HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-31, Page 4fliEkETER 'ONES
t TauRsDAyi vow= ,D1 19ya
The Masons Bank *
Incerporated 186'5,
Record of Progress for Five Yeari—x906-ioi1
oco 1911
CAPITAL • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • $ 8,000,000 $ 4,000,000
RESERVE 3,000,0Q0 4,000,000
DEPOSITS .... „ .' 23'677,730 $5,0•12,all
LOANS AND INVESTM.ENTS' 27,457,090 38,854,131/1
'T0'1"AL ASSETS.-- , . ss,a1,3.9•24 48,28,7,28e
iaa SS Branolaes hi Canada, anal Agette and Correspondents in all
the principal Cities in the World.
A General Banking Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
At all Branches.. Interest aalow d. at Etighest eaurrenb Rates,
DinksOri da Carling, Solicitors, N. Q. HURDON Manager t
;1.44+4--1.++++++++14++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++4++++++1
SIR EDMUND WAMER, LL.13;., D.C.L., President
tat trrviA,
General Manager
• 4. ',.•
CAPITAL, $15;000,000,
301IN A1RD
Assistant General Manager
r144.111e4 isteatt.,•0=t ur
REST $12 500 00
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits'of $1 and
-upwards. Careful attentien is given to every account Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
.Anconnts may he 'Opened*in the ,nanies of .two or more persons,
withdrawals to be made byvany one of them or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch—Q„ L. WAVGI-1 Manager
— Selected —
COAL—well-screened, Hard
rigpt- and
Blii6 'Lae Cement
Large stock of all kinds
of Lumber, Lath, Shin=
gles and Cedar Posts
J. 6 atwortliu,
Have City
Replace the pestr
lent, draughty clan
.--crous ct,d offer
sive out -of doors clo
see with an indoor
closet which requir-
es no sewer no
. plumbing, end no
efinishipg system.
Have city conveniences in your home,
Safeguard family health by bast %Wog a
Intrieate Etiquette of tbe Stars and
Stripe i In the Navy.
• The etiquette qt tbe stets and stripes
ahoarp, 'United Stales naval ships is al.
mast hopelessly intricate to outsiders.
writes Katherine E. Tbomas in Joe
CliaPple's News -Letter., Rigid .rulleg
of life aboard stile requires every of-
ficer or man on rec.:lank or leaving the
quarter \neek foreitilty to salute 'the
national eesign, evineh salitte *ftudet ;te
as formilly returnee:an, the etticere of
the watch at baud. " ;
All officers and men, however, must
stand at attentiorWtenever the "Stitt
'Spangled BannendTeeplayed unless ere
gaged at the time fit some cliny'that ak
solutely prohibits their doing so. This
et ust be paid toihe national sit
of any eountry when'An official reeve
sentatiye that eountrY'ds esboard
ship. Nor 'does the cpurtesy. cease e4
this, for at morning and -evening eel.
ors all pulling honts when paising neat
a foreign man of war must lie en their
oars, and, theecoxswalia salutes, stand.
ing to face the colors ein his salute,
and steam:lets must stop their engines
When a foreign shia �f war 'entere I
harbor 'or passes a fortification it `Is
customary to boist the MI! Pe flan
of the country whose waters it visit*
ato salute it. and the nearest fon
or battery returns the salute. When a
foreign warship is in United State*
waters and fires such a salute it is
returned exceasively by, the nearest hat
tery, the United Stites ships remain-
ing silent,
UDder no cireumstapres is a salute
permittet3 from -n United States vessel
en. honor of any nation or any official
of a nation not formally.reeognized by
the government of the United Staes,
nnd Po sbip of the navy is permitted
to, lower her sails or dip ker ensign
unless to return a courtesy. On the
“Tweed" Cloet othei hand, when passing or being
Sanitary and Odorless passed by a foreign ship of war at
, .
elose ranke all otficers and men on
lweed" Closets can be installed in
the bathroom: cellar, or Any other deck are required to salute the foreign
ennhenieriat 'planeindooese 'merely rt e flags and the sentries to present aVran
li et be- netedie a r
qta r ne o -con e y pipe '10
ventilation witatatehininey hole.
"Tweed" Idquid,eherojeal, need he
-connection with Tweed Cloiets is both
a deodorant arid a disinfectant. Many'
hundreds of Tweed closets levee been
rlradia,Cabethe Sent/diet illustrated
price list.
Wooler Apr. 3, 1912. Dear Sir;
The Chereical dlloset I bought from
you. on Jaw. 5tin„ 1012 is perfect. I did
nob empdy it until Mar. -29th. Tbere
is three in the family and cam leave
the lid up and no particle of odor ean
be found 1 would not ask for anything
better, Tours truly, E. t�. Wessels.
Vie Slegl Trou11 Itocimc o plat]
Az•elt:-W. j. Heat-natl.
single fare for round trip
all Strtions1ri Crnda
• e
GOOD Gorsra
October 2; 2.6a 27, 28
Return Lana October 3)th
Minh -nuns di,a,reo
ull Partiele are Teskeie, ,••ae, it, en
any Or ted TrUnk A aeat
Doer Depot Agee& ,
• , Not Acceptable. •
"I had a ehanCe,
te make ray ever -
basting fortune
'the otheindan." •
"Did you grab'
"No; `1 couldn't
stand the condi-
"Wbat vans the
cbance? To serve
out Harry
Thaw's timer
"No; to take
the place of a
man who was to
be eleetrocuted."
"Say, that
would have been
wouldn't it?" '
'digger Garnee ;
"Going hunting with me this month?"
"No, thatk yea.",
"Better come along."
"Not muelt. I Stay la demi while It
s the open season for umpires,"
Leap Year.
"Are u still MaIl
rried, es. Light-
ly'?" ,
"Yes, but 1 don't expect to be neat
"Ob, this is so suddear
Nothing to Hien.
"She is artfully jealous of Jack."
"Yes. Whet are yen grhaning *WWI"
"1 think 4he Ita Inidtdar Paer
His Dislike of Soots( Dutietriad Mete
Lit'erary •FriendshiPe,
Mr, Ualicure Cdttwai fel WS auteleh
ography.„gives amusbae
cence cot Bret Harte's proneness', tO
eace.e from What are known asv"So.
chit dietlee." Airs, Conwity "receiVed"
on. Menday afteraomas, aud0BredBfeete
had -told her 'tbati'lie would be pent
it aprticeler atenday, but the felled
to appear, much to -the regret of SOMO
pereone- Nebo had lieen itivited fat the
oceaelon, "'When, cbancing to meet
him," writes Alas. conway, "I tilluded
to the disappointment.. He asked der-
giveness and said, 'I wiil come twit
MOnday, even though 1 promise.""
Ie .han' a cepstioat 'dread that his
friendship or itequeintafice would be
souglit on aceoanI ot his writings
rather than for himself. A lady *Wee
sat next him at dinner without leap-
ing his Mame afteeward renufeleed, "I
bave always longed to meet hind; ana
1 would harae been so different had 1
oily known wbo My ueighbor Was."
This, unfortunately. being repeated to
Bret Herta, he excleimed; 'Now, why
can't a woman avenue Viet this ascirt
°tithing is insultirig? * " If MM.
)13ntelked with nee and found tme un-
Anteresting .as a man, hevr npuId she
expect to fina me;ln,terestinf because
...I was an author.? -Henry Ohu1d tier -
ants "Life oft BAitHartee"
'It Would Come.
• "I'd like to go away for tbe rest of
the eveek, six." said the tied book-
"There is no •Peed for you to do
that," retnied the employer. "Stay
here, and the rest ot the week will
come to you."
.Her Money Either,Way.
Mrs. Hnicker-Why do yott write
home for more money? Ars. Becker -
George is having a geed- time he
`owes It to me; and if b.4 isn't having
a good time he has saved it.-Neee,
'ought once awalretell Hoed not.
uRn sbimber.-carlyle.
A Notable Thief. ---11
"Your- work isn't up to the vitial
"I bad only a feW minutes In which
to do it."
"Ytieliad an entire day eat your dis-
"'Yes, but peoerastinatioe stole most
et the day:"
• • Suggestive. f.
''"You sheald alWays give a fool, an.
rwerteda fool question.'
"Should I?"
,"But I don't always have toloel pith
Me to make .an ansVier,* Clointyou
Suetea Trifle. -
.have a sehente tbat I worth a
"'What is it?"
"Do you think I ara gividgataway?"
"Out of Your abanalneee you might
let me have $5 worth of It."
False Alarm.
"Se.en Nell lately?"
"Noe. Weiy?"
"She bas found a new style of wear-
ing tier ears." .
"Horrors! Is faahlon shifting them
ap and down" • •
Alio His Friends.
"I always do my duty."
"Well, what?"
"I was thinking tbat Merl isn't the
enly thing you do." • • '
Auction Sale
lainajos White bee reoe'ivecl it.etrec-
dote ee, teen by Pablie aaetiote on
Two milee Pstan,th of Elianville o.
Commereing at /tene • idolock sharp
the followir.g valuable proeertl;
DORSILIS-sparna'aeas matched in
toad t Balcrale; 3 open of Geldiens
nsitg two; yea.es old; `ltspan of Me
Ues•Imatoked riding two aact d)yeaten,
old; 1 driving mare 7years °aid; 1
mare 10 year old leefosei to fiord
Sharp; 1 road dors° $ yeere
1 ,,gelding risang 2 years; d yoenix
1CATTLE--5 High grade Shortbore
cows supposed tea be IL 'calf ; Sttevo
year olds; :5 Yearlir•asa 3 Orilla cal-
-ewe PIGS -1 1S1outs. 2 eon's with
pie.. Attoet 80 ffer.s,
IMPLEMENTS -1 Mdeormiok ben-
der, '6 !feet ,oute Dee`rit'g mower neve;
Deering .disc, Massey Harris caltivat-
on, new; -Seed drill, 1:2-hole`land Rol-
ler, Set Iron Harrows, 1 Fleury walk
ing view, Serafffera Adams` awaken
box And Shelving Top ,Beg, Open
Beagee, Set of sleighse 'Cut -tele Gtain'
Grinder, lentking 'bov, Fanning itt.11
Root ' Pulper, Grade] 03o.a, • Set .Log
bunks', Stone heat:, 4.-Xfors,e power Pie
miter" Gasoline Engine.' Enloe teeek
With woad saw heteeheal; Steel Sall'
Frame'', •Hey Fork.SIlCar, alines' and
Pelleys complete' • Hay Fork Ropes,
ahanples Tabular Cream 'Separator
fah power aeta chi -nett, Woxtrnait &"
Ward churn new, 4.0 'gallon Gasoline
taLk• 1 5-gal1en can with, pump atteala
ecli, 18 Grain J3ags..2 ,set fleabite Hare
Less. Set -single .haenene. Pair aidese
ailatketn, 20 f Jthe. e•haft :with. pail-
leys -ad Be1tiaig, 0-bes -.614azitts sidathla
and other ezeicles too medlerouse bei
mention. Aleo c qu a n ti te f. grain' dal
bine, Hang arena' end:.11e.ye. • , ,
No Reserve as the prop:rig:teens is
leaving, tee' farm
•-Terra s. of Palen-lle y nd Grain Cank,
-Chatbles --410 and fender daeli; 10
montas redit give,n on fur-
Liehing approvea joint eneeee A dis-
cour.t of four per cent per annum off
Lor casn or, .aredit amountee
Jcie. White ' • • Mr. • J. ,Gteason
ALactioneer •Propriebrese
Waitipg For That Sort.
"He is a Send deal or it tooff."
"Then bring him along."
"What for?" d
"I have a` good deal for a fool right
on tap here." •
• `Toliticians mug be the naost Utast.
peoide." •
"I never thoughts.'- ,
• "You alWays read of their behig eta, •
tirelY in the hands Of tbeir friends,".
••••—: .
When it woman catches.her seadral
grind ber family catches it Wee
When the reactionary is 1330St active •
he thinks he is being quite alarmingly
There may be some hopefor the mah
wbo knows he is a fool, but not 13311Ch..
The bey fever"victim feels murderous
when -the goldenrod enthusiast comes
-round with bloseomh and praises. •
There ere people who seetn to think
that they can't be "gOod to themselves
without being crawl to Some one else.
The clever man wbo can invent a hit
for 'women tbat vrill stay oew will earn
the •ererlasting enmity of the entire
feminine see. '
• .
The &ireful druggist Is eren now try4
trig to write up bis clever advertesing
matter telling the summer gild hoW to
dispose of her coal of ten. "
The differebee between thinge as fliteij
ere and tbiags-as they ought ±0 -bit-
wide cir ttarrove, according to thit
eamieleot the Man coraddering .
Ever iletleo, that, the bill
Woo 'pia PAM tat thethi :
Makes' the tekee isn't' itiveiy4
goon abOttlel be 9Pr Pr
to. ol4 1.14101, •
Auction -Sale
'1 ' • -.OF-.
Mr. 'Thos. bainerom has' • ..receiYad
instructions from the undersignedeto
sell by meec mintier. on ' '
at or•e o'clock pa in, at ':
Tddla 'At ETII °POL.!: 1107.• EL •
• • ' .Exciter
eh Carload of °Lace cattle int:hil-
l:tee a olimber of -Took irlds;a nurither
at 2 -.yr -olds a nusebeadee cews and
Caii,a with calves at fedt.'Tbe elieve
ado all ir.good
•rnifelie if HA Months. credit
• ' • '',
‘v.i!I „ rt! 4,trert 0T. elle& apPrOv
'cent 'Lows, A inseam -it ate 6 por
eel t `pe ra' azt num Of, thliiit ,e„ ea,ish.:in lieu of
1 -erne
IO-. CA'elElltnedidnaGI J, 1)0W.-0
Aectenieer • " ddida. Proprietor
Farm for Sale
'13eite tompesed of Lot 18 coneession
IIIVP Of. USberee reenteinine 100 cage"
On the pre es is a goo& brick imede
heated by, fetataceea Hard and soft
avatera "Id isheped baLk barn 'a8x82
and ItOxdOe finished kor liores, Cattle
hoes. end henseremel drive hoese, cein
e`et hilo' 1243 feett. Large erledad
cemett water tank sepplied from
ne-er failing well nith windfnila ot-
'tached, Oenient watiee , tank /or
tbreshinge 125 treat, .of choice ap-
ides; also goed garden of pleins and
small .firuite; d ace treeof hardwdod
leash; 145 acres "pleugheit foe winter
and the balance in erase", This pada
pertee is well endeedeeineda well fen-
ced ate in good ettate 'of cultivation
Convenient 'to cheretteseclhool, and
.market„, A lame:tile' home in geed
neighborlexid bud must ' be. *old toi
wird up an estate., Easy terms of
paytheree For ffiertne and particlactre
apply to Mee, E. Willson on the Pre -
anises or to Tton, Cameron Aeactioneer
Extensiire Auction'.-Sald.
IIA:Y liousElicrx, 1111E &
LelVIIIER - • e aj
LOT 15 10°0f1;:a6SBOliliE
oeeT 11E81) e. N ark'. a2t . ;leen
'et .
titer see mare 'sing. four -
agric; ieeldir.e. .taing :fair
agrie; or.e pair of Li eh class matched
Gen, Peepose taieses, mare and gen:l-
ir-it.; .riaiii,e" 5 era ane -choice farmer s
driven :from ..Norditee‘.5eyr; 1 farreers
driy on a re .. eeiigh,t -years.. 1 farmers
delving horse 9, yrs_e Tliec dMiyor'§
stilt all quiet oral xelitetle: either eine
gin or --doe hie. • • • .
eat tie -cow dne ig....11,•.•,vember; re-
1.elved cow; .inMarch. and
A ern &w;(1 .4 stedrs
.risir.g. iS.ywWl, ,..t.1-Jjel fere risiag 3 -yrs,
yeenal is. nt. 5 :Ye.aldida lel-fere
, 2 broodsowe.clue ii.qibct a ed
fiec,emberen a, geese 100 lier.si)
Iniplemer.As, c,t0470-..4 tragon nearly
r.e w truck 11712:00,; 1V0-4011 130x7.,,0011.1-.
plete, ton buggy. -re:10y neW ; rnien
krugny .pair of Toolislet; ;t ter
Learly ineed Peetientle -eettnar . beep
usecte d•ft • hi•roder;riearly rieWl 'inO'were
1:oree rs kc 2 Walkix.g f! 'piety s 'exios:rLY
r.aw,; 3tore it i.vitter,.. nearly peeve
obiaed bea1 c va ter 411,(1 La ryes,.
icar eearly aieav'e; -11-heed drilla, aset
eiderdw s steel tataxletel ter, now; ,sonf-
tier two fanning railis, Lay' rack, gray
edbox; WECOlifarriiw,' water' t,roh .
'grind latrine; root..,polifei', adOertet.,
• Wire s,f Cube '•.' Set ?lea rn4..a ritess xsear..
tY rieiv; netevorkehrirnesseeet.donlle
tight. herlicere, 2 int eio zee ahr.nose
'Loral!' .collars, bells...horien•leanaete.
2•gpod rob, deateree „re grele.'
bega etedne. eonaegood laddeni, ad -.eat
saw ; buck -sates' fotk..e.,whiffletreilin
Leckyokes, .terreise .etep, ladder". heee
shovels ancnother ertieleeFtoe.baindra
o.es to-eiaettioneen
ieletti,lei ew junl luer sf... 'reek,
elateir.c1 maple;.ia.,inpandey •
0011,1 01% wood &dater, leak pail* ?tad
par,st erocki, 3)aiSY eturri. area ni
.a.r4k LP!' ,We attire!, Mai:bine, • In bl es lied
stieide, 'lett tges, c4E3Lir1. call/els. mate,
ein etc. ,
l'oellereta no, ' 'easel -Ye es tee le.oe-
rI,e tor as sold' his fart.
tor rnrs--allsns'o f'. (1.• Itnt.ler erre/.
over' 'that 4iineii•ci 12 •toortelie e eti
svi,11 an fiirnietarie pm•oved
;0' et noleire 4 or +eine, off (or ' 0X:it
air, 40 rod it, 4114101101;S. "
33 olr f, leole, • Thos. C/a an deer, •
laropri.elor,' • • - Auetior.cer
1101.108A "liCTR„ TIOU,SEHOLD
The ex.dereignedauctioneer.lute re -
wive/ instreebions, from the ander,
sterna to leen by peblio auetion 0)3
the 'corner de. • s•
Auction Sale
. n-ON•er. '
1612 at 1.30 &clock sharp, lad fa-
lowii PrOperted
Ferriture-1 coal range (Garland);
1. Detroit' GasoliLe Range, 1 Coat hea-
ter with oven, 1 box stove`, a queen
'flay' Of tetove pipes; 1103,:edeoom ehlita
bodetc ads. air.d bedding, 1.73tireau, 12
'LOe'reees, 1 Parlor Table, 1 Sideboari
1 Pell Orgara 1 White zewine mach-
ird, 1-2 .dozen perfeented 'bottomed
chair* 4 %nee bottomed chair,, 1.2-
doien kitchen chair.% 4 Rockers, 1
extension 'table, 1 kitchen table, . A
hanging lamp; 6 Hand.Lamps, 2 set
Of bedsprings+, 2 matereseee, .1 west -
tog Ma/aline, 1 wringer, 1 c'hern. 2
25 loot ladders, 1 'shore ladder"; 1
step hidden, 1 wheelbarrow, a •lawL
°leant ,and curtaina, also a q entity
mower, -A quantity of carpet aid Lin -
'2 'toilet Setae 1 eat of
china diehee. ateque,ntity of leeema and
fruit!, 3: large milk •can, forksshovels
hoes and •nameroue, other articles'
The whole will he sold withoet. re -
as the Proprietresst is giving
•ap house kee,ping,.. •
!The resideLce of the late Hugh
Oke or: 'the corner ef James and Al-
bert Street% Tnis is a 'desirable pro'
pert Y 'and. one of the best locations in
lowre. - • • '
TERMS OF SALE-Terma of house -
told effects leash. .ill'erms of hose
made' hr.owei on day Of Bale. ..
