Exeter Times, 1912-10-10, Page 54
InISPAT 0XQ1 it rut
elli flow She Keeps Her
Happiness For
".fitose Who Take
tier Advice.
ao • le, Mieb.-'`I Wept to tell you
mih good Lydia E. Pinkham'sVeg-
etableCompound and
Sanative Wash have
done me. I live on a
very bard. 1 am
forty-five years old,
and am the mother
of thirteen children.
Many people think
4 it strange that I am
not broken down
i..1With hard work and
the care of my lam-
ilyiebut I tell therapf my good friend,.
Lydia- E. Philtham'l Vegetable Com-
pound, and that then will be no back -
Saha end bearing down pains for them if
they will takeit as 1 have. I am scarcely
ever without it in the house. -
"I will say alsolhatiI think there is
no better medicine to be found far young
gfrla.ally eldest daughter haanaken
Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Cora -
pound frit* painful periods and irragulate
ity, and sit ha helped her.
"I am alninas reaqk and. willing 'en
apeak a good'Word for birdie. E. Pink-
limaaitTegetable Compound. I tell every
ape1 meet that 1 ewe my health and
happiness to youe-wanderfulenedieine."
-Mrs. JIG. JblielStaN, SeettTille,
Lydia E. Pialtham's Vegetable Com.
Wound, Made fm nativeroots andherbs,
contains, no'nareotics or harmful drugs,
nnd'tdr holds the record of being the
nog au cessful reniedy forwomatt's ills
ubjects taught by expert .instructors
Y. M. C. A.,131.DG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from -Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. ' Enter any time. _
I.iy.Westemett 3.W. Westervelt, Jr.
PrincipalCarterseaccou-Practpalntaet ,
le VIce
• +
Thousarais of terobi lions seer•g +
4; people as te instrutted. in their t
hotnes by our borne study dep-
, t ertanent You xney finish at.
Presidedt a Principal •
College it you aesire. Pay
thr. never you wish. Thirty
retire' Ex pe ie n ce. La: gest
israiola Oariada. Enter any
day.- Positions goatanteed, If
af, you wish to save boatil and
/learn a bile you earn, write
for particular s.
„s. Clinton Easiness College
4. (no. SPOTaN 13. IP. WARD
• I "Write for the large free ,cat
elegise" of this school, and you.
•. will learn how you cite succeed. •
lt vvill tben rest with you to de a
• „ie vide if you will succeed, ,„
as, We are placing etudents in •
,, 2 , poeitions payirign000 .ana $700 ft
40 per annum, and we have Many o
•4' such applicatioos efor belpeo.
41 which we cannot supply The ;
aie best time to enter one classes is 4,
now Write for oin- free eat
„ „er
atagae at once,
Principal. •
444. • eitesaroossee
* by New Absorption, Method.
If „you anal:" frombleeding
'itching, blind r protruding
Tiles,. send me your address, WA
will tell you how to cure your!
zelf at home by the absorption
Ix/cabs:tent and Will also 'send
softie of This home treatment
.tree for trial, with references
front your oxvIt locality if re --
vacated. lunnediate relief 'and
pernlatierti assured. Send
.310 Inoney, blit, tell others
04Ter, „Write tO-day, to Mrsi
Stimmerar 33(amp 8413Vindsass
Vitt- 'lb'
*Misa Ida Prill apet3 a ew (lax.% in
London last week.,
Mielsee Preeda Wagner and -Annia,
Schnell an& Mr. R. _Stalk, left
insaatin for the waste .
Mr. Alvin Sareradilialt for Toront0
to aee'rene his etedies tit the tinivar.,
Mr, ',Teta 1. Gerhee. and f amilY
haYe Teo:Loved to '..Indiaatia afte.r liv-
ing on 'the ilaby farm iironson Lime
for several year*,
Miss Alma /lister war, has Inca liv-
ing Witt., her perente •Mr. ateel Mrs.
O. libber .for a few monthe bas re-
turned Ito aierlin.
atelai IA, Pfaff of thediatie has
purchas'ed from his neighbor
Wild:, 43 acren,01' mud. Mr Paaff
Low owns a fl farm of 143 acres.
