HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-17, Page 1o• You want ? Fetter Biseusi,a, Better Oakes Better Yloo Than you .have had, The use CON'S setktng Powder alt ie a very simptkt matte' to make dot i olOMld wholesorrte and not rishipg food when• you have the best powder to bake with. .25d Once used alwaysin favor, Cole's BRIg Shore ., $.14/d4104.411 ' AII r 'KEIG1'ITIR YgAR--No 2017, r,. Huron c idd!ase Gazette eems000moomeemool0000ismo EXETER, ONT CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING TR ICE Qlx'*'Q'a. _. l 'remeavekta sari oieai�se A»4' l l teeth and will k:eep:tbem to }�eirge Ilio t Xf o Wtautyovr toetlli tO :la enty.years tla'eu,uae xa l l Pearl Tooth Po tae a can at Cole's Drug Store (Home of The ltexa11 Remedies.) OCTOBEB17th, 1912.. 4.00 per year in ad'varc. JONES&MAY PLIONE 32 .: Fall and Winter Wear Every Department is filled up with the good warm"Wearables for Winter. Furs ! Furs! All the New Styles are here in the Seasonsebest Furs. Ruffs, ' 1Vluffs and Stoles $1 to $25. Underwear, _Underwear for Fall and. Winter in :Mens, -womens and Childrens a A fall stook of everything.g Dress. Skirts We are shGwing a real nice lot of Ladies Skirts in Tweeds, Serges. and' Panam-ts. Sweater C oats In ever color•and variety of Styl- es. es. Ladies, Girls, Mens • and Boys. The best Makers $ 1 to $5. 'Gloves andµllose _ � This department -is "welllooked after. Everything bnat is worn is shown here. All colors, all kinds Rain Coats. For the wet weather to come. Either Ladies or Gents from $7.50 to $14.00 -each. 5 Overcoats dBo Mens an . y and Sults The real swagger Suits and Over- coats for Fall ' and Winter are . all here You must See them. 'Prices down. 0 g evil lag 44. We are still selliug a lot. of Winter Coats. This has been a great Season for us in the Coat °us'iiiiess. They must be correct. We have another lot Just in and will be Teased to show you the real nifty. stuff. Big Collars and Reveres. Blanket .Cloths and Reversible Clothes:: Millinery .Don't Forget Millinery Jones &: May, Exeter Phone 32 mungsrawasomur Buildeis Hardware: Exeter Sc,hao1 Board Miriatw:s; of the 3oard MOotigg heild! in the rlowdt; Hall. Monday Otto 14thi absent' I 'Armstrong, The ;f'ctl- lowin,rn is the order of boolneeis, duly sa'bini•tted and approved. Per chair minutes of vrevious. m'eetl'i,rig, Bieporta of Com -Wood fifty corder 'geared per Mr, Prayne, price as for 1911. .applies, 'Eult lint reee'ived except books, 'Teaelier s•ipply vriss. @uaeleen- baah, rotsigtaed, 1'ririelpal att'endanc'e En II. Et, Department 68, work pro- gressing well kiss Oamlrlyell'S late department in good shape. I3,' S. pa'p- erre reports tc eover all the work to be issued for the futrare ere>z:y two montks' Pottle vseliool repertva as, Lia that paaet', e'l ernioal supplies ingood shape; At horde 'to be held 5.nC. school Nov; 1st. Field Day saneelled for"Ithe present ,season. Ii. N, *rectal and 'A', d0 Peke the t the principals' re- port be accepted ;'er A Ti. Puke arid' 73, N. IQQreeeh, that e 'coopiie of loads of dressing be seorired for 'flower beds.. Refered to Floral Committee,. Per R, N.!Cnei,'olii and F. 'Wood that the 'report .of. the 'Inearanee corm, lee referred !beak , for further bend erat•ion. • Per E. 