Exeter Times, 1912-10-3, Page 51101IURSDA. Goromit'3 iota
Crivrt'All. Over The World
,Known Only For The
Good Ii tins Done.,
W.ti knovt of no other medieinekehich
ee 1223 been so auccedsful in relievhig the
anfrehing of women, prxeceived so Many
gsneune testimonials, as bah Lydia E.
lenkbarn's 'Vegetable Compound,
In nearly every community you will
End, women Who have been restored tek
healthby tbisfamous medicine. Almost
. eri
re• woman you meet knows of the
a't good it has been deing among suf-
Fotwomen for the past 30 years.
' eleaCieelt, N. B.—"i have always
hatlepoins in tbe abdomen and a weak-
ness there and often
after naeals a sore-
ness inmy stomach.
Lydia E. Pinkharnas
has done me much
good. Jam stronger,
digestion is, better
and 1 can work with
ambition. I have
rreouraged many
mothers of fainilies
to &keit as it is the
bestTOmeelyin the world. You can pub-
lish this in the_papers.."--,Mrs. WILLIAM
S. Behletntla, Fox Creek, N. B.
A ,
lesliftlee Penkheten Laboratory at Lynn,
nags., ale files containing hundreds of
thousendie Of letters from Women, seek-
er:01611h, iiii which man o openly state
Ono their eyart signatures that they have
TWnedetheir health by .taking Lydia E.
Finkhaneei Vegetable Compound, many
of eitliernItate that'll has saved" them
fromosurgenot opelateenso a e •
.1. -•set
• Subjects taught by expert instructors"
at the
• Y. 1,1. C. A.-TILDC..
Studentsossistedeto positions. College
itesession from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue •
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt , J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
is Vice -Principal
4, • T. -
Tboosands of arobitious young +
pnhple are ensteucted in their ee
ade 3iDaies.by our home •etuda dep-
Z aotneent you may 'finish at +
OteVego if you. desire. Pay ±
vitlelolyer you wish. Thirty ee,
trai s n ±
Yea* Experience. Largest +
iCanada. Miter shy
dayt Positions guaranteed, slies:e.
you wish to save board and +
learn ubile yort eaxn, write to
for particulate. "•'" "
Clinton lausinessCollege .
President Principal
Wrate for the large *el:. `est
-Ail 'learn how you can etecceede
More of this school, reed, Yett
la tben.rest with you . to ea'
.hide if you will succeed.• 0, • ie;;
We are placing students in et,
positions paying $000 and $700 aea
per annum, and vve have many ;
such applications for help •
Which we cannot supply „The el
best time to enter oue classes is
w Write for our free cat •
no . •
gue at once, •
••••••••••••••••••••••4140 et
o Al omen: I will' sendillefreee
le full instructions, my Juane treate
whieh positively `cures Leucon'
, Ulceration, Displacements, Palle
of the Woirtb, Painful or Irregular
las, 'Uterine and Ovarian '1'iunors
growths, also Bet Plashes, Nerve
• est, Melancholy, Pains hi the
el. Back, llowela, Itidney and
dder troublee whero tensed 'by
ess peculiar to our sex. , You-
ontinue treatment at hOrtie at a
of only about 12 Cents a week.;
book, h Woman's • Own Matilda'
seral. also sent free on reqUeato
to -day, :Address Mier. Me Siete
Box It Een:Windsor, OntA
elre. Ring retorned to ber loottee ea
Forest after Opending a few days tbe
guest of Mr. and Ms. Eli Rang.
Mr. and Mrs, Snell of Feceter were in
town oneheoy last week,
We are glad to report tbat Nathan
Sambrook is improving nicely and We
hope be will continues°.
Allies Ethel Clark spent Tuesday in
Exeter with frientie, '
Messrs Sherrill and Eilber of Zurich
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and
Mrs, W. H. Wenzel.
1Vtiss Hose Roeszler is spending a
'few weeles With friends In Detroit,
Miss Ella Beayer is spending a few
weeks'vtoth friends in London.
