The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 61Mrs Greatcoat GerliftdanitainlySTAK GRADE FROM% EVISERATED MD SELFBASTING MAPLE LEAF IMRACLE BASIC SWIFT DEEPLBASTED OM REGULAR plum 33214-1.69 lb a ues. CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF SAVE 2 20/kg-IA() lb T -Bone or Wing70/ Steaks & Roasts 1 I OUR FIEUI/LAR PRICE 99064_49 SAVE 2.21/kg-1.00 lb etefil" EFROMIEZAILIXEMESERBIIESIT (MACE "A" SEEEF Wein Steak 329 72:5/ MIR FREE11111,903 MEM A-&M SagIZE EVASEERAFEZWED %NUE MitERZGEb Frozen Geese Mill CgiXZE Z EVISEIEMEID X DaS11133 AZIEROISE, Frozen Ducks SI.AFF1T. finXIBLESta ND 77 LES 41,5330.4Eli3) Sugar Philo Hams 61141f2! .0.112E-FaSEREIMEED ftM1111..W01.1XC PATEDr Sane -Weirs Hams ma!? remota S111E:Wt. REGILX4S. Side Bacon LINED OifiEill" SLICED ASSIT litai Smoked Meats E-4.141.XEDiel11101ESE1111. el= ElielSalfEEIT Sausage indiw.stok C.1.114.11V111,611.1tEla $3.1.11CW Cooked Ham 7711 Ogg ill IS 111 rts :fi Olt t ATt.Caff EEO, lm' ancacaatER. 41C" 94.4.831LaG4X Cooked Meats Zt.re YLtRy WILES Bologna Chunks Mr! 31111.1 PrE-Tir larZNET: sairatutt giceoc sr-6LE Pork Shoulders 3,T/17 SAVE 1,32/kg- 60 Ib ZEREEENEDS,TIMBI1811254410EBEHEIRECIfil Loin Pork Chops 37/169 / • t. «IWil1ZlFR&E 5.11filkg-2221r111D ERROR I re 3P7, LEIB l'ElliedESLtalfei Kalrie./1% Pork Lom Roasts 337 AT, (1:EA-I1E (MT rinZEM310er.rE:lite/FPS Pork Loin %Mt LIZIPIRIEURWIlattrE1111111,371* Spyia, Spare lifts Elf.211EILfiES RORIE:NI Pork Loins SAUFTT (MED MILL_ Ikeaklast Sausage 3//1? ARLIE EIF C.AtliTACEMLSWEE1T OE1LW Cottage Rolls RcRIEZEJFNai:744mriw Back Bacon SON.% 417/119 Smoked Sausage 5T/2? EWAN& Polish Sausage nir? 1;114112E CIF COMM /MR, TRIFRIE Frffeat, SLICED Cooked Meats =17s icaPve SILICEM (1:J Pastrami IZyjhril 51711p rt!. Ib SUPER BUY! FeEitEDWIXDSEEIMEE.RILENSMINEE15 lIblatETAIIED1771131AZEEMMIE &WM Premium Ilants 78.1149 tsetrue casentur u•settawaSuitaj--rtssid n Ham Quarters 3/A 3stso um% Ground Beef 11T CliirCJINMIACS.RNES-UFMUE X 13111EMEEL Cube Steak M/3! 141t Hake Valets MAI? sltNe liSh040 AT CA Pastrami vs 'An Eye I taiLl LI lit 8141X1111331 Black Forest Ham.97,1ea,fir! BRANDT Kolbassa 391urt4i35! Whole Mushrooms rilff,cw tirn AMR FarileYi CORM MIXED Le1E5.GRIER* Frozen Vegetables rail.: di) leraLMESIIIIEL StefiEr 614FERI4IfeS ma CLEEXER LEAF Bick"s Party Packs 3:11.951 Pink Salmon rzie.tee MU. FAIRPELSE Stuffing Mix *1T4e.E177 Mayonnaise svgaiErr mum en mew ELLS RIEGOLibit PROM 31.93% OIE 1 thT 'a! SUMMED SEEDLESS Rassrns rierSTEET,S. ASSaliMinVARIETIE% Potato Chips illitscr116,-"z 59 a:710qm In - ERMAISS311eXe leidiEllifE .161LIW Cranberry Sauce 139 T115 c drvi ASP?. NMI HYVKIN AKE " INNIS On Simi rimy& ;69 /19 car tut RE -21111A9 PAVE _S9) zacrii 39 'f•QR iv- Retee.W FirW1.11.1e111;1E:E 1331 NIA.73ZHCA T 1,4.11* MRILLX (11 titn TURT1111.04 1® Asparagus rips 2.19 kilo ChiPswalaqr139 51111 rrrL 1 99 ;Pr LIZ EATRIX en fl Cheddar Cheese fl 5 11111713E CHIFASEIE 31s9 ftlietitilLAR WINCE Lir Telt416 EltilER REGULAR FROM 22.9 rv..-biz* 9® Beirsted Ilam rat g? 119 tirr 1. 4511g3 FWG 40 =ROUES MIL CREAN 11a0)% EACCG 1 99 __Vat :TER AMPS arn.pw flaw, -wewoop 1 1 • GOAL RUSH BONDS MAW 1 inzu etrundl tip to ▪ MEI Gin Certificate erreEtt tIrn• stuae SialteLninIVISlaterscasequati PetliTIEE 611/1115 GNAW friltrOLE LEAFRCIIIIIEWELCIIIIKKAST ListnntaIlnerndktitaninteMinatie=scorrsentiansuryonirraenen Enott-tianne 1 tiii„skutopumit, smote_ sn UMW wile 1101, deanery fintrLQIL its coetiffttattm Itlekeelialkitierett/dlasztetteraiiiefitterranviantroftnw4 ti hreownweSSINIGit Glittelnelifinnella (WM:Why 111 TArapplfirar ponetinrrsigeteratrynair MPS/area Leateartrtbalterr ▪ mitt tittot.Nifer • WC. 111 Efkarrusxiterrerugponeekgs- mo teepsaFt:aemuctwitmEr 1115 geanyWritlenv RAKiltisommemmemonsome-st" Onem232d1 tffleXcalie, Y.,„IVECEMINEN11. Little Bowl GP ban aapealt ungies Ile 221 and a Sisley abide led doe Iragns eilib a SAL Came Gibed railed a 6116 Wipe bad ber MidyfeetenallioaTabomeritigattioefint- eats.. Mien Sanaa bid a good obey fur de Cebu unlit ok ft& Tbe thalitley Beam led by Chimikie Ilidtes walk a Sift balk Ewe amide bum itheilhatee fleakeena Pikawar Melinda kddieBeakeeessiduaffitelpie The Paahee *ant the gap an ibe leades as hey task siesta pubis bow Ike Allay Cats. Mary Jec- fay wide& Slif Itiode beaded ap the Panim. She was closet( arodebed by Marian far ithe Alley with a 451t. Faye Shear - owe labia GU nip& tar ion Meer bads bratheyweitdakeataddealtbothelisasSE Ray Gam utak& Sae was de big gun bar dike limn. Moe hibuireys ailas had a bee paid win as day debuted tk Rona* Deers Gad fleillikange was the husky ter the blindaysadbatliftripie_ WISIXIXISIDATRIGIBTIMIENS Sialeatts tameased their bad ta tree pads as they tame up whb a St win over CCM Seed Xhinfley belPerli their cone as be name up midis a 325 tor Vie migtat.. Baum BBir tbeCIOCE team ugh a 61E. RAN Galley are a ebeae seined as they wane en eke *ad* assid of a 43 split with Lakeport Mod_ Jack earimenogs was he lisater Oar Mira utak a Gib ihipie Due Healy ant Beet Grahame. yeah ZIT area aerspeathety, bat lialkepart. Akin Dam welds a SE anial X/6 siege was the eleeidieg imetter itE his Akin's TX_ team wins sone Lathe Jae'S. Maly teak the pains despite a fiZt biaike futon Sham ahleari. UMW& ft21116rE ap watt a 5R% big& bo bud his Cdtairtrs Bakery team as a 7-6 drelding Cie Champits Timm thecae Airaehiebeadeflep`wttisaW2., IfIEWSIDAYLVIGKITIELED The P,adt Thesatee blasitmon ex& weer a shaee of de bud with SF points as they defeated the ether k Fa4MIS 502. - The landwarys, Gnaw and Barb wart and sespeetteety, aide the deciding fac- tar in the meta Janet Romig whit GM and Marl Mare oda 656 &di the Faikerea Oise beheinliwhh5l6paidsam die Pita. MS week they workbasket he defeat ati the ban& eh Eihell4iseti Baal Rumors. The teanstaelkirsepannntetkindialth and triple from Lola Kielty_ Cadty Comedy Fiadia@sadaightfrarthepbsasshe a 3hit shag& rod Mt tripe. The Vaideak, Dag antitaidiy, iu t•I a falit Eil5 respec- tful*/ g41 bast the 312EP team au a 7-6 traduc- ing of the trize-fhts, Peter FL t b t Fruentlits what SEL Therinlitastie, Dart tar Stash Chapman wilto 7/11P tritahe, defeated the litakselt-Otes S-2...ibta Cord& 1 .3; a 356 singhe far t Plienekleinfia. Dane 16k- eitehnere satin a iiitt and Janet' Walletwortit %ate a Mk rz.t,; their litakty Mars te a 774 win osier the array am. Myth &hair wit& a gtz suit& zEdi Crimp& ai Shit iechrlieerneay&a. 711111151314711111XED Mk& week dike Elizaders het hy Jima thsenboak win a XlEt stag& andfal tript. e gabled eni the lewd &airing 11 It Stott by theibaringdonaka.Jaek Lalliertrailiedia sh& andiSE fla then& Mots. The • 161•11,Tbdieril rise pointn bum the If- isues team lied Ed Ammar Either whir a SRL Kee Ryas badi the hut hand fielr ILLIWPZ BOWE with a OIL Guranners /IBMS were also hat as they teak ail seem &um die toads. ith 'frisker came through whir a big 711 in spark the Waren Gerd Fergana was ilT; WAN- hur the Lasers aeifeakintetde. 1111101161611MIGINEXIENS The Ninth Hindi Mnna" team have a mind bead is this- &ape hut they went dews ta defeat 44 Br die hareeportt team Mks week_ &nos Banda& headedu l'ainpart walk as trig EL, Same Aiken was alba 1. tz...,1 there as he milled an elft gstr the lahrikaki Dare Densmore naffed a Mb tia head his, hand's Wagon team taDa To -Ow& war The Swaim.; beader far the Spilli s this week was WiratEPtatievaltaaligt. Mean Pa& hethint a WE trig& gE13111I Ail Stridh,; tank Ere pointS fEUXECtirieBilittilllY.SEMthet ralliadiaefiW taleadthethentera 11161113011TIPAGEBTAIDIES The Flyers head the leagaewitftEt-acieta antEdisaygotanatherEmepandsbr defeatin the ILkilhamgees. Lim& lz;:, was their header- walk a MB triple. Leone Mem 'with a 61$ triple and Mame Seat walla I ed the iltailtuanigaru1l Cats %alto a RE trip& fromJLElartiniL, Mak alt seam path& Erma the hkgjit Meas. Seam Lamb was the Fattiest tar the Wit - with) a SW The TruYakstaakruzepointafianiodie !feeds, 1b& Crarenee cubed a NU sing& and SR triple Oa had the Was.. Pat thaskeit liadi a z tft.; • mktitt with a) 41B hae- the BIOUBLESTILIERNAVNILNit The Etta cataliffers in eaeho tangua far ifie, Binadiuslier 1B-Ilaux Ettables Tournament have heed detiermidelt These Weds hare gune through alt die wall .62nig rand& beating then- awelage_ They wilt he ceiling - Gill an jimmy Matt Ldthe Bawl to) see wink, lea gio t the President Etna& at Frem:a/F. The tarilE ar Winder Night Nem — Dan PillithelinereamtGearge Warner.. Dirk Wheat and Ithsych Efaskelk ffineinie Net ratertas — Inn litlaniffe and /flan Earnigit. &din breiblerandi PaurtneXacipsess Tuesdns- hklit Marked — Week Whom ri.ant &amine cy. swm, andans Ettrelhilt. knennetbahrorrd.addElthrinnoldThar. Thea- Neit Mhos — Stine 1Litthe and harm atng lithretkan and Mit tad* Eadhis Viattimeabsy Afternoon — Shirley `SdiandtandGwernBarry Atetkesdtaihright Rens anibut it and AiliZeir Meer: Viedheatikyhaglittnne arsh Vim= liartlisam. Mad Chase and &ark Main_ Tharsdkaltrafhtdithms—lkozimag and Ella likindli*. Rick 13nekavortir and EKE nisi& Thinseitty Night taffies — Mart Mere .tctiIWinWyLandi, Thursdar 15kght halmet—ALFisherantZemirinrEalikey gum- Brotas—TanrilthilheandiPonEBlair. ttobile- ;-^ 1: , ;Iv11 trt.irI