'rood and Gladman 'fleet Musts Irene Qaacklen- baah. le allowed resignation asde- siredand that the services of Mics Erie Quaekenbtash be retaineel at' the same salary as ordered' tor that De- partment for '12 tired '124 and that the salary paid Miss Quackenbush be at tie rate of 40200 per annum, and: tho lbalatge a Miss !Campbell paid oty'thie same Omelet, Per Ir. W, Glad - man, o.t d R. 141, if recall, That P, Wood and 'the chair the a committee to watt! or. Rev. 1)•, 'W,',tdoliins and Mr, }hamar: in refereece to the Contin. •e,e physical drill. Per F W dart o� si. t I?ye • Trus- tees report of del, anon to res frw r or g tees rrorvcnbion ,a t; Godericl•., Sept 26th attendance and prganizatio,:. approv- ed 'w-ith, the following o' tl+iines• aa in- itial lgacal conventions lo be called by the Inspector for leach .Township !delegates to be appoirte9' by local the !Comity corvetpi:i,esie to y rnaeti g Locks for Builders 25c to 50c -Locks as out 500 per Set Butts. Hinges and Glass complete Stocks for Houses,Barns,Etc. • Ilamrner Brands Plaster $3 per bbl Hand. Saws• 50c to $2.53 tGood Farmer's _�aw �1,00 Hay Council Coanoi.l poet Saturday October ;5th, all present). jay •haw No '8 a,atl orLz- i.tg the -issue of $18000 debt:int-urea for the Telephone isyatbm. was dily naesed.. (The debenture nate was strrick a t $55.20 for each 'telr:rnti'ono or an annual payment of '$7.148 lThd'coancil bought,l3-4 mile of tel- egraph poles which will .malos good tele bLoaz. tpalets.: (Claims tfor sheep killed by !doge were n.s�'o;t d ., to to t c p the aanoi.11.• Peter Illeherer '$42 laid ovtcir• hill next it eteting' ' Peter, Deienert ,$6 was allowed (The ;follosving amounts were order- ed to (be pard. Maiicipat World (bl,anlcs 12182; GT R, Co', freight beile'phore •s applies 1.00; Can Express Co, express charges 40 •ett's C. Either grading S 63. 1400 Hartman. rep c•ilvert con, 15 50 ets; 11. Steinbach rep colvtert con I44 1..50 Hammers from .50c to $1 G il3rocle telephone suppliie,s, ,1.;175; W G• The 46,75; s vvorlr n tel,. 'ora s, C>, , ix J. p 7� Pra:et. r (tc ! . iho>;,,: sx 1`es. 4.3.3; . Il Good Value: 4oc and 5Uc 1 Koei'hlehr work tach hogs 14,17 re tri , Warm horse hire :telephone,,.' 12;00 E. Zeller 13 months salary 'tele'phan,e 180.00 P, Mclsaao 3 months salary 100.00 II, Walter rep celvrerts• ro. ad 1.100 tC, ,Sch.illbe rep t:alverts or. 14y •con $1; 1. McDonald reeer bridge eon 6 1$3; 'R, T•,rrl:bull rep cut/er(' atd 'drain 16; W4 CO. Hess 8-4 Mille of teltegraph line .50; W. G, i3es,s, six telephone poles 13.00 Canadian Inde- per•dent• telephone Om el ppli:el 129.07; The Northern ,electric and. man a,fact- iri.n:g iCo, supplies 3.6 .03; 0, McAl'11iis-1 ter drain: across, rouad$3; II. Howard 2 drai.rd ,a:nrvss road '5 P. licicl,e'rt eLelo killed by dogs, ,l 4; 0, 'L',• W'al,per e 150 valuating tshe for lac p . n c �+ iCoaroi,t will meet etgeiin on Satur- AN�D STOVE STORE day ,the 'second' day of November at one o'clock p, m HEA'' AN'S. Use CHI-NAMEL and Camp : . bell's Varnish forStainirenew ing all interior, woodwork. Makes the old look new 15, 25, 45, and 1.00 'For Fall Painting. we carry a complete stock of Lowe Bros high Standard Paints and. Ele 1 phant Paint 600 and 65c per qt • } Locals Prato&i;ee was it Toronto' i lasiq' week: Mrs, George 'AF ers,an was in Lon - 40 a oa-;doa Mond;ay,., Mls's, °Ila 3'ohru'tten entertained on. T'xeeday'. evetinc'''>i Mrs', •Tas, Roup of I i,rkton &pen'' Mor_day to town., 4Vltss Virey ]?oarson of London i i r risit tr �r lea. town lire ill;, :Moore of Wi.rgl:aan was is toter' over Sweday4 Mit, Jrd, l norr, left Teesday for Crodifoa 1 'spend' the• winter. MA, 'LI, •' Jones of St,. 