HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-31, Page 1eaii Pirie Treat ent Bexall Internal Bile Relsreey ,5() Eeiaatl Pile Ointment .35. .$a 'Has eared others, srxreler eeiI you, veoney 'back if it fails, but as yet, we to not know a beeeeeelee Where it has failed. to cure, on sale at i61e'S i?rug slate' ter • ,i uiTY*EIGSTI3 YEAR •-.•No 2019 Huron & Middl sez Gazette EXETER, ONT 1-51.1-1 JONES & MAY PHONE32 else CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 81st, 1912. Wii.L.ter eavy Goods will along the time now to do your WinterShopping. Winter It is getting soon DO here and you will find us well stocked with a good line of Winter Wearables Winter Coats A few Real Good Ones just in this week. se Weare adding something pew in the Coat. 1. line every week. We are showing a Real Stylish Tweed Coat with large Collar and Reveres. and Belted Back. This week for [7,50 Shaker Blankets A good large White Shaker Blanket. for only 1.25 Dress Goods Nothing left out in this bepartment, Every Stylish Color and. Fabric shown here Come Here -for Your Dress Goods a. Sweater Coats All Colors, All Kin -as, All Sizes For Ladies, Gents, Girls and Boys, High aud.Low or Reversible Collars, Fur Lined Coat Oar. Fur Lined Coats this Fall are trade winners, We can give them to you at the Lowest. Prices,. Wool Blankets Good large Fluffy AA to 7 0 Wool Blankets per pair 4.00 e Millinery Have you ,oadered your new Fall or Winter Hat. Every style and" shape are on our tables. Leave your order Early. Horse Furnishings New A LargeStock Of New Goods Choose from om New Rugs • Linoleums . New Carpets Oilcloths New Matting Bordering Curtains Madras Tapestries New Suits and .overcoats for Men and justopened Boys We have up a swell lot of Mens and Boys New Suits and. Overcoats Theyare the real swagger er stuff and come in all the seasons New Shades. :Ever, , Y Suit and 'Overcoat a bargain. Do not fail to seethem if you want something Real Nifty. Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter B'uilder's Hardware. . ' ' Locks ks for Builders 25c to 50o k.. Falling 9 W.x rdrobeKills 'l s Fortner Exeter Lady Miss Annie Slavin a former Exeter lady while attending to her regelar duties et eiget cecloek tact Friday Locks as Ont 500 per Set winch house received < fracture at aschamber maid at the Tee - tee .base of the skeet from a falling ng wardrobe and. died 'shortly afterward Mitch Slavin was alone at the time: in one of tee froorns facing the north tall or the first floor (tieing small in &fat...ere.,racd judging from• her position - -- .'l after the accident it is evident that Hammer BranPlaster per as atsr, reached into the wardrobe for an article it toppled. backward upon Butts. Hinges and Glass complete Stacks for Houses, Barns, Etc. Hand Saws 50c to' $2:50 Good Farmer's' Saw $1.00 Ler, •crisibinug' her head to the floor. George. 11•,. O'Neil the proprietor of it he bo:rsee wbo was pass;irg throw-gQi a lower i;orridee, beard the crash. ar.d suspected somethisig• was wrone. harried up stairs finding. the unfor= Hammers from i.0oe t innate women" bleeding,profseiy from • the mouth- end persutnabig ie a day. Good Value 45c and 50o ucrt vcipditrion." A 'hurried call breuzhl Use CHT-NAMEL and Camp bell's Varnish Stain for renew. ing allinterior woodwork. l look Makes the old oo new 15, 25, 45, and 1.00 For Fall Painting 'we carry a complete stock of Lowe Bros high Standard Paints and Ele phant Paint 60c and 65c per•gtr Dr, George Wtlsor a minute or two, only before life became extinctc 11r, .Iferg?isor. coroner, later view- ed The body; end becoming aware of the probable; facts of the ease deelar•. ed .an intl.lest unnecessary, Miss 91avr`r.; anda stsher MaryrJ at present connected