HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-17, Page 8E ET oo** '+Its►*4******.****tiP.+P4`^3i.4*****'+r1N**...t „' *, . ARTPs HONE to Men's s duct 01101.460dt8 M• • Pr r ICan be be bought at this store, Our Stock of Clothing is very Iarge. We show a wide mange of patterns made up in thenewest Style G000. Fit, Good Style. Good Ser- viee is what you will find in every garment we sell. Great Values at $10, $12, $115.. 1 9 .' 4 ♦ ♦ i o • •. ♦ LS s: 0♦ s 4 40 •♦ 4♦ O♦4 New FaIl Hats We sell' the Sing Rats. The Styles for this season ere very natty. We have LII the new Shapes to show you. Ask to see them. Austrian ChinaDinner Sets Direct'from the factory. Just placed stock last week. The patterns are new and the qua,lityof the china will surprise you at the aston- ishing low prices, 97 pieces at $16.50, $18,00 and $25.00 J. i O b® �40S m,At4. .0• m®. • i, ®0. 00 • 0 s• •• 40. •O• : o •' O 0 A. STEWART tt ♦ *♦♦s♦♦o♦e+4******sae****o**r►a♦♦♦w♦♦®♦♦*os0m®♦eco*♦4ac 4d0♦e44eeo'es>e00ee+40,0e♦e* ♦00ee♦ee♦e4`eO♦e4ee4eese** Still in Business. THE BIG VARIETY STORE with Xmas. in view, is filling up with the choicest assortment of Fine China ever shown in Exeter, Elegant pieces and Low prices. The sight will do you good, tell your friends and come and -see yourself Wire feat no Competition. In the TOY Dept we are pre- pared to meet Eaton or any Catalogue House, on all like goods, the same price, and the privilege of seeing the articles before you buy, Many SNAPS are missed by not dropping in to THIS BIG STORE SATURDAY SPECIALS GRANXIEWARE - 10 quart pails, 6 quart Saucepans, 10 quart Dishpans. 9 & 10 inch Pie Pans, Pure Castile Soap 20 cants .a bar SPECIAL PRIZE GRAB BAGS 5 cents. See prizes in south window, Blanks. NEW POSTCARDS at 20 & 25 cents a dozen. POWELL'S BAZAAR BIG VARIETY STORE 0 N return Engagement Ro ASL !ENGLISH r L : ,•. H N R ELL RINGERS PROM THE CRYSTAL PALACE, LONDON • Songs with Bell Accompanizuent, Solos, Duetts, Quartettes Double Quartettes and Glees. .... TN HALL, EXETER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Mrd 1912 New Program, 9 Accomplished Vocalists and Entertainers. Marvel- lous Music on a Peal of 171 T3ells. Children a, Cents. Adults 35 Cents, S)2ATS ON SALIS AT OPERA HOUSE. Children Cry. FOR "LETCRER's C6.77,C."1. Children Cry. 1klaarket Report.—The following is the reporrt of the Exeter markets cur^ teoted +zp to .Ootber 17t ,, Wheat Oa f Oats $5 'i7 . • Harley 4$ to 60 s l l: 6%. .3uekwheet 70 c'en'ts L Peas 1,110 to 4:10 " - t'' 1 , . Shorts 25c. . tlxan•'2° ''tt I t Model Fleur z.75. c , 'reed '''lour 1.00 " 1 t + i1•;' le:.. I g�;s 25e •i I, x. Dist ter '23 M "'4 qt::l Potatoes $1.00 a bag '. t t x i Cihisken 11:ee i ta ' .i m , Hers lir �" ) l><<+ Old elooseers 6` . ' G, l • Ducks 10e, a' t I.. Old Ducks B ,,, i ' , Hogs 7.00 , , + fOhotee Export Steers 6.00 0.15 Medium. Export Steers 5.75 5.90 ALoice Butcher Heifers 6.25 6,40 Medium U)' teLer Heifers 5.50 0.75 'Common ;Butcher Heifers 5.00 5.25 tCltoice Butcher cows 5.00 0,25 'Common 3.00 4.00 ;Sheep, 3.150 5 60 ' lambs, 5.00 6,00 ' •4909994+l+®4+ 04.9f?040a0000008!0 LOCALS •• • 04000004 o'er®mt,+000 Advertis't:" your Bales it the Times. Mrs. Dobler of Buffalo is visiting in town this wveeL Miss Irene Ilardy has returned home from London. Read tLe auction. sale advertis,e- mer.ts on page roar. 