'fhomsl News 'of the District Tract wsrekC aptrtess'were s'hipirerL fro e eirkot«a. at 'the ,nate of one thouean'di barrens a dm.y', Odyfiald Fair wee field last 'week and owing to flee wee weather an. the ,Cecord day the exhibits and atten- dance wars not largei• • . ' Ta. ets 7liieQ'aeur. of Stanley lost'a val!rable. 7;orae reletxtly by 'falling in a well. to r. amber of mien gathered to take it ear' but' when taken out it was dead • It was valued at $300,80 'Mr, Wm, Weir et near Wrox,,'it'er 'di•ed very eadderily at his hone. 1Te expired while sitting. on the -verandah The late Mr. Weir was orae pf 'thle Pe- eree eommiissbewrs for North Heroe led on fri;endm in town Friday, ' Or. Wbdnesdsa,v of Jest week es Mrs; .Mess Smith of. Jones ',Ye May spent Er.giwnd, of Werogham, was . heating' C3azdayat her home in Sgt; Marys some peas in, hot water, the can: ex - Mr. George Moir of Traverse City aboat ded•ish,edfaceea> dseyes. lyl�eraley,- woak, visited 'in town )liar the past sight will not be af'fect'ed. iv�aek, Rev. A. 10, Wi l`a.r' pastor of the M-chael Erlber o ,Ch; • Mr, and Mrs, i Itelv'ille Przsbyterfat church, Tiriass- Cabo fir; etre visiting' their ' aiste'r' el 'ties: acceptre�d a Gael frorn St", Mrs, Fratk brAllote• Palle' Presbyterian chortle Calgary Alena Pearl the little dda'e ;titer of one of the leading charges in the AI - Mr. U - d Th ` as Harris of s irorte. c' • 1`.o will•e >y'Ir. tin Mrst,, ocrcity. 3 pr acl:, his :fare- borr Mrs 5,'Hardy was ir. New Han '• Mr. 'crib. Leslie', who for nearly burg ox Thursday atteridine the fun- fifty years has been a resident of eral se his brother. Edward J, of %Mi,nton�. pa:esod away oa October .6th. Port Ilarori, ' after bet. a, few days. allows. The Crashed against the. side of the deseaseki WI a carriage builder, stall by or.e of kis horsed William Vas While in Clinton he eta sew of near Zurich its laid u,p�" .at town council and his home with. a broker collar bone-, tole beeeofee oir Lr It will be some note e before ke will be 11'1 thodist ,ch'rc°i, - able to lie about agalti, deesratedl at r a, The 1V, M, S. of James )!Street ke dred dotlar, , ' eh arch. met at the �iarsorage on 'been, entered into, Th arsday lash or cl enjoyed a social done lea t ovein,leer•. Kite. t$rarsonat,;' tihte. ])arirg the indetin; .the re- lips oast recently bae.n ren©voted', gref' ore tl-.e :society ~vas expressed At tt,ie:,si.ttit'g' of 6'he Iii,h `C.oart: in at the removal of Mrs, John • May 'bat London last week the Baste of Mar- extendeel the best wishes for their ptaret 'Atkisson, a5ainst the Grand happiness in their new home', `Trark Railrovay a suit I.o xeoovrr dam Graham-W'alteers- A cliiet wed ages £or the fatal acoedieir:t to Mho ding took place in the Trivitt Meteor- Atkinson a short distance from tal ch,aroh on Thursday October 10th. IClartdeboye on I3+,?braary "22nd iast�, at eight O'clock wher. the Rector Rev, was 'heard and the jary rendered• a marriage Mise verdict clearing the company of all blame of the accide'rt.. e is geLte i1T at, her h>?rne; well sermon;. next 'S'adrday. the dale to be the same as that of D. W, Collins waited en M the Teachers' Assooiatiot. Pre'iminaacy Nettie daughter of 'Mr, and 1VIrs Committees appointed with, P,, W. James Walter, and Mr. A; R; Gra Gia:dmar_ as convener Per F, Wood ham, of Iiamiltor., manager of• the and 11, N Creec i that Mr. Glad ens report be accepted ard expenseo in- eld'ett paid Per A, E, Fake and '£. Woad. 