HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-28, Page 15emery %mistral gtifiarr card *Lift r $20 gamen Ott t meet resturcbedi tl) TJi ream atter dela err_•— ;'.CIlk •i••'Yl and ate «140I - f 20E10Ei1 ifilitSCIR45S and egasses start ikamnaar}y iflJi tf' i gum Fir more information trail Biren Mt- 7abdi--571 Wifhoid4t tkn alit ie 01 •a' d t r 91•. Shout intIonitoctiont. f@ %-tq 1 wino Aint110 gir eseettitem. Ciaingtes mot welimme, tiodiiviidhlati itonsuilhationi. For infarimation or your or atmeantier off wine &Mill korai chronic' ilkiessk, dkrug allergy rgy oIr other h eattil problem, the 90exttrditntt IPtevention Association recommendk that they wear aMldilt Aliertl Stracelet lin an eaaletr am¢F„ it could sane their Lixtesi IIEWEINS NOM AL ISMS (obettse aitse. tI' rreiMsetiltil. 1) oorsooarbsur af411FteoFRacli lintraundl)1 CONDIAILLY 1411EVUF UN Gams Cosewfulb mg watwawnliwg ewes Ito• DISPLAY ,so_ En 16011%0%61RWL iliNNUANNW , MC& *SW pXTO 113 RORIE IDE OPEDHIS DE TM 11561111 WEAR t!W SE- WHEW; MIMI im- wiles Tsui ba) attend the t Parent Etilutatan Games being t;N if elle the mat d J Mown 4113 Gliteregter xanuavy DK, .14.. ,'P . The cost tB ali®l. The nest series off classes wills 1 l the week off Muds , Its. Fur pri tom' please calif the flfigaltt Unit 11 int • tl,Altli9.Tt.UE0.U10 >11EtIT 19tl NErNta1TLiW New l*Ei' Dance wtatrustoti lailk all Alt' Ltiinurrm viitv.ie fp, IL IDtene isac_• &mitt' &tilt pi. 1UL . 1.i'NE3 ewes, U:1H11auui_- t)'1tfi8 Mallory- url.u4Ii idl — >'":L atiaac. li iirrflwtl-- '2.1111H1)parr jai IF Mt TWA EIS KK%r I 521-2711 •air 52147 !Pew..... u•, Mir !timer", !Wilitin0, Nolan IT 0# itioy S 1 THE LITTLE INN of KAYFIELD NEW YEAWS EVE !Iwo_. �Jll Conowneil entrails- tlimititeilSpazceAtsaiiirailt EW 'YEAS'S DAY liX+l'R. It Ethiffett t to 1 L •. . pettiffect ming Teo "tit— S' 1 6110 Tits nueuu3s pm Maim' Street L 1T F; MYYWI LLL' YU/ t,{4 . GiatatERIILt11' Come ttlithe gest FiPaaRVi14 Tte3Wxr+' MataittIliedisapdaintecdl BiIIa14 NFhared n ►r aur NIEW YES EVE DINNER DANCE fattinng.tile Ltve N:1'(LS,c. or. '1511E_ CAVA LII WE IkNAi6E AA SPEC1 tUPIL MENU Fai!AFIQ!@ii�2..JUST !FOR 1tHISE1EEN r'' PETERS French Onion Soup arCaesarSaiact ENTREES T Prime Rib Of' Eaeet'Au.uus .'S Go1d:Laielttoz FrIeYIC'Yignun °^545 Servedv th saute ed:mushruom .aps 3; CiiCken C ircit)n Bleu. •� T 95 Ciic$ten siUttea"IR 01 ham Swtss•cheeSe 4: Grad Lade, &oz: New, VtutSir1orn Steak 'T3 Served:with sauteed:musnmorn caps 5. Surf' aTurf' "r9 '5 Servedtvmth lemon drawn Sutter a. Shrimp Rothschild vr.7.1.35 Sauteed ,n gart ie butter Ft slier -v. A4I Entrees nal udeQne-Appetlzer P' sh VentetTlec. EttOceI ar Pan seen Potato and sewerage: Ftrce•S&th ecrtt Twe, Sales rax. [ll W tilERi . 