HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 6'woltitillogimmaesteeeeen ARMY CRUSHED Ready to vie for Peace -Constantinople Is at the Mercy of the Allies. A 'despatch from $ofia eays: A few more details have reached here of the four &ye' battle between Adrianople and Consta,ntinoplo, •which resulted in the utter out by General Sevol, Billgariaz Com- mander -in -Chief, of the Turkish army a 250,000 men, under Nazi= Pasha. the War Minister. The bgt- tie extended along the line from Dale Burgas eastward to Betel. The Turkish front was over 31 miles knee. The Turkish forces greatly uteembered the Bulgaria,ns, the tter not exoeeding 150,000, maay having been left investing Adrian- ople. The etestern wing of the Turkish army, at Viza, was able to main- tain its ground at first against the Bulgarian troops, bat could gaiu tee succese and, after three days' Aghting, fled. The Bulgarian array vigorously pursued the Turks, who rretreat.ed in disorder and panic on Semi. aad Tehorlu. On Thursday they were driven from this stand. * Many guns and large quantities of atnintanition have been caprbured. nea,r Lula Burgas, and Ma,ras have been burned. All the Clh.ristian inhabitanta, according the Bulgarians, were massaored. Turkey to Sue for Peace. A despatch frora Constantinople ea•ye: The Cabinet is in session. It is believed to be discussing the question of ening the Balkan States for peace. It is known that grave news has been received from the front, but its exact nature has net been divulged. On to the Capital. A despatch from London says: The Vienna correspondent of the Daily Chronicle sends the follow - "The Servian Foreign. Minister and the Greek Premier, who brought about the Balkan alliance, sta,rted for Paris on Friday, it is supposed to negotiatewith Premier Poineare. It is understood that the Bulgarian army in. following up its successes will advance on Con- eftentinople. The Balkan allies will not a,ocept an armistice, but are willing to negotiate Nate direct with Tuakey.' Servians Push Forward. A despatch from London says The Servian troops are extending the area of territory conquered by them. in Macedonia,. It was re ported on Thursday that they have crossed the mountains and taken the Town of Prisrend, where they captured a considerable quantity of Turkish war material. They are eaid also to have taken: Dialr•ovo, still feather to, the west. holds together or breaks, up the is reasen to believe that the allied States will hold firmly to their pro- gramme. They already have under- gone enormous saerifices, a,nd are prepared to face every eventuality. Only those who have beefs brought into close contact with the terrible realitios of this war can eatimate the extent of those sacrifices. In Sofia the wounded are arriving lit- erally in thousands. All the larger public and many private buildings have been transformed into hospi- tals. Even at that ,some have to be laid, on the bare floors. The wound- ed from the last great battle have yet to arrive. How arrangements an be made to aCcora-modate, them it is hard to say. OTWO RUNTERS DR WNED. Winnipeg Young Men Victims of Storm. in North, Country. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Two IMAM& ot this city were plunged in grief on Tuesday night when one member -of a hunting party returned with the news that his two companions, Edgar Guy Lees and Henry Keane, had been drowned at Netley's Portage in the storin that swept over this section Monday night. Edgar Lees was the son of the superintendent of the Industrial Bureau and the Exhibi- tion Grounds. Henry Keane *as the eldest son of a widowed mo- ther. MANIA. FOR SETTING FIRES. John Bradshaw Found Guilty of Starting One in Bush. A despatch from Nelson, B. O. says: John Bradshaw, accused of setting fire to the bush at Hock Ranch, on Granite road, was found guilty by the jury. This is the fourth time Bradshaw has been tried in •connection with incendiary fires in Nelson, which resulted in the destruction of the Hall Mines smelter, the Yale Columbia Saw Palls, great damage to the Nelson Brewery, two city blocks and vari- ous other buildings. ONE AND QUARTER PER CENT. --- Patrons a Charles D. Skeldon.'s - Blind Pool to Get this Much. A despateh from Montreal says: Failing on Thnrsclay in the .A.ppeal Court to get back the $13,746 that Mrs, S. C. Matthews won on th.e last day that the blind pool invest- ment system, invested and run by CharIes D. Sheldon, the curators of Ihis estate en Friday morning an- nounced that creditors would only get one and a quarter per cent. on the dollar. The ex -financial wizard, who is in St. 'Vincent de Pa,u1 Peni- tentiary, is engaged in mending the shirts of his fello-w convicts. "....,912110011.e 500 Prisoners and 7 Guns. A despatch from London says: Describing the defeat of the Turks at Kellar, Macedonia, a despatch to the Chronicle says they left 2,000 dead, while 500 were taken prison- ers. Seven guns fell into the hands cr the Greeks. The main body of the Greek army is now marching in force to attack Saletnioa. Roasted on Gridiron. A despatck front London says: The Servian Legation has received a despatch from Belgrade giving accounts by returned Servian offi- cers of atrocities committed by the Turkish troops before abandoning the country eonquered by the Ser - ;visas. •• "Wherever the Turks passed," says the clespa,tch, "the Servian army found only land strewn with bodies of men, wo.men and children, mutilated in the moat barbarous fashion. Bodies of men were also found bound to trees. They had been burned alive by means of fires loindled under their feet. One body bore indications of ha,viag been roasted ent. gridiron." Turks Again Defeated, A despatch from London says:" The Times Sofia correspondent,tel- "The on Friday, says: The Turks on Thurada,y made a doper- s,te effort to retrieve the situatioa., The retreating troops rallied be- tween Tchork and Istraredia, an,c1 were reinforced by a division sent from Constantinople. They were completely defeated, however, by the Bulgarians, who captured Teliarlit, Istrandia and Redosto. Altogether some 50,000 Turks had assembled at Tchorlu, and a fresh series of battles oceuered over the district extending from Tehorla to /strandia, and along the heights derainating Rodosto, A diversion wee attempted on the Turkish right Whig. Geral Torgut, of Albanian tatme, latided at htfdia with 20,000 rata and advanced toward Vim, wier,e he einoeuntered the Bulger- lan troops, under General Kittle- ahOff. The turks were „eompletely defeated, but whoth•er they sueceed- ad in regaining their ehipe or re- treated eastward is not etated. Enorineus Sacrifices. "PROUD AND GLAD" Because Mother Looked So Well After Quitting Tea aid Coffee. A woman was almost distracted with dyspepsia and heart trouble. Like thousands of others, the drag -caffeine -in coffee was slowly but steadily undermining her nerv- ous system and interfering with natural digestion of food. (Tea is just as injurious OA coffee because it ocentains caffeine, the poisonous drug' found in coffee.) "For 30 years," she writes, "I have used coffee. Have always been sickly -had heart trouble and dyspepsia with ulcers in stomach and mouth so bad, sometimes, I was alineet distraoted and could hardly eat a thing for a week. "I could not sleep for nervous- ness, and when I would lie down at night I'd • belch up eoffee and ray heart would trouble me. It was like poison to me. I was thin - only weighed 125 lbs., when I quit coffee and began to use Posture. "From the first clay that Welling ,amd burning in my stomach stop- geg.1 could sleep as sotindly as anyane and, after the first reontb, whenever I met any friends they would ask me what was Making me SO fleshy ancl,looking so well. "Somethiaes, before I could an- swer quick exiatgh, one of the chil- dren or my husband, would say, Why, that is -what Postum is doing for her' -they were all so proud and glad. "When I recommended it to any- one I always tell them to follow directions in making Posture, as it is not good t� taste if weak, but fine when it, has the flavor and rich brown ceder," Name • given by Canadian Pestling Ca., Windsor, Ont. „ Read the little book, "The Rood to Wellville 'm pigs "Th re' , • s teaeon," Ever read the abeVe fetter? A neini on A d,eeptetelt ham Sofia says: elOpears freni time te time. They ar'hee t,her the VliroPeall Oneert genuine, true, and Nil of human Interest. AUDITOR'SSIRONCRITICISM 1ts,,,,,,94T ON TORONTO IICYDRO. lilLECTRIC COMMISSION. Civie (Metal Points Out Apparent Deficit -Mayor Make$ Reply. The 'city of Toronto auditor's re- pdrt upon the finanees of the Muni - mina Hydre-Electrio Power Corn - mission for the period from June 1911, to June 30, 1912, was present- ed to the City Council Oct, 14. It says that at the close of 1911 an unadjusted balance of $10,- 795.62 was earried forward, How- ever, it declares that the making of a good inventory disclosed a shortage .of $113,477.40 between the amount standing in the books and the aetual amount of stores on hand, The report declares that it was apparently decided to Charge the whole of the working defieit on the books of 1911 to construction ac- count. "Entries were GOnSeqUelltly made," says the report, "charging the several construction aocounts with a pro rata percentage of the total deficit as found. amounting to $117,803,35." This sum, it explaing, is obtained after erediting the in- come earned during the period and in addition to it there is an out- standing capital charge due the Provincial Hydro -Electric Power Commission amounting to $248,245-- 80. The following figures show the position •of the civic plant on Dec. 31, 1911 :- Cash from city .. .$2,400,993 11 Interest, ole., charged. by•••o'itY, carried to debit of capital ex- - neuditure - ' ... 92,198 64 Deficit on operating andgener- al expenses to date .... ......, 117,803 25 Total oharge to 31st Decem- ber, 1911 .....................$2,610,995 00 Outatanding. liabilities: - Unadjusted items of city ac- count ........ 16,795 62 Unadjusted. stores shortage ... 113,477 40 Due Ploy. Rydro-Electrio Com- mission ... 248,245 81 $ 378,518 83 Finds a Deficit. The City Auditor is of the opin- ion that a portion of the $117,803 should have been carried forward as a charge against future earnings. He gives a general review of the figures for the six months ending June 30, 1912. He reaches the con- clusion that there was a deficit of $85,642.31 on the operations of the period. His statement of operat- ing expenses and earnings is as fol- lows :- Wages, material, etc........$213,674 85 Current, etc. ........ 76,522 61 Carried to credit of depreciation reserve ...... ..1...„ 35,027 16 Accrued sinking fun i (half year) 21,274 28 Taterest on bonds and advances (one -hall charged to revenue).. 36,305 92 $382,804 82 Earnings.......... 297,162 51 The auditor calls 'attention to the fact that for the half year preceding June 30, 1912, no amount had been provided to meet aeorued sinking fund charges, but that an item of $50,888 had been written into the balance sheet to cover the amount. Added to the deficit this made a total of $136,530 to be carried for- ward against future earnings. In addition, $36,305, the remainder of the"interest account, would have to be a,dded to capital account. The City Auditor thinks that such items should be charged directly to rev- enue. Treating them in this, way, the present position, he says, would be:- • Total charge to 31st Dec., 1911, as above ....$2,610,995 00 Cash from city from 31s1 Dec., 1911, to 30th June, 1912 ........ 715,000 00 Int credited by Com. 72,611 84 • Total charge to 30th June, 1912'.$3,398,606 84 Summary. Deficit to 31st Dec., 1911, carried to capital expen. .. 117,803 35 Deficit to 30th .Tune, 1912 •. . ...„ 85,642 31 .Accrued sinking fund at .... June, unprovided for .50,888 07 Proportion of int charg-ed to capital, ..... 36,305 92 Net shortage to 39115 June, 1912.$ 290,639 65 Outstanding liabilities:- • Unadjtulted items in Cit' Treasurer's account_ . .. 16,795 62 Shortage, stores amount ..... 113,477 40 Prov. Hydro Com. ...... 248,245 81 $ 378,518 83 Ineome Accounts. A comparison of the prineipal in- come accounts for the six months ending December 31St, 1911, ,and 3Crth June, 1912, respectively, is. as follows :- 1911. 1912, lighting .‘ ....316ekiDe0407.83$0th68,J56u2n7e5. Coro. Dower • 9,277 33 24,574 39 Mull, bldg. light ..;. 635 05 323 34 Mun: power .... ...r .. 4,313 00 54,664 05 Winn. at,. lighting • 75,893 90 120,058 50 Meter rents . , , .. 