the Montreal General ' Hospital for thirteen weeks, but at the end of that time I was not cured, and al- most gave in. A friend advised me to give Zam-Buk a trial. "Almoet as soon as applied Zam- Buk stopped the itching and the ir- ritation. I persevered with the bahn, and it was soon .evident that it would do me good. Each day the pain was reduced, the sore spots began to heal, and by the time I had used a few boxes of Zam-Buk I was quite cured. "Since then Zam-Buk has. cured blood -poison in my finger. *For eczema, blood -poisoning, piles, ulcers, sores, abscesses, vari- cose ulcers, bad leg, cold sores, chapped hands, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin injuries and diseases; Za,m-B,uk is without equal. • 50c. box all druggists and stores or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse imita- NO MEDICINE. Twain a letter saying that he was in very bad health, and concluding But Change of Food Gave'Final —"Is there anything worse than Relief. having toothache and earache at . •• a Most diseases start in the alimen- the same time'? Twain wrote PRINCE IS A.UTIfOlt. The Crown Prince of Germany has written a book anent his hunt- ing experiences in Great Britain and India. He recalls them with evident pleasure, and throughout he adopts a very appreciative atti- tude. He was particularly impress- ed with country house life and English hospitality, as the follow- ing 'excerpt shows "These English 'country houses are, to my taste, the most elegant and at the same time the most comfortable places imaginable. In my Indian sketches I have already paid tribute to the wonderful hoepitaLity of the Briton, and I should like to mention it again now. Each guest is delight- fully cared for in a house of this kind, and the care is so quietly and charmingly exercised that the recip- ient is never allowed to realize that the host is putting himself to any trouble on his behalf. The English excel in this art of genial and ta canal—stomach and bowels. back—"Yes—rheumatism and St. rY Vitus's dance." •A great deal of our stomach and Montenegrins Are Reckless at War and at Play. • It was Mr. Gladstone who once • described Montenegro — the black mountain -0S the shore where, af- • ter bloody Koosovo, the wreckage of old Servia' was washed by the oncoming' Turkish tide. They who escaped into those fastnesses 'were families of caste, chieftains and nobles, who for five centuries and have remained unconquered. Their very vices show breeding,. a • recklessness at play and an extra- vagance in dress. • Yet gamblers though they are and dandies, they sire honest as to cash, and if a purse of_ gold be dropped by accident, upon the highway it will be discov- ered by its, rightful possessor. • Prison life itself is ruled by hoe- er, for convicts who may have pulled a trigger wander abroad, • meet their friends, join in festivals, • and are known only by the dull mu- sic of a clanking chain. The Montenegrin is not devoid of education. He has his school in every hamlet, and there is an amaz- ing story of the great Ivan the prince who burned his capital Zabl Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without it. id it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN, &lir. "Starke," St. Andre, Eamouraska. • Expression of Vacancy. - "Why do you suppose he has such a vacant expression I" "Well, he thinks of himself a good deal." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. bowe troubles come from eating too much starchy and greasy food. The stomach does not digest any of the starchy food we eat—white bread, pastry, •potatoes, oats, etc. T -these things are digested in the mall intestines, and if we eat too much, as most of us do, the organs that should digest this kind of food are overcome by excess of work, so that fermentation, indigestion, and a lcing train of ails result. Too much fat also is hard to di - gait and thisis changed into acids, sour storaach, belching gas, and a bloated, heavy feeling. In these oonditions a change from indigestible -foods to Grape -Nuts will work wonders, in not only re- lieving the distress but in building up a strong digestion, clear brain and steady nerves. • A woman writes: "About five years ago I suffered with bad- stomaeh—dysPepsia, indi- gestion, constipation ---caused, I know now, from overeating starchy and greasy