HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-10-3, Page 8iip 9i.*+'+••44F**+R*1.+NArW1'►*It �1! 0. YI 8• W ART SSi • PHONE 16 It . New Manties 11 Ladies Suits Ir, New Dress (ieods +z •♦ ♦♦I ',•4w*. :• • • •• �• 34. • •• •• �® 4 4 •• • • • • • • • 0 •• *v • e+ . 4. , .O• A !•• •40*• w• •3 0 • • 411 .• •• a�▪ ® • ▪ ' ,.p • • • ',••+ 1• • �'• *40 • All ready and waiting for your ap proval This seasons goods are better than ever Ask for coat catalogue, Autumn Millinery New Styles are being added to our Big Stock each day Every hat in our showrooms is correct .in style You are sure to find some thing that will suit you here -a stylish becoming and destihctive hat, Men's Overcoates A very complete stock of mens and Boys overcoats will be found in the Clothing Department For every dol lar you spend here you get a dollars worth of good honest value, Underwear We sell the fampae Pen mans Stanfields Ceetee and watsons. It is made in• all sizes for men women and children. Shoes In Gun metal, Tan and Pat ent Lsather, Our new but ton toned Gun Metal shoe with heavy sole for ladies is leader Per pair $4 00 Hanging Lamps Direct from makers is Pit tsburg The new designs are very pretty we have big assortments to choose from $3 50 to $10.00 Sweater Coats Have you seen the new Tri collar Sweater coats for men and women? This is a big im provement on the old styles. Sweater coats from $1 00 to 55.00 Rain Coats For men -women. la many styles A splendid range just 'placed in Stock this week at $7 75 $1 000 and mos Austrian China We have opened .this week another shipent of Austrian China Dinner sets, The pat terns are new and prices are right $20.00 to $35.00 J. A. STEWART 4• ®p t b s: s♦ • •� • •• •• •• •• •• •• 2• •• •• •• O• • a•A•••••Q•••••••••+•'••••••••IAO•••••••••••••••••••••••• '•O•••,•••••O•••••••••,•••••••••••O••••••••••••••••e• WHY WAIT Till the Elevnth Hour NEW PIANOS X200.00 Guaranteed for TEN YEARS Being overstocked with Pianos and anxious to clear our large stock in TWO WEEKS we have decided to tut the prices within the reach of all: • Don't hesitate if you are going to buy a piano this fall. Come in Now, Look them over and you will be surprised at what little money will buy You a good reliable piano. We Mean Business, this is no bluff and as soon as the stock is sold former prices will prevail. The following Pianos may be seen on our Boor, Nordheimer w Ennis Stanlaus Gerhard Heintznlan Krydner Wright New Scale Williams Heintzwan & Co Dominion We would advise you to Call Early white the Assortment is large. .a'~ -TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. S. Martin �' )n �1 Advancei lAn Irl Furniture, `an nears- • City, variety and beauty, •• • bat not in prices, is the r • . • 1. • t ovement' now being ex- • to , s • ecuted In our store. �►Rosidencs tent to store. e. .. Phone 20a • N. IIoweJ nide ';dela Cher Licensed '' tax+, Ontares • • N - t LONG 96.G0 I once knew .all the birds that earns!. Andes d en to in our orchard trees'. .For every flower I hada, name.- My. ;friends, , were woodchucks, toades and bee s I knew where thrived to yonder glen What plants would etoatbe• a atone- 'bx:uised ,.toe. Bet g. u drat it was ve 1 f .. F,v long 30.: And pining for the days of mouth, I treadthe old familiar spot Orly, to learn 'Wt solemn, truth; xleaveFor ort r �, 'en am forgot Yet .Leere'p thisyoungster at my k5e, drowse' alt the things .I used to know To 'think 1 crate was :vise as he -- But :that was 4very'ldr:g ago." I kz wis o Ile folly � t r'' a to na 1 `. ata Of wJatsoe'er the fa'teea dte01eee , Yet, rvrere not +visheen all in VAIN I tell yeawhat hay- wiry i would be, I'd Id. Wash t a lie" a bey:` �� ' 1xa1J1' Back with. •the frret,di '.hind. '' keew 1 Por I was ant bap B'itt t%sat l**v'eyr'y ,.THE EXETER T.iME.S Market Report. -The fol lowin is the report, o the Exeter markets co - rantediup t q October t3 xk Wlaaeat JS� s "'y , Oats 35 13.7 43arley 48 to 00 l3uakwhexit 70 eeu'ts Peas 1.00 to.. 1:10 3 t . Shorts 25e. t i Bran '22 `; •t. Model Flour 2.75. , Feed Flour 1,60 ; l ; k tee! flutter 23 +t ' r•otatgrs" $L00 a bag ' 4,1 r1 .?lams 30e Chicken12o; ; r: t Hens 9c Old Roosters 0 ext" r( Ducks loc. j ' • 1 Ota'Ducks S f I l7sli.f Notes .6,,'30. 