HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-28, Page 12PAM SIIGNALSTAB AY, ICIECESKIEB18, owitteCount CLASSIRE aAiSfriellaVollaik 1_ Asp iss for solo 2. Yardslef. T. r.ssrer sale Antioises far sola 5. Cars for strife 6. Trec*sforsal. 7. R.V_'sfor sae 8. florins, 4 12 NOON TUESDAY, Yee fat!• 940 thiliveare ands will be accepted until 4 p_sw. Tawe* for Wackiest/ay MOM "3-95 ewaet_if' words. 10' ear word Ss•reafter- its allemeteimmo 33.95; mite plias 35° per fitss of rhymed verse Cord of lettnleg "31.45. min./25 vee d& pias 6 for ea ward.ackfifional ftlrbi t Rinke for 3 inserhosi - N.tll. to atemilllema '311 for 3 insertions, 15�_ for 2 i r1 1S. Eay1. for 1 irk. EVunser Narrsebeer r3. first week, ra _ res. adiftecirea weak. TM &r count`; available for word olds reverting 3 weeks or more with no copy change. •viewet Illsysimee SO° discount per arse& for word ads pod in fulls at time of perdu: se or within 1 week of inserttore Aerate if. only on word arcs manning 1 or 2 weeks - ley demdfaerta rates avoilabfe on request. plawes air cad ed.tetaars MCI IRAT toIFRIDAV i:3f AIIRSa3181 pew 5244331 1 . Articles for sale SINGER -- For authorized sales one, service, sewing machines. vocw3m cleaners parts ata no- tions, service to all makes, and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square. Goderich, 524- 8431. -- itfer AUTOMATIC Toitet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available et Pefimeyer Plumb- ing and Heating. Kingston Street, Goderich.--afar -- - 1972 KAWASAKI 350 cc Triple, good condition. extra parts in- clude mufflers. carburetors and more. 3500.00 fine. Call 524- %177. tether MMiXED HARDWOOD, seasoned over one year. Phone 524-6311 or 524-8198. _ 49 52 SQUARE COFFEE table with two matching end tables chrome and smoked gloss. Asking 3300 00. Phone 524-86.75 after 6 p m -51,52 IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs Stringer at Rieck I D A. Pharmacy Shoppers Square. Goderich 524-- 7241. 8eowar HOT TU8 SALE: save 30% off list prices till Jon 31 1984 Phone (519)348-8703 See our display model Faust Home Hardware Mitchell. -- 52-3 NEW IDEA! ![ll�l2E Com& Soybean Ramer ft bar iraw Coli or Carse In end Sae lisl 524-7351 air 524-4529 George( Wreath CbE FURNITURE NEW & USED We Com Offer SETTER PRICES ins our LOCATION THAT SAVES LIONET Opwr tIl spretaphtfy hissedeptilsorrhiery CLOSIOVOMINMAT Yip MILE Sastis on Gaderich 5-431 1l1 is refit•.T'rambm 1 9_ AsOcireorwo 10! Pots for sofa 11.Livestock for sole 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile harms f . Articles for stale INSULATED TRIS tap wills roof vent and shaft vg windows_ best offer. Phone 529-7872.-32 ANNUAL PRE INVENTORY gen sate_ Great savings on ell guns. scopes. bine:e a es. a nm ni- eon, dealing. relearn re sup- plies. gat cases. Village Market Guns. Underwood. Phone 368- 7181-49-4 ORDER YOUR crisp. jetty apples from Art BetTs Fruit Farm. 55.00 per bushel end op. Red and welie potatoes, anions. apple butter. fresh cider and honey. Delivery around town- Phone 524-8037. -- 51 rfar PORTAB9I.E BAR suitable for rec room. 5 feet long. excellent condition. 5150.00. Phone 524 2360.-51.52 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebel/ as is 5400.00. Coll 5248941 or 524 6947. ask for Larry.- l efnx 14. tecraafrotrb) prop+rrfres 15. 00104 town properties 16. For 17. 18. far for rent trete 16- for rent MOTORMED WOODSP'UTTER for rent. $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 offer 6 perm.