A line marek.„....yned by A. Miller, of
Le Eronson Lase, was, kicked by °p-
other horse recently and'her leg "bro-
ken She was killed to reteive her
Mr. Ezra Ka.erclier hes pareliased
dwelliag ,at IlSerlia and, wilt native to
that city with hit •family,
• Mr. Henry Lippert who has a
lame igardea cat the north aide -,ef
the town reeently exhibited a 'very
strange veeetable freak from ale,
potabo patel The stock Or vine of
the potato grew oreca and was a-
bout two feet Ugh, and wasenteratty
covered with well formea potatoes
from tin base to the asps The erten,
"bests and potatoes looked frest and
L,ealthy and had the appearance of
pintas on a branclsr
antait McCree wife or lam Mr. 'Mc,
CreVof New 'WOattainahrer, 13. 0,,
very able addressed -the thankoffer-
jag, meeting of the Women's Foreign
Miasionary Society lead in! St. Paura
church on Wedneed.ay ;afternoon.
The attendance wasvery large and
Mrs. McCrae war listenda to witb
much, interest throghoet. The, of-
fering well 'sus-I:ranted the oid, lame
liberality of atas- Society.
'ale• many friends of Dr. 3anaes
Grassick, an old time 'resident, of ear
village, were pleased to Lave' the
pleassire of me,e,timg aim during the
past week '
We are pleassia lo note that Miss
Mable Sparks is. able to resume Ler
duties as scLool teaeher in the adjoin
in erection in Hay townahip after
Ler illnes,s,
Mr. and Mrs. Neabiat who has been
residents of our village for a num-
ber of years left Met weele'for their
beirenome in, Toronto.
,Mr. ,aed afire. Dorsely and family
reeeetly moved ink, the dwelling oc-
cupied by Mr. Nesbitt Arai famny.
James Aullard who is in the Hospi-
tal ir. London Laving recently
undergone an operation, for appen-
dieitis is iraprovieg
Mr. In Cadmora las completed the
brick work 'of de 'Zurich ,public
echoer,.•' -
The naar.ageas oCrhn1 church in -
teed Satorely . putting' a[rr.ew fur-
nace an the Manse' athe Onesent one.
beitg worm outa •' • ,
alas: JokaaSeott and 'her tele)! Miss
Mix_nie Sinclair have retatiae,d frorn
a five aiottia viait 'to • their old
onees ir..." SOotland 'Mad ` Striae' emery
frier:as are pleased to see bile se back
ea -ea.
Word ten been'itereiVect 'here of. I he
death, ir. Eandnotiss 13. C. r,esientla of
Win. Elder. He Lad 'beers 111 for ,
bout a 3 -ear and a Lida Mrs Elaer
*as ote of the enost promioent Odd -
fellows ia the district. and a very ac-
tive worker it the Presbytorian
church He left iller.sali 'ram] b 12
Years ago Beeides Lis wife he ix. aar-
saved by three aons and ow, daugh-
ter .
Ilobt'. Dowie, who was hurt ir the
loeal tour inn!. receraly, had one or
his fiagers amputated jn Can lanallos-
pital on Friday last
D. Urquhart has commenced the
,Larvestirig al 90 acres: al beans which
if weather condieions proye favorable
will net Lim a handsome return for
a beavy ea-per:date-re.
H. alur.dozks' terse Bairimastei- has
beer. earrying orr firsts, in, .all tb
speeding contests at die local' fains.
• ,
The other •day e mar. came to a
local etore to buy a saw. He saw
the kind he warited and asked the
Priee. $1:65, said the deaier,
• Good' Gracious! 'said t he ant, I
car., get, th.ellsa me aawnJ ,Eatbns for
"That's Jes.S than 'cost bet. Pli aeII
atneriitheasnine, tatina as -the, ideal or-
der lipase just tthe same, klaid the
dealer; , ••
r'..glito said' itio' customer, you
can send i,t a ong" and cliaagel .to my
aecouna • • •
"Not cz your. life: .replied tale dea-
ler, No cLarge accouet, you can't do
business. with Ea toneethat way, fork
eater ate eaela
"Now 2 •cents for peatage and. 3
cents- for money order;'
'WJat la
aCertaitly you:Lave ta send a lea-
tor and a itione.y order te a. mail
order Louse you ktew." .
