HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-31, Page 51 'THURSDAY OICTORER 131 1912 THE ETER TIMES SAVED FROM AN OPERATION How lYirs. Reed of Peoria, Blip Escaped The Sur- geon's enife. Peoria, wish to letevery one wItatLydiae. Pinkham'syegetab 1 e Cempounct has done for me. Fortwoyears I suffered. The doc- tor saki I he,d a tumor and the only remedy was the surgeon's knife. My mother bought me Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound, and toda.y I am a well and healthywoman. For znonths I suffered from inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell etnyone what your medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in -aney Way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters."— Mrs. CrittLeeINA. HEED, 195 Mound $t.', Peoria; Ill. • Men Lyneh AISO Avoided ti Operation, . • the birth of my fourth Child, I had severe organic inflain- •I would bave such terrible pains that it -did not seem" as though I could itand it. This kept up for three long 'months until tavo doctors decided that an tiperation was needed. "Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come' • pound and after taking it for two months • I was a well woman."—Mrs. JOSEPH A. Learers, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ills •ehould tryLydia E. Pinkhain's Vegeta- ble Compound, one of the most success. id remedies the world has ever known, ' 'hectare aubmitting to a surgical opera. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. • LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from 'Sept. 3rd. Catalogue' free. Enter any time. 1 LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ' leurteredAccountant • . 16 etice-erincival 4: ' 110ME:,.STIIDY ... 4. ..:ri; a ' 4- ousan s of embitious yourg + - + a. •people are insteucted in their: 4. 4. homes by our -borne study 2 dep- * e arttnent . You may finish at ee S. 'College if you desire Pay + - . . . t „, * * * + + 1 f .4! fa whenever •you wish. Thitty •Z YearsExperience. Largest 4. train* in Canada. Enter' any 4a day. Positions guaranteed, If "1" you wish to save board and learn nhile you earn, write et. for particular sa . NO VACATION -4' Clinton Business College : 4" GEO. SPOTTON BeF. WARD ' President ' Principal * €1,444.14-14.14+441-1•4•4+H-444-1-4 ele Weite for, the large free, cat s• :°alogne of this school, and .yoR ej• • *will learn how' you can succeed. 4' • Wilatheteireat with you to de - 41 cidelf•yotiaalltaucdaed: -0 ee, We are lacing etudents in'a • positions eitatiaag awe ana eve, -11 per annuannad. we have many • 431101 applipali000..' for , help • arlabh we cannot" itupply The ea "la best time to anternieteelasses is • 0 go w Write 'foe Or free eat ri gue at mice,• ee • D. A. alcLACITLAN 41 ' Principal. e iesatetaateeeteeefoste•-• **ease • 4444 LOW RATES FOR BUNTERS' via . GRAND !TRUNK 'RAILWAY ' CENTRA STRATFORD, daNT, WILL .YOU - rparea—Single -first-alas:I fare foe.. Ite ro led trite ,fiern aft stations in ' .42Pat seri° 'e.iccept • aorta. (lrairenairs , ad iiast cif Ratatarootele also Liam Dee Anat. larel "Peet }Jaren Matt.. tauffalo a a..ck Bock :Led eaepeesion •firlage r liATESaa Octal:ter ath '• to at overa bat. a la' See ;Islam. to all, po.nis or! 'Temieliatuina, and Nortt.- • .• "•aa 'bra Ontario RflLIv.l3, aleittaganii„ and to cerattn paints and proviteee Scotia aita Nate atrai.swick ao St.ate of Maine a •.:e Oct °le:sr tie lath to , November eth • 'liateleire' °f.o aluskok-a slake. leliSeeisf• •-:Heses, ,Oeorgien Bay. Meznetesval, end • Fre tele lir et te; :se• art lt.t. Lakes Crned ear ink „Itaiiteay• laaire. irr,Ciasive °Made eaatteite. 1 ;11i)ri7i etaS it:a. • lan (lea y Iffaiiiartoa'i; l'en- eatetx,111 ill:snit it.iiilesLakerieed • • . tSikela vele id for ter:err, iin't.il,'Tf.terstiny Dieu nj- ljr 1?Ce iseetpt 14 itaatt..4 reackack by et er,re ,1`.tesday No'reitt bet. lair-)Leite •W rx,§14,, ( te'teeet; 1,r :tin Sta t len To 4llL.. 1)111 'tat. freiYill:.StrabSd beeklet" entitle:1 *kVA,* 0(.1,1Ilk,. 