HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-17, Page 51,17•77ff,,,,
:UspiAx'ler 17 10tZe
Froth 40 to.50 Year of Age.
Holy It May Be Paestad
ip Safety,
S,O.Wellingten, E.C. 'Tor a year dur-
ing the Change or Life I was alleren
&eve. I Was really
en:et- eeeed:
enel too weak to walk and
was very despondent
and -thought 1 'ware
going to die, but af-
ter taking Lydia, E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound and
Blood Purifier ray
health and etrength
returned. I am very
thankful to you and
praise y.ourinedieine.
iravised ,sevenal women who stif-
fer -as I did to‘try your remedies. You
pliblish this if you wish." - Mrs.
DAVI:le R. MOnere, South Wellington;
Vane:enter Island, B. C.
Ne other medieinefor worrsan's ills has
received such wide -spread and unquali-
fied endorsement. We knew of no other
medicine Which has such a record of suc-
cess se has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
bleeCompound. For more than 30 pars
it 1ia een the stantlard reinedy for wo-
w ills such as inflammation, uloera-
Aimee terriers, irregtilarities, periodic,
pains and nervous prestration, and we
believe it is unequalled for women dur-
ing the periled of change of lite.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble,Compoundwill help you, write
titlaydia E. Pinkham 1VIedlejne Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad-
4vice, Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and bead in strict confidence.
'Seebjects taught by expert instructors
at tee
' •
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
efree Enter any time.
J. T1K Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal .CharteredAecomitant
Is Vice -Principal
11074E STUDY .
Thousands of ambitious young 4.
et. People are iusteucted in finer le
hemes by our Iforne study dep-
artrnent You rnay finish at
College if you desire. Pay
Whenever you wish.Thirty
.s. Years' Experience. •
4. trainin Canada. Enter any I:
day. "'Positions 'guaranteed, If 4.
you wish to save hoard and +
j. learn while yoer eaarr, write *
•* for partieulai s.
Clinton Business College e.
"..2' GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD 4:
ne President „ Principal
* Write for the large free.at
!;„ alogne of thie solaoot and Toll •:,
ee will learn, how you can succeed. •
Ite it will then rest with you to de ete
;cide if youwill succeed. ;
.4;• We are placing students in •
positions paying $000 and S'700 2
per annum, and we ha,ve ;
44 such applications for -help •
et which we cannot supply,. The 2
best time to enter our ela,sses is
•• 'now Write for our free cat 41r.
; gue atonce '
Alp •
Principal. :
Route: for Ftallion Inepec.
tion for District No 3.
rive Time Inepection Date
\o- eonne en cee •
Exeter e.,30 a .rra, Tuesday Oct 2P
Dashwood 2,30 p.m., Tuesday Oct 20
Zurichstn., 'Wed. Oct e0,
lieneall I 30 pen., Wed. Oct et)
feeaforth 8,30 a.m., There, Oet 31
• earneeele 8 30 eon., Friday Nov. 1
Wingbani 1 00 p.m.., Fridny Nnv.
DiVth 0.00a, ., lee t mint' y Nov 2
-Clinton 830 a ,ri) Moitday Nov 4
-Gotierich. 2,00 pen., Moeday. Nev. 4
,Dr. e liattin Peniale Pifls
A reliable French.regitlator; never falls. 'Those
Tills are eXceedirtgly poiveritil in regulating tho
generative portion of the female systersr. Iffiest:
;311 cheap imitations, :03,r. de Vast's: ars sold a
;ma lioxor three !nett°. Mailed to Any ad ress
"0 eleebell Deng filo., lat. oatnseinee, On
Cil,ildren Or
)t A S -1“ 0 Ft
NA Boy Geiger of Zurich, oCcupled
the pulpit in the Methodist Chureit
last SundaY evening and preached:*
veryinteresting tierinme. Rev. Jeffer-
son held the AraniVersarY servicee
ROnezer church.
Miss Rorie Either repent Sunday
evith her patenteein Zurich, le
Mee Ethel Clarke Was in London
one dee' laet week.
Mrs. Ten Flereing of Detroit Is spend
ing a couple of weeks with her par-
ents Mr, and Mita, IV, Beaver.
• Mlle (Dr.) Orme and daughter re -
alerted born e after spending a couple
Of weeks with friends in Lbetdoe. •
Mts. Dan Sweitzer returned home
after spending the summerat Aigon.
enhe Park. We understand Mr. and
Mrs. Sweitzer intete: to spend. th
'Winter there.
Miss Nora Siebert reterned to her
borne in Daslawood after spendieg a
• few weeka visiting at the home otM.
and Mrs. Samuel Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock autoed
to Blenheim on Sunday and spent the
day with friends there.