Tbe customer ir.wracily raving kept
o the agreentott and pail the nickel
"Now 35cis lor expressego.n
'Well ill bc-,* Le said but he
paid it say:r.g Now. hana me ,the .saw
ar.,d ial take' it Lome apd be rid of.
this foinievy."' • •
'I•Iar_d it bO you! Waere .aate you
ttar-k you •are. Youdae in Thedfora
aria JaarriLn Toronto and. :Lave
oWaia tveeir far the saw,
•a, here • upon the- deal'or hang up
•tho saw arra put the money la the
eaaandratver airyloge• 'That mekee
*4)1.57 it Lae' eost you two eetts mere,
ad token you , a week ionear
get it than if youbad paid iala the
rest place-I.Moral Huy at Lome -Tia
(3hildreil Cry
Cfit.ildren. 6ry
't1tA S T 11-1 A
..........ene- -
' Infttlitre and Ohildrell. . ,, 1 r)..an 'd0 Vitt 7s Petnale 'Pills
flail, yitti,14. ate Always Baaaht, f A relia,ble,Preertertiodetertnever fails. These
5 alltsareeieeeterigianowereittategtilatitig the,
a .. ,:.,11; , , ,, „ ,, ,ten&Oliitoo(Oottioneftliateraera.systetin Refuse,
•sll cheep ,leatsfleese nisa ne "rata* are sold *
•/so ben at three feral°. , Mailed to any oddres
.sootiew Drag. eta, Se ntailiaelnei,,Onts
Denote He Too li eIN PILLS
Winnipeg, jarieath.
"1 havebeen aaufferer ft= aumbago
for some years pest an, I dirtipaChristmas
week had a very aeate attack whiela
confined me to the house, About the
latter part el April, I met yonr Mr. Hill
exid tuentioned my complaint to bita.
He advised me to take GIN PILLS. I
have been takiog them at intervals
,during the early part of the present
winteraatal 'xip`to dela have had no
return of ray cattlroubre-in fact, I feel
better than I baye for years and think
that my old enemy has vanished for
good and -all."
PItLS wilaproteet your laidneys
•Nd Bladder aanist the ravages of
nter.°go matter bow innaheyeu may
dread c Weather, because you have
been subj ect to Rheumatism orLurnbago,
yeti will be free of pain if you take GIN
pc. a box, '6 for $o. Sample free if
you write National Dri,,g and Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited., Toroxito. sae
Mrs, :As IlleDoneal of Pe brolia, iLs.
visiting ter mother Masa M; Greta
Joan Ziler of, Parka -at spett Sun-
day wit/. his parentberet
Miegos aVranid and DertLa Eidt of
Detroit are speadineatleir holianre
will. their father 114.r. ;Joe Eidt.
Mise 'Arkness oE Elmwood; is visit
lag at the home of Mr. G, Nadieer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harries of
r.ia visited.at tie home of Ilarei4
ker er. •
Mr. Oliver Groybeil Las r,efur,raesi
to Handitoe to resume Lia duties .in
the Molson Beak. •
Mr Anti Wm. 0, Ilartlailb returned
to their home in, Pitieburei last .-week
atter -visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Har-
Mad dog Scare-OTuesday en-
in3. Luther's doe of Aresveter left
er.r1 proceeded thro,ugh Me tow -
to Ma Carmel where he bit arra
-Smithers, and then made bis way
through the 12tb eon,. ef Stephen,
playing and Tie -lain -a iviell dogs on
hits way to Dashwood where he also
came in et:intact/ with nearly evary
dog ir town, also -bit'ina Messrs,
Siebert Louis Smith Qnci, M. MaLsaao
Alt:Lough no scar. or nsark was )eft
by his bite. Ile then stareed east
huf was slhet by /14r. Siebert. Hist
t,ead was sent. to 'Toronto.
