HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 4;714rczet-3. -1,44Cetasx-y-? SECRETS OF HONE LIFE statemeniiii4iiipatieigs taking the New Mali4tiee'lingt...:ihey Jae* itorcs' ° "i*r;No•NaMets'e4 Testimonials used witheut,erritten,ecinsent = liAlEtICOSh yzac,s cfUUEDi doNexerunoNAL, POMP, DI$E21,614. , . Patient No. 16474. "The spots are all gone from MY legs and arms and I feel good now. X arxt very grateful to yon and ellen never, forget the favor. your medicines have done for me. You ean use mY name in recommending it to WO, sufferer. X am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, etc.7), OATS TWO MONTHS CUBED 11Il1„ Patient No. MM, Age 23. Single,. Indulged in immoral halts 4 years. De- posit in urine and drains at night. varicose veins en both sides, pains in back, weak sexually. Ile writes:—"I received your ietter or retent date' and in reply` 1 arn pleased to say that after takIng two months' treatment 1 would consider Myself coMpletely cured, as I • have seen no Signs of them coming hack (ono year). • r• Tut' wows stx4Thrs DirrzukriT. Patient No. 15923. "1 have not had a .regalar Dmisslon I don't know •Whert . ond,,ato 6eling• fine. • Vile world abealti nuogether airrerent td ala and I thank nod tor directing me to you, TT talre •-leen an honest' doctor with me.", • • Case No. 16988. • symptoms While started treatment:—Age 21 Biagi% &lige& in immoral habits several years, Varictlie,Voins on, both sides--pirapIes on the face, ete. After two months' treatment be writes as tollowa:--"Your welcome letter to •harid' and ant very ,glad to say that I think myself :cured. My Varicose Veins lurve completely dis-' appeared for (Otte a while and it seems a cure. X work harder and feel less urea: 1 have AO desire for that ' habit whatever and if, I. stay like this, which X have every reason to believe I :will, Thanking you tor your kind attention,*' etc. ; - GAINED 14 rOVRDS INter11 ieteerrit. . . .Patient No, 13502. This patient (aged 28) had a chronic case of Nervous De. flhty aud sexua,i'Wealmess and, weisun dawn, la vigor and vitality. ,./i.fter-onen. Month's. treatMent he reports as eXo:14.:, ithrte-"I aro feeling very well. T 'have gained 14 ponds Inono month, so that'', 3 will have to congratulate you." Later -report:—"X ain ,beginning tO feel more ' ' like, a Man.' X feel iny eendition is .gdtting better everY Week." .1/19 last re-` port :—"Dear Docters—As 1.feel thiS la, the last manth's treattnent that 1 elm,' ' kave to 'get, ;X thought et one time X Would never.he mired but 1 put ton-, 'fidence In von front the Start itnd you bloc cured me." , CURES CUARANTEED OR NO PAY • We treat and cote VARICOSE vows.. NERVOUS !DERILITY. sIZOoD Ard, IJIONARY comPLAiNts, KIDNEY AND BLADDER, DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar tea rata. CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to esti write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. Ali letters from Canada snust be addressed to our Cam adianCorrespondeneo Department a* ft:4104r DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT'. rum' 01119,0KuallEDY&KEIS ter:Vithigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Moil. A 7."1:!' • THVII rmx Namtgom 'orzf eeeseieeireieellelee • eelee444etelefee The Moisons Bank Incorporated 1$501 cord of Progress for Five Years-1906-i9iO4U4.• 1906 Hirai $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 . . 3,600,000 4,600,000 DEPOSITS „.. .... . 