410 (lame con taitrit-ig '3116010f114:104' MO tio:v4fels. tOo, • Crediton Mr, James Clark returned lunne af- fer spending several 4ay9 at Victoria Hoepit a),, London, A large number attended the raising of the barn which atir. Frank Sims is erecting. • Miss Mildred Bratm of Zurich spebt the holidays at her bome here Miss• Susie laukn returned home af- ter spending several weeks with friends in London, Messrs Feast and Sweitzer spent the 1101idays with friends in Detroit, • Mr, and Mrs. Albert Morlock autoed to Hamilton on Saturday. They had a very pleesant trip. Miss Ella Link of Zurich spent Sun- day with friends in town. Mrs. li, F. Eilber and daughter re- turned home after spending several months with relatives in Sebetvaing. She was accompanied home by her sister Mrs. 0. Brown andchildren who will visit here. Mr. Frank Finkbeiner of London spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. L, Roeding and chil- dren of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick over the holidays. • Miss Lily Fahner visited with friends in Detroit over the holidays. We are glad to see Mr. tared Young out again after being laid lip for some time •A. large number attended the auction sale of Mr. Matthew Finkbeiner on Thursday last. Tbe Misses Watson and Snieder spent Sunday With their parents at their ree spective homes. • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Langton of Lu - earn •spent • Sunday with the tatters parents Mr, and Mrs. John Young. Mr. Amon Brown of Blenheim township made a business trip here on Saturday. • • weeejo Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly here: A number of the boys went out shooting while others went away to spend the holiday. Mr. Wright of London visited with her mother Mrs. Henry Motz on Mon- day.. Mr. and Mre. Esli Heywooi of Exet- er spent Sand ler the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brewn. • • Song Service was held in the Evan- gelical church last Sunday eveniog. A number of solos were rendered which were appreciated by the con- gregation. Mr. Okely spentthe holidays with his parents at Barrie.• Miss Mae Eiiber returned to her home in Zurich after spending several weeks with and Mrs. W. H. Wen- zel..-, • • Mr. "Harold Glenn sheat tbe holidaes with his parents at Lumley. ' Mr. afid Mrs_ Gernet.Ba.ker and little daughter of London visited with the latter's father Mr. Chris, Beaver. • Mra: Ernest Gu:ettinaer.was in Lou- den a few days last week. • • 111re Charles Brown returned to De- troit after visiting .with his parents Mr. and .Mia. 'Got: Brownfor a few days. ' • . . Mr.. and Mrs, 'Welsh .and„ children of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Clockwill. • . Maie Viaoods iaspending several atlas: with friends in Hamilton. .Doa-a forget the pumpkin pie social which awlia- be heictsiirithe Nethodjst, etibrab Thariday evenhigS, Jepronals. es to be..a great success. , Ma. WM. Paget was in Se. Cather - ins oter Sunday • FACTS ABOUT TYPHOID FEVER By a Plysiehir. in London Adver- tiser: • • TypLoid fever, is 'retie to tie typhoid bacijl tate •. Mar. is Re only .eramal that ha a it. The baciiii feral their way into the In nar.'body exclesively taronah the month Milk ar.d water arc two of the chief typhoid carriere. Air or wailed inflictions do not Lave to be tor.eidered TaerefOre food—and particularly' raw foods should be caret tiny guarded , Typiaaal :nay: Jnst frorre four to six elts " f.d tri pet 10.11ger if there are rein-pia:a titles Those usually trial; with are; ea• • • - a" a- ,Ve co r. ry !II fections ' p:Ir(ictilaily pnearnonia inglamation of veins, 'in- flamatior. glo.nds perforations and secondary peritonitis and kemorr- es. A. tire.d feelirar, and some acLine are /usually the first symptoms, which aptear eller the bacilli have beer_ in t le ie. l estines.n t lenst ten. •da °Coral:Ma trap , and 'fes vet', fellow, anti V, r. • f he '• e aurora ture- is taken . praba tea, tfe ova r (OD „ • at atmentlay Lii kas h week ficati trine e fever !Starts to be tairly'ecr: 'ta ef. Pee diagnosis.. 