HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-17, Page 44 I • • *I1Yt.g..W".- **Piot: 41,4oHeatlea414.44+ tal'itta+++114,4e-air+++ t e• Niolsous Bank I 1: 4 InOckaOOvate() 185. * Record of Progress for ?Five Years x906tt $ 19045 191$ * CAPITAL ........— a • .. •. , — • ......,.$ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 4. RESERVE..., .. • • • .. ,.......,.t $,000,,000 4,600,000 2 DBPOSI X.OANS .A.1s7:15*ii&aiiii•tlig7,457,0 . Z3,077,7e0 85,042,311 4. TOTAL ASSETS__ .,.... 299 38,884,841 4" ,.......a,...,....' 83,090,102 48237 281 Me SS lirroachee nt Canada, and Ageote and 0oreesporidents in all 4' the principal Cities in the 'Narita 1: A ilenerel Banking Business Transacted + + + Savings Bank Department + 4. + At all Branchee. Interest allow a at Highest Current Rates. et, : DiCkS021 tle Qarillig, Solicitors. at. 0. HURDQN 111a.netgOO * ta.V441.144•44++.1a1•4444.O.1.4•4.4444341;41++++.144,441.4ofoteatOtioleteOtleleetOaeeiett+ TH CANADIAN BANK F C MMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O. LL.D., D. C.L., Excels:lent eseLEXANDER LAIRD JOHN' AIM) General Manager eAseestant General Manager CAPITAL., $15,000,000 REST, $12 500,000 . FARMER -S' BUSINESS The eganadian Bank of Commerce extends th Farmers every - facility for the transaction of 4their banking business, inchiding the:discount and collection of sales note. -Blank saesnot re supplied free of charge -OR application. Exeter tranch--G. L. WAITGII Manager BRANCH ALSO AT. OREDITON • s.5 — Selected — HOGE-GRADE S TEM CQAL—well screened, Hard right and Iocky. — Celebrated— !1e Lake Cement ALWAYS aN B A ND Lauge stock of all kinds umber, Lath, Shin= gies and Cedar Posts I J. atworth GRA_NTON, • Hav City Replace the pesti- lent, draughty daze gercus end often sive ont•of doors do set wan an indoor closet which requir- es no sewer no „I plumbing,' end no • finishing system. Rare city conveniences in your home, Eadaguard family hea,Ith by installing a “T•Weect" Closet Sanitary and Odorless Itlerveed" Closets can be installed in tht bathroom, cellar, or any other convenient place indoors. merely re- quiring to be connected by a pipe for ventilation with a chimney hole. "Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used in connection with Tweed Closets is both a deed ore ot end a :disinfectant. Many buudreds of Tweed closets have been sOld in Canada. Send for illustrated price list. Wooler Apr. 3, 1912, Dear Sir; The Chemical Caoset1 bought from you ma' Ian. 5th, 1912 is perfect. I did not empty it until Mar. • 29th. There is three in the family and can leave the lid up and no particle of odor can be found1 would not ask for anythieg better, Yours truly, E. M. Wessels. The SIM Troutg 11(211% co WM • Agent -W. J. lieaman., Only 1)oub1e Track . • Railway bet,ween rJrofltfl and Mrntrea1, and Toronto and (Aber principal ties in Canada Aloe Double -Track and sehd Te tine between lefontreel and Chicego ; also between Ontario points, New York stndPhilarie 1.10a VIA Tat *U•,4 7,1 14',1 I Is SW Or) " r`Afelelett • FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTIO1) PULLMAN OLIOE,PE S rall,poetterslare,•h• ertir ieis-rya ,it) 0 it, tete froro Grand Telook Agent* or *Tito A. lot lanf, Eat' A. Agent Tor - t:640, Ontailia, • D Depet Ageria ( luroar god Pb.itogolih3r f soet--'-`a 41- 2oe attajacaster •Ita. :SW/ ra 4 -I% TYPEM4TER. , • &R, smail ma611Ine, by aid of,iy,ota I'earliorny beetiti and drink: -Say. what' treasufe you'would.be 11you could onlyAlripla Sorrel°, you sit around and wait, alipugh you are well and sfoirt. 1•30.,t one,idea do .yo* brInF I have"tOpeunti th,em If when I sit ang think abbut The money 1 might, earn If I would only ,wctrk like sin And river trornlyoualtuan. You wotild be busy as.a bee And IpIgnd44 copy 1nake„ Jus,t tdink. e, what delightf,u1„ long Vacgtions t miglit teieel 11 you would onlyeliisil Out Theetory.,1 bhgl:14414 'Whii-6 I am •Mitring dtmv Plea 'What praise yauAlicUid. win? Or'when kr as'6Aay_i is verse that wag alynasta crime , Bow ,very 'helpful you eeeeild he yop frli out tlie riThel But, no, you orqz4sit and log ,When you might click and'Aurn And hekp me oirt,In places wqier.e Ideas do iiot com'e: Bin I would pardon.that in you `leeir on Yoiir failings dwell When worees were roiling thick and large Jr you Mild only spell; Too Transcendent. She—Tbe thing, yop long for that yon are- for one transcendent moment Be—That's the trouble -vaithe I Ong - Ate ing.' Sbe—'Then you don't agree.with the poet? fie—No; it doesa't make ytve a mil- lionaire long enough vto' bp, a inotor, earee2or grab off a. few steel'bonds. •• * ` Not For Ethel. • eeeteeeerites "Ethel has broken with Jack." "What's the matter?" - - "Says he's too ratan of a,tightwad to suit her." "Takes her to picture shows, I sup- pose?" "No, not that" • "PaSsee to the theater?" "Noe but she clutueed to find out that lee buys all her candy at the ten oent storee." Rapid. "They are last friends!' "Who?" "Tom aid Jack," "Fast? I should say sot They are so fest they are both dizzy roost of the time" Likes Most of Us. "Efe le an ornery prig." "Got a lot of bad lack?" "Then whet makes biro, so matt? "Got a lot or lament notate." ) Then tt Was Suddem • "Dear Miss Myrtle!' "Yes, Mr, CautiouS?". 'Will yeti adeept royeetteaa. ' • • thia ia aaailiddatseT, ttaliice2" eee.eleewe e BRITAIN S CAM it Really Has No Legal Warrant For Its Exittence. YET IT RULES" THE NATION, This most powerful and Important • Committee In the,Worla Is Without a SWF, a Secretary, a Seal or a Niih- ate alook and Has No Fixed Home. 'Sidney Low, the English writer, calla &Retitle/4 to the fact teat thetBritiga Cabinet hes realiy1nestatidlog in law, thoug4 it is actually the 1)04 which rulesEngland. He makes several la• teresting stateffieuts in deectileing tire situation. it The British cabinet lies long been cue Of the,mysteties et Riot great myStery, the Baittsh coastitutioo, be qeitte exact indeed, It is not core toecalttit a pert of the British cons WHO; for •strictly spetking it is know* to the conOtia:ition. The egbin today rulee c.ouettry, but it h no.legal status. It wets not until abo 1901 that the wOrd "ca,biaet" apPear Ortatire oatice peper or other o offici document &Cajal/let minister takes the slam or4/1" that every PrivY dannellor take abet be atrue and sei!'va into the'kinges majesty as one of h majestPs'priviscoureall" acf otta,kee Secreeall inaftere cominittadeand ‘r vailed'untb you or dip gaiali be treat secretly inecOunail."". The entire bo,d ()Tatar) privt7 coutietialeosupeposed tO vise the sovereign on aft -ales of at hat' to be eadOe a alloy Oa/Inciter t dee* is pkeetically an onaety-hOosa. is regardariloae a high complinemitObu I e a -privy cell/idiotis'-itiot a mambe otttOeec.abinet he hears NO secrets an pelfopeetootneCoffidal fimatioals. ' All tbUifixecutive and politital fun Vos of 'privy counoltates have Pesse into the help of -thee of Riad) oh fest, the caeinga, watch is 'really secret cenarnitteelOt t1flting4dervan wha in practice collectively rulen catina7 so. long as they reinitin la of fire as Sidney Lavveraltee in a areldie in taetelorielete Daily Mail, in net otaiarlialatent eydegareethem tires powers, evaiehcould not -be asseetede defeitOed. in !toy curt of law'. They are due to prescription, acaident an custom. • • "ieehnicatio the cabinet as a cabi linet eau, do, nettling. It eannet er l,ilt a Writa a idler issue a signed' otTler t has net jiideedethe merles ot doin se, f0 .not ieep a cleor g typewriter; Ot has no office, 'nor ha's it alio iwney wherewith' to bay a sheet of note paper. The in powerful and important committee in ?he wdrld eseitliout -a etaa", n seenetary; a seal, a eminclirtUnok or a axed loCateen.‘ "Whea a cablriet -eounC11 Sip it tois na damage beittee le, /IV; hae it aaO re.cortl of wffet wee done' let its laet meeting.., No else keeps the minutes, and it isestill qeemed a lettle'coatrery ttisetiquette for nue, minietee to take a Ante of the peoeeedings oe indeed to write ateYtliltig at the ineetinge at alL --"Iu fact, the cabinet council Is stIlk Created aS -.if it 'were nothing merei than a enal private consultation tween_a few of tam pravy councilors. It hears, traces o`f ite'aecestree for It was horn over fhe' dinner tete. "It originated in the reign of Queea Anne in tlibsii famous Saturday din- ners. at which a select group of the privy 6111)&11 ea sse m14...fled. to dIscuss, the affatire of Oheirotarty without the pree::, euce of Wee queen `and of colleheMes Whose preeence wns 'not desired. The cabinet haS alwaysratept to the ,tradi- tion. It Is a seceet committee of gov- ernment apd a seeret'eounnittee of the dominant Oarty in parliament, and wbere the one function begins land the othertuas no one - eau ever say. "'All Its Ter/Mate are•celieetivela re- sponsible. for lite acts of one, of them, but tbere ere ticoanerins of knowing 7what the clecaefelia tIf t4ie ealeinet are at Ona moment till they are embodied in action,. or bow many of the ministers may, dissent from tbe ppinion of tap majority, or whether indeed it is the majpetty oto a minority tbet really di- rects the policy," The promPRon of Sir Rufus Isaacs, tbe attorney general. to the cabinet was a double novelty. Not only was there no precedent for an attorney general being a member of the eabio net, but never before had the official announcement of the conferment of cabinet 'rank mentioned, as it did hs the ease of Sir Rufus Isaacs, the words "his majesty's cabinet" This appointment therefore marked it fur- ther development In the aeqpIsitiort of a corporate existence by the cabl- net.—New York Sun. er TO et ti - et as at ed al s. nt is et ed e, et- ‘. It Q- a ts d • Sleighbells—How Made. It Is a mystery to many bow the Iron balls Inside of -Pleighbells get there. In making sleighbellS the iron ball is put Inside a sand core just the Sha pe of the Inside of the bell, Then a ,ineld is made exactly the shape of the outside of the bell. The sand core, with the jinglet Inside, Is placed lo the mold of the outside, and the melt- ed metal is peered in, which fills the space between the core and mold. • ir • The P• *pose!. Bertie—Edlth, will you be my 'trite? Effith—Otetatt.crtie, it alt depende on the 'Whether. Bertiee-The whether? Edith --Yes, whether yOut can keep Me In the Wintry 1 am used tea -London Telegraph. Core tit neWailia 10 make more'. .0f, •Eadilley, 'bat 'Carta to Malta Midi Of1Ik 4 , Apples Wanted Exeter Evaporator W e *ill pay 25e per Liendred petard for 'Mater Peelere, two and o qttar- ter latches aX14 °Ver. JOS. SUTTON; Mgr:4 Farm For Sale That' valeable property eituatieci; or, 1Conceseioxe 1, Lot 3 Tp, of. IlayA cotn- tairting on It:snared aorels more or Le215i• Witte er geed inilk route Ete con - Motion, On the' property sgood frante Loase era beak barot. Two geoid eprtree wells, fairly reapa areh- ,ird. Apply to Mr, A. Walla% ot.. the premises or to Gla.dniare ic Stan - leery, 1,i1xeter, %MOM, Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Mr, Jos White .auct., has recalved iostruebions from the undereigned to sell by pubite aectior. on 1240T 9 S. El. J. US;BORNE- 'West ,corter farm ab Malawi on 'THURSDAY OCTOAER 24 12 At 12 o'clock eharp the ..fallowita valuable property,. 1TORSE$1 terse 12 years; old Agri. - cultural, t 1 horse 7 years old Gen- eral Purpose,; 1 good .nare three years old Agrioultural, 1 eosal driv- er 9 years old quiet and; reliable., CATTLE -1 cow due, et. Rae ef sale 1 cow ,due ite Dece.nber; 1 cowry aloe ix. January; 2 cows slue in April; 1 Farrow cow, 8 steer.% ,years old; 9 eteera 1 year old, 4 steer ,calvest 4 hpifere two Yeans old, a steep cal - vee il.hetters '2 yrs oldt. 6, keifens, yr, old, 13 better. •ealvea. 330G3 1 „Brood sow with titter at root. 8 store to.get FOWL' About 50 hots and pullets. IMPLEMENTS -1 Luabar wagon, 1 truck wager., a top baggy, 1 wagon box. with 'shelving and sprite; seat complete, 1 Piano box butter, 1 Mast sey Harris binder new 1 Mower, 1 horn rake, 1 alagle reap*, 1 lend Roller, 1 •seed drill, 1 dies Harrow-. 1 pair of .bobsleighs 1 set iron tar rows, 2 single Plowtle 1 tSiiihr plow - 1 two furrow plow: 1 root scuffles 1 root pulper, 1 Hay. rack, 1 gravel. box-, 1 new fannies.; mill with beer complete, 1 see of scales 2140.).11es eap- aeity, 1 bag Truck, 1 _straw cutter, 1 Horse power, 1 Grass Seed aewer. 1 hay fork ear.repes and isttn,gs, with eelleys complete, 1 National ;Cream Sepera.tor 1 favorite churn. J. Caul.- dror. ketble 1 lined water trough 2 loggiaz chains. 1 pig crate, k acts Double 'earne.es, I seto1 eiegle tar - Less, Forks, shovels and hoes, 20 ton of mixed hay, 150 13ush of Barley, 300 bush ef oats, 4 good horse 'eollare No reserve as the proprieeor is. giv- ing up .,farming. • TERMS OF SALE—All sums of 510 and under cash on day or sale' over that amount 12 'months credit will lae giver. on furnishme -approved :joint noteee 4'pei emit discount/ off for gash., • John Haziewood t Jos White Propeeleter A.u.c8ioneer Auction Sale : . 110IT832I1OLD EFLI;EOWS Tree • erdersi ened auctioneer has reaeived irestrut7e:ons to sell by itublic rteetiors on Albert StreatoEtteter on SAT, OGTO.BEIt 26, 10112 At 1.30 o'elocit -p.m, the follow -to -a property viz, 1 parlor .stove kitchen wood stove, parlor . wood' stove; 9 kitchen &hair% 12 roekerse ';4 tabtea, gloss, :cupboard,. carpet', tearly to.ew ; • beadeteadl. sprtrsgs and met•trusaese 3 wash ataads; i lacklent nearly ,new eteck, washtubs,. wri rgers. quantity of Siestas garden Mole, Itol.a kirks ; ere, and mumereas, othOr art- icles". • ITERMS—legSrl Mrs. S. !Cobblediele P 1 Carling Proprle L re scl, - 'Aar homer Auction Sale, add action sole 18pt On Friday October 25tht, the real estate or.d llossehold effeets of Mit David Milt, Mair. Streete • Exeter Sale at gme. o'clock. T. '11, ICARLING ikictior.ner Farm for Sale 'That valiable. proper CY being lot• 27 cora 1 tabors -1e, containing 100 ae- res or. the property "s1a brk LOU , brick bar.k barn, horse Stable; ,driVe-' shed and. -cow stable all brick. .Aboal; two acres et orchard of good frit fon- good wells;; well fenced and un: tterdrained with tile, Large !Ilene of eoil well adopted for ,gr.air, hay roots or pasture. Mooted por.et awl a half milks north of PI teter miles from Here:salt elPor 1le tber in-- formai:Seale pp ly to. W, ,Lot 21 con, 1 Us bornd Extensive Auction Sale CTIO10E YOUNG HORSES &'CATTLE Thos, Cameren has received in- strectioas from the undersigned 10 sell bs Lreblic auction on LOT 19 S T. R AT FARQUHAR —ON— WEONESJ)AY OCTOBER 30 1912 at ore Walcott-- sharp the lot:legs • HORSES -3 maree ri,sir.g • years old; 2 geldtoas rating- 3 years old;' 1 gelding rising 2 years old; 2 file liesr'vel.r.g two years ad. the horses are Agricultural • CATTLE—•2 cows 'deco at time' of Sale; 3 renewed °pyre; 2 cows dee in Febraary ar.c1 Mara ; 15 two year old otters 15 two year .74,1 heifer's 25 yearling steers; 25 yearling hei- fer% •TBRMS-e12 Month:4 Crediton fer- mehing epproVed joint nOtres at 5 per Gardiae'r & 8drite 1(TOO,e, leanieron PropriatOr* Lel aseetidadiat Aittio.n Sale f f —0E—t 101•1010E CATTLE 0 2b0s4 Calneroti bee reepartaa treatroctiona from the ondereigued to sell by publio atiCtioa. on SAT 0.11114AT OC`TORBR 191r ! at one o'ClOok Pa tat at WIflVIEICROPODITAW HOTEL' ; tX.BTER ' a tear load ofchotee oat I !ntd- a nunaber •ot year' old it awl:aura- of tore yeeitettidst a 'aumber OriCOWiS aid 2, eows-witk calves et 1oat. The above are, all it, good oonaitioet, akilialS OE SALE -6 etilontIL$ credit will be givere os Curial/shire approved io:nt notes* 'A idieeoUnt of 6 per cent per annum off for 'cash in, lieu, of notes. THOS, OIATZEBRON G, J, DOW Atie t Nene er Proprietor Extensive Auction Sale '• ' FARM STOOK & IlVIPIOEMENTS The uotlersigned Auctfoneer ha e re.= ceived instructiona to eel! . by :pubiic auction on the premis.es, of the prop rietor on. MOT 17 ICON. 7 STEE'HET4 One and a hall miles North of Crediton on. ' TVURSDAY OCTOnER 2,4, 1912 , At 1 (O'clock, eharp the flowing valoable property viz.. HO1bSES-1 goldiog. agrileoltatel 6 years old; geldiag, general parpose 3 years old, got 'ay Albiat; aerserai purpOse- mare; blood- mare, 9 years old; blood filly risiag two years. 'RATTLE -6 cows idea to calve in March; April and May; 2 year old heifer , due May 1; a ohnice, eteere rising three years; 4 ateers rising yeare, 7 c.atvest, - • HOGS --9 pigs; 4 months aka; POIRIOTRYee 40 hens 'IMPLEMENTS -a blassay -Harris binder nearly aew., mower, 1 drat hoe and cultivator; Frost, and Wood out -throw dielos 2 ;sets ,diamood har- row% land rolieso a ayalking Maseey Barris twin plowsscuffles:, alike rake, heavy wagon., Nearly new 1 seeond Land wagon. hay rack, nearly new hog 'rack; wagon box, nearly mew, aoot aulper Dew, gravel box top ..baSORY, eutter, paix of bob sleighs pair at liteht sieteas, fa.nning mill, 12 hararecit oeunil seaie, o -rind stone; De. Laval Oream Separator, 2 ladders, 2 good sets 4ouble tar- -tees, set alagle Lames& 2 sees GO whiffletrece, 2rackyokee, large copper kettle, cook etove: Agreen- tiey of taimegolde an turnips in 1tho field a qeantity of hay for ,cash, 4 logging' chains, forks boles, rakes; end also a collie dog and otter ate tides too r.umerCktS: in rn.ention. Terms of Sale—Ali earns olt 05 and under cash over that animal:it 12 mon- ths credit witabe givet on lur.nishing approved joint, netees 5 per taut off Lor cash oo eredit amounts jqs. Staley Mathew Finkbeitier Auetistroter °Proprietor Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOOK & IMPLEMENTS: HAY ROOTS & /CORN Mr. 'Rhos, Cameior. bas received in- s'tructiora frontthe undersigned to sell by publi9 auction op LOT t3,0aI01"1. 9, HDaBERT WEDNESDAY 0.0TO1E1-t 23 I 1912,, at ore o'cloalt store, Obit fol. towir.g valuable property, noBsgs 1 „Brood Mare 5 years old Agricultarali 1 Black mare 6 years old, Draught; I DaY fLfly1 2 yearn old, Agricultural; Faeucklina colt'. cOgricaltural„ ;CAT`JCLIti—I Reeewed cam, 1 eow due to calve at time of eats, S tows due to calve tint MRS, ,3teteers. 2 axs, old5 steers 1 year 04d, 2 Heifers e2 years old', 2 Heifers 1 year old, 4 Spriate calves1 calf one week old HOGS -1 'al3roocl Sow, 5 pigs ri mootta olds • • - 1MPLEMENWS-1 Top buggy near- ly mew; 1 set of Seam terneee, 1 set iLgle Harness, a quantity of Hay, a quaraity of rnangolds ia C.Le Zell 1 acre of corr. i,n the Heat. Positively oo reserve as the Pro- prietress, has reetect ilho farna.: TERMS OF OA1.E--All, awns!, of t$5 ar.d ander cash on day of wale., over that QIIIOULt S 'months credit will be giver. on furnishing approved joira -notes 5 per cent .per annaaa off for Cash,* Mrs. Geo, Sillery Taos; tea:taiga Pyoprietress Auctioneer NoticeLto Creditors in the matter of the estaee of Fraecie Geo. Abbott of the village of •l'Oe.ntralisis •Louety oft Huron Gentk- mum stem:aro:de . Notice is hereby giver a pursuant to Statutes in ths 1 behrif that al; creditors and others ;melee :natal egairest the estate of 'the tate a'iaracts Geo, Abbott of the vilisige of C, ea.tralia who died or. or about tete 22rd of Oct. 11912 are recieired oa or before. tits 30th of Oct. to seta by poet prepatd ar deliver to Meseta. ailadrusin Staebury, 'solicitors tor the aeon tors of ,,the estate of the said deceased, their christien and sur- oarnesaiddreeses end descriptione, the fell' pareiculars of. their claims, the ste tomcat of their account 5 end the nature of the SectiritieS, if any, hell/ by them And f /lather ,. take notic6 teat after such last mettioned date the said Executors will proceed -to dtts- tribute tte assets of the deeeased emotg the parties entitled thereto havitg aegard only to the claims of oraiih, they shall thee, hater notice ails' that the eald Exeeutore Neill Bot Irte lieble fer the said assetts or azu part thereof any person ear persona of wtose airtime notice shall not have been reedied by them at the. Hite. of each distributiot. GLADMAN & STANI3URY kbelleitoto For bita Executers,. Dated at laxeter Us 9thdeay o Ootobor 1912'd. %WPM)• 0,414camp. hirs :Reap Da. o, veuxistox to. li. S. 3) , " 4 4-'0‘1•0 D.DiNTIOrt 100aete TArm 'loot 11;',0910 anwn, stilt of Ray.o1 adasdon Roatilt 2 W. ilhie 'from Exeter and a 14, traileol trona aleneall, Apply ace- 'R' ILI Rosa Bytha Oita, • • House f.or, Sale :fiae residerrall eraiI,hI� edrifer et Abbext and lamas, Sbreetat 'one of the :best looatioas, la the ,tooto of Exet tore At' a 1bargair, for quick bayert APP15" al residence of Mr.: Joe, alawkias or Ito zar. IA cloo Seafeotbt Octobers Farm for Sale :Composed Of N. part 17, ,ccinceasion. 1. township of Stephen,, tante ning , 25 ocree.1 On the premise e is a good brick house, -kitehen and woodebed, 'alit hard and soft water:— 1A.. bank been .32x45; also he sod1 ig house'. Large orehard of winter fruit; oleo garden of small Trait; adandance of spring weter. This is a d.eteirable property near town a Exeter. Easy terms 0.c payment.: Mose J Willeon proprietress,. Oar terms and partie- mare apply to Thos, eareerteO Fara' quitia p. 0.. W -9-5 Lf.i Donor Graduate of TorOnt0 VskIlD*4 OttY Office over Dioasott & ()axle ,b*Dia Jealv Offige, Closed, Wednetla day efternoona Phene Office 6t4 aleSidenue 5 • • A .A. 11, KINSMAN ,LitrY.E. Honor 'Gradliete of Toronto 1Tiblip erait . DENTIST 1 a Teeth extracted witiront pain, tos4 ny bad effects. Off Ise over Gleam 'Men & Stanbury's Office Main h!ts • Exeter, 1 - mipw.NiNo 1).., M0.4 al • P, S. Graduate Wistoria Unitaara eity Office and residence Donsitaion: LabrAatasoiroy.91,atEexectoerro,ner, ot Ht4od , et/ D loRsoN & CARTANG 11 Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Ciinti veyancere Commissioners, •Solieltatea for the Molsone• Bank eta. , ;1 Money to Loan at lowest rates of 4, t crest. , OFEICB—MA1N STREET Eet. 01'1M , I. R. Carling 13, A. h. •014katti 3104'NEY TO LOAN, , , 1 1 o Farm for Sale That firs dares farm beiagt (tittle bed South'hall of lot '3 Cen, Cotitaizing 50 acres 'of eaoice land b acres of bush 35 acres of grase svindmili and tank on never failing . well of sprite; water well suited for grazing well fenced and underdrainede Convetnient to school and chufah being dietanO two miles from Centralia:, Fang poieessint en first of Novena- ber. For teanas and particulars.; ap ply ° on the premises, to Blishe Carroll Saintablery or to Thos. Canaerom Auctioneer Farquhar P. 0. Houses for Messxs Seed. aid Matchand are of- fering for sale a twfine new bleak residences. on the dtd Manion Efease Property: 'they are ace 'ipped -with furnace, eleotrid light; batls and closeU They are papered and ,graineel and will be ready to occupy,, ID two er threo weeles. Apply to We's, Snell, Exeter. "louse for Sale or Refit A cornfertable brick cottage, with arted sized. parlot., dieing room, two bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed and cellar. - Stable and some fruit trees. Corner Albert and Huron streets, a ohoice legation. Terms to Putt. S. M. SANDER' NOTICE! bereas my wife, Mary Jane Veal, having lift my bed and board without my knowledge or consent, I hereby notify all whom it may concern, that I will not be responsible for any debts she may incur in my pame. • WILLIAM VEAL Elimville, Oct. Stb, 1912. House for Sale FOR, SALE—A gro'oca 8 room House 3 lotes, A Lice home Enettiot nt 'Times Offecei Auction Sale F Of E'er/O., arm. Stock 'aed Impte- mer.ts on Lob ,10eecua 1 •aley 7tt 1912 at 12.00 sltarp, ' r Norman jarrott S, Prop • ;davit. lilre have a large amount of pri ate funds to loan on farm and va41, lage properties at lowast rate of in • GLADMAII & STANBUDIE ' Barristers, Solieitors, Main ELI Exeter. MISS G. E. M. BIESETT Aealfus We 17 Honer Graduate of the London ;Coe* eervatory of Music, Teaching.. Cate - lege of the Western; Uaivemitat, Teacker Piano -Theory -Elarnaor.ye, counterpoint and Musical Hisstoeat is epos prepared for must:ear exam* ina tiara- Tilo Ilsborno and fillibert l'aracr's Mutual Fire insur- ' 81166 Gompailll Head 9ff1ce. Farquhar, ont. President—a. L. RITSSErtiO • Yale -Pres. RoLIT, GARDINER DIBECTORE I ROBT tfORRIS TROS. RYAN 33ROCIa ORO ROY Stet& • Dablia 1 Winolaelsek Bpi n holm, • on AGENTS ;Mills; ESSER I° Exeter. agent' Uste borne and Richaulpb. ,.OLIVER HARRIS Musero agent for ilibbert Fallarton and Logen. W. A. TCRNHIJILL Secy.Treas. Farquhar- , erAimrAN & STANI3URY o lici tors. Exeter. 'Electric Restorer or 'Men Phosph000i restores every nerve in tine bodi • to its proper tension ; restokm. vifit zkid vitality. Prereatare decay end all sexti411 eeltness averted at once. rhO4plionci1 w,1111 mare you a neve max. Pri-e Saa box. or twci ter ..Mailecl to :my address. Me Seobell Dirty Co., St. Cateutrines. Ont. ve if is interested ontl Slionld abmonat rthveewionwdehrifrrina sp;(41, DOUChili Ask your druggiet fin it. If he gannbt supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but sited sOmp,.for, 111115. tret'ed bookxteplpd. It gyves full trticulars and directions invaluable laues.wrirDsonsuPPLY.00..Windsor. , General Arents tor Canada. OAS 11111111111111111Do VARICOSE VE1 E , ler NO NAMES USED WITEIOUT'WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Horne -tor. Weeks:- . "Ilea.vy work; severe -straining andivilhabitsit youth 'brought on Varicose Veins. When I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a week at , a time. My tonally' physician told me an operation VLIS reyendy hope—but I dreaded IL I tried severalspecialists, but soon found oat all they' wantad was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked ore why I was off work so much and told him my conchtion. Headvised nle tO consult Drs. Nennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew - they were Square.' and skillful. 1 wrote them and got Tne New tremors TREATDIENT. My progress was somewhat -slow and "during the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However, I continued treatment for tbree months loiter and was rewarded with acomplete cure. I could only earn Ime a week in n machine I shop before treatment, now I ant earning $21 and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY a LOOITST. HAS 4,1rOtIlt1.000 SEEM DISEASED? ' 131,00D POISONS are the most preyalenrand most serious diseases. They sap the +rear life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradleated from the system will cause senensconaplications. Seware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms—our NRW ' METHOD cares all blood diseaSes. YOUNG ON MIDDLE iA.EMD MEN.—Imprudent acts or later excesses hate broken clown your system. You teel tb.e symptoms stealing over von. Mentally, physically and vitally you are not the man you used tit be or should be, Win youeoed the deign. signals? DE' DER grYITItolOCIIII;11?dillett;3drukaVilici°1 Zglolk=ciln 44° marryp will cure you. What it has done fbe °there it will do for You. consultation 'Free, No 3:natter who has treated 'pot, write for an honest opinion Free of Chorea, gooksyreir—uBayilood, manhood, EatherhoOd." (111uStroted) on Diseases of Man. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No naincit on Loxes o etxvelones. Everything Confidentitt4 Question Litt and Cott of Treatment •FREE FOR ROME TREATMENT'. .... 1)RSO KENIN EDYat KE core Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., -Detroit, Mich., 1107110E'A11letters from Cettacla must be addressed to our -Canaleit- Correeptaadeuce Depart- •,. Deastinismotaases rientin ,Wiu sorV , Ont. . you deetre to see us personally call at our 1dedica1 Institute in Detroit as we 800 atoltreat tiO patients ita our 'Windsor offices ,4arlaicli are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. ilddress all letters AS 10110WO ' DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, 'Windsor, Osit. IF,diffitor male,* to, mate*, ,%1Avo.r. „ ,