'Choice Export Steers 6.00 6.15 ' Medium Export Steers 5,75 5.90 Al once 33utcher Heifers 0.25 6,40 r Medium 113utcL•er Heifers 5:v0 5.75 'Common. '.Butcher Heifers 5,00 5,25 Choice ,Butcher eows 5.110' 0,,25 'Common:, 3.00 n,00 , Sheep 3,50 5 00 ', r ` i' Ct,' t lambs, 5.00 1,00 ••'i •••ri*'►1•••,••O••O••*•• * •• LOCALS• 4. •••••••• rte* **d: Miss Gladys ,Bissott . is visiting in Paris. Mr. E. Harvey returned Tuesday evening from Newmarket. Rev. D. W. Collins spent Wednes- day in Loadon on business, Mr. Tony Grant of London was in town last Friday on business. Quite a number from here took in the Rirkton Fair last Friday. • Mrs, R. Murphy and Miss Mildred are visiting this week at Belgrave. Mr. Geo. Jackson of London spent a couple of days in town last week. Met A. McMahon of Hay, left this week to attend University in Toronto. Mr. Sam Rowe and family are home after spending the summer in the 'West. Mr. Thos. Bissett Jr. was taken to the London Hospital last Friday for treatment. Mr.,Jas. and Miss Mabel Sparks of Hensall visited friends In town last week. Miss Alma May left for Toronto last Saturday to attend the Faculty of Education. Mr. and Mrs. F. Boyle and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hockey visited at Mr. Dins- dale's, Kippen, Sunday. Mr. Frank Mallett has rented Mr. Walter 'Vilestcott's house, Huron St., and will move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. John Mallett attended thee w dding• of Mrs. Mallett's cousin, Miss Finkbeiner in Dashwood last Wednesday. Mr. E. Howey, of the Bank of Com - coerce is holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Mr, L. McCarey, of Credi- ton is relieving, Mr. Chas, Lawrence expecte nix fam- ily here from the Old Country this week. They will reside in Mrs: Buck- ingham's house near the park. Mr. Ralph Handford of Holland Man., who- has been visiting friends here and in Centralia for the past month left Monday for Perth, Lanark County to join his wife. Runaway -Mr. Clayton Frayne of the Thames Roa.d,had a runaway Sat- urday evening. They were returning from a threshing when a bolt in the shafts broke. The horse ran for a short distance when the boys pulled it nate the board fence north of the bridge. Both boys were pulled out over the dashboard into the mud but were not seriously hurt. The buggy was damaged, • Broke Shoulder Bone -On Wednes- day of last week as Mrs, J. Dinsdale, of Kinpen and daughter Alda, were out driving their horse became fright- ened and ran away. The harness broke and the occupants were thrown from the buggy with the result that Mrs. Dinsdale had a bone in her shoulder broken and was otherwise scratcbed and bruised about the body. Miss Dinsdale was also somewhat bruised, At the Teachers Institute held in 1 Goderich last week Mr. W. B, Weiden- hammer, principal of the Exeter school was recommended to represent the western division of the province on the Advisory Council of the Education department. We unite with the Tea- chers' Institute in expressing our be- lief that Mr. Weidenhammer is ably fitted for the position both in experi- ence and knowledge and would make an able representative of the schools of the western division. "The; James Street Sunday .chool held their rally service:et on .