HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-14, Page 1Notice of Removal i I►. RA,RM.ONY SPEARMINT'. OOTOPAST.F (The new Peens with the Spearmint flagon) Will positively remove tartar, Lease and whiten the teeth and keep the% in per feet condition. Large Wheel 250. wale's Drug Stere • '2744'3' is erlieRTY-,NIST'{ YEAR --NA 2C'21 hr (50 KiddiasexGazette LOOle: 1:00IL 'Lt i}:ll (lit, Sarath11/11ntlorrr.4!1"t1,a10'g Dig f t, see BARGAINS INR RUBBER ltl!Gl1)131 NOW 10 tbe tune to buy YTli,A, wvante,. Eyi,n x�tbber sritci ale a eatlp t?ltRce, Sx� cTl,zexything (got 'f •buten 13uttliet 14 ,rice �11,sQ) Cole's Drug Store! (Telae of The Rexall Remedies, EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ,14th, 1912. JONES & 1111111.1111M11 .11111111.1111.101111NEM PHONE 3 •r. SEASONABLE GOOD: FOR THE COMING COLD SNAP HEW W!NTER OOATSIU.I' Au�Lher bunch of New Coats are here again to meet. our Big Demand. Solite Real 1 ew Styles and Cloths are shown. Not to late yet to buy a swell New Coat for Ladies, Misses and Children • FUR LINED COATS For Ladies on. Gents. The Best Cloths with No. 1 Rat Mining and the best Fur Collars. We have a Big • Stock to show you. Prices the very lowest. FUR COLLAR COATS.. ---- Either Ladies or Gents with first class Fur Collars, lined with Heavy Curl or Quilted .Linings, . Good, large and long. ' Prices from $15 to $25 FURS- Of all Kinds in Ruffs, Muffs and Stoles from $5 to $25. A nice lot of Children's Furs. LADIESSUITS-0..-- Only. 4 left in Btlack and Blue. Regular $19 Suits to clear for $12.50 Do Not Miss This. MEN'S AND BOYS' -CLOTHING .We have a Big Stock with the Prices .Right Overcoats - Suits The most Swagger Coats we have ever shown No other firm can show you the range we have. , Millinery ur Milliners are still real busy and have s, real well lot of New Wintev Rats. Just call and see m. • A big lot of the Real Nifty Suits we are noted for. Every suit NEW and Up -to -Date. Have a try on.: House Furnishings A good. time to buy your Rugs, Carpats, Li - oleunis, Oilcloths, Curtains, Madras. • Phone 32 ,!ones & May, Exeter 1 I 116KHOWIBtl96U THE BEST THE ART GARLAND still continues to hold its position as•the leading Baseburner of its telass. Powerful heaters and will :.give more heat with less fuel than any baseburner made •'Complete Lino; of Heaters from $13.00 to $45.00 Ranges from $25 to $55 031 Heaters $4.50 'Stove Pipes 10 cents *Elbows; 20 cents * Stove Boards rove Mats 50 cents eatherstrip, Etc. for Cold Weather ar t v ylien g IIEAMAN' Communication. MR. EDITOR Having seen in last week's Times that certain of the storekeepers intend to close their stores every night in the week except Saturday, I should like to ask one question if you do not deem it too impertinent? What reason do they give for such an action? From the storekeepers' assistants, no doubt it will be looked upon as a blessing. From the - storekeeper himself he might think nk it very economical in the way of light and fuel. Ail very satis- factory? When farmers stop away from town, sitorekeepers always look blue and say "nothing doing.:' Per- fectly true, isn't it? Well, farmers hire quite a bit of help and the hired man spends money like other people. Here it is in a nutshell. Warmer John's' hired man wants to go to town on -Wednesday night but it rains and he waits until Saturday and he goes in then if weather permits. Only three days difference. Under the new rule as willgive one night shop andthatmaybe Unless he gets someone -to do his shop- or., Tuesday morning, The late r e e r, Srvirertan the tri... ,• .