HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-31, Page 7THE ROYAL -VISIT TO INDIA
Incidents and Views of the furbnr
--King Unrecognized Eatering
k Delhi,
The°official story of the royal visit
to India and the. ceremonies of the
Durbar, by the Hon. John Fortes-
cue,, has just been, published in
The author is a frank oritio, and
some of his criticisms are likely to
cause considerable comment. "Por
the first time," lie says, "the three
eke flags borne by a royalyacht-ad-
miralty .flag at the fore; Royal
Standard at the main, and the
Union Jack of an' Admiral of the
fleet at. elle mizzen—were seen east'
of the Mediterranean ; and it seem-
ed a pity that, there was but one
escorting cruiser to do.. honor to .the
occa'ion "
"Early in the voyage," the chron-
ieler states, "the King expressed
his desire, though he did not make
it his command, that such members
of the suite and their servants as re_
quired it should be re -vaccinated.
To eo wise a measure there were no
conscientious objectors."
Sea -sick Travellers.
The Medina encountered gale
after rounding Ushant, and the
vessel pitched badly.
"Considering that most of the
people in her were old travellers or
seafaring men, the amount of sea-
sickness was.astonishing. Officers,
men, and passengers all Buffered
alike, the men perhaps most se-
verely of all.' . . The truth
is that the British sailor of these
days so rarely leaves home waters
that he has little experience of long
heavy seas."
Queen Withstood Heat.
Referring to a wireless greeting
•froan Delhi to the King the writer
says :-
' "If all wireless telegrams • re-
ceived during the voyage had been
of the like innocent tenor, the King
would have.enjoyed more repose in
the course of it than he did."
During the visit to Bombay their
Majesties gave•a •State dinner on.
board the Medina. Though the din-
ner as held on deck, the -heat was
such as to make full dress European
uniform very trying. to wear. None
the less the Queen, who was wear-
_inget white dress embroidered with
gold, never looked better than on
that 000asion, and the guests soon
discovered that the • temperature
made no ,difference to the welcome
accorded to them by their Royal
Concerning the state entry into
- Delhi the official historian says :—
"The whole body of the specta-
tors, Europeans only excepted, was
silent after the Oriental fashion;
but the truth must be told outright
that the King -Emperor was not re-
cognized as he passed. He alone
wore the uniform of a:. Field-Mar-
ahal, but this does not to a "native
eye differ materially from that of a
general or staff officer. '. . His
s equerries could hear the
spectators -murmuring as they
passed that the King was not there.
H:Sufferer froion Sciatica
krantis B
his '.editorship, was once asked
if he thought "Punch" was as good
Ow a li
Pound Permanent Relief; as it lised to be he promptly re -1
I ouutl P " " re l
piled' It never was, This p Y 1
Fierce darting pains, pains like was both witty and true,, and no
red hot needles. being driven doubt Mr. Owen Seaman is tempt- I
through the legs to the ankles — ed to answer in the same strain.
that's sciatica; None but thevie when those individuals who are al
tinscan realize the torture of this ways glorifying the past are do-,
trouble, and (many suffer from it scanting onthe present position of
hopelessly in the belief that it can "'tl'unch." It is hia,rdly necessary
riot be cured This is a mistake; to state that under Mr. Seaman's'
eoiatice is a nerve trouble, and if editorship "Punch" was fully main-
the starved ;nerves are .properly tained its reputation, and Mr, Sea-
nourished with rich, red blood the
trouble will soon disappear. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills snake just the
new, pure blood needed to feed the
sciatica nerve and drive out the
racking' pain. It has been proved.
over and over again that they can
do this and we offer now the follow-
ing additional piece .of evidence.
Mr. E. H. Pastorious, Harrow,
One., says: "Some years ago I was
terribly afflicted with sciatica,
starting just in my hip and then ex-
tending through the legto the
foot. At the time I was attacked
I was away from home and had to
be brought home on a mattress in
a spring waggon, and the agony of
the trip was almost more than I
could endure. Reaching home I
was not able to sit up and remain-
ed' in bed for six, wocke. The doc-
tor did not help me and I tried a
number of medicines recommended
by neighbors. I paid $5.00 a bottle
for one preparation, but .it was no
better than the rest, and I began
to think there was' no cure for me.
4Vhile'suffering this untold misery man is a worthy successor to the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were re- illustrious humorists; who preceded
commended and my wife got me 5, h. in theeditorial chair.
.ernrKrtrl��4�+el+ice .