$unday last and the attendance at alt the seer vices' was good,,, In the marniaa:a the scholars assembled in the centre of the church and an appropriate objest ;sermon, was delivered by the pastor. Rev: W, G. 11. McAllister, In Eta af- ternoon a masa meeting was Liaddin the auditorium An excellent address was given. by Mr. W, G, Medd of Win- chelsea. Short addresses were also given by the Pastor and Mr. S. Mar- tin Mr. J, Harvey the Superintand- ent presided. In • the 'evening tht pastor. delivered an excellent sermon leg harmony with the occasion, Former Exeter Lady Married -Ar, irteres tin g wedding took plaee in u eSt, Thomas, or. Tuesday Sept, 24th 'when M' Arnie tn r Jackson, the eldest eldpstt 'daugh ter. of Mr. atd Mrs :M., Jackson fox- merly. of Exeter, was married int ac- cordaroc with Jewish Crites and acre- monies, to Jacob Fax of Landon,, The bride who looked very 'pretty in a White messalinc dress, trimmed with embroidery and baby Irish lace with a veil and gown oaf white flowers, was given away by 1:er; father, She was attended by Mrs, Samuel Fox lira iron of honor and Miss lAA nnie 'Fox maid of 1,.oror ands 'two dainty tattle 'flower girls Miss Mariam Fox and Miss, !Bertha .Jackson, sisters of the bride r, .groom and. bride respectively. The groom was attended+, by ilia broth Vex t or Samuel of•rant Irl ,ford,. and Leo jacksone During the the wedding smirch was ble to •edi b• M" ie Lt �' y c�. �eL canopy 'hos tiv A. 4 DELAtO- WARE L A W ANNA .& WESTERN 4. COAL COMPANYS ",r 4. IC +. Scranton Coal 4. ' The Rest Hard Coati Mined Try a ten 4. 4. r1' 1' W. H. LEVETT 4. COAL MAN Monday October 28th, will , be Tllarksgivian day: , This' iseetion ha•s been visited .by severe,. light frosts: Mr,, Robt. !(Cole was ir, Goderieh for, a few days last week. Mr. Giadnrar: was in, S'odeerieh. o legal b+asiness iast week;. • Mrs. Jars: (Cheng of Edtimaton Alt La visiting Ler sister Mrs. Ed; 'Treb Mr. Ezra (Brenner on. Grand j3en is laid up with icflar'nrnatory rhe matism+ 3. Decker, of Dasbcvoodt, got thix in the farmer's trot at. Parkhill fa last weeks: Mr, Wm. Drew elirrtinues very low Mr, W. Greeuiey Le on the sick list, Dr. axed Aa:res 10. IA, Ho:uze. are vis- itiag, In town,, ; Miss Nancy Torn visited in Goderieh Thursday and Friday,, Mr, Jos, Ilawkins is b.illding a barn on. Lis premises, Il'nren Street Mr. Ed. Powell hes reterr,ed to towa after visiting in Toronto. Miss, J. V. Mieera' of Goderiohl tied at ,her home ovralr 'Se+xndey, Mrs. E. Howard of Laden it vis. i.tir.g Ler sister, Mris. E. Melanie., Mrs. Judge, of St. Thomas, is visit- inn Ler brother, Mr, Wer, Whiteford. Mr' Wilson of Seaforth visited ,Mr, anf' 1rs. J. .A Stewart for several days., . Mestrs W. E. Finney and A. Skinner and Misses H. and A, Spearin of net. Marys visited I'disi'si Olive. Prior. ot, Sunday. it Mrs. Wes. Rawkshaw atd daughter Myrta, Lave returned after visiting lc: Detroit:, 11Mr..I3awkshaty left, last week for the wast. n Mr, 13'. Gill is moving into his hawse on Heron Street recently vwneered a, and raised one storey Mr. 11a. Pier- lt,l ri.tt is moving; into the. as/deneze va- d 4 cated by Mr. Gill. , rr ( Messirs. S: G. 113awden Tom 1Carlung -and, Geo, Armstrong started Monday 1'd for 'Loa don in t he for mers auto, The it auto broke down when near Sb.iJohna and the boys had: to wait over a couple of'dayls for repair}s,, The Be!, the famous k:atadi,an gray Racer,, with a record of 2.02 '1-4 died i,r. 