HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 66THE 'FINEST QUALITY HEATERS NOW AT NEW LOWER PRICES FLOWERS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER KA THE SQUARE, CODER10111 MOM EDWARD FUELS ANGLESEA ST GOO€RWH 524-a6 524-8761 WE DELIVER LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEA Mime Tweaks nese enrolled Mt* the Rest Godievido Mnionde Moss amd Alma flammilow, arail ft row, left to rigbIL, A Pack last Wednesday &sing a special cesesiony at Hoc* Street (emelt, AnsySooldi, Jennikr liraggleetom and Skein Hoolom (Photo Embed Cloweb. Hack row, left to right, they awe Sib:rays Goy. hy Jeasse Moickamarn Tammy Dirk, Anse Alexander, L Dirks, Alike Floillson. Heather Auditor wants Hydro scrutinized This 30rr• stuff their stockings witt H the local news, features, opinions, entertainment, sports, etc. Pick the gift that IrleftIMS itself 02 times at year! It's easy... All you lhallife to CID jam GIVE A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to those special friends and relatives on your Est for 95 ial rate for subscription_ from a Senior Citizen to a Senior Citizen specialj VIA card is sent t the repentfmammunce Itmut gift Mee a gift subsurtiatiun ttv the EMT* SIGNALSTAFE The News Rut at Gaderith and us ns plimenott itte senior anima whatistweasttenunhess with remittience BY SACK RWELL MW The Pravincial ticanfitor, in his earned eport,. urged that Ontario ander gratter public scrutiy_ Hawever, Premier has rejeeted calls har a SpPliiP4 *airy Mee the Fmatheial alien -sof the Craw& Clarporateita and Tory Members of the Patric Accoun t% Committee voted to restrict. the reVieW. 4 'a, 'a:4aq +v a bread in - a 11 hy the Auditor_ Liberal Chairman of the Committee. Pt* Reid, sass the review has been -emasculated" and as lued why the Govern- med. continued sastonewF -De the people of Ontario not cleserve to, have a firld aft: 4 HI Mieo ate expenditure and the concern about Hydra waste- he come Advertising costs Spending on Ontario: Goverment adver- tising increased 25 per cent. ahrntigt 3101 maim. fast year while wage increases to sector workers were held by raw to, ffore per cent,. says Liberal Leader David Peterson:. Onttrio spends. more than aU other Canadian provinces combined on ativertising„ and the ad budget on a per repite is Es iniw twice as large as that of the -federal government_ fie asked -Haw can the First, Minister e Premier) 'at. that when we are in ax age of restraint, when the are so many agencies that are pet for cash in this province- Patrick Reid said he J. concluded that only about XV per cent of the government's advertising informs the public of rant provincial programs_ Most of the advertising. is more politically motivated and is intended ta per - suede pea* the Tories are doing a good job miming due province. Delany Minster resigns The ongoing contitsy about the- Delia - Minister of Government Services 4 ie4 ...Cf. QUEEN'S PARK culminated in his reeignation_ He has been the eentre of a of criticism at Qtis Park, and w the problems which come tte ahisid between him end! his Tyrdstlitrel-117=beE2aIetar6gluer7e5'astirkst.% 41321117ner. , en .6: Premi' it SAWN* in contracts without plateau -- meat approval, violating spending guittigitie Liberal Ornery Leader Seen earniy expressed his disgust with le: hes no ata lorsa-....4 saying -Hers apallgtheres been a corruption of the forideariental principle of responsible gavernment___and hi some miniseries die :Anister is hut an ornament who can he dismissed at the whim of the Depaty—And the Premier. when gem the chokes,. stood by a free-spendeg Dewey 3(TM-ter who teethe a1J kinds of rules_aird seeker/ a Minster who, was trying to keep loanrichog &Le:- PIM die resignation f the Default! 4. 