23,677,730 85,042,311 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 4,407,000 88,354,801 XOTAL ASSETS... - 33,090,192 48,237,284 Branolues in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal Cities in the World. A General Banking Business Transacted Savings Bank Department et • At all Branches. Interest allow d at B.Ignest Current Bates. DieTcson & Carling Solicitors, N. t., HURDON Manager ,e1: +44-leteetieleiee+++4.4-44+4.44++++++++3-eielee+i-eielee++-eielelee THE CANADIAN BANK • OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, LL.D„ D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD 3ORI AIRD General Manager Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 • REST, $12,500,000 TRAVELLERS' CIIEQUES, Issuea by The Canadian Bank of COmmerce enable the traveller to provide himself with funds without delay at each point of his journey hi a conveeient yet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable in every country in the world in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100, $200 with the exact equivalent in the moneys of the principal countries stated oa the face of each cheque. They are economical, absolutely safe self - identifying and easily negotiated. • 8.3 Exeter Branch—G. L. WAUGH Manager BLANCH ALSO AT OREDITON — Selected — §ill[GEL-GRA.DE STEAM COAL—well screened, Hard Dright., and J) ioy. — Celebrated— Bine Lake Cement ALWAYS ON HAND Large stock of all kinds of Lumber, Lath, Shin= gles and Cedar Posts J. 6 atwOrthu GRANTON. Have City Co IMENS Replace thepesti- lent, draughty dan gerous and offen sive out -of doors clo set with an indoor closet which requir- EJI DO sewer De plumbing, and no •:1 • finishing system. nave city conveniences in your home, Safeguard family health by installing a • "Tweed" Closet • Sanitary and Odorless 'Tweed" Closets can be inatalled in the bathroom, teller, or any other conVentent plaee indoors. merely re,- quiring to be connected by a pipe ventiletioe with a chimney hot. `Tweed" Liquid Oben a, used in eonnection with Tweed Closets Reboil), a deodorant and a, disinfectant. •Many bundreds of Tweed cloeets bave beet' eiThel in Canada. Send for illustrated price list, • Wooler Apr. 3, 1912. Dear Sir; • The Chemical Closet 1 bought from yoti on Jan. 5th, 1012 isperfect, I did not empty it until Mar. Web. There is three in the fatally and can leave the lid up and no particle or odor can be foutd I would not ask for Anything better, •Yours truly, E. M. Wessels. Ste l & Mg CO NW AcTent:-W. J. Heaman. THANKSGIV N 5 DAY single fare for round trip 13BT W ESN all StAtions in Canada GOOD GOING • October250 26, 27, 28 turn Limit ,October 30th Minimum °beret. 25c u1i ictare. Ticketq, any iiirancl Trunk tkgent 14.1. Don* Depot Agent. 0 '--,TO--TELLI 'TIIE AGE OF :A. 11.011SE i ,There are th:regs which we meet' rea- son ont and others which, to be ' re - Membered must be in a kense Memciii- ied Or -e of tee latter is the method, oketellixer the are. of a horse Ta„,tell the age of eel horse Ileseect the lower jaw a. eonrso! The six _front teeth the trIth will. tell, And every doebt and feat elspeie Two mideie nippers you. 'betold 03efore tee eolt is two 'weeks elde Belocroeieig..h:eweeks two. 231°11 . will. meg• Eig,et .nonths the .eermers, vat tho , gum" , :, . , Two oatelde grooves, will deseepeae From the iaeiddle• two in'justone year en two years, Tien:tette. ecemel, pair„ li., theee the ,coeeter:s,' too are Jlia,:ree t two the middle:nipterS'are. , . ... At three theesecorel pale qiiet etape. Whew four Yiar old the third Parr goels, :At .five a fall new tSet--V'.'eati).',Vs•'*•••L . . The etep 131.aelr Spate .Will` peas from At eixyears. from the middle two, The second pair at seven years, At eight the spot teach corner clears. , • ; From ratddle nippers .upper jaw. A1 r.lne the black spot,s will withdraw The ;second pair at ten, are white, Elever.. finds the •corners light. . As time goes or. the horsemen know The oval teeth three sid.ed. grow.; They larg,er get, project before Till twer.ty when we knOw no native ---,gm. WHERE IS tOIIR CHILD AFTER 1 DARK? - t • . , Where pro tee ehildren of ,yoer home after ;dirk? We fear. that in oily too many cases the parents must ar.swer, 'We rip not know,' Whey ratty be lif a r.eighbor'r, they may be at ehurch, they may be at a moving Picture show, or they may be on the street bet the parents do sot know. They may be learning something. Of what true niar.frood and womanhood eie, or 'they may be taking leesenet lea .youtl.ful eleprevity from precocious bet all toceeapable. teachers, but the parents do.not know Weere are the, threes and cattle or even the ch: °kens?, 'All Isere ir. well -fenced pas,teare1.or se- ceee Innemng. eor weeemaxtpe offered to Ter. spy .risk.o.flosing arm. alui the thildrer.? Well we tion't • know just where they ere. Aed yet, if any ote ori eertle 1,s reeponsible for the elraree a those •elifidren, it is the father ard mother; •And if dame age comma to thoaei chiedrer.i thretegh earelessnese these jearents wal stand •conderned in the sight of God and mat. . tit f yet there ore childreei like eeeeeer. of eta( and: seven, end older ores of teixteen and fourteen. who are real:etre; tee -streets at. night, en - attended by say save the ignoranto 'La 'foolisJj,. or the vie:te.ie, stcl. their ordained gwirdians,.. the parent red coiu1ortably tt1Orfle, quie lyesc1n the newspaper,' or it may he tee Bbc, ore eleaeattly visi Una at teighbore while Oyer little dale - rat are igeorantly wooln,a• destruct:on In 'regard to tills matter we iney lay down one or two th!ags as obsto:utely certaen,. Tee f:rst is that the father ,orel Ino:ber are absoltately re.sponsible Lor 'proper overs:ght of their children lJrroftltee no4111.61.811re weelther the father be a distingui,shed preacher lir cr. cr dbiery ertisan, aloe whether U. e mother- la a women of gernirs or ey pr. ordinare haesowiece thee iir tto"i(Ii'y roe) c cart!ttle for n r- Oising a proper OVera4ht. otter theix ildreie; ant IR tit flea a 4+ only ton probable. that a swerd will pleree their hearta„. for which /4'.o SACCe49, Oat side on tte home shall have ony healL Ira balm Ard this, means that the tattier and Inoth:er havh a right to lfr•eu'i ead ought "to keme, where, an0 ivtth ehona their roliedren spend: eheir than. Tkdo :Lot so Day es it ,aisekl to 'bd., but the pa.'rer.t ehauld eiree met ix. somet way or,other.,,,. Ana ttell the Yelne; chlkiren shoed elwaye lee at Lome before dark, tithes ecompaelea beeme •• responsible. party or mender the care cd someone 'mho te trestwortby,• It !met irefrevently happens that we einge 'Where is fay warelerime boy te,e)liebt' jest a 'few years too late. If we keow what ilia boy. is 'doing glerisg the eirst fifteen yearit will not un- • usually be hard for 'the after years Every little weite our police court ece isad thers eed, mothers whose by lave been arrested .for criminal of fer.ceeeand tl.e broken-hearted par- ents ,dida'f even know ttat their boys were bad oettil then, Many, a ruin- ed boy has be•er.1 ruined, ue,t by the creeleality of' lis young, comrades but by the awful blinds:less and well-nigh learediele careleeenese of his own Oeristair, parents and no bitter tears 'Vex: ever' blot out? tl.elelsin find 'the seanae of a Ipareeta 'failer17 to keep faith withhis God ar.ce with lila child. -Guardian ALMOST SHIPWRECKE1). ,Trying Ordeel For the Sailor Who Wanted to Be a Master: • Joseph Comae, who was a sailor 14es fore he turned. autlaer, has