Exeter Times, 1912-10-24, Page 54 OitIATBSDAY 00,f010ll •04 1912 THE EXETER TIM WOMAN FOR, YEARS Wants Other Women to ICn* How 411e was Finally Restored to Health. Illikrimond, Ont. "1 am pleasing ibraligh the Charcge of Life and for two years bed het flushes very bad; head- aches, soreneas in the back a head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel-, bin 'The 'doctor Who attended me for a number of years did oot help me, but 1 have been entirely relieved of the stbove symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetatee Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pilla, and give you permission to publish my testimonial." — Mrs. Louis BEAUCAGE, $L., Haroiaiond,OntoCanada. ,Ip •Nevir Brunswick, Canada. " I ean highly retrommend Lydia E. Phaktam's VegetableCompound to any sufferibg wo- man. I have taken it for female weak- ness and painfuI menstruation and it cured me. — Mts. DEVIIRB BARBolln, Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, Canada., „ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs; contains no narcotic er harmful drug stir# to -day holds tho record of being'tl ratost successful remedy for female ills welt -new of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab- oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact, Every suffering woman owes it.to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -a trial If you want special advlee write to Lydia B. Plakham Medicine Co. (contr. denteal) LynnOttass, Your letter -win lhe Opened, read and answered by •a 1,01121m and held iu strict madame. 'BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Stslotects taught abtytheexpert instructors Ydelse • Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. • Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept 3rd.. Catalogue free. Enter any time., .LW. Westervelt .LW. WesterveltrJr. Principal CharteredAccountant :a Vice -Principal 4. HOME STUDY a. Thousands of ntabitiousyoung• 4. people are instiected, in their a- th homes by our home study dep- artment You may finish at + ele 4 College if you desire. Pa -y * whenever you wish. Thirty YearsExperience. Largest eta train teta in Canada. Enter any f day. Positions guaranteed, If rr yore wish • to save board and 4 'learn %%bile you eaan, write $ for particulms. NO VACATION • Clinton Business College 4. 080. SPOTTON B. F. WARD 4. President Principal deteteralde+++++++++4-3-44-1,+++4434 /2/CENFIAL adtius .1:RATFOli 04 ONT. WILL YOU 4' -4441 e ; • Write for the large free d'ir •43. elegize of this' school. and you et will -Yearn bow you can succeed._. 40 4p •At will then rest with you to de •tide if you will succeed. We are placing students in de • 4, positions paying $600 and $700 ; eit per median, and weleave many such •'applications -for help de • which we ca,enot supply The ; th best time to enter our classes is a mew or our free cat. 4 ategue at once; •," a • •vt re Ire A. MeLACIILAN. Principal.. • estererasaarearteasetriteeesiseerearearestost LW RATES FOR HUNTERS via • Gle,AND TRUNK RAILWAY "Eares---Sitgle .first-olasrt lane for 10111 Lte roarel brie from all etations, litieterio except north of Gravenharst AE.C1 AV est of nem brook also from De- troit ars' Port Harop aluffate fetictek Rock and saspension Bridge Y —GOING RATES— October 7th 4o November ett. inclasiva, to all moir.ts ott 'Temiskaming and North- am Ontario Railway, Vein agatIti„ faL.D. axed to cerbain points and provitees ereebee, Nova 'Scotia and' New dher.salek deo State of elairte October tla 17th to Neve:Tuber 9th elasive to Illusltok,a lakes, Lake of aott, Go sr Bay. Mar:new:trim P nd 'li vt It wartita Lakos and "mtrets on Creed Tr ink Railway Sev- atx. Li 'Nutria' Say ' treitadve blade ereska to „Perry tieleit. Linvitity to -Iredbertor•i, Argyle to •Cobaconk, .Peo- attire; Inietianil oiadt La/tenon] 11.E'l*1) ItN T— A II tickets v i id lcr t art. until 'Thursday i.in- cr late except lo Itoires reached • ty Ott rimer IiratearTeesday November lath flflL, W U. A re 3) arf District' Paseeeger -Ailixott, Lean, 'Station liroartto, tent Set free illeetrated boeldet eetitled Olaatte of Fish and Garet} coettaineeg •ullt 1 Walitritooted•414 •• . „.. • Crediton Mrs. j. Silber and children Went Sunday with frieede h Brinsley. Mrs. Beeler of Parkhill wee the gest of Mr. and Mrs. James Lampert ooe day last Week, Mrs, Jas, Clarke who has been 'Carr ifl for some time left for Vietoria Hos- Piled London wheee -she will remain for several weeks, We hope for a speedy reboverr. Mrs. Chris Eilber ef Zurich spent Sunday the guests Of Ma and Mrs. Wm, Wenzel. Miss Susie 'Kuhn is spending several days with friends in London, Mrs. 0, Fahner and son Eromery spent Sunday with friends and rela- tives in Dashwood. • Quite a number from here attended the auction sale of Mr. W. Brown at Dashwood on Tuesday, Miss Della Brown spent a few days at Exeter last week visiting wUi friends. • We are glad to report that Mr; Na- than Sambrook is improving after a long illness. We hope he may con- tinue so. Mr. Frazer Brown yisited friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mrs. nervy Eilber returned home after visiting friends in Ubly for a few daye. Mr.Jobn Dyer returned home after visiting with relatives in St. Marys. Apples are very plentiful around here this fall. Mr. Ernest Guettinger left for Point Edward on Monday. He intends to •renattin'for some time. Song service will he held in the Eyangelical church next Sunday ev- ening. Eyerybody is cordially invited Mr. and Mrs. Woodall was in Exe- ter one day last week. Mr. Charles Zwicker autoeti to Lon- don last Sunday. YOU MAKE NO RISK Our Reputation en•d moiety is beck of This Offer We Ipay Tor all the m(edicire, ,ased 'Tartans the' 'trier:elf our ;remedy, falls to eonaplebely relieve yetiof oOnitipa- tion, We take ell the risk, YOi are tot Obligated 'to is in any way What- ever .if you accept our offer, ;Genet pay ftLing I& woe lair to your Is there any reason why yo a Should hestiate to pat our claims to actual test? The most scitx.Iltic, common sense' treatmerh Rexall Orderlies!, whioli are eaten likeatedy: Titey are very pronounced gentle and pleasant th actiot, :and particularly agreealble eery way. They do tot eanse dtar- reoee maased, flatulence egripine or ar.y inconvenience whatever., •Rexall Orderlies are particolarly good 'for children aged and delicate persona We ;urge you to try ffexallf Order- lies elk our risk Two sizes ld and 25 centsemember- yoa cab •get Reacall Remedies -in commanity only at •our store—The Rexall Store— W. •a, Cole • ar • CROMARTY ratath,enold landadaiiot 'Lae Town - stare of Hibbert', passed away Oct illra tLe' person of hte, Donald Pork at the Age of .83 yoars8 montOs Do ceased waa born in the! Towriallio: of ,Dalhousie ',County. oit. Lannark and clime we;11 to thadroirlisiS4 OE1ehees ago- when t•ela •coemety was, almost • a •aoli'd wilderness; contetriently hie knew macL cif the hatdsfaies of pioneer dt.ys Be retired from farming near- ly 30 years ago and carte to this, vil- lage where lee has easecied even since fie wee one of 'those Who) formed the first Presbyterian Chetah in Hibbert te Les. been an 'elder ever since.. He yea ver,knaVvra to be a b.seet from Divine Service, Sanday 'ScLool or Prayer tneet:mg enlese tbretaria dtnss or abeett 'from Lome He woe marri.. cd • twice His first wife was Ellen Mt, el/to:igen and hio oeconth wife wo so:rvives him and to whom he was married '50 years' was ;fate Brown ot rear Ottawa. Two •sister e and three brothers also survive, Mrs, • John Eeston of Lanark Canty Mrs., Dan - can ,MeKeller of Cromarty Alex Perk of Detroit Malcolm of Hibliertrand Robert of the We,sterr. Stateet The teneral took place on Saturday • to Roy's cemetery and waa conducted by, Revs'Richie as4 .11eNny.,444_,Avlioxe .raffIre':,:laigestmer- aiittliletat neighborhood, , HAD DAD 'SORE FOUR YEARS ZA1V1=111JK HAS HEALED Mr, ' Wijior,; 110 Wiokson (Avo.,• Toroeto, }says; "Albout four years ago a ,sore (spot appeared or. the right dele: •of my .fare: 'This spot 41...creased it aloe -Ontil it 'becarde about .half at Ouch In diameter and *27. pain - fol, I vr..r.t to a rodetra but the o:site 'meet' ;he leave rdeadidaioe have ittny. good effete:. 