66 304111130, 6tdPl�( lh'tG r PIEMSWEEETh SSIETNI altetEif FIESEff'MPrifSN& /WE NEts AirYr [IVRLlli- RECEIVEFIRST t i011TY. PHOWE 524-7711 ,Ruse OPENr' !OUSE 45'! moos Amoivosmer .act tie, t — .(2i,;�. - SALTF VALLEY FOR RENT caw 524-2 p12 11 1IMM ItS MD L MOMS DI SEE IS IMINNE.e igIlr • • • • T ftyywanitistigefilliftaothtvtftrtttip. • • • • • • • • • • • • DM SNIFF 1614111. N1'*t 1 lfli t' RIRAWiY1 MIIP YIUa DEC -SAME IS FIRI-CART Vit.*? S'litti-tit NgtslimNei N/.;t :it J n;tl, ? "iP:n 3'+1 7T ? 4114 4w • AJD • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • eta • 0 0>� • • ' 0 • • ®40'41ffi ektffiNIkiIP0 Santa Claus visited die of tUnd Tgfentur lex& W hi sdalg ' dam' Allientaltansfortk, shown heitewttlirSitata4, MBRAtiatrfandi ts'r+eil.esaae hem tal: '6y Ai Bitelintuatt4, t one -t About one-third cif Canadians, who enter smoked seg ri .. agttnaW wait according ties-•'SaradwitgalgliDeha+ itwrrdtflCanaddians 11)82-, a t9edkrallgovermnent.publi ori Po order to, tielw Canadians ►t t i strop smoking "quit-. t t h: and Welfare Canada) and the Canadian Cancer SnrtetV have dde ihped, 'Time To' Quer a self-help, f smokers t mooldne cessaton program. The program, consists of a three-part tielecIsion mini-series, free410.0 booklet: and, for those who Tweed .,Qr1.'iJitwraal support, information mill be available on ? llow t»p/progrrams. For further inform amon contact- Lots ?I hilt int( aoderrict-t•at.5L-t.-9iibl?_ WIelTity5 Wed . 1, )' ec. L. INEUNEMICY 114EVIt1ME IINI•E lMN, S•Cle RaiGIOLLS TOL'aN1H I.A. ,OATed1: S'041AF BETRSR'WORei Thurs.. S'000IIRt5710PFIEWCLIOSEuP • Fn 5.041 Tt ISIS THE UWEiTues, 5r30.440106ERSWfOF KMCH11t5ABIEPRESENITS E100,FA Me ANIIVGARDEIVWtOed; ' Eb04YTV-50113)VtOLlW O MUNIre Thurs fluff's 'fFTrt,11 - 6•004.11. S PPFRMYREPO WT . Mean 61:1304416002'TNNFIEU0;TEtes. e 30NBC WE and Ami • SUNRISE 041 TODAY' a' Cie DIFE RENT SX?e OkES 30 SALIE OF THE CENTURY' ;C1.00 HAWAll IP V.E-CY 1 341+4OU-IMGA2i1WE rues -Phi 1 ' 0O TOURNIANYENIT OP ROSE=S'PP?RA DE Wan 1 ? 00 N EtAcSCOPE rues -Ft -al t �• aft.SEARICHIFOR TOIdAORROW Toes -Fn 100.DA YSOF C,l®WLUVES Tuts•Fra1 1 30 FtEST* BOWL t Won 2.00 AfNFCYTHi R'WORL`tl''rues• Fri 3'00 WATCH GAME M0011:11WOOt t SQUARES HOUR Tues -Fill Jr 00 t- APPY'DAc^Y'S'AGAIN Tues. -Fill s• 30 ROSE BOWL. PRE -GA • Mon s • 30 LAV NE Et SHIRLEY` B. COMP/00' Tues 5.00 at ICE Tues. Ertl 530 WASH T ices - WW1 n00 Et 30 NBC NEWS Cie 43 Mi MAGAZINE 30 THREE SCOh"IPA(c* 3.00 REAL PEOPLE a0e THE FACTSOF WEE a 30 FAM4IY` TW 10 0B areceon THF tMSS9UE CRISES 1 ao mews 1 30 TOi'UIGM+T 