told. oith� examination that he underwent tO; lite master's certificate. The =an:liner fai- gala by tryinieto make him talk niiie sense. "But I had been warned of that endish trait and contradicted biro with great aesurance. After awhile he lett off. So far good. Placing me then in a ship of a certain size at sea under certain conditions of -weather, eeael,on, mid so forth, he ordered me to omen& • a certain nattnenver. Before 1as half through with it he •did some, material damage to the ship. As soon as 1 had grappeed with that difiltulty be caused enother to p'resent itself, and when teat, tee 'was met he StUck another, ship before, me, creating a very danger- ous situation. I felt slightly outraged by thia ingenuity In piling troUblo wen' at:natl. "'1 wouldn't have got izito that mods,' 1 suggested Mildly.- could have seen that ship.'• • "'No, you couldn't. The weather's "'Ohl' 1 apologized blankly.' "The ezcaliiiner did not stop .tlaere.. Difficulty followed dificialty in the aginary homeward voyo,.ge just oft a lee shore ladth outlying,sand hanks the eXaminee said desperately; 'I shall have to think a little, sit' .• "-Toesn't look as V there were much time to think,' was the sardonic reply. "No, sir,' the examinee responded, not on board a ship; but, thee, I could see. As it is, so many accidents hive happened fhat I really can't re- member what there's left .for me to work 'with. Have 1 two anchor e althe bow, sir?' 'Yes. But there's only One cable. You've lost the other.' "'Then I would back them it 1 eo.u.1,d and tell the heaviest' hawser on on the end of tise giblet Mime letting go, and it She parted from thatkbleh. is tfuite likely, I would jtmt do bothing.' let; "Nothing more*, do. eh? , s1 1 could do no ntoreSt "'You cold always say your Pray- ers.' • "But the exhainted Captain et this vessel in multiform diqtrees was net shipwrecked after all. He pagsedervith credit" Nice Chap. • "He's generous to a fault." e ',Whose fault?" ; • • "Ilis own." • PERT, PARAGRAPHS. Loy is a disturbing eleraeni field •or forest, shop c.tr place; but who cares? The up to date sm- all boy b likely to Install a dicteg,rapli in the parlor when sis is especting her steady. Seems as II polities engirt to be warm enough- Is ripen the corn crop if the weather man fails in his full duty. There are se sn.arly professional kick; ers that tbe neerage man ought to be even tempered. year- the po- iltieui tinife ap pears to have wen diseartted for .113a lialehet Our hien of rintrz,h Met; srontri be !inane mit oh, the prize tight, the elee- lion anti lire initraliat pett.tiant. , . Vi:liett a Tama grimier -4 1'44 wifeet new exttpusive uttwo stw svottfaers %rata an ittosty be luta been perpetrating. . pertion Notweleortop Is lite ft prYPPY1 if bort so ban as haw, ne. its doesn't linnet 'nett f epos) the• oteggheeei, A women istet sorry oh' Ogtgrtli 0111 )1) a shower Irbela .:41'Wa Nearing n eat she doesn't tile. Smite peettotts tirdtld atio to stand in the pitetight thai they ore voy the calcium Wilk BINNING EGO Relation of rluid Frietien to the 004., 'flditlfQf the Earth. , .4.11 dieteresting experiMentt..eXhIbite the phelunnenen of Medd friction. Take two eggs, one, raw, the other. hard APd ,suspend Ahem by wires from an electrie light fixture'or other support, their long axee$1ng Vertical. • The if they tie gently turned around one or trio it is fated that while the belled egg; contiames.to rerotee the raw one comes immediately to rest MOO difterence is doe te the feet that the boiled egg to a' *1d body, the whole egg' turning, while the ,raw egg Is a field coatained in a shell, theShell alone being turned by the twisting