'M'r.' , Rutland is visiting. with his daughter it Hsunilton. Mr,' Jas; Walters was ia:. Hamilton last week or business. 'Tho Evaporator had a -car.-load' of apples' shipped ir. on Monday,. Mr;' Corder. 'Taylor of Cli.nt.a'n vis- ited at' lis home here on Taesclay Mr. Ed, ]:Holmes G. T. R1 Inspector of l :dgetawr.;, Alas in 'town Monday Mr. 1T3latel:ford is .havirg Mita res- idence on William Street remodelled. Miss F. Bowden Ic!'1 tlast' week .for Torun to where ,she ushenel the winter. Mrs It, Olcc will hold an a.action sale'of her harstahold streets on Noe - ember 2nd, , The Exeter 'Car.nins Factory intend starting a coal yard and are erect- ing sheds, on their premises. iwrr. George 'A.rmstrorst Mayor of Paris, visited his brother Irwin For for several days Iast week. One -dollar wild pay Tor the •Freie• Times to new ,sibscribers from now anti!. the end of next January; The Trtvitt' memorial Sunday School are makitg preparations to hold their oris ua1 Pantomime just! before ;Christ- mas Miss Vera :Ca.mtibell I :'is returned to 'llamiltor_ to resume her 'duties as Carse in training. at the hospital there. FOUND—A belt pin on $'uro.n street; Owner may have some by ;re- n'ving at Times office and paying for this ad; Ba melon is having his, res- ~F'eree on William Street put on a ^ement 'foandat'i.on and. Ix.tends Tee- -erirg it; '• 1 Reeve W. T, Beaman J �:' Stewart and +Chas, Snell took three a oto loads to Landon Monday evenirJg 'to take in `The Pink Lady'. The Eadies Qiartiette of Matt. Street' church will assist at the Wood ham atni.versary •entiertairneer.t an Tuesday evening next. 'A 'petition asking that a 'local op- tion. By-law be submitted to the peo- ple' on January StL+. is being circulat- ed lard largely st,ned. The :hind axle of 'Mr. S; G, 1Baw- nets alto broke white out motririn ;' recettlye This is tie 'fourth axle Mr; Bawder., has 'had break this year: 'Al scrap took place tr. front' of the Central on Monday morning between the drivers of the local drays. Some strong abusive language was used. teford was called' to Lacer., Sunday ow ing to the illness of her sister,. Mrs, Kart: Mrs: Kent leaf fered a stroke of paralysis on Satur- day.. Mr.), W4 .Claydon of Woodstock, has taken a position with; the ,Connor Diess'ne Co and Miss .Blanche At- kinson has, been 'engaged es Steno- grapher; Messrs IC1 ere, K•r.eght of Sb!Thomas and Jack Knight of G.aelph, were in town over •S unday.. Mry Knight will move Lis family to Guelph ix:. abo>tt three iv eeAsj. , Mrs. N, Shaw and son 'Donald for- merly of Eg+nardvill:e enroite Ridgetown their .future noire spent a day or two at the home of Mrs, 3, McMahon of Ray last week; TLe Semi—Oe'>:.tie;anial of .Tannes St. Methodist church Exeter will be observed t:n o LD' " anemkxer StL and gbh I)r. W, S, Pascoe, Hamilton a former pastor is expected to conduct ,the' Sabbath, services,; Now is the times to send the Eat= ter (Times to your friends or rela- tioves at a dt stanc c Wa aregiving in the balance, of this year free to new sib - scribers.. Relatives et a 'clie,tarce, will appreciate ;the (home rem:. Mr. Dna Sanders L+as, 1>'irchascd 14'rr, J. J, KrigL,t's -res,idenae on Station Street: .a'fr, I. It. 