4 person having typhoid DeVer ril.oula'gat the beet' medical; oral nurse liagaiervice. t.0 -can and then obey or- ders:nine:0,0.0,v. ,Equareatity is necaseary *ten Otte hfi$, typhoid feveT There .ts,hould • be NO RHEUMATISM • THIS WINTER 'Thanks to SIN 'PILLS ON'T yon want to have ONE WINTER free a Rheematism? Don't yott waat to enjoy life as other naeie enjoy it? Don't you want to eat and sleep and work as healthy, noriael men do, instead of being all crippled up with R.heumatism or • laideey Trouble? Then take GIN PILLS and conqua ypurald enemy for good. Mr. Beaudry did, with the help of ahe GIN PILLS see Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. Mar& eeth, isaz "lbaffords me greatpleasuretp inform yosethat I have useb. GIN P:ILLS for abolit six months, and. that they have done nae a great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism for a couple Of years, and thisavinter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS. I highly re- commend GIN PILLS to the public," A. BEAUDRY. • TN:alga/Ida of ' baseec OIM °TILLS are hold every year through the influence of those who have been cured, and -who recianniend GIN PILIS-toaheir friends." and neighbors: If you are subject, to Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Tremble, start in right now, on GIN PILLS. soc. a box, 6 for a:1.5o. If you want to try them first, write fora free tamale to National Drug marChernical Co. of Canada; Limited, Toronto. f4a IIENSALL • Our ,coureil are having crushed stone put on e portion of our main street • Mrs. :J. Steacy arid nephew Master Sampaie Rennie are visiting relativee inmTsta,roolaor.les Eabor of Zurich has taken a position with E, Rennie in Lie general afore and will no doubt give gook seliseaction to Mr e Rennie and Lis ,enetoelers. Mr, James Greer of the Township of kitty. who has been in the, wet for several months visiting and prcapec- tirg, returned home and reports a most pleasant visit with his many re- latives and friende Miss Hazel Re.dmord Who has beep in the west since early in theopring returned last week. , • • Ar. textainment under the au.e. pices of; the Carmel church was add last Friday evening: .. We are pleeeed to learn that lara, George Ilacesor. who has been quite ill for a' Lumber of months, La -now. im- proviag nicely . • .yr. Walken Crewford•of laipley at old Thr,sall laat -was tern 'attendee; the ,auaeral .o fails ;dative Mrs, Reba. .Carliele•• • •S Mess Amy Reyaolds returned oa T:rasday evering of *last week •fidaia a a • two months visitewah her sister and brotbers, in the w este • Mr, James. Petty wao aas been, In the west. is home visiting hie parents Mr, and Mrs, J. II. Petty 'ofsilaye Mrs, Smythe who has, been 'spending the summer with her parents Mr, and 'Mrs, T. .Beinplall,, Jeff here for her home la Trail B., 0, • • We .notice from the tdiffererit rates of taxation as they are published that Hetsall tee elica.pest place to live ir. of apy -reported and particularly so is kkis the ease when the' improve - dents rand conveniences afforded hetet are taker. into conelderation. but yet it 'might be better if our rate was a little more as the erestat of the helpieg 'an of some . lecoll public etilities or works that would begivine more employmeet. '• 'Mr, and Mrs, Charles Gates • left •for '.Blytt, or. Wednesday where they intend •making their future borne. • Mess Smart of Seaforth is spending a few days with ber niece hires An- drew Moir. Mee, &ureter. went to Londonon Wedresday. lest, 'The f alieral of Mrs Bobt Carliale was keld from the family reeidenoe last week to Bodgerville cemetery', 'Deceaeted was born in 1County Down ereland and .arpent her early ,girkihood *on the Thames Road. Atter marriage. -she' moved with .her aaahand to the and. •concestsjort of alrly, vrhere they were -among the first lo eettle. eleboet foar years ego, they moyeel to Bee:tall Deceased. took great interest in Care met I' resbyterian church of which she ED I$S,Dt ng and no fret tine. Tte ToasivldintshtACra hllse'sidebel teri raarr"ile3dbal;7d ttletele• ellored • be one of accepting years rte. leaves five sons • and . six deughters. ••• • • 'Mr', Samuel •Smillie .ot t.tels village. utederweit azi operation and we are pleased to report at .the. date Of .wafe.