of • the Wire 'end the ,fluld remaining sta- tionary. •• The investigator who* devised 'this and the tollOwing experiments em- ployed It as one of the proofs that the earth is a solid body and not a thin erust of trocksurrounding is fluid or "pasty Miele:us." To that case, he held, the observed swinging and sway. Ing motions of the earth's axis In peo- cessiOn mid mutation world be inspos- sihle, . • The same phenomenon is ShOwn in the folk:aping experiment, though in a , , directly Opposite' wait tIf two eggs he spun rapidly on their sides an a mirror or other perfectly anciotif sur- face the experimenterby gently plae- ,ingehls bisrid upoefe the. boiled egg as It snipe steps, its .reovemetst perma- nently. , But if the:same experiment be faille with the raw egg it will immedi- ately begin to spin again when the hand is rembred* Intleedelt is 'extraor-', dinars* how long one edit holdhis hand linen tit eaw'. egg without destroy- ing its znotlen. - The reasonhof ;this is apparbnt ''The duirl within. the shell Continuei to revolve; although the shell itself Is stationary, whilelathe other case the whole egg is stopped. • If oee attempt to spin the' eggs on the !ilium after the manner of a top, he will find that the bolledeegg. spin' tor a .considerable time, bilt,that the other will fall alMOSt ionnediately en its side: It hes ,heets''.observedthat this experireent tarnishes a selution of Columbus' problems -how to risahe an egg-etand on endee First boil the egg hard and theneapin .1t.--Harper's Weekly; • • BRIDES fa' .1APAN.. First TheyAre Arrayed In White. Silk, Then In Red. • •• Brides' in Japan 'follow'the imme•cwe tom which prevails In the western world .-that of wearing ifhlte tat - the wed- ding cereanony, at leaSt, during ,a part 6f it. But the eignidtaneaeittachid to the choice of this e'olor hi,cinite, differ- ent on the two sides of thetorld.„ The Japanese bridols dressed. arstin resplendent gunnel:ASA' white silk, the sleeees of the cestirmeinattally being aboot, three feet inne'htth; while the seal); 'int 'ideal:tine Measerea 'about eleven feet'inietigthe- • *•)' : But white is the meurnieg color is Japan, and the bride 'leaving her par- ents' hoose coosidersvherself dead in the, sense that she will never return • preferring death. ttedivercer and in consequence wearilig a white, cos. tuine. After the exchange of cups of sake .with the bridegreoreoihich is the most • itnportroat part .of the wedding cere- mony, the, bride changes ..her cesturee to a red one. This is• iromaothi • (changing colon. Red Is supposed to have a purifying Omer and 'perhaps clears the minds of the parties et ell association of mom-biog. Tbis-is .the origia of the. Japnneso. custom of using white costumes at wed- dings, butImauy people in modern Ja- pan do not any *longer have time to bother their bends evitirtheSeeuestions of -color and simply getaheridend mar- ry according.to. the keep* cuStons. with DO thought of what thecOlipre slg nify.-Oriental Review. ' •• . Wanted to 13ji, A tGerman fariderlefillis horses un- hitched in front of a hardware store In Gary. Wben he came out after au in- terval of a half hour they were, gorie. There had been no sound ot era - swag'. so the farmer surmised that:they' might have gone home. Ale ',phoned M s wife, saying: - "Chulia, ise der berses*dere7". 