Mr. Frazer Braun area sister Della
autoed to Exeter on Sumeav and spent
the day the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Esli Heywood,
Miss Feta leienzle returned bome
after attending the Teachera311BU-trite
Which was held at Goderich last Thurs-
day and Friday. •
• Rev, litt Of Berlin spent a few days
Withiriends atounel here. •
Mr. and 'Mrs. Someel Braun spent
MoOday in Zurich with friends.
Miss Adeline Baez of Hamburg is
theguest of her sleter Mrs. Charles
Mr. Graham returned borne deter
attending the Teachers'', Jestitute
which was held at Godericalast week.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgeleilber returned
borne after spending the summer at
Galles' Depot, Mr. Either acted as
hush ranger. George looks as if the
country agreed with bine. "
Miss Rosie Eilber of Zurieh is spend-
ing several, weeks in town.
Mr. Harry Seveitzer accompanied by
B. iftrown Rev) E. tlitern and .T, Holtz-
oaarat motored to Shipka on Sunday
afternoon, where Mr. Burn e.id Bol-
tzmann gave addresses at their ISurt-
day School Rally. • •'
The many friends of Mr. .
'Young will learn with regrefi that
14 is not improving very irapitdiy:
Rev. Mr. Powell of Exeter ;conduct,
ed. anniversary Services /in..thie, 3YEeth-
odist +church klutday last and preach-
ed,. two fine sermons
'The fowl sapper in the 'Evangelical
church abed to-oight Thuraday pro-
misea to be a big success.
Goetz—Finkbeinere-A. very • Pretty
weddingt was ablestnized on Wedn.es,
day afternoon Of last week at the res
idence or Mr. and. Mr S4 ChriatoPIter
Firkbeiper; of the .1:3th emeeeseon.ef
Stephen,' when theer de:latter Elizd-
beth was otitea inarriageette
limber Goetz, of Dastwood,. elble
cereeiory Was performed on tke Ceitee
eir.der an arch of evergreeast bedthe
Rev. M. Grer.zebace, in the Oereeee
erod of ,aboat• 175 gueSts, The ;bridle)
was beaatifully gowned in...while Sall°
Lt and wore .rhe. etistonarO "'bried.a
veil; ' She carried •e' boaquet
roses.' ,,T1.e- brides:need" woe., : • "Miele"
Catherine sister of 'the, bridewhU
ehe groom was saliporeed by his lards
• ther. Mr. Eldon Goetz'''of SudbOrY
• They' Were also at tendleehp
-flower gLcI. After the: ceirenoriP
nal/ diewr. to a 'key s•ineotaeas wee-•
diog repast:- The-he:Ole woe the ee-
cepier.taof,eraany' easeful area bandis.ome
'iveddir.g ,presenta. ;Mr', and • Mrs.
• Goetz will residefint-Dashwood sand
have the bat 'wishes- of ChoCsit' of
triendsi Craests,^werie ore,s,ent at the
"weddlna from Sarnia Berlin, Toronto
Falkirk and Exeter:. "
Death of George Sehroalar— Mr,
Geri .Schroeder of Dasavot:a who was
operated on •for Cancer an Londda
Etospitai last spring, 'died' on :Saha-
urtlay September 121st, atr his home
Where- he was coofined"to his bed
ever since the operation...Ile
given tl..e best of treatIrtent. and,. at.:
tendence during ••lais •Illness, Mit the,
dread disease had taker, such a,liott
.that his stror.g and robust constitu-
tion couvd not withstand the :ravages
of the disease, ax.d succumbed to its.
ettects as above stated;. itc; was
wed and favorably known far 'and
near, and was a friend to everybody
,uci, an enemy to none. He was an
extensive and successfuf Exhibitor
ah all 'he lee:direr, fairs inthis viten-,
ity. • He.wes liner in Alsace hoaxing -
ger. Gernianyin January 1659. He left
his tativ.e home about 27 'year's ago
ani along with his now ,bereft partner
-imigrated to thia' county settling
down:1n the •Dashwoo4,
Wheed he ni"..46;314 Seers
oact, Was croWried.•withtccesTh.-
"a k,nd husband and 1athid
tkeed:, neighbot, 'heliive'd oarViT
eodirlle eanad in coetactowitanala re-
liginionnhe emeei ' a:Lutheran 4tn4 in
rtiotiti*4• 5. reformer; . Ten fune.ral
„look ploceetrom his 'lete residence: on
ucday at p. no, ;nod proceeded
ectee.e.:e ototeeheet leash -wood. He lea -
See to mourn hie loge his wife 6
daughters and three isroase`
•WOOD le nett .