food. •- • "I doctored for two years with- out any benefit. The doctor told me there was no cure for me. I could not eat anything without suf- fering severe pain in my back and -sides, and I became discouraged. "Afriend recommended Grape - Nuts and I began to use it. In"less than two weeks I began to feel bet- ter and inside of two months I was a well woman and have been ever since. "I can eat anything I wish with pleasure. We eat Grape -Nuts and • cream for breakfast and are very fond of it." Name given by Cana- dian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A noW ono appears from time to time. • They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. .DRIPCO iOF T414ilf.„- rreparailo 'rylk MG' 4 Ofin$1.' One Exi3use. Mrs. A.—Well, if it isn't Mrs. B. What a stranger you are 1 Why, it's quite five, years since I saw you. Mrs. B.—Yes. Why haven't you keen to see me. 'Mrs. A.—Oh, dear, you know how bad the weather's been. • During the past thirty years the population of Germany has increas- ed by twenty million, jak to save it from the Turk, se ing lap a printing press in °bed jut twenty years, after Caxton had be- gun his enterprise at Westminster. The machine vanished amid the • chaos, but it revealed an instinct. • Is is as armed men that the Mon- tenegrins now interest us. When they go marketing to- the Austria • coast town of Cratere they are re- •"quired by the authorities to .rob their belts of the mighty pistol, but • at the frontiev they resume it, and • it is the symbol of their liberty. }Tumble homage to the Queen is • rigidly exacted by King Nicholas, and in the Palace of Cettinje, Prin- cesses, so far from being disdained, •are described, paternally, as Piny oountry'a most valuable export." To behead one's eeerny is the fi- • nal jay. of the Montenegrins, Who, therefore, dislike long range artil- leay snc1 the modern rifles which are reeeived from Russia as .0hristmis Piesents for the reignitria hong& During the past twelve months ahips entered or departed ironi tho Port of London.. Skin All Covered With Eruption N. eml. Tardif. Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. A QUebee Man, N. Henri Tardif, of St. Casimir, writes in a letter dated Afar. 31, 1911: "1 had a very bad skin, all covered with etuption, eight years ago. I have had all of both my shotilders covered with it, and the higli part of rdy arms, and znY face, but it Wad the worst on my shoulders, I tried many different remedies to cure it, but not/An was any good. ,At last I went to an e.potheeary. 11. asked aid fi/ had ever used Cuticura soap end Ointment. / told hint no, and ./ bought a box of Cntimira Ointment and II cake of Cuticurs' Soai. fttdebi(three boxes et Concurs Ointment, but I am glad Of the owe. for Cutioura Soap and etrament completely cured the at My Okla} eitiption, spread the Cutteum tOtiuttnent-OUV my sore parte, and I think that hi wishing my face with the,Cuticura Seep, it hindered In• t eruption fault itching and burning. I tried root rewsSfse during• three eV, tant,yeart tieurit' goo end Olatraent ore ittrouhout the wortd, but te those *IA, millered ranch, lost hope aitte*obti thoughtful entertaining." He contrasts the mistaken idea that prevails in Germany that a but utictira 0410 tend Oinfrarettattred. flilged) /4: 'Rear/ Testa 6utfS1h in an trettinest, ikAps • redu4cialowia teittto,dbrid°i". tVio?;;; big you severely: . , 14*'d' 1,1nlmsbt CtIrsit The German Crown Prince. .01,4 41' I141 Sao 1 When You Ga Run Down. --oatoli cold eesily—and dread, Instead of enjoying,the keen winter weather—then you need NaDru. o Tasteless bottles, at your Druggist's. sod NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Tice disagreeable taste of raw Cod Liver Oil is eetimly absent curative elements of Cod Liver 03--1-typophosphites to build up the and the Compound is decidedly pleasant to take. in 503. and $1. and Extract of Malt, which, besides containing valuable reartreent itself, nerves --Extract of Wild Cherry to sot on the lungs and bronchial tubes— and This Na-Dru-Co Compound embodies the well-known nutritive mid helps the weakened digestive organs to assimilate other food. Cod Liver Oil • Preparation of aa MOM e m[ao.'4v1pis Mae Rol e 0.3.110a 01211allote ciaMpiamolli et),11'.1131( STOrtri COM P LETECAN DY 'STORE BOYS AND CURLS. OWN A CANDY STORE OF YOUR