'Carling Las 'par - chased( two lots tear the station and. Nfr% F, G, Terry purchased sial acres froom, Ml, Knight, en Victoria Street. Nest Sabbath Rev. 3, 11:3, I'I,rrrrr,dar will ;conduct services. 'in ti a Metbod is% ,ch arches in town In the aid o7 the, Dominion ABiianae; In the morn - iv -e; Le will preach tin th' Main etre.et church and in the e'w;ort(g ix the James Street: church;. Don't Monkey with that Cough USE H0 S White 011111 + 4.4-1 t 1f***,I'- 4' .+++Fd•.I+.l•^fi++++ ++++++++414-1444-14++ +.0++II+.a !i..4.+4,+g.+II+ 4 ++++++ .+a+a++t++a+.a+.I +4.+t.+l+.t,+g++t' '90*.t.+1F+> ++ ++€++€+ +++1+++aE++i++1+il+++ I'+ olitrit 4; +4 0 +4 4 ,4. s+9 +4+ �4+ +4+ +3+ +p 4. + 4+4. +l.4 4. +4+ +4 + Having sold our Store 'which has to be vacated by Jan. sir we are offering for Sale our $15,900 l Stock of General Merchandise which consists of LJrygoods, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Carpets, Ruges, Wall Papers, China, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Groceries. V4' can save you money come in and be convinced. All. Goods Sold will be strictly Cash and no goods will be sold on approval This is the Golden Opportunity To do your Fall and Winter Shopping. C6me early and get the first choice. Sale C�rnmences Sat. Oct. i W. J. Carling Produce' taken at the Sale at Cash Prices. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;+++.1.+++++++I. 443.4443-++++++++++++++++++++ For Sale -General store business A stand with post office' connect owter is giving np business hecau of i1 health,. Q+nick Sale. LA.ppty Times or to owner aL Hay P. 0. 10-3 2t +++++++++++++++++++44+++++ '3'+1 ''+i.4++4.'r•'` .1++F++F"g'.i++y++g.�++l..g+-++•+2»+t++g..1+,;. +++4-4.-+++++++++++++1.-+++++-1-+ connect'. Mrs. Powell is, vis'itire in Woo stock: Ot Sinday morning last Revs, W G: H, McAllister and E, G; Pow,el. exchanged palpite Rev, Mr, Powel preached o. stirring 'te'mperance sere mon in James Street church'. Con- nexional .bands were !take,n u,p at Main; 'Street' therch'.; OPERAI HOUSE EXETER OCT 23 Se U1e11• Ricgersti Alto Soloist— 'A lam- a t' a r. bird, divinely voiced' is the. way the Peterbora' Examiner expressed P its valued opinion of the 'Alto,' Mr!. CharIesworthr. No other male Alto do h s beer.. hearanada sumo the d in (C tor of the original Westminster Ab- , bey Choir twelve. -years agos Musical, t statistics prove that only one voice 1 1.r every five tboasand among male vocalists, remains alto in quality! 'At the Exeter Opera Ho ase October 23rd Mr.;' Percy Gillies libber inspector of Ower.Sou,nd; is visiting at' his home Mrsi, J. ,Iteiland and 1blrsy D: Atkin- son 10,r L'acanl, spe.nt TLarsday, ;in town! A petition signed by the. merchants oP Pa,rkh+ill will have all the stones except 'byre confectioners and dreg stores close at 6 o'clock every right except Saturdays from tow un Jute 14th 191'3. This would be good. move 'for Exeter metrchar 'Transferred to Vaneoav'er Case 1i. Ilowa.rd who, Rate beet. en tb staff of the Kaisers U3ank at London has beer trannferreid ,to Vancouver D. C. Mr. 