Bible Society meeting will beheld
in the Eva,ngelical claurch on Friday
evenirig commencing at 8olclock. Ey-
erybody is welcome.
Mr, Fred Irish received word that
be Is to be removed to headquarters at
Toronto. Mr. Irish left on Tuesday
for that place. We are sorry to lose
him as be made many friends While
here. We wish bine every Success.
Mr, Frazer lemma has been on the
sick list but is able to bgaround again,
Rey. Geo. Finkbiener of Illinois,
preached two very interesting ser-
mons an Sunday last in the Evangeli-
cal church. He returned to his home
on Monday. ,
People are busy these days getting
in their supply of apples for the win-
ter. •
Mr. Wm. Paget spent Sunday in
Mr. Lewis Carey of Exeter spent
Suede)* with friends in town,
.An eminent ecientest the other day
reeve his opinion tbat the most won-
, deenal disco -very of recent yeara was
the discovery of Zara -Bak. Just
:think As soon as a ,single thin layer
of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound.
or lo a sore enek injury is ineured:
against blood „poisern No one spec-
ies of Lniorobe hes thee found that
Zam-Bak does tot
'Thee. againi ens eoon as Zam-Ruk
is anplied to a sore, otr a cit, er to
skin ,disease it iseleps the smarting al
That is why children are such friende
of •Zara -Bilk. They care tothing for
the, sclera) oe the thing. All they
krow is that •Zamekeek. &tope their
pat.:. Mothers shoeld never forget
Again As zoom as Zane -Beak is ep-
plied to a woanci or te a' diseased
pare the cells tter;eath the skins sear-
tace are en stimulated that tew
healthy tiseee is quickly formed. Thee
forming a fresh healthy tis'sue from
below is Zam-Tiuk's secret of healing
The tissue 'thus formed, is worked
up to the surface end liberally casts
oft the ,diseasre& tieale above it. This
is why ZemeRuk cures are permanent
Orly the other day- Mr. -Markle oe
-101: Deoriaeler Ave,. /YU/Areal called
macre the Zam-Buke6ompany and told
;them that for over tweety-five yeare
he had beet a martyr to eozeraa. His
Lends were at one time so, Covered
sores teat he had to "sleep in
gloves. Four years ago Zatn-Buk, was
introduced- to him , To -day over three
years oege-after nes cure of a disease
Le had for twenty five years -be is
still Cured', and has had no trace of
any return of the eczema:,
All fluggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c
a . box or we will sett free trial box
Lt you send this adverted -relent and
aele rstarap to pay return postage
Address Zarn-Buk Co. Torento.
Aberdeen Hall is receiving a coat
of paiet bobinside and ale, ?Lr,
Were Mack has the cottrace
Me, and Mrs, Geo. Kemp of Saiezn
Lave moved ix.to the lease vacyted
by Mr. atel Mrs, Jolca Somerville.
Mr. G, Jose IA it Toronto taking
a coarse in the Vete,rinary College
Ni. flre1t.er efed tellehteer,
Lave interned after visiting in NOV
1)1tharn. • . . •
Miele Ned dle, -en-idle:been ten, entire -edit
,after epending tt.e- sammer in Dale
gary, Seattle and Veneoever,
Me, and Mrs, Re Colqueen 'f ,Witnj
peg, were enettor.e, it elm villane last
week., • •
, Mr. ani Mre. Teon Cent hi Ye mov-
ed in to Mr. Hanera's koraseeeon, the
toarth lire. •
Rev. Mr, and lees, eteleay, have ne-
terned I.orae from their honeymoon
trip and are the gxests at the home
of, "the latter's parents:- 7
Miss. !Barrie Perdon„ of Brandon,
Ls a visilioe t le,» heine of her grand-
mother Myst. J, G
Mrs, George Mellae of Alpena Mich.
arrived Lorne this imek to visit her
•anc..e..Mr. „Donald Park. who is very
low end, not expected to live many
The teatiber end penes of our
sidmel perpoiee 'giving a coneot in
the tear faeure
, Mr. Harold Lindsay and Lonely
• ,
Live. moved tell'oresit, •
Mr, and Mrs, 0, M. Webb. ot Tate
neto, visited teeir eon ciarencie
last •weele. • . • • ' •
-I'Le -cemett sidewalk is being ,coin-
pleted or. Isabella street,
• ars..•'Ointn.gLam ot 'ecerontok
visititeelet siSterMrs 1, ,Rey --
Mr. eneepl. Let.cleay, hire meved in-
to tee retlisteece"eace fed by .ittr. Var-
ela Lit.clasy .,•• • • , • • ,
Mr. Eareamt' Waddell, w1.0 ninn4i
(fine ago broke Lf's iet/,'whkplaYiaRt
ilaschall ond who has lyhm raid up at
fee .henee hero has ,retiriacd to• Actim
to resettle Lie work).
tilra. 8 MeNaighton has arrived
tome after a five Iveeksi trip throogli
LLe Week i rePOrta 81400(11cl ,crop6
b3t.,Itrifa-Vorable vouclitions ter 144-
:stes !i-tg.siv,,a endireene,''
Of Leading Montreal Daily
Vidaroeig SIN
IvA long years of
$terng from
two boates,of CAN
PILLS -7-04 it's
all gone. Thee ha's
been theexpereence
of Men Bergen
eeeesnel, Chief nny
, Circulation Agent
of. La Paine, of
elcintreal. He
describes It
feelingly :
May Sect nee
"I have been suffering frera leidee,y
erouble for over five long years. 1
had also Rhenepatisea in ale my bones
andeneteeles, cobld noesleep nights and
on some occasions ou1d bardier walk.
litisd been treated be seine of our best
Phyeeciatie but without relief and 1 lost
over •Ilteen poinilier One day I met
one of oar Ieedireg botelkeepers, -ode)
had been cured by yotie famous, QIN*
PILLS, ame he adeised nee to try them.
So I bought two boxes at My drugeist's
and before I bad used one teat P felt a
big ellange. Before I finisked rthe
secend one I was completely meted.
I can assure you I can hardly" believe
it for if 1 had only known whet ; know
now I wad apt have spetet oyer One
Hiludree Dollars for nothing when two
bosTe.of,,Gief nILLS cured ineee'e-
GIN PILLS are gaining a weeld-wide
repution, by the way -they oonquet the
most et'stinate eases of Realuneatism
and ell kinds of Kidney Trouble, .1
eon a box, 6 for $2.50. Semple free
if you write National tereg end Chemical
Co. a Canada, Limited-, Tomato. '149
Are pleascd to see Mr. Wm,
Mills oat again after his illtiessi,•
tOongrat a lations to. Mr, and Mee,
Whiteford Sweitzet en the birth of
a. semi.
Rev, Mr •Rartlir.-g of Oleo( as teen
rer.ewing aneetaintarices in the village
Mr. Copeland sr, is ill at Sie Marys
Remember tee Tow' ',sapper or. the
Mrs. Bebe, Dioneey hes, reterenied to
Ler home ie Chicago after visitine
Miss Nora Siebert is visitiegin
Miss Katie. Maliir.s spent' Sendfa.y al
Ler home in 'Exeter',
Mrs, Hunter and • daughter Lonite
left last: week for Gererar.y wtere
they ir.tend staying for spine fime:
Mies litaloem Guenther is sutfering'
with typhoid fever •bie we hape for n.
epeed,ye -recover,.
All -dogs i,r. this eleinity mist be
tee ep or muzzledacoondires to or-
ders from ti.e Provincial Inspector
- Mrs.Welter. who underteent treat-
eaer.t at the St. Joseph's hospital
Lateen has ret.a..ned home and is -
:Joint; nieely,.;
• Mr, Wes, Miller Las r-rsilted his
Tositior. With 7, Tiernan & Ecidighoffer
ar.d leaves next week for the West.
Ile las aecared positict ae Pinker
Creek Ante
Mr. Skinner bee gone Wee!:
le is an energetic yoefie ma -n ar.d is
*ere to @neon well.
Mr. a el Mee, ICariew of NoNv Market
visited their dabLer Mr.; Chas, E
Skinner for a few !days_
The Se met Millirg company lain
week reeeived the first tar -lee Noe
If wheat it fear years' Although .not
very cleat it tested 64 ibe, to the
le este!. , •
Mr end...Mrs. John Saddler &area
ar.neenee the engageraeat of , their
daughter Anna Bell to Mr. Intend
Eizermatn of Mitchell 'The marriage
to bake place ifjetly the ;latter part
of tens matth; •
Mr. James Kerr weo was reieed ir.
Mitobell nee left here acme thirty-
five years ago ,dfee in 'Toronto oin, tee
feti ease. at the age of •68 yearse Ile
visited here last sprirg and nieus Veen
it nextect healea. He married a
daaghter of the late James Walleire
"•Mr. Moses Weitty was loaed dead
in Lis feed -Wednesday evening last
'He Lad beer. in 'aerial health and: had
been .3p town Monday. Heart troubie
is s..-epposed, to Lave nem thee eautse
He learee e wife two ,growt up sons
and a, illaeghter. Deceased had 'been
in Mitchell for about '30 years and
was arineetseilly respeceede
A Staberner.t of faets backed by a
. , Strong Gaarantee
We lgaaraztee com,piete. relief 'to
all aafferers frame constipation. In
every case wean we fall we will sup-
ply the medicine free:
,,,Iftexall Orderlies are gentle effec-
tive, dephs....dable and sate Lowel re-
g Retort, s treneteener and tonic.
They reeestablien nature's funot:ona.
ill a coke, easy way; , They do not
cease ane inconveneeece griping or
r.aasea. 'They are so pleasant to
take and work so eaelly tt.at thvy
may be taker. by anyone...at any time
They thoroaghly tone up kite whole
sys�em te healthy activity.
Ilexall Orderlies are ets,unpeseanie
ar.d ideal for the or children, old
folks tried delicate persone We den -
eat too eighty recommend titern to
all eaffeeers from any form of con-
stipetiorand its attendant eves
Twct eize,d 10c and 25e. Remember
yo .ca t obtain etexall Remedlee
this rcornm alley only at eur ater-e the
Renee Store, W. tee CA.,
Thirty eeldents from (he !mean
high 'schtlat were le. eloreet. rase
day for , the Arm eat Field (ley held
there. Teo L )arte 11 wore the feet --
ball kame by a 'score of 1 le te where
Voreet wee- in Ole girl* basket hall
cottest. 13 to 7. The relay race went
to the Laeatiteee lThe visitor e Were*
gle,sto of the local A...Wren:tee and an
enjoyable bahcil,at Was given in tee,
soLoettoom of L hrista Cbe.reh t Xl"gla
Prinei pal Wri4t,t of ,the local /ugh
school presilding... tlJ .r .
MIAs Jsaial;, Witmer *be wao *cr.,
teasiy IV is again eenealesconte
Mr. Fred Glanville at tOkathem %dee
ited t MOAK/MO ot aeureO Der,.
OMYr Seable line.
¥r B. Zeller attended the loairiiem
demonstration et Woodstook on Fri -
&AY leet:
Mr and Mem. Fred Soethcott left
To lealidornia 4;mi 'Wed,teedly evirere
tbey exOact •fo stay tor like winter
Mr, Leo, 'Laporte soar of Mr. elate
Laporte was operated ot for appea-
dienea at a Detroit heepitel en. tt ee-
(lay of last wecI Tb peratien was
saccess and the ;patient is sold to
beidoir,&,o rawly:
Mr. Eery "Volland w)f the ifitrobton
Line lost 'two valeahle brood mars,
The epan were worth over $600.90 isi
fact "they will be hard to ireplooe at
any figirew -
Mr.' Berry Volland of, 'tke J3ronson
Lite, lost a brood enere recenty for
vs etch lire had rehased t300.00. 1-1,e
was haulier, -water for a threse.hine•
from a creek 'nearby and just as he
Lad backed into nostiion the mare fell
dead withoat a momet te warning.
Mr. Roy Foster is visiting; with Mr.
and Mrs, eilex Foeter..
Miss dYlaggie lea:11,0)411 of Berlin is
visiting ter parents Mr. and Cerra
George Campbell; •
Mrs. C,harles Brill is very low at
peeser.t and her reeovery 15doubt--
eel She has beer. 111 for ;urine months.
The many friends of Miss Dena
Detomneie are plied to hear that
she has reterned home very meek im-
proved er. health-,
Ms. J. Jneferter M, P. /lege on Fri-
day evening for Saskatchewan, to leek
after his fermi/Leg interests in that
Provitee, He ennects to he back in
moetle • ;
lea Ile 'death of Mr, eltearge Camp-
bell Zartch looses one of jtS
roost valued citizens 'The deceased
oved to town from his farm in Stan-
ley Towtstip about four years ago.
and tholgh of a quiet arid retiring
dinpositior. he made many warm
frierele both goatee; and old who all
eirnerely 7310 Itla Lis deme. At the
time he and his fanely eerne here to
Jive ee had been in very poor health
the change see:nixie 'td •cio liini oel
and it is enly recently ebat lee old
malady agair. attacked Lim A and
his death wa.s looked for tor soiree
weeks lee, breath -e his lash an W.z1-
ncsday morning October 9b1e, beine
in the 71st year of his age. HO lea-
ves a widow one son George oh 1.11.e
homestead the three daughters bee
leg Mrs. leetnrenann of Berlin lard
Mjeies leeette and Maggie at- home.
Tee fereta.1 took playa on Friday
morreng to St. Poniface .Cathotio cm:n-
ettle-a. ,
••eee., 'FOR BALI). lellAieS
• A treatment te,at costs natering
if ft fails
We want you to try three large
botbles x>f Iterall '93' Hair Tonic on
our 'personal guarantee that the trial
wilt zot ,cost. yea a penny if Ai does
not glite you absolute s:-Itisfacticin.
That's iroof of our faith in th'iis rem-
edy and it sto /id indisputably dem
istrate that we knew what we are
talking about when inc say that Rex -
all' "9ele Hair Toeic will retard bale -
Less, overcome scale. and Lair ailment -el
a ed if any hum,an • (Agency ear 'amain-
-peat this result; it may, aim) be re-
lied epee to promote a new growth
of Lair.
Remember we are basing our state-
metes- on what has already been ae-
comelished by teeing Rexall 9.6 Hair
Woiate and we have thc rinhb to -as
same that what It has donefor thous-
ands of othera it will LI° for yoie. In
any event yea eennot loose anything
by giving- it a 'trialon oar liberal.
gaaeanteee Two sizes -50e and 01;00
Remember Toe can obtain Rexall
remedies thts eommenity only at
•oar store the Reeicall Store W. S. Cole
-At the Anneal ete -te-e• of the Sea -
forte", 1Carling club Ireel in. the Com-
mercial hotel or. Wednestiter of last
week, thi following officers Were el-
ecteN. for tte comiree season; Patron'
James Mein ich•ari ; president, Wm.
e3retkune; vtce ptesident Win. Me -
Deegan:. secretary -treasurer, 3-ohn
Beattie; ma.r.a.ging committee R. 8,
Hays, Wm, Ament G. ke Rogers Alex
Wilsot and W. E, Kersleke; skim G
If llogees Wax, Bet ear:ea.-Were. A ment
' 8c. ,ffeht Okit
John -0, Steele. Win Doenale Alex
Wilson; and J. -Ce- Greig;- Ontario
tent -ere -skipe Wm, Almetile-End neeekte
Seattle; *ern terra Co!, Alex, Wilsor,
The meeticg 'eters a ,bamper oree and
meek enthusiasm prevailed: lewas
decided to told a bonspail tee eoni-
irg winter, • • .„ • e
The 'iaitere of many who occupy
land to 'grow abundance of email
freite, at leael: for their OWE US:, Es
in to -a mistaken idea t re •
q aires foomuch tinue to look after ',a
garden. 'This is the viiew taken by
Mr. W. T. Mace )n,, the Dominion Her
•tical tenet, and expressed ,by hen in
a pap-er read last winter berme tee
Senate Committee an Agric inure and
/forestry. Tees paper, which con
atitates a phampletot' thirty-Erve)
pages, is an extaastiVe tree
pressed in the ;plainest berin,s, on the
celture of email fruibei, 'The fruiter
.deatt with are the ,strawberry; men -
berry blackberry, gooseberry, and
the ;several classes of c arrante. Bee
sides givine. f ail lestruc tepee for elan-
iregeand c inivation. notes arc „levee.:
on tee relateve merits of varieties
This phamplet contains an inter -
mitre; table on the test of growing
atd the reterns from an acre of
etrawberriese At the selling value
of five cents per box, a net profit
of eigety-four -dollars IS shown A
seetion is devoted to tee preparation
and epee:cation of inset:tick:tea and
fergicides thee are useful lin nenit
growie,e., •
Ilavitg the itiforneaEoli of. tide De-
bar to geide Lien thore ;is zo ood
reasoe, wey every far nee 'shoed
,a:ot ,hatte ,prodective feeit
garden. • A lar,ee edition hos heen
.printed tobe sent free to all weo
apply to the Peblicatimas e3rane1i,
nartment tf Agrieelture Ottawe.
Children Cry
Mee ;Petri -rice lareltnere t4te retam-
104 from 'visiting frienas in Leradera
Mr, alfel d4r8.110bart McLaren Law
retareed from •their bridal trtp and
ave nOw settled dOwn •comfortably
the etereor realitiete of nee.
Mr, a. McArthur who has been a
promieeet resiskete -of Hensel! Or
over ne years bas ,de`cided ti rpaiow
wilt. his family to 1-iOndOi)
).)0Tahgea ifsweerse tt wa rmeins t 11140ie es,a4yd
cveniog tallih; part Lis the enhortate-
inert theme • .
Mrs. Robert lOarliele OM 'Mil -beans
veil, 1.11' .Mrs, OE, Qa,v, who as befire,
in St;'Marys Lor reeveral weeks', tots
rt:ttratreneel home and is recovering fro,na
tee smile eleferse whieh need ter
Leaving HeInsall-Mr. :Mrs, 3
11/1cArtle.w who has reik:Aled it ties
neigeborhood fer over thirty 'yerare
or more sold their eine eltwee/ing re- •
reeently arid have deckled to locate in
Lonclou where they have a lone
Limber of relatives and friends Mr.
G. D. Areold, Mrs, eleArthurn, father
who has re,sided with his eleaghter
Sitee Mrs. Arpoids deathe some few
years ago intendmaking- Lis homc.
with them ie London bet will reraain
here untie the family are nicely set-
tled.. Mr, '.Aer.oll is also tele of Me
eleneer residents of oar village and
will be much Missed by his filender
who are phew -net to Jeee him so meeh
ineereleed in health sem fee accident
of aboet a year ago.
G. D. Ancold is 'spending a' few
days with els son, Harry mitre to, go-
ing the Forest City.
Will Moore of Lor.don was in town
lase week). • •
Mrs. T. Palmer and tine, 'Whiteside,
were in Exeter last week, .
It is a wise move OE 'Ile part of
the roar:ail to have more and bettpr
lights pat up or. King street.
elev. B. Hicks who has hem saf-
fering erorn a mild attack of weoop-
Leg ,coael has nearly recovered. •
Smith() took en: apple off a tere
of the Ontario variety on hie lot which
weighed two oands and mensanted
fifteer. inches in cireemf-eneneee
'Trackman have been b.lsy here IFIx-
tending the switch on the west elle
of the track, •clown past the planning
mill which will be qaite er. aceomoda-
tier. to Ur. Soldan,
Rev. Mr McCormick of Ilolmesville
cetdacted the morning service in
tee Metthodiot eberale here last Sun-
dayate at thiselherst in the after.
room and evenires,
We learn, on good eetherity that
the work will be commenced on the
the env 'station without further 'die'.
lay. Weer. completed the beiediag
and yard will be tacreeit to oar yin
T. )3erryie car of honks', which Ille
n-archaserl in the Oid iCountzy and
Prarce. arrived here on Sandoy the
car being backed down from !t-Tlint.on
by at engine., 9ne of the Ivercherans
was parchased by W. Oerry of 1.1.ra,m-
fie la'
Henry Jacobi who formerly ra.n a
1.arr.ess shop 'hero, bat of bole years,
has been farming near Chit:Oil:arab
has beet ebrine,,ed to „see bis feria anti
retere 'ot accoenk of le tte.alth.
The platform.presented by the Un-
ited 6 ta (cs lkpiblican convention pro-
vides for salarnitbing the women suf-
frage question to the peop1, as a con-
stitutional, amendment in 11)15 ur.les,t
a cotstitational conventior. is held
erica): to that time,.
.A clepatatior. ef prieion reform com-
eniesioners from -California and Mary -
ed have been visiting Ontario,. Mr
Oliver Ohairmat ef the California
nommiseierre prenoenced the Prison
farm at Guelph as "The last word
in prison naetk,ods. •
The boast has beat inatle lu print
that Coldtal Sam Hanhes is not king
of the. Ontario Rifle Asa:neat-ton mat -
chs So theme a a canteen.. Of
MA first day of the recent match at
hong !Brame.; in referring- to the pre -
sense of tLx eadets, it was reperted,
The ;first day was orderly-. One lit-
tle Men was relieved of his gap_
whose boy was Re that was made
dra3ak by the canteen of the Ontario
1111 le, Association.
eTLat compelsory medical examina-
tion is needed in all Cane:Lear. SeLoole
was claimed by both the Caeadian
entre-rites Conference and the Water-
loo Geenty Teachers' Aasociation, re
ceetly in sess.one The int.ernational
113 inemie Exenbition, • held last year
in Germany, eLowed that the odvanee
made in Playsical celture. iu the coun-
tries of England„ Germany end japan
had left this clopartineure in the
schen& system of tentrinek beleied.
Gabriel 13rienvoli, Qeebec City, who
pos,eci as a geetternan cot tithe is to
be troag,et to trial on the charge of
being a 'white %slaver -I, It is alleg-
ed that he has b:.er. the .neansof
brireginn fiety yoan.; girls from
lfrancet, and plaeine teem in disrep
atable Louses, There is no doubt but
et hat the wbite stave traffic noir-
es -Les or. Canadian sail and Car.addalt
girls mast be pot or. tear. ouarde
The daily press States teat owing
to tee scarcity of laborere in or
great northwest wheat proviweA,
inaey Nvemeo, proving tLemseives to
be heipmeets ndeed bane
goee into the Heeds to help -garner
the harveet. If these women had
taken five urinates to drop a ballot at
Ike polling booth some teolomon, come
to jedgeneent, would be exclaiming a-
Motioreess cradle, OD. the horrdr
TLe Ur.ited Stales have nrobibiteel,
that deadly greet lever alien-elem.
The importation being a taere
amoir.Vng to some 25,000 eases
yearly, on N. , he Goverment col-
Cecinl e212,ten. dates.. Had the
Government Nval.ted •antli its oat --
fere were overf1own:1; with wealth
e&r.ea bat of tee vic.es of Lt et ecoele•
as it Lae ix. the matter of other ots-
titled and fer,nentied liqmrs and the
cigarette, (Lis eciald r.ot have been
eote 'evitheat a fight areinst 'twee-
ted capital owl 'appetite . Camelia
the evitd by proteetime these
latter iedestries for t newardl, and
Li reaping a whirINvititl, that is fil-
ling oxr jails tospaals and aiad
infl frioassentliennelliellfinneeseenerearn
I 11 1 1111 Itritanuljn
n.4Aithe,sJornaeltesn413O'Si'ce,5 _
ue50013estkont6ins neither
Mosp1iill.0 au Mad
OW. AucoTIe.
•IMIOM.,./E.00./00 PiMPAR•••
Ada .,17.2,nwcii,•:.
Mrs" d
.01;pettent Remedy for Conslipa-
1101415011r Sionlach,Diatripeat
ness.andLos%qF IL:E/313!,
racSinele Segisateetnor
1•WW., YORK.
For 1ver
Thirty Years
EXACT' eo:Pel 017 WRAPPED.
Leises,, eor-Vertirip; there into veritable'
I a zare t t 18;
.Elbert Ifebbard says in "The Era'
that the Brewers Aseoziatiot has rai
sed a million dollar fanal to fight wo
wee seffrage to be S,p(2/3 t in payin
Lan editorials ienews,papeent, beeale
the sactesa of womee suffrage wil
:roan more dry territory.. Kennebec
eoerrale of Minot, commeriltieg bi
this at-atm/Lett says. 'Tee liteeer dra
gor„ las a' velvet paw and its way
are lesidineee One of ehe meet dar
gereas of these is les hidden a.pproaoh
threagh tete hired jun,eles -of news
paperdom an. megazinedena, Thos.,
retielleations known Openly as the
rem press, whose bueiteas officer
are toaeh with rum truete agents
are not the most .dangerole; it is ra-
ther ethe elasa which comes to yol
nal. the presitage of age and broad
dee:elation and re:epee:end to be above
petty deals for a matter of dollars
verses prie.ciple. When yore read editor
ials eanningly worded to win prais.e
for fairtess while holding, ,the devils
cape jest think for a minute of
the .oaillioe ,dollars appeopriated f or
this yeers paid editorials for booze
and a,g,ainst feminine intelligence and
, iorai of the Queer Rieke Taken by the
arekereeat Lloyd'sed 4
Tlheyavill, take 'way risk at Lb:AO! hi
-. - 1,15,ndon. Ieshoid bt unde:rstoiM „Ina
1 thia,:greai colpor&f.ion hes nOtleina. t,
de 74b il7 Ma -that the breeereeissti
. pollefes as indiVidilalt.. Ilene' ores,
s. r... • .... ,4
:14 tsitS;peas:vveeinie:is of lists attiially 1n4i Tilq uncle: of a eich heireseeeeeek, one
.. a policy for40.00 gsluessr,againji,114.;
) eloping. With a' ceitain man. laelye 41
specified, date. lie. pnid-I',000". ito '
4 premium,and elmegirl ded4et, flee, s
the broket-Was'in,1,060 guinea ,, • ,
yeung•Epara 'sued by a gifl for denie
ages for, breaqh of -promise teerearree„
paiil, 800•guitteas for a poneyenovering
May Atticfmile of none y the jeteenieghe
award to tlie. plelLitiet. It gavd her
1700i-, so he broker made mOre,thari
1(30 proati , .
• Al cablegram, arrived; at the efileerof a
shipown,ee stating " that ope of! his
• steamers was on the Talks in •aillane
gerous place. The, owner took out' 4
policed foe £5-;500, to be paid to' Leine le
the -ship were lest. H -e paid foi;etlets 4
premium of £5,000. The ship :wag
saved; ' so he lost the money,r-New
• York World. .',.*
4. ....._ ,
. -*. .--N.V. •
.. .. - . ' •
.Th re English }Orig.