"The tarty touch that means
sa niticht for luncheon, atter•
noon tea or social evening.,
Delicious 1 Nourishing 1
Cot them From your Grocer
Trade supplied by
30U1 w. EI 'ices) ei GREENING,
Hr. 0. S. Seaman.
supply. In the course of a few 1m
Mr Seaman in his youthful days
weeks I begau to feel better and had no intention of adopting a lit -
career, get around with. the aid of a erary career, and after leaving
Cane. • I kept on taking the Pills Cambridge, where he attained high
until all the .pain disappeared and honors, he settled down as a master
I felt as well as ever I did. I have at Rossall School. Later he acted
never had an attack of the trouble as. Professor of Literature at Dur-
since, and although I am now 65
"Critics were ready immediately
after the event with a soore of re-
commendations as to what should
have been done. The King -ought
to have worn aspecial dress; he
ought to have ridden an elephant;
he ought to have driven with the
Queen ; he ought to haveriddena
horse with a Royal Standardbe-
fore 'him. 'Malignant officialism,
such was the phrase, had deliber-
eately destroyed the pageant. •
Plainly, therefore, on any future
'oocasion the person of the King
should Le notably distinguished.
L Sentry's Orders. •
An amusing example of discipline
came under the historian' notice at
"The pavilion of the polo ground
wasreserved for such spectators
only as had been provided with a
ticket. The Adjutant -General of
the Army t•' . was stopped by
the sentry and required to produce
his tidket. By accident or• mishap
he had tone, and was proceeding to
explain when the sentry cut him
lehort with: 'Beg pardon, sir, but
my orders are to admite no one
without a ticket,' to which unan
swerable statement the Adjutant -
General, being responsible for the
discipline o4 the army,
bowed his head and fetched; a wide
compass to seek� .legitireate en-
trance. elsewhere.
Decorations and 'Expense.
years. of age I feel as vigorou ham College of Science, Newcastle -
I did at 40, all of, which I ascribe
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
• If you are suffering from sciatica
or any nerve or blood trouble, be-
gin to cure yourself to -day by the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Piffle,
which will assuredly do for you his well-known efforts in this direc-
what they have done for others, if tion are "The Battle of the Bays,"'„
"In Cap' and .Bells," and A. Har-
vest of Chaff.- Mr. Owen Beaman
has lamented in verse the strain of
being funny once a week, but he
apparently bears up well under this
strain, for his wit remains fresh and
s be on -Tyne. In 1894 he began writing
for "Punch," joining the staff three
years later. In 1902 he was appoint-
ed assistant editor, and in.1906 he
assumed full control. Mr. Seaman
has gained a great reputation as a
writer of satirical verse, and among
you give them a fair trial. . Sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail post
paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The society of good women is the
most educative process through
which a •man can pass.—Mr. J. W.
E. Russell.
Barring spelling, there is no rea-
son. why English should not be-
come the universal (tongue. -Dr.' A.
Graham Bell_ `
If everybody did their share of
the work, the world would get
along very well with a three hours'
working day. -- Mr. Will Thorne,
Hurmanity had not only a duty to
keep children alive, but also to give
every child a chance of living a de-
cent life, and ' becoming a decent
citizen.—General Bramwell Booth.
There is no policy like politeness;
anda good manner is the best thing
in the world, either to get one a
good name or to supply the want of
it.—Bulwer Lytton.
Whatever may be the causes un-
derlying labor unrest there is noth-
ing to be feared from courses of ed-
ucation which. demanded self-deny-
ing effort and encouraged intellec-
tual interest.—Dr. John Kerr.
A. red. carnet .used at the .Royal
Pavilion, Delhi, is described as of
the commonplace red baize which
is perhaps most generally associat-
ed with weddings at churches in the
west end of London,. There were
ofilcersi in ono shade of searl t to
walk on it; soldiers in . a slightly
differextt shade ofscarlet all around
it ; their Majesties Indian atten-
dants in a deeper .and nobler •sbade
of scarlet to stand by it; the Imper-
Sal *able of ricks purple to be held
up against it and the deep crimson
o£ the pavilion's eatopy to over -
it and the miserable baize
han g1 and irreconcilably
s•tvore vigorous y
with One and all of. them. Moreover
Its appearance wad las'nentably
eserea and paltry."
Eight Years of Bad
Miss Mary
A. Bentley
Cured by. Cuticura Soap and Ointment
Miss Mary' A. Bentley, 03 University St,,
Montreal, writes, 15 a recent letter: "Sonia
iiine years ago noticed small pinlples break -
!ng out on the back of my Mande. They
became very irritating,and gradually became
Worse se. that I couldnot sleep at night. 1
consulted a physician who treated me a Long
time but, it got worse, and I could not ,put
time, in water. I was treated at the
hospital, and it was Just the same. I was
told that It was a very bad case of ee7.ema.
"Well, I just kept on using everything that 1
could for nearly eight years until 1 war
advised to try Cutieura Ointment. I did so.
rind 1 found after, a few applications the
burning sensations were disappearing, I could
Asleep well, and did. not have 'any itching
during the night. 1 began after a while to
use Oticura Sea , 1 stuck to the Outi tin E
treatahent and. thought If I tout(' use a tt•
remedies for over seven veers with no result
and after MAY furring a few applications d
finding ettse fromq Cutioura Ointment,It
born eaase.. f IrtUserll thehbuticura Ointo t
and Soap for nearly alar months, and I am •
glad to s p that I have hands as clear as
anyone, It ie, my wish that you publish this
letter to all the world,,Unit 11 anyone double it,
let them write me." Sold b
0uticuareora Soap and Oiatments Y
druggists and' dealers ereryw:erre, For a
liberal free sample of each with s2•+p, book
send to Potter Ding i Cheat. C017>••Gtr
OoltuihbU8 AMµ BogEotts il. d. As
The Wringer Board extends from the side,
out of the way of the cover. thle allows
practically the whole top of the tub to open u1,••
maim It easy to put in and take out clothes.
No other: todsher has as largearo opening.
No other wo,her can be toorker; with crank
handle at side as Iva as top lever.
Do you use Maxwcll'o "pavorite•"—•ate
churn that makee qualify butter?
Wrlta ue for catalogues If your dealer does
not haeme thorn. 89
When baby is ill—when he is
troubled with constipation, colic,
worms or cold ; when his teeth are
bothering him or when he, is rest-
less and cross and does not sleep
well, give him Baby's Own Tablets.
They are the mother's greatest aid
in keeping her little ones well—
thousands of mothers give their
babies no other medicine because
they know the Tablets to be abso-
lutely safe. They are guaranteed
by a government analyst to be free
from opiates and other harmful
drugs found in so-called "soothing"
mixtures. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. ,Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Snails Can Exist Indefinitely With-
out Inhaling It.
INCQill1~IGI13 I. E
Day by day, as Mrs. Woth't;
household and kitchen furniture
and g1•oeeries slowly disappeared,
she saw that the moment approeoh.
ed when a final stand must be made.
One morning, when Jimmy, son of
the borrower, appeared at the back
door with the statement, "Ma
wants the wash -boiler," Mrs.
Worth,determined to wet.
"You tell yeur ala that when she
brings back what she has already
borrowed, I will lend her the boil-
In a •little while Jimmy reappear-
"Ma wants to know what she has
"There is a quart of flour," be-
gan Mrs, Worth, "a peck of pota-
toes, a cup of sugar, a can of cof-
fee, a half -pound of lard, some on-
ions, and butter and spices.; the
screw -driver, the hatchet, a pair of
scissors'"—she paused, recollect-
ing, --"three spools of thread, a pa-
per of needles, and--"
But Jimmy was gone. Presently
he rapped on the back door again.
"Ma says for you 1» write 'em
down.. I' forgot some of 'em."
Mrs. Worth sat downwith pencil
and patiently made an alphabetical
list of all the articles she could re-
Jimmy took the list and disap-
peared,' A half-hour later he once
more appeared at the back door,
and announced:
"Ma says if you'll lend her the
wail -boiler to carry them in, she'll
bring 'em home,"
Or Late, for That Matter.
"What's your opinion of the high
price of coal this year ?"
"Well, for one thing, it's liable
to ` prevent my wife doing her
Christmas shopping early,"
Trial is Inexpensive.—To those
who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges-
tion, rheumatism or any ailment
arising: from derangement of the di-
gestive system, a trial of. Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills isrecommend-
ed, should the sufferer be unac-
quainted with them. The trial will
be inexpensive and the result will
be another customer . for this ex-
cellent medicine. So effective is
their action that many cures can
certainly be traced to their use
where other pills have proved in-
While the snail has lungs, heart.
and a general circulation and is in
everyrespect an air -breathing crea-
ture, it can nevertheless exist inde-
finitely without inhaling the least
breath of air, the element that is
usually considered the essential in
existence in all creatures supplied
with lungs.
"To all; organized creatures,"
said Leppert, 'the removal of oxy-
gen, water, nourishment and heat
causes death to ensue." When that
statement was made Leppert did
not appear to consider the snail as
one among the great host of "or-
ganized beings, for experiments
by Spallanzani have proved that any.
or all the usual life conditions can
be removed in the case of the snail
without • terminating its existence
or in any way impairing its func-
The common snail retreats into
his shell on the approach of frosty
weather and the opening g
or mouth
of its shell is hermetically sealed by
a secretion which is of a silky tex-
ture •and absolutely impervious to
air and water. 'In this condition it
is plain that it is, deprived of three
of the four elements of life mention-
ed above—air, water and nourish-
The fall of one inch of rain is
equivalent to one hundred tons of
water per acreof land.
Minard's Liniment Cures Golds, &o,
These Pills Curs Rheumatism.
To the many who, suffer from rheu-
matism atrial of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills is recommended. They.
have a pronounced action upon the
liver and kidneys and by regulat-
ing the action of these organs act
as an alternative in preventing the
admixture of uric acid and blood
that causes this painful disorder.
They must be taken according to
directions and used steadily and
they will speedily give evidence of
their beneficial effects.
"Do .you think the automobile
will displace the horse?"
"No," replied the reckless driv-
er. "We can't even get the pedes-
trians off the roads."
Do not let a cold settle on your
lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup at the first in-
timation of irritation in the throat
and preventdisease from lodging in
the pulmonary organs. Neglected
colds are the cause of untoldsuf-
fering throughout the country, all
of which could have been prevent-
ed by the application of this simple
but powerful medicine. The price,
25 cents, brings it within the reach
of all.
A Rebuke for Vather.
Little Mary's father had denied
her a pleasure which she had cor-
felently expected to enjoy. That
night when she said her prayers at
her mother's knee,she concluded
with this petition:
"And please don't give my paha
ay rr mor!' children, He don't know
how treat those he's got now "
i companies alone have
Scottish oil com e anp
contracted for 200,000 tons' of oil
fuel to be supplied to the, Navy.;
Having 922 beds in constant use,
the London Hospital, in White-
chapel, is the largest general hos-
pitaI in England.
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
Not Always the Rule.
"He was late getting to his
"Better late than neser, I
"Oh, I don't know."
sup -
of Prepare 'outsell '.
For Winter's 'Worst
Don't watt tilt` you have
caught ones gt those nasty colds -o fortifyyQurself
against, them by .t,aking a Fotlrsof
This"builder-up" Is rich in the medicinal
and nutritive properties of the best
Norwegian Cod Liver Olt -without the
disagreeable taste. It also contains
Extract of Malt, Extract of Wild Cherry
and valuable l typophosphltes, which
tone up the whole system and parts-
@ oularly strengthen the: Lungs, Throat
and Bronchial Tttl,es.
In 50e. and $1,00 bottles, et
your druggist's. 305
i X11''
C"ALIS ITEp. r u r
We believe tINARD'S LINIMENT is the
Mathias Foley. 'Oil Oity, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me
Charles Whooten, ]4lulgrave, N. S.
Rev. R. 0. Armstron- 1kfulgrave, N, 9.
Pierre Landers, Thomas Wasson, aSheffield, N.enr., �BB. N. B.
Useful Singing Lessons.
Nothing improves a child's voice
as much as 'singing easily, quietly
and sweetly. An imperfect ear can.
be .trained by persistent effort, and
'even if the child's singing voice is
not perfect, the benefit of its trying
to vocalize pleasantly will be felt.
in the speaking voice. Neither chil-
dren nor adults should sing higher
or lower than nature intended them
to. When aboy's or girl's voice is
changing in pitch they should be ad-
vised not to sing. The voice should
be used sparingly when one is suf-
fering from a cold in the head, sore
throat, or weakness after illness.
In such cases muscular action has
to make up for lack of lung power
and energy. The result is a thick-
ening of the v
Deal -cords anti
added huskiness and harshness
which may not pass away.
Not Merely a Game:
Too many view matrimony as a
game when they ought to consider
it their life work.
Stop the Cough.—Coughing is
caused by irritation in the -respire-.
tory passages, and is the effort to j
dislodge obstructions that come
from inflammation of the mucous
membrane. Treatment with Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil will allay
the inflammation and in;: conse-
quence the cough will cease. Try
it, and youwill use no other pre-
paration for a cold.
ED. 7
All-nightbanks are to, be intro-
deced into London.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
A Talking Clock.
A talking clock has been placed
on the market at Berlin. Instead
of striking periodically the clock
calls out the exact time every quar-
ter of an hour "in a clear human
voice." The mechanism can be so
adjusted that these announce-
ments cease et a certain time and
continue again automatically after
a stipulated interval.
VA LdNY '.e.d giiTai '�. ....` '�']�Y,.Ydw-bM�M 1 -y
i }t
$( toOld
All winter long—on the Zero days and the
windy; blustering days—the Perfection Smoke-
less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort.
It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily
warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat.
The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim-
mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise -blue drums).
Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily
moved from place to place.
At Dealer* Everi•vrhars
All mothers can put away anxi-
ety regarding their suffering chil-
dren when they have Mother
Graves' Worm. Exterminator to
give relief. Its effects are more
sure and lasting.
That Was AII.
"Skillings, ,
• ou to i lin s how same quit
working for, Spotcash &
"We had a difference of rpmion
as to the value of my services for
another year."
"`,Vas that all?"
"Yes; I thought I was worth ;1,4,-
000 to them, and they thought I
wasn't worth 40 cents. So 1 •luit.
Whatelse could a self-respeestog
man do?"
A Mot'leet Order.
1itr. Martin—"Now, then, Ben-
nie,What art of the chicken would
you prefer
Bennie (who has been invited to
Sunday dinner)—"Why, I'll take a
drum. stick, a', little white meat off
the breast, the gizzard, a wing, the
;tock and et spoonful of the tttulTln'.
'Mom made me promise' not to ask
for a second helping,"
Sixty Thousand trappers now send 05
their Raw Furs. Why not yon? Wo
pay highest prices and express charges.
., charge no commission and send money o^•ea
day goods are received. Di,licns of dol,, rs
are yard trappers ouch year. Deal with n
reliable hoeso. Wo are the lartost to cur
tine in Canada.
s;. Cur "Up to the minute" Furtree-
• 1•Q tation.o and the lest Edition or
£. a boob of 913 pages. maned FREE.
Write to
n Mail
'„• ,ice,_,-3�.1-•
ft1nJM[Y 1
and Station ;,Agents' work in all
its details a.i•e lac ode i in the
course of training included in he
Central Telegraph School. t Ger-
rard St. R.,'1'orouta. Corresp••nd•
epee invited. T..T Joboston, Prin.
W. President.
H. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
11 Good House: Buildings; Orchard.
Cheap and on easy termer
*7 buildings and apple orchard; about',
five miles from Hamilton.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
Perms, near Ontario Agricultural
College. Send for Catalogue. Jones 8e
Johnston, Guelph.
1.1 work and earn more money than in
any other trade. We qualify for all
Canadian railways. Positions secured.
Write for free book 18. Dominion School
• Railroading, Toronto.
For the months of April, May,
and June of this year the total
births in England and Wales num-
bered 216,096.
The most obstinate corns and
warts fiiil to resist Holloway's Corn,
Cure. Try it.
India has 147 vernacular languag-
es, the chief of which are Hindi,
Bengali, Bihari, Marathi,. Panjabi,
Tamil, and Telugu.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Lodger -My brother is coming on
a visit ,•have you a• couple of spare
Landlady A couple! Is he so
big as all that'`
Lodger—Nor but, you see, the
fact is he really consists of two
(1 ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ete. 1i.
5J ternal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment,
Write ni
remit-d�f'na{e. Dudtnllman Medical Co.
LJ lars free. Speoialties Agency, Box
1836, Winnipeg.
and Cleaning. This ie t aploialty with the
British American Dyeing Go`
Send pareenlaro by post and we arc sure to Satiety.
(3 .11 Medtliet. Address !log 23% Montreal
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
170 Ei6 w._ L"
Piano Action.
Protect— Preserve—. Beautify
Sampled and Booliletn on ,Application.
JAMES l,ANomuirt & 00,, limited
18741 tathr+rs*. Street eostON'ro
Smoke Stacks
and Fines, Wa-
ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers
• Ling nr,ars .,,nd 41111'10"•14
4`` 1m . w4 L ) lei (i i
&seems° He Took GIN PILLS
Mr. H. A. Jukes of Winnipeg•writes t
"I have been a sufferer frotta ,ttuau.i o
for souse years past. 1 suet your lar.
Hill and Ehe advised Die to take .GIN
PILLS. Ilreec beers taking them at.
intervals during the early part of the
present welter, acid ttp-to-date have had
no return of my old trouble—in fact T
fret better tlialt I have'for years` and
think that my old enemy Las vanished
for good P. alt,"
,rjo0, a box, 6 for ee.so. :ample free if
you write N'atiotia'i Drug slid Chccsiieet
Co, of Cattada, Limited, A Couto. 130
` ivzay'lsole Soap
itbMn5 OOYE
Ci,c 'rich, evert
colors,' tree from
streaks and absolut
ely last.:' Dees not
ata iahands of kettles
24 colc}ts, will give
env shade. Colors
10e, black 15c, at
your dealers or
pport . paid with
beokiet "How to
Dye" from a lee
.1. bENE111CT & 00, Moutrea)