HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 7flQM11MRRYOldUt1U! ',(+llaWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOTIN BULL AND 'us PEOPLE. •. Occurrences in he Land That Reign6Supreme in the Com- ‘'.. o"ts , menial World. Mr. Thomas Ward has been Oho - ¢en as the next Mayor of Notting - Police Inspector Arthur Walls of Ziastbour'ne was shot and killed by n burglar. An attempt has been made to smuggle tobaeoo into. Dull in a 'hi: 's medicine chest. Harvesting and .ploughing have been carried on side by side in the Cambridge Fens. Mr. Charles Walter Bolton, CJ.S.I., has been elected Mayor for Eastbourne for the coming year. Durham Co-operative Society at their quarterly meeting declared a diividend. of 28. 8d. in the pound. At St. Pancras Cemetery the gravediggers are to have their wages increased to 30s. a week. A fresh outbreak of foot and mouth disease is reported from a farm at Bingford, Northumberland. Miss H. P. Brown, who has been. 'Postmaster of Wickhambrook, Sul- - folk, uf---folk, for 53 years has just retired. During the past year the receipts et the famous maze at Hampton Court Palace amounted to nearly $2,750. Miners throughout the North A GOOD) ItABIT Tea when you - 'are tired particularly if ;it's UPTON'S EA Goes farthest for the money LETS NOBEL PRIZE WEAK STOMACHS Need New, Nioh Blood to NestOre hem to a Healthy Uonclition. Actually in need of feedto nour- ish the body and yet afraid to eat because of the racking pains that follow, That is the condition of the sufferer from indigestion --a Choke between starvation or merciless torture. Tho urgent need of all dyspep- ties, of everybody whose organs of digestion shave become unfit to per- form their important duty, is for stronger stomachs that can extract nourishment from 'food. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give weak eto- machs, just t'he strength they ntdeede by enriching the blood supply, I e and strength to e i b giving tone stomach and its nerves, and enab- ling it to do the work nature in- tended it to do. Thousands of cases of indigestion have been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, of wihich the following is but one instance. Miss L. A, Brown, Port Albert, Ont., says For a number of years I was a terrible sufferer from indigestion, and as a result I became completely run down, and. suffered from backaches and nerv- ous troubles as well, I had to force myself to eat, but never enjoyed a meal owing to the awful painsthat followed eating, Life was becom- ing a burden, and as medicine after medicine failed tohelp thio me felt life a was doomed to go constant sufferer. Finally a roar- Tied sister strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have reason to be thankfulthehat 1 as followed her advice, fully restored myhealth, and I can now enjoy all kinds of food with- out the least discomfort, and my friends say I am looking better than I have done for years. At all events I know 1 feel like D w p a - r son, so shall always praise Hams' Pink Pills." Wales eoal field have ved an advance. of fwee per c t. on the minimum wage. a Scunthorpe Ernest Thackeray, r (Lincolnshire) man has been award- ed the Edward medal by the King entered by burglars and goods to the value of $20,000 stolen. £17,387 has been awarded as com- pensation for the extinction of li- censes' of 14 public houses by the Surrey ,•Licensing Committee. As many as 369 stray dogs were of i seized last year e lhe City i ye only onOf- don by the poice, were restored to their owners. A pike measuring 44 inches in length, 20 inches ie. girth and weigh- ing 26' lbs., was caught in the north Level Stream, at Tydd. • Shopkeepers at Hae pton Court. have been exempted from the Shops `Act during the summer months by the Middlesex County Council. A pauper lunatic has just died af- ter forty-three years' residence in the Mickleover (Derbyshire) Asy- lum, and has cont the union $6,000. James May, solicitor, Tow'n Clerk of Workingham, . was sentenced to three mo'nths' imprisonment for as- saulting a servant girl in his em- ploy. The death has occurred at New Ferry, Cheshire, of Sergeant Henry Barnes, a Balaclava veteran, who was nursed by Florence Nightin- gale. Tobacco leaves • grown at Meth - void, Norfolk, formed part of the decorations in Methwold Parish Church at the harvest thanksgiving festival. Herbert F. Clothier, of Green- wish, was sentenced at Uxbridge to three weeks' imprisonment for be- ing drunk while in charge of a' mo- tor lorry. During the past six months the Battle (Sussex) Board of Guar- dians relieved 316 tranop e years ago the figure • for the same period was 3,071. Mr. P. Bryant Baker, of Chelsea, has been commissioned to make a marble bust of his late Majesty to be placed in the •Middlesex County Hall, Westminster. At a'meeting of the Lexden and Winstree (Essex) Guardians it was reported a profit that showedthe workhouse farm for the half year of 'over $380. for