Mr. Wardle Hodgir.s last a aaluable
colt last week.
Miss Planche Ford of Elimaiale
spent a few slays last week with
Ler .siaters Mrs.. Thos /3rook
Miss Nettie Neil still continue+
Jame ss Morgan!' -tylo has been
serious,ly ill id" inSprovir-gi
.sd'1.1;.par4a.yA.r.v. itis.ii,Miart r\i‘re ne, yo v Ne zellinsi3Deiudt-
Mr. and Mrs. John Sedd,s and fam-
ily of Vateouver are la:sitars; the for -
races aister Mr. and, affah. Win. Ab-
the little aeis of. Mr. -a,nd Mrs
A. Neil is or. the sick '
Quite a larg,c Lumber of ,people
arem ,Ceraraliaa attended. the 4u,n-
Jr -
day last,
of the late Frank Abbott_on i -
Mr. and Mrs. W. McGuire al Mc-
Gillivray visited •the formers, par-
ents on Sunday.
Mies, Marjorie Hepburr. ,spent Sun-
day ix. Liman, ,
The anniversary eervines of the
Methodist chaerh will be held, or. Sun
October 20b1., 'The Pastor will preach
in the morning' and Hey. W:'G Hi
:McAllister of Exeterire the evenaog.
Bev. Dr. Medd of Goderica preach-
ed isvc a very aeceptab*.e sernsoes in
the blethodist church oz. Sunday last
to large cor4regations: The! Pastor -
lie v. IVIr. tchford took Mr. Muddn
work Le Coderichs „
Mrs G. Sch.ram was the guest of
Mrs. Is, -Co.will or. Sunday last,
Mrs. Jas. Oke is cornateecing.
1.) .0. aiorretee a Corner tea-
eisex iseallentratiia laublr.e school
renewiug acquaintances around these
parte. it le ate years since Mr, Ler-
rota.: lett and Le zees aany 'changes
ir. that cite.. Ile ie now teachtang
Eseex County • .1 , e
• ....
e s
A Simpte Method - be Which One May
Measure His Development. -
People ofieu suffer front week. lin
developed hings withont suspecting 11.
True. sna 11. feeble IN ng.% are useally
essociitted tylt it a atnell. nerrow or
suulien chest, ten not invariablyfly
means of the inIsitee of physion eta
ture it is possible to deveirm targe
chest musekist, tans acipiiring a nag
chest ineaseremen a while the lungs
remain small and III nonrislied.
Again, lung nilsetiienis erten so stow
Mid inehltiotie In its approitch that the
tronale is aot discovered mail it Is
firmly established. Hera however, Is
a simple test which will tell aou
whether your lunge are healthy fir not:
Tithe na deep 0 lireath.Ate you inn,
and then. lna slolv but' distinet roire
count from one onwerd as tar ne yon
• can wItheet taking in more breath
The plumber of seeonds you ean coo
'tame counting Is a pretty Mirage In-
dex to the state at your lungs, so you
%beak] here some one to time ion.
If year lungs are sound and Perntail.
ly developed your tange he be-
tween, twenty end tinily -Dv° seeorale.
If your limit le berweenabn nod tweta
ty Seconds, there Is no need to be
alarmed; probably year brags are
merely In need erf exercise, to be
readily obtained, by regtaar deep
breathing In pore alr. A, range of less
than ten seconds, howeverpoints to
Marts Or bee Wee/ilea and lain abatis,
ilot delay In having yet* lungs ex.
itildnO: by it, 1ued404., lint% Latidele
40.10,14E .11404„ +00' '
Clever Detective Work by a Unl,
They Detectea Blood Where There
Were No Apparent Traces of it end
Found Telltale Finger Metrics That
Pointed Direct to the Crimmal,
Mme. Guinn was the wealthy widow
of Jean Howard Golan, former presi-
dent Of tbe4Banli of Erattee.. Mme.
Galan wars seventy. yearsr One
night she took a 'train at Fontaine-
bleau for Paris. She had to berseli
first Class compartment. When the
treks anired in Parisethe porters found
bet comparttnept unoccupied. The doer
shad :been half torn from ,Its hinges,
there was a great nool of bloodaon
thd floors and the poilice parked up from
Door a bandful of woman's hair, a torn
plecearf and a first Maas railroad
ticket Mtn' Fon ta ineblea ir to • Pais.
A settieh along the rallroad traek,s re -
salty in the4 finding ot hime.aiGulanss
body .bestde the rolls just outside nason-
thitebleash It wasxreatly inaiwiedAvA
little earthed on was found the satchel
she had carried. There were no -rings
on her fingers and no money In her
poclets. .
Mute. Guinn's relailves took the
Vaned that she had been, seized wfth
a laetaertbage, to >whin .ebe was sula
Jet ; had tried to open the door of- her
comparement tOsimuutadrielti Of te get
air: that he had.,Inher paroxysm
wienehed the dootappen ana had fatten.
°teethe train:1011K; herself, The po-
lice Were not and:stied with dal `ex -
&nation, particalarly rifler Profelsot
ReIsse, the fatimus .Intianntie Smiverslay
ealminolegist had Painted out that the
entaon the wortne'skate.hel had been
made by. a knife endnot by a sharp
Mone, as had been tleaught. Tbia, be*.
ever.oarniarery lade esapence, and Peas,
atsesor -Reiss tunnel his attention to the,
coMpartment, whiele Mine. •Gnitia had
°Jemmied. After he had finished "his'in-
vesIliatian he went to al. Lepitia pre.
feet Of Paris, rind snid to ban: •
am mire tbn't aline. a(Snian was
murdered, and, I am equolar sere thai
her murderer was a soldier. hi the train
eemparetiment 'there were a tewet and
itathitiara waiihsttand: There wet°
no Stains illicit) .the towel visible to the
naked eye. 'Nevertlieldee,we subjected
esnry -sritarra Inch to &i& of the most
delicate tests for fiiliaida, We at that
discovered all Oren' whtch gare us .the
positive repletion for buinen blood. .
'Upon' this towel -the -murderer of
Aimee Gulan wlped bis Woody hands.
He knew that this would be evidence
tbat 'the worin'at did not Meet her
death by accident as be, wished it be-
lieved, and Se he washed, the towe:,
thoroughly, as be tam:gilt, and 'hum;
It Mi 'to dry...':a,,,,
'The. deteadop then of this micro
scopic quantity of blood, which can be
removed from a fabric only by acids;
revealed to us that airde. Gulan met
death by the bands of 4. murderer.
."But I found another piece of e vi -
dence. Therer was, if you remember,
a ,ralitoed' ticket picked np, on the
floor; On Re hack was the, imprint ef
a thumb. I compared It with tbat of
aline, Guinn; It -as nOt hers. I threw
its Image »p enormeusly on a lantern
screen. _1 was then strudk by the pe-
culiar Indentation of the little ridges
on the inner side of the mark: Care-
ful. analysis Of the e meraed ridges
sbowed me thitathia .was the thumb
of a man- also was :whinny rving as
a' soldier. 'The frequept drills with
guns result in the pressure mien the
rilges of the Inner side' of the Umtata
his causes a peculiar flattening, which
b ylsibleirecier a Microscope when en-
larged and Is true of no other occopa-
tion'except that of a soldier,
'Aa.1 reganetnacteatis crime this sea-
dierninnegedste gel -into litte.'Citilarnas
compartineat after the trine had left
Fontaineblenua Ileskneavlhat.ebe Arm -
carried a nue:Jeer of jewels. and
-large sum of money. Ile tried to
tails the old woman, and, meeting with
unexpected resistance, fought witb bet
In tae compartment, killing her by
beating her 'head agelast the register
and then stripped tia.e body of 14 Jew-
els. Ile thoughtlessly wiped hie hand
upon the towel. He knew that tins
weind be, evidence of the preeetiee of
some one else in the cement -anent, so
he washes the towel with soap an
water, but does not lasow dna we earl
discover blood even when it Is only to
the emourst of one one thousandth mil.
limet ers.