__. - where rugs a nese .en or` Tlxeter ttous 'repeat was ,served! The (brid'e wsba.it twenty years- ago and was, a rva» the ,reci.peiex,t of many beatutifia.l grain. toyer in town.• IIe 'buiilt th,t� ir,�eddi.rg presents, bin(; atnd Mrs, Nad Metropolitan ]Iotel and thiel store now• iter will take up their resider ea en owned by Mr. Jartxes, Goold„ Idle, its Dashwood where the groom cord'ucts survived by his rv]dow' enld ' three n, harness ibasi,ne,ss. Tho many t•wa sons' and one daagh- fri;enlds• of ;both bride an,d: groom, Exeter Sc,hoo � children, The Exeter Bargain in Store 1 Sells Goods Cheap, Why !1 cash,sells for cash.. makes a quick turnover at a small expense Buys for . and divides the profits with you. an let us show. ou we do Call d l y as we advertise. Rubber Overcoats,Suits, Hats and Boots and Shoes, S,� -Caps, Shirts,Underwear Sweaters, Hosiery and a host of "4Jap"�ar • other lines. Exeter Bargain Store: d7►lne Door North of Post Ofifilc . BsWm F. Beavers Exeter Council rA nee-etirrg of elle.' co•.tneii was held it, 'the 'I,'own ITall on 1?ridgy evening the Stii inst. 'Ail tnenebersr present: The min:etas of last meeting werne read ar.d; approved, 'A: eomtxn.axloation .wag. enact (firwn. Messrs l)ilekts:ond+.:Cttg Mrlln re '^' , DOLL Taylor's drain on the •colra'ie df Victoria:Albert feed Wcilinto n &re9i5 sitattrtg!, :Unless I entletwe:r, s,teee efe fort is made or. yaarr part' at etice to abate the reeisanet.: we can rneer:Acta ed to take such; action again's.t the Max1ciprr1 lelorporettion of the Villetge oinExeter: else we, deem : ,esessery for tie recovery ofelainagce, tor sthirs cer„tiental over flowing of $r, Taylor'e a,;remiate and for a niaands,m'as cam- pell.irg the said eorporataon to abate erect 'r.u.is,tance„,. 'Elie council agreed to meet! Tern, Taa•ylor wed take the matter Wt, 'cv itt,'tith'. t A. crisn•rnarication wee read 'from 11a:r, J'oLi.. ltansford'. President of the C'1ir-ton lljoard of Trade, :re, tee warty oe Huron's deereaaing ix pul- a,tiore, and 'the ceiling of a fileetiox tee be held_ it tl%e'.Convn ]Ia11:Clinton, on TIorselay N,ove.m'er 'ili.st at 1;. P, M to take into eonsidera.tion frL•e advise feleility o[ advertielo the 10o'anty of Yeeror., and in that way e'nd'eavor to direct; a part er fie stream or int• negro .time :inn conseq'ae:nt wc:altl•: teat is, poari.r.:g into t aneela to -day', into. sear owr. county S'evett and Scott that the Reeve and tas many of.t'1.e colen- eiJlora tse earn, attend Bach, meeting • ecerd anal ieott that nee aearounts 'be pasee•d os read G; Montle coal torr tow.rt Hall, 53,25; G. EP. 11, Co fr'e,inlit 1;,'10•'J..!3, Carlin,; p1. se1a'ry n5„(10 J., E', 1i'oad pt. salary 031,25, We J, t>5iss•eet pt. salary 137.50; T, Creech 'gravel and 'freight 97F218; Jas, 'Goalie aeot 72 0,'EI orn slL �t Co,125‘, 5” 25; Ross ereylar