'A negative came over tile phone for he added: , "Nor der 'vagon eider?" -Chicago Post. ' Didna Look' It. A photographer whohad takea Dr. Ian tinclaren's picture destrbyed the negative. When there was a consider- able demand for the picture the photogt repher's Scotch heart was disturbed, and he remarked, Aggrieved: 'That man rolcht hae teal mei he was famous and 1 would have keep't aim, He akin* look like it." -Christian, Register.. The End of e Carrier. "Why Mare you given up the idea or going* in for is 'professions:0 career?" asked .her friend. s' • ' "'Because I h v ete peilectly splendidman wbo thinks Istvoisid be a lovely oruattlent to i buttl,mliattv• that be has his' eye oit."-:ehleago Record -Bev airL • ' krfireetiii4. ltitheicit' Haggard told 'me a Witt ato6, last night. riittyeels be an In- teresting 'story teller? Ethel -I obotid say So. He 'held, his; rindlenee from ;start to fittish.--Bosten Transcript Vloss, She -Do YOOoW Pee Induced My huSbonf) ,4o airy rfp dgfirs? tie) t so „WO, l're known WO for oven $ertrg; end I &Ott isttr him Fre PR. ' Extensive AuctiOn4.Sa1e or FARM STOCIcedd, IMPLEMENTS BAYi 11110USE10I4) '.1W1INITITRB & • LOT 1.4 VON 41(IS1OIINE or. xurs:ox.r.t NO,V, 12th at ti2.430 sharp, , Hors:es-es mere rising leer Yee; aerie; 4 gelding rising four yeas, aerie; oee pair of hiell aloe niataheit P epose , Lorse,s, mare and geld.* ; „.risingt. 5 yr; one ,elpice farmer s et r kver from Norainei, 1:r . farmers driving mare chat ar,f4; 1 farmers deiying• horse 9 .yre,i These drierk are, all' ;quiet pad reltbate; either sin- E21k10 :trtl'a:-uebothwl due in Noeerneer; re- ; Lowed bow.; 0 COWS 1/41lin 1.4„t1llrOtd and April;. good cow,; itstemsa rieirse years; 14 heifers iiisiag 3 -yrs, 5 Yearling lateers; 5 yearli:14 heifers 4 welvest - 2 brood. sows 'due in Niivernber and Deca;mben, 3 geese 100 h.ens and pul- jets lat'iPlem*ezte .e w eget ',nearly • , new track WagOn.; wattrao, box corns plet`ei top baggy :nearly new; oPen buggy pair of bobsleighs; cutter nearly slew Portland; cutter bemi used: 7 -ft binder nearly new; mower, horse 'rakes 2 walkiree plorea nearly new ; 13-1.Orse Cultivator. neaely new, coMbined bean cultivator 117,(1 harves- ter r.early new ; 11 -hoed drill!, zee karrows. eteel lend ;roller, 211\W; scut! fler two !fanning mills, hay rack, grav elbox; wheelbarrow, water trough grind stone root-Pulper, SO -rod 7. wire ',fence; Set team-terness neer. ly now; set Work harnesS, set 'double lighlf harness:, 2 set eingle haeneiee horse 1colleare bells, horse blankets 2 good robes, dusters, rugs; grain. bagsethaine, tsotne good iodide*. X -out: saw; buck -slaws; forks whiffietreeee rackyokes, barrels, step ladder. hoen shovels and other articles too era.mee- ous to mentions A quantity new lumber -ash, rook �lin 'end maple; la quent ity hay,. Coal tor wood tteatexe.milk pails and pees, orooks, Daisy therm cream isep- araton waiting machine, tables bed steads, lounges, .otairss carpets, mate etc eta. . • 1?osetively see reserve as me Prop- rietor has sold his farm.. • Terms-7Soms ot $5, tool tinder oast; over (that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joitt notes. 4 per cent off for cash or. credit; amounts., • Ti.os. Cameron • Rehr, lOolee Proprietor _Auctioneer Auction Sale RABAT STOOK tc IMPLEMENTS tee, James Staeley. 4raetioneex,. has ;Veen rinseracted to sell by public aection at *LOT 5 ,CON '3 RIDDULTell • TU ESB NOV; 12 1912 • 'At 1.„, p. rawsharp, the following val- nable Farm Stock and TrapiCinentfc, • 1 General PUrpose. Mare 5 tyr.si,t old. 1 Road tore° nine year* old 1 Dr.au.ght inarOryfs. euppoled to be ' foil to 'Thoenes ICarlitere'eel drttegat 'gelding '3 ..yrS. old by. Lord Howson A. fitly rising: 3 -years old in teal • by Thomas 1Carlisle; ,1 . gelding. . two years old by-- Lord Howson seekieg, colt 3 months old. by Thomas Carlisle; new milch cow pedigreed e 1 cow the 'to calve ot time of sale; 1 cow doe: Marsh 14th; 1 cow due April 11 1 toe's:, it May; 6 Yearling steers .7..ear1in.g. heifers; 4 spring calves; e Pall .salves; 1 Pedigreed bell two atoeths old; 1 eleood sow in pig '7 hogs four naottti- old 50 Plymouth Hoek hens. ..',11.