'The sore .,contharaed• to .clesetaree freely. alai was most •patri-' fol. 1 had it cauterixedt, br:ted poul- tieb all kinds; of salves, 1.41; it 'we's 'CO goOtl and I tentinood to stif- fer, from it for toor years! "A !sample Of Zann-Bak was or. day +event to rnti, and L osed ite Al- though Mal anaelety was an email it 'acceded to de znc good, SO:I pet- ehaied a, f :tether supply. ".Each !hoe 'did me more tied more goad, :nee to ray delight before e had beet lasing narn-Buk three weeks 1 saw. that It was goite to .heal the sore:. 4r. lees 'than a month it Was healed!. ; 'X .know a -lady in the castrate Hee city' whoee ehuebaral suffered • ter years wale an _epee itore on aie lea. Or.•tny reconartendetiere Zayre:Bak wee tried it laat ease,' The other day, whet 1 saw bulb ebe told me that it had healed the sere complecelyr tarty theigh tee; who: neer' et' fieth- beidge. Attlee as also epact • Zana Belt with, 'Sae same attisfactorY re - 8'.11t 1 thiek It. k EtrOold::011 doubt the l'irleab healing sitalm known' leach is lee opiniain of all tamale Lo ve real!, teed Zitoolaok. .1t Le• a 00re mire for teemed!, ebeessee, ,olceate seal'? :seven • rieg- Worm toi tro ;burps, scalds,. ,bruines, atd all lekin inettriee arid aliseetcsa 50e bite, eittlegierest oed storeet or post tate rimin,Zatn-leek CM; l'rorottps, fee plitee In. este Of ekitli Idisenee: •' e . „- , m- . *Oar} aye tatortecte : , WOODHA.M. The lhanteersare" seriltee et Wood.' haat or. 'Send:ay were Well tette/ninth Very able teerxtroae repo preached by Rev; A. Steadmae in the morning areI Rem et, 10,13ertont Le the nee/line, Mr, Copeland who Teem:tile' under- wera lan operatien is critically 111. ea Lor4oe 1' Mre, 5, Viird is 1zS OYfaiys at the the honae of her elaueleter, ,nfree A. Fuller assistiver lin miming her grand - sox. Steldea wbo has, been seriouely ill with Diptherme ' Mr, James Bowe met Nadal ad' 001(1" ett on Ocbober 15th Ile lhot and e madded „a" orape 'and while deapatalt- ing i* wier the bath' end of Ms gut �e 'weapon ,dieebargad • and wounded itFe, yoeng man in hie Agile statader- He wae taken to the home of Mr, John Routley and. Dre. Camp- bell clad Quaakenbesh extracted the eLot 'and dressed the wound. Ai train- ed mese Mime Ben or %%Paden' kite ate teadaree tTle gonna," man is Pro/gros- ser:4; eavorable ah,d atronie hotter are held for tails recovery, Mrs, Jott Baker of learliagford visitiate ter eon Ree, itaker lase Ethel Kirk is visitieig et the Lome of erge Wm,. Kirk k DASHWOOD Mrs, Ran.nice of Zaricht la viaitjn her daeghter Mee, Gneetther, Mee, J. Eidt. atd Miss Enema Eidd were •in 'Strafford last week with Mr, Isaac who Is isat idle Steatford Hos- pital. elies IClara Weber left lase week for Totor.to where ehe wilt remain Lor some tirrae. Speeial service was held it the Evangelical church -last Sunday un- der the cbarge of tbe Ifottainion Al- liaece, Oweers of dogs s.houll remember that all dogs must be teach tin tit tirazzled; Mrt, Wes Miller •left en Monday for Pitker Creek, Alta. wheia the ha, se - oared a geed, aositive. Wee win be missed ir. town as he was 0 good gent. ial fellow., • Mrs, are) Mies Hartleib vitited with. Mr, .1), Hartleib Exeter. or. Saterday. Ja .e..Kreglet cf Geelpe spent Ser.day with his family here '4,4"Mr, heregaVe family with Mr, eitd Mee.. De Mills Will ineVe tO Caelphi in about' Iwo weeks Clark— Geettner— On Wednesday aftereoan of this week. the Letheran church Dashwooda was the scene ot' a pretty wedding when Ries Bertha 211, .daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gent -Auer Ives united in marriage no Mra Frank 'Clark. of Usborne „ At talf past, blaree the bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her Cather to the straits et Mendelssohn'a wedding march played by Miss M, Eide She was 'beautifully gowned in a aveddieg dress of white oreandie with white trimmings and wore o. bridal veil, caught up with emanate blossome Alias Katie 'dieter of -the bride also dreeeed it white act4d as bridesmaid, while the groom was as- sisted by Mr, Arthur Midelaemiss: The eerethoty "%vas performed by atea Then After the ceremony a/I re- paired to ti e home of the brides par- ents where about f00 guests at dotal to a sumptuotaa wedding supper. The house, wee. ebeeetifelly. . 