tCoa 'A cot MOO' Me- L'aig' Meg Iploi, waterworks 20.94; Mail nod Empire a(tvert siaigx• 2.12•; Adam Hope and iCce 30& 82; TL'e Ebenezer wo'rt1-i Co, the 1907 H. In 'Ityrd'man mod', sect re, E, Mellott name- :nee•. board, 50.00; J:'as,.. Robertson:. see Col 12120; .Davies Labor elegy); J, worry labor 0,50; Sidney Sanders do 1&30 Tetley ,G, .rugs, united in the bonds. Of 'rhos, Sanders do IMO; 'Thos, Raxk1= matritnoty 'to. Mee George• IGif'ltte, tor - en do ].4;6Ay .T, leydd ,do noel IC., Ford inerly o1f,; Exeter! The cereemoty 'vas do 600; Wtti. B`le'd do 800; 'Jan, Successful Anniversary The anniversary services of Main Street Methadiet ciretreh were beta an "Sundey last and were among title ,most .sxcct+sst�Ifu1 in the history of Hee congrezation levy :GV,, H. Barra- elm:agh 3, ;A, of Sarnia occupied" the p.il';ti.t and preached two very accept able teerreotst, The attendaeoe at all the ',xae�etirene wag good the. coneee- getter.. in the ev,eaiinir eeeint,' eepeecially News of the District Can:Linn, bin „hand in the belt Ora tlerieis titg inenbine, Peter Seebeck, of Palliartor reiaeived a broken area on, Th,irsday last„ t I Dr, '!new wl o has been a snot f it practitionea.„ in Wsngha,rp. for twelve years left last .. nits for, Rd- reeeton where he roill lxaati,si; in f'Lur,E';. • t F4 re. IItiI1" who, has "beer,, ehairmen. a£ > I the � 1 ' �• 1 11",10 � C C ] , i t n b i S oo' R3oax Qt d h d large', the chxrdh bt.l,�, tax+etl ,to . tenacity, .Sipepial m' lne Wit Peapate ed( by the ehoiix are' wast of hirgb order A 1•adies q'aartettet sang a selection at eaol; :service and in the evening Mies !;dna Politick sane "The Peniteint' in exce]'lent voice: The.. colltiotions tak- ot op amounted to ,over' •.$409,60' gee the :afternoon; a mass meeting of the San•delSchool held., in the 'tuditoriunx was a decided nuceeefl', The Rob - ere Raikes! diplomas and seals ior' nor - feet a.tterdanoe,'diurin:g tl:e year were ,giver.; out anti a.loeether !fifty •ni:ne were presented made ,are, as follows; eli.plomas tor £first years • atterdanee 1 2, red' teals, Tor second, year 13; 3rid S'wea'r, the Peale 10; eth: year green seals. '7 Those who have attended, for five years' withrout a miss• were Cha.r- lie'T'o'rd:'Labellae. Handford, nes Wal- ker Mee; Tdta Follicle, IL 'A Foltlnok and. II, E, H'astan • Weddings On Wreidnrsdayl evening Oot:, 2nd in the Gospel '.Ce.;bernacle !Boone Towa oe- onoed else, marriage of Miss Anna. I1, Werry •eltl�est daughter of elle Irate Thdmas Wgerry formerly of Exeter to Beet, iC. 1W, Crook of Gall W., Dak- ole, yr!. !Crorkf is a ',native of Tatra graduoted two years aro from thio eloor„eh 13i,bical College, going Tram •, . there to N,, Dakota i:rto aoslp�el:work 'ur:.tder the Christian and Missionary Allilanoe;, atri, and •Ifirs, Crenk will reside 'near Galt M. l0a.kotat fen segerai years Las resegred analog pletee i3O 'taker, by Hugh, H;, Road;, Mr, Ha11f La's parehas,ed a:busirie,ss in keone :kerne. • • ; 'a , A petition bearing 217 names• Ask - Ina' for a'vote on 1olcal option' was nresenbed to the Clinton Council at the ve e No mb� x meeting and ' e m e ing nd thte clerk was instructed to prepares the Byes law for the next meeting., regorge Wane a pioneer 'teiseenat of 1I� ir:gham, passed away on Wednesday o;C last week',, T1:,e deceased was in his 74th year and came to ICanadd in childhood frons :England, Fifty years ago he settled or. a farm one raffle north' of Wingham and ten years aero retired and moved o Winghana, Word has been received at Varna of 'the illness of Mr. John McI•e'naie se of -Mrs and Mrsi, .Redierick nee- Teni zee.:• Mr, Ielfonzie wee engaged with the wird Bros. formly of Stan- ley, at Prasqze Bask, threshitg when an eninemi:c of typhoid broke oat. Ile: is now in the .hospital at Moose Jaw. The 'body of , a young man was foxed recently nn t1.e shore of lake 'manor• about 20 miles north of Goder- tele Or: the body was a life preser- ver with. the words `Steamer Fleleit wood•.. 'Ttere was nothing; what- ever on the body to indentify the man The body was well preserved end bad beer, in' the wdter aboer two Weeks,” At the last reelaloe meeting of the `!t•ackrsmi,th council John Walker pro'prieto:r ell tLe Dixon HoesePruce- A pretty wedding rook' place at the field appeared before the council rvith J me or Mr„ John. Mounfiene, Emily a freq:test_that the couieil submit eto Street eeirartford an 'Wednesday Oct, the electors a'by-law to repeal the ?3rd when: his eldest danaglite Mises teeal+ option by-law now in force i Tuekers;mithe The request being backed by a petition signed by 176' rate payers( The Coarcii granted the request of Mr, Walker and author - teed the clerk : to prepare a by-law to nee be presented to th{e e lector at the reenicipai elections in 19131 Mrs, 'Rhos, Markin of the Roman lino 531ddell:LI was buried on Nov 5th at St, Ps tricks ck,areh;, Mrs, Mar- kip; who Iliad been ilI for come two months •inderwent an operation -some time ago in St,. Josephs hospital. *She is survived by her husband Mr Tho1,'. Novembe'r rite 33th 'the borne of Mr, Korkin and five sons, James of 'Wiin- etd Wine Prank Treibner of the title ripe; William of the Swamp Linn eenee.ss,ien of Stephen,' was the :cense' 'Piddnlpha Jahr of Moulds Csarsael; of e. pretty wedding when their Hobert and Thomas of the leoman da'agLter 'Minnie was married Line and four daughters Mrs:: Nagle to Mn. 1Teery Fah:ner. of ,Crediton. or St. Marys Mrs; Tosenh Kelly of the The cert story was performed at :t'o'ir Pxoot Lice road, and Bridget and el ckeek '1t ;tle presence of about 1'2/5 Lena at home. High mans was cel- g3aestee, The bride who was given. ebrated by Rev. Father Arnold. and awayby:ler father was gowned Ln a a• very to• ch' sermon waspreached a, e y a s,tg ex Pretty iiresa of bile silk trimmed with ret, Mins Julia Treibner sister Miss May Smallacombe has return - of the bride; actedr as bridesmaid, ed home from Strtfordafter a two white the groom Was s,apported by weeks, visit, with. friends Mr, Fred T'echaie of Toronto. efisa Mr; Naratar. Jarrot:t held pa L�ac- h1:ildred leterr,pp played the weddinee cetss�fa1' auction, sale of 16s, farm' stiock Search. The wedding took place tan' {Lad inrpietnents en Friday and leaves - rooms were tastefand flowers. decorated wi.t1•y a- Mrs, Jo1•.r.. Northcott retained home talaevertiots reen azadtflasetrs: down tr eto3r a from the. Ler-den IrreeP1tal en Setar- dai.rty wedding dejeiner The presents day where she underwent an vele/a- non, She is amprovi.ng as well as per formed by J, J, Liddy :'pastor of Weekes +de•, j;00 'VYrri ,Creeeb do 15eee ,Wesley blethodistti ehttreh. Tihe bride Gea,. Atkinson tlo .i8„40; 7'anotia'n who was giver:, away by tier father Kydd da, 4,00 5,.:Tiardferd. 'do', ,tr.o,d wore a. pretty travelling ssuit of navy total $i10(8E7 tblu•e, After a smmptuons relpa.st a(B:d i1[r„ Gladma ': rnet t'he ceancill' re loe the usual congratulations(, speecbast, el optiot, Ipetitien It was moved bg tLe Ibr%de rar:d groom IeLt one a' vissflt 1Vtr, Leven lard seconded by Mr, Riv to Hamiltorrt- On their return they ens 'tl.atti the ng:titiox be 'received wind will 'taker• tap their res,iderce on N e' - and that the clerk see that the same son Street, —Brantford >Jxpositar, cor,tai,n the rc:r eyed number of tual Pal,r.er—'Ireibner—On . Wednesday if'ted voters• are d report at the neat meeting of. tine co:incil carried,• Scott ax.d T,,evett that we• perch'ase '250 feet, of 2'1-2 iii fire hose, 'subject' to 91:e at 'proval of Mr; Weekes,' he Fire chief . ;Carreed •' J:,eveit:t];,tf; we•ndjorirr', T. 13. CAIRLING Clerk. FOR SAL- !! tearload of high grade• Holstein. heifers. 'Apply ,to John H. Scott', • ?s Yo-ir Pttss !Book Irr-1n • lath weeks Times we stated that theme }vas a large neeei'ber of shareholders ir_ the York Loan Savin.gs, company who had rrot returned their plass- books to the olfficistl 'liquidator', or ;eine co z2,d! dot. iba llocate:d by the, aaqui- 1ia:to:r and than there us a large sum off arclaisnedl money, lying to credit of shareholders( There; were.,a great Many shareholders in this section and to the bride: were romerous' and cost- siree making: mention last week, we 13e ;Cha ever.ing was pleasantly learn of` two who have not (returnedr eeert in games and amusementts. tteia' pass; books., 1'ibssbIy there 'G•iests were present from Sandusky are oti;erssr,, itf so there is money Ohio.., Toro,rto,• Brantford, London. waitii:g 'Por( them 'It belon g•s to them and 'they? shooed look after it. Obitual ies Witghane ands Auburn. The many friends will join with the Times, ins extending conteratelations. F Nadiger — Naas..rvat;,er — A”' very lsretty wadding was held in thetreeth- Mrsi, •Jolie O'Neil died at leer home. eras. chures; at Dashwood on• Nov. ire Biddu.lpb on November 12th in her the 12th when Miss •Margaret .Iii., 47th1 year. Or. 'October 131st the• de- deceas'ed coffered ,�. stroke of paral- sis ,,v1:ieli left: her ir. i eritical'con- daaghter of Ma's and Mrs, Henry Neeshwarger was united in marriag e to Mr, Edw.ardl H, Nadi,ger, The edition,•, The deceased's maiden name bride ert�eredf the church l+etanin.g on was• Mary Fla.rnagan, Mrsy O'Noie the: grin. of cher father while tlit wen- wasp a residents of i3idtdalpk for about dixgr inarch, was;beinr played by Mess tet. ,years" J3vsi.des !etre Borrowing Maned Ei•dt. She was• dressed ix. a L•�nsbsrea clic is survived by ane son pretty gowns of •cream. silky with. over axed once' da:netter Arthur arid Leo.ta lace •trimmings and 'bead 1rin•xe tofu arta hoiue'. bass Lucinda. ,Croft drestsed itt triols °1'l,e Laite las. Swi.terton—The re- srlk rvitl. erribra]dcred i:et acted as mains of the late James Swinerton' brides! nio.jd whsile Mr, bred Sh'xnL' as-- wto die,1 at• Kingsville on •Saterclay, rr..3;(:ed the;roarn• The ceremony rv<rs • w re performed a t tl nee a arlock by the pas- lVovem°here 91 t, i•r. his• 8'2nd' ye,a� c , for .Revs, Thain in the presence of th' in a week to tiro r,;l:t to I4xetcr Mord¢y evenin,5 h p stormy or wet. at,d inl;crred. sa the• Exeter IC'eniletery over 100 Iguest:+1.. After (ho ceremony y M rhe• guests repaire•d to the home of ping, which isn't always satisfactory, TL d ce•tse3 M he must wait for another week, Per- d t haps someone will give us a little more light on the subject. A HIRED MAN. I BOa (� ter viz.;t :Benjamin and Watson •ot wish 'them+ a long and happy wedded Vancoever and; Mrs. J; 1', Ross of lined Mi'r.letes of Hoard meeting held en vulva were present at the the Towr( Hall. Monday Nov 11th ab -n -era.!' Rev, W., M, N.fartin of Lo•u• ..Miss P1swes of Montreal is the sent 1 Armstrong. dor assisted Rev. Mr, Powell with, guest at the, James Street parssona+are The fallowiub ie the order pofp muse the fiatera.l whtoh was held (ra.m :tihte• Miss Plewes is'a s:rater oP !Urs, 1.12 'encs d,ily submitted and approved Lome,ef Mxi J, 1?' Ross: Mister, Per chair naivetes of previous meet " The Lata Mrs. Kestle—Mrs. Jane Chocked by Potato --A cow bcloi:i;- i•tg. „ ` Kestle of Sharon widow of the late len; to Mr, Wm Sween just t Eeporlle of Come Betiding 'Archn ,loaeph Kestle passed away at her aonth of town, ,wax, nearly chatted liked Par. Truant home on November 7th at the age of to do a.i,b. or- il•.ina.ty ,toast, The animal ec:s �a seiner ap ssrmer listk in perNIT,1 We'derha t a� f'c rideceasedwhich s ofse11.heI ( thet ths. Tswallow o a ria and8monw<Ila e, ry years s5 T 7 a 4 `r' Sweet t curable led: at.rd aG pupils of; sichioolt age eco pro had been ill only a short tfinedeath fete throat., 1), brvicet rva.s, cal 1? ria.cipaI—Cases of wbooTring ct a,;h being due to pneumanta. Her maiden rt,arlcctl for tic ho res, ttyir.g tiecreaaix:g. 'A ttendaxtce very frill Phy i Trane was Itnee Anew a,nd she was born remove tee potaf.n. II, f'ruit'y de- sicai drill -report, ircom'plete Inearari in TOlig lattti, Mrs. Kestle has been a oiled to operate atr_cl. oat: through the ce !deferred, resident al, Sharon for fllve years mov- t,iata: of the recti removing the obstr i- can,' be expected.. Mr. ,Arthor Ford of. the Lake Road held en AMxction Sate on Thursday' of• last week and leaves thiis week for Detroit where they will make their faturc home'. Rev, D. 'N, Morden 13. A. of Erekisne r'' 1 v sit P S,r ' c ' Ottawa S r1 ,5 RC char 1� Sharp the latter part of this: wcek1 Mr, Morden will conduct anniversary services et the First Presbyterian Church St; Marys next Sunday, P;er ti, N,Creech, ar.d W. Gladrrian in there from ,.it Shewas a ureter- • et.ior In pieces,. The animal is,de- that the following payments •lee con- ber of the Methodist chtitch and was l g roe nicely. - f:ixrncd'',host, i:loaldcr: Manure 2,00 ]3'. of a beautiful Ohristain character be -i That her.•dreas. of 'barrels of appke ck i r t:irnrice 3'25; Times Adver»_i Spa n ar, , loved by all who knew her, Her hus rvr11 Yo to waste throa3hout books 30 5; k'ourdaughfsers wend three sans survii>e I rryic,I, im,pi reet;t work on the part et P.e .tS, k'''' Fake n.lijotirrment viz: Nelson Te of Exeter, Wtlliatn and the Counters. is the opinion expresre,cti J, GIRIGG SE"ed Bert at Sharen; Mrs• Broderick rtnit berc. The price, of the fr'tif, rpm '^- Mrs. R.„7ohnston of Landon, Mrs Thos eines eru•i>td the dollar mark but Now ie the times to send t'hc Peen- Trevethick and Miss Lydia at borne, the farmer's by ro ma ons t‘xert thcm- i:er I'Timea to your fri• zidn or nee- The funeral was held: on Sunday to selvei to leek the et.tire trop, rind Loves at a distaneei We are giving • tle the l xeter'. cerrtetery conducted by it is probable that large ty ear t:ties - r, balance, of flues yeatr free to new stub- ,Rev, $Diet. Tricks of h[ensallr her rpt' aC es1:c`cr, alsp.c,s evil.! x.»ver be xe- using 5,00 Toronto School Sanity band predeceased her eighteen years. i this district. orvitg to so r�cxN;N ' LAMP ORT—It Stepheni, on Nova 2nd to Maf, and Mrs. Samuel Lamport a da ighNert. iJUNTLR— Ir. Usbornel on Tuesday, Novernber 12th;, to Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Hatter a daughter 11ODQINS—Ir- Centralia., on Wedines- rlay, November 13tL1. to Mr. and Mr, 'Wesley Hodgins a son. SIIEERE-7.r. Lancing Mich, on Fri • day November Sth to Mr; ar.d Mrs, 'A calui.lia Shecre a ';Dreg Joe- Alf re d MARRIED EARNER TREII3NER—Ir Stephen on Wednesday Nov: ,lath Muss Minnie da;ageeter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Treibrer to Mr, henry Fanner by Rev„ C. W. Sanders of ti3rantf-ordi NADIG.RR—NAUSHWANGER -- At the 9.atherani church Dastievood on Tuesday November 12th Margaret lis, daa,ghter of Mr, and Mrs; henry Naxshwargert, !o Mr. Edward II, tea diger by the Bev, Mr, Than IIA1tL'TON SHErtltITT—Al Metlod- est parsonage, Avon tet, on les.,ed- SHIRTS COLI! r esday Oct 23rd by Rev 3', t' Felt- 9_a 1 ccribcre. Relatives et tt dia,taxce will merpaeloi', rxloved frons the trees, aporeounte ;tet,: �taila>t lCewt, . fix, ,a9 per yea, nee rybo Y o1i1 Ordering their New Fall band Winter SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our Stock was never so large and complete wvifb New Woollens for Suits and Overcoats as at the present time See our New Style fee str GOts For Men and Boys ------•r-•nam~ ts' Furn We also have a Fi:'st Class Assortment o y C eli:ffe Mr;, Herbert ,1;, tlirltor- of Shipka to Miss Harriette Alberta eldest daug teen' of Mr, Wm, Sher -1 SOCKS, ri.tt of ;Contra TIES, nirlr O'N1!L'—Tr' l3idefolph• on Tuesday Nov 121,11 Mra, Johr O'Neil HAI'S & CAPS 4 her. 17 t,Er in SUSPENDERS iV S KESTLE-en. Stephen on Nov, 7t:i Mien Joseph Keene aged 14 rears 1 and 8 months. SW1NERT'ON-•-In Ti`ngrsvlliie on Nov. ember” lithe, Janes Swirertoa for.- rn•erly of Exeter in his 82nd: $rear. MO12A71N—"Tr. intddrrlph on No 3rd Kira, Thomas. Markin ilETiVES-7,r. SeaVox. tbf"en Nov 4 t Mrs. Gabriel Reeves it her 58th year, COWAN it. SI.atrley '1'jt oo Nov. 7th1. JoLrCowan tin d 77 yeere tied *. rnor, ties. -. Aki&.LS`.1Ii,ONC--'lr. Stepten en Wed. r_esday ;Nov OIL Robert Armstrong rrg•Terl 182 years ar.d' S.:mouths UNDERWEAR; TM A T., L FTS i1