'Columbus Ohio, oin Thu,rseday of last week following several days of illness of iting. fever: The Eel .was owned' by F. W. Entrickin, 'et Tavis toale. Rev. Mrs, Jeffersot., of :Crediton, preached it Main S#rce..t Methodist church on Sunday last and.:conducted Sunday SSeLbol Rally services at Beth- any in the afternoon, Rev. :E; G. Powell conducted 11nni.veraaxy aer- vices .ford Mr. deffers,or.. ' Pumpkin Pie Social='The Epworth league of James Street (Church held a social evening on :Tuesday and a pleasant tine was spent'; by a large tu.rrber of young people; Alter an excellent program; ' pumpkin pie cake ar.d apples were served,' Mr,' H Dotes occupied the chair., A Manitoba Apple -Mr. Richard Gould,, this week showed. us par. excel - lett. apple that had- been ise.nt him by his son, Wm of Mama, Main; The apple was a good size, almost ruby red and nearly perfect and shows us what' can be grown in Manitoba, con teary. to the belief of ron,y' that ap- ples cannot be growvn in that prov- ince, ' Mr. Wm. Fletcher atd Mr. and Mrs M. Fletcher, left last Frid;ay'for Sag- itaw Mahe where they were ,called owing, to the serjous illness, oft their brother-in-law Mr. Moutry. • Mr•. Moutry' passed aivay before 'they reacked there. The cause of bis death was bloodpoisoning.. Harvest 7io,ne acrvices ,will be ,h,eldr in Janes Street Church next Sunday, Special ser eons. will be preached by the pastor, Rev, W. G. II, McAlister, Appropriate %musio- is being prepared by; ,the choir,; The ladies will decor- ate the as ditoriume The .offering will be given to itLe treas'iry.of the Ladies' 'Aid,,• Nearly a fire -On Saturday ev.:n- ing :last whatmight''have lbeen a ser- ious fire happened at the lane of Mr.. Jobs Northcott, Si.ncoe Street. Ai fire( had started in the woodahisd and was gainin,e ground( when Mr. and Mrs.. 1+. 'Mallett; happened along and went .to the( assistance of Mrs. Noriheott and together they succeed- ed in exting•ulishing the flaneeis. Honored by Friends -On TLureday evening last, on the eve 'of his depart- ure( for Toronto, Mr. Herb 0. South • cote was tendered a banquet by. a number'of.young men o,f town in Mr. E. ,a,, Fo.lick's resturant, and ,was presetted with a bea'ntiful pair of cuff links, After several 'speeches and songs the 'gathering,, ;broke up with singing-, "For he's a jolly iIood fellows 'The milliners and em- p,oyees' in J. Al Stewartes store •also presented Fferb with a handsome signet rine He left Friday' evening to take a position in Eaton's store Toronto. • For Sale -General store b•rsinese A a stand with post office• connection. owner is giving' up business because. of id health,. Q'aick Sale,. iA'pply ae Times, or to owter at Hay P. 0. I0-3 2t p Mr. Gordon Waddell osf Saskatobn, Sask, was the guest of (Me,, and Mrly, Ed. !Treble last week. Mies Olive Gould returted Monday after visititg Mr. and Mr's,, tMl: I'', Salter for a few days,, Miss Nita Kinsman expects to leave shortly, for Saska.toot where she will eLga e+, in teaciing ulu5ic. Mr; George lGladmat of Toronto was the guest or this -cousin Mr., F. W. Glad,nan over Sunday. The hoesehold effects of Mr. ;John. Summerville, of Kirktoa', passed throegh town oa Tuesday on their way to So.derich. Mr. James Dennis has 'sold his ho'nse on iA•ndrew Street to 'Mr. A„ Es Fake., We understand Mr. F ik�a will bead next summer; It is often said that Our forefathers did tot know beans• They didn't' teed to, the price of meat was so low they 'could afford to 'hay it: Large Potato -Mr. Russel ElyaL-i broeght - ,itte the office• last week a fine smooth potato, that weighed one.a'nd a half pounds. ' . Potato' Crop -The po tato crops In this section is a particularly heavy one this year, :but owing 'tot the, con- tinued. web -Weather rot is very pre - valents Mrs. G. L. Waugh will receive for the. first Lire on, Wednesday :Qct, 9th. from 4 to. 5 o'clock and afterwards or. the Wednesday. of •. ::ash mottle Mr. Thos, J; Kestle has p'irchagd the residence on Andrew Street of Mrs. Ortwein and expects to erect a' fife new Louse on the ,property, in the Spring; Rev. Fr. Goodwin who has been as- sistant for the past year 'to Rev.' Fr: Foster of Mt, 'Carmel lef reoentiy for St. Thomas where - he fill .irals.ide the futures Harvests Thanksgiving ser(veiees will be, held ir. Grace 'Church ,Staffa, an Sutday next Oct 611.n. The Rev.,,A'. A. 