- the K3* REALLY aLEAN CARPETS Do it yovrs.lf with Damp Steam Extraction. lir a werter cl.rmrrs 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment, close to Sgemre, utilities reeled ed. References required. Avaiilobie immediately. Phone 482-9960 or 482-3388 after 5 p.m -41 tfnx ONE BEDROOM apartment evadable December 1st. Phone 5249445. -48r USED STEEL adjustable shelving. pellet racking, storage cabinets. rockers. parts bins. We sell. trate or buy. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S.. Landon, 681-2254, Mon. -Fri. 95. Sat. 9-12.- 0-52 ONE PAIR oI P235. 60 x 14 whine lettered tires. ani -rug runs. 5130.00. Call after 5-15 p.m. 524-74721.---45tatx 2 PC. MAPLE hutch- glass doors across rop. Phone 524 8'794. -- 46tfnx WATERBED KIT 5150.00 any size. Ideal Christmas gift- Includes mattress, heater. liner. hard- ware. Guaranteed pine bookcase headboard 5325.00 caps 341.00. Viso Mester- e horge. 416-637-6904. Inn - mediote delivery. - 0-52 NORANNE FURS - new and used jackets coats, hats. rugs. well below retail prices. Also minor fax repairs. Phone 524- 9385.- 50-2 EATiNG AND cooking apples. apple butter, fresh .r cider, onions. honey and potatoes. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm phone 5248008. 381f TRIVIAL PURSUIT , Genus Edi- tion- Brand new never used. A bargain at 525.00. 5248423 after 6 p. m . 48tfnx A PORTS corduroy shirt -dress rust color. size 12. 524-8423 after 6 p.m.- - 48tfne A PORTS corduroy suit (jacket and skirt), brown color size 12- 14 ladies. 524-8423 after 6 em. - 48tfnt ONE WOODEN double bed bait spring and mattress one Sonkyo 8 mm movie camera and projector ane pair of girl's skates. eze 3 16' 7 sq, yd lute barked carpeting. rust color. 4823312 after 4 30 p.m . 48tfn x 5. Cars for sale 68 VOLVO. good condition sold as ie 574-8744. =46ttnx 1974 CHEVROLET Biscayne as is, Best offer. Phone 524- 9793. 249293 48tfnt GOOD WINTER car. 1973 Pon- tiac Parisienne 5700 00 or best offer certified Phone 524- 6557 246557 51 52 6. Trucks for sale 1975 DODGE 12100 half tan pick- up 70 000 miles power steer ing. power brakes 318 motor Best offer Phone 529 7872 5.2 12 Real estate for sale EXCEPTiONAL opportunity 13 ground floor apartments downtown Exeter. 532 004100 gross Phone 1 - 472.0986. 49 52 FOR SALE OR RENT Priem Phi' eaniitop. net et. rtk err ansa d !Poor. priced to moos. Act Noel Cell 524-2118 parcEoprom SNOW PLOWING Orivenestryg, Pie -king Loft, Mfr 5 SMlTii^1°S FARM A GARDEN CENTRE 82 SOUTH STREET, GODERICH TWO BEDROOM( apartment. lower, four appliances. avaalabte now 3300.00 plus utilities. Phone 5247064 -47- 52 SAL WORD - Two bedroom without fridge and stove. 3200.00 per month plus utilities. Available irnrnedarste4y. Phone 5242028 ar 5249166. - 48tf CLINTON - Centrally located, two bedroom. gas heat. 52110.00 per month plus utilities. 482- 9210.- 48tf ONE BEDROOM apartment. older on upper floor. 3195.00 per month plus utilities- Phone 524-2111. -i9tf TWO BEDROOM apartment. modernized. centrally located. 5295.00 per month plus P -U -C - Phone 524- 2111. - earf ONE BEDROOM and two bedroom apartments available immediately at 154 Nelson St. E.. Goderich. Phone 524- 6554. 50tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove indoded. available January 9th. Net pets please. Phone 524-9995.- - 501f ONE BEDROOM apartment, separate entrance, stove and fridge included. Cheep References required. Inquire at 78 Cambria Rd. N. Gaderich . 