30 00' 130 00 $147,254 06 8268,313 03 Sundry e edit itenis . , 3,542 56 28,849 48 • 8150,796 62 297,162 51 The dity Auditor says that the system 'of bookkeeping in use by the commission is "cumbersome and smothered in detail." He thinks that the volume of business of the eivie electric department is, and has been, oyereetatecl. He believes that considerable saving could be made in expense aceounts, He points out that by the 'close of the year sinking fund and interest charges will have to be met out of earnings. He asks why "renewal and depreciation feeds' and "sink- ing funds" should be charged against the annual eost of the un- dertaking' and expresses the °pita ion that iTho system of purchasing electricity on the peak load plan might well be euperseded. - 1110yor Males Reply. HOIMIMIROMMR11110111011 teroroWinroonwinetw rre'o, "'.'m'oeemworo- LIEUTENANT' BECKER. Convicted of the murder of a New York gambler. 'keeping system of the civic commis sion had been built up under exper advice after years ei experience that the department was not over staffed, and that the system of per chase of current had been decided upon by the Hydro -Electric Powe Commission of the province. Th Mayor explained that the unadjust ed balance of $16,795 at the close o 1911 represented a difference be tveeen the revenue estimated by th City Caunca'and the actual rev enue, and, in the opinion of the commission, ,should not be charged to it at all. Of the item of $113,477 described as ehortage on the stores' account, the Mayor said that it was merely a question of bookkeeping. Certain invoices were charged to stores, while as a matter of fact the goods went directly to the job and were never credited when used. A great proportion of the amount had already been traced. The Ma.yor said that the sum of $248,245 given as dite the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario was not cor- rect. The amount, which referred to the eastern entrance, -represent- ed claim' plus interest to July 1, 1912, not the amount of the claim on Dec. 31, 1911. The so-called working deficit of $117,803, he de- scribed as a technical deficiency which might properly be included in the capital cost of the undertaking. It was due, he believed, to the dis- organization introduced into the op- eration service by the concurrent demands of oonsbruction opera- tions. Analyses the Deficit. The Mayor says that the loss for the quarter ending March 31, 1912, was $55,766, and the loss for the quarter ending June 30 was only $29,873. Of the first quarter's loss, $17,056 is interest on investment, $17,065 is written off for deprecia- tion of the new plant, and $12,639 is put aside for sinking fund. The loss for the quarter ending June 30 includes also allowances for inter- est, depreciation and sinking fund. Mr. Gea.ry declared that the loss for the quarter ending September 30, the net loss was only $4,647, and this, after allowing for inter- est $20,999, depreciation $19,443, and sinking 'fund $15,000. As a matter of fact, he said the months of August and September had each shown a small profit got by civic enterprise. The gain, he asserted, was proceeding and 'the initial loss was being macre good. Business, he said, had grown wonderfully. The city had 12,000 customers and a plant which could do many times the business with little additional' cost, even for current. "We carry," he declared, "against future profits the charge for sinking fund prior to January, 1912, $50,886, and our deficit for the first nine menthe of the first year, which is not an op- erating year but rather a year of construction is $90,290, included in which is $51,470 depreciation and $36,381 for sinking fund." 30 VOLCANOES ACTIVE. Great Change in Physical Features of Island of Tongas. A despatch forme Sydney, N.S. W says.: Thirty volcanoes, are in eruption en the Island of Ninafon., in the Tongan group, and many re- markable changes in the physical features of the island have resulted. A large lake in the centre of the island has- dropped two feet from its original level, according to re- ports received here. Mayor Geary, Speaking of the au- Balrinie free dieerIS report, Said that the book- toroceirom. icai f••••:' WO' ositri,'",:Ari" Mil 11 JI�WflilHuJllIliUttII u, Coiribrms io thne iflofil standard ef g000la llseirtof for five hundr4dpUrpOdtri GIo401 Maw, i r% PERFU 11,0110 illhalammummumm11Flirt/ / CaNa.an t -re.