30IA1rE NIGHT Wu LETTEIRMANI ' 30 MOVIE U'L SCRIXTCH -i 110 MOVIE THEr IDOL Jen n,fer /tun P< w'tet?,ceP1 Parks tiHUSI'STiil" RECEIMRERaggi T • ]N NtFWS 30 NBC NEWS • 00 P M' WAiG etN7F 1C1 THIFFE S CO;+A;PaceUA^ 4 J0 GiMME A< BRErA-R } T&1 WAWA S.PAO wtr' 4 J© CHEERS 4•:10 itUFFA@lC1,BFl1 10 00 HILL STREET BLUES ' ' 047 NEARS 30 TONIGHT 2.30 LATE tOttivACU 30 M1i OW Ti-tE GORGON ClmsttnitnPr Lee Rues r'Cstsnn¢w. 1.30 MCiVIE a(R715TS AET20 NACIDE1t5 DPei' Morin iorrV" form's HINELVEr RECEMERWM MeV N•00 "PEWS 8'30 NBC (`Mets 7 0&1P M'.WAGA(ZeINE 7.30 THE WINNER, 9'00 %CAME- THE SOt1NiD OF MUSIC UP .P A4naitERNS Chrt tlitcrthor PBe rnmer 11-00 NEWS 11 30 TONIGHT 12/MERMAN' NIGHT \MLWOS 2.00 MOVIE- Wilt 4315I,INIr Chanre¢w, Matctctn, ltrcu, HArMa er e,CM MOVIE TIME A'PTiiR TIME M d¢s4n+ StIatIRMAre GRICEMERFaX1 MEW 6600C IENDA('S E630 t!'•T,1Wintli£ 7 • t$1 001APETIVOIDAIt 7'3ti T}intakAIM Tues s. , Jan. 5'OO THE R''oWT'S;'DNE FFu HIES R 3a T+4E SH'IR'T 7 ALES A.341 SMURFS ' 0 30 At MI) 2311D THE CHIPMUNKS 0@I '1611R T 341 SOUL TRAiri1 1 36 BIONIC WOMAN i 341 TOIBE ANNOUNCED 3.00 i td0t.,IE 71 -IE GREEN tiERE3'S John ttioa.,ne t]o,„ci Janssen 5.341 POP Nt ROCKER 5 30 NEWS tN& 6.00 'MEWS b 30 MEE HP(t.": 30 E:1 LOBO B•00'141 G ORANGE 3AkkBORFE PA3 ADE 341•DIFF RENT STROKES ••:i0 NO21,4U1It,M1'Ai. t 30 *UW5 1 r 3€1 SATURDAY NIGHT l+t•E ll4'a BEUNNt1+• 141L1. ' 3d ti/O1'IE BuCet 4,ND ''HE PPF ACMFP S,Ct'1,Pt EPtat,ir„t SLRWIJ PFaA' a s5 1200,,%Ev A 10 GOttATt•+ - 30 SOCIAL SEC:JR'tTY Nl ACTtO►U - 341 I r S YOUR BUSINESS 0'00 DAY OF Dl St.lJt'pQ-'r 30 REX HIJAbY$APD a-NORAi ROBERTS 4-30 SUNDAY 'A ASS 0 CUD THE WI: 0 TFRS 'a 30 MOVIE ANE "HE MOW.. ,\`noa11, Atlee, tare* Wargo. ,1,1 ' .10 %PET -1tE DRESS < 30 NFL 00 FOC TBAI t . .1(1 -o BE ANUNtOU:n3CrC 30 GRIZZ1' ACAt1'IS 4,0D RUNT F>r ,• lel Ni ek'S ti 30"A�'i ICJ FIRST ; AME'R-A 4130 i01G1+T MDF? 4.30 4i0C.IF 'A* ENFORCER E ci . .voE,ct T...nm 7n', ' 30NEW c '••,,,, 31 'vuO1`_�•1F e1kNDeC2Da Etoofe�;pta c,a�•a >r'1; ( ,PPr, Rt+ttrr• P'k+Q', f, •• ..nt miltialseet 9e, AVM ifttM'EliNIE tIeW.°S .10 TOQ3PNCAmPN4 T OI POSITS a C3F 381 PiEsTA BL?.rw^t 30 ROSE BOWL RP* GAimE a5 ROSE BOWL. 0.30 ORANGE BOWL '' 041 NEWS • 30 BEST O>z CARSON 30 L ATE n.IGHT 001T14`0A\ 1D LE -t 1 NrfMAN 30 nttO+.1F Ar'FRICAasa aOvErNTU iltn rti'OVtE A G1Rt NAMES) T A-Wt9C0 1uarar,t~p 4W.''1 Crira h:Wnrv'Pn TUESRATIM ▪ • �, stir -t10 NEWS 3C1 NI$1f MEWS Cfi7 P hM1 W G AZrr•C¢ 34) Tf4PIFE S COMP -Lew Bal THE A- TEAM 0-00 WPM* 4g11'> E W& ' 30 TONIGHT2. M LATE W� �vITTH DAVID tETT NAA ztn CRAM (-HON THE GO/tW 1.7ta MOWF THE WINOS. OF itliTLttelMW Clrm.ta+�c B Pee+rr . Earl F S+wnwr