HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 576
lids Ambito pilnyer was ded so liy Ike Candwellie playear diadeg a game *e Goidliortelk
throindoill torommient, Cleoladde woo ?el sod ohavieed to die nest W411180 00 die Weir-
sosent iptailsolayisamielfoiliaansi
Midgets take five points
Gedearich Legato Dildeette V&A five of
a postal* sin points action kaet week
They defeated liderten X - 3, Lama 7 - 2
tied Samar** 4-4,
The *fee game§ represented a compliete
tiannottood firma — games as the
Legioramares averaged enty sisis
per game She T*!t Jratsed
Sionhareck Lewis& record to seven scam
dee lioseesaird two des,
In ftelleston, Gotfitria) opened use an early
three god head mad then enabled toi She
tory, Danes Doak and Wee Telierd paced
the Goalie/at with two goals each,
gen Haft Steal Dkillimalsont„ Derma
Creamer arid Davey MaGee, ap the
Mate We dale to the absenee e , sense
ptayesa, seared the the Gederith
Ray Bedard played a strong garae in)
Tiro *gate later, de llificigietts gained some
revenge teem a 12 - 3 less to &mama lea
ptarykg to a 4 - 4tie) wittn them Todd
GT-at:woe Kevin Telford, Damen Creamer
and Brent William:sea scored the Gaon**
gall. Send Stokes packed a, two amides
wade Trevor adartiant„ Rah ei( 4 . and Todd
Graham eziveh added an assieste Rah Mon
*wade steady game fend torGollerialie
The week ended via& 4' a, -*t defeating
EAtraz kelt* *ant &mediate year by a score
ans,47_-2-wg=f1-61m,,,t, P;a12\14117arid
Gadterseh effete-
saiwelte with) three goats, and three aseissia
assist. Seed Stokes ai a goal and two
Damen Dealt die otherGederiell
plat Dave Telford ao aptuio mesa/email
lamer Moan had one,
The Legimmaires played Lae ltasecitay
Strathroy and play tonight (Wetlaeselaya
St Marys
Bantams clobber Ilderton
Oa Monday evening„ December lal„ the
Bantam dwelled to Merton fair their
seeend encomater dita smote, Their Saat
meet* took pface le the Galeria* aireria
t amain wen( by a Imre of rat This
taloa, die leitala were even more severe in
their poristatent as they' walked away with
Wg Veal!. for the Gotherich boys; to win hut
lopsided stares like She Mame de, not parawide
very moth) challenge far the whiners, or
much encouragement far die lasuera
Scott Gamine was the lag gun forGoderieth
as he pith up Rive geala and fear assist&
Bairns Bowman pirated ap two goalaand two
asekate &Mete goalie went & Mark Borbinte,
Tref:ash, Shawn) Larder, Tam Beam
Dermal Dearnint„ Orme Parent,, Rod Nurse
aid Larry Leppangame
Oh Friday evening, the team travelled
Lama where they Masted their ramie, Lae
ro tale did it appear as, theribea
posed any threat whereas Getters* seemed
tla he able &mire at wilt.
Godieraeh was without their- regatar
players, adaelframona Bortiaa and Pareste
andwere teeing' Ryan gag frean the Ban-
tam alir team. g played a Plate
CO defence and managed to) pek op twa
Other' playerecantributieg tette win were
as follawsz Dave Demme Chree goalie, one
assiet: Scott Garraw„ three *Ink, two
assists: Darrell DerninL two geala one
assist, Tom Beare twevala, oneasaate. and
Shawn Lanka awl Byres Bowman, a ;oat
eaele Assists ease went to Brian Chanabera
(to:vault,. LamLeppington lour), and Chrie
White conGreg Tewasend was Anne O
The hese, play their neat game Wedilesday
evening. Deeenaber TT in, St Marys, and are
entered O laineardine tournament taking
piece on Eaecember :nand la.
Atoms lose to Strathrov
The Goderach Maras lest their third
Amigo, game to, moa.a. ft Saturday, 14,
The At record new standa at three wine,
eigat tosses and threetiea
Godes-id:a opened the sewing with a goat
hy .1eff Reange. ging the team swine in -
However, t minutes later
Straittray ted the game.
Only one gloat was scared iia die second
period giving tamer team Shy the
lead The scoring was finished or the third
peviod with the taint Nu it WY ORE
The Goderieta, A/Seom next game is
January 6, in Parkailt
Green Machine defeats H
afarpleyas Green, Machine defeated
Efolgets lay a 44 margin, on December ta at
Recreate:nal; League hockey Ran Sera.
Ram .fessopt„ Greg Smith, and Larry Boyce
sewed for the Machine
The' second game of the night. saw %mot'
outheore mar & Dale Duncan had a
fiat -Wick and added two assists to lead all
Teachers T
faidustrial league cullers are looking for-
ward to a fon thine this week for die last
games befeeetatiertearyear.
Things were not as, fun Last week far some
teams hawever„ as the- previnusty
andefeated Ma Teachers Team lost a
chase ff--7 decision to rim Ben r.eginn ream,
Only Cain'Forester's Cleaut cta
Ullarideared with, Brae straight wins, They
hada close contest, Meerut g SiftoSalt 444.,
Local; Iliat played it rinse to, die vest in
defeating the LadGolfers 7-6( while the
Flementary Teachers showed no compas-
sinn in whit:a:Mgt:he Silver &Marne Daft
Jack's Pac
On the falle wing ThursidAy. acens met
Clem -WI, with Olarions coming out on, die
lasing end of a al -6, score Bill loran of
Oeraark had two goalie and six assists ta
lead all offensive players.
The- only weekend game saw Efodges
hosting laedford in Clinton, an, Sunday
morning. The Bedford Flyers demolished
Rodges, Via Paul Corriveau had few pals
and four assists forthe Flyers
loses 8-7
fL the4 pan, draw. the Real& land main-
tainett their 44 record lay dawning 'MG Ma,
Ara Rourke's Bowled Team ales, =matte
ed their second place standing with an 34
wietory over dieSifttoSait Maniacs.
The Lady Foresters.. feit sorry for the
GO€11 Viking Team allowing them to scare
five on the last end, but it wasn't enough, as
the Ladies had built up an ansiarmountable
eight point teethe tatreehe game flea
fn, the cao.seet =tea of the night, Errs
Super Shell team took only three ends, but
were abletactione up big WI those and defeat
the number nvoaaDaTeaelier's Tearn. hy a
7-6 score
Tack'e Ptiek won the first half of the
Foresters Bawling League OnSunday night
the Jack's fatick team won two (iut of three
games against die Mad Rawlins, far a total
of ft points. The Foot Pinsaliateateddie Wild
C.sts 7-41for seenniaphteewitia3kgointa
At one tune it was possible far a thee way
de for top swov in this league, teat Tan
Willis' ream jar couldiet get it Mena:her drad
onle took one game. Aiming liae1tat3 Pack
taro games fritr 41 points and 35) for
This ma an inviting and chose finish far
s first half
me first mu as the Assn% vans and Waft
Can tied for fourth with 31 points each.
Gutters finished wa 2a, and the Stray Cate
along with the Rob Cate tied for lest piece
withaSpoints each
Top haiWiera for the night were- Tom
Willis 7611) triple and 2DS angle: Rod
atainston)649atipleandaeSsitigle: Bob Rena
62.2 triple and AD eingae, Ted JohnstonitiV
triplet /Wan Colekingb, (IDS triple: Brian
McLean Oa trape Libby Mikan fltriple
with, a 227slngk venne e may ate:
rtillettia 2.N single
look g
eight road
Pee Item empeleil is
dime Iwo* Mad bet Weet
'AA fuey Oa 4 - log &
libays S-1 aid data beat mem $ -S eaSsit-
Is die Menai maied as Tuesday, die
lbws fed vietba to Mgt mimes al
gams hag tarated The bads Mai their ig-
aleaure of die nibs et die gime, lam
emebes bad to pit doe lads ow be bah for
tieing aide too toilised dinar tettipets eater
tbeweettemisharem ledBoyee afar dittoP
polatottiria oetiag Midi Wagon& and
ltddidit, MIS Oltedi lag doe Aber tato
GedeGiets gab wrimit assists *Mg to George
Men* midi two, faaiie Samig aid Greg
dtil St biary's datarday die farm ewe
done to giving the iiii004011,1013 their first
tan et this year brit fell Matt, their
egliatrasfair eiv*goals„, roared
Matis odds three althea MS, ow swarbers by
Ardor freak Jams Creaser, mad
atatakaed goads by Jeff Payee sod Rita
wane, goiwer thr seetal period elided St
°NZ. *le tiam maw WOO sae god
as epee tailebed bis moot giati with
loae mad Harisaa atabititg, Maw
flionne' awriadag, * UAW Ida the 12/41S
were go* to overtake*. Idays, Mt two
George WWI Stifell *eft' SW Ind tie
Lioas irr dab' widow OW lairfa& MS he
baled ewe
two asabbs. Cidwer
ao Ibis awe sieve
=, Hob • me gods three
bad owe gad, taw
assists, Owls beid sae gat awe
assist, Jeff Boyce, me gat, sae amid aid
lake Careti tiamosists. Shade assists
wait to Jams Para& Brim Lam mad
The Litett awl tate a bleat *OM
Maw mean to a lbw Menu -
demi Siker Stitt ea 311i.
Thar fast mat is a toat $AL *going
Petrel& ea Diteetater 20 is %tie&
Mus s win one
lose one over weekend
The Mies a e ea- lost 7-4 to dtie
eardase gawks Jager -IC tedecy
best Friday sight is Chaim hat tame hadi
Saab, eveitig nab as inspresstwe 7-4 Vile-
thvy emerthenamverlithram,
Stastaw„ nabs stewed &Mot; the
fart hart at the seaseak, seem ta "(
their atride hew ast taw arm for their
firea Davy atod Tay Gifibings each
scored twice against RaintWer gibrisby, Dotal))
Ariastrerig, Grant &MeV afatiatre
ecered the atheretiatiatigoata
Despite a two al effort by Brea Ma
the Stow 1PY•e sesable mote&
4 8 2 - 7 1 0 3
tie garaeffmesqtatd.
friday the alastasigs bat the
Iregtaaw tresowes 6:20 ism O last
Intgalarseassagavartanfitthelfe* Year
The Idestaags MN be hostage** Mad
amid Assist AV Pasmamera begriming
sett Tharodar E 1 The toonwa-
mot wit hag together sale
strongest Aria V tersois Oistatio. "the
Yeastaage frit gam is die
Ilessday at, ;km against leingae-riva feis.
eantite, friday, Tieetwabera de Sfestangs
yitay at 2 pm. avast Otaagendie os
Satirday they pby, at 4 lam wawa Nor-
.. .
&mono 10OtffltiSTI
Nitaltaw •PlatOlvo Pew
Blue Cross,dr (Moto
WINTER 4 '84
awaisoimides oat 011, Me atitiothairi te rums
witamto oodie dot SI maim QM& MOM Oda driadaildittiliditili aireadatio ter
ddetilMODOKIWitail Vital *V COMO diet eita 01110141~1110 ASO,
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Wows. feseow posolik• wow toopOwwwww
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wisers olow wodeswors, grow oboes* spo
efordiroweets, elhower owie*, fIL
Net puma eillatesonmovil* rowono, SOW
bee es wow" Wiersehts ~egos owed blow
Who leofb. form" Vow boa orbs oilmen
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Seoriblees, Sbeflo Serrewo• VII, Welge
Morel 1,41.21110 p.m Ow lesuplerreers
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2r4 Off If Itiagbieved end pad
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Skim Wietwello 01Oratie TAINS - Wow* finsosoodiez *Wow - ROW* woos., row IMF -
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callwavory 15.IS
Wow owieboo from tOow wow- Wier* twee kw omoroviSondows, Weir tow oriberfs of
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Illgekors, Pim MOW- alteelOWWIEWSW MUMMY Wk, VIOL
Wedivesdery. Mon* 21. VW
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eirogiswerestereefew- Vieliewbfawwww, & piorert
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'OW nowoOnSorawittowwwwww oillaNtditaoromattaikolok voiktobwItiow,„3Se-
Blue Cram rs cZeitirWl evvariff congovv*
carvgatitticsras Grarcre, miwismn, paanaujer
%even; Region on memo, nameorelne-Cross
-snoas, pthouttonsta h,ovelmant ,Xvoani" mn�
tomer Byaltes SaW\s"S532-. areltr ititrolt- anti
area nirme. Gramme mot i -a ottn, and aStigts,
Mae Cross R 5.Th5 in SenotioesMo
inatio. Th.d !MN ern3rvitft. gituie benefits
muutratiom csongulturan arid its whose warn tittS COW", =Wet titka tra the surzess
Grgion rglorl :and M'S atilltTOCArrient ere snew-
Firilein and tritiroe‘
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likottin liwoOr prewwwww VO Viet OIONPOOMON kw Vim Ownwooftwo VOiwoorwswww.
Witoithrfor loom ikolienowitiooviforaosiskodOWEItomook
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Onsootlissorolisotiw estoollowliS, 8111tita
0406weiratWer•-erstribtiforek, VilLeking. Weleksoroxweeelereisew
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AdliASAVAP VOW *ON? WWS WSW or toot tor tier olitototor ter Wow Worm Creargeo Cheboiress
Worstoo twoorw000sS Stor Wootifkr & Cailienooro Swookook14rOw* tot& liwo ~lifts** ow