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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-12-21, Page 11
Take fire safety precautions this Christmas says Be con) Christ A large audience enjo ed 'eV prograde. ----a MacKa 16. Barbara McWhinnie charge ;rc the evening's entertainment. Shirley and Don McMillan were accom- panied by Joan Henwood and played two Ctu-istmas numbers. Colleen Maguire from Goderich played the guitar and, in her first appearance, sang two Irish numbers, "Finnigan's Wake' and `The life of a Rover". Later in the evening, she changed to Scottish songs and sang, `The Road to Dundee" and "Mary's Wed- ding", finishing with a Christmas number, "What Child is This". Marion Doucette of Clinton, who teaches puppetry in Huron County, entertained with her puppets; first monkeys on a tree being eaten by a crocodile; then a puppet dressed as an old Lady who ate everything from a fly to a horse. Her final number was an old witch called "Buffana" who, in spite of her busy time at home sweeping, follows the Christmas Star. Everyone enjoyed the carol sing with Joan Henwood at the piano and Shirley and Don McMillan playing the saxaphone and trombone. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Irla Stewart, with Mrs. Joan Henwood at the piano, sang a group of numbers with Jim Baird taking the solo parts. George Griffiths played the flute with the choir for "White Christmas". The choir finished with "Jingle Bells Through the Ages" with Barbara McWhin- nie doing the narration. The song started as it did in England in the 19th century. When it came to America, it became a waltz and in progr held A happy Christmas can change m a eew moments into a fernity tragedy, warns Goderich Fire Chief ill in `where fire safety precautions are neglected. Such precautions should head the list of every sensible family's preparations for -,hesays. The Fire Chief urges the public to exercise special care in the setting up and decoration of Christmas trees, and draws attention to the following important points: If plans call for a natural tree it should be bought fresh and green, and kept outdoors the 1920s, a fox trot. When it became a boogie woogie, six ladies -Margaret Alton, Mary Henderson, Madeline Edward, Betty Bodaly, Shirley McMillan and Janet Kalbfleisch-sang and acted the boogie woogie version. The song finished in modern rock style. A Christmas pageant was presented by members of MacKay Centre with Shirley McMillan reading the Christmas story from Luke's Gospel and the Reverend and Mrs. Kidd playing appropriate music on their clarinets. A short film, "Christmas in Germany", was enjoyed by the audience. In her announcements, Janet Kalbfleisch said the newsletters would be ready for delivery on December 28. • The next movie is on January 6. This will start with a pot luck luncheon at 12:30 pan. and admission will be $1.50. Mrs. Kalbfleisch thanked the people who had taken part in the variety program; Bar- bara McWhinnie for planning the entertain- ment; and also the men who had put up the risers for the choir. A collection was taken for the Christmas Bureau and it amounted to $153. On Dec. 15, the choir from MacKay Centre sang at Maitland Manor. The regular card party was held December 14. Winners were Mabel Young and Violet Montgomery. Five hundred win- ners were Irene Harnack and Annie Fin- nigan. Door prizes were won by Harold Stanbury and Phyllis McTaggart. the next card party will be January 11. Bingo will be January 13. Both are at 8 p.m. IN PHOTOFINISHING Season of •Savin S .� f* $1.00 OFF COUPONS Here's a special holiday offer you won't want to miss! KodakHere's any roil of colour negative ® film before Christmas. We'll give you a BENJAMIN'S 'Season of Savings Coupon worth '1.00 of the regular price of developing and printing your next roll of any size colour negative film. HURRY° G UV ri rerc ee'Puabbe Saturday January -71 19 L Cam !s//Cameras AND MORE ROYAL BANK BLOCK, THE SQUARE GODERICH PHONE 524-7532 ,R ■■■■! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ THIS • OFFER ■ GOOD ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CA/RADIOS LARGEST AND REST -KNOWN RECORD STORES SAM'S TRADITIONAL BOXING DAY SALE AT ALL 115 SAM'S STORES DAY ONLT Tuesday. December 27th Please NO Phone Calls -Credit Slips -Exchanges until Wednesday, December 28, 1983 LL LONG PLAYS CASSETTES ACCESSORIES COMPACT DISCS b VIDEO WHERE APPLICABLE EVERY LABEL, EVERY BOX SET EVERY EVERYTHING ON SALE USE CASH, GIFT CERTIFICATE, VISA, MASTERCARD PLEASE NO CHEQUES Unaseedtttonoluy g uueast.su for arae year ■ INVEST NOW At n.ae+'s Only IPEDIAMOND NEEDLES As " sr As .99As Sharp es 111 of: in an unheated garage before being into the home for dworating. one or two Indies should be cut diagonally ftetra file butt, end the tree should be set up with the butt ha water wbe main - Wined above the level of the cut. Check strings of electric lights carefully for wont insulation, broken plugs or loose bulb sockets. Only CSAra a ved lighting sets and only non-flamma e decorations should be used. Declare the tree a no - smoking area and keep matches out of the hands of children. Do not allow discarded gift wrapping to GODERICH SIGNAL -STAB, accumulate wader the tree. Dispose oftheen as soon as the gifts are opened. - Even a green tree will burn if ignited by burning per around the base. Set up the tree away from heat sources such as fire places, TV sets or radiators. Do not allow it to block access to doors or win- dows in the event of fire. Switch off tree lights at bedtime or when leaving the house. Fire Chief Bill Beacom points out that tests have proved that the safest tree is a tree with its butt set in water. However, if a tree has dried out before it is set up, it can - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 not its safe !are eve.. y burnr can beignitedby a single , violently to a state in a few . Even. artificial m be us fire Metallic are t of electricity, and should not be ted with s of lights, but illuminated with floodlights. Some c trees, made froth styrene materials, are le, unlace those made polyvinychloride. All treesshould be removed from the home as soon as possible after the Christmas celebrations. ASSORTMENT OF MENS MR. BRIEF BRIEF & TOPS YOUR CHOICE 21$3.00 ASSORTMENT OF SIZES MENS 15% OFF ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS LIGHT BULBS HEY MOM! BRING THE KIDS WITH THEIR LETTERS AND BRING YOUR CAMERA. VISIT SANTA! DAILY 1-4 8 6-9 SAT. 1-4 The Management and Staff of People's would like to take this time to wish all our friends and customers A VERY, MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1 the point an ■ See?, hand ® 112 SHOPPER'S SQUARE • GODERICH ® 524®7925 ■a®samm■■■omma+■momm©■to ■ DEPARTMENT STORE 146 SNAPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH sPLI°70 OPEN: 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. TIL DEC. 23 9 A.M. to 5e30. DEC. 24 CLOSED MONDAY, DEC. 26 OPEN TUESDAM, DEC 27 OR USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY -A -WAY f