The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 62: • .!-h.• ;.!k P.AVIEM--GOIDIKKICIFISIGNALMR,INIMINIEStatY., BEVEMBERZI, To hip WI holds The Galen* Yoned* Moneta In - sitar met linwenry Decanter It at Me einearamilyeinite. -It wawa *dad Uinta spenher hem de Barna Day Owe aster ha attend esleheirde JarnwayearFehrentymeermg. Elba Yew owe eterstare 1St et els sea 1 taittingied Enietaibtiesfronadeetainamityjniari dor chap tar hark sum and to preset* kale Cettrite whir *la astiftwo With heir weltholierspe zhenakie rediamewasheit Everwe was remilided AIME pig tim 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 HITACHI swam i 1 1 1 u•ZALI °- $499'51 •Sil VIM AN4161:BVIER Ilimmetsiperchimiumf 4441-130111-11111110111ANVOIVONTAIRE efIl9P-315 MOVEATF5810111X1S Turell1meli flperommallp wift.15 MiumulaillmmommilmelememP "311.'imm ,1-• SJGHT A 81 H TV SOUND "WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND .THER FRIENDS" — - .271-3285 t OMR MOW TO NOM 9-9 PAL SAMMY 9-6 PAL -vatszniaaawm.0 Hatainnew, Wethiesdny„ Ihiratmbm, M. to wititandshenatights. The ens tett fertheilidt. The saw nerwasMarain Waiter. Cards renew Ihrieviar. Jamarty The nest weft will he Ihelays Jairamy 9 THE IDEAL SOLUTION TORE INATAGE! Introducing a Safe, permanent inexpensive wiener, to stray Voltage related prodacfrorly declines among farm animals.. The -Ting* Voltage Mee wall redline the average stray whew keen 2 to 3 wets to 02 volts_ Fear more imieravaliverv cemotact FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRIC LTD. Ro... BOX till AUBURN& ONTTARIN) NOM 1E0 526-7505 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ronald McDonald 47" SW- rag4123 Goobers& Ginitsefo, xertooli UMW 11111MMeltss ARCHIRALII, Stiff LAIL SEGA MEM 235,111.5 arco111Lamerum M51116mm 14111111114115-31111111B ' FRED LAWRENCE Electric& Corarnettur Wig& IF 1relftWEINC1 XII MENG MORRIS EIRAPERUIS Trossraiss Stop thsenifor tOsomnrstemSsrefese Castrui Cumeimmek3mmtvr irammlivilmtAremor imandligthim. Umteplelimi4verghindim IMMffimpav&C.EL IRsktem Himrsireigteammam* Sabieg SAL Godiaridil 52114351 NOME WI MIS furimmrimate eimipemaff GLEAMS RRIVIIRE11113115 sumusurs 111101111E WAS1111 GmborklisSMILIM teit.,JERRY ran LTD sibilimster of Peipmet Phmties-aim1 Food Pemcitectft Fd" Faasess & Sambas 011ER 2.CRISITERIS TO SAVE YOU RVOMEW Stamm Rows Wow -Fet ilatimS par ta5Paifit Sacesat eamtritrick Qn cU Sale 5246-4Z56, TOLL FREE T -811111-26S. MacGillivray & Co. WICINZIMP,./c n731KOMItafa meaumorma, Clit/KMEIMIRI)161232:1401RWMIS k MINIM XYPIV 55- cznammam BOMB L mum assoanorwasweeri wi.apeepte, ilL1111F MatiaeillE ener. CARIMMEr FERKSSAMICSINIft vrAPPACCOOLAMP 55W-ThaT G01011110* • commemers MOVING & „ rommt16.-Ommeme 1211~1101/11111110;e4111MMNW.0 /11112Merm CIA1111/612111S _311111NIER -IMMITIORMS1115 6211PIENT AMR= (leterliemeiresigempthiMplAIRSIt tiallitatt 1[111511MOMMIN111111111inini 1914311/MSCARROIRS 04111,9111a611/411111161116 111EAROMOUBUFWATIS Deinst. Vodders & seredier CHARTERED ACCOUNTAKIS 37 West Street Geodetic*, Ot., 44. 524-1Fil RM. SELL Taiss•Sreasave MAWS 0•11111110111(51: REMIERS ABATTOOt--i ItitssesiGeasses awe Park ISSINSInssit, NosissO21124130 Ilkeresdk, IMO end Comm gragOis 1611 dry Teesdely- cal r fusiber leiariessgoic Oepoomm,116056wIrc_1155miisr 262-5621 236-7733 Oar Maid is 'The Whim We' DAY Naer.trBirtaM SALON SERVICES WECALFZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE IMOMMIALPEINKAMMITVIIIMMD JUICIUNICUMMCORICRUOVIRMES _arm PriCiattilfralar 104113213114SLIV 1166 THE BEAUTY LOUNGE eksr ST GCinatrint+ INitcaferow imestma (ihstait4 Um*** EXECIIIMIEC DATA Pc COIMPIETBE =nos ItsAutamellampestiorprareWSWcVaiiiiiiikeneessem*, um* rar; 6158161m-.. elmmometeo flimommit sommermepe. etimaph.dkomegio* mrmies11mmemelr, 11141411110111111treahlellheleSIRCIRRT The Gs* Slo Depatioess spmustelll Sealkohoubsitilitheesarse,sittessogplosbressildsversibledie aw Maim mast Vast and Weilleshp eyelike is pmelkipsats Shaw Asir polliestri, In lie hem two *tam are Whirls Mike &A.& Ns the Orp pertore,, Thestip Webster of samptiesalegignibreaderenaim iiPtintisby.lannmennebainst IODE holds annual Christmas dinner Mie lealChatiterrefigheit itsan- and addren Serrires„ Aliemedira Shrike Eina aftstaxas efigkreer miata andGeaeralflhspitakantitheChtstenGrvirp December at the Maitland Country Oak Bare_ -with-ttinembersandfourgaestspresent„. Mksl. W_ Garraw, swarms serretary, VI" anaerobe meat, Yks. W._ 1 sated that ffse bp ewers have teen Melstyre presited wier the besiamg diratedita3bilanalManorain inee Reports were accepted from Mts. iblaWiltabiefer ritting,. E. &kat, secretary and Mrs,. est Red* Citheahipserretsay, as, G, IteMarakz, trEMEUEer_ stated Oct the pietare of Omen Elizabeth imserrriestfartheereniew abets seentary, 3tis "A, St. Garland i formed the rearsihers that tau *tares per- tainine to, the Itaget leaf Chapter were ire theratt imle4Beises,Abitx if yew &isles iShweered*attiresserkpteaseraforan3ks, Gariaini Mrs- if_ Finale read the se` report., girepesisg the stare 4 qtraters f@ir Mgt awe ag2is, the chapter has nossisesait Mrs. G, RayalasaceutrZfatrental and Phial's" Money mised throingteat the year bythe chapter has been soied to be &gamed ta the Miming emotaatietm Swaroast Enterprises which is a werishep for the rismtalk9- iftstrOmppletit, Gatiteridi efewtre, raiser- Mickey and ksure Slitating, Farealkiv Three neenhers spike en de foliewiteg: Jibs, 311_ C. McGill on behalf el the Canaormis Career SistW on Tune titbit Otamtringx, Mrs, .11 W. Wallace informed tte menden of the many happenings of the Getterizh Arts Younitniton wart MS. R. wade a rawest fitr§m&tess h/$ halt Aileaters iontweksePreadkatess, F the close al die nnetirg Sarta trade an appenranee with a tett ezethasw =maga tte iseratiers, Ithe members were entertained with a nersiker of Chrigtema% sow tiyisabliA Airm (Ovate-, or- orwspi"lityttft-treardie0De14_ 'D emsastive trirotisir Igo be bed fat Januar% 2Z, at 7 pistL alt the home Mrs, NeEntsre_ The" wal beheld ea February Cancer Society extends helping hand to smokers who want to kick the habit rartlatikat Catmlir &clew and Fiesith pkvete-stre tenitta vitirh they valiant asni"eareextrenarga be** hew many eiwirettestheyssmatre. hew othez host Se =taws wile wart te hick their theY fiad the __amti az stag tillha 'id& a dirk Mr-herp teteeision atmatioustheacitgarette- higair at aridgc41tWgrankiralmvarij- '2264 -°11110*" -lime to goir- booklet% axe aradatite the Canaria= Canzer Swiet etrate..41E hatif-hour tetectaauti programs- Niben tstreet Eantion, ant at shsweis feauring Wars= Shifter wilt he aired ea Drag itairtz as weir orimiturdes get:alba Television Networasat 7 pan. en threagiamesaarhawstancatscieL Januaryik ItlaariAL Bali the tirst 4sge of the threetaart -rose Beth the DRiEleiStillt pragmas. and an al- re Qpar- pr„ matemers rearm what rhr:, 4 iir4ffika 9pAnktrer, present a 4rtutteas trawr. their erge. to, atiahe anti stizikbY"steP three stige Fitail humhettMilemiththesellEgeS tiesigied te, fettp ta 45.yearett quit wiortine. an their awn. The second gage et -Time aa Quit- helps Eit additionta the ttiree pragralft staters prepare quit, by prattiising cop ailizatut partajparas .2re pruoidect with a itw a*is and tack/mit they wiS tant 3r3 er:7 an entertaining gift.... 0 1/1/611V. GLASSES OW FAMOONFIS $1 %IFS wa• ROE COFFEE EVISMS 9 5 IV ID 11/101: GEASS KB STEMS PRISL 414116314316 6313's 111 SWIM awn GEMS $A. ROW 0* 0043 1,4111411411 MIK GIMES NSW= $195 VII EilL UWE rum • MELT Mt N M min BF oftme INtRilholg *Mau ..ro m sestset aftemtrass eilliamlbstiliar*OrsissmratnietivogisoliErfeltifersailihstr VFW'S salirir0101100111r Itermaxistas AFTER-allOSTILSSAU STARTS 111W, DEC 24 -41a, IN, 30' sesrattrogsandenty ergraduaW_ The Wird stsge ideriartes pkisie21 ant p`irat reartians quitting alat ex- plains how taileuti with these effects_ Arronfing tate FM eaten of -Senipkv6 Behavfmat- of essaoltane",gegurar eikprefibe anohas cerogaise ahent pereent Cat- ,:rtta's 5 to 44 year vitt 9apaL2tio1k Ent tfle plex1 gement of these atraitem hien t7,,,,13 step ,zfratiar ertier it.1,111S1 imease dee suemss. rate, the Catuairran Cramer Sitiety and Reath, arat Welfare Canada ekteroped --TaraeeKtalr, FILrther " sheet the przgrarst arailubiefrurstheescatikka Cutter Seittiet Lash/Ear tat% .13Z -EM SEIGEL'S SHOES •V't- 's4 CC Al unizsevr-meg-notrons- ;, sow vans $299S ...but 111101MMEre sewn $709111 cris -ginummegliftwegaffir isarsommissoersoray awns UMW VIM 111111111111.11, 11111M-tomew-imic -mmem51 mommemesm mosms.tamemmems dillielkittatetWeimo *exionciampliKMARC 5. L 3 Pe. fgre,1 1$11.1111111 Widialreesvr .11.2elmeNt$ lagnalin attIntuellildIV 0