HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 80,.................................4.44.4.......... S T E WA Rirs t 41 ♦ • • PHONE 16 41 .�New Suits it ::• ♦Z1+ 41♦ ♦ 41 41 P. $: We will buy any quantity of Eggs, Butter, c+ Dried. Apples, and Live or Dressed Poultry+ We ® •• V.4 S• Wollen Blankets Imported Scotch Blankets. All pure wool. Beautiful soft saxony finish at per pair $4,50, $5,50 & $7:. Sweater Coats For everyone in the home. Big variety of colors, in the new Tri -Collar. See our Spe- cial at $3.50 AND Overcoats For lien and Boys We have a full line of Men's and Boy's Winter Overcoats in - chiding Diagonal. Weaves in Grey and Brown effects. All our New Coats have the New two way Col- lar: Great Values at 10, $12.&$15 Fur Collared Coats For Men and Women, curl or quilted linings interlined lined with Rubber. Good shell of fine Hersey cloth. A very worm coat for tbe cold weather. $16.50 to $25,00 Underwear You need it I We have it .All the best mares to chose from. Every garment fully Com- binationguaranteed. We for Men and lWom n 0 41 pay highest prices •n 0,•, •• •♦ • r+ ♦ + .4 41• • •• _ :• 4• ♦• is 41 11 41 41 • 41 41 41 o+ 40 40 40 4 41 41 41 40 11 41 11 41, 41 ie 4141 41 41 11 40 41 40 1141 4111 41 41 4� •♦ •♦ 41♦41 •• •• 41• • • • •• •• J. A. STEWA • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41•••41••41!41 *•••••♦•••+.••41••••••••♦••♦ •••♦♦♦4141••••41••••••••••••♦ XMAS NEXT MON'i DO YOU R ALJZV? IT We do and we are making ready, we have' on • SAL now all our Graniteware. Every piece, large and small 1/ must go. We are clearing out a lot of odds and end in China, at 10, 15 a 25e. A good time to buy glassware, a limited number of Butterdishes, Sugars Dreams. and Spooners, at 15 cents. FRIDAY, TURDAY and MONDAY. WE SELL A NUMBER OF Granite Dishpans at 19c Hen Fountains at 20c 4 Coat Hangers at 19c E 10 qt Water Pails at 39c White Dippers at Hic Double Boilers at'S5and45c each These 3 Days Only, Come Early BEOPLE WISHING XMAS CARDS & BOOKLETS TO SEND TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES CAN HAVE THEM NOW. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE POWELL'S BAZAAR BIG VARIETY' STORE t,. An Advance ♦ j ♦ • All wholesalerseae vanced the ce of Furnitu e m • but we were fortunate in fill- o Mg our large warerooms • n,before the advance. There- ♦e • • fore we are able to sell at the • • old price. Come in and in- O • spect our well selected stack • of all kinds of Furniture. • iso everything up to date in • • the undertaking line. 4. Residence next to store. • Phone 20a • 4 N Rowel; rN ndertaker (Ft Licensed \ Embalmer tixeter, Ontaro • cxo1 Orr FLETCHER'S 0 Pt 1 Rick's Foreasts—A: Reactionary storm period falling on' the. 6th 7th and 8tJ-4, with New Moonfon• tbe Sth threatening weather 'wi11, eontinee over froth 'the 5th bringing- a return of falling 'barometer•, change to warm- er and increasing storms of rain and wind ons and touching the 9th: These storms ms will end int d'ashets, of early snow ands change to very mach colder about. the 9th 10th land 1lth, Prom the ,fa,fth to the. Clevez(th' central an the +8th general seus,mief 'anrest