"He then wrenches the compartment
door open -and throws out the body.
tle Is pressed for num, rips open the
satchel with his knife. Then. Inking
advantage of the stowing down ef the
train between nontelnebleau and Paris,
top,e.irps from it mid makes his es-
: As et result' et Pinfeaeor Reiss' analy-
sis it was found that two soldiers, Gra-
vy 0f1 M ft)11.1)WINI id me.
Guinn to the train on the night of her
minder. They bed hitalen in bet com-
partment, a() when the thin , had
started* they murdered ler, ns Profeee-
or Itelse Iiot lialivated. The rest of
the reconstrm-don wes proved et the
trial of these two toen. They both eon -
leased, were eonVieted and isentenceds
Certainly. •
"Mint wait that savage animal that
atteeked me?"
"That was a razorback."
'Well. he wive tne a close shave."
itenkollie Courier...Journal.
when the h;ght begins' with hirateit
uttioticAtis..094etttla‘kft44. athAtfr
• Echiree From alortiesseSkylia,„
Those curious tw,.ists auirtitrus.Mulix4‘
Stitiene take aro to be found In the to.
troductioa of ign;ses' skulls in or abovit
the church "buildings in pigMhd and
Scotland, the reaaon ailegefi being to
bens, the BMA in church. ,,This habit
isatiraleetioaably a iene of hpaiherdsin
where aa aairaal WSW sacrificed.: Some
years "-logo, Where an old.nneetieg bduse
Isa Edinhar,gh -was puilad down:. the
sounding board splice aboye the.pnipit
was found to be filled with. ,arse'
Sloths. In som(parts of Englanntbere
etp eilets the Idea that if a 'ataree's
head is burled in a field there will be
au echo. - • . .4*
a glum and dtsmal,wife
you are! don't bellye you eopla bo
livaly or pleasat4 to eaae year life.
She -I maY lie p dull wife, but jilet
give me a chance and see "alaat
Mew' widow I would heake.-London
Stray Stories. ,
The Only Fear,
Nein Merchant -Hon, big an ad.
evanld.you advge? ,Aciaortislag
Thiltelepenas On bow many tong of eta-
tomers yonr sore fiade swill sustain,
XOU seouldn't wane 'ern to break
tlitough into the, cellar, �f catirSe.-
. Bees* Weather.
Wickier-Lateastly, s weathers isn't it?
Stfeklen-Whea you, use „those idiot-
te expressions? Hew Can the weather
be benetlya Wac1e1er-7-701, it's rain.
lug cats and dogseePhiladelphia Press.
Wenslienly torels for brume; in a medli
sal dictiolary, yet ode recently pub.
Fished defines "shunt" es ,::4air unpleas-
ant afolsestroanced by oaerstraaning
the throat, for which great siegers at*
paid well and,earall children are Pule.
lahed."-Bostain 4Trtinseript.
Hee' Fent:
It was'a•beauttral aet-o-ress -
WM5 waoteStina aistawadriend„ •
Witlipnly;a reroute, as you reight.gueas,
In written a netesto spend.
She reek the cft3r dIrectorY.
Aso a -perch rerher Itttie,shoes1.4
fuliktvr,ote 19 hey scramtaea entree -retain
lieriblidget of bre-9.8114es new.
"rm reaking.a told her friend: -
A, hit ;that Efinn%e.he heat.
The:1.11./1'ot hb sbasv erid.
Thesivtiole"tovi,is•at!..reY feet."
A, Nesbit in' 3udge:5'
• Ora '
eBot 14e, Dare.
Bacon -Por each nergaid-ila the Entte
ed States a ribeen •pa pet nankilas and
a third of a phund °flea are trepiitated
from Japan eneasnyeen
Egbert-If than -is, so sOmebony'st Fate
ting slay impkike lied ketlffik =Me
NAY'S tea.-Ii-orakers Stateamases
Too,-Sr000th.. ,
I. won't "play poker With ;that:felle*
aria nihre:-, HS" entirely too smoadThs
Re bobbed tail last 'Midst with four
acein . ,
"What'seteLreng,abeAtaatr - • ,
'II had dealt him four queens."-Lou-
, •
• A Limerick. e- case .1
Sweet Alice et olden Vincennes
Was collated by all the Young-Inbureff.