'decorated, in red white: and vehileht large white bell, 'hung from the centre fes- toon in fEe dining room The bride was the recipient} or many handsome and useful }treading presents: Guests were presett from Port Irtn•orr, Sar- cia, Watford- and London Mit tied Mrs, Cleeke will take up their residerce on the sixth conces- sion of Usberne TheY have a host of friends who join with the, Time it. wishirier, them . a happy and proa perous wearied life, bliie .......7,4-41414—• • r • FIENSALL Last Sabbath was Rally Day 'aicree, the lir.e of temperance ander tbe aus- pices of the Domition Alliance in or Churches en Carmel Presbyterian chureh in the morning Rev, John 'Ross of Tort, formerly pastor of the Presbyteriar. eta rah in lires.sele, cone/acted scree:tee in tte ireerest of temperance and in the :MP th- ddist charch ie the ev.ening liev.rDr Rose ayery, able exlibtette of trot beater.' hftethet',"and nn • "firog lent speaker was greeted by very la'rge. o near: za fions:: • 'Dird1Cleie isairatalting a line nen terrace In his dwelling and also' to heat t • office . Mrs; Price Las reoved let° ttrs. F Cycler -ones dwelling on the west side of Wellington Street acroes the traek. The Ca dr B. are contineing the eocel work of 'latent-A:nine the swa- thes 1aveTIieg. fillinz in and erading the yards beret arel eat week have had o large force of men accent- -by eingipeeend .train ef flat cars for coeveying the earth from where they are elating mit a road bed ' for the eater:free 1 he mat witch to the yards najoinine , the eite from the new eta tion honse. and are, sparing noerpense to z•,:tt the yarcle . ;led switcLes in good atm pc, end we are pleased to /tarn that the long prom'sedsell% hothe i/.5% ateo to be pushed abate tbis rot , The council with an eye to improving, the 'yards end general appea.rancei ar'ong 13.rock Street made a alleges- tior. that if the Beltway wentat fill ir. the open drain the eatenell wonld grant the tile which WRS a%goad propisitioe and haze been taken ep Or (mien kings are eelippine their otions and preparing: . to tmertenue their ehipmer.th n8 tepidly ae they can get them cleaned atel reedy Mrs; ,A. Mtietts relernee eecently trona firareford and London where she bad been visiting her son Gordon a.r.d d•aeghter, Myrtle, e The mar.y relatives and friends of Mee, reanes, Oarein ot neer Sexernitk will regret to learn that she, Le (vette serfouely iL: • Ares:are there Tfildebeaten and J Itaaalotelestthvi..th their hare:lies have, eared etre, Leo, .Charlersworth was it the village last week rene.wine accemiat tetmes, , It are pleased to elate Mete Ida Coeltee is improving eleely teeth her illness; Apple ,pickleg is tre order ot, :the ft ftls .seet:lan arid •the cop ott 'twistedly, .boalititul, one i1r, Ge0r4e RAIL�OAD MAN _TO LAY OFF ililtil 7:07;i1N Ileffalo; N.Y. "X have been a ledltnereconduetor on . the C. 1?. 1. and Michigae Central for the lattehree years, '- ,A.laoutrfont yeas age, 1 Nees laid up Witheintenee pain in the groin, a very sore back, and suffered moat severely when retied toeurinej.e. • 4 treated with my family idaysielan ferd'ewe raoralas fbr Gravel In .The bladder hut dideiot receive may benefit. A.bout that time, I Met another rhilroad Man wbq had beeft similarly affected dweo.ltatl Veen' cnredloy GeN Eilaled4 after liavingtheeh given up by a rro- teitient phypicians wlio treated him for Dtabe.te's is mow pinning on the foadeendieleerfectlyeured. Hestrengly atlyieed meto try GIN which I fesplt that therpaitis left -me ener.tirelt." ' PItAN:K. S. IDE. eocea box, 6 for $2.so. Senipieet ifayotterriteNatiortal Driagend Chemt Co. of Canada lenaited, Toronto. Fay anynt 'the enferpritsing ProPrieter the Evaporator is handling a v ry al a rageea dmk e laa te rtieeyt f afefrordihne tie far fallen apple* • mers 'their n:cf enter or Mr, Peter Melville who has laten on the [sick list is zow ireprovinei some- what He is oee of the most lades - trio is, naer. mad is rarely off duty • Wedweleorne Mr, atd &Ira, Alfred MeTaggart as oar latest Lew citizens Mr, Robert Higgins returned re-. cently from New Ontario where he Las 'beetfor a heather of months We regret -to report that Mrs, E. Carlisle 'continues very 111 not- withstanding the beat of medical skill and a loving family can do in the way of eursieg and every' nitrate • Miss II, Stitrerland was in Strat- . ford ar.d 'Clinton spending a few clays with relatives atd friends. Our beat kings durine tre past week have secerted the bulk of their crop and we expect that in the near future Iletsall will also be noted ?or bean culture as for onions. Mr, D Urquart is Dee of the bean kings Uri's fell having over 90 acres. CENTRALIA Or. aceteant of ennivereary aervittcs at Whalet next Sabbath the, amenities service in tte 'charch here is being withdrawn. Service in the evening isevez. is to ba condactel by ,Mr, Gee, A'. Starke ot Laearr. Rea, T. T. Geoege ef letcae, eon-. daets th•e Annieereary ser rices -a Whalen. and Rev, T. W. tnatchlorel takes lee place at, teacart • Mr. Joht.lealwill and wird are ee- eected beck from tee west this week Mrs, theLrate is on the sick tisk The 'Atniversery eerviaes in ;the church here laitt St:eclay were reuite saccesefut, Tee •S• enter. by Rea. W. G. IL MeAlisterewa's act. apprere a tor] FOR VALLTNG tarn ". Yoe eat no Risde when you use this remedy We promise you 'that, if your hair is. fallirg out and you have not let 11 orci to 'far; you' oaL repair the dam- age already done by using Rexall Hair Tonic; with persistency and re- gularity. or to reasonable lengtk of time it is a oeientifis: cleaosing, an- tiseptic, eterataidal prepata nor., that destroy's, microbes mad etirnelat•es good eireelatior. around tee lair roete promotes hate aaterislamena rernovee dardreff and act to restore ler health'. Ie Is as pleasaet to 4.7S'e as pure water, „end is delicately per, fumed. It eie It reel celet metes:eta; W 'watt/ you 'to try ecerrill 93 Hair Tonic with our promise elra it will cost yea: ratting makers you are per - featly eatasfied with it use, It comes ir. two sizes 50 cents; and $1.00 Remedied:, 'ytei 'eat obtain Rexall Remedies only at oer atore the Retall Store—W. Er Cole ""OldRICH ' Mese Wm,' Bassow has tearly re- atarered orromatert emelt tallness ''The leaded lights of the Lutheran starch ,have arrived; ried will be placed as sOOr. as posaihte The new wiedows will make a detected ire- provemeet tO the chetah. Mr, Peter Ktoft whose tbreehlea inachiee was wrecked recently has ordered' a Lew one from the Water- loo Infer Co, ;rad expects to Lave the raw catfit 'hare this weekt His los- ses will be eraite Leavy as eke old machix.e waa still dame} splendid week , Mr, Ileery etrown and Miss Rasa St•elck were qaietly married or. Wed- readay evening at tee Evangelical parsonage the ceremony been per- formed by the formerie aecle Rev, G. Ft Brow.. Bev. Mr, Yellowleee of Toroeto for sometime Field•Seeretary of the Ore, 5 Scheel Association preached in t. he Evangelical charch last Sunday even- ing Ma and Mi -s, Henry Kalbfleisch ere visitieg with, Mrs John le Detroit., Mr, wed ales. D. 11. Steinbach and Mr, CLarles Kalbfkisch tall of Be- troit spent last, week with relatives it town. • Mr, Ilert Sherriff who has been teller at the IVIolsora Bank here for some time has beer. transferred Ib the Mere". breneh --.-- CASTOR IA For Infants an,‘ Children. en Kind Yolk *%tave Always Bough, Dears tho Signatner Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable Veatch regulator; never Saila These oins are exceedingly powerful in regulating the getzerativelmrtiori of the female system. Refuse el Cheap imitation. prlo 44 ?mei are Old at PSo boOoor thfee for Ma, Mailed to any addreis ""g4,- 000bollOrfig 06., Or. Catharine', Ont. I WHAT' MAY BE EXPE jack -Feast, Reett for coat,. ' Tax Collector, ,Faat of er.olv, Few more Weddings. iremeltsgiving, t !Arleen: ilatextioipal eandidateet 'Sleek off in motoring; II More people ettend Ahura'', Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASI-ORIA GRANI.'ON Misa Quez of the Ontario Agee:fel- t:zeal eollege Ls vieltiee et her home here., , tat eita Childrees day was observed in the churches it the •village lest Sabbath Rowcliffe & Irodgeoe are Laving their store repajetedt Mr, Abter Langford lee Moved in- to tee bending formerly kpown as the eettral Hotel and will oceopy it as a private residence, Araivereary services were tad in the Methodist claarah or. Sunday 'axe The Presidett•, of the London Confer, erre occuptod the pulpit and Preach- ed ttirn excellett tale:eons to large cotgre,gationee The okferings of the day were quite liberal. Several who are well ktown in this vicinity recently received tnearlde that were more or less serioest Mr, Robert lenowlee was lejered in a runaway accident at a fair in Seek- atcheware He is on a fair way to recovery Mr, Ross Weir sat of R. Weir a former residert was ttrowm from the top of a train at Glencoe and seriously injured Mr, Ezra Rath beret fatter of Geo, liatlibtarnetwad itrared in London when his bueey was run into by an autocnobile, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS-TORIA Mews In a Nutshell i Hon 'Wt Hanna told a delegation tLat The. Government would 'assist in beiedieg a road from Toronta to EOM fit°Iti:. g.e‘ Peelle Library of Toronto have decided that er. expeinclitere of Se50;- 1100, is receseary to meet} the .need for 'the text few yeore, 'Sie Rodolphe Fora,et Alas' decided to retait 'both .seats for which he was el- ected, Mottmoreney and Chrarlevioe 'Ma Wm, 11,ayes of London -died '.from Blood ltolebeing reel-Ada:1g from a stretch an the thumb with a razor blade. }moving the water tank frame ilvtloajvcm urd'irreaelaBaatr-tlNevreft;roeretglrh,omp.heeiletztsfe asotiettaiseliay Sir Jett Gibson Lieut idavenor opeted Ith. new ohildren'a Shelter at Chatham 'the left of he late Mr Fratais Modr Mr, Wm, Sutherland eandidate in East Middlesex Pledget riateelf 'to tote' roe Mr, Rowells abolish the bar policy unleseoeir laraes Whitney goes farther. 114, J. E. Perron Littera/ was elected] by e.eelamateon ta Verehe (fres to the Quelled Legiolaturo. suc deeding IMO, IA. Geofrion appointed re- oorder at Montreol. .Ae. English Company will be award: the eoteraot to mako shells /for the United Skates Navy.; FRIDAY . • .Arnounoements was toade. that 'a National Associatioft of credit was to be formed; A mass meetita to ;LdievessAtirforito ateral welltare was arratged ' for November 1st. Lieut ',Harold diramiltor. and Hoae- men George Irwin of Toronto it. departmete wae Lederer] rn acod:hien Evidetee was taken before Refer- ee Kappele ir. reiation bet the 'double liabitiity ot 'shareholders, of' the Par- mers Bar.14, Seoretary Casey of the Layaterio ibliselotary movement estimated that there 'are over o million cornmeal-. caar..tstc. the Pcotestant churches of icieade Sectfot-th is withwat eoal and nne'ble to procoro'any at any price. Three men and a girl were droWn- ed near Sachets Harbor whe,n two barges ifoondered in a etorroa Harry :Colby awl George Gordon ex 14,3 y“s• of Relloviele and Otergeen Falls respectively have been alma:tat- ted to vacare seats in the Senate, Mil, George Jeffrey was instantly killed on a Michigan Central croatine in Mersea Township ,Wheri his rtill- aWay torso was steer& by a ispeciae Turkey Servia and :Bulgaria form- ally declared, war upon each other. BAT IIRDAY hfr."W, C. Strattot Inspector of /in- land Revenue died at Hamilton St;' Etochls I're.sbyterian church Toronto extended rt call to Bee, Robt Herniltore Boyal Arch Mesena honored Mr, r Bose, ltebertson and Judge D. Feldiac- Wate?Mr,, W. Rowell K. C. Ma P P addreseed the VnivretoitayaliaTeorAonatto. Literary Society or. ea "onomy and Imperial 'Unity" Bistap Rebell J, Itantiltoe wee eon- eecrhted at' Montreal as ITaiishop of japana Mee, Mary Steele of St •Cattarites oar at .1:ee age of ha years leaving. 64 deseendeetese• A bullet went through SteveOro- elates heedat nnekville N. 13. with- °ut breaking a bone and killed a t/10:),SU 350 yards 0E0. Co' 'R000eveltleft for his, tome/ al Oyster 'Bay te• 1/Yr all danger from bullet wouel f!,.;" passed • CASTOR 1 For Infants vad Chilarett. its KindYou Have Always Bought Beasts - Signature o 1,444. • The MDcd IC011 1.11aVQ .A.Tways Beeeghte and v,-,hich has been in lase fOr Veen 30 yeas, has bome the situ, e et and has been made under'his pc* $ena" supervision sineo its infancy. , 4 AlICAT TAO one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as.good" are hut Experiments that trifle with .n.n(.1 cullaIlo,'Or the hca/th of Infants mait cuild4,0n—E;per$.e'43.03 ea:tart/et Experiment« , What is ST R 1 iCastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor oil, Pre.. , gorle, Drops and SOothlag Syrups., It 1.4 pleasant. It , contains neither Opium., Ittorphirao nor ()net, Narcotic - 1 substance. /ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms :', and allays Feverishness. Po..... more than thirty years it , has been in constant. uce for the relief 0$ Coast:et:anion, 4• Flatulency, Wind Collo, all Teething Troubles and 1 Diarrhoea. It zNegelates the Stomach and Bowels, F assimilates the INmd, giving healthy an.d natural sleep. 1 The Children's, .1E'Arqicea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENE.51 E ' R Bears the Signature o ALIN d You paveA ways Bought -*MD In Use For Over' 30 Years THE CENTAUR ootaPariV, 77 MURRAY STREET, N tw atoms erre tee .••• The Provincial Angelican Society of Ontario wes formed, separating from the .ecalesiastical,Provitce of Canada, at its meeting in Mentreal. Eight Hatailton youths who pleaded guilty to asauelt upor. a young lady or. the mountain, were ecent.1..ineeki. by Ittr, Justice Kelly to prieon terins and , fifteee laeLes eachi. A Parisian Lan diseovered, a meth- od whereby elle X-ray may be a:weep; 'edited ie nerfece safety, ' I MONDAY A tow Dominion -Government tug I was lain:Ghee]: NEfeha.er Ryatio of ;Toronto was ;tr.- rested or: a oharge of assualting policemaro The Irish Rifle Cita} held their filth aentsa.1 matsh at. Long granola konsaads attend- General Rooth Xemoyial setvietai araseaey Hall. This is 'tlie on-elrendred ancl SeV- etith enniv•ereary of Oho Battle a Traflgar; Ere-la:war 14 7r. Leatatie of North Toroeto gave) an addrees favering el- evated .Railwayee Jame e a Crawford Was ' brought from Satee St, Marie Oat, te anewer theft charges. Magistrate eilablisker. attacked two Lawyers ie., Lia -court at Winnipeg on Sat•urday, Peter, tte Mee ohild 61 Mr. and Mre, Teas, linerows Galt wee idrowe- ad in, an 010 well: t • . The corner Starke a new Romer; Cattolie cheetah to cost $30,000 was it/nature/6a, Alfred 5, Tkomas a yoneg settler teer Danct e was ,drewneweile eras - sing rested 'Lake in a canoe, • Mr, Walter Meseta 180. pare, of age fell from aetree while piekie,g ap- pks at Whitby and. was, iestently larrra heed named Aurkliceder with fatally ix.jured While threshing adm r,ear Hepworth:s aribeing eaaelat 'n the machine and torn put at• TUESDAY Their take of Connteugbt was'a guest of the Canadian Club, Toronto, at lunch eon, Sir William Mackenzie and F. H. Phippen IT. C., left for Chicago and Winnippg. H. C. Hocken was made Mayor and Ald. McGuire Contraler by Toronto Council, A two-year-old child was fatally burned near Stratford while his tnotha er was out fecding poultry. 3M. Clarke, teak.emen• on a freigat struck against a bridge near Laneatter :and. was almost instantly , killed.`, - .Ald. 0.11. Mira(Conservative), Mat- thew Wa,yinan (somaltste ex -Mayor A.Ilen Heber and .lernes Teylor Uetley (Independ} nts). were nominated for the North tVaterlo hye-el ec tic -n. THINKING CAPS Ck • or sorows have suok more petiple I that cork jackets have savedt At a reeeet International Pare Food Corgress tend in Parte Prairie., it was stated that etormoua euanti- ties of wlat was sold as wit:e are. totLing but mixtures of alehol. water sugar, loowood, extract apt a flavor 'deprived from •coal tar.. The most auccestruI in its le:atonis wLat e 1VlblinfeelizII nl aeTv rtiinardetysa ulae' tSyleetlit's 1 last anneal dinner lb wae dry, The first Hotel Da.r for wemen in New York, 'The Oriental room a tse Hotel Vareerbilt Las been ebandors- ed by the mannetement and turned ieto drinking place for ikon} Rank of patronage is the reason given. That a hotel oat be made a finan- cial, 'success withoet a bar Is proved' .by ithe named statement of the ()amens Hotel Midland for 1013, It paid the shareholdera severearl a half percent notwithstanding e xt dee srease of ;four Laradred -derma ien reLnata.altaat. a.rehi tate raw city tug wae twitched at the plie of the Teetsott. Iron Works), Toronto. arra was *karate 0/tad tLe. G. la; Geary, hy Mra. Geary the Mayor's mother. The christep ir.g was Zone with Water, the ereacia objecting, to the aee bottle of champaign :wheel bad been 'provided for the oraaslone Kan,sas Farrner was aiskedi be a brewery ageett "Wheat ere you faxe mers gave to do without a marker. for yeur grain if you ekreet the brew- eries land saloons Veell, was theabrire:s; 'atrarger I 'don't exactly kpow, but earueasise,- eatt.vdil la Lavetoiteso ajaraistel That Was a piece of floe oratory ree cettly when a lecturer speaking on. the drinking' young roan, said "Tlati railroads doret wane him. the ocean' !leers •clonit: want Lim, the banks doret want him troe merchant' dont watt him" 'Then referring to an ad - verde -en -mete or a. •saloon duper 1,A,Innr a bartender who does not drank. the 8aifcr-kaeier?csn:1woen'mtil'Tteegvith sowineasaee' to the audience be amid, 'Now girls do you want hind' At a recent meeting of. th:e Com - menial travellers Association, ie,1 Toro otto. zeale f tl:e liseened hotels as well as sone of the ureicerated hotels were strorgly creme on the hte.ad of poor accomedation Of local option totals, it wen said aortic are better than when, liceneedt The hour of re- incemente is invitable but lo hear area local, optiopeste talk one, alight let led to believe that ell, liceesed, ho- tels were above •. reproach wbet t la tenth is that it keeps the Govan..., meet busy inspecting thern. to ketts them ireight, ot Goverinnent rectatialee m e et et FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER ateritate lirrVisurr.,;i44.14,11141444444:101/44.14 FREE TO YOU AND EVERY S/STER SUFFER. INS FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. IIII3aakwvingletrfnawt'aliulrad,alantrul'iese csuotireueriti.tly gsci. arge, My home' ment with full instructions to any stifierer from wometto ailments. I want to tell aft wotneu about this cure you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to fell you bow to 'cure yourselves at tame without the help,of a doctor. Men cannot ituderstaad wono en's sufferings. What ave women know tram ex- perience, weknowbetter than any dottor. 1 knoW that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Le ucorrhoector Whitish dis ch urge s . VICeration, DIS. placement or Pallitig of the Winrib„ Profuse, Scanty or Painfiil Periods, Uterine Or Ovarian Tainers or belwteraorifightld,Argraleersitretns,tribeervlboeuadsl.fietcknnd .ovepiirnoglvicarit: Ing up tbe spine, Melancholy, Cleaire to cry, hot flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder' troubles Will'-egttcat tttosseedndbyYotT 0.611cOkttmerisalgeP160cdualfly4sr"rit0rentitrreleeft. entirely • treo to prove to you that yoit tan cure yourself at lame, easily, quicklg atid surely. treatnient a eetnelete trial; and if centS a week, orlesS.thazi two Cents a day. It Will not interfere with your work or occupation. yortt,e szeiltud cowprtniesyohnitibtoersu,cfroteblitinfiutyewc:1:1,711wciosibialt, acyoti%dut nlytiowtui itoni yut odaTooY give tit uhtve3 tjrue5attnsieentat nifoer y*Otinuff,caluksline,eeanntidrAltdfrreg'ia lplain aratmer, ter return 1 will also Send yoU free of east, my book—OWoMAhes OWN MgenCit.t. ADVISER" with explanaterYillustration&Shott,. ing why women suffe?, aitd holy they ate easily cure themselves at home. Xvery wotnatt should have and learn te think for herselt. Then when the doctor says ---"You must have an OPera4 you can decide.tete yourself. Thousands of wonieii have cured themselves with toy home remedy, It elites alt, old- or young. To Mothora of Daughters, 1 will expiala a simple bonne - treatmenteedil which 'spy and effectually *urea 1,etICOrrlicert, Green Sickness and Paiuful Or Irregular Menstruatioo in Young I.adies. PinmpneSS and health alwayslosult froth ita use, t, Wherever you live, tan refer you tb ladies of your own loeality 'whoknow and trill Mealy tell any sufferer that this Dome Treatment really Carel an woman's diseaSeS an(1 makes women Well, strong, pititup end robust, Just send MO your odfireof„ and the free ten days treat yOurs also the book. Write to -clay, asoott tray not seethie °net egaib. Addtegt M .m.sumMeas,„ Bolt 111 641 „,*, . c* i011 DiSOR .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' \ I 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4