- itg nail he is doingers wellies could be ',expected', awl it is tLe wieb, his limey relatives. and 'ellen& that 'the. opera t tar. wilt prove, a 11 :Mot can he des!,re'd..atd thee Mee. Stniili,es.,good • hick at ateedvanced age may be re .warded by mach improved health. • •We regret to ,t,Rof# that Mrs., Alexeder Ingram ejeseLes. been very etr- fouely ill but:leveled fee /earn that ste ia xow tornewhat improved, and Wettatisa may eoot regain bee wonted health. . ed for some time tis. a section hand . •• ' Mr, Dickinson wko ha's; been engeee or. tae G, T, 11. left here recently ter Stratforti. 'Mal 3, Lorre Scott had the mister - tete '10 prain Lis ankle while enga-g- ed ir. pulling some applee, Ile is a ble to go around and tend to Lis duties- witt, tin aid of crutch. ' Mr, ler:ea •tae eeo the mieforteee to :tall aad crack one of the setae fence 1ra her ank:e last week while picleng, fruite :arid trusting, and if you Lave secured the best of, nid it will be cenpartaive- Isdeesy to Ifollow this couree,. • " TLe old-fashioted long drawn out 'teehoid has practically laer. ea • t t. rotia,h mace tt t a nil' ea re Tire r.ext etep is toepreveret the. 41isca,,•0 • by removi rag lte . Thor. what is 1. tie Man to do who • L 8 not, bad -the disease anti propasie ,tet keep clear oC it ' • ; • aetraordiiettry tithes be ;tart:rid Of Lb.' wa ter. • • • :Do Lot. drink ane raw flhLIIC unless Yoh. nr:e. re the s,ouree. ie Sea fe - Do ;Lot let otherilerxrerfretiti:or veg., *tables to be eater. raw 11 you can -do it yonteelf car.not ';• pre - in re them yourself a ed are bet sure how "the evork is •dote ,Or. by whom, eat tate cooked vegetables aid: fruit Coeli Uystere tied clubs unid,Ss dor- tei r. 'able; t, • ; Lem : 7'. • ,110 slot, eat feed white flies etefrune„ •s•olir titled before eating. • iteist ttat others ethould hi ve tlean iamb, hen prea prim; the food: ; if a reek is e• pleyed see• tiat t he or ea*. :Iota •tot had typtittiti recently withie the lost eix moneka Or hate not beenein plaies sviere • Ogre • wie t 3r pLo! Children 'Or? FoR FLF:CHER'S CAS -CORA etiosiearectesilee nee ZURICH • LE r ran* of iaat week neW leaded weadovvs entre been inetalled in St, Deters Lutheran 'church The eongre- gatien will celebrate Ws event with apecial eerviees on Novamber rdrd Tee • morning :service; will be conducted in Geeman tte 'pastor I reaching • an apprepriate eermon 114 tLe evening service lieleM, J. Bieber MCiM, Yield Mieelor.ary of the Lutheran General 10our.cil will preaca the InglIsit ser- mon.. aa are eordially invitedto at- tend, Mr, Wm. VaeLorn a Hensel" Ins parchased Mr e Iletry Ruppie team- iVg ,Inisiness ;lend leatsren possesasion We wish the owner aucceas Zar, Rupp Las been doing teaming for many yours eed was forced to quit owing to ill health Ir. looking over a Hay ' Township voters list of. 1892', some aetoresting changes are noted In Poll No $ comprising Zurich and vicieite 'there are eit3 names.. Of these only fie are • Lere now 73 are dead and the remain- der are :scattered in varioue parts of the. country vibe total number of names on the list is 1042: while the present list total only 956, Mr, ard Mrs, Henry Kelbfleisch re- turned on. Tnestee evening last 'from a pleasant visit wita relatives in Det- roit:. •; Steaey of Hensall Las the contract of painting the new school and Lea the outside work eompleted. - Mz, gar- Tirana a termer resident of Thie.'bown is in the Stratford Hos- pital aed Lis ielneas is such that bis tele/Veil is 1dolibtfel Mrs, 3ohr. Douglas returned 'on Tuesday evening of last week from a *Lilt 'With eilends: •Mrs, G, flolteman le away on a two weeks "visit witk her children at Galt and Perlin.. elrOS JeeMerner M. P, Las returned from bis trip to the west after ar. absence of about three weeks. Mrs' , Julius 13locl. died suddenly on Thursclay morti.neo of last week from heart failure She had beer. poorly for sometime, The Literal took niece or. ;Sunday afternoon, • Lutheran Ilhurch—On Sunday 'the 27th of • October the anniversary of reforniatiot day was celebrated in St, Peter's Letherta church. Both services were cotducted in Germane laeorr.Lardt of Preston. who has beereout