'Howard was ii, -town on Thursday last 'visiting hits cereals Mr. and Mrs{, 3', N. Howard and left ot. Friday for ,tt,e coast., The movie is a good one and Mr Howard i- to be congratulated on .been; selected. Or. acco ant of the great amount of picttarc postcards ar.d' drop .lettrs row lased by the travelling public Lae post office department will 'shortly issue it is expected ors -cent stamp books alotg the line of Sae- two -cent books whirs have beetuse for do some years.. Er.. these 12 . 2 -cent, stamps are iseaed ix: books of, vest' pocket size and costing 25 cents: In th'e 'United States the books are is- sued ir. both+ denominations:; The Rev. S„ McLear_ of Knox; charch St. Marys, formerly of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan will conduct the Anniversary services in Cavell Pres:• byteriar. church.. Sunday morning ata f evening. October 20th at It a,in, and 7, p',m. Special Music will be rendered by the choir. Misses Nina Kintsman the specie Silencer will bes d th Mo i r. Edith andP soloists for the day; The usual Arc riversary `!`hank -offering will be re- ceived;, , i .. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++.+++++++++++++++++++++ est •+ +.., + ,_ `w' + 4.`S' 4. +'' 4+44 44* 4+ l. 4 +' 4 ,yit+ + • -'t 4.4+ 1.3 +a 3e + ; *4.4 44.4 +1+'+4 * • 4'4 :t. 4 4,+€ 4.4 '+ 4, 4.4' +++ 4.4. *1• :4t + +� +k++g,+k+�++i++F++p.+g++i+.g++4++3••g++4+.•g++t++4++F++g.+E+.�+g.•i++i.+g..g++g++3'+1.+II++p,+Fr't'�,+F++II++II++F�•g.;i.+g,+g.+y.+�.y+�i++II++II�+II+++l+i +t+ 4. 4. That we have a Full Stock of • o+. 4. Rogers' 1841 +t+ N 4 iia iL1 of Fns+rn., I "1847 mor Silverware -Also Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and everything in the l• Jeweller Li til y me. Several oL t>;e solve People wvciE Repairing Done Neatly and tS to church:, tor- T:iesday night to attend' +1+ Mr, the ert•'ertai,nmcnt in the Methodist ? Promptly. Prices Right eL'xreh; . ++++++4444++++44++++++++++ DELAWARE LACK- + ♦ & WESTERN AV�ANIciA . COAL COlWANYS +II+ Scranton Coal +t+ 4, 4 "F+ The Best bard Coo Mined Try a ton ge +1+ fi LLVITT H. FOR F'LETCHER S W. >+ $its Bolla for 25c. + COAL MA IS Si' T4 lvli >]l Howeys +� +� ♦ Dri, Kiltarnan took an alto load to London Tuesday evening to setelnd the Opera, . Mr, and Mrs, Geo; SmitL, of Ekfridr Or.t, visited ]Wr, and Mrs. F. D'irdile the Satter part of Last week., .t+ +t+ A. Marchand JEWELLER Rogers Bros." ",Silver Elate that Wears." 4. MAKX Snag ori ♦~;. T "1847++ 4 • IF You WISH " Thi$ Gun OgNunez. 4 AND ORIGINAL .?og'er'S Knives? I st SSpaos, eta E :.t++;;..t+.p++++ +.t+.1++++++++3++4+l•+ ++II++'+44++++++++++++++++++++44* Mr, Alma Howey' has ret:trEV'd 004000404*@00000000v+949494900 from Els holidaysholidaysand has resumed bis position. at' the Bank of .Commerce • Mrs. (Dr), 4cGillicaddy cid 'Mrs., e e R, N. Creech entertained to tea Tees m n day evening at the home o1 Mrs, Mc- O Advance p G i11ic :L,ddy., 'TLe }balm •ce of (itis year will be giver. free to new ^subscribers who nay ':is ore idollair •:foe the Times for 1 Mrs, T. M, White: of Windsor.. a.tid Mastoer (Clyde White of Memphis re - tarred to Windsor Monday after sper.d,ng the past 'month with Mrs, Jr.o, White Sr. W, 3, Carling, sold out—Mr: W.. 1, C, r a,rUt on Monday anda Main Str .dt' and: bougie his store on. Huron Street to Mr and lot near Mrs Bedford of near l�righter', Mr;, Bedford takes posses_ sion the firat of next year. i T'be many friends. of Mrs. 0, T, 03rooks regret to learn, of her seri tordit%on,. She was token to St; Jos- eph''ts (hospital Lotdon► last week where Cthe 'atderwent an operation. Mr‘ !)rooks had but recently 'returned from the London Hospital., At pre- sent hie in able to be aropi,iid town:, Yo'a*.g Ladies cntertaained—'The Anti 'c1 in [3i,ble class o1 Cavan Pre sbyt✓cr- t.aru 'chureh e;ntertaieed the D. 17,, D+ '3i.b?e class to an oyster sapper on Tuesday evening After sapper the followtrg toasts were elven,. I!, W, GCadinar. the- King; Rev, Mr, Sharp `Oar Country' S' Fisher` our cusses Miss. Murray, MiesSot.try work; M'r. Jr, Vli;, Gladmar acted as toast master: 'TLe enterto5,nmetnt'°Wa:$ greatly en* ;Dyed, Tli,ok's' Forecashs-`iteg'ular storm 9 • All -wholesalers have ad 4 e vancedthe price ofl+urnitune ♦ but we were fortunate in fill- o s0 ing our large warerooms '♦ 0 before the advance. There- fore we are able to sell at the O p old price. Come in and in- • • spect our well selected stock 4' of all kinds of Furniture. ♦ • Also everything up to date in ♦ • the undertaking line. • Residence nest to store. • Phone 2 o ♦e e �Rowel A0s • Undertaker & Licensed • Embalmer • 1xeter. • Ontaro • 40044446000l+0440940004040e frotn welatern 'etxttreinfest; en early a'S th•e '20t!b, and during ,'the, 21st' 22nd and 23rd storm >conditions, will in- crease, cans,'.ng rain wind and thunder .storms, to- pasts trogre,ssively prom west to east across the coattry Tbtjae 'disturbances may be prolomg,ad 1r, Iconsequlenoe'+ of the !full moon on, the 125th ca.tsixg unseasonable raw and threatening weather ',froth one neriod frito anot'hier' High Wates over lake regions (should be.`opprle+li:ndbtd period is oex.tral on 'the 121.ttc extend,- by this 'time, w'h'it falling i,nelietnenfr Ctg froth tLe 113th to the 124tb, Dur- •wacntber gere'rally., A seismic 'period lig (this 'periiod the Ih.Ic ie in, aperyee Will naturally bring reportts' of ear tie or, the 19th, and' on the eeletstial aqua clt.IIkes it many parts of the & rth, tor or, 'the 23rd, Look solr decided from ;about 'the 122nd to the 2jft14,. br- fall of the barometiart, npproacitcn.g i,tg teentraI,. oxt;tko448kb:i ,,.. r • 4 GOULDS GftOGERY PHONE- 47. Opposite Electric Light place We make a specialty of fil- ling Family Orders. The Groceries we deliver to. you are thee b st to be had and the prices we ask are the lowest possible. ' Send or bring your next or- de convinced th et this is the Right Store to buy' your Groceries and Pro- visions. ' TI11 JEA AND COfGr SORE WANrsn.— Cboce Butter aril Fres Eggs. �yr..,.c; Howeys Tiff OLD WAY To Cure a Cold. N NEW WA. kH e aw y4w GTauree�a�Goid Capsuilsstr 25 cents a Bola Drugstore.