'Bice, 13. A. will preach both morn- ing and evening -1. ` Aibcrt'Mosser of Mount Cannel has purchased^the one hundr,d acre ,farm two and. a half miles west of the Townline from. Edward Ryan/ . The price was 36900. NOTICE -Will • the party who took the! robe from a buggy in, 'James' St., church shed last Sunday evening kind ly Xeturt same to the Exeter Times and save Further trouble; b1e• Mrs. Sparago has returned, to her home in Castleton after appending same time visiitieg friends in Exeter and surrounding country, She was accompanied, by her sister Mrs. 1G. Snell sr.. Sunday School rally services, were held in Caves church on Sunday morn ing last when the Pastor. 'Rev. S. F. Sharp, preached a special sermon.., to the ,scholars, who were aseremblied in a body at the service.,, Rev. L G. ICobbledick of Quiebec, is vis,itin.a his' brother. Mr, D. Cob- b:edi.ck Exeter north Mr. Cobble - dick• will preach in Woodstock next `Sunday,, Last week Mr. W Aialksvilt handed us two old newspapers. that he found while removing a partition in ;the residence of Mr. Frank Gill ,on. Heron Street, One was the daily Globe dated Saturday, March 18th, 1871. It is a nine co,rmmn, four, page paper and does not eonttiain one dof'rb,e• cod- eine advertisement. It was ad Land. set; The other paper was the Wes- tern Weekly .Advertiser dated Dec- ember 22r.d, 1876„ This is an eight page paper of eight co 'nmes 'each and is all hard pet, a greatedeai of it be- ing set in Nonpareie.; Thera are on- ly six columr-s of advertising in this paper. , The following, items were. taken from its Baron notes,-"Tlae Exe• ter 'Yimes wants skating and coasting on the si:dewa.k stopped''. "Teen months ago there was :rot ,a bui,din+g in Iieasaa and to -day there are, over a hand i• red al .having been, eeli'eectfcd within r lir that tone Mr, J E. ;Tones whoa Ilea been vis- itir.g at his hone near Crediton was a ,pleasant caller in town an Friday last'. 'Ile with Mr,. L:• Heywood left Saturday to a.tl•er,d the University et Toronto. They visited Mr. and Mrr. T. E., Handford at Ingersoll Sunday and Monday and 'conducted the Lea- gue Services Monday evenin„e, , TLa foilowitb: communication i.n reference. to the meetir.,g, was received from Ingersoll; AS very.` to , stln x •' i> . gue service was held or., 'Monday even- itg in ate et+hodest church, .l+xivgrer- so:l whet the following prograirat was given by several Exeter', People. Add resses e Mr.T, H y E. Ila d Ifbrd " seasons by in :se, Elstoia; song; addrene by A. •Jr ti 'yerood on "e0urr place .in Life I".atfc f r Dana, Ado • 'Mix I"`du s a, , olirc y �' ' 1t �w a ciresie by E Jones an "113e.Mani";� trio ' , byJ ,r � n A, e.✓ .Ja o Heywood t , . y ood nerd Miss '1" A very tear' vote of Charlet '•�ender'ed to tree, Exeetcr Pcopl and .,rinteir'eetIng progi' The Alarm Our Empire, afamily of nations, one with the Motherland to secure to each individual member thereof, the same civil, religious and political priv- ileges. Forward Ulster in thy might God wilt still defend the right; He will still thy leader be,. He will stay add saccor thee; Forward then in all thy might, God will stilldefendthe right. Britain, drunk with wealth and power, Her guardians heedless of the hour When the foesof freedom walk, To her silent stupor stalk Raise the knife. Ward thou the blow, Ulster s ave thy mother so. In