OWN. rats alatatat store laths greatest money making mad pleasure providing outfit ever offerod and an can aiongl in to•day selling the finest candies to sal your friends. It is on exaot =oda of the big eaah mediae e0alli54 il:OitOLO:ach and nage up every' gale made. It is cour. plate with boaklock andkeyeand ia swonderininresona Boys and Kirin, got this candy atom and yonwill pthatenezthotchall. Lo.tr.frbiean.hrls.reWigittawirllagwidseattiroypow w soil among YOUZ friends, only 30 bottles*/ our delight 241n siYaxiltPeanly 005-e4Whiumetel alltellale,YOlatieat'hon% Idly`Thilrot Valley, liallotope, Wood Violet o.ndJoeiraY chib.lott in fine large bottles with beautiful gold floral le EvorYbodY yenta this lovely parnuno only Ige„ bottle. It sous like hot ogles. Send and get the perfume to -day. Ws trestle:Wad It. 'When sold, return ourremey, only $3.00, andth rpce_graisPtl:ri°en"nd iddi,awilthr°11,? senttlito"yinotiaAatiluStebt Lairl.1"Tteos l. FREE. This is a wonderful oder to bright boys en gins. Be the tint in your neighborhood to get WS wondworAtuTI isotorNeA, LAdpdrRasso, DUCTS, LIMITED Dept. 0. 309 TORONTO, CANADA. Each of these wonderful atones contain a complete stook, 01 doe Chocolates, uon. boon. Butter Scotch, Losen. pos.0=0 Ballalissesodo., eto., all in lovely glass ham and. metal dandy cases, the • IMMO SI in any big candy store. We also Provide ftas counter with drawers for stook, the magnificent sot of complete with webiltri;e7a °and, scales you see plattonna, dna set of bright metal scoops to serve the candy with, stook 01 hon. bon boxes, candy bags and in fast DTIII7 necessity ot the candy store buidnees. Then besides all thiseron. derfulttol of mottle4 and lapilli H RECHRTER Mininanag=flat2241$222123 wessaseacomm.smomsere,.. guest must be always amused: `There is nothing of the kind in England. The meals are all at set- tled hours, and at these the 'house party' foregathers. - Unless there is something special on foot, such as a sheet, each one is absolutely his own master in the intervals. As these 'house parties' are usually eomposed of light-hearted young men and very often of beautiful women, there is every reason why you should have a delightful time. The whole house and home of the -host is in the fullest sense of the word at the guest's absolute dispo- sal. He has only to say the word, and he can ride, motor, fish, shoot, sail, play tennis, or go'lf, erything is at his hand. He has only got to choose. The Scottish castle in -which I found myself was typical of this perfect hospitality." "She's very fond of her chil- dren." •• "That so I" • "Yes. She told me yesterday that if it wasn't for • them she wouldn't live with their father an- other minute," • Minard's Liniment Cures •Distemper. 0 • Natural for Them. To Prevent Small` Frauds. Fraud is practised in many forms in France, but it is news that snails are reeeiving the attention of the tricksters. It seems that small frauds have become so seriousthat a society has been formed to stop it. It is called the "Syndicate of the Preparers and Dealers of Snails in France." As a comestible the snail has an enormous clientele. Snails are sold by millions. But the consumers are not quite cer- tain of the origin of the snails they eat. The fraud oonsista of putting the snails called the 'Little Greys," into the empty shells of Burgundy snails, which are of su- perior quality. The Town Clerk of the City of London has a salary of $12,500. Husband (impatia;ntly)e-"Ie iti possible, iny dear, that you cannot keep those children quiet for a mo- ment?" Wife (soothingly)—"Istow,. John, don't be harsh with the poor little innocent tbinge,; it is natural for there to be full -of 'spirits, and they're doing the best. they can:" •Huaband---"Wella if 1 could have moment's peace I wouldsit down and write that Cheque for fifty dol - Jars that you've been bothering me 14)r2;, • • Wfe (sternly)—'(Children, te6 attars at once, and,if.I hear another *bid from you to -night 1 win pun., ikons. Time to Go Home. "Well, dear, I guess the honey- moon is over." - "Why do you say that?" pouted the bride. "I've been taking stock and find I'm, down to $2.65." Cure For Consumption.