HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-24, Page 71.110ST INCREDIBLE FEAT
nerr Krell Found That "Zariff"
and "Mehammed" Grasped "
Some of the meet extreordinary
ex,periments' on record, regarding
the reseuroes of animals' intelli-
gence, end. more especially of
horses' Psychology, have taken
plat* in Elberfeld, Genneny, under
the lead a a Barr Kroll, a wealthy
merchant of that 'city, a,nd the au-
thor of a, book on 'Thinking Ani-
?. Herr •Krell has achieved an arnea-
fag, 'almost incredible feat. He has
taught a oomplete alphabet to two
adierses, eied furthermore, has turn-
W.d these two anima,10 into trained
mathematioians, for they an ex-
tract the square and cube roets of
any siumber one chooses to suggest.
The Elherfeld merchant was one
of the greatest enthusiasts about
the striking achie'vements of the
onoe,-fa,raous Hans the "speaking -
horse" which created so great a fu-
rore in Berlin aeveral years ago,
when it was shown in a local circus.
He purchased Hanle and for many
months` etudied the a,nimal. Final-
ly, being unable to dis6oyer the ma -
eon why Ila,ne could speak and
count,he decided to start the whole
expeirment efeeeh. He bought two
young Arab stallions, Zariff and
Mohammed, and taught them as
though they were children. This
tuition lasted three years,
The first part of Herr Krall's
task was to teach his two horses
how to count. He tried a systent of
his own invention,. which consists
in ordering the horse to count teas
with its left front foot, units 4th
its eight front foot, and hundrecle
with its left aga,in. For instance,
Herr Krell writ4es on a blackboard
the number "42," and presents the
board to Zariff and Mohammed,
•eaying,"What is that figure ?" The
• hi
oreee mmediately knock their left
front foot four times on the pave-
meza and then, after a short pause,
knock their right front .foot twice,
four 'representing the tens, and two
the one. Hence, 42. To this sys-
tem, Herr Krell added zero, which
ita,s a special sign -the horses mov-
ing their heads slowly from left to
Then came the study of an alpha-
bet. Herr Krell again invented a
system awarding to which each 1e4 -
ter is represented by a convention-
al 'number, which the animal must
remember. D means 32, E means
11, G means 33, and so on. To- ex-
press ehe letter El for instance, the
' homes knock their left front foot
tge once, and then after the usual
pause, their right front foot once
also. This way of knocking, accord-
ing to the aforesaid system of
counting, means "11" (o-ne ten and
one unit), and "11," represents the
vowel E. "Yes" and "no" are ex-
pressed by special head movements.
And thue the system is complete.
• Glasses Would Help natty Students
to Pass Examinations.
• Many a ea,pable student in college
- has been dropped when he night
have finished his course with credit
if his eyes permitted him to study
as he desired. This is tthe declare,
tion of Professor Melvin Dreshbach
of the Cornell Medical College after
a. three-year 'study of the eyes gf
• etudents at Cornell and of condi-
tions at other colleges. He says:
"I have compiled, statistics by
sending a questionaire with eve -
0181 reference to the eye examina-
tion to about 160 institutions of
learning in this country. Replies
were received from 105. Of which
• nuraber 22 do not require any eye
• examinations. Among the latter
were two well-lcnown schools for
women and one great university.
• "In more eases when the tests
are matte they are by a physical di-
rector who is not even a physician.
• In only about a dozen institutions
is a speeialist engaged. In seven -
�teen colleges and universities the
• estimate of undergraduates wearing
• glasses ranged from ten to nearly
• one hundred •per cent. Statistics
compiled from the exaraination of
the eyes of 3,320 undergraduates at
• Cornell show that 27 per cent. of the
men at Cornell wear glasses for
• reeding. The percentege of under-
• graduates who wear glasses colle-
t:011,1v is only three to four.
"Of the 842 men wearing glasses,
40 per 'coatwere found to need a
• change, of Ilens. Fifteen under-
graduates were found to be blind or
practically 'so in one eye. At pre-
• sent there see :six totally blind stu-
dents in the university. Of, the Merl
Who have eye. trouble, 40 per cent.
• have never consulted a specialist,
• "Another cause of weak eyes is.
..the use of freshman caps, which
furnish no protection • from the
• bright sunlight. To compel boys,
especially those with aeusitive eyes,
to Wear theee leaps in obedienee to
°Wiese custom it a vicious habit,"
To Care for he GireWillg Family,
and Hee Household Cares.
• Whea there in a growing famile
to Rare for end the mother fella ill,
it is a Believe) matter, Mazy mo-
thers who are ell the go from morn-
ing to night whose work, apparent-
ly, is uever dere, heroically try to
disguise their sufferings, and keep
An appearance of cheerfulness be-
fore their family. Only themselves
know how they are 'distressed by
headaehes and backaches, dragging
down palm and nervous weakness;
how their eights are often sleep-
less, and they arise to a new day's
werk tired, depressed •and Imre-
fresheda Such mothers should
know that these sufferings are
usually due to a lack of good nour-
ishing blood, They should know
that this thing above all others they
need to give them new health and
strength is rich, red bkod, and
that among allmedicines there is
none oan equal Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for their blood -making, health
restoring qualities. Every suffer-
ing woman with a home and family
to care for should give these pills a
fair trial, for they will keep her in
health and strength, and make her
work, easy. Here is strong proof
that these Pills do what is claimed
for them, Mrs. Henry Thomas,
Dryden, Ont., says: "Whims )13,y
second child was bore I was so weak
and run down that I could scarcely
walk acrosna roora. My baby was
small and weak (also, 4,10 cristri and
worried night and day until I dia.-
eovered that the child was starv-
ing-, as my nurse had turned almost
to water. My husband got me a
supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille,
and I began taking them. The
first beneficial effects were noticed
in that my child began to thrive,
as my nurse began to improve, and
baby slept better and naturally. It
-was not long until 1 began to feel
the improvement myself, and 1
daily gained new strength, and
baby was growing very rosy and
fat. I continued using the Fills
while I was nursing hint and found
myself with *all the vigor of good
health, and able to easily do my
housework, which had been so great
a drag on nie before. I am now
never without Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in the house,- and take an oc-
casional dose when I feel tired. I
ea,n strongly reconamend these Pills
to all nursing woraert, espeeially if
weak or run down." , •
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 60 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from. The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. •
• Post -offices were not- established
in England until the seventeenth
Pills That Have Benefited Thou-
sands. -Known ler and near as a
sure remedy in the treatment of in-
digestion and all derangements of
the stomach, liver and kidneys,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have
brought relief to thousands when
other specifics have failed. Innum-
erable testimonials ea.n be preelue-
ed to establish the truth of this as-
sertion. Owe tried they will be
found superior to all other pills in
the treatment of the ailments for
which they are prescribed. ,
The bore would always get a
good send-off, if he would only go.
ennaters untment Cares Dandruff.
A woman is generally older than
she thinks she looks.
ItchIng and-Burrinig
en Face and Threat
Sores Disfigured So He Dreaded to
ppear in Public. No Rest Nightor
Day. Cuticura Ointment :',ured.
"SIX months ago my face and throat alt
broke out and turned into a xunning sore.
I did not bother about it at first, but in
• one week's time the disease had sifread so
-rapidly over my face and throat and the
• burning itching sores became so painful that
began to tieek relief In different medicites,
but tone seemed to give me any relief. The
gores disfigured my face to such an extent
that 1 dreaded to appear in public.
"I suffered:terribly and could get no rest
night or day. At Met a friend advised me
to try the Cuticura Remedies. 1 had about
given up hone, bet thought 1 would have
• One more try, and so X used a little Cuticura
Ointment, and it helped um from the start.
• / continued Using it and in six weeks' time
was completely cured, and can say 1 would
advise anyone suffering from okin disease
,to use Cuticura Ointment, as it fa the best
healing balm In the world." (Signed) Roscoe
sod, Seven Persons, Altos, Feb. 18, 1911.
"My little girl when only- a few weeks old
brake out on the top of her head and it be.
cane a ;Mild scab. Then her cheeks became
raw and eote Mid after trying differeet
remedies found relief only front using Dui.
etira Soap and Obetrhent. It lasted six
Months or more, but after a thorough treat-
ment with the Cutleura Seep and Ointment
never had any astern."' (81geed) Mrs. W. S.
Owen, TadkinsCollege, IT, O., May 26, 1911.
For more thin a getterattea Cuticura Soap
and Ointment have afforded the most Slid*
eessful treatment for eicin and Peale troubles
tit infants, children and adults, A single cake
of Caticura Soap arid box of Cutienta °Mt*
meld are often sufficient, Although sold by
druggists and dealers, throughout the 'Worlds
a liberal sample of erteh, with 82-p. bodlt oxz
totheomto.itakin,u303gzVigali /uo.241:602.14 opoliootbo
The Prince ot Wales at Magdalen
College, Oxford.
The Prince of Wake, Attended bn
tYcluartY, MOOT the1Xr W,
eadogan, and hie tutor, IL P. /fan -
sell, axe now in residence at Maas-
clalen College, Oxford, Reports
that he will pratotleally lead the life
of au ordinary uadergraduate are
widely circulated, lint these are un-
doubtedly exeggerated, fle will be
freer than his grandfather was un-
doubtedly. When. he dines in the
college dining -hall he will sit at the
under -graduate table instead of
with the dons, He will 'go to cer-
tain lectures given in the ordinary
college lecture rooms with the other
undergraduates instead of "being
waited on in a house by Goldwin
Smith and three or four chosen
graduates" kr instruction in Ilia-,
tory, as 'VMS Ring Edward's lot.
Ring Edward matriculated, too,
as 'a "nobleman oornmener" and
wore a silk gown and gold tasseled
college cap. "Gentlemen" and
"nobleman commoner" have now
been abolished, And the prenent
Prince of Walee will wear the ordi-
nary stuff goes and black taeselled
eap the Sanaa es other under-
Half a dozen horses for the use of
the Prince and his equerry and tu-
tor preceded him, so he is e'xpeeted
to hunt. His physique, for lack of
public school training, will bar him
from participating in ,college games
and athletics, even if he wished to
take part ie them or was allowed to
do so. His studies will be directed
to history, English literature,
French and German and political
economy. He probably will join
The Union, the beet known of the
undergraduates' debating societies.
He may also be allowed to join Yin -
cents, an exclusive undergraduate
clubewhich is limited to a hundred.
members and composed almost en-
tirely of athletes. Xing Edward
-wished to join this club, but his par-
ents would not allow him to do so.
Sir Thome Shaughnessy, the C.
P. R. president, is somewhat noted
for his quaint wit. On one occa-
sion a pompous young man with
very high notions of his own im-
portance, consulted him in regard
to choosing a -vocation for life. He
said, "Sir Thomas, as you have
been a very successful man, I am
sure you are capable of giving ex-
cellent advice to a, young man just
starting in life. What business
would you advise me to engage in?"
"Shoemaking," was the sententi-
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
oils reply. The young man gazed
at him in blank amazement for sev-
eral 'ieoonds, but seeing that he was
apparently in deep eannest, he in-
quired his reason for reconamencl-
ing such a humble. occupation.
Without a smil,e *Sir Thomas re-
plied: "Shoemaking is a good busi-
ness, a very good business, and it
will always remain -a good businese
as long as bibles are born bare-
Other French People Ill Front Eat-
ing Poisonous Fungi.
Deaths from poisonous •mush..
rooms are reported in France daily.
The roll for last month, for in-
stance is fourteen workmen dead
and three dying in the Vosges. One
workmen is dead at Nancy, three
ate dangerouely. ill. A family of
five has been posened at Versailles,
one havingdied, while. the faur
o i
thers are n a hospital.
'The extraerclinarly thing is that
experts in fungi every year warn
against the deadly danger of certain
mushrooms, but without avail.
They repeat yearly that the time-
honored tests. fetch as boiling the
mushrooms with a, silver spoon, are
of no use whatever; for in this par-
ticular case the most, deadly of all
fungi, it seems, do not turn the
spoon black.
Another remarkable circumstance
is that only one species of mush, -
room is really deadly; but then it
is co deadly that one fragnaent in a
dish will suffice. Other bad kinds
of mushicons merely make the eat-
er feel queer, and he generally re-
Twont,compatiy---unless they ate
husband and wife.
Itilnardb4 Ultitaiatt Carols Owns, Rah
are muck more than
delleatne Their POOR
VALVE is unsurpassed.
They tarnish just the
nouriabsnent needed ,
when •a heavy meal le
neither aceeptAble nor
Cot 'Mem From Your Gr000r"
Trade eupplied by
John W. Sickle & Greening, Hamilton
41,. • 44,1.11. • 01,,,044410,0,0,40;‘,,,,,,..
' 4409,184400;4000060,,,,,,A000404...""*
• Mal SPEzo
15 in a claes by Itself -the easfeet
rontene, the most substantially built,
the meet satlefactory washer, eves
Only waeher worked with crank
handle at side as well as top laver -ant
the oply one where the whole top
opens up.
Ask your dealer to show you the
"Champion" Washer.
"Favorite" Chem is the world's
best churn. Write
for catalogue.
.Thyion the Deadly Agent ht
France's Favorite Intoxicant.
The principal poison in absinthe
is a vegetable substance known as
thyion. It is found in wormwood,
which is used in making absinthe.
France is the largest consumer of
absinthe, taking mere than all the
rest of Europe. The consumption
has been steadily inereasing, so
that in 1911 over 1,000,000 gallons of
absinthe were used in France.
For some years French legisla-
tors have been trying to find a way
to limit or stop the sale of alasir.the.
The government receives from the
eate of this drink $100,000,000 a
year and the communes about $5,-
000,000. ---
Aside from the question of the
largest baterests and revenues af-
fected, certain &octal questions are
involved. Tlau,s M. Caillaux point-
ed out tha,t wa,ve from the
depths"ris to be feared if all the
a,b!sinthe drinkers of Franee--chief-
ly recruited from the lower classes
--are to he deprived of their favor-
ite liquor.
For these rreasene the government
has abandoned the idea of a. clam -
plebe interelietion of the sale of ab-
sinthe. The latest proposition and
one that may be adopted, is to! pro-
hibit the distillers from using
wormwood or any plant containing
thyion, but then we should, have
absinthe that is not absinthe,
Ito Sometime§ Gets Sick Like
Other People.
Even doing good to people is
hard work if you have too mueh of
it to do.
An overworked doctor tells his
experience :
"About three yeaae ago as the
result of doing two men's work, at-
tending a large practice and look-
ing after the details of another
business, my health broke down
completely, and I was little better
than a physical wreck.
"1 suffered from indigestion and
constipation, loss of weight and
appetite, bloating and pain after
meals, late of memory and lack of
nerve force for continued mental
"1 became irritable, easily an-
gered and desponcleat without
cause. The heart's action berarae
irregular and weak, with frequent
attacks of palpitatioil during the
firet hour or two after retiring.
"Sortie Grape -Nets and cut ba-
nanas came fer my lunch one day
and pteaeed me particularly with
the result. I got more satisfaction
• from it than from anything I had
eaten for months, and on further
investigation and Me, adopted
Grape -Nuts for my morning and
evening meals, served usually with
cream and a sprinkle of salt or
sugar. •
"My improvement was rapid and
permanent, in weight as well as in
physical and mental endurance. In
a word, I am filled with the icer of
living again, and continue the daily
use of Grape -Nabs for breakfast
and often for the evening meal.
"The little pamphlet, 'The Road
to Wellville,' found in pkge'
. is in-
variably eaved and banded to %erne
needy patient along ttith the indi-
eated remedy."
"There's a reasen."
Name given by 'Canadian Posture
Co., Windsor, Ont.
Ever read the above totter? A hew One
appeara from time to time. They nte
gertaine, true, and full of Martian Morose
Setae men find it easier to make
a geed liviag than to make good,
The mother eau guard her little
onee from colds during the damp,
00/4 fall daya by the use of Itaby'a
Own Tablets. The Tablets set as a
gentle Lexative, keeping the bowels
working freely and the stornaelt
fiweo-thaft is the secret a prevent-
ing colds. The Tablets will net
only prevent or banish eoldn but
will our() constipation indigestion,
expel woreas and naalce teething
easy, They are sold wider the
guarantee of a government analyst
to contain no harmful drugs and
rev •safely be givea to the uew-
hora babe. Sold by medicine deals
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr, Williams' Mecliciae
00., Brockville, One
Thirty -Six Per Cent. of All PerSODS
Accused Are Minors.
juvenile crime is inorea,sing in an
alarming way in Frartoe, according
to the recently published statistics
of the courts of justice for 1910.
Some 38 per ent. of 41 per,sone
amused of 'crane are minors. A
BiTailar tendency has been observed
in Englead and Germany, and the
quastiou is receiving the serious
thought of criminologists.
A eecand revelation of the Freach
tables is the remarkable prepon-
derance of half-educated persons
among criminals as contrasted with
well-educated and altogether uned-
ucated ones. The well or fairly -
well educated contribute about half
as many culprits as do the totally
illiterate, but it is from the class
bf raeagrely educated lolaa,t all but
espritriL..Zng number of wrongdoers
At present not far from half a
million es,Seas are brought before the
lowest police courts in a year. It
appears that erirainality of a seri-
ous character has shown practically
no change for the past' ten years.
Crimes against property have de-
creased notably in number, the re-
sult, it is said, of the exceptional
severity with whioh such naatters
are treated not only by judges but
by juries.
' The same ca,n scarcely be said for
crimes of violence against persons,
French juries, in particular, being
ell too ready to wax sentinaeutal
o -ver the pleas of pa-ssion, tempta-
tion, and so on invariably put for-
ward by accused persons.
We have no hesitation in saying
that Dr. S. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial is without doubt the best
medicine ever introduced for dy-
sentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all
summer complaints, sea sickness,
etc. It promptly gives relief and
never fails to effect a poSitiVe cure.
Mothers should sever be without a
bottle when their children are
He linear.
Teacher -Tommy, you are too
great an idler. Do you know what
b.:sea:saes of people who won't work?
Tommy--Yessum. They gets sup-
ported by the rest of the family.
A Well -Known Man.
Minard's Ittnimeut Co., Limited.
Dear Birs,-I can recommend your
MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatiene
and Sprains, as I have used it for both
with exesalent results.
rows truly,
St. John.
It isn't until a man asks a favor
that he discovers aorne of his friends
are inerely acquaintances.
Won Fame on. its Merits. - The
unbounded popularity that Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil enjoys is not
attributable to any elaborate adver-
...tieing, for it has not been so adver-
tised, but is entirely due to the
merits of this Oil as a. medicine. In
every eity, toWri Wad hamlet in the
country it is sought after solely be-
cause of its good qualities.
"Se' " said the good man, "you
intendto be a doctor when you
grow up." "Yes," Tommy replied,
"And why have you decided upon
the medical profession?" "Well, a
doctor seems to be the enly man
that keeps right on getting . paid
-whether his work is satisfactory or
D o 4
gousns ittArm OP PORCELAIN.
Ifr. W. Hales Turner, a Stafford-
shire (England) inventor, proposes
• to build housee of sheets ef poreet
las; panelled end welded on a steel
fratmewerk. "You would get a
beam" etsid Iltr. Turner,"that
would be damp-proof and aboolute-
eanitary. The waila, being non-
• porous, would not peke% dirt or
disease germs. No matter how care -
leas or dirty the previous tenant
lute been, a backetful of water and
eons poop will male b/Tre place as
aweet and clean ae a polished din-
ner plate. Well deeorations ae de-
sired eould be glazed into the pox-
celain, and if a man got tired of the
style of his frieze or deck be could
get it changed any time as the parts
would be all etanclardized. If you
emigrated you could pack your
house up and take it away with
.ZaneDuk lias Healed It!
Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wieksen Ave.,
Toronto, says: "About four years
ago a sore spot appeared on the
right siclo of my face, This spot in-
creased in size until it became
about half an inch in diameter and
very painful. I went to a doctor,
but the ointment he gave me did
not ha-ve any good effeet. The sore
continued to discharge freely, and
was most painful. I had it ca,uter-
ized, tried poultioes, and all kinds
ef salves, but it was no good, a,ricl
oontiaued to suffer from it for
four yeers !
"A sample of Zam-Buk was one
day given to Tae, and I used it. Al-
though the quaetity was so small,
it seemed to do me some good, so
I purchased a further supply.
"Each box did me more and
more good, and, to my delight, be-
fore I had been using Zam-Bult
three weeks, I saw that it was go-
ing to heal the sore. In less than
B, month it was h.ealed 1
"I know a lady in the (met of the
city, whose husband suffered ftr
years with an open sore en his leg.
On my recommendation, Zam-Buk
was tried in that case. Th4t other
day when I saw her, she told me
that it had healed the sore com-
Zara-Bulc is a sure cure for ecze-
ma, piles, abseeeses, ulcers, scalp
sores, ringworm, cuts, burria,
scalds, bruises, and all ,s..;n injur-
ies asad diseases. 50c. box'all drug-
gists and eteres, ,or post free from
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto., for place.
In ease of skin cliesase use also
Zam-Buk Soap, 250. tablet.
"'Going to give your daughter a
big wedding I"
"No. We're only going to ask
those we're sure will send pre-
A Pill That is Prized. -There
have beaen many pilk put upon the
market and pressed upon publie at-
tention, but none has endured so
long or met with so much favor as
Perraelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide-
spread use of them has attested
their great value, and they need uo
further advertisement than this.
Having firmly established them-
selves in publie esteem, they now
rank without a peer in the list of
standard vegetable preparations.
Next to getting the man she
wants, a girl enjoys getting the man
some other girl wants.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
No death sentences were passed
during 1911 in the eolony of Gam-
bia, 8, British Crown Colony isa
West Africa, which has a, popula-
tion exceeding 145,000.
There may be other earn cures,
but Holloway's Cern Cure stands at
the head of the list so far as re-
sults are concerned.
It is folly to suppose that all
things 007310 to those who wait for
something to turn up.
Witnard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
"The time will oome," thundered
the suffragist orator, "when wo-
men will get a man's wages 1"
"Yes," sadly muttered a man on
the rear seat, "next Saturday
Sweet and palatable, Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is as-
teptable to children, and it does its
work aurely and promptly.
Ilebson's Cheiee.
An Eastern man, who was on a
business trip through the West,
stopped at the small hotel in a
ocuntry town one day. He entered
the dining-reorn and was shown to
a table by a waiter.
"Will you have some pork and
beans, sir I" asked the waiter, as
he 'brought the customary glass of
"No, I don't eane for them," an-
ewered the roart, "I never eat park
and beans."
"Dinner is ever, then, sir," said
the waiter, as he moved away.
Half the labor employed at the
present time in eormeetion with the
Sustains and, beers
OR eAt.R.
W. DAWSON, Ninety Delbeirne fitreet,,
itooe /reuse: liztildinfra; Orchard,
ebesep anti on etuty tame.
t.7 buildings and /4)1)10 or
Ave plates from Raraliton.
; ale:tett
H. W. OA
, Tor n e.
Ralf miles bolo London market
Boil, clay loam and sand loam; brio
house; good out -buildings; good farm an
In good condition. Weetern /teal MOON
London, Ont.
ELI/ Form PROPERTY otacall,
for cash, no matter where looa
Partioulars free. Real Estate Salesman
Co., Desk 5, Lincoln, Neb., 17. El, A.
monthly after atteudiag here six_
months, We tassilz railway station wove
for Canadian Railwaya. Free Book 10 ex -
patties work and wages. Deminica 14°1°4
Patilroadine, Toretto.
ternal and external, cured without
vain be our home treatment Write us
before too late. Dr. Sehnert Modica/ Oca.
Limited, Colliturwood, Ont.
lars free. Spectialties AgelleY, Box
1836, Winnipeg.
you in the mail order hurrinesla
making from $26 to $40 weeklY. No earl-
vessing. For perticulare send stamp.
Wallace W. Smith, London, one
V 1' and light sewing at hornet whole on
spare time; good pay; •work emit any
distance; charges paid; send stamp foe
full particulars. National Manufacturing
Company, Montreal,
Your S vercoats
and faded Snits would look better dyed. 11 no
agent of ours in your town, write direct to
Montreal, Box :88. Gold Medalist.
British American Dyeing 00.
Xe eines ZaT C* War- "riCir 3IE Sens
ProteQt — Prese t -vs— Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Applica.ttors
10741 Bathurst Street TORONTO
Maypole Soap
. Gives rich glowing
colors, fadeless in sun
• or suds, Dyestatton,
• sak, wool or mixtures.
Use it yourself at
home. No trouble -
no muss. 24 colors --
will give any shade.
Colors 1 0c,blacit 15;
• at your dealer's or
postpaid with booklet
"How to Dye" from zo6
• F. L. BENEDICT & CD. Montreal
• aera
move end
cords slide.
free, shirt
smooth, but-
tons secure.
enrecl AgaSzast
/aremeatee rer
585 Days.
0.nulne otampeet
"Mt" on imokles-4
At &Aires or pet.
said fur SO cast4.
The King
The Lend Club.
Mrs. Hardin -"Can you loan me
a cup of sugar, an egg, a piece of
butter and a-"
Mrs. Testy -"Ys, and it's too
bad you can't take home some of
our gas to cook things with."
Mrs. Nagg-"Before I 'married
you I didn't know you were so
grori chy."
Nagg-"I wasn't."
Panama Canal is supplied•
Brit, sample free If yet; %Attila NatirMal Dra
ttat ash ubjects.
& chemical ce. 01 Canada, Limited