• A r.exv fence is being built around
tbe parsonage late • ; •
.Itars. Stevens and on Walter, lave
retarned Irom Warren, Pienii-
Mr..-Satnae, Spearr. and bride (nee
Goalie have retarned, 'from,
their wedding trip; They • ' intend
making their hornet in Ste ;Marys. We
wisla them every ouccessof life.
btr. hod Mos. Harper and datighler
of MUnro, and Dr. and, fondly
or St.Maiya were ea,lers tilt, the Pare
sonage on Friday last i
Next. Sunday will be observed as
Rally Days Ar. enterosting ;program
Las been preparod, Oar pastor will
slOtea ot eloreflag, Service. at 1030
ex, m. • ; ILL ee
The' Groends in el Front of -• the
'Orange Hall /aye lben tut:eh timprov-
tee le new fence has .bee beet' and a
etment •walk laiol 'down conniecaig
with the trentent across. the
800.0'4'•deka Orareeemen are to •te
ot London tee
t tle enter -
r '22nde
• ASTO r
For bifints
Kiwi You Or
ti,To tho•
tore e/
• HENSA.1,14
laervest Tharalingivioe teerveceaIne
teleit ilk at. Pael'a eburch. Bennett de
Senday last wheo blee Rev. Wm Lowe
of Lacan preacted appropriate e'er,
moos both ineerning end *Vetting to
large conoregetions,
• Deata of Mee. Thompson—We xe.
gret thia week to have, to •chew:1161e
the deeth of Mos, Joar.ina Logio, zee
liet of the tete Mr. llimere Thompsoa
of this village whiee tercuree on Fri-
day.. ot last week,'" The deceassidi Was
born tm the, •Bagnelon road', Usborne et
few milee tsouttheof Iternale and wae.
well•aod, fan:sheerly kooWn for her
matey oxcelleol queli ties; SL e ,was a
niece of the Rev. 3, Loges. She was
first reeiried to Jr. Dunn of London
and by theeunidie had aeon and
;carnal:ter, Harry, of gd12onton, and
Emily of taieheillageei Abode` nine
years ago lathe inarried the iota 'Mx.
Benard Thompson who predeceateed
her three years and (tering the it -
Leos of her late iniehand, Mese Tom -
son through ;close 'watching and al-
most ceeselees attention and nursing
contracted the illness, 'which led her
to her eleablote The following year af-
ter tis tdeatla ' eke took a trip
to ;bee weat isi, tbe interests of, 'leek
tealtle but it failed fin its purpose
and. 'fo_r tee pa4t three years she hae
beet ' in dec,in:og health. She bore
her illness, with patience and tittle
conaplaixing o Lich aver character-.
ized her life, ad the end cana.e pea-
cefully It may be said of her that
she nobly did her duty, if not more
th.an ,tthat and she lia‘s paspr.1 to her
reward,. The remains were interred
Lt the Hensall unioii cemetery and
tke 'a bteredence atIto serikoe was
large The -sorrowing eon and elia;uieh-
• ter Lave •the tsympathy of the COM-
ratirSty in taeir sod berevemene. e)to
deceased was may 'fifty four year.
of age, 'trod until the last few years
was in the enjoymene of health that
promised . ripe .old ego
The 'Annual Harvest Thanksgiving
aervices or St. Pours church Beason
was held on Sabbath last vhen the
Rev. Mr. Lowe or lateen conducted
the services in the morning and even-
ing The ehureh was nicely decorat-
ed for the occasion and :special musia
was rendered by the