'that 'ti•e fte liowia:,g a ee:ants' he paid: We. ,T, Ileamar disObane etc, ,;SO McLear Expositor printing 5,80.. Toronto scalp y Co 38415; Garnet Hey- wood tabor 6,40; tW., S. Cole Sa.r_dri'es 3,05; W. 6. Cee less •retarrs'25; Per 13,, N. Credolo area P. W, Madman that the Traar-t officer be r'rctneeted to Luta the print ipa- with a Pull list of r.a mcs of :i-1 the children of ech:t4+I'' age within thesec t on; thlnt the Pri:r.oipa- cheek -rife OMR: "and firnish the Gist: of all ebsentees with reais,ane for r.onattendance for the ase of the chair aI: iLhe m,, ,:t re,gia.ar, meet-. ing of the Baer& Adjoarnment per R, N, :Creech., T GRTGG Secy. ' ' ' 131,DDULPH COUNCIL The T3iddalph Council met pursuant to ad•jourr.ment on October 7th tiiMin- ates of the last fretting were read ar.d aligned by Ile Reeve. The Tot - !towing 'entrants were ordered 'pnid 11 11 ,Radcliffe., a.tter.ding voters' list i,$4.00; R •-m�x.t• roll. ea vv' L, vrs,es' r appeal i.t s pP .! i s d noxtou_ twoa under Radcliffe days 13 Radc i[ e4 'weeds ]3y-In.vv er.d tecf a•lizi;n,g two un- ion tschool sections. 1100; .t0i,di1'ding Sidewalks per police. '•tr'astees order, 140400; Exper oc acco ant re voters' list appeal.;, 125.00; :Burly Hodgins gravel aecoart '3.75; IT W !Hodgins•. do, 0.75; 'Tdrs', Uri. Hodgins do4.00; ;Toler. Park do 156,75;; Michael 'Armi- tage 11 1-2 days it pit 505 Boys; minding nate 7 days 2:80; ; Tay Smyth gravel contract ,div 13, 24'..35; Jas.' w d'v Waaler, do 95.00; Ja, , \rt haler do- i 4 60.00; W, Davis spreading „travel: div,' 3 '2).00; F, 'Armitage oiler bi ,;ravel pit div 13 10,00; J. !Carroll right of way to pit 25.00; R, Dickers! T'CS hal for 'repairsdfi to bridge v 43 1;50 raffle arcd a charter south -of town, Jas lOarroll catti,tg weeds. ciao, 13.':i.00; ,"Their mar_y:friends will join with the Grace do dS..v, 4 )3000 • Z. E. Ph'i r- Times it extending con;rat'ilations,, gey rdihotir.g 5. 13', I3,00; Geo Phlnn aoco int for tile 'dive 1 4-5- 11,75; Jos- c h Heist tile 'daiv, 2 12.65; 14lrce. c1.LLEY-Ir. Clinton an October nth. Atkir.son county grant to Colby child- fo l;r and Mrs-, Gcllcy a daaohttar 25`00 Wm. 'Mal)ona.ld rc:p hilvrrt f0CLTNCF17d Ads theSal 'Tear_li,ne tray div�2 ,x,00; Geo 1 at.hiberr- ditching se or the "3rd insf', to Mr. and M.A. '.div h'.1•,Otl; David Term. do. 3,00; Wm. •14Ic'Gli«-c]�ey a .;on Bell Tel'epLot.:e 'm,esso:0s 430 ; FOSTEII_-At the 3,ibylor li;ne, Hay The 1Coicci.i a'djournrh to m'cct 'r•rs- on the 7th T.nst, to Mr. again. on Monday the- 7th of Novena- and Mrs. Alex. ber. 101'x, at 10 a. m w ]), STANLHY Clerk h 5th Inst to 1411, ,I3ELI:. RINGERS At'1IASSIEY HALL !TORONTO 03ark oC.;Commerce at Edam„ Sask, and formerly of Exetcrl Mr, and 1Arsl, Graham lelit or the morning trait for their home in the west', vitt-- M/1g e2t • ,•fordays " in iia a P' ittr several9 The bride travelled in a navy bile salt with hat to match: They skive the !best wishes of a horst of, friends/. Birthday Party=Ot Tees1ay and Wedtesday of this week Mrt E. A.; Penick gave a birthday party at hie rest'earatt it being the 25th Anniver- sary sir.ce starting lewdness in .town The ice cream