44 Artinster,, the Premier 10 . amoeimced that be wauld give him, another jela - anac- tin strongly criticized by Sean Conway, WD0 Said Were there is repeated and toe tentionali naisdameanor. there must he - hie _irs vital drat clear and Meese trovertalde signals be sent out to the rest of the wade service that this behaviour is unacceptable:- The Premier Ng aro FP!: ill that the D_NEfs reSiglati,011 is die end of the mat- ter However, Liberal Leader David Peter- son said he wont let the ossne die beeMe we stilt dont know the truth in this mat - tee_ • e New Ombrobamani A workl-recogined Ottkitinan rights and eiwl, Mertes. Dr_ Deaner ERTL has been appointed Ontaricirs fourth Om- budsmen- He has pledged to 11 a - t the lit- tle person ((whet must he cared for. must rookedafter Dist as wen as fetters with more pewer" r1I1 isasocielogy protesserand wilt take uphis post itIl February_ At pre- sent, he is a consultant to the &mania Human Rights Commission. and he was the first Chairman of the Ontario Human Rights. Commission between 1971 and 191 Fres new appointment he regarcit as an incredible for a person who bras worked in human rights and ei liberties-. Cipposi- limn Winters praised the aptediele GE Dr Bill Liberal Leader Llevid Peterson said public pe: •4 3. of the office of Om. - bailsman must he improved and cases must be diealt wttfrnioreqmdy Nursinghimnes There areof course. many dile ritirSing homes in the province. hut there is con- siderald concern about some such 13, i1ies The Govermeat intends to craek down en nurMg homes which fail to meet provincial standarit, Another lb Ng Herne Inspectors are te he !Med imineshate- ty tejo611 the 2A who amervise the 355 homes ittOidarin_ The Ottarie Niosing Home Review Beard is censidering revoking the hoaxes of on hoinesN, as 39 charges adisst. institutors are in the courib. While„ ace he SEMSter of Fleatth„ most flames mmply with fire and safety te- e been -ailawed te defer correcting some structoral and nthpr eamireimerital shigatozninV". Time was allinved ftir home operators to make charges, but the GaVefirtrgleVit has ITUBW &deed ED deal with the deferrals aver the next tero yeam Amendments to Election Act The Goverment has-outined certain to the CIiris Election Act_ taxa siresorroam, James Breithaupt villa, chener)) particularly welcomed two Maier ettanwS wad atilMett suggestions made in MI 9 now before the Legidataret which is a reprint of his Pate HUI first introdire in 197/ as EWE II& The proposed changes wi bring benefits hi agare-hantbeapped voters t cast hall mare asily, and discretion is avet&dile to Deputy Rhm:dug Officere get a its in the box_ The term -FetishSthUet will be tenoned Erma the Aea mailing voting pirkigegt4s eaftieatir dreirialS (as Ems been the easefederally knee Io Gangland violence While he agrees that more pngland vielenm is a real posalurityitt()titmice the Attney-Genera is not prepared to spend mdkons of cram on private -for these hoottleins'" Liberal Muse eeder Rola Nixon had warned- that the re- cent violent deaths of crane fignres Domenic Ramo and Paull Volpe deniondiratie organieed crime is in --a runaway sit Onitirior. The Attorney General agreed that there was a 4,, :4441 hut insisted law enfrce- ment agencies -are fining very well indeed' ilE it He i-efected a call fur a Royal Ceeruniwien into Or crime im the pro - entice els:liming Mat J1 i7 inquiries into organized crime in the IS and Quebec -have been dismal failures when htcomes to actually collecting any informal a upon which ail - :re., can helairL- J. .1' A O.:. Pt'Clad abuse aliapartty committee of the Oti- tario Legislature has recommended that the Ontario Geri -et -tumult he more aggressive in prosecuting nets who fail to report suspected child ahnse_ After six 44441411 . of stade. the committee has issued its which also included recommendations that the Children -s Aid Society be assisted other groups and agencies in counseihrig fa/nines. that Meteor he n ;se•=cm tusay everyone is required to report anyone who ahusesa child FREE top I I • ULTRA lAR GAS BA ;