bravery. Meagre. Elgin's jewellery shop, Liverpool Street, London,, has been !Every Pair Insured 888 days against breakage Cords slide when you o valleys, no harness -just comfort l Osaka damped "EZE" esmitres. of Dealers or C for 50x.. 5 e at aid P P (PFIOhOU'NGEASY) Lt0flG 513SP IDERCO.TOR011T11,6s1i. USPEN BROWN'S USES FOR(MEWING G"UIts Hied ilia Mouth Clear and C. treses Souk Children. Ordinarily the use rzf .chewing guxn is considered ,,rather ill-bred sed is frowned upon by those who have charge o£ the training of chil- dren. When the habit is indulged in ern the street nr in company it certainly is disgusting. liewever, it has been found that the tabooed gum is very useful in certain condi- dans. When the typhoid fever patient commences to gala he is ravenously hungry,` but is •allowed only a scanty diet. The long days seem endless,with nothing to do but count the stripes on the nurse's dress or the spots or squares on the counterpane. Gum has been found to be an allowable eelaoe. Also it is beneficial to the patient, for it stimulates the flow of the digestive secretions, which have become defi- cient. Not only this, but the 'move- ment of the tongue tends to keep the mouth clean. In typhoid there is liable to be an accumulation of a brown deposit, called, sordes, on the aeth and tongue. Chewing gum lessensthis deposit. °Gum may be given to children who are confined with other anddie- e mel a eases; as scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria. Needless to say, a fresh piece should be "supplied every time, and the patient shoeld not be allowed to chew it too long at a time. It is strange that gum is not used more commonly during illness, especially of children, for the gum serves to relieve the .wearisomeness of the long hours of convalescence. Recently gum chewing has been advocated for an entirely different condition. Some children have a habit of biting the nails, a habit which it seems very difficult to break. The application of red pep- per, quinine, quassia, or other bit-. ter remedies sometimes fails to have the desired effect. -The treatment requires great perseverance and is complicated further by the fact that the child usually is of an extremely nervous disposition. Some authors have advocated the application of a device which holds the teeth slightly apart, and, therefore, makes chew- ing difficult. This has several dis- advantages, as it frequently in- creases the nervoesnes•s of the child and may help to cause mouth breathing. Some bright individual conceived the idea of supplying these children with gum, and it was found that they ceased to bite their nails. It .also had the beneficial ef- fect of increasing the secretion of the digestive juices, which some- times are deficient in nervous, poor` ly-nourished children, Many people have found that the habit of chewing gum for a few mo- ments after meals has caused their indigestion to vanish. Dr. Alexis Carrell, Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for. Medicine, may well be called a wizard of the medical world. In his laboratory in the Rockefeller In- stitute for Medical Research he has accomplished wonderswith animal life that are analogous to the won- ders performed by Luther Burbank in the field of botany. It is said. that Dr. Carrell has taken the heart out of a dog, put dog and heart in cold storage for a week, and then restored the dog to life. He is fa- mous in every part of the world as a surgeon. New ]Burglar Safeguard. The more pretentious apartment houses in Vienna have a curious im- post levied upon them. The doors are closed at 10 o'clock at night, and after that hour every one onto who or comes must pay 20 til midnight and 40 cents there- after, until 6 o'clock in the morn- ing. The impost must be p s many times as a man enters or leaves a house. If, for instance, a person is in the house of frienda until 1 o'clock he must pay 40 cents on leaving the friend's house and another 40 cents on entering his own. The money thus raised is de- voted to protecting citizens against burglars. MOTHERS RECO MInEND BABY'S OWN TABLETS TREES" IWO Wafts US: ski sot coataks phanalidlia.atlialitii44. *04110 or ropy Ober 4fuougotous ' , a box 11 your Druggiixra, Sou**. uouo *oiorrounu.e.-oveoguor.ounuro., BROWN'' NURSERIES. 