52-1 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS Oise and two bedroom apartments for rant_ Cable, fridge and stove included. All utilities poi& Security cantron- ed. PHONE 5241-6653 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM town hawses' available immediately close to school and shopping. $325.00 per month Phone 524- 2748. --36tf • THREE BEDROOM. close to the Square 5295.00 per month. References required. Available Immediately Phone 524- 4103 -- 47.2 BLYTI4 • FOUR bedroom house oil heat 5200.00 per month 482-9210 '48tf THREE BEDROOM house. 5225.00 per month plus utilities. In Saltfor-d, Available January 1 st Phone 524-8165 - 51 if 14 X 70' MOBILE home three b'edr'oom 5775.00 per month phis utilities Huron Hoven Park. Phone 5742714 Si tf TWO BEDROOM duplex dose to supermarket and post office Stove and fridge supplied Not fancy lust good References re- quired. inquire at 78 Cambria Rd N Gad erich 57-1 20 Room & board i4OLIDAY LODGE for bed and breakfast, luncheons ben - gums also accommodations for retired people 5415.00 a mon- th, dinner inducted Mrs. Ver Barmen 4132-3 .--46tfar 23 Commercial property for rent COMMERCIAL Storage space. adjacent to Canadfittn Tire Star•. Phone Century 21 All Paints Realty Inc 524-7111 .-eases- GARAGE in Clinton one bay or two bay plenty parking spore. Phone 1 .291- 4849 48.2 --.a7+1 FOR 05197 - affhe space at Se Elgin �7 Avenue tit. Telephone 57495. -514 ANT ADS 19. Raaf for row 211 Roam board 21- Cottages for meat 22 Lots for rent 23. Commarea property far rum 25. Wanted to buy eimmemimmimmi PIANO WANTED not necessarily in good coxes Phoria collect anytime 539-664-2280 or 519- 669-2198.-40 lax 19- 669-2196.--17x FULI. HOCKEY goaltending equipment Most be es good shape and reasonebly priced. Call Lorry 524-8331 weekdays .-32tinx WANTED TO BUY: Good used electric stove. Coll betwe+eo 5' 15 and 6:00. Ask for Mike_ 5247470.-52, lnic 26. Help wanted CLERIC TYPIST - general office training and experience in corn - purer operation required. Send resume to P.O. Box 220. Ripley. One WOG 2R0 by Wednesday, Jana_ 4. 1984.-51.52 WANTED YEAR around "'port time"' coretakcer for chervil in Goderich. Sisley will range Pram 33.000.00 to 35.000.00 depending an experience. range of capratvidities and denies assigned. Al:reheoriorrs in writing to Drawer 52. c o Sit,3nat-Ston Publishing Ltd. P.O. Box MD. Goderieis, Ont. !WA 4136, received on or before Fri- day. Jenoory 13, 1984 will be considered. - 52-1 ler BASS PLAYER and drummer re- qu7red for stadia rerardmtg ses- sions. Contott Jeff at 487- 7713.-52if HURON COUNTY La irary re- quires a professaonot Librarian part time to work 15 hours per vree•k at headquarters ira Goderiata_ Apptyr in writing to Mr_ William Partridge, Chief Lriiraratirt, Flasron Comty Public Library, 66 Waterloo Sr. 5. Goderich. Ont. N7A 4A4. -52 - MORNING PAPER ROUTE. availabte in Goderich. Call col- lect 271-6392.--50 1 AGENTS PART or felt *me mole, female_ No selling re- quired ed. New patented Caminfieen Produce tfag¢t profit, exclusive territory. 5500 Stock invest- ment. No hassle money back guarantee. Potential one of the best selling after market car products in 1984. Call Mr. Barney 416-636-9122. 3932 Chesswood Drive.,Downsview, Toronto, Canada 1143.5 2W6. --0-52 27. Wanted (general) TRANSPORTATION fram Goderich to Hensall mil return week clays. Patine 524 9039.-51,52 28. Business opportunity BEAT iNFL.ATION'& Raise large bait worms atr home far extra income Neat. odorless opera- tion. Low investment Terra Worm Farms (since 1975).. Stratford, Ontario. 1-IS.A 6.57. (519)625.8240.-2111 30. Employment wanted WiLL BABYSiT in my home weekdays. References available. Call anytime 574- 7698--44tfatx 31 . Service directory GAPBI WS DELIVERY eau fivinneve & APPITA & We derma Italy mein 'freeaerhimi law or am§ 28. Wonted to rpm 25_ Wonted to bay, 26. Help armed 27. Warmed 31 . Service directory eve PIANO TUNING and repairs. as - ed pianos bought acrd sold. Coll "Ichce4Lejrnicdo (W+inelram) 357-1009.-30f CHILDREtrs aoT -8l4G mode to Your specifrcorrons. Excellent whip. Aliso curtains, ptteemots, chair cutsfrions etc. Reoservable rates. Phone 524- 7637 or 4$2-3312. -45fnx PUT MY PLLPMM8'1t40 and repair maireenance skills and ex- perience to wove et este smell business, nurses or refirerstere haxrre for re little as s cloy o week. on demand or as necessary. Phone 524-6458 evenings. -Verna HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides. Phan Cletus Dalton 529- 7420.--48*f VERN S CHIMNEY Sweep Ser- vice, Solara Ontario. Phone after 6 p.m. 527.0674. -45oem W1'LLIN& TO bobyrsit o preschooler in my home. a 'twee -yew -old to play with. Bruce Street Phone 524- 25a4. -521£ P1ARO TURING AND PIANO LESSORS CALL DAVE MdCEE 524-7774 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD E ROCK 'T'( ROU Good recorded nmusir fax.. wedt£ings. dances. anniateemeies, parties. etc, Phone Brussels evesing� 887-6159 1-IKES 4O11•E CalaINIY SWEEPING A-5 t'oti 8,ur^r.^.g tKbee" Cie ane --r 0 Crec nee Build -aa rave Your CI, imneY C:eatned -odes"! Carl `-toratd L.t-ddv 524-7237 CARPET t U Y WANING TO Virewsliagraiiiwas Forrniellallbsethe SOPERAIRIRRIIIMIRAUCE 52441192 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorised Applisince Semis* Centre For elf *WHIRLPOOL 'ilk 'SPEED 'ADMIRAL *HOTPOINT Appliterrom HOITMETEttR ANG HEATING LTG® 55 KlumtneaSt,, Gaiderigh FOR YOUR 'Allmin.i it Vinyl *Replacement Windows •Insala#� ids -Contact - r GODfRICIit INSULATION ATION 524-6844 11RJ1:T MOW mil ARE MOW 1 CILUDED Mt ME CHIP PIKIGNANI, 211.. aimmeess appatemity 29. Tenders 321 Emploament warmed 31. Service 32.. Custom r 31. Service directory CARPET CARE Carpet and Upholstery Steam Cleiming FREE ESIIMATES CAu DOUG GAVIN 5244440 J.W. RIVEiT BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Reasonable Rates 524-6931 ARTS Ian if'-lllwss y end Genie" Came Iii Re watt, Goderide BOOK NOW FOR UMW REMOVAL Co-,plete tutee OF Ev rythi'eeg weeded low WIDOORZ GARDENDIS 524-245 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Godard,* oedema dor 15 years Male fits 412-3320 0 5274234 JIM'S ed ReidpmeSersins so lob too, imam er loos mil 'NONE 1lfG CAS 524-4338, 34. Personal iS ALCOHOL a problem in year Familya There is help fie- yens tail At -Amain 5746001 or write Bair 53 C- ricf, Ons N,7rr6 1Y'S. 21 tine 35 Notice to crethtors IN THE ESTATE OF MARJORIE ENRIG.HT All persons having claims against the Estate of Marjorie Enright late of the Y®vat of Goderich in the County of Huron dereased who deed on er cenut the 24th dry of Oc- tober 1983 are hereby notified to send in re the undersigned Perssonal Representative of the said deceased on ar before the 7th day of January 1984 full particulars of their claims after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased hoeing regard only tts the loins of which it shalt then hover natio+., DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 7+Pr day of December. 