parlor was beaatifu,113'. Aiecorated"for the oaeasion with terns' flowers maple leaves and pictures Cols tomers were provided with hot drink a piece of birthday cake and with either a cartation. mom or rose. The occasior- was a great saccess a large ramber from town and country be- ing served. The efforts of Mr, li'ol- lick daring the years he has been in business in town have been appyeciat- ed by the �cit,izets and he 'enjoyd. an excellent patronage- Kerslake _-Taylor-A pretty wed-- di:tg took place at the home of' Mair,, ar:d Mrs. We. Taylor.; Albert Street;.. or. Weduesda3 Oct, 16th when their daaghter Mary E, was united in mar- riage ri:age to Charles II. Kerslake., o- at three ceremony was performed clock by the Rave ldr; G „1Tr McAlister M;,'Ji, it the, presence of .thetimmed- iate relatives oC contracting parties The 'bride was attired it her travell- ing snit oE.navy blue skirt and cream waist', After the c,ercmory all sat down to a dainty wedding dej'e•arrer. The 'bride was the recipient' of many bcaatiful and useful gift•. The grooms gift to the pride was a hand- some set of silver ktives, and forks, the Mr, at.d Mrs, Kerslake heft on over.izig train for a short wedding trip rd after their retirn they will ide at the gloom's fine farm a BORN HARDWARE y� \Ile Have just Opened'Out ut worth of Travellers Samples including' Men's, Wo - O O 0 tneai 's and Children's Sweater Coats, fleece lined and � g � � • wor `wool Underwear, 'Underskirts, Fancy Collars, Handkerebiefs, Hosiery, v7erails, Shirts, Tweed Pants etc, TO BH. Sore, Ties, Belts, Braces, O SOLD Al BIG REDUO'lwIONS. (IOW AI3OUT THAT FALL SUIT Olt b tkatCOAT P`?? blade -to -measure Or Ready-to-wear? WB can please you in a B well QUALITY. .�1z,IC. a s s in your next` Try US for yo pair of shoes 0 Store: s S Exeter Bargain oPost Oft tea DoorNorth of FM Beavers s, RETURN I'INGAIGEMENT • IN NJ:+;W P30G1IA1VIE • 11O'i5AL ENGLISI•i 13.GLL RINGERS Thomas Lar.e a highly resspected. resident of Blanchard. for over 50 years' passed away or Sunday al the resiider.oe. df has dhoght'er Mrs. C:Iiss 1 0, Atkinson at the age of 72 D;eceas' ed, was;• e. liberal in polities and a Th d - Methodist Tr. religion; tinct �a a, h 3 term aLd one son sirvivre• The fun- eral was held T'r.,sday afte'rroon vr'it,4 interment in 1' •'trkton reemeter:. `An important soeiaT event took place h Stratford on Wednesday at the. home of Mr. atrl Mrs, P, Good wh,cr. their sister Minis, Mary Dow of Gariirgford, was united' li? marriage to Mr. George Miller,pf Staffs. They i1 i1I csettl.e down to the s.tern'malities of life on the Mitchell farm". two miles East of Stone, where their maty friends will wish: them much happir-eiss A very pretty wedditg look place in Ontario Methodist oh'arch, Clinton. or. Wednebdo.y afternoon of last' week w•h�er. Miss Effie Marla, idaaght'er of the late David Ja.oksor, was, married to Mr. Edgar 'Thomas East. , The cere- mony .was performed by S; J. Allixi assisted by Rev, J; E, Ford 'Mr.. atd. Mrs. Easf, left on a trip to (Toronto and on their return 'they will sres'ide on. Ontario Street'. Clinton,, While master IGhar]ede McRehzie .Mr se Roderick and s Mr., son of, Mc1Eetzie of Varna. was wheeling. home from the post office ir. the dark rP came into collision with a bogey igoitg in the. opposite idir+ectioal ]3e was knocked down and 'hie and 'his wheel where 'drawru. fonder bicycle hind wheel of the baggy. The trailed for 'same little distance and the'biggy wheel passed over hili but he -essea'ped being 'dragged., .His in- j'irieswere' not serious. :.oodhani the W E The ;Atniversary o Ivlethodisst ch,arch will be 'held. or Sun day. 