HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-17, Page 3LITTLE BOY \\ StiOBERLY TAKEN WITH DIARRHCEA VOMTIPiG If you are euddenly taken witle Dina rhcea,Desentery, Clic Crampe, or Pains in the Stomach., Cholera Merinis, Sum- mer Complaint, or any Looseness of the Bowels, do not waste any time; but . immediately ocure a bottle of D. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and •it will cure you, in no time. Mrs. H. L. Steadman, Pleasant Rivas, NS., writes: A. Tear ago this fall, my little boy was Suddenly taken ill with diarrhma aud vomiting, and as or doctor is ten miles distant, it seemed as if I could not get • help soon enough, hut on going -to the country store I purchased" a bottle of • Dr. Fowler's Eetract of Wild Strawberry, and after the erst dose could uotice an improvement, ane. the :met day the child was better and regained health. n Since that time I always keep it on hand." Insist ou being given "Dr. Fowler's" , when you ask for it. Price 35 cents. Matufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. - JIQUSEIIOLP C1101Clill RECIPES, §,11 Apple Cake. -One eup of 'tart ap- ple sauce ; one cup of granuleted sugar; half a cep of butter. a cup of seeded raisins; two cups of float , a teaepooriful of soda, and she same of ground cinnamon and of elevee; one egg. Stir the soda iato the ap- ple sauce, then proceed ie the usual order with the rest of the ingredi- ents. Meek Oyster Soup. -Serape a bueeh of salsify, cut he one-ineh pieces and boil till tender, Dein. Said one quart of bilk, add a, pinch of mace, season end thicken with one tablespoonful of butter and one tablespoonful of 'flour rubbed • to- gether. Add the salsify, and just before serving add the yolk of one egg, which has been well beaten and blended with a little hot milk. Meek Cream Pie. -tine a pie plate with rich crust and bake. Fill with a mixture 'made of the follow- ing ingredients ; 0)30 cupful of • milk, one of sugar, two tablespoon- fuls of cornstarch, yolks of two eggs and vanilla to flavor, Cook until thick, then fill the crust with the cream. 'ver with a meringue 'made of the ,shites oftwo eggs and two tablespoo 'uls of ' sugar, and place in the oven • until a light brown. Chocolate Sponge. - Soak 1% ounces of gelatin in a little cold railk. Heat two cups of milk in a double boiler, add to this 2Y2 ounces of melted chocolate and five tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar. When hot pour over the gelatin and stir until dissolved. When cool add one cup of thick cream, one-half cupful of crushed almonds and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Let it get cold, but before it sets whip lightly and pour into a wet mold. Never Fail Cake (no crearaing.of butter and sugar is required in mix- ing this cake) -One and three-quar- ters of a cup of flour; two level tea: spoonfuls of baking powder; one cup of granulated sugar. Sift nb- gether into a mixing bowl -the dry ingredients. --Break two eggs into a cup and fill to the brim with,sweet milk. Pour upon the flour, etc., in the bowl, and beat in the table- spoonfuls of melted butter. Do riot stir until all the ingredients are in the, bowl. Then beat hard and L,,,g This will make a two layer DRINK BILL OF 013,986,145. • Britain Spends $500,000,000 More In Drink Than on Navy. Figures just compiled for twelve months show that the drink expen- diture of Great Britain aggre•ga.tes •$813.986,145, while the total cost -the navy, inehediag new construc- tion, is only $309,796,885. These • figures ehow that the drinking habit noste $504,189,260 a year more than the eost of all the navy. , During the year $992,629,940 was expended lay the United Kingdom, ITnited Sta,tes, Japan, France, Rus- sia, Germany, Italy, and Austria- Hungary for the upkeep' ;of their • -navies and new &Instructions, 'which is only $178,642,795 more than -was expended in drink by the Bri- tish people. KAFFLRS BUYING BICYCLES. A taste for European clothes, -cheap furniture, European food, bi- cycles, tin, trunks., etc., is reported to be developing among the eolored native populaAien of South Africa, •according to the -official trade re- port. The oommiseioner estinaates that 26,351,000 is the value of the • native population to overse-a,s ex-, porters of goods. Hitherto trade with the natives -known aa "Kaffir teuek" trade -has oatoprised chief- ly cheap goods, such as beads, cot- ton blankete, brass, copper and steel wire and cheap cutlery. The • natives are now earning bettei.- wages and this is developing their taste. NEWS FROM SUNSET COAST W HAT 'IJi WESTERN PE° PEB ARE DOING. Progress of the Great West tow tn a Pew Poiated Baled hay is $14, a Uni. in Chilli- aelc„ Sweet •eider in Enderby sells for 40 cents a gallon. Nelson, B.C., is to have a new fire hall, costing $29,900. No rain fell at Fort Fraser during the month of August. • There are 221 pupils -,etttendiug the public schools in Coleman. Three million feet of lumber a TYREE HITS FROM, PARIS• month are, being shipped -b. -am En- derby. These are Styles that are quite prominent et the 6treetts of the French capital, They display a1. Paasenger trains are now reaming variety of tastes, but all conform to the idea of the close -fitting, bonnet -like type that looke to become ' 1 to Tete Jaune Cache three times a popular this fall and winter. ' week. In two months 227 ear loads of Jeeus's ministry and has eo'cliron- produce have been shipped from ological connection with the first, Armstrong. part of the lesson. Capernaural Creston, B.C„ shipped a car a was an important eil:,y on the aorth- day of fruit_and tomatoes during west shore of Lake Galilee. the picking season. A centurion -An officer in the Ro- Applee gr -own in the Keel°, B.C, egg mixture. Bake, covered, until the mixture is hissing hot. Serve Lemon and heated. erackers with it. NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS. If the tips of shoe laces pull off, twist the ends of the string and dip into glue. They are as good as when new. • - When the cream is too thin to whip, add the unbeaten white of an egg. You will have no trouble whiPping the cream. ' • When filling the gem pans with batter, leave one of the cups emp- ty and fill it with water. The gems will brown nicely without burning. In heating the oven the draughts -should be closed when the coal is well started. Ina word, to save fuel • plan ahead and then watch draughts. • Rus t can be removed from steel by covering it with a lump of fresh lime and polish in the ordinary wee . For a creaking door rub the edg- • es with soap and then, with the ad- dition of a few drope of oil on the hinges, the nuisance will be r,eine- INTERNATIONA.L LESSON, • OCTOBER 20. Lesson III.-MissIon :to the Gen- tiles, Mark 7. 24-30; Matt. 8. ,• 5-13. Golden Text, John 6. 37. SOLAR ENERGY. • One of the important preblems of the future is to find a practical method of using part 6± the radiant energy that reaches the earth from the sun. The supPly of coal and mineral oil will some day be ex- hausted, but long before that time probably, man will have learned •how to harness the sun's rays. Ac- cording to the calculations of Sir •J. J. Thomson, fully 7,000 horse- • power to the acre, ea about 4,500,- 000 horee-power to the square mile, reaches the earth on a, clear day, in the form of radiant 'heat. cake. Caramel Tapioca 'Pudding -Soak a cupful of tapioca in two cupfuls of milk over night. In the morning put it into the inner vessel of a double boiler with two more cupluls of milk and simmer until it is clear and tender. • Beat in the yolks of three. eggs, sweeten to taste;. add a half cupful of brandy or wine; and pour into pudding dish to get cold. Cararael Sauce foi. the above -Brown a small cupful -of sugar in a pan over the fire. When it is melted and -dark add a cupful of boiling water and boil down to a thick syrup. Then add the whites of three eggs beaten to a standing froth and pour oven the pudding. 9pple and Nut Dumplings. -- Pare and cut into thin slices ripe, tart apples. Have ready a geed pastry as for pie. Roll out and eut into rounds rather larger than for cookies. In the exact centre of each lay four slic,es of apple, sugar gen- erously, and upon the top arrange a tablespoonful of chopped nuts-- pecens or walnuts or blanched al- rnortcls--suger them and lay a sec- ond round of pastry on these. Pinch the edges together and stamp with the handle of a spoon or a "jiggi'ng iron," if you have it, to prevent the escape of juice, and bake to a nice brown. When half done they should be weshed over quickly. and without taking them from the oven -with :white of egg beaten light with a little sugar. This makes. a beautiful crust. Eat hot with hard or liquid sauce. died. Cranberries can be kept fresh in- definitely if put in a jar and filled up with cold water. Place a lid on lightly and change the water every day or two. • Colored stockings should be wash- ed in a Suds of warm water and soap. Rinse thoroughly and wring very dry, then hang •them in the shade to dry. A bruise should be bathed im- mediately and freely with very hot water. The cong.estien will then lee relieved and no•ugly discolora- • The ei'OSS was formerly a. part of all signatures, made as an evidenee of the subscriber's faith, and not of inability to write, as it is now. Cemnared with the amount of tea anianally corienmed in 1859, the "United Kingdom to -day consumes over three times the amount. ""'EPEll v% ITO LAME BACK WAS NIU7 AWE TO STRAtinirrElt UP MARK. 7. 24-30. Verse 24. From thence he arose - Up to this time Jesus had limited his -work almost wholly to Galilee. Now he leaves Galilee for an ex- cursion into the Gentile country lying to the north, where he may be temporarily' free from the rising tide of hostility which his miracles and teaching provoked among the scribes and Pharisees, and where he may retire for a season with the twelve.• • man army who commanded from district this year are of eoeption- fifty tootle hundred =Len or one •ally fine quality. hundredth part of a legion, litei Often in British Goluinbia Inclisea was probably in the employ of Her- girls only 10 years old can make $3 • od Antipae. Although very likely.; a day picking hops. not a proselyte, he favored the Oats seven feet high were grown Jewish religion sufficiently to haveethie season on ranches up the Elk Sse GAVE IP ILL It OF EVEN GETTillitiM Mr. Jacob E. Illerr, 111 Grange St., Stratford, Ont., writes: ---“Ten YeaTS aee I suffered vvith a very peeulier diseasg I would go to bed feeling as well as catl _ be, and after slee,ping lor ave hogs I would wake with a severe pair. in my back, then moving into my side an(' i breast. The pain was 59 terrible could net lie in ray bed, and usually ha to sit tiveil morning with a pillow proppe up behind my back. With all my pain I would go to work, and after working up to about 10 o'clock the 'Dein would leave me entirely. The -same thing would kap, pen the next night, and every sight for tWO years. 1 tried. four rlierent doctors 1 but none of them dict me any good. I tried a great many patent medicines, but all of no avail. I gave up all 'hopes ef ever getting well. A friend persuaded me to try Milburri's Heart and Nerve Pills. I bought four boxes, and after using the first one I felt a change for the better, and after usitig three boxes 1 could sleep an night. The pains were gone, and I was completely curvi. 0 1V1ilburn's Heart and Nerve fills are 50 cents per bon., or 3 boxes for $1.25, 0 all clealers,eoe mailed direet on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, eareeseeweieeeeereemeeeemeweeee.eaeseesew The borders of Tyre and Sidon - It is probable. that Jesus did not merely approach the boundary be- tween Galilee and the Gentile, coun- try, as the word "borders" might suggest, but that he penetrated the region about the two cities. Com- pare verse 31. Would have no man know it - This attempt at secrecy showsethat it was the purpoSe of Jesus not to pursue his work here. He desired to confine his ministry largely to the Jews. 25. Straightway -The incident oc- curred immediately after his arriv- al. His fame had preceded him, so • that even temporary retirement was impossible. • • built a synagogue at 0.,,5xtvauniki, Biver, British Columbia,. (Luke 7. 5). 6. Servant -Or, bok. Proloably a favorite slave. 8. Net worthy that thou shouldest me under my roof -The centur- The G.T.P. will cross the Fraser River four times between Tete Jaune Cache, and Fort George. This has been a good season in the Atlin camp. One placer pro - ion cleaned tip $65,000 this sum - ion did not forget that he was al P_.."_Tet;Y Gentile and knew that the Jews re-' meNreheemo held ets most successful defiled: exhibition this year. In three days garded a Gentile house as and defiling 'those who entered it.i the attendance totalled 4,500. Compare John 18. 29. The production. of gold in Klon- dike this year will be worth $5,- 9. also am a man. under author - 000,000. This is an increase of a ity-He believes that as he himself million over last year. is but an under officer of a great this year the building per- • military power, yet securee °been- so ear .50 mite at Oak Bay, Victoria, have t0- ence from theise in his command, $842,058, as against $88,549 Jesus, who has supreme autherity• tailed over the natural and spirituel for lase year. A medicinal hot springs has been werlel, has but to speak and las` • tion will follow. • . Had an unclean spirit -Was pos- Window shades that have been sessed by a demon. ..This phrase is cracked can be renovated m the frequently eraployed in the. Gels - following way: Lay the, shades flat on the floor and paint them .with the ordinary oi pain . pels with reference to persons who were -affected with nervous disor- ders Primitive pe,ople have ever • When a sponge has become sour been unable to distinguish clearly rub a fresh lemon into it and then between the natural and spiritual, rinse A several times in lukewarm a-nd have commonly attributed phy- . water; A -will become as sweet and . clean as when new. If the sadiron becomes rough and sticky tie a piece of wax in a cloth and rub the iron over it. After- ward scour them on a paper or thick cloth covered with coarse salt. Silver should never' be allowed to stand over night without -washing. If it is not possible, to do the dish- es take time to wash the eilver in warm water, wipe it dry and put it away. There is no better elisinfectatt ELS distinguished from the rooms -which are occupied, let it SYria. "- Mr. C, Grace, I-lamilton, Ont., writes: I was suffering with lame back, and for :two weeks w,as not able to straighten up -to walk, and hardly able to sit down for the pains in my back, ,hip S and legs.. I had used different kinds of pills, plasters, _liniments and medicines, without any ;relief, On&day there was a B.B.I. book I.eft at 'our doOr, and I read about Doan's Kidney Pills, and I decided to trylhem. • Before 1 had_half 0. bpx„ used I felt a great better,:and by the time I had used two boxes.I was cured, 1 have no hesita- tion itt oteominending Doan's Kidney Pills to all steyering isa 1 did, or from any • illness arisingfreindistased-kidneys.' , , ?rice 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes fox at all dealers, or will be Malted direct ,o±1 receipt, • of price by The T. ,tdilburn Co.) Limited, Toronto, Ora. t.4.. When ertlering direet, specify "Don'." than sunshine. Let it flood the sical ailments which they understand to mysterious evil spirits. Fell down at his feet -Prostrated herself, assuming an attitucle„ef reverenee and obeisance. 26. A Greek -Although technical- ly meaning a member of the Greek race, the term was used by the Jews because of the wide diffusion of the Greek race and language, of • Gentiles generally. A Syrophoenician by race -- The woman was a Phoenician and a na- t. of the Roman province of command is executed. 11. Many shall come from the east and the west -Many not of the stock of Israel shall by faith enter into the kingdom of God. Abrahann and Isaac, and jacob- discovered ateLakelse Lake, nese Prince Rupert'BeC., and a sanitar- ium will be built there. A resident <if Nelsen picked a cro- cus dri. the 21st of -September. He didn't know whether it was the last Patriarchs and founders of the e -of the 1912 crop or the first of the spiritual founders of the kingdom Plebng hops by machinery has Sardis. The hop output is large this year arid Indians are principal- ly employed to pick it, William H. Valix, a native of England and /1 yea,rs of eve, was burned to death in his ealin at Greenwood. He was a veteran of the Crimea and had also fought in the American civil war. ' While Mr. and Mrs. Waldermere Cook, residents of Vancouver, were away, a tree blew down at their tent. in which they were living tem- porarily, and killed their baby hen four weeks old. Vancouver, was ehanged to Con- naught Bridge in honor of the visit of the Duke of ConnaNht. The Cambie Bridge, a name intimate- ly oonnected with the history of Duchess of Connaught re-chrieten- ed the bridge. 'Work will soon begin on the new Ocklfellows' block to be built in Vic- toria.. It will have a banquetting hall capable of seating 400 persons, and a ball room where 800 can trip the light fantastic. The building will be heated by oil fuel. Indian Agent Deaeey, of IVIa.ssett, B.C., says the pay -roll ef the Mas - sett Indians engaged at the Wallace 'Fisheries, Nadan Harbor, 33.0., will .araount to $60,000 far the sea- son, and at the. B.C. fieheries at Skiclegate would go over that sum; MAUD HEATH'S CA.USEWAY. Built By e Wise and Excellent Mar- ' kot-Woman. One of the really interesting thinge for the traveller in England to sea is Maud Heath's Catiewsnana the gift of a public-spirited widow to two English towns four hundred and fifty years a,go. Maud Heath of Langley Burrill, Wiltshire, was a thrifty and industrious market -wo- man, whose trade necessitated fre- quent trips to • Ohippenham, the nearest market -town, a, noted agri- cultural centre since the days of King Alfred. There was a good highway, but it ra,n. through low meadow -land, and in spring, when the waters of the Avon were in flood, it was often overflowed for two miles, or so of the way. .People were sometimee &owned in trying to reash the near- ket-place, and the danger, loss and inconvenience were great. Maud Heath, with • her hard- earned money, built a causeway, running --beside the road part. of the • • die -tame departing from it to cut acres fields in others; a stone -em - beaked footway, rising later upon ' fine, high, sturdy arches of stone. It was a work built to endure; but the wise market-woma.n" at her death, bequeathed a. fund fax its repair and mainteaance, which has been so faithfully adminietered that not only is the causeway still sound and. seriTiceable, but there has been a surplus from which tee construct a new iron bridge across the river as well. The causeway, besides its contin- uing utility to the country fella af- fords a charming pleasure -walk to the, visitor. It is a mile and three- quarter,s Icing, and begins in Lang- ley• Burrill, where a raodest stone let in beside a gate bears the in- scription : From this Wiek Hill begins the brew race, also described as the 1913. . . been abandoned at Agassiz and of heaven which is here ,prefigured by a feast. is. Sons of the kingdom -Mem- bers of the jewish race. Outer darkness -That outside the brilliantly illuminated banquet hall and representing moral and spiritual night. ' Weeping and the gnashing of teeth -Expressing auger and disap- pointmentbecauses of what they have lost. , ROYAL CII_ASTISEMENT. Empress Maria Theresa Did Not Remember Joseph Haydn. hine into your bread boxes" and Libo-Phoenicia.ns who inhabited the butter jars; the sunshine makes them sweet. Hoarseness can be relieved by mixing one teaspoonful of glycerin to the well -beaten white of an egg, the juice of one lemon ancl enough sugar to make it palatable. • Taking eold oan soraetiraes be prevented by 'breathing deeply when chilly. The body will soon be- corne much warmer because deep breathing sets the bloodoirculating more rapidly. A very handy apron to wear while making beds has two large pockets, into which you can elip things to carry downstairs or from room, to room. An apron like this -will save many steps. - V before putting down a carpet the flour is scrubbed 'with hot 'water made very salty, and if after the carpet is laid. it is sprinkled with salt onoe a week before sweeping, moths will disappear. WITH EGGS. Creamed Eggs. -Boil half a doz- en eggs very hard and when they ale done drop at once into ice cold water to prevent the yolks froxii blackening. Leave •the ea there un- til they are dead cold( Meanwhile make a good drawn 'butter, using milk instead of water f avid adding a little finely minced parsley. Peel the shell carefully from the eggs and cut therk into quarters. Ar- range them in deep dish or it nap- pies, pour the sauce over them, and set them (covered) in the oven for five minutes to heat the eggs. Serve hot, • Scalloped Eggs -Prepare as above and strew over the surface of the dish or the nappies when •filled fine bread crumbs. Dot with' butter and pepper and salt at dis- cretion. Scallops of Eggs and Irish - Boil the eggs hard and let them dool. Make a nice drawn butter, aod when youhave chopped the cold eggs quite small, mix with tbe sauce. Tian Into bake dish or nap- /See,- filling these three-quarters full, Cover with any cold fish you may have left over, Renia,ye all the skin, and hoees' aorl minee as fine is °wrier -before 'etiewitig over the , Carthaginia,n district in northAfri- ca. Matthew (15. 22) states that she was "a Canaanitish woman," which is not incensiste6, as the Phoenicians were of Canaanite de- scent. 27. Let the children first be filled -Jesus intimates that while his ministry has been largely confined to the Jews, the Gentiles will even- tually receive the benefits of the gospel. Compare Rom. 1. 16; 2. 10. Cast it to the dogs -While the Jews are distinguished as children, the Gentiles are referred to as dogs. The term fittingly describes the contempt in which the Jews held the Gentiles. The Oriental street dog was despicable beyond description, • Judging frorn the flop urs upon which the •conversation hinges, the species referred to was the house dog, 28. Yea, Lord; even the dogs under the table cat ef the chil- dren's crumbs -The faith of the -woman, combined with her intelli- gence, and her persistent attitude, urged on by laer pressing need, helped her to overcome the rebuff of Jesus. Ib is as though she said, "It is true, Lord, that the meal is for the children, hut the dogs also hav& a, place in the hoosehold and are in their turn also ±e4.'' She was pressing her elairn fax what she believed rightfully belonged to he2r9, For this saying -Jesus could not deny her appeal when confront- ed with such implicit confidence and trust. An a.musing incident of the healthy boyhood of the great com- poser, Joseph Haydn, is given by Mary Maxwell Moffat in her bio- graphy of the Austrian EPapre,ss, Maria Theresa. When von Reutter became choir- master of St. Stephen's Cathedral he had Joseph Haydn among his pupils. . During a visit to the Hungarian Prince Esterhazy, in 1773, Maria Theresa took oecation to say a word of praise to Haydn who had com- posed th emusic of !the opera given in her honor, and had conducted the performance. She expre,ssed the conviction that she had seen him before, although -she 'could not re- member the oecasion. rhe last time your lVaiesty was pleased to take uotice of me, said Haydn, "you ordered me eje, good thrashing.'' "That does not sound like me," rejoined the empress. "How did A happen 1" Then Haydn told of a 'Whitsuntide When, with other pupils of von R-eutter, heel been brought to Shonbruun to sing in the chapel. Between the services the boys took to -clambering over the scaffolding of the new wings of the palece, The empress caught sight of them, and sent, word forbidding the dangerous sport. But the attraction of the seaffolding was i r resistib I e; on the following day the boys were again risking their 'fleas. When Maria Therese expostulated with • von Rentter, his eurreise that the ring- leader was "that. young searop, Jo- zeph Hayeln," led her to suggest that the tad be wed to improve his memory. a SCENE OF FIRST MIRACLE. Prof. Lucien Gautier of Geneva, Switzerland, declares that the re- eently excalated 'ruins- near Tiberia comprise, • among other buildings, the synagogue mentioned in St. 'Luke's Gospel vii., 1-10). The pil- lars and walls, which have been discovered lying together in confa- sion, could be easily reconstrueted, says Pref; Gautier, to fortn the syn- agogue built by the Centurior; and in which the Redeemer worked his first miracle, the casting but a deo- its (Mark i., 21-28), 44 Germany there is a, plan under consideration for givtng the doctors one day's rest in seven. MATTHEW 8. 5-13. Verse 5, Entered into Capernaum -This incideot eeperted by Matthew peeurred during the first Galilean period at the beginning of THE SWIFTEST BIRD. Though the petrel is swift, the frigate bird is far swifter, Seamen generally believed that the frigate 'rd can start at daybreak with the t ade winds from the, eriast of f- *rica, and roost the sa,me night upon 07 per tent,. are in t the•American s -e. Whether this States; Europe, 26- per (mt. Can - all other countries a, trifle more than 4 per eent. • Telephone plants r re sen t a total i nv e st rn en o $1,- 72,0,000,000, arid the ritunher of Yearly phone eonnections is esti- thought to pot -teed hurrieXtati, mated at M000,000,000. praise Of Maud Heath's gift to these highways. 'Where it ends, in the suburbs of the market -town, another stone de- clares : Hither extended Maud Heath' • gift, For awihifter.e I stand is Chippenham the remembrance of -the wise andl ..e. ,1689, is a sun -dial, dedicated with a long latialatory inscriptioia, "To the excellent market -woman. One, r erecte,d near the new bridge, in: memory of the worthy • Maud the hill, opposite the beginning of Heath." The other, on the crest of the eau seway, is a, stone column and peasant dress, with her market -bas - really is remembered by more than statue of Maud herself, in quaint ket by her side. Moreover, she students and antiquarians; her name is known and honored by every man. woman and child • throughout the countryside. Two eehee memet__orials preserve The list of unknown insects is in- creased annually by the addition of about eight thousand spe.eitnens. • IN TER E G FACTS. Culled Fer Our Readers From All Parts of the World. The preciee weight of an ounce was Bxed by Henry III. The greatest depth -of the sea yet -discovered is 32,089 feet. Children are not allowed to deal vvith a pawnbroker in London. The boot and shoe trade -ranks ninth among the ,American iedus- triTeal.o. nurnber of uncharted reeks aenmdorinsltieectaltso 4c14i2sc. overed lest year There are twelve thousand miles of paved -streets Lohdon's pollee area. London is the richest city in the world, and her slums are the most di sgr ace f ul A movement is on foot to elimi- nate the adulteration evil Of the silk trade by weighing. The French police do not make use, of handcuffs, but a chain with erosslaar on each end. A piece of -camphor buroed over a candle is an Indian method of driv- ing away winged pesC, 1. A comes ot the world's telephone instrument& showe the total to be about 12,453,000,of which mere then ado, a shade over 2te; per eettio, and is a fact has not been conclusive y determined, but it is eertain . that thit bird is the swiftest of winged ereatures, and is able to ily. under faverable eenditions, eon miles an hoer. Its eppearence nene ne d is If IOU WELL \YOU MUST XEEP THE OOWEL:v OPEN Any irregularity of he bowels b always dangerous, and should be attended to at once. If the bowels c".ease to work properly, all the other organs becerue deranged. Milburn's Late -Liver Pills work on the bowels gently and naturally, and • will cure the worst case.s M: constipation. Mira j. }lubber& Port Colborne, Ont., writes: -"I have tried many remedies tor constipation and never f. td any. thing so good as your Milblo, ; taxa - Liver Pills We always keep a vial 'it, the house, lot we would not be without, urt1 lways teem:Mat:1Z theni tQ aier,...a." Milburn's Laxa,Liver Pills are 25 cents per -vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, ' or mailed direct on receipt of price bY The T. Milburn, Co., Lit:tilted, Toronto, Ont.