West for several menthe was it town last week. Mrs, Bern- Lardt• who has beer. staying with her patents Bev, and 'Mrs, Maass tor sometime, and Mr, Bernleardt left for their hone in PTCStOD OD Thurs- day of last welek: • • • alAali HEALTH • ' If You. Lave 'scalp or Bair Trouble.. Take advantage of this Offer • We-contd. tot afford to so strongly endoece. ,Rexall '93' Hair Tonic and • ceetinue to sell it as we do. it ft did tot ;do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away. and Reeell '93' 41 -air Toeic not give entire .eettisfectiora to tae ;users they would loee faith It aad our statements and in Consequence business prestige would suffer, • • We:assure you ehat if. your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you havesaey scalp trouble Bekaa VA' Hair Tonic is without queetion: the best remedy we know of to eradicate danilinfeestimulate •ilair draw ti. and prevent- immature baldness.. Our faitk is to strong in Rexall '93 Hair Tonic • tha t we ask You to/ ery it or. our positive guaran- tee tLat your money will be cheerful- ly retueded if it does not do as we claire!. Two 'sizes.; 50a and $1,00, Sold °ray in our „store the Bezel! Store .—W, ES, .Cofet CROMMITY Mrs, as MacRae. atter attending three:weeks' With her anr.t •Mr sS D, Park retarked to Ler home. in Alpena, Mieb, last eveleke ! • • , Klee Kate Skillitelo It tie Toronto Waited recently at Min Gi s. Tke Tatar Society :net liett Friday ever:lag in our church here. • Meserseilleth • •l'iliedot. of Detroit ar.d. Perdan, • of Torah to. are tae guests of their .erarelalother Mrs, Gillesp:e easd other;re.lativest SUFFERS FROM PILES ZaticeRak Has 'Cured These . Zriction on the hemmorrbold veins that are se °Mere inflarried and gorg- ed eyith boil, is svhab. causes the terrible pair. and etinging and smart- ing of piles Zameleak applied at rdeht -will be found to give ease b.- ..fore,,niorning Thousands of persons Lava proved ties. Why not be a -aid- ed by the exprmence of others? Mr, TLomae Pearson. of Prince Al- bert easier writes "1 nrast thank you for the benefit I have received from Zeal -Bilk Last summer I suffered greatly from plies 1 started to ese Zameteek eed, found it a. great relief so I contineed it, and after Using 3 or fuer bases I am pleased to say it tate feered a complete ,cere." ' MreG, :A Defresne Le3.185 se Jess eph St, St, Rosh glebe° P. Q writes 1 ciar.. Light), recommend Zamaik to everyone who *wafters from piles." Magistrate 'Sanford. of; Weston Kings Co, N, '0- Says,' 1 ;feathered lane flora Referee piles bit Zane/Bak has, row 'cared me e • Mr, William Kenty, of Uplift' Nine Mile River, Reefs, Co; N. Si says, saffeeed terribly frorri pie, the pain at Kitesbelles almost inbearable. 1 tried verities oiranients but: eVery teieg I tried failed to do me the sligLtest toed 1 was tired of verlc Is remedies •waer 1 heard of • Zam-Bik and theagli as n lase resource •I give tLie balm O. tr:41 I After a very short team -2ain..13ek emceed a com- plete Mire Zarn-Bak is ;deo 41 sure 'eure for eke. injuriee geld diseases, eczema, ul- cers, varicose, cues, burree brnisee chaps, co:de/ore.? etc. ;As box from all druggi.ste tied stole% or post' free from Zain-Buk Co, Tonne o tor price chilar .Dt. de Vates Female Pills A reliable Preach regulator:never tall,. These pills aro eneeclibgly powerful in regulating the FOR FLETCHER'S generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap initiations. Dr.de Van's ate sold at 40, S 0 Ft 44: I 15 a box,.61( three fn 1111. Mailed to any address etie ateateen Dots co., at. calhadnents ens. ete• • letaereee. STAFFA Eizerman—ae dier —A. Very pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr, and airs, John Sad•dler Statfa at legit Loop on Wednesiley Octeber 23rd, weer, their youngest deeehter Aena *sea, was united in wedlook with Mr, David Eicerman. pf Mitehell The Rev, Mr'Doherty of Hensall tied il:e zuptial ituot under an arch 9f evergreees and dol -lies in the draw,- • ing. room which was beautifully decor ated with eloyeattheinums and cam - tions Tbe bride wile wee given away ley Ler father was charmingly gowned lin