the skies the der tents cloud Hangs with. warning tbirnders loud, Traitor to her ehrldr'en'tt plea, He will their avenger be; Shatter her dominions wide, To the dust bring low her pride. O Motherland, thy children call, Who love the clearest beet of ale; Yield net thy power to freedom's foes; Yield not thy children to their blows; Keep thou the sceptre to thee given. By Him who ruleth earth and heaven. So shall thy loved ones praise e thee *till,And guard thee safe front every ill; So shall the earth,the nations ons all Before thy throne in reverence Esti And own the blessing of tbv sway ' Till night shah fade in endless day. '"Paul Pener To lir l dserard Caron and the peo- ple of ulster with the beat *lobes of thotisandts of loyal 4 anadianti is eche ' 5'= ell copse Val ljrdedie4 l., TrIVRSSAAY OVVC3 1614'3 151112 415141304411,1-4.4441+14++++++44 ++*i'"t.:l'sH+'14+0144.+#;44+j.'lgi1,+h CARLIN�'S . PHONE 18 EXETER. • All Summer Dress Goods, Whitewear X. and Embroideries tO be Cleared at Cost. 4 +F• w• LL DRESS GOODS IN BLACKS,L BLUES. E8, BROWNS, GREYS AND PLAIDS, ranging 4.• ' in price front 50c to $1.50 per yard. We can save yc u from 15 to 20 4.1 4. per cent on theee goods. Intending purchasers should net fail to la - ,1. spect our range of Dress Goode, as it will certainly be to their advent! age to do so. Middy Blouses, reg. $1,25, for 80c_ Ladies • Hose Silk Hoae Reg, goc for. 4oc pair Black Lace Lisle- " 55oc " 40c pair Emb. " -- " 35c " 28c pair Black Cotton ; -- " 2 pr. 25c, now Ioc pr. Mens' Half Hose Regular 53c, fancy, now. 40c pair 3r l.egular 25c, fancy, 'now 2oc pair Men's Shirts Regular $1.25 for $1.00 -�f $r,00 " 85c u .75 " 65c ca .50 " 40C Highest Price Paid for Produce 4. ' +•• 14+•+++ +II••++•+1.44.444+ -144.1•+++•+++4'+•++ +4±l '1't. . J. Carling 4. .,4. 4.• 4•+4+ • A. Marchand 4. 4. Jeweler +4+ Neatl and.'Quickl Done. .4. t ,All Repaartng y y ..... , -� WEDDING PRESENT; THERE WILL BE a great many Wed- dings during this month. There will of per- plexed number P also be a corresponding plexed friends wondering what would make a Suitable Gifr- and where to get it. INVITE THEM to inspect our Stock, which includes Useful, Beau- tiful end Novel (lifts for the Bride the Groom and the New Home. THE FLOUR OF FLOURS would he a good name for our brand Tt is a dour that is simply above all others in 000D BAKING QUALITIES Onee you try a sack you will use it. regularly in your household, We know there are many good' flours to be had,but there is obi one Best: and y, we are confident that a trial will con- vinceder leach to than it i ours. O a days neatbaking': With it and de your uex The result is bound to make you a steady user. A. I � VaS Ll`seter, Onb iii 1' t1lE N7+1WSPAPEIl STI:'t.;t?Q:OL.E Toronto t lb The ,�' r 0 0 Globe ' "*1'Le anialgannation 6f; they Galt epertcr and the Galt '':Reformer 'irre er, the Zama of the taportert' bridled - !the ;tttanvie.l ntraixi of oond,uotingl OULDS GROGERY PHONE 47, i r tit c Electric Light ' PIt ICeep Happy in the' by getting YOUR HOUSE( -101,1D NECESSITIES Here. We handle only, the BEST' and We have everything v ythrng you ;need ah'r Seasons, s , THE TEA AND COfv 4t STONE' WA..txMb-Ohoice Bit 't Fresh Egga. two good daily papers i ;e venAn r tetYspaper loving town as''Gal t groat to be etdu.red; Few newsp aro heir 1.• ,g started nowae.ays„ good raatyof the favorites sof: per o 's lfirxd it Lard' trs .Jalap at' cost? more l d n or tevery, maks' a e a'�v is r gnod .t , sl p ,ry and vetoes <lo ,snot inorea,seP i» b.l:c the same ratio els, ultra A: n'nwhat radio) adai 1io wase rt esirlKi Chu fie'dalreadyundderway. Of t.ixe firiancrat failures' fav wily:tl out, and otko,rs ata: enIl. va.t•ieg tee frenzied ep feernier real