* t% easteM 'ass verWer aerfe 10auku PRICES OF FARM PRECIS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING CENTRES OF AMERICA. TRAUB triads or Canto, Drain, Mose and Otam Produce at Henuo and Abroad. Breadstuffs. Toronto, Nov. 5. -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 96 1-2o, Bay ports; No. '2 at 94o, and No. 3 at 92 1-2o, Bay .ports. Feed Wheat, 65o, Bar POOR, Ontario Wheat -No. 2 new white and red wheat, 95 to 97o, outside, and sprout, ed, 80 to 85o, outside. Oats-No..2 Ontario, 39 to 40o, outside, and 43 to 44a, on track, Toront•o; No. 3 Ontarios. 37 to 38o, ou.tside. Western Can. Lida oats 45c for No. 2. Peas -Nominal. Barley-Porty•eight-lb, barley of good quality. 65 to 66c, outside. Corn -No. 2 old American, 70c, all rail, Toronto, and No. 3 at 691-2o, all rail. No. 3 Bay porte, 65o. New oorn, December de- livery, 58 1-2o, Toronto. Rye -77 th 780 for No. 2 outside. Buckwheat -55c, outside. T$ran-Manitoba, $23, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $26. Country Produce. Butter -Dairy, rolls, choice, 26 to 07o; bakers', inferior, 22 to 24o; choice dairy, tube, 20o; orearnery, 29 to 30c for roes, and 27 to 28c for solids. EgEts-Case lots of new laid, 30o per doz.; fresh, 27 to 28c. Cheese -14 1-2o for large, and 143-4o for twins. primes, -$112.a9011d, iPniaakeja• ob b 18113 g .pweary. bushel; Honey-Extraeted, in tins, 12 to 121-2o Per lb. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.60 to $3, wholesale, Poultry -Well -fatted, clean, dry -picked stock was quoted as follows: -Chickens, 14 to 150 per lb; fo•rrl, 11 to 12c; ducks, 14 to 16o; geese, 13 to 14o; turkeys, 22 to 24c. Live poultry, about 20e lower than. the 8.13Povtei otoes-75 to 850 per bag, on track. Provisio- ns. Bacon -Long clear, 15 to 151-4o per lb., in case lots. Pork -Short out, $26 to $27; do., mess, $21.50 to $22. Rams -Medium to light, 17 to 17 1-20; heavy, 151-2 to 16c; backs, 2i to 211-2c. 1r40131.40s, ;1p4a1-il28,t01501.50;. breakfast bacon, 190; demand moderate. Tierces, 14 1-20; tubs, Lard -The market is unchanged, with Baled Hay an- d Straw. Baled Hay -No. 1 hay is firm at $13 th 4.81: troaen kt.raok, Toronto; No. 2, $11 to $12. Mixed hay is auot_ed at $9 to $9.25 a ton, Baled Straw -$10, on track, Toronto. Montreal Markets. • Montreal, Nov. 5.-Oats-Canad5an West- ern, No. 2, 63 to 53 1-2o; extra No. 1 feed, 52 1-2 to 530. Barley-hfanitoba feed, 61 to 62e; malting, 78 to 80o. Buckwheat -No, 2, 55 to 60c. Hour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; seoends. $6.30; strong bakers', $5.10; Winter patents, choice, $5.35; straight rollers, $4.95 to $5; do., bags, $2.35 to $2.40. Rolled oats -Bar- rels, .$5.05; bags, 90 lbs., $2.40. 'Bran -$23; shorts, $26 to $27; middlings, $28 to $30; mouillie, $30 to $35. Hay -No. 2, per ton, oar lots. $13 to $13.50. Oheese-Pinest Westerns, 13 to 133-80; finest Earrterns, 125-8 to 12 3-4o. Butter -Choicest cream- ery, 293-4 to 301'4c; seconds, 281-2 to 28 3•4c. Eggs -Selected,' 30 th 31c; No. 2 stook, 21 to 22c. Potatoes -Per bag, ear lots, 721-2 to 76o. Live Stook Markets.' Montreal, Nov. 5.--0hoice steers, $6; lower grades $4 per 100 pounds. Choice butchers' cows from $3 to $4.25 per 100 pounds. Tho.trade,in.bulls was sldw from $2.50 to $3.26.,per 400 pounds. Canners from $1.60 to $2.75" per 100 pounds. Sheep and lambo-Sales of the former at $4, and the latter at $6.,,:to...$5.2,5 per 100 pounds. Calves from $3 10 610 each, as to HIM and quality. Hogs, .89 to,. $9.25 per 100 pounds, weighed off the care. Toronto,. Nov. .5.-4)att1e-Ohoice butcher $5.75 to $6.10; export, $6 to $6.25; good medium, *5 to 8560; common, $3.75 th $4; COWS, $3 tO $13 bulls. $3 to. $4.50; canners, $1.60 to $2. Calves -Good veal, $8 to $9; common, $3.60 to $6. Stockers and feeders -Steers, 350 to 1,050 lbs., at $5.25 to $5.70; feeding bulls, 900 to 1,200 lbs., at $2.76 to $4.25. Milkers and opringers-$60 .to $80. Sheep and lambs -Light ewes, $4 to $4.25; heavy ewes, $3 to $3.50; lambs, $6.15 th $6,30. Hoge -$8,40 10 $8.50, fed and water- ed, $8 f.o.b. United States Markets. Minneapolis, Nov. b. -Wheat -December, 863-80; May, 92 1-8o; No. 1 hard, 88 3•8e; No. 1 Northern, •86 to 87 7-80; No. 2 do., 84 to 853.80. Clorn-No, 3 yellow, 64 1-2 th 65o. Oats -No. 3 white, 30 1-2c. Rye- No. 2, 60 to 621-80. Bran -$18.50 to $19. Flour -- First patents, $4.35 to $4.65; second pat- ents, $4.20 to $4.45; first clears, $3.20 to $3.50; second clears, $2.40 to $2.70. Duluth, Minn., Nov. 6. -Wheat -- On track, No. 1 hard, 88 5.8oNo, 1 North- ern, 875 -Se; No. 2 do., 841 -se; No. 1 do., to arrive, 87 6-8e; Montana No. 2 hard, to arrive, 875-8c; October, 865-8c, nominal; December, 865-00; May, 913-4 to 917-8o bid. Fritz Eberts, sentenced to he hanged at Macleod for killing a mounted policeman, has had his sentence commuted to life . n ment. POTATO REPORT'S WORSE. Yield VPAIn , Heavy Clay Land Is Practically Valueless. A deepatell from Toronto saye Reports from all parts of York county indicate that now that the farmers Are taking their late petal - foes out • :01 60 pito, wlitre ,.they Wefe stored sinee digging, the lose ;and depreciation ,from rot 'is inueli -geeater than was thought likelY. Little, of the crop will be available for shipping. In nearly every case the yield, was very large, but, the 'greatest loss is found where this is the Cage. Heavy clay lard is prac- tically' aseless, but the sandy and. Iightor sOLls Will givt! Pm„,bably•lihif • a crop, oorce good yiloes no re-, If yOU „Write National Drill f,ea from the 40..it inIncit of whit_ Co.; ,M Gonadal Littitte . • ' ehur.", in Nqrbh Yqrk, TUBERCULOSIS SUNDA.Y. December 1st Is the D ay Set Apart for the Purpose in, Ontario. Following the worthy example; set in the United States, where Sun- day, October 27th, was observed as Tubereuksis Day in over 50,000 churches, it is proposed that Sun- day, December 1st, shall be devot- ed to a similar purpose throughout Ontario. The Inter-Denomination- aleMinisterial Association of Toron- to, representing all the Protestant ohurches of the city, have already agreed to the proposal, and appeals are now being made to the prelates of the Roman Catholic and Angli- can bodies, and to the leading cler- gymen of the other churches, to have that day generally observed throughout the, province: It is sug- gested -that in the sermons of the day, the clergy should review the work already done in fighting the white plague, outline the possibli- ties of future effort, give practical instruction as to home treatramet, and issue warnings against the use of nuraberless fraudulent, worth- less and positively dangerous so- called "cures" for tatereuIosis. Replies already reeeiv-ed indicate that the churches throughout On- tario will fall into line with the Toronto clenorainations. Tubercu- losis Sunday in the United States was endorsed by President Taft, ex -President Roosevelt, and scores of leading statesmen and church- men, and it is expected bhat the public men of Canada will not be behtindhand in ,approving of the movement here. HEALTH OFFICERS. Must Pass Examination Test Be- fore Appointment is Confirmed. A despatch from Toronto says: The medical officers of health for the several districts into which the Province has been divided have nearly completed their course of instruction under Dr. W. S. Mc- Cullough, Secretary of the Provin- cial Board of Health, and Profes- sor Amoot, Provincial Bacteriolo- gist. It is expected that they will go out to their posts about the fif- teenth of November. Before their appointme-nts .are confirmed, how- ever, each will have to pass an ex- amination on the health act, sanita- tion, bacteriology, hygiene and other zubjects coming within the sphere •Of the work assigned. The doctors have been studying for some months and have been given special training at the Provincial 'Labora- tory. The department looks for greatly improved results from the new organization._ INSURANCE:AGENCY' , Spare time and energy inv4;" ed in a DIRECT AGENCY will bring in an Income for life. No capital required. Previ- ous experience not necessary. Apply for an agency of -- Gresham We Assurance Society (rands, $50,000,000. Estab. 16148) -and of the -- Dominion Gresham Guarantee & Casualty Company Head Offices for Canada: 802 St. James St., IRONTRIDAL. Bond investments B°NDS constitute a First Mortgage investment , - yielding from 5 to 6%, giving equal security and income yield, without the trouble and eXpense, incidental to the drawing of mortgages and colledtion of interest., This is ONE reasori why Banks, Trust Companies, Estates, and Public Service Corporations buy Bonds. We have on hand, at all &tics, securities suitable tor the safe inVestment of funds. LIMITED Guardian Bldg, Royal Beak MONTREAL 'TORONTO THE NEWS IN A PARAGII HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVE THE (LOB Z IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the Worlit in General Before Your E'Ves. Canada. Three French white ,slavers are to, be deported from Quebec. London Street Railway Corapa,ny gave its men an inerease in wage% Fire destroyed Geo, Fourner# lobster plant at Bathurst, N.B. ' Winnipeg's building peienite for the year to date exceed the ninetee million mark. E, Holden of New. York ha donated $15,000 toward rebuilding Thousand Island Park, Mrs. Chas. Tebbit's baby perish- ed in the flames of her house ab Berkeley, and she herself was pa*. sibly fatally burned. treMnrosil.. M. Fleneing of Sandwich ich, as lum, was killed by falling into a inmate at the London Timone Asie, Mas. R. J. Menzies of Lindsay dwihile atdi edsuddizlrylvfirtho7heiniihiugesbsataitz 'on Friday. Cu riday: Wrry, a Sidney farmer, wee ' killed while driving to his home near Trenton, on Friday, his wagon. upsetting. Many changes are made in the municipal act by the bill which 10 to become law•at the next session of the Legislature. City Engineer McCallum of Ham- ilton is treating sewage with the violet ray and destroying 99 per cent. of the bacteria. Hamilton temperanee Worker presented a petition to the Counei on Friday for a by-law to cut ol twenty-seven licenses. A C.P.R. train was wrecked at Lanoraie, between Montreal and Quebec, on Fricla.y, the engineer and fireman being killed. British Columbia will proceed • against all extra provineial oora- panies who are operating in the province without a license. United States. Capt. Lawrence O. Lafsoo, wh; : saved 500 lives from drowning dur- ing his career, is dead at Evanston, Ill. The announcement ,of the eneage- ment of Mre. Grover Cleveland to Prof. Thos. J. Preston., of Well College, . was made by Presiden., Hibben, of Princeton. General. A Russian aviator, operating with the Bulgarian army at Adrianeple, was thrown from his areoplane by Turkish artillery. • There are strong rumoia of Euro- peaaa intervention in the Balkan war, the propesal outlined by the French Premier engaging the con- sideration of the great powers. JAILED FOR LONG HATPINS. Sydney Women Won't Pay Fines and Threaten ,Hunger Strike. A despatch from Sydney, N.S.W., says: For wearing hatpins that protruded too far, sixty women, Mint of them prominent in soci- ety, were tried, convicted and fined on Wednesday in a. Sydney court. 7 They went to jail rather than pay their fines declaring they would not submit' to "iniquitous and un- necessary legislation." The city authorities face a, situation similar to that growing out of the suffrage demonstration in England, as the ereareen easel+ -*lost . if -further -are rests an imprisonxnent are order- ed because of the hatpin ordinance • they will declare a "hunger strike" in jail. LONDON'S CHA_NCE LOST. Naturalist's Fine Collection Goon to Calgary Museum, A despatch from London, Ont., says: The city of Calgary is to be the recipient of Mr. lames Tune's famous collection of naturalist spe- cimens, Mr. J. L. Moody of that city having purehased it from the London owners for the Calgary museum. The specimens of birds, aninuels and curiosities have been colleeted for the last half eentary,. and, in order to have there stay in London, Mr. Tune offeae.el them to the city foi;„ two thousand dollars. However, no move was made, and a larger sem was accepted front the Calgary man. sTriAris mon DOGS. Scores Slaughtered awl Meat Sold on Berlin Market. A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many, says: Seores of stray dogs were slaughtered on Tinirscia,y and the nteat sold to the public in the city market. There was a rush obtain the canine "steaks" and "ohops" as if they were a great delicacy. The eity otitis° ri ties or- dered the ;eorchorinee of the animals, which had beengati'e:red '611° past, alonth. It is planneA 001/.1 - bat the meat famine with domesttl, animals, and the pussies of the city may next go in for "rabbit p," , „