Sut. she', Put:them isidei,
With a. high air -ot ,pride, •
Saying, "Wait trn• you hear me say
-Cincirinap Enquirer.
or Economises Sake.
"what made ,Mr. Chuggins ,bay ais
"Els wife persuaded, blaa by calling
his attentiog to the econoroy of -hav-
ing gasoline -on hand to .elehn gloves
Sv1th."-4Washingt0n 'Star. . •
."You aave a tremendensly faithful
dog, sir. As you tiirnedno speak just
now a atratige dog tiled to take your
meat,, and jest as he was going to'
snatch it yeti- elan dog ate It tra
selta-Viegeride Vatter.'
Far Rougher. ,
lertolly Illadion took snuff.
We natitraity feel regrets.
Arid yet It Isn't Quito so riyegn.
Aks If she had used cigarettes.'
-Washington Star.
Oheclient to the Limit.
Salesman - Sbirt, sir? Yes, sir.
Will you have a soft fronted or a stiff
Cpstorner-Soft fronted. The dector
says I must avoid starchy things.--
Loinfon Tit -Bits.
• Disproved.
"Dern you: believe the level of he-
man intelligence is great:any rising?"
"No. On the contrary. Neveraffore
were there as many -writers of popular
songs as there are today."-Ohicago
Record -Herald.
What to Take.
Tbe sky is blue and cloudless, too.
The aen is bright and yellow,
I3ut take no chanoes; take Instead
, Your tried and true umbrella. !
-Detreit Kew&
it Just Lapsed.
"Yes, I was once engaged to 0 duke."
"And what cruel obstacle came be.
tvreen two loving hearts2" ,
"Oh, nothing particular. We just let
the option expire." -Washington fler.
inc Gentle,
Lady Visitor -That new gild of Yottall
seems very nice itud quiet.
Mistress -Yee, she's Very quiet, She
doesn't even disturb the dust. when
she's cleaning the room. --Chicago out
on the Menu's Orin%
,4'he quail or reedbircl Where we Zane
$a zatoish sinarrow, We opine,
s .4Sad it is nothing more. •
04pr.in e14IOW*
Cry er li
ind You IIave Alwas iosagbt, m4 width. has 'Naa.
for. over0 7cats has borne fix, signature of
alul Ilaz b000. raado under. lits pern
Jill Counterfeits, Imitations and "ailist-as-,good" are lent
.".2e... -i..-' sonal SupervIsion $ince its infancy,
, .....:44".: Allow no or.lo to dece4"e you tat *this.
Experivnents that trifle with and endanger the bealth of
Atalanta and Chlldren.-E:tpericuce against Experiment*
hat is4.,,..;FORPA
ICasteria is fa harn314,as snbstituto for Castor Oil, Pare.
, % i.orie Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ist plen,Sasit. Ib
J contains neither Opium, Morphine net other Narcotic
:t substance- Its age is its guarantee. It iiestnoys 'Worms,
and allays Peverishness. rot mare than thirty years it
rt has been in constant ris,e fcr fht,,‘ relief of Constipation*
Z. Flatulency, Wind Collo, all Teething Troubles and
f • Diarrhoea. Xi; regulates the Stomach and Dowel81,
, assimilates the Food, giving lamltlay and natural deep.
The Childten's Panacea -The Mother's. Prietl. '
S ,OR1
Bears the Signature of
The ifld You riave Always Bought
En Use FOP Over 30 Years
PalliNgiOrZangr" strAfireitil"
Quite. F,rank About It.
"So yei..vare-golug to marry Tom?"
rniu 'saw 'the announCetnent, didn't
"Tag, nut"- ,
"at wasn't a fake."
dalietn dartrie-I never tboright that
Tore Would be youlaplep."
"Tem •aln't , my choii.e. He's m,,!:
.claprice. Ilay-e'yon any other questions
to ask, darthig,?"
_Darling deelded -she latidn't..-Clee-
land Illain,'D'ea ler.