- The king ofdpegland„ has no leglelete
-live veto. -He Mast sign- his' own
death warrant if the two bo,usee ulnae
imously send it to him. It is a fletiort
of the past to 1 aecribe to him legishee five, power. pi, ba.e,long ceased tO
have any. The prime inalnister IS 'th4
chief executive of the.13ritish constitui .
tion. The king has the right to be
constrited, the right to enemiragee the
right to wane, provided- he tan tied
anybody that wants toconsulthita ot
anybody that dares -to be encouraged
• by inm ter „anybody that willeneenetti
l be -warned. In other wordeetha Vag-
- is a "figurehead," on as it has teepee
' mornerespeetfully -expressed, herisethti.-
"ornamental" rather, than the tame
fur part of the British constitute/1.-0
New York ,Amerleare
Press Corresporedent
Fares-5ir-41e 'firet-clant fare for
the roand trip ,froin all etations. in
Orient; eneept north of Gravenherst
and West of Pembrooiek also. from Dee
troth and Pont Heron Mien., tRuffale
Black Roek and eas,pensien Bridge
N Y -GOING RATEe- October etti
o November Oth iceleseve, to all,
opines on Temiskeriaing and North-
ern- Ontario Railway, 'Temagatni, Cata.
and to ,cerbain points and proelec,ee
jc Qeebee. Nova Scotia and New
lerer,aw ick also State ef Maine
October the 17th to Nonember 9th
ir-elarrive to Muskoka lakes, Lake of
Bees, Georgian I3ay. elagnetewan on -d
French 1iivrs, Kawartha Lakes and
ncerts on Grand 'Tr ank ;Reitman eev-
erz ti North 'Bay inetesive Meda-
waska to Perry Seatd, Lendetry.eto
lierebertore Argyle to lacfboccalk, Pen-
etang, Midland and Lakefield
RETURN 1,1M0T-4l1 tickets val-
id for retari.„ until IThursday Decem-
ber 32th excelit to neints reached:
by oleamer Tidy November
12th 1914.
Wt-•itt; A Et, D 3f f Des brie t Preeserg,er
teeeent. Lzeou Station iTcooeto, Ont.
tor free inestrabed booklet ettitled
Halite of Fish •an,d Game containing
game laws Maps rates le.tee,
••-•• •••••••••••••.••
a:see so .darned part -ellen.
Qt how a feller looks
clor.-1 'care if Le's eornewhab shy
Ot learning gleaned from 'books,
He may tot be so blamed polite
Ar.d long ou etittlachtei•
TL e wrotg fork he may to/net:meet Ise
And cause we no regret-.
He may be sly or. •grarnmer,
His Etgliele may be peek,
He may be short ar Atones,
And par:or gossip bank,
His teethes may tot be tailored
Ilis eeektie may be heed.
Ilis brillient theights, may never
Wee plaadite tram the erowd.
ITt .nay •he ,tast a rouge...re:eke
Indeed for all care
Hat this much 1 insest on.
He meet be ot tLx evert>.
Special !Mottoes
s�pnking does not cure children of bed -
Wetting. Thereies conatitutionallikuse or
Ibis trouble. Mrs. Wt. 8unatners, Box 811
Windsor, Dnt.,-will send free to any mother
ker successful home treatment, with full
intatmotions. ,Send no money,but write her
to,day if your Children trouble goo in this
way. *Don't blame the child, the disuses
Ire it can't lo1p it. Whin treatment also
sures aduItn4 aged people troubled with
arias diftwalties by day' or night. 0 i
az zf--
The Worst shaken countries of the
world are Italy, Japan, Greece, South
America, Java, Sicily and Asia idlnor.
The lands most free from earthqualreS
are, Africa, A.ustralia, Russia, Siberia,
Scandinavia and Canada. As a rule,
where earthquakes are most freqoent
they are also the most severe. Rut
to this general statement there are ex-
ceptions, Indian shocks, though lesii
numerous, being often very disastrous.
Loss .of life, however, in many casell,'
depends on density of population rath-
er than on the intensity of the eartit
tnovement.-New York American. 4
. I
leo Secret Sorrow.
"Mrs. Whiffley impresses me as one
who had something in her past life to
make her unhappy. I never can look, at
, her Yrithent feeling that she is tho
besrer of a secret sorrow of soma
*Veil. she Is. She told rue once that,
she Could never be quite happy againr,
because she used to be the wife of it(
man,Who later married another womuni
With whom be appeared to be living
Tile inheritance Tax,
An inkeritance tax, my boy, b tb
ora, Whitt is an inheritance taxt" 1
crowd of promoters, real estate agent
and halaing stock sharks that take UP Al
suttee tine tist aS Won as they leant
twit IR* biti fallen heir to t 'IWO
nibtlpetihit Fro Preas.