cream eilk with Iri.ela lace and pearl 'trimmings and carried a /shower bouquet of ee7•es eed lanes of the valley The wcddiree march was played by Mine Ruby Saddle,r Only the Seunediater relatives Berl her pass tor Revs Mr, ',Couzees and Mrs Coup - CLS were present but the numerous preseets attested the popularilty of the 'bride who Was a geeeral favorite and an active worker in the Leae:te aed as a member 'of the choir The youeg couple will reside in Miteleell Mr, B Doanley and bride of Moose ;law, are spending, their honeymoon Witt:relatives hem. Mrs, Carr, of Le Hoy, is theguest of her mother Mrs, R, Daltoe sr. Mr. and Mrs, Whyte of Stratford were tLeeereest Of her sister Mrs, R. Drake on Sunday. The Women's Institute met in the Town Hall on Wednesday October •20tte The igirls of the Soaiety gave a 'etch ond Eastrier, the Dis- trict President of Sebring,ville was present and addressed Lae meeting Miss Cnoper of Seaforth is the ,guest of ler 'sister Miss }Taxably. Anniversary services were held in the Methodist cherch last Suedey eorning; and evening Rev Mr, Het- clersor. of Wellharn preached. On Teesday Oct 27th a spletdid hot fowl supper was; giver. from 6 to 8 o'clock VP nlp after wle.611 a splendid concert was giver.; in the church. VIE DOCTOR 8 QUESTION A doctor s .first euestior. when con- . sultsed by 'a•pabisest is are ye& bow Muck Sickness slue to Bawel Disorder: els regular? He ktowe that: ninety- eight pee cert of illoees is attended with iractive bowels and toned: liver and that this condition must be re- moved gettly and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderliea ercee pleasttet pos- itive het/ safe remedy for conetipa- patter- and bowel disorders are gen- eral We are so eertair. that :his great Ireinledical value that we pro- mise to return the purchasers mon- ey in ev,ery ease where they fail to produce et tire satisfactioa. Rexall Orderlies are eater. like catdy they act quietly aad bave a soothing etteagthening, healing in- flner.oe oa the entire intestinal treat They do eot pinta ;Trice cause slates sea, flatuleece, examsive Soeseaese: •diarthoea or other atooying effect TLey are. especially geed for ebildren weak persoes or old folks.. Two •aiz- es 24 Sold oaly at oar storethe ltexall Store WaS, Cole. • , • CLUANDEBOYE if :very pleatsext gale/oriel; was held in tle basement of elandeboye chercb Friday ieveting Oct. 25th when the Ladiee of the Misetheary Society met to preseet oee.of their members. Mess (Dr„) ilor.es" with a snail token of; rembereeeet. Mr, Sem/ from London Lad jesb. arrived er'd was preseal at -the Mentieg The addresswas read by Mrs', Williama sled Mrs, E. Wee ereeertee her with two pieces, of glues. Mrs. Jor.es was taken Com,/ eletely by serpriee bat replied in her owl. la:mime manner thanking the lad- les and remarking 1 hat there wo.ald always be as warm spot in her heart for . taandeboye people,. Tte address was. QS .follow, Dear Mrs, aor.ea—lilet Warner:ea rilissioeary •Soolety eallandieboye cherch could eollet yon leave their midst wide:let islowleg a little of our appreciatior. of yoer sweet f•nflutence and capable kelp as a Mielsionary worker always gi.ven so willi.u.gly and cheerfully We • woi,ld ask yon to rennin's& es hx. your prayersthat we may become tree Missionary work- ers. for the Master. Please accept - this 'man' token of oer love andeap- pre cis/ t i or s OD LW Of the IC 5.. ChttAllthOye. Luton was thee served and some time 'speet ia Facial talk after wlich the e,ettlenlea ;present were delled ox. or. speeches Mrs Beene, Dr. ;Foam McDoeald of London. and Mr. W Abboet (one Set tLe honorary members of tLe. Society) gave ehort :Wien' ad- dr•esees The meeting IvaS, 'then broaglt to a close by singing God Save The -Kees, Ars, Jonee who is abeet to move to Ottawa will be greatty miseed ir. Clondeboye espec- ially lay the W, M, S. of which she was e most faithtui at.d. capable. mem- ber; ARPLEY Mr, Loyd /led Mies Ethel Taylor speet Ttankegiyine with friends a t Egmondville: •. ,Mles Mead Hod:gets Le/ viSitine her ;eater Miss Matte ir. Detroit for a coque, of. weeks Mrs, 'Robles a. r. d does; h ter of Lu ea n visited with kr, end Alm, Boy Sher- rill: on The nksgivinet, Tte apple packersare blase. packing apples in our vielnity this. +week. Miss Neva nIcMiltat of Lamon On- to re/ epent the week end with her selesal friend Miss Mur:el Fades. . ELIM VILLE M r.Sarirael Corniet. of London spent a few dart avitt. frienee, in this vice nit' Mr, entete '77't Saturday to epene a few 'days Wi I r,en.le; 111Perlin, Mr, Herb Aoidersen and Mr, Wil- liams of Pella rtoit. ,seetnt Suatley ;with Mr Hicks. • Mres Rieke las purchased the fitat brick reeldence of the late aoan Herbert Exeter, her father •Mrs. Hicks was ir: Easter last eveek mak- ing ern n e'en; en 1 FF for eoine iroprove. meats to the reelaence, Mrs, a, 11ateLasighlin of Walton. vieited Mr e :tad Sirs, Fmk Derail: last week, . ,; RN, v: 117 en et ela tt telievaiatit allartlat Peers, emu plo1,11llailliffl11,111 , .WegdaVit"reparationforAs- similatiii,g Wood andlleg dla- ling•theStomnebsandBowe.13 at INFANTS A:1116A PlatnoteiDVestion,Cileerfui- IleSsaidgestcontains neither 0pnifl;Morp1iine nor Mineral COTIC. ....,•••••,••••1101•••• ..1.01111.1••••••••••••••••••., .?ltel;colOkIBrgat11712PlialEft iiinotin Seed- 14.4.4Sear Aim Seed Itiepermint, Carbarsee Him ATI, -7 - Cadged Sugar . .itawyn.narer. Airctfettllemedy for Cor011tia-1 don, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca, Worms,Convuisions,reverish- 'less andLoss OF SLEEP. Tae.*Itaignaturr of estl-a!7-44 NEW 'YORK. 1 • 1 cx.t.c-r coPYov VIFI-APPEn. ' • CASIO I For Infants and (1141dre The Kind You Ha Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years TRE CZNTAUR COMPANY, 14-.A.1 YORK 01117. a a : Nzaatana..eaU. aiteraaa-aaarearalealtaie aa aetiataaaaa aiteareaealceakeettea THE -UNDER DOG. Pretty ;good jokes yon TO made or, me Sete under'dog Fanny, too, as -such jokes could be.. • You ve :stowt me sleeptne,* out in the park Or. a cold bard bench, in the starless dark; • You ve showr. me gaunt at the kitch et- ;door. Where the hoasewife gave her tooth- some tetore— ;tied you ve- twisted jokes of a • aistrea,s. Ruany? Lord 1 Yes! Pretty good jokes—aed all on •The utder dog • . Each or.8 pitched in a ream key; You ve sketched/ me fair. ir. my rags mania me -- 41L b You ve *taught my grie when l'am dote?, time You ve eLowr. me clutching a ones brake beam . Or irudgiee ties in the mine hot gleam: yoe may he; funny I must con- fees— Futny? Lotel Yes! Pretty Fair jokes yea ve lead or. me— fhe under :dog Hardly, a week but I wattle see— MY battered pLiz in e zomio skit That had to line that was bare of wit That ,titue the dog to.m.9 leg hung tight . r • 7, • ; 1. it ee., You :made Inc a sideeeplitirg sight , It made .you eorne moeey more or lasts Ferny? Lord' ' 'Yes 1 Pretty goted jokes you've made on nie frhe under dog . Yours es a fatcy that must run free'', And lam a tramp that need only1 roam While you are the fellew that s got a Lome. • . , Atd wife and kids and an easy chair— Me. I in the fellow that lives towhere ..ed humor you know, is a thing ee . . Funny? Lord' Yes; —Wilber D, Nesbitt •ir., Canada Mon- thly: •. tbeiteve says at old subSeriber ttat every time The 'Youth s Compare ior. enters a Lome it does the home geauine service. That describes the purpose of late publishers exactly The paper is rot filled with mischeviotes or idle thoughts to fill an •idtle hour. It provides healthy paetime, recrea- ion that builds up It is to the minds Of eager -and iimpressionable younl people what eoutd athletics aro to their bodice; •At a cost. of less thar. 5 cents, weeks The Yonth s ()palpation opens the door to a compaty of the most distinguished mea and women in Am- erica and Europe. .Wletber they are revealix.g Ike latest discoveries in scielc.ce, or elekeribing great indus- trial achievernetts or telling of their' wanderings ixt strange corners ot thel world. or teeding the irea eine-don. with rare stories they are giving Com pan:on readers the bestof. themselves Sever. ,seriela at least will be pub- lished by the Compel -ion in 1913, and early S1,00 other complete stories in addition to some 50 special contri- to ti. I;s and. 'a treasurer -box of sket- A GE.NU'INE SERVICE 11 0 chei, ar.ecdotes, expert advthe as to atheletic *ports, ideas for hatdy de- vices rouret tte bouse, an4:1 so torth— loeg Lours et Cottpaationehip Nvith the wiee, the a.dvetturous end the ;tettr- taitin.g Alimoutiettnent.Lor 1913 will be ;sent with eettiple copies ef the paper to ar.y address •on requests. 11Very 5.,1:117 ,...01b$Oriber Wh 0 'St: /Id e $2,25 for 000 fifty two. weeks issues of. 1913 wiji eeceive, n girt the Con 51 Wsindow ,Itrarioqreacy and oat - ander for 39134 the ;nose exqusitiee r.ovelty ever offered to Companese readers, alms, 'the isinies of Tete Cana- vanion for ate "remaining weekadf 11912 ree. Tilt; It 0 rittIP$ toMPANION 14 Berkeley St, Roston. Mass New tabseettatiotse receeved at tLie Officte , , An Art Critic. ' ' An actor vilio is known aseteiv id 04-- ciprrain desEene and his father speak's' brpken English. Lew says the old gena tlemen weut to, a big art gallery re�. cently and came home greatly en. "Saw dfint,e.paintiing, LouLs," he said, ii "Yes, it was a fine tine—huntreas of people leoking at it It must lief been *.cie.wdbeatVwmatres dnoallthears,2,,ellarse." itp ked Lew. i • "Dot 1 can tell you not, but it was a fine picture." . .."Dese.ribe it to Me." "VelV'said the old gentleman, "theni vas three fellers: Von vas playing.thd fife, Won vas playing the drum, and der other hot a headache."—New' York Telegraph, • He Was Sarcastic. • Dubbleighat car lay fiat on its stda andedgep in the mud in the- freitsly; plowed field, !teeing skidded off, the meg; through the low stone wall td get titee.' -pair • cried It' passerby from tha .roarlsidb. "Had an accident?" • D41510101 :tiled .to hbld. his Stempel bltzeTtaeicton. iratbecoursrlzotttbr o rat ecephidfor ist; 'Tye Twit bought 4 a nevi,' car 'au bionglat MY"old onvout here to It Got a."pickax and a ,shovel hrYour pocket you °could lend me? I can't .'seem'toelig-very deep with my motor hoin."—Harpers Weekly. e • : How Apes and Monkeys Differ. What are the differences betireen apes, baboons and monkeys? • Apes 'are sech as are destitute. a tails; tabons * have muscular bodies, elongated • muzzles, and tlreir tittle are usually Short; monkeys are these arhosa' tails are In general long, some os, them, the sapagos, having preheitsila, tails, which can at pleasure be twisted around any objedt, aid thereby. 'In many instances, answer the pulpose a an additional hand.—"Reason Why,'• I ' A Quaker Oath. • Two small .•boYe in a family a Friends, writes a 'contributor, had a disagreement,. during ••which the elder boy became very much incensed. Finally, no longer able to control himself,. 'he took his brother by tie shoulder and .shook him,, with' the ea. clemation, "Oh, thee little you. thee!" Then as the enormity of his .offense came over him he said, In te changed voice, "Don't tell tnother I swore."-... Youth's Companion. Ingratiating. "This is the fifth time you have been brought before. me." said the judge se - Verde,. "Yes, your honor," smiled the or - fender. "When I like n teller I like 10 give him nil my buidnees. You see"— "Sixty days," roared the ludge.—Ilar- per's Weekly. NOW TO CONQUER RHEUMATISM AT YOUR OWN HOME Wyatt or any of your friends suffer from nett: matzoth, kidney disorder or excess of title acid, thiusing backadie, muscular -pains: stiff, painful, swollen joints, pain in the limbs mid feet; dimikess of sight„ itching akin or freeneut neuralgic pains. I invite you to send for a acuereas Fres Trial Treatment or ner well. knovrti, tellable shronteure wire references and full particidars by tThia it no C. (1. tit schenie.) No matter how many may have failed in your case, let me prove to you, fred Of cost, that rheiiirmtisnt tan lie conquered. Chronicler* succeefis where all else fails. Chronic -urn ciesnses tha Mood and removes the thane, Also for a weakened, rumdthvii condleoe of the system, you will find chroniento a most satiafain• Liry seneraltrc tartmakesyotiiecl tltit1 ife wotthiilippeaseteiiyoltrtrie%dsot ttiis lilliertialo,ffteor, mai4t15;stiitd stuorhstflkser.tiftrotte fitepage lieels-Windsor, Ont. 1 1