—Eor consump- tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs, laryn- gitis and bronchitis. Names and addresses of those only given a few days to live by specialist and doctors, after taking this cure are alive and well, will be sent on request. Write Wm. R. Copeland, 61.1 Pape Ave., Toronto, Ont. r • 4 Colored people in the Union of South Africa outnumber the whites by nearly four to one. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Nerve. "What a lot of nerve that man has." "Isn't it so'? Why, he even has the nerve to put pennies on the church plate Sunday morning and look the man right in the eyes while he's doing it." ISSUE 46---'12 . , CONSULTWO ENGINEER EROORSES MN PILLS 29 Broadway, New York. "I bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria B.C. last September. , 'Stour femedy 1 nd, at 6o years of age, to give perfect relief from the Kidney and Bladder Troubles iricideht to one of my age, 1 urgently recommend OIN PILLS to friends as being the one thing that does me good." G. WOODFORD. •sac. a box, 6 for $2.5o. Money back if GIN PILLS fail. Sample free if you write National rrug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 131 REETO BOYS Toy Steam Engine has blued Opel boiler and fire box, fitted with steam whistle, safetY valve and single Wick (spirit burner. Brindled braes fit- tings. Almost one foot '5.10. Send ue your name and address and re will eend You 30 tete of Christmas. eetnic and floral post, oar& to dell at •10 cente a set (six beautiful cards' ir each set). When sold Send as the money, and we W11 send you the en, ggint, toll ehervea prepaid. Write tot day. Address 1101iiitit-WARRE011 CO. Dept 130, Toronto FIECT1 Wit 0 KEE3.ESS Efficient. Will heat a good sized room even in the coldest weather. Economical. Burns nine ho -urs on one gallon of oil. Ornamental. Nickel trimmings; plain steel or enameled tur- quoise -blue drums. Portable. Easily car - tied from room to room ; weighs only eleven pounds; han- dle doesn't get hot. Doesn't Smoke • Doesn't Leak Easily Cleaned and Re -wicked Inexpensive Lasts for years At Alders Everywhere THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited TORONTO ST. JO -N MONTREAL WINNIPEG HALIFAX _--_—.---.„.--------. — ___ MALE HELP WANTED, 1 FARMS FOR SALE. ..----.. I) Y NEXT SPRING THE RAILWAYS H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, 1, will require Eire Hundred Tele- Toronto. graphers and Station Agents. Good — ---.. wages and advancement rapid. School 11 UNDEED ACRES—COMITY RAMON 8 endorsed by railways and has direct tele- .11-1L Good House; Buildings; Orchard, Rranh wire connection. Brea Book 18 ex- Cheap and on easy terms. Toronto. 1 L.D buildings and apple orchard; about , . EVENTY-SIX ACRES WITEt GOOD amine. Dominion School Railroading, i five miles from Hamilton, MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, eto. In, tonna and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write u before too late. Dr. Batman Medical Co. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. EARN SILVER PLATING—PARTICI. 1.4 lars free, • Specialties Agency, Box 1836, Winnipeg. NA arga. .114 17 cnniosoan 641113.1.2cat.mitsa "lit,aza,larea..taa Protect Preserve El tbet utify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR 84 GO., LIIMited 18741 Bathurst Street TORONTO The Heart eta Plano lathe ActiOn. Inellet on the "OTTO RIGEL" piano Action AV _ AA-Ds:fins, ifki Smoke Stacks and Flues, Voa ter Flumes, trigines and Boilers POLSONH" w°R".1r01011TO LtiVirrtti, IiInginoont min ;Wolin Me ,s. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. lliTir0 CREAMERY AND BUTTER FAO - .1. ferias in two thriving towns in Western Ontario, Doing good business. Splendid opportunity for tho right man. The Western Real Estate London Ont CHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of bongo hangings, elm CURTAINS " IAA° EkilA E Write to tH About yonrg. Gold Modallst. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., sox 233,Montresil 'tft. Sixty Thousand trappers now send us their Raw Furs. Why not you? We pay highest prices and express charges, ellsrite, no commisedon 554 15154 troOneY Mime day gepds eke received, 11102405 be Cants 050lino0024 troopers oath veer. Dead nitli Colin 10 holm. We en 1201 tarot to our o Canich. FREEc4n:**Vg tb the vaziute Par rtuo- t*bong 1204 Hic bog RdItIon Di RALLAM'S TRAPPERS GUIDE, *book of 90pageg,tnatted FREE. Writeetra-day to 161111 nailattl$ )vra, Dot. as .TORONT0,1110rositat.S.