1983. to.1141"404C4etr TRUST COMPANY. 857 Sevin llvenueEast, P Cl. Urian 34f$. Owen Sawed, Orttrbsia: hath 5PS Ibrecuter P°REST and Ems, Saudi tars for the E vecuter. 33 Nlbteerm/ Same Gacierkh, Ontario WA 322 33. Farm services 34_ Persona 35. Notice to crwartors 345 . memos 37. facirtgages 34- Personal PREGNANT, 0151WESSED? Mar- ried, single:fere positive cora Frderxearl seaman_ Heep is as close os year Inaleptenne SIR- Lmeloon (collect) 412- 7197-, 327497; 527-0115 or 524-2023 (fir 6 p_ma_;)_-2-52x, 9.2ar 0%118:30A.M.,-SAOP.9f�. 11° TO FRIDAY 524.-8331 si Anicerart seer 99_ Edmmimial 40_ testa remind 41. To gee• air 42.. Darsrh nose. 34 . Personal ME 120 /xng® Career Guide shamus how to matin or horse fair 2115 toga poring l fns and part jobs. Gros ase mate. 265A Adelaide Street Wei, Temente Coll (416N77-3929 today_ -0-542 36_ Announcements, 36_ Announcements, notice notices NOTICE OF APPLICATION UNDER THE PITS t QUARRIES CONTROL ACT R.S.O. 1980 1811133AANOLSONETD INN NO tamely glue watts that meatiostiew for • Rsasem to open. w operate • pb en the Imo% des .d Pert Letts 7 i 8 ormice eioe 8 riot altasion Towsuldp of Ct*oee•, Coreg of None cataistima of 15 bsct•res elms ow less, The estimated ewatwswt of sued end animal to be ended wsw.eRy Is '. The orp•rstrdow w4 Ea ewe letewreitteart o eeat1ow -with • portable pleat bratilletiow Tim last dry mum which oblectloess ferry be flied with the Awe Of NATURAL RESOURCES, b Flairreatry 13, 1#t6 Objegthera eadfor requests for • hearing are to be made fa townie. and directed too` WIGWAM DISTRICT Offla Ninistry of IMtarrel tirso•re s RAR No. 5 Wietgi ew Owtevio 74119 IDEEEMAN OLSON Doted this 2110t 1'fEi3.. TOWN Of GODERICH NOTICE The Tawe of Goshawk"( resgr+a ages ewe iwisrested iedhadael to serve ea the folloalegCommitaiiesrow the Tows= *Airport Co/11E11iu.. •Cononsittee of Aril slm..t •Panik3 Arhrisory Committee *Tourist Cosamittee ler/teem subrefaions would be Farreeerdsd to file eniersigned our or bellows kareeryYt. 'leis end should inefude • brie/ bediarounui, FisstarrestS, etc. el the emplikene- • Larry3. Abe Adoehaseartgar Tower of Godesieis 57 Waal sheet Godefack Clnt•rrio FIaA 71115 43, hikarialleasers 44_ Enieseweisiels 45_ Itatorsiages 47 . CordofM 36_ Announcements, notices INIMILCNIAINS WAIXENS The lileassardlanon Sere. Cerw #elbow and Luella LAWS have evetipment fair low Coes- tact Antos S24- 9623 ear F, -ed Fritz/ay, 524- 7217_- 40 Lost & FI AJI1Id MOND - Bieneaniblook tiger striped male cot ora Werth Se Mme 524-9854. -52 41 - To give away FOUR MIENS alt mole, two months ofd. Water trained. Ilery frietelhe Phone 52426776 or (524-1 34 elres 6per .)_-S1.32 46 . In memoriam MONT In toeing memory of Gordon Scorn &dnyl, wee passed aeon Dooernibeir 29 T971. -Sealy tressed end always remembered Mid! 1.9crdnyr ond fasm4.-52 i . Card of thanks COLEMAN 1 wish to Mena relatives and friends fear flowers. memorial moria l dors warns cm/ nem aloes ol kris in Ilhe less a1 my dem mother llpla pret Coitemntxt My *arks s rake to ter. lames Retrace. nurses awl eel/ at Afecone n s Hospital for *miff 'ocx-e end to Rev. %begsBeall he- lm orIan, meant vS,-IPabert Col ori. - 52* GiNION!'r The fermay of the late Coles a Gibbons wish to express deep cep/mei/wrier) to friers, re{ stave; and neislibers for the sap/part and kir asses sheame t to a lwe8 laarae3 end nasnel2. Our thanks for sour prrey:we spirituel caterass. massages of slimpagthy cards mid d $lettere r& Spartan thanks to Dr. loons for exeetleet care the nursing sane tatr Monterie Money and Omen - save Core Ailex c'ecu %spite& ore ambulance drivers- To Father Losbaatt far o ring the spirituel mess assisted biy Bae choir aret otter bays, to Mc- Funeral e- Fu neral Wi ne ded the lade, of C.Wib.i. 