with the Teclinseh House Lave beer: employed there for 00 yeare, A heather Thomas Slavin re- side;e ir. Hensel] Ber nge was 40 yrs, ,COW ON RAMPAGE The odd pranks of a retch cow at- IlEAiRfS HARDWARE AND STOVESTORE She had beernrchas at an auction ontracted macL itterest near 'Lurie!), sale and when the purchaser tried to take her home see miaowed, rescreinente A. rope was scoured and placed round her: horns, to take Ler away from the premises Here she dternorstra.ted- her broncho •g tendencies and broke away runtrrn,, At a kee,h rata; of speed until she •reached a field where other Battle were grazing Again. she was corrall- ed and roped ta.lcen a •short distance bat lsee resuleee her former pranks jumpleg and twisting untie she; land: cd ).ersaIl it the ditch Recovering her self quickly ard making a swift tn.mn she threw her captor who was hold- :, itc` e5 c rove c into the itrtiter analain•r another escape For seine days " she was'rat • r er but J:t 1 foiled, xsn ft t.1 e h55 p roped and driven with another: cow r•o der borne. The sequel . for :the aural s odd, eaperes, it is beet is the Net Ite•at. she .nLd Alii ries •been cared eat by tee women: el the farm, and Was aifrtid or dsiihed' the Met,. •SeasonGoods ataxae all Pri ces Sweater Coats, Underwear, Hosiery, . Gloves, Mite, foie MEN, WOMEN and C1dILDRsN at ; oft regular price.Children's bear skin Bonnets and Coats at almoet half price, 'Yard' wide TOvT Flannelettes worth •tic for Ile. Clearing WE Try 'its our Salt Hats at 25c 50e $1 & 1,26 areTak -i or that Suit COME QUXCE For The ing lots b - . .ox` OVERCOAT, PRICE soon,. sells orders Made Tf The Price is Small and TIMISE GOODS Measure Clothing trade -Te Goods The Newest, byGree e Swift ift ltd London k VHlag YOU wA.Nr. Snots Oit ACMES .CALL ON Vs d,,Exeter Bargain Store: 0Door North of Post Office* W. F. Beavers Exeter Council temell meat in tee Town Hall Fri- day avec :ng l.lie 25th l'Icelbers ell eraser t Matr'ate:s of the atilt and 8th vvcrc eel a•kd ttpgved,. Jay-TLaasw fNo, 10perro>Vfumbee tee rate was read the r.eeessar•y reenber of times and finally passed on motion ot Mr, Scott and eecencicd by Mr, Nest eft, Levett rased Ford that; ebc ac- cost-t,s be passed'as rend, Wm Valet Leber B19,37' Geo, 'A(,kii:- son do 25,50; le, Ior:y do $t); Jas,, Se tet jr do 5,00 1_1, Davis do 50,00 Win Kemp .do 'J.; Jno, May do 33;02; Sideri,y /lenders do 12,50; Thos,. Sanders' '1:e,$0; .l, liaelewood Flo 9,00 Ne1•sor: Yak, do 4,00; Richard Q i,ice labor 5;00 T, lio•a1,der. ado 14,00; adeno, 1'Cydd• ado' 6610; Wm fi retch do25,50; Edb,Stelt do .7,00; Win ICnott do Z,00; James Sweet do 2,00; Walter Wescott do 19,25 -Tote Kseld do 22,00; Jerry Ier,ott: do n,.00; 'Richard Robins, do 4,00 Wei 11Cydd do 4$.50; Henry llornoy do ''21,00 Were Treble do 11:90; ]1 f. Melee Be 9,,00 Canada Foundry do L010;30;; James 1'lohertsor• Co, do 57,50; '£Iain iftcr: and Toronto Seaver Pipe Co, 7,50;. II, ,Spackeein de 5,50; Bari Soettcott Exeter ra:nd:50.,00 total $13(20.25 Scott-.11ivers that the Reeve end 'T'reae ser brow ,$2,000 for current expenses eeCerrieee Levett . •>;'l:iv,ers—that .t.he. Clerk write LLe'lrtr•se Shoe Store Qaerry Co, St, • Mary for price of crested - store per car i!', 0, J. Exeter—Carried Levett ktrd . ord that the Fire En- eire be-.aealveitised for sale, tenders to bo in tit: QJerk's ha ads, by Friday ever.J;,i;l Nov, -22nd at 7 p. .m, and also to write the Gutta. Percha Rub- ber Coe for the price of two:and a half iruii ribber,bose—Carried. Levett that we adjo'irn ._._,. De osits. p Withdrawn A ,foa1tsle r:inior with so feua- dation was + irc•alated arbund tows last week he connection \vitt the bark of Commerce: The remor con- haired ebsoHtely, no truth and while- (he business sross men paid very 1i ttlC at- tcrtion toit, pet, othersbecame undu- ly. u ly alarmed er.d were 'inclined to with- draw 'their .deposits,. The Catadiaa' Bark of Commerce reeks among the foremost o; Ca,adipn banking ins,ti- tati•orse fit is captitalizcd at :I5,- 000;000', and tars ,a rest fend: of $12.- 500•,0004 Ai TLatksgivi_re'ti'ne tiee prosperity of tteibar:k was evinced by - tee matagement declarine an extra. bonne dor 1 per cent to shareholders Tiose•'vern were ir. any way alarmed over itteir .deposits may rest oess irert that they are all right as there is r o =doubt as to the, reliability of tie Canadian ;Bank of Commerce, The re- port was (started by a person in town vv^]to"'had •x -c, -bawd worth from. Teror.to ;that '=the elank..,of Vona- ni.erce eras shaky. A conversation 'had been overheard that ba, iCanadian bank had been (charged with send- ing wrong treports to the government and in some . way she connected: it l with • the 33ark of Commerce Evld- l cttly tie one who spread the report ' did nor know the serio'nsness of the offence as it is a iserio us matter to circ•alat \false reports concerning any banking institution. end aii:yot,e foundguilty of such an act may be severely p'.rtissbeds• The scare ifs over ler, bard, Mrs, iTotet /user)* have .re' t'irrrd home after spending a couple of mor t.Ls is the west;• '''- Mas. G.'3eltcry at'.d family! of St;affa and I\1ie•s, Sylvia 'Weft of Diis .wood are the eeiests of Mr, .Sr.il Mrs, S, Hardy, Mrs, Geo, J,-,Colwill ot 'Parkhill and 'M 4V"ll..n t.1 d l f,' • o r_ V Willem-. a a t.r I?'' t , f C troli.a visited Mr, and Mrs, Verney over 'tie holiday, Miss St:ar•.Irrry ecconlpa.:tied by ter eine 'Miss Freed:, Kee:bury, of Tor- orto visited .Ler brother Me, 3, , Ste r.iriry (►'ver Teenkegierinet Oar S: nday morning the latter sang a very acceptable solo it leaven chervil; Miss lt'3'r,:ede >Stot:•hurt' in .t, sister of Master Douglas the JJuy Con- tralto Dancers Worth .Seeing SeeitIi and•Arnold the best dancing team on the American starve will ap- pear hear in the Opera House with • Guy Brothers Big Minstrels next' Thursday. Nov, 7th. see this wonder- ful dancing act, and Watch for the big street Parade at noon, ,Special Prices 35 and 50e.. ROBBED OF. ROLL ON BRUCE • A Tl',ftly ( A passenger on Grand Trunk, Lon- don, Enron and Bruce train, which arrived in London Monday morning,. reported to London officials of the road that pickpockets . had gone through his pockets, relieving him of about $60. This is the first case ever reported on the Bruce, the police saw. The passenger, who intended• to transfer at London to take a traits for Detroit, was also • touched for • two tickets, which were included ed with the roll of cash in his wallet: lie was un- able to tell just where he had sustain- ed his logs, and did not nttss his valu- ables, until the conductor asked for his fare. t . ROBBED ,Ciee:f `! QFiS ifr co:EtA n ii izlb The cottages J'ee •immcr o,t,e es of .'everai L s or. u dor ;people \\•ere brokers into recently by ,Herat vn parties :I!;r,tra,rree was: of feeted by braking off the eh'att•ers of several of the windows and thee pryi.t..1 the windowe ,1I) \with a jim- my OLed doors or, tral horses were also sotaahed As Jeer es ter: be learn. was take f vat.te v s n as eta:teethingo, tee things had been removed by the toxrfsts whor, they went hong at elle diose of the smirker seam., & cirg the placer; entered were; the horses, of :Messrs Parry. Jones aztd Geotrg'e erearnat of tendon. • ( nether pe^ ill Product (a tiolet Tile reception liven by the .Public to x11 Cold Cream shows' that people aeGi)r. Royal!, products at ,,, "ace Value "—anti izX this case for the rralue of their ;Paccs, Poftern the skin and protcicts the aeanpte tide large, jars g.50 Cole's Drug Store (Hoene of The Rexall R:emedies0 rYews of the District The way potatoes are rotting they Will be abopt .2lwe price qd eggs text sprits': We will have to eat beacas and doctors stay beans are . better $1.00 per year in,advancei Locals Mr, :Herb .Axt was In Loudon•Mon- day, r , Mrs, '1•". `teLeeot was in Loudon on Saterclay; Mil, and ,M:ra Jas, grieve were, in Lor.do;i on 'Satr:rrda4 • ' Mr:, M. M, Doyle' was Ir. Toronto \hie week be b.isjetier5. Miss Horton of Winghasr visited is town over the holiday;. Mr, Mark Mitchell of I:,ordoa was it. town over the holiday Mr, Te 11. M'eCallem visited it Lone dor and Toronto this' \\eels'. Mr, and, blr.a. M, Clark of London spent the holidays is town. Mr., and Mrs, Deer, of 113erlin visited ir-Exeter over' Ceahkegivrine, Mr, Ed, Down of Alberta is visiting 1js triotbor and mister in town,,, Mr, IIy P.:arsons of London 'spetit 'the week end 'at his 'home hem. Mr', W,, J lernezartI. ofAver- spelt the holidays viMtirb .his brother,. Misr tr. Cousins: ot=..1dondcn spent I:olidays with Miss Trete Ilivorra • Mr, I, ']')aviedeot of Toronto visited Mrs, J.1Dowr. over Thanksgiving,. Msj, T o°itee 'of Ottawa vieitcd Mr. Th, McTagearts over tee 'holi ayt Miss Mable Meli'agge:rt of +ill'.atsham visited Ler Strome over the holiday,; Miens Westland' of Wyoming hes : vise. (titg fat the 'home of DA Hyndmad. Miss West.lard(, of Wyoming, is vise, itirg at: the home of Dr, 2Tyndnean'. Mrs, Cieo, Atkir.son reternpc( last week teem. visii4r'g friends in London Miss 'PLomsot, of ,]?great spent the holiday with ber sister -Mrs, fi. Martie ser caber from .fere took in the supper at Whaler- on Tuesday evening Miss Jar.et lierowa'visited ter ells ter Beier.. who is ill ie Detroit: this week: Misses E,M, 03owey and 1. Der -vie - feed lied ir, Clandeboye over Thanksgiving Mri eel McDor.ald is quite 111 at the Cer.tral Hotel. and pneumonia is sear- ed', Mr, ar.d Mrs. Chas Afire:son of London west in town over TY.aelregivInge - M.r. aid Mrs, Ikea Heywood speat TLulrksgivi rel with friends: in t)redi torr,, r` t ' Mrs„ J, 'A :Stewart of Seaforte spett the holiday ivith Mr;, and Mrs Joseph Pearce • , e Mrsi. Josepb ?tart w.no 'Issas ()Debt. gel Be 5111 we ere pleased to, say Ss im- provitg nicely:.' ' s e '' Miss ,Bella McDo igall of tear Tn.- gersol1 ;pent the holiday at her home or. Thanes Road, Me -sere 'WM,„ and X3T..L. Jtd eston or Tore -tete; epent •Thaeeirgivint, ; w 1 t Mr, seed( :Mrs\, Wa•aght, Mrs.. t raaz: returned to Bowman - vine Monday atter spending a few weeks with -e' Mise ML Grigg, Mr; ] , 'Carroll has said his 50' acre farm, lot 3 'cotcession 3 Biddelph to Mr;, Hy :14IcFa.1't for $2.700 Mr, ar.d MIA T. I3:awkins: yisihed their idaaghter Mrsi. P. Pollorsd in Windsor en Tkankest;ivinee. Me Colin Silo:lee . ,,of atilt spent Thanksgiving vi.itine .his parents' Me, and Mrs, W: H, Monc:lr•. . M re,a1, .r.e°.f Mises xrabam of IGadierieb were 'the g':aes± of Mr. and Mrsi 'C Lir,clenfieldf over the holiday. ' Mrs, Mortimer, Miss tillartiiner ar:d Miss Robit.son of London. spent the holiday with. Mr, ard Mrs. Win Dtins- ford.. . Master Herold Foster who leis - with )1ia here' spirt 't.l.e ,,g,:inlmar ii•e grandfather 'Mr, las; I'faad,ford re- t':irted to tie lsonte in Toronto\ Mon- day. Iver, Harry Tyndall, of '1 ee•kcrsmiti reder.tly -picked froth Lis field a terrip which weighed 23 rounds. ,fe is of: the Derby Swede variety. On TIanlca.Fiviny day Mr, R. Q Bance Shot a. coot i,n Mri, N, +Clarke'ss, 'b•rsh It born r:wa L fle 22 pounds. The cont was on lexii•biteen in Mr, W. ,[)per's, window. Messrs Phil Rowcliffe ar.d Well Herr., painters and paper lhangers disolvcd partriers. il't IVIr ifern coal_ titres the 'b1.2sines1 while :Uri,Row cliffe is moving to 'London. Mr, Wn, Fettered of near Detroit Mitt ,spent the holiday with: haus situ. Mrs, l!1•anroe The Misses i+odlatnd acco npar;sed nim .hon=e after spend - leg several mouths here'. Mr, and, Mrs, Eobt. Verity, et Tor- onto 'visited Mr„ and Yrs, T 1],. Carl- ing l - lig over Thanks 'iving:; It is .fifteen Years since Mr, Verity ,.es been in Exeter or$ he motes ninny intprevc- ;netts %ince •Uiat time.. ISIre, Geo !Monies was Ir.' London Betel -real tar:d returned aorompanicd by Mrs, '0, T. ;I3:rook's who Yr lerwent' fe, ser.a:ars oeera tier.: at St., J'esepheer Illospita.l a few weeks sage. Mrs,. Brooks lreoevery is very slow. Mr, Ilar1 J'ersors• sen of Mr', and Real yC tet n r. London • 7. ..o s Mrs\, Sem eel r who flet\ here two meths, ago to work le Calgary Altai, i:as recently. .underdone an operation for appasndfie- fele, F3rtb:er word hats- been re.ce v- c el that he is convalescing nicety, Arm Nearly lSevered—Mr, Pobert .y Irydd of_ the11 a ccLCCSSrf:on 0.E 'EIS. borne suffered a severe eeoWteet ea Friday last which dearly cost him his lett arm T'o eth•er with several oth- er mere .he wee, vatting wood with a eirc•alar !saw They were sawix:g a { piece ; or rock elm timber whet. the j saw left the rack ard struck Mr, lydd ljit tee lett ern The saw eat right throer1 to flesh :bone le.evine. of fleet, hote- 1 l,tl- "`oY osh I zta o bet a small ri . , Ilya., e ing u, 1 `, ].I fed t tht.r, , J x tt: 'Ile arm to ~, y a max, xrixl McGillieiddy 'were tatted from town and extracted seve,rai splitters atter wt. eb f.be firm wee sat ar,d Mat•, ] !y+dd is .now doing as I ..well. as cat be .expected., then potatoes,.; Mri, W, 8., firni tl•.e of Mitchell was as, sistizg .bis, on Fed of Logan to, pick apples or tris faun. on. 2h:arsday of. Last 'veeek, whet he aacoidcntly fell frons et tree ,ar.d received a broken Lip end a bad shaking 'ap, Dr, Smith attended 1:o the aged gentleman's imom juries, end to is getting along as well res that he expected;, Where is' tow every indication that the proporsed z-ew branch of then IC, I'r R,c .tram St, Marys• via Exeter' to Bartle will Raoul be plat through, 'Ap•, plication we be made at once to titre :Board or Railway Commissioners for sar.ction fore the lease among- others of the St,Marys and Western Ontario Railway to ;the C?, PM 'EX This dent it is very probably that immediate a ,tion tvill be taken towards pelting through the road: . • Shier—McCetcbeor— On Wednes- day October the si.zteertli et twelve o clock tome the inarriage of . Miss Helene Florence l6lodutcheori daugh- ter of.: Mrs, (l2o,bt, .MeCutcheor to Dr, 11, V, Shier son aft. Mr. and Mrs•, S, A, Stier of Kirkton to®Is: place very quietly at: 23,e1ton Ont et the. :family resi;denee Tee Rev, Jahn Mahan Of 91or•rdale eondueted the ceremony aril Leo music was rendered by Miss. Gladys M•, A. 'Shier sister of the groom After luncheon De, and PIrst Shier left for Cookstown Ont, where tLey will reside, -. A 'very .sad er.d a,dden death in St; Cathari,res Hospital on Monday: pot; 21st eased profound sorrow at tie home of Wlrs. Robert •Bithford and stirred the sympathy of the people of Mjt f i,c . ]'dell t o a>= unusual de- gree; .Ear3y or, Sunday 5norning. Mrs', Ti .ithford was notified by telephone that her daeghter :Charlotte Me- Cil3eelrr, had( nxderg one a surgical operatior. ,nt: tee hospital Miss Ide- Callosh, went to that institution her- self and on being informed *Let an I,mnlCd 1 aJ, ,e operation was a nL c essay Lad writ :tcr 'tor- , her mother on Satur- day bet the ]atter was rot received 'anti" Monday Two of Ler sisters by iirivir.g to catchthe train at Strat- ford ar.d going ro:ind flay Toronto, reached her side as quickly as possible aid Lea' mother prepared to take the first tritir.' from Mitchell 'bat anoth- er ;message was reeeiyed saying that she bad. passed away" The body was brought to Mitchell or. the ~night train on Monday and interment took plate Tee the Presbyterial:. eemett'ry on Wednesday afternoon. COLLISION. AT STREETSVILLE Vwo were killed and 391pj red. when 'two V, ..P,, trains collided head-on tetr Streetsville on Thankegivirx;'Dns A ;special trait carrying the troops from (the sham \battle at Milton. to Toronto collided with the Chicago fly- er which, pulls out of Toronto. at 5 o'clock The killed' aid injured were privates in the Toronto reilitiee George Robert Goy The Proprietor and Manager of the Famous 'GUY BROTHERS MIN- STRELS INSTRELS is nearing his 50th. year as a negro comediau. He has made many people laugh in different parts of !d thew r o andpleased man with His Dancing. any of the best Vaudeville Acts on the stage today thank Him for patting them before the public. He bas started a great many and they have gone right to the front and at present ate drawing big salaries. He has written and compos- ed many P n puIar Songs, Produced many faney driils, Big Dancing num- bers etc. He managed this show a number of years for his father and by hard work brought The Goy Brothers Minstrels up to the h'gh standard they have today. It is the oldest organi- zation of the kind on the road today. George is a great Lodge man being a member of most any Society you can mention. He has a good word for everyone and Ives an honest upright life trying to do good for mankind, Guy Brothers Minstrels play at the Opera, House Exeter Thurt=. Nov. 7th, Prices 35 Sr 50e. Seats on sale at Coles Drugstore. GOOD .AND )3A)) ROAIJS lite 'road, that leads to Sleepytowt is car,sit-.g muck eompleinin;', and folk who, travel up and down forget their moral i y r t, o s.1 I;rair.,in,,. For when the weather s wet the road is, Iike the swamp tamed dismal and ho rses with their wager. load,sink in the depths abysmal. And r who y natarf:s.ts go that It ay ore thrown into .e panic.; their autos stele in liquid clay bre beat the lost T'jtaric And when tee weather s dry ILose tracks are' ridged ard rough and runty, and travellers have broiten bricks,,er else are thriven nutty Ar,d in the streets of sleepy town the eitizets terve, ber,'and ' say, There s soaieihirr s. keeps us down ar.d handicaps us 'tether Why is our burg has etrardin, still, no o prizes ever landing Ti -.G revaIv't village s. Is vine is grntvitte and expending. The roads that lead to 12i'xstlevidl•e.are ex- cellent inviting and aver volley bride are] hill fire travellers go slcii.in t no broker, axle trees or tire brings forth a burst or \ ear' ,-5 toren s fo nd- er it, the mire or swim for shore de- spairir:g'. 011d ao to '1:insttovi11e they ger, the crowds, :with eh'•arf'il ..chat ter, and SIeopyiown, hate rsed m woe they weeder 't -lett s the matter Walt Mason. Everybody Is Doing It Doing What? Ordering their New Fall ala id Winter SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our Stock was never so large and complete with New Woollens S.` for Suits and Overcoats- as veJco t & S as at the present time See our New Style new coats For Men a Boys ents' s 1 u M We also have a First Class Assortment of L `Sl COLLARS S SOCKS, TIES, HAAaS & CAPS, SUSPENDERS tNDE 0. S l.tl ii iii Dl W N EA L BO'S N DROWN• ---ale Stephen or: Monday Oct 20th I912 to hlrtl tit.<l IStrs, Dean J3rawr: a daaurirIt'1n i' •r • 1 e 17t `est A ••-• .elt: "J,'ts. C 1 c, , a la. e Y1 ,,U Itl7 r J ! to Mr, ar.d Mat t', - 1tedard a i tore. i3LOCEE--Ir. Z•tr er1 trsda. Oct - 5 ober ''labs Mrs Taj HN Iorlr, i f, fl E N I F A Jt ii AI LO