1NELLAND COUNTY, ONT. Now is the Time to Think About your Maple Syrup Business Consult any of your neighbors who have used the ''`Champion" Evapor• ator. They will tell you to install before the snow is on the ground. Costs no more to buy now than in March. Write for free booklet. THE GRIMM MFC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., MG;dTREAL,QUE. Children Should Have Good Light for Studying A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects mom'' ast for life. An oil lamp is best. The light rorn the work under Ra o amp is soft and. mellow. You can read1 or hours without hurting your eyes. The R j�YO fa conetruCtsd scientifically. Itis the . beat leotnp xaadeyct fnetepe SettecE. rr made of solid, brass-nnic nickel & L..aiiip, Lighted without removing or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made in various styles and for all purposes. Dealers Everywhere OIL COMPANY„Limited �.. EG THE !IMPERIAL WINNIPEG TpFCCNTO HALIFAX 5T ,ttlFii•i pllOtVTWRAL. L Mothers having once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones will always be found using them as long as there is a baby in the home. The Tablets are acknowledged by thousands of mothers as being their best friend in keeping the lit- tle ones well. Whether it be con- stipation, colic, 'indigestion or worms ; whether baby is suffering from cold or has simple fever, or whether his teething is difficult, the Tablets are the one safe remedy which will speedily cure him. They are guaranteed by a government analyst to contain not one particle of harmful drug and may be with benefit to the new-born babe or growing child. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. . Lucid Explanation. ``That's a terrible noise sin the nursery, Mollie," said her mistress. "What is the matter 1 Cant you keep the baby quiet?" "Sure mum," replied Mollie, "I can't keep him quiet unless I let him make a noise." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. WII-' Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NAVA. EL XPENDITURE. Statistics Show Great Increase in i Last Decade. Throughout the world the total number of Boman Catholics is es- timated at 264,500,000, and of these there are 5,758,000 in Great Britain and Ireland. OF EN GL AN D. NEW SEALS Represent Ring George on Throne and On Dreadnought. The moat important work under- taken last taken at the British mint y was the preparation of the new great seal and counter seal of Eng- land. In character the great seal resembles the famous Bretigny seal of Edward the Third (1360-69). King George is represented seat- ed on an elaborately carved and canopied throne, wearing his crown and robes and holding in his right band the Rsceptre and in his left the orb. Over the throne there is a canopy and on either Bide 'a niche within each of which is a t,hielh of the bearing the coat of arms . 'United Kingdom. Standing beside the niches are two figures, one re- 1 resenting Justice and the other Fortitude. elaborate In contrast with thisA seal design is that of the counter g, On this the. ;designer has depicted the ,King in the uniform of an A. e Iniral of the Fleet standing on th deck of aclreadnought battleship. Immediately below the royal figure are three lanterns, the emblems of nn Admiral of the Fleet. It is Crii to Neglcct the Skin and Hair 1 A report issued by the British Admiralty gives details of the total naval expenditure of Great Britain for each year since 1900, compared with the other chief maritime po- ers—France; Germany, Russia, Italy, Austria-Hungary, the United States and Japan• that the From this it appears gross expenditure increased as un- der in pounds sterling:— of the suffering ailed b neglected skin THINK ent y troubles — mental because of disfiguration, physical be- cause of, pain. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essential to happiness and even. Sue, cess in life,are often only a of a little thoughtful matter care in the selection of effec remedial agents. Cuti- curative Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment do so much for poor , `ons r e d,rough comple�l , hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi- nal rimi nal not to use them. Although CutlauragSoap aaand°int, anent ares da y druggists to , "Cutictira;' everywh postal Dept. 5M, Boston L1 S.A., will soave a iberal sample of each, itthat822e e booklet on skim and dip That's What They Will. She—If fashion makes our dress- es any skimpier I really don't know what we women will do. He—I do ; you'll wear the dress- es. 1901-02 1912-13 Great Britain .34,872,299 45,616,140 United States 16,012,438 26,540,010 Germany.... .. 9,53'0,000 22,609,500 The figures for France, Russia, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Japan do not admit of exact comparison, but in each case large and continu- ous increases are shown. As regards new construction, in- cluding armaments, Great Bratin will spend this year £17,271,527, compared with £10,420,255 in 1901- 02, and Germany £11,491,127, ae against £4,653,423 in 1901-02. .�-- --p'-- --- Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Mary, a tactful child of six, who had been taught to be considerate of the feelings of others, was taken to see Mrs. Browns new baby, a pitiful mite. with the pathetic look of all thin babies. The girl gazed at it silently until Mrs. Brown said: "Now, Mary, what do you think of him?" Then the little visi- tor, after some hesitation, replied, with an attempt at a smile: "Well, Mrs. Brown, I think he's a. very re- fined looking baby !" All the world's a . stage, but it l,ttcks an asbestos drop curtain. When a woman drives a horse Why does she . whip him with the lines' rse Cure For Consumption. -For consumP-. tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs, laryn- gitistand my given a fewes daysdtodlive by of thane only R after taking this cur specialist and Land w curt are alive and well, will 511. Pape request. Write Wru. R. Qop Me„ Toronto, Ont. A d •st obtain an imitation of from a To wager can Tonto house a 'ScrytoLINIMENTand have it house ata very low price, lab ltid his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Diek and Harry has tried to intro- duce. ARl]'S and you will get it. Ask for MIN That's What They All Say. "My husband and I never have a cross word." ask me "My wife never has to for money. "We live .in the queerest neigh- borhood. you ever saw. It'"s simply pines. It's just what youlike to llyou my want." place. Minard's Liniment dares Distemper. Pelt It First. Word had been received by the inspector of the electric light sys- tem that an overhead wire had fal- len down in a crowded street. spot inspector betook himself to the p as quickly as he could. found the in- evitable he arrived he fou crowd handling the wire in a most careless manner. Luckily, no accidents had occurred. Going up to the nearest man, who happened to be an Irishman, he admonished him Severely in grave tones. id the "You took a great risk," inspector. "You had no ' right to touch that wire. Why, man, do you know you might have been killed outright by' the shock ?" The Irishman looked at the in- spector with a knowing air. "A_b, said he, I was mighty careful,. son* I Sure, and I felt it darefully before I took hold of it)" COMPLETELA'`UT %TORE BOYS AND GIRLS. OWN A CANDY STOKE OF YOURotyerWed . you O®n.staae8 oto 1 the greatest money making and Pleasure p over big each d you c Shfselegant finest s. ° •daY,y,llingthe Rawl candlee to allyour friends. Each of these 'wonderful stores contain a complete stook of line Chocolates, non. bons, Mutter Eeatoh, Loecn- ,to.,sandy Belie, fellows, oto.,. oa., all in lovely glass Tara and metal candy mums, the same assn any big candy store" TM also provide 4 fins counter with drawers for stook. the magniflnent set of candy scales Son sea above, complete with 'Neigh ts nd platforms. aline sat of bright metol scoops to serve. the Dandy with, a stock of llon. bon boxes, candy bogs and in fact every necessity of the candy store business. Then besides all thiswon- derinl stook of candies and store fittings. WE OIVS ynIS THIS Strood 1 OAsH REGISTER Add AN EXTRA PRESz.NT. _ _. .... _ MALE HELP WANTED. TO $100 MO ens a TelePiapherGe for young m and Station Agents after six months at- tendance here. Advancement rapid. Day and Mail ourses. Write Dominion OSchool Railroading, Torfree �tO. MISCELLANEOUS. ANCEit. TUMORS, L.TMPs, etc. Ie• ill ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us � too Dr. .man Medical Co. ymd oln&r BOn- Q' EARN SILVER PLATING-PARTICII- 4 lars free. Speoialties Agency, Box 1830, Winnipeg. Australia's Rabbit Pest. Australia is still suffering from a plague of rabbits. Ceaseless slaugh- ter of the bunnies is effectual only in checking their speed, for they breed so rapidly that extermina- tion seems impossible. Stock rais- ers are wire -netting their proper- ties, digging out the burrows and destroying all surface cover. The government is helping by selling wire netting art a nominal price. In the hot districts they are poisoning the water. Notwithstanding. allthe trapping, poisoning, fumigating, is fencing and digging out, the peat spreading. No Place. A man had been absentfrh m home for some time and during g absence had raised a luxuriant beard and mustache. Shortly af- ter his return he paid a visit to his of sister, who had daughter a little whom be was especially fond. The little girl made no effort to embrace him or offer him a kiss, but hung back reluctantly. "Why, Eleanor," said the mo- ther, "why don't you give Uncle Ed. a kiss?" "Well, mother," returned the child, with the most perfect s' m- plicity, "I don't see any p FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and KiGoo a ocleaned. Tese ca Thebe sbest place is pp BRITISH AMERICAN OL DYEING C BUY A LICENSE TO DRINK. You Do in Australia and What You Take Is Recorded. The Australian liquor really want the best after all, f you o control the traffic and at the same time make it produce revenue. Better than the English law that requires the barkeeper to post the names of the drunkards in the bar, for a man that's a drunkard doesn't care if his name is posted.as many In Australia they allow saloons as there are men willing to pay the nominal license, which is suet enough to pay the registration fee. Every man who drinks, or ex- pects xpects to drink, in a saloon must go to the City Hall and take out a 11. - cense in the shape of a brass check, on which is stamped a number, and for this he pays $5 a year, and must always earry it with him. Before he can get a drink in any saloon he must display that brass check. If he is a native regular costo mera barkeeper looks over his book, ., ]nk or and tallies les his dr drinks. If he is a stranger, and has taken out his license, the new men is entered en the book with h ie number, and his drink entered up against him. Failure to do this, or sellibgea man a drink wirbhout having n shown the brass check means the absolute and actual closing of the saloon, and there is no appeal. Every morning, a blacklist is sent out from the City Hall bn,iachle sae a - loon, and woe unto titins who sells a drink to a roan whose mime is on that list. Naw, you see the revenue moist be 10 times greater than if only the saloons paid the license, for in that ht' .country, at least, there ab e many drinkers, not so mu f whisky, because of the climate, but Of the light wines and beer. Then there is a public record of every marl who stakes a drink and the number of drinks he heetakesin theo course- of day, year. MMlnrird's Liniment Curds Cargst In Cohrs. l It 0 em each and riuss p o Pie o.00 with b and Truss elk every dale made. It is Cao Pieroie with benkloa3c andkdYsaad >s awonderfulpr itself. envy and tyis, get anis candy store andit t o7 0 the envy stall elegant ds. Vie register nd ell, tyou will plots with the your cash xo0l0to t end all, if you will Bo amouavour friends, only 30 bolt. es of each. delightful fthe In ;Os Japanese, srtumeo at only Iso. each, They come In Valley, ;Oslo -fitly odors-Whitee, WV olet and Jockeyclub, nt nY, Valley. HelIsrgotro bottles 0.n toe Everybody mtstlthia o sly Lnutum°gold a tolls 3 .. a, bottloral labels. e. It like bot *alma. 1 It ons It. when sold, return our money, only $$ , eompleto candy store exactly as illustrated above ca FREE.register rind histle a willwonderful ent toffez o brigESSOht boyss an d girls. no the Arab In Your neighborhood to get wonderful store. Address, NATiONAL PRODUCTS, LIMiTED Dent. C. 309, TORONTO. CANADA. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. HUNDRED ACRRES-COVNTx HALTON; HUNDRED Good. House; Buildings; Orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. EVENTY-SIS ACRES orchard; about GOOD buildings and apple five miles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. � ACRES-F1vr MILES FROM LON- .J Q don market, soli olaybonk barn. acres orchard, ,frame hoevn or village Will exchange for city, property, or for larger farm- The West- ern Real Estate, London, Ont. "I suppose," observed the tramp, bitterly, "you would like to have me get off the earth. But I can- not." "Have you tried soft soap ?" asked the woman in the blue gingham dress, dispassionate- ly. bottle. ° Bend and get the pprfnmetoday. wst.n� 4 dl� r►aa,d discs Is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and T clogged -up kidneys and skin..he undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood, and the whole system. Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pille act directly rect iY on the b ow etst regulating ut a ti ni them—on the kidneys, glvingthexlt ease and strength to properly filter the blood—and on the skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take Dr. Morse's Indian moot Pills CR ltoaomla Protoot Presses rye--- Eleautliy Samples and Booklets on AppliOStiafa LAMES LANGMUU & GB., Lfinited 13744 nn+•l,urst Street TORONTO TO Maypole Soap DYES BO ZAMIL.Y With. Maypole Soap those is no trouble and no muse in home dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or nllxtures.'24 color* -will give any shade. Colors 10c. Black 15c0 -at you; ticalef's or postpaid with booklet "How. 1°8to Paye" from, F. I. MIMIC/ & 00. ie7entre2,l 11D. 7 ISSUE 45-42 +f�� •�Fr Tr v icl R..a' Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore ? Have you " cold creeks" which open and bleed when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold ,r " ' I sins or a raw Cilli r frost bite, sore, place, which at times makes it agony for you togo about your household duties ? If so, Zam-Buk will give you relief, and will heal the frost -damaged skin. %%Anoint the sore places at night, Zana -Rut's rich healing essences will sink into the wounds, end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says "My - hands were so sore and cracked that it was agony to put them near water. When 1 did so they would smart and burn as if 1 had scalded them. 1 seemed.quite unable to get relief fromanything I put on thorn until 1 tried Zam-Buk, and it succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the, big cracks, gave ale ease, soothed the inflammation, and to a vary short tines lay hands: ,f ans.Rttk also tures ohojin9, rewires, tpbtfrr; sweeets,piles, oolears„ fcttd,'t1t1 sores, d''Ord' MM./ anti backac, ebratsre, pimples, ringicern 410. outs, hums, braises, scalds, sprains. Of Of droggi,.-a and stores, or poet ,fret from the Zdtl3. Bat CO,CoTor01000. .Pridd 600 a box. - : .,: r