Mrs', Hugh Oke • 03, S.Phillip
Proprietress Arac Sea&
• To All Wienien X will senditiree
'With full inetiructionsi naylionee treat*
anent which positively cures Letteorr,-
hcee, Ulceration, DisplacementseValle
!lag of the Woneb, Painful or.irtegu4tr,
Uterine and OVaaian, Tumors
or growths, also Hot-Plasiaes, Nerv-
ousness, Melancholy', Pains in the,
illeacha•Back.., Bowel, IdidneY and
Bladder troubles Where 'caused bY
• weaknees Peculler'to tr tenc. You
-Can continue,treatment at lemur at a
test' Of 'only about 12 cents a Week:
'My book, P;Ii.ronzates iNetzt Mediectl
Advisor'' :Aso tent free on request.;
/Write to-dayi Addreas Mrs. MA Sains
bterei RSPCA 41$0400ra Oltrj
'Clearing Auction Sale
e.''Mthe".enVll°11 iIbt5Eolifl°eLre.DtdElForrgsit'GPlea'ley
`patine auctior. on LOT 10 CON 1, HAY
THURSDAY' NOV 7, 1912 •
' At 13;00 'taclockesharrethe follow:
itg valuable property.
klorseseeAgriceltural _mare 4 Tears
'old in 'feel to Gold Ken. Agriceltur-
Al gelding 4 years old!' Agriealtural
colt rising '3 broken sinele or double
2 -year old carriege .horse • by Non
Initole; 2 or.e ‚year. old Percherons;
drivirg mare 8- ?ears old by Texas
Seek; car, flow '3 minute gait; filly
risirg '3 'broken". • •
Cattlee-TLoroeghbred top, calf at
foot cow 6 years old due to calve
Nov. 1st. t 2 -yr -�]d heifer -Ir. calf ;,,2ayr
old heifer calf at foot; a.year old
heifer sepposed to be ir. calf; 2 yr -old
thoreughbred 'Ayrshire la eala ; 6
yera old cow ir. calf; 4 -yr -old ow dee
to calve ir. Dec; 3 -yr -old Leifer; 7.
yrdold steerse 1 year -oil . heifer. 5
'spring talveee ,
• Hogs-YOrkstire sow in pia; 3
pigs. 3 Mott oldi
• Poultry -About 70 chick -en, , 2
geese .arni 1. gander, "
dmplements-Massey-lIerrie binder
merrier and track, 6 ft; Massey Her -
'mower '61t; toe Mas,sey•Ilarriei
tuareare spreader; Fleuty
aitele kitting., plow ;, Frost, and 'Wood
pow;' Lied roller; diam4ndt keernere
avalkitg Plew; Mania Leaf-CO*21,11ft
tanost & "Wood -sent fler ;„ Miteeley Ear-
cultava tor ; I um ber weep'.; Port-
laed 'tette-A opea buggy', • buggy , pete
Jigbt Waeone 16ft .hayrake , pig rack
pair •labb'sleighS ;woodrack, gravel -
Voile netensioneledder $5ft; set of
ence.150•ft .oe.rope. nearly new
set of Leavy. brass .mour.ted harneee
hhaearreleYssen °el.:re; e hay f hi)fikr4peasseetti°,g.thtPict‘'.v-
lier arid Lame% cutting tox. Satire
el.:aware robe, 2 pair -of horse blank -
eta,: fanning sitear ket-
tieet number of cedar pottse • •
aaTetridtdre-Dominion. or,gae 6 octave
14 driket, dining room cheira, arm
'.roeker, getes bicycle", coal or
•W 0e:a heritera bedroom sai tee Peedoea
3'0 r.gc,. roll eveede nvi tete:OA/ilea me
leep 'neatly new, coal 7" heater with
'over:'; qeeetity o linotKit2m, aarly
LeweeMiignet cream eaeParriterebrood•
'et .ead laid/hater A lieu t • 20 toes tine
tithyabay and 500 Wtrnangolcls. acre
'o( tdtatipse about 400 buelels ot! oats
cieteetity of raixed chop; forkee.
hoeS aildeaels chains and a lot of
tret6hrid,r adticles /0,0 r.jmerOtiS to inert -
The, Farin-!Lf .previeufly -sold
rrill'Ibe Offered for sale Co ntai nen i.„?' 07,
abres,being Lot 10 Core 1. liey 3 nnlea
tortlf of -Exeter ond 2 and 1-2 Iniles
frOna :.flecsaIl an I,op don B01 tki,61
fence`de. in good state of CuitiVit,tion
sprite` creek tennine theoti eh teem...
geed brick:he:tee tied bet* barn pro, •
party 'ell` in, good • 0.0 to of repair te,
ephote j,fl hoeee In. At, L neighborbool
Terme-45 er.d ender .calla eeer I h
araoend 12 Inmate credit will be iv -
en on terhishing epproved pert notee
nier oienbper aturiin off for caele
Terinsreal estate Will Ire tratele
linnivilaartrelay of eale er, en appliro,:y
tIOit. t:n:t'tJearl:od't1.7
N .
PrOlirkettor ; .1 Lt. Attctist-P'et
Farm for Sale
teener° farm. Lot 11 Vora 1 Mown
alp of Hay on Uncle° Read 2 1a2
utiles from Exeter and 2 1.42 uUes
fram 1XensaII. pply to eae B. leoete
Byrien Ont,
House for Sale
That line residence on (Chili le'oir4Vx.
of, Albert end James. Street*. tone of
the bestiogetiona inthe ,town Of Exe-
ter', At bgajr fo reek* buyen
Apply at the residence of Mr,' Jos.
Ilawkine to Mr. an Oho( Seater th,
Farm For Sale
That vaEzabie property dituated or.
conceeeionl. Lot tI Tp, ef, Hay., eon-
PR, 0,, v. BOUTISTON L. A.$. AD
Roller Graduate of Toronto Univere
eity Office aver Diek.sea & Car&
linen new often. Closed Wedneae
day aftereoons. Phene Office Isia
Ilesidesice 5 b.
tatting ono ki,andred acres more . or
les.% with a !good milk roate Jin con-
nection; On the property la a go4
frame toiete and bank barn e Two
goad apring wells, ;fairly igood carol -
era. Apply to Mr, 'A. Willard on the'
premises or -to Gla.draen & Stan-,
bare, Exeter:,
DR, A. 11, KINSMAN 14.11.4 DMA,
+Boner 'Graduate of Toronto Ulehlte
Teeth Retracted without pain. ag
any had effects. Office oven Glade
'Peen & Stannury's Offiee Main Ste
Exeter, •• •
- W. BROWNING hf. De M. q•
%Pe P. R. Graduate Victoria Calve:4
sity Office and residence Dominion,
Labra,fory., Exeter. „
Associate Coroner of Huron
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries COLO
veyaneers Gemmissioners, SolioitIKA
for the Maisons Batik etc. I
Money to Loan at lowest rates of 'pi
I. R. Carling B. A; , a4. Dickson
Farm for Sale AT
- --ONLY TO LOAN ,- I ‘.
'Teat valaable property being dot
27, core 1 ITebotnel, goutaining 100 ac-
res On the proeeree as, a brick house
brick. bark barn, horse stable. drive -
•shed and. tow stable all brick.. lakboat
two acres of orchard of good frail(
fear geed wells.; well fenced and un-
dierdeained . with -tile, large piece of'
bash; soil well adopted her grair, hay
roots or peeturea Situated one an&
a half mien torth of E xeter-
miles from Hensel]. For tarther in-
formation apply to J. Nv, Weisht., ,Lot
.24 eon, 1 Uebornee
Houses for Sale
lefeierd'Sneil and Marchand are of-
fering for sale' two fine new briek
• reeidencen on the old Mansion Rense
property: They are equipped with
furnace, electric 1igt.4 toilet, bath
and closet:- They are papered . and
grained and will' be ready to occupy
in two or Ihreeeweeks. Apply to
Wea, Snell'. Exeter. •
llnise for gen.t.
comfortable brick cottage, with
good -sized pallor, -dining .room, two
bedrooms, kitchen,- woodshed and
cellar. • Stable and, some .fruit trees.
Corner Albert. and Huron,- streets, a
choice 'location. Terms •to
';t:T‘t • :NOTICE
,• ereas zny wife. My Jane Veal,
haring 1,eft My bed and hoard Without,
iny knortleidge Or' 'eoniiiiit;' I hereby
notify all wlabm snii Concern that
a arge amoun o .p
ate funds to loan on farm and Vil-
lage properties at lowest rate a het
Ba.rristers, Solicitors, Main Eite
MISS G. E. AI, Bla.SETT A Mus We
lIorior Graduate of the London ,COnn
eervatory ot Music, Teaching, Cote
lege of the Western 17niversity1
Teacher Piano-T.heory -Harmorele
eounterpcpat and Musical, Hietorea
la opus prepared for musical exanfe
ina Ian
Inc Usborne ana fith'pert
farmor'g maw firr.insur-
. once Gempanu
Heaci Offloo, Farquhtr, °nit
President J. L.. BUSSE I/ 4:
Yice-Pres. ROM GARDI Esrt,ta:
Tslioonsr. Emy0AnNnIe., • .
-WM. BROCK • 1 .Winophneblsitii:
WAL ROY ' i Bornholm:.
., . . .. .,
;form' ESSER Y Exeter. agent Vint
borne and Riddulph.
Ib I will not be responsible for a.nidebts '
she.ndaty incur -in nay name. •
• -
F.dinkakilide Pc 8€13i:1910, -
House for Sale
FOR SALE -A g�&)8 room house
3 lots:, A: nice home En•quien at
Times (Mimi
Apples Wanted
Exeter Eirafiorator-
We will pay 25c per hundred pound the MARvele Accept. no•
OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent ter
Eribbert Fullerton and Logan.
• liaa. an. TURNBULL
secv,Treas. Farquhar
G141)olilif4citorS8ua Exeter. 11R 7'
Electric. Restorer tor Mos
phosphonoi restores everyzerve in the b
to its proper tension ; resto
viol and vitality. Premature decay and all sex
weakness averted it once. Phosphoned
realm you a now man. Pri...o E8 a box. or two
M. Mailed to any address... Thesconeuerres,
Co.; ed cateereues. Gad
V Menial"
Is interested and should/trio*
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray.
"`" Douche
Ask your drnigist for
It. -If he cannot eupply
tfeor izWinter Peelers, tWCI and la guar- hre"bteerd rotoks-sel'deafete8m, elltfg°rivillesti.lstal
particulars and directionsfnyabiable
JOS.san:vover.lvo24., gr.
General Arent* for Cali,lifitio
Il';. ', -
- we 4'estreto can tee attentiosof telt those
afflicted with any/Mood or Mon Dylan'o to
our Now Method Treatment as a etedanteed
• cute for thcso comptante. There la;rio alt. v.
4. , cuse for anY person baying a clisflgpred face
from eruptions and blotches. N(Prnatter ,
-whether hereditary or,nequired, our,,specide
'remedies and treatment neutralize MI poi-
. sons in the blood and expel them from the
system. Our vast experience in the treat -
mamba thousands of the most serious And
complicated Cases ensties us to"perfect a
cure without experimenting. Bre do busineas
on the plan—Pay Onle-for the Benefit You
Derive:, If you hare any blood,disease, eon -
'suit us Freo.of Cherie and let; u� ProVo to
you how quickly our remedies wilt remove
all evidences of disease. Under the influence
'of the New Method Treatment the skin be-
comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches I
14 fi heal up, enlarged glands aro reduced, fallen
out ,hali grows in again. the eyesfbecome
„ 'bright, anthition and encror-rettia; and the
victite realizes a nerr,liM has opened up t,o
,' . , -.
, ie., YOU ARE CURED " ,
Send for Doehlet on Diseases of MO
' If orahlU to tele -era° for 'altluestiou List
1. • for Homo Treatmitnt
Alkhigan Ave. and Griswold St.,' Detroit, Mich..
NOTICE ' All letters front Canadqvuut be addreSsed
to out Canadian Correspondence Depart..
ismenateelansaelea 'ment in Wiadeer, Ont. X,f you desire to
et* *a personally call ae oat' Medical 'Institute inDetteit as we see and treat
no, patients in Our Winclstae offices -which ere for Correspondebee end
.14borenty. for Canadian business only. Address all letters- ea folkeNst
* DRS. tatiNtOY & iteNtigoy, Whattor• Oat,
vvrite far onstorfrateaddreita.