'Sir_ ms's Cl yeti fear preparing and sernv- irng the lunch eat M*Oittleerd Marra after the funeral. Your kanskeiss wi$t ate ay+s be, remembered. -5 GOOD We waled tike to thank everyone for gifts its ers and visits we received voltage in A aM..8.G. Kasper' di, Sgteeiaf thank ycteu so Dr. Weaver end Dr. Harsairngarer't&a and saaf"t on Flavor East. 'Wafer Waviness one always be remembered_ -leve rey and Ashley - 52 TURNER aire would like to thank Baur faaaanty friends raeigftbaws. relatives and Marktieete Lane Ainailiasei, for the Frig plants, cares anti letters ea* slam rezeiweat over the toss of a dear breather and srstrer- Sara and Lois 57 Course for beef producers According to a recent report by Lim afben cons Y 1:21- 4:.R pm. 1, January IS - ty of Guelph, new management practices Marc 22, The sessions, coordinated by can reduce the death rate of young beef cat- Nelson Underwood forte reins the *AF tie by approematery 501 percent, Operators office in Norfolk Courtly, axe based on re - are t a f slowly- introduce corn cat C'e earth inthn ,e. Underwood. she daring the first two lid; t 1:0 avoid reeiritly returned borne to farm, has plain - the use of respiratory raeciraes: and t r1 mt-it ed a coraprehensive series of lectures of n- ails cattle purchased from sural statures truest pt'imarl'jy to beef feedlot managers. for the first three w but also worthwhile to covecaff operators. Feedlot managers can gain practical knowledge on issues related to herd health Fqx more information or to register and1 v by a ten week phone Coli t, " cine at the Myth town ball, Thursday 45or low OMAF rte. Financial Manafor farrners meetings p ed Within the culr-salt economic climate, farmers should view production and bun - dal management as equally imperial* to the success of their busbies& The Ontario Ildnistry of 4,gricalture and Food to emphasize the WI priority of sinter money management to the faaml cunu-nw1i- Vit- for profit is the ultimate goat according to accountants p and financial daaa lobar program, valified accountants with irqmit from have planned a series of Financial Masa ent ForF' Be toregister n early fwthecoluseinyour _ Locations and dates are as follow& Centraliat.l y - Rayon hall. SanuaryI1 - Korth 14 nouns I:30 - 8:35 p�m.l: cl0 - k..]f.Flatt. January 12 - Marla lit afternoons 1.34 - 4t30 park isz Brussels - Legion Hall. qua Muth - 19 iitionday evenings from 7:3$ 1- Loam - CAMIMUllny January IR - March 21 (Werbesrhey alter - moons 110 - 4: tr- 1. Vi Beard - , ZOf' err. :.git.., lanuary - February IR (Th S:311 sum -33E pro.Moorefiekt - Town MB, February 1- 1 s: - &30 park); Guatph - Board Roma, United Breeders, R115‘,Guelph, February 2- Wards ribursdaysSt3Ovan. -1:314pruLiL The courses are designed for farmers and cover *onward record keeping for income talc purposes.. Other issues such as land transfers„ budgeting, cash Bow f> « r.'r,prottaidious records are iambs:led are Eme of charge_ Register by phoning Ceara& Cet. lege of Ag_ Extension 45, or MEW Mice I