`e • ew, vogent,,,new &itter ;* Ung'gy nearly ne.w,i 1434 •.'ly,agen ;• , Mower; New ciltivators Noxor.; Se -ed Drill; See diemoz.d harrows, set edebzeleiglis new rblier Hay' rack' wagon box; Fanning, mi14 Clinton; New Maple leaft twirflilow; Walking Plow; Root Puiper; Wheelbarrow; Moving out- tit6 jaCka 'and Iliare, CSferiges 1 Boring Maeliries; 1 Beetle 2 Sets EicevY naritries.,1 set ‘siughs harness; 2 set light ''haries; Seythet, Oorks'„ Does, Shovels chains A eilantitY of logs, Several; ;cords of wood ready for the stove, Nese De Laval Crs'oria Separator. 500 the, capacity Daisy 'churn 2 .liedeteads. Ball Doren rheirs Ilea vy „table; Parlor stove and -olpis. Waseing machine, galvanized Alb. and numerous other. arttelen. No reserve eeetee prorpeeteet. hue sPI4 .; • : Te,rms--SuinS 510.00 `anli' under •PPele eeee•leat, encezear.t,11,, .credit oa aporavecr:joint not irper cent off for CaSh'in Ilea *Off teitIV., 4as,, ,Stenley„, tisa Carroll. • -4;•10 Or -Pax. I• e •, •Proprietor Decision of ALIctIoneer 'Li° lie-1.1nel in case of "idispeteg • Auction Sale MANSION 1101.:SE SThBLEEETE1 • There will be f &A by thablie Auc- • tion -ea 'IDA NtiVEMBEil 9 •At half past two in. the ,altreneop or. the Mansion Dense 1 -'remises the above Stable,. e This ebeiele.g i. ebetxtieft an brick foeedation ale° bricked up oe iz.side4.1,11 qtr.! abeiL 20,0110 brick v T Lel . Stales are le lest close shape.: The timbers ea enet be erred/ere en eeeee, day. i. • h if. tat sold outright the, fol'owingl will ,,be se!d separately; the otitsidel itiniber, the stalls, the ,timbers and' the !brielt For ferther partiateori applY' lo • , '! W, Snell or .A, Mrrchand Exeter Dr, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulatOrf never tail!. Thesis pills ate exceedingly powerful to regulating the generative portioii of the female syStem. Refuse ell cheap unitstions, Dr* de Vanos ore sold Ma box, or three tor $70. Mailed Ito any stiftlretts Seobell Meng Co,, 8t Cathartnesi, Oiit Children. Cry FOR FIZCHER'S S lr Farm for Sale ''' 4 r•Bilr:T LT.= L 1 154 S*13 ° P4,, , 1 100ecre tarot...Lot 11; Von a 'Town stip of Rae oce London Bowl 2 144 miles from Exeter and 212 frem lleogiall. Apply to R: Bs EOSO /Oran, Ont, Farm For Sale Teat: valuable' proper*" Kwavord lOonce,seion 1, Lee a p dt tay oulae tatting One, handeee scree More or lees* with a good milk rotate. in con- nection, On •the property is a good frame. 'tome and bank barn; Two good epring wellairly good- Ora, - and. Apply to Mr, A Willard. on the premises or to Gladman 8c. Stan - bay, Exeter,• Farm for Sale 'That vaira'bie property being lot eri tont 1 Ueborne, containing 100 so- res On the Property in a brick haus . brink bank barn, tone etabee drive, shed and cow stable all bric3ke !Abele two acres of orchard of good fraiti fair good wellst,; well kneed and un- klerdrain'ed with tile, large piece oe bleb; mail well adopted for gra.ir', hay roots or pasture; Situated one ante a half ,natles 'north of E zetete miles from, Mescal' Far farther in. formation apply to 3. W, Welsle ;Lot 04' con, 1 Idebornet ' Boner 'Graduate of Toronto UniVeas"- sitY Oft/te Over Dickson & Oa* • liog's haw office. (hosed Wecluerie day afternoons. Phone Office liesidenee 5 b. ( A.; It. IcINSDIAN4LD.PA Loner 'Gracluete of Toronto 1400 er.sity BEIITI$11 . Teeth extracted without pain, ogr any bad effeets. Office over Glade 'Mao & Stanhury's ,Offiee Main sk, Exeter, JW. BROWNING M. De M.' Ce P. S. Graduate Victoria . sit, Office and residence Dominion,- Labratory., Exeter, !Associate Cormaer of Baron ' D ICILSON & CARIIING Barristers, Solioitore Notariee Clone vey ewers Gorarnissioners, for the lYfolsons Bank etc. ; Money to Loan at lowest rates of in4. terest, orETWE-MAIN STREET EliETEX.::: L R. Carling B. Ellt Diekdoti a• MteW°f.eNa 41. Ka: etT l Lo• l :Our Ag 9Nen a ir s tpo ptTi 01,v4 la Lie it le 6 • g rs w st ratebee se* Sale Messrs' Snell and Marchand jare of- fering for sale two fine new 'brick residences, on the old Mansion Meese property; They are equipped with furnace, electric light!, toilet, bath and closet:( Theyare papered and grained and win be ready to occepy in two pr three' 'weeks. Apply • to Wes, Snell'. Exet•ers • , House -for Sale or Rent A comfortable brick 'cottage, with good sized parlor, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed and cellar. - Stable and some fruit trees. Corner Albert sihd Huron* streets, a choice location. Terms to suit. •S. M. SANDERS House -for Sale FOB SALE -A good 8 room' house lots:, A. Ireee bete Enquire at liates if:411664 : • 'Waiited APP/A• EXOtet E*41Y0X4tjzir. We vii1 pay, .25r"Larailife'd ponnd for...Winter ..peelers, :twii and et ter.lx.etei.4kover.:;". . • BUXTON. Mgr:, • .3.," • " n -FiifOri Sale. . .BeingCorapeeee efi Let .18 coneeisioe 6 Tp of -Velenr.neari). tabling' 106..aiires On the peemis•es isa .4good brick hens& heated byl, „ftirtace- Herd: and soft ?water, "L' shaped, bank iSarri 38x92 and i30rc50;• finished for horeee, cattle Logs and herike geed' drive honses o.ifn ent ril� 12:r33 • feet, Large. • ;nfipi earner. Watei' ' tank- entplied from never tailing well vtlth t- taeherh. Gement water : tank - or threshing., 325 treeo of choice ap- ples; also good -garden of plums and email fraits; hal ts of hardwood bush; il5 acres- pleoghed for winter and the 'balance in grass. 'Thispro- perty is well errederdrein,eds well fen- ced and in good st tte of ceitivation Convenient to •chereliese school, and market.. A- bealtilel home it good neighborhood and must be sold to wind •.ip an •estatet,„ Easy thrills of Reymann: For Mertes and particlears, apply to, Mrst R. Wilson on tte pre- mises or to Ti.os„ Cameron Auctioneer eerest. • Solicitors main et. Exeter. . LUSS G, E. 31, B1.81SETT A Mus Honor Graduate of the London ;.C4site * • servatory of hiasic, Teacbing.„-Ocarf lege of the Western: UnivArsit.B. • TeaCher Piano -Theory ellaratereyr counterponit and Musical Hietory, • P evils prepared for musteal exabse loath:A.A. Usborne and 1111)Dati farmer's Mutual Fir° insor- anGc Gompanv Head Office, Farquhaij Ont. President 3. L. RIISSEliell, RoBT. GABLINEW11.1 DIRECTORS ROBT DIORRIS Taos: RYAN WM. BROCK Wm: ROY • 9- sisa`t*fa ° ; 1 Winehelsegi• L 1:losehtifai • AGENTS • ' JOHN ESSER Y Exeter, agent 47se• borne and Biddulah. OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent for Elibbeet Fullerton and Logan. ; • • , W. A. TURNBULL!' Secy.Treas. Farquhar GLADMAN & STANBORY Solicitors. Exiter." Electric Restorer tor. Meir Ph°Sphonoirestores every nerve -1;1.01e he*, to its proper tenstotft rest° vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sex 1 'weakness averted at ones. PhosphonoC Inakedou a trrr:ci lens -e 43 a kg. or two 465. Mailed n dr s he Ire i• Co. et. Catharines. 0a9. is Interested and should kneirr spout the wonderful Marifol vihm!'s sPw's Doudhe,' Ask your druggist en ; It lie cannot steely the MARVEL, accept n6 other. but send stamp for illus- . trated book—Sealed. It gives fell • particulars and directions -invaluable toladles.ITI:NDsoltstuctevr Co..Whsdaor.Ont4 , . General Arent's or Canada. 44,y.