'October 20th when Rev. Pp,. A. Steadman:, of Elimvilie, will nncleach at. 10.80 a. net and 11ev. B. C, -Burton of Itirktot at 7. 'p, m, Oa9kaesday evening October 122as fowl e'apiee'r will be Lcld ir.. the Orange ifal1, trona 5 to 8 p, nal, and et 815 an en ttert:ain- ,pent will be head in the ,clrareh,• The fo.low:e.±3 talent has `been secured 'alias Jean Walker, teacher of eiac i- tion.;, London; Ladies Qeartette of Revs, P. ' RL v c. Exeter, , h 'Street et char Main Nai. RaeL of W. y 1; t(7, ,E,irtor_ and G- E$rktor.; T. W4 Blatchford, of Cen- tralia and !T. A, Steadman„• of Elite "x Footer a son vvihc,. SOPIIA-A.t 'tl',e Saable Lice Hay, n the - p , sLr. a to vr.. and Mrs. James. Sophia a son MARRIED GRAHAM-WALTERS-Ti. Exeter on TL- arsday October. 10th ir. the Tri- vitL'Metnorial Cletrch by •I.he Rector Rave 1), W. 'Collies; Miss Nettie daagliter of Mi;, :tr.d Mrs•, James V.ralters to Mr, A, It, Graham. Toronto'hies re-engaged the . ii3cll itfrgers ' 1'or Thanksgiving afternoon and night in Massey Hall. This Supb•erb bard of artiste holds, the proud record of a'etx months, ton - tour of solid booking th. Onh, ()aebeo and the, Maritime Peoviineee, Toronto Ha mitten Lomd,on Montreal! St. Tohr. lIaliEnx Sydney ,etc‘ o;il ac- corded these gifted entertainers the highest pre 160 et press oralpa'blic: On. 6'ebranry 6t11 the 11011 Ringers op encd i l,ir int ot actoi y tour an a adantd •closed on',Ae us t 5th! to operi a•gai.n ort September Otlt, 1 )truce the interval the T3a.nd ap'ent their holi- doys or the St,Lawrcnce and brave a t a t:• with t , tet offered their, torr tractive new programme that twill create urboantled enthusiasm, 'At the .h;iretor; Opera Ilo tae Oof'6ber 2,3 0. tvtrs. Wni. 'Abbot i has' retuned home atter s1, rd nd t feww dav a with het mother e t Stratlixoy, Mrt harry SLoaff has. retuned to Toroi-to after spending tho siimnr'er° at IC,nn,deboyc,. Miss Nettie Neti is very low rued Mei end is expected any time, Mrs. 14, t l . Y.5 i5 a bl ,. to sit) a I after her iycLr,acc!dent ' Ford arch' •M:fssi Prieilla Miss 1:,a�tl� ?erwarden spent a felt d,evs with Mrs.'TTtos„ Brook Wa.rcii•e lrodg r_s lost afro of his best calves last meek,. btr. ar.d Mrs, Will Shoadiee have moved' to Oittrdeboyu, k and :.l1 0 Mr, and ;RIO, 'Thomas, Brook family spent S and.iy ,at l�lirraville, 'Miss:Posey Lemportof )'"tarryiber is visiting t'lltiaiSlcbOlrc tritind,h, Apple pinking is the, order of the day, Drr. A., &mei and family are or, - Oaring tsa trove to Ottarval,• ( ERSLAIR'ii_TAYL'O1.T On 'Wed- resday October 16th at the horde of the bride's 'tercetsMiss, 1Vlary 7 Mrs; ti�1n •d li'tr. T It ]i, daa„htLi of 1v , Taylor oC Exeter, to Charles H. Kerslake of 'tjsberr.e., by the Rev, \V, G 11. 1VLeAlisLcr M A, EAST --JACKSON -- At Ontario St, °birch or. W'ed.aesday October 9th by Rev. `t, J, A111r. assistcid' b3' Kiev, 7, E, rbrd Mi: Edgar T. act to Effie M',', late ' <�aa� I, tel. of the 1 >`Iisst David Jaricsna,. •• TIIO!MP1S'ON Itellett or.* Ootober, Jth.at -the home cit. the brides parents by I4ev, Pearcy„ IVi George 1'hoeopser. of Cli,ntoa to Mies Ca�a.rie l:littor: