HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 23JEWELLERY _ _ _ CHRISTMAS SELLOUT SEMIPRECIOUS STONES of TIGER EYE TURQUOISE JADE OPAL AGATE GARNET oil -vs EYE and others in PENDANTS NECKLACES BRACELETS BELT BUCKLES BROOCHES EARRINGS CUFFLETS BOLA fits BEADS and BIRTHSTONES STERUNG SILVER, GOLD and INFORMAL RINGS 3Ci1ra ems si ST. DAVID. GOOOSIOI MAIM Q ROS7RIEE A A R Guaranteed Investment / Certificates 11 4 % BEST HATE We represent many Ittg51 Companies. We are often able to arrange ler the highest interest being °tiered oo Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Subiect 10 change Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc GRAND BEND GODERICH 238-8484 524-2118 EXETER CLINTON 235-2420 482-9747 We have the right car for you, now, at Hau h Tire! All cars are safety checked, certified and re -conditioned. WE ARE OPEN TO TRADES AND OFFERS 1978 CORA Equipped with VL autornatic„ power brakes, palms steering, radio. full factory air. power mats and windows and crabs, control. Finished In dear gray. gray vinyl roof and gray doth interior and complete with factovy mews with Michelin radials. APPrerrieniely WSW nines. MON OW $3 595 ORO M • E001106,1 6 enamor 1979 ASPEN Finished in sparkling bias metallic, Mora dash interior. Equipped with °W autoenatk, poxes brakes, poorer naming, radio, whitewall radials. Approximately IMAM rafts. Nalf °I:Re $3 995 OFFER I rithFc a 1978 CRAW Finished in sparkling gold nestallic with mistddng camel trim and roof and complete with ricatclhing shrift Intarior. Equipped with 'Mr autamatk, power haulms, pawnor steering, ANIMA %tame, fon factory sir and complata owith budrats NOON MY 795, and consols. OR OFFER Mar Agi NW° 1979 FAIRMONT ORM • 9 These stollens portrayed two Of the Wise Men i the Grade 74 Nativity Scene dialog the annual Christmas mecca staged at St Joeeph's Separate School in Ithestwidge Tuesday evening. Photo by Joanne Bachawas GOMEL SIGNALMAK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMMER %$—PWG ®3 er D op WI holds Christmas otluck I ch Finished in gray inanailic, and sharp rad doth Warrior. Equipped with gm wring 3•2' automortir.„ pumas brakes. Pewee sitserhig, radio, whitewall radials. Only WPM inflas. • MOW $.4 295 • ..... sr one l'efigriroormwo 1977 FORD LTD.!! df Finished In erase onstailic, rel vinyl interior and complete with roof rade. Equipped with VS, astanartic, power bvakes. power staaving, moan, fan factory ah I.hIISWSI1 wadies. Approximortsfy WNW Mtgs. AMMO 0011 OINF OMER 4, 995. 1978 DOME MONACO Equipped with '3111V automatic, power brakes, perwar sewing, raifick ookitasourl radials. Finished in sparkling Green matallic, Green vinyl roof, and matching Groan vinyl intiarks. Approwircartsfy 43,000 miles. Harm MANE All OFFER SAME DAY DEVELOPING and PRINTING IF IN BEFORE 3:01 P Developing and Printing (C-41 Process, 110„ 126, 135. Disk) _ 127(.94) $1 2t9 $1 6!`) $8! 19S0 FIIIRMONT Equipgrod *Mb 'IV cytiador. mairto7rorele. 1111.11111.11.111111.11.1111/1""--- From 111L 1211„ 1350' REPRINTS - 604 reach Dish rionsialvies COUPON $100 0 OFIF 2 FREE DEVELOPING —OR— PRINTS FROM NEGATIVES OFFER VAUD UNTIL DEC. 10,19113 --------- ?daubers di Tiger Denby Weineres hut*ie held dear Christmas meeting in Colborne Township flan on Thursday" December a commencing with a pot -hick luncheon at 11:311p.m. The Presidest„ Mts. Richard Buchanare presided and atter the members sang tlie Ge,, ali joined in doing justice to an abundant and detieloas meal. itikortgruirtie atuittowisi, Maga-207e After the mad, the meeting commenced with members ainging the Opening Ode and the peesider& welenned aft The Ka cad, "A "tweed tuna candy, Christmas Fart or Theagle. bowel /ruff The Tweedsmair IfiatorY Book ws the Christmas Poems and hegfenings to light topic It the meeting and Wm. H. Whalley, bleSideSSeveral Palatka' hints suOl as using who is in charge i the book, introduced brown sugar and water to keeP yo rerd Mrs. Celia Taylor who is greatly interested Chrishaas tree moist and fed. in this wort and who gave 3111 infeanative The secretaty, Mi. All Stott read the taut an the bane arid the eenapfting at miletes i the het meeting and Piesented Animal's hiStory whihh she said presented the correspeederice and business to be at wine a penmen" and induded a peen dead ai tended ta. searching but which was Width the egret The Institute sada donation to the Can when 'ed. Society as a tbankyou for the "Foghorns" G. w.ittima thatheed the speaker ared belpin' g with the birthday party program at piele7nted h7e7--vetil a est. Huronview.The meeting dosed with The Qaeen and 0 It was reported that the hatitate's canada with mars. Kaitting as pianist. donation to Family and Chddren's Services at the lag meeting included money and several articles. Social News A motion was nude for the leaders of the Don't forget the Colborne Central School thank:You. The Institue appreciated their eVerling, Wednesday, December 14 at 7:30 work en the last project, "'Feeling Great, P -m- at the whoa Looking Covet."' The nest proect, width Christmas WNW's start Cla FridaY and um get underway early an nu, will be en the ohildren from Colborne Central School walling. Anyone interested in being a leader will be erriaTing skating at the Godelieb for this proem can canna mrs, it arena Mg day untd2:30p.m. when they will Bochanan at 5244re lbe bussed home. bought tickets on a raffle and donated $10 to MesdaY, JairroarY 2 - the satrzeon Army and pa ie the crisis Mrs. Dorothy Fowler has returned home amisimaisiminsimm""" L_,OLBORNE CORNER Tiger MAW 4.11 gregp Is receive a cheque ennead Cluistmas concert to be held this instead g a , mintage, members Holidays end and school tegline3 00 Centre for battered wives hem the praceeds from a three week triP visithig relatives in of this raffle. Whams of *be raffle were: Alberta She reports that the weather was Mrs. Allan Shall, a basket cif fruit and quite foggy at first and then it tarned very sweets; Mts. Ella Bogie, a poinsettia; and odd bit she thervaigltY enjoyed visiting bre Mrs. Thaesa Falk* a boa ef chocolate relatives. Board to seek public input BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE The end remit could be the eseataal ties - The lust public meetings for reviewing ing ei the three schools„ bit director of accommodation at three BUM County edinatien Robert Allan has said that the public schools have been set for January. &Chien to close a school may net necessari- The Huron Comity Beard (4 Education set lYbe taken - aside three days in January in which board officials and the public will have an op'- The first meeting will be held en Tuesday, trinity to &muss tbe situation at the schools. Jan. 17 at Vanastra Public School. The se - The dates were set at the board's Dec. 5 cond meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. meeting- 24 at Hensall Public School and the third The scheet accommodation review pro- meeting is slated for 'Tuesday, Jan. 31 at cess Shuts once a scheers auelment gets J.A.D. McCurdy Public School in Moen below a contain number of A:admits. A cern- Park. nuttee made up of repeesentatives of the The meetings, being held at the three (4 - public will be involved in the process. ficial schools, are expected to start at &pm. NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GOBIR101, 524-2195 powmps brains% poomw Owning, leddiftwomil nmeldsrild4064 In grimy makeidne, rad wine mot and sharp towttdr. red doth hster4omr. ApprimriMmrhair SUMO nines. rtir AVM 1,895 OMR ALJ c::-iHT-1tE. AND MUFFLER SUPPI V LTD. OPtN 6 06 WtEK 8.30 S orrt CLOSED AT NOON OPEN sATIJRDAYS 8 10, drrf 1-; NOON. wy Soutf,‘ 0$ 482-9796 Taking pictures with the KODAK dsc Film? Let us process it so you'll get the most out of every picture you take! We ve got the equipment and the know how to process your KODACOLOR HR Disc Flim '*ouU get quality Kodak papier behind your prints. for the good look Bring your next film in use to us for expert processing and fast service Campbelfs,C AND MORE ROYAL BANK BLOCK, THE SQUARE GODERICH PHONE 24-7532 fl ROM) fliaek AND SAM THE RECORD MAN TO 112 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH (CARMAN CAMERA) HAVE A • I • - - TWO LEVELS OF SHOPPING FOR MEN ONLY Thursday, December 15 NOON TILL 9 P.M. 20°OFF E/0NTME STOCK Exneadrrig Salle UCerma YES, WE GIFT WRAP 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 15. 16. 17 ALL IN STOCK FURNITURE ..Chesterteids 0Chaigs •Caffee. wad rabies 0 Tea wagons 0 Wag writs othesiks 20% OFF DECORATIVE •