Energy of Will. 4'
Eaergy . eta Will is the sonl of 'every
great,charactee. Where ft ' is there is
resolute. cher:later; where it is not
thero , Is La 1 tness, with • effeminacy;
aeapandeacy. neglect of ileta and fdli-
are, "The sti-ong rprin and thearater-
fella!' says a proverb, "channel their
awn pada"
In Trainina.
Nein:Why does she always dress in
black? Relle-Rhea In training. Nell-.
Teeining for whet? Relle-Wela you
sea - she ametted an octagentirlan.-
PlillagelPhla Record.
'clfithout hem aFlea Would Stand
DeeIts Head. '
Tbe pectoral dna of it •Ilsis are the
t;l7triltase orie ein each sideejust ba eh of
tb.434 heinLivTbese tins aid alit fish to
somn,„.ei.tent in swimming. They are
oarsorbi"ch.the fish feathers very,
41aal:Hi/9y' apadare of value cielted to
prerrye „ its • eieuililercsala 'lt is with
these this that .the tli maintains its
lsorlzontxtf position In the water when
not, swim**. , Wiftmuf therny:e fish
weal& stand on Its heid..„%ttrietinzes
fish iqe :ene or 'both of alt<peatoral
s1)6,13Y,diSease or by accidkt. & iisli
without pee -feral -Oasis he .1i -bade -ways
While Moat „ibises keep %ea borlaantal
pesition in'thesivater maim nonasavitn.-
mingathere are-fisbes thatdo not Ond
of these helies 1.s.thie firefisn, annich
When maitionlea,asiispendseitseif
water; bead downward". at_aneif,o01
forty-five degrees or even neareAth4
perpendicular. A filefish kept in a.4
aquariurn_which 'had ,lost ,both, item,
otral• fins inclined area backwara:Paa
the perpendiaalar. when motionlese, ta
abotit the ,same, eagle, thatnitailadi
bare kept la tbe other, ilkeentonala
pectoral fins had been, inttiet; eeithat
wheel not in motleOn .it seemed Sta
lying at an angle mite hack.
In the 'sail* aquar,una there nes a
striped bass weighing aboni a pound
and a half; one of whose pectoral fins
was attacked at the by fungus,
WhiCh gl.ndually eucroaehed -upon it.
Finally the diseased ,pertlons of tae fin
were cut off with a pea sof .."sharee
shears, the ent,being made within the
sound part of the tin. At last the psh
was like a man in _a boat pulling one
long oar and one Short one -tit cduldn't
hold a course. Bat it soon accustomed
itself to its new condition, and there-
after it got along very comfortably. ,
To the Zzinallun Co.
Dear Sirsi-I he;4e
and abrasion*; while
Portsmouth, England
found Zara -Buis most reliabie for healing cuts
for the relief of skin irritation it is bevels:table.
(Signed) !RODNEY M. LLOYD,
Zarn-Buk Cures Bad -Burns,
Steker Kingsnorth, of 11.111.S. "Cochrane," says -"1 slipped and fell with
ray artn on an exhaust steam pipe, which fiZ1y friazled the skin. At once
the shiP'S Snrgeon dressed my arm, but the burns took the wrong way, owing
tog lot of.diat from the pipe Setting Up Wed -poison. A large Scab &Weaned.
andfroia, underneath the festering flesh, matternozed out. 1 was it fearful
ain and"didn't ketvi'how to get ease.
'For, weelth 1 remained under tmatraerit, hat the ordinary ointments
proved no-toxl, Incleed;I gatwerse, !therefore obtajaed asupply of Zam-Buk
aalmosti'as S&P as "this was applied I, got ease. PrOM the ver3r first
oarilimented; and a, few 13oxes of 2Ani-lluir *sled, exv
wormdenutplettely. •,
.1, 74311.nak eurei,eetema, iskera ebSceseee, ring -won% leid leg, vartemonicers, pile%
oad ehapoot hssnda. taw:wages, otc. din storce at Mo.. or oast frootrom
sui,i4awg; 'foto**, sena lataitmli lea bats '
flee I 44