will be very natural and probable. i1 1regular storm period ir.,volvee tee to The .110th' ee`G1t +all orn the lee.'h: at this period the moots will be at extremesoetle dee1iratian and' mospheric tides will Slow from rortn- erly directions, liincreasing the proba- bility bY it y of cold raers, amii, ivindC to snow and sleety ever centrala.ntJ nortYern parts of the .countreli Pbe Mercury and Venus periods wel both be felt in the rdistxrba!nces, of ibis beriod,,ar,d to the reindof the month: y arms, at this period will' celnair+,ate on the. 13th 14th, 15th and 16116--fix et the west and( then, st day lby day to the eastwardessHiah barometer and change tc4' westerlywinds nand meet: colder will r he western, I:ianles of the t :use the �' brat center.. ,nt ' all t C r+ l h way a t O the Adel -Jilt. y li One of the most important thins, for know and keep in Mind. is' that ris;ltig tem,. peratere !falling Ibardnl,etcr and fair wen then pr'edede storms at ce rising. bar , o deft_ rrd. + colder* tfxer will tollaw• eatolriin cleating .wen• {: + l i 'i T: Market lie1�ort•.--Tate following is the report of the Exeter p. arkete cor- rected + p to 'November. 7th, heel. �S,'ternlard 9 , Oats 3�1 to lite ''l"'it ••'1 fl arle'y •4rb to 00o 1 , t . fleckwheat 4ento 50 ; t ! a 1. ens 90 to $1100 , t I Shorts $25 per ton Br'ar $22 per ton til' del 51oer 2.70 `' '~• t :+ . i Feed.. Flour 1,50 .- ll+ittex 20 ;I i•er1. 1'•ota toes $1.00 3 ba,. ( ("1".1-' Chicket. lIG i t • Turkeys 14 �' f , i ' I G eeee 'dressed 11 - I i Ilens 7 + 1i 1 • I' Ir Old aiooseers Ei :.� 'l r r•.1^ Old Decks 8 Ducks live 10 cr:r_ts, Ducks Dressed 13 Geese live 8, cents r i ,• 1"'I Hogs x,533 rChotce Export Steers 51,$0 0,00 Medium 5,60 15%70 Choice tl3utcher heifers 5,75 '6,00 Mcdeem 5.50 5,70!, Choice Ile tobcrf cows 4,50 5,,00 Medinin '3.50. 41,00 Comrnor. t,50 .800 Choice Teem'bs 5 00 ' $ 25 t "' 1• 'Choice tSbeep 4;00 4'25; e••••••♦•••o♦•••�'••••••••.• • • LOCALS 4141.♦... • r♦•,�•••• Mr. and, Mrs, W. W,Tanran visited is il3lyth over, Sunday- Mr1, and Mrs, Wm Taylor are mov- leg Ito Zion th re: icreek,, Mel, 'A. Hastings was in Parkhill' iast week or. rbra+sineers+,• Mrs, John Charlton reeerned house from 'the west et Satsrd•ase Mrsi, Woe. Reer is visiting' for a week with Mrs, Skinner, of Tesborne Mr, R,, 1,• Pickard ltd family are expected Lome this week :from the west Mr; ands Mrs; Reg, Elliott 'of Nor- wich are visitirm+• with relatives, :in town; Mr' Gordon Taylor, of Clenterr visit- ed at Li, . home here over Srand+ay and. Monday, Mrs I:r'til Roweliffe moved bis' fam- ily and Loesehold eneecfs',to Landon last week. Mrc, Sam Bll:ott has returned,: home after speeding the rammer at Elm Crh,ek, 'Sack;,• Mr, a .td Mrs, +r. i\ eMaLon,' of Hay, left' Taesda.y for Toronto where- they will sp r..d the winter. ' Mrs, George Bagshaw of ;Elbow. Sask is els'tis,g with: relativesiean•d freerds in town this week, the rhoiDe on Main Str : ire eer ginto ently 'Purchased, from MA T. • I; es :'i.e. One. idollai will nay .for the . Exe't'er 'rimes to few isibscrihe'ns from now anti! 'the end of next January; Mr's•. T. E. Langford and children of tArther are the guests of Rev, `. F,. and Mrs Sharp at', the Marisa: liths Ida• F1ar..nagan returned in Lordo,n, on'" esday after visiting for a•week wife' Mr; Find Mrs, D. Rra,,s 11' Miss T.' J, Altar! Eye sight spec" 'flirt will be at tbe Centra!- Hotel eat.:irelay November 9the'hours 10 a,m, to '6 p rn. WANTED—Jati.or Tor !Caven P;res- bv..eriar. ch arch. 'Aprplieations to be lby '.he 20th of this, month,. Apply co •Secy, J. 'H Scott:. Mer R, Samuel end d,am7L•,ter'Ma.ry of Hig:h;,ate returned .to' their home Tu+1esday after visiting the formers ,Parents Mr, and Mrs, J. Bawden A t p is a snea.It ani of money you give to soinebodr because you're af- raid he wore t like not being paid for something yea havn't asked him to do Wrn, Perhale will shortly move his 'family to towt`frone Stephen and will occipy the residerce an Huron Street 'recently purchased frame Mr Rowe: Mrs, J. 3, ICti,ght and child left, on Monday for Geelph, to join .Mr. tir_i,ght Mina Etta Whitefo,rd o'c- coalpar-ied'•'them and tvi11; visit fora maple oF, week, , Ravi, !Robt, Hicks, ofIletsall+ will Preach, in James Street' church next Sunday iboth, morning, and, eveniee Bed, W, G I3, McAlister will conduct at,niversery services for Mr, Hicks at Hensel": In the list of names composing the Westerm l•lr+ivereity Rugby tea in the r.otice the mimes of 'two Exeter Old Nye, viz; 1)r, Harry R. Stovers min+ ager and middle wing;, and Aeactie .Ylartir- spare. NOTIICE 'Havitg rented the reed blacksmith, stats of Wright & Atkie- sor:, kin Main Street 1 am prepared to do ally kinds at horse shoeing and gen- eral repair work'; Sattsf+tctron guar- anteed., A call seticited, D. 'Mc- Donald. • Hallowe'en passed off quietly. ' in had town. de erri,rg eThe rain ffect thering ect enthe small. boys and drove them home early. Only a few petty pranks were played principally on the s:.de street•. E_- tra•poljcemaz kept watchduring: the evetin • The !Ar.ni.versary of the Main Street Me'thodest church will be held text Ser.day when Rev W, II, 13arr,aclaugh 13's Al of Sarr.ia, will mod act the ser- vices worr.ing and evening '. Approp- riate, music is being arranged' for the occasion !by the Ladica Qiartiette ?fixed Qnar. tettr;. end thei choir. A. mass meeting of the! Sunday School win he held in thet,afternoon. There are many elhareholdersi of the Fork .Coatty Loan and Savings Conpar-y who thave natrlbeen'.locat and rfhe money dere them, an the first and second+ dividend lies at interest in the' (bark. Any thareboldmrs, rwho have ;nob received a ehee:eel ahoul:t write at once to tt-le National TrJ•st Ii,q'tida:tor. The text dlivideed which will 'bc fit:al, need riot iic expected for a eouplc rhf y'ears yet,: "leatror.ize honkie • cries 'the editorin,B tatxtiens" • frou�' Week to �v4:wk That is right says the merchant ,give it to awe 'Disc wha" „;o to opine ether towns to hey goons Then with this heart tilled with kiratless to the toy: al editor he settle his fob work to the EXETER 44+++++ +++4+4+++++++44++++ .'t+' .k,+II+.y.+i4+II+.g+.l + THURSDAY NOV aM f+EIt; 7 301 ++++++++44+4444+44++++++++ +4449•44++++4++++++++++++++ F+4°+?h'> ++.4+3+. 'i'+II+.l++f++l+,l.,l,.i.+is++g.+l++l+ ++l+ I'+i++i . + E44etlfetel+i'•. !°i+!1'+g+++.4+f44 ++ :+14 +4!+ +.i.. + ++3+tt! +++ ° elefeese '++�+;++i+4+ +re4 +4 h4 4+ *4" +4 y . 1; +4 ne .4+ 4+44,4 +4 + +4+44 4. +41+ +49 � 4+ h4 4+ 4 4+ x+444 44 ++h4+ 4.4.4 .g 44 +44 +4+ +44 .4+ 4 +4+ +4++ 444 +4+ +++ 4++ 444+ ++4+ a- 4 + . 4+ 4 4+ ++ 4+4- 4.++ 44.4 4-b4. 4+ + 4. .4++II++SII`: 4.4+ +44 • Having sold our Store which has to be vacated by Jan. 1st we are offering for Sale our $15,000 Stock of General Merchandise which consists of Drygoods, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Carpets, Ruges,Wall Papers, China, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Groceries. We can Save you at least 25 per "- cent on Dress foods, Mens Furnishings, Ulldrwear -and Carpets. r 444 4444-3-4-444444444444+44 per cent Discount on Wall Paper 30 per ent discount on all Crockery & China BIG SALE NOW ON J. Varling Produce taken at the Sale at;:Cash ;•Peices Additional locals on page 5 lir . __ Read the auctipn: sale advertise- wr mei:ts on page four,.jli Mee_'Lewid Copy from St Marys Journal, Oct. ir. town on 16th.—Miss Edythe Warren Nash, of Mr, Wm Dr London, gave a dramatic and humor- iously 41 is s ous recital in the a Opera House' on Mrs', J, Viral Tuesdaykg- iter pa Miss Estelle MacDonneli, of London. Resale. 4444+4•44444444444,4444:444 ++++++++++4444444444444444 +4 + 1.+++++++++++4+ f444444e • 4444++++++++++++++++44-e444 4+4+++++++++++++44444444.14, ++1'.4.+;'+++++44+++++.+4++++4; 4 ele+ +4 4• . ++44• v re • 44 ++ +4r+ 4+ . 44 •.1+ 44 .g+ +4 •,1, 4. .+.4. 44+ d00 .4+ 44'.- +4+ -nee + 4• +4 4++++ 4111104 y'� ++ +4. d+ +.l: -+ 4+4 444" . ++ +4 4+,1+ 4, 4+ ++4- +++ +4 + +'N. 9++ ion or lin +++ was in +x +�++r+r i++�.+c+ y..Y+.�+.r++r+r+r �++r+i..y++a++r44+44++++ :s+r¢++r++r +++++M+++++4444441 . zy lash Jvres of St, Themes was DOereeWe��';Not-ftrgct.j ew who has been maser- +E ay evening. She was assisted by re Miss Nash is a young artiste of great promise+ and prayed herself to possess Mr; and Mrs, Rd, Murphy returned '' exceptional histionic ability. Her 'last tveenk� fuer speeding sev+lrat due +g umbers were all greatly' en- Silverware japed by a sympathetic audience.Mr1 A•Stewart took an aura load proved an efficient 'Lor•don r.nesday evexeing to lake in 4 —Also— assistant and rendered a couple of 'f:verf Warne oniewh•atr improve iits f Harrow (s visit- + Rogers' 1841 d- +k That we have a Full Stock of i s rr; rand Mrse N, 'le_ various n JL Toru ay r Mies MacDonneli r to ' n solos with great acceptance. The re- A: number 'from town attended the ++ cital was Miss Nash's first' in St: L$ O. L 1 p Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Marys, and those who heard her Tues Traesday oyster su i er at Woodham and everything in the day night are hoping to have the op-i"g' 4: portunity of hearing her a.gsin. n forth v ere Sweet s ret"-rr..ed from Sea Jewellery Line. the Opera House. Exeter, on Wednes- the 'Carnegie Lib�rarseer. rvorki.n� .p+. dap Oct. 13. Tickets ?ac, Jrhiidren lac. g t b O' ++ Repairing Done Neatly and Reser ed Seats 35c. Elan of;Hall, ;at Miss. Ada tiVestlake had the. �' Promptly.. Prices Right v miefortute to Lave .her ankle, badly, 4+ Cole's Drug Store scalded gee. day last week. -George Mr; D, McDonald has opened• ,' n a A. Marchand Robert Gu blacksmit. e o bnildinT -+ aced led r • JEWELLER The Proprietor and Manager of the p i by Wright it th Id Famous GUY BROTHERS MIN— STRELS is nearing bis 50th. year as a negro comedian. He has made many people laugh in different parts of the world and pleased many with His Dancing. Many of the best Vaudeville Acts on the stage today thank Him for putting there before the public. He has started a great many and they have gone right to the front and at present are drawing big salaries. He has written and compos- ed , many popular Songs, Produced many fancy drills, Big Dancing num- bers etc. He managed this show a number of years for his father and by hard work brought The Guy Brothers Minstrels up to the high standard they have today. It is the oldest organi- zation of the kind on the road today. George is g a great Lodge man being a member of most any Society you can mention, He has a good word for Mrs, Powell, and bets. Maynard( and +;+++4e.1.444.+14,4•44+++++ baby, of Locdon visited over 6und:av +� with Mr& arcl Mrs. E, A ,Fallick Mr, N'.' l Mhail ovedd 7tas+s0iseholdaAgent, effects! too yr and is taking 'up hisresidenec+on Sta- tion Street in the Iaoese vacated by Mr,. 3, J.• $night• 'A' meeting of T,ernperaice, workers was held in Main, Street chard] on Monday evening and plans were for- m•.ilated for the comic;g• local option campaign to be voted on next Jan n- ary Rogers Bros." °Silver Fla e that Wears." Maim ` Sunz oil +, THE +'1847"s 4. Ir You WIs THF. Gnereferef AND Oareer. AS.. + Rogers. Knives, Forks, f. Spoons, etc. ' •. 4+4++4+II� FII+4.44 ++4.++3+46+d++F+.t 4. ++E.+g+4+g.+d+`!' +4.4+++4++++31 Dancers Worth Seeing Smith and Arnold the best dancing team on the American stage will ap- pear hear inethe Opera Honse with Guy Brothers Big . Minstrels next Thursday Nov, 7th. see thin .wonder- ful dancing ace, and Watch for the big street Parade at noon, Special Prices 35 and 50c. l teed F 0 and C r t i Met, ar.,d' Mrs', D At, McNicol of Stint., Air. of Hensen was: up+ before Magic- ford[, Mr, and IMrs T W, Whyte „I, i,strates Ieay ar'd Sanders on Wednos Hensel' and ifamiliee, who 'have, 'been day of last week char *ed w' • ie visitit, their parents. Mr, and M'rs. of Lkl nor Liscer+se Act. He 'h br was Johr, Weel:lake ret' reed to their, zee- 10 and ' is ect'v cis guilty and fined 40 an pective e 'hon,• r • costs s- J, tx, Star -bury acted, for the prosecu- ti.er, and T, It, •Ca.rlin,g°for the defend - art c s a— rands, ar», the home, of Mr, .William Gould of everyone and lives an honest uprightSexs`ntth rarrorvly escaped being de - life trying to do good for mankind, stroyed by fire on Tuesday of, last Guy Brothers Minstrels play at the f week, A spark from the chi Opera House Exeter Thurs. Nov. 7th, j fir f fhe ro mzcy set e Prices 35 & 50c. Seats on sal Coles Drugstore. eat A t TTJIM M!(7SING S o of and burned a targe hole The 'neighbors were called -,up every vagratt'breeze; and eotneone. by 'telepeore and assisted in saving should get busy and ghee them to the bui.ldii.g;' the trc+es. I hate to .see the lirg Kellar 'Bore 13rokeu-Mie 0 we' dews. 'to tLeiir * them ; tbie Christie of Stephen mint with ra f bring reflections b a11in t1 des t hley l n an. aniline ot-death and i t ort irate accident Tuesday sabl, l him , ut�dlly avhiCh will e plum+era•, The end of all en- lay r a Up 1 for o - de• v sme ., aor+ t' ,h im t e sib 'lou h' a e. II- was y Nm to'tyhify; 7'czr t p g i.r. iii x�' ha 5 field n ,c c with a i•oun'* g on forever like them, Z'1'1 wilt and dine Like •th;e'm I'll whirl a•..r ed - 4 +F • ,4.4.4..3+ 4+4+ 'A4+d•+t++4+++ 4• DELAWARE LACK. ++... AV�VANNA. & WESTERN - �+. 4+.. RN +F COAL COMPANYS Scranton Coal •4, • +I+ city, or eitilizes a piece. of +wrappir;g 4+ The 'falling leaves float, dizzy; on. am tivl:et., the plow• struck a'stone breaking the do'ibletrees, Mr, Chris, tie was pulled over the plow lereakir,g his collar 'bore. Dr Quackenbush was called from town and setthe fracture The fly that i cra.wlirg insolently iedependentt, across the bread+•plttte Mere oil goer dinner table :has. recent ly come from a garbage car:, orper- The $est Hard Cosi 'Mined " • ++ haps 'rem the iatresc 1 cit` enemies, of Tr + a dog or other eriranl, 'her+, are. a ton thottsar�ds-or bact hills on ,..r� »�. t,he' 'body 7g feet yand. g of ,that, fly. Ainotg thret i are aa'�a„ +'d e...l.+tL + Y of. r ps ,. amt, �,err�iq o, ty'phcil' fever there neral land down hi the mud land, f fear already, 1;,11 make no louder thud. Mac 'thinks that When heel perish bis eriet,ds will breale their ;hearts; his memory theyll cher- ish', +alasil when he til�oarf;:9_it' is - a sad 'carfeslsiaa--thee world but lightly ,eri,eves; 'hie matte to More itupr'es. si0 1Y.+tl:' than '�lo :the fallingl+ca �� rtes+ itis ereditoris may languish a ''Mile and tees�y' t' air hair .and •otter"sobs, 0ean:- gui�sh',, bit •theyalorre +i;lleeare Ilte':lt, jar the + s rC so,ar 1Yyst'eirt w,HTtr hr, rdrolpb:. l,c tlieachc'is 'terra;but:-:"klead 'no , or dysett:ery or ''t ehercolosie,. Toll l t�*ie areriri', ,. ..•,+ has m� him . , • � 1. aLG +ztvare aT. missed sari + COALtree t teto 1•One 01 f -d y r tol" ar y I MANk#r a . paper to write ar, order an for goddv t a state e r . lxl to a. o I .r to 1 d s m c 'ht, , Ti:xit;n t ;� •.. ; . , + the zit;+..ddwss g rs Phe lt+o.vr.a now !+ eIf ntre the ily, ar,,d run dart., ortend y J,d, 1 r. ++ k .. f E 1 Suah, thou ra� its t .,e!i1.1.+00++++++,t++0+++++4,„+„. ,oli,tar, beeomin� a riGttarr Ca xiop j:i;i e are ill!oartwau.len• +ie we i nit be tSlad. UVa aslac, ailing, s,ulglgeei,•, en•d neeke tis eadt. 6OULDS GROGERY PHONE 47. • Opposite Electric Light Place We make a specialty of fil- ling Fancily Orders. The Groceries wed deliver are the best to be had and the prices we ask are the lowest possible. Send or bring your next or- der to us' and be convinced th :t this is the Right Store to buy your Groceries and Pro- visions. THE TEA AND CORE FORE WANTE b ch oe r e Batter arc' Fresh Eggs, CASTOR Por Infants ,and Children. K�+ l You Ha voAIway s Bought Bettis the Beer aures oI t ti'b,i l d r ear Ory FOR FLETCHE'S CAa-ro '' IA.