HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-28, Page 11Watch for this page in the New Year announcing the official winner of FIRST BABY OF '84 r r i Ear The Family Of The FIRST BABY '84 Cue Coneptiuserits And Corisristubstikins On The Hew Adefitioo A BEAUTIFUL FRUIT BASKET Courtesy Of YAW 1 . ,ta Store SRAIMRANS FOODLAND MALL `s2+8-QVgn Ekpearetcvemat Mc& s4 4;- FACIAL TO THE MOTHER Of THE FIRST BABY IN TM COMPLIMENTS OF r.ck h Cigq SKIN CARE STUDIO 32 NevgateSL lir sz4 TO THE PRO FATHER OEC FUMY— N -1011 A COMPLIMENTARY OIL, LUBE & FILTER Comiratufations from Mut GIS To Mow, Dad & Baby BEST WISHES DADS SUIT AND MOTHERS DRESS OR SUIT CLEANED F."E.E Courtesy OF Tour E¢rtends Et FRENCH 'RY (CLEANERS *_Gam. ) �i IS afar VA-RAZIM Good Ierff Tic the First Baby at "a& GREEN PLANNER WITH SILK FLOWERS FOR GIRL OR aoY \ill T BEST IN SRES AND OUR WARMEST CONGRATULATIONS R E RS FOR TODAY GEE'S FOREVIR 166, THE SQUARE, M(, € iii SiT6lt 1 TO THE FIRST BABY OF 1984 a 00 GIFT CERTIFICATE Courtesy Of c�nAcinn TIRE TED R. O'NEIL LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 CONGRATULATIONS TO MOM&DAD AND THE NEW ARRIVAL Now You Can Rebs And DlsslEss The Future Of Your Newest Member To The Family Along With Our Complimentary FREE DINNER CLUB RESTA RANT MO STEAKHOUSE !Ossa stoaaI -tidies 52441168 T.} To Hke Furst Baby Of '84 A MAGGI-BE E H000EDT 'WEL &CLOTH Made by Muggy B 410 E N THE SOMME Pharmac a SWOPRERS SQUARE GOCERICW' 5224_7241 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PSD PARES OF TlFIRST BABY OF U Come and enjaTa SNJAY SMOREASB ' RD TEL t . QED:_ �+ ;D GODERICILSIGNAleSTAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS, 1—PM Ili Students make pre4ictions for 1984 PROJECTIONS& PREORCTIOTIS FOR BSI Peace Crurade" "Rimed atethe peacemakerson eat." was a *rote ftom Mug Henri VL tato this It' P; PktMe lifiniderQQ :I.. "7 ':•e" I ,.. ."; kg. Also, who jrzt To juin the grow, seemed is President flambe Ceausesca of Romania Ceausescu, who leads the only Warsaw Pact nation in- dependent the Soviet Union, endorses k cum& in October, Unclean has travelled to many countries all over de e the i and others t Someme Europeans wr were pleased with s pbut s il.K.'s President Reagan has said to have a three page titter tar Truelean saying lie has a good idea_ But there was lid dot7bt Chet the U.S. state arid defense departments were less than en- chanted with this idea_ Some 1J1 Stated clearly that they thought it improper to tt y to presses Reagan it 'o dtealiee with die diet Uninn in ways he right prefer to eschew_ Sageftsh )lie Minister OW Patine and the former West German chancellor Wiffy Brandt also bad "It rem my view," Brandt said, -'that the sites has become too serious to be left withthesuperpowers:- U.& and the Soviet Union seem to be ready Mr war If.S has stockpiled about 2fillide warheads - Ft all strategic' weap D half tactic_ The diet Union has about ' warheads Bin mumm:bers in this gale are m mtnngj'ws.% Both sides, could make Earth a� faro Wes.% Beth c g part of their! 6 N141l :.:: Betof Sussex ecltor of the Fredericton Daily Gleaner mote this_ "'Mere in may secluded valley, where the orLY sound's are those of caws and ravens, it seems, se, remote., And yet I and you roust never forget for an ID- start rfrstar tt that our lives are terribly threatened_ 8 have felt a weight lifting g firom me since Pierre i rude= began his peace ittiative 8tt. is; like a turning point in what had seemed a Losing battle:.' predretions for 19St are that Prime Minster- '15rtuleau will (seep up his peace crusade and that more countries will accept his idea with gratitude. Jennifer MacKinnon,. Robertson School, Grade& puomacrrom& PREDICTIONS FORA NW YEAR I hope that 191ft is a Mink beautiful new year and there is not a nuelearr war, l also, hope 8 will be in grade nine and a few of may sulhject,s have better marks:::;,,,they Maybe tfhis year people can do something g about the metra w II •; and map,pingnd i1 do m ayibeourpopni .omwll - ;V re,.. ",„„,,�,,,�' ton,. Gradek Robertson FOR THE NEW YEAR l What will this new year bring'' No one really knows Of course,. everyone' will lie emcited and B . n n ' about the coming of the new year, but for the year INA all it takes is a button tom, put a 'wiener war atom -feet!' People hatetathini& of it,. whoare you) fool- ing, li hope that the people of this eaeth wiill some day come tor their senses so that we dont have to ffve eat day of our lives- in fear. By Tammy Feee, Grade&. Robertson QtnDecemberthirty First IJ'IL quench, my thirst Oto eggnog and Christmas cheer For in, I twii iopenthedoor to,a, new year whi should he dear For D hope people will soar For nomierearwar And] the hopes they have- will come true And! wisfes gone soar On the eleventh hour start again, brand new. Ede Predict Oa September the sixth. L'll be starting ati+G.a.C.E. Where FE learn the base For my careerandmy race Wherethellrrmits are otthj the -sky. Bill Trebish, Gr. 8; Robertson. PROJECTIONS&P1 € lt. MINS FORA YEAR Soviets withdraw Front Afganistan. ThearamstaIlis will be in: a mutt& Fighting im Lebanon, wilt increase Canadians ride= in. t3he stutttre t oderirdtgets anew port Andioeean ships Ding and lean Wild become- a common thing Hem t i beseen. But themost important prediction, Theanethat's.oniny mind Ts that some how, hill make- ittogradenine_ 'Com Dtarnin, Grade8 Rlthertson school A NEW YEAR It's' r already! Bid Fin; just getting use -to I' It E'tn, not a fortune teller but E can pct some things such as- 8 know in. '84 that there wont he a nuclear war, the Framers. Almanac will, accurate, out on time and win tIL es what spring and sum- tnerhave instareforun This time wit year E will be at (fl C:I doing something creative L predict in l there wilts he babiesandat the some time se moose• will be dying. t7 ham, that in 1984 the average- of aceidimni iia, cum amine trucks and plianes will he kiwerthen it is now but it most lilt C wmrftt he. ii limowthat the kids' in, ladhr will stilt he shaving while. rich people will be throwing away good food' which has notteae>1n, E trot tlieunt lay - went lure will stint like a winding spiiie Those are some of my predictions; for whottareyoures?' €aaiti4A EkbertgOill PROJECTIONS& PREDICTIONS FOR A NEW YEAR There are as many ectioris and pretiletions for 1981 as their are people world. Noone Call he sine of what kg h) but many have For a ttbnl¢ that tic wall ' a World War DI ridge world will come to m earl in Eitle iniclear hplocaust, While an optignist may think that everyone will resolve past problems and peace will whelm all of mankind_ I ara kichned to hope for the 's preifictime fat no one will know until 1St cones won its and brilgs all its mystery and enigma wadi IL Miura Campbell, Gre Robertson PROJECTIONS& PREDICTIONS FOR A NM" YEAR 8984 is quickly approaching but are we ready for it? We otIfseives probably are bet is the entire worms ready for another year of wars and Wings, Whenever you open a newspaper or tom on the news yogi see and hear about such occarances.1 will find us with ray heft over, onmived problems from rte. y manly will clear up in the new year bet antionbtedisr numerous more will also avise_ Hopefully but unlikely Russia and the U.S. will eotn- elude their continuing to have ilie best and most nuclear weapons, This would also end oor fears of a mielearwar_ The economy will matinee to rise and fall and rise and fall while prices o t >, Once again dread of a repeat of the thirties will emerge. Maybe the wars in Ileehenon will cease and hopefully this year no one wits crm urn necessaratte And maybe one of the scores of people Wiring with all the issues to retake peace among all nations of the earth will succeed and all the world will be happy_ Won't it be nice also if every persore, everywhere had enough food!. That no children just our age and younger would be dying of malnutrition. So maybe this year all our hopes for a wonderful year will become realities and Int will be a year of peau , n oe and unity_ Bot everyone must div their pant.. So lets, make this a great year_ SonyaX Rte.& . Gr,� .'t sol'. NUCLEAR WAR? Can't you see, what the war will be? Haven't you heard what everyunessaidr What will there be" No lamp,. no sea' Everything will lust be dead_ A. nuclear war, bombs by the score,. crashing into/our land. laulless fighting,. there isnoneed„ Between all' /rP U fit proudtalndt ue,,. And talks -of nuclear war are ft,. Rebertson PROJECTIONS& PREDICTIONS FORA NEW YEAR In 19844 think that there wilt be a tremen- dous rise of unemployed people not just in Oidario but in alt offCanada. Albost every home an Goder chi will have a computer of somesort. Every elassuoorn ire the schools will have aeamputer. The world's population wilt dein in the year I98 The price of food will ether go up or down especialLL is the meat dam. The Canadian dollar will rise to a hippo price Oldie stek area Ad the- gradin eights of ELDERS. will pro- bably pass into ro•bablypassintoa_ w,pt. coneat &Dell They might make Rocky Mil ori RR. Ef ylWallbugle Gr. Et, Robertson TRE.IaEW YEAR la the next year There will hopefully he Much happiness and cheer As many peoplewisftosee War. fighting thepeaee r nineteem.eighty-tour Reining iliis will cease All the blood and gore But many people want For this to•beetled That year before will haunt Where these people stood= Adore and grace -everywhere Love, like and friends Is what we shouldshare As this year ends _ But some don't think like that As you might see Some of the states people are at Very near to me. The school will'hold Ji ferny surprises yet Maybe some of them gold- bet- all' old- bet.all' So bear in mind That, as many years come To be nice andlkind And not tube dumb: Suzy Takata, Goad ff Robertsa n.Seliool MY PERCEP'V1ONOF1[tl uPE IN I hit '8 by theendlafthe-year i' cerilLgtttssilal r be in grade 9: E watt tri change my but not my alt Els the way it sorundt, that should lie my > few Yeate's EResoIutiont Sofia nf toy attibides are begiaing to) ling me as welt as my Ems,. Irterrcli and teachers Instead of hackging 8 stili agree, even !maty E may be in ii,. but,. you: can't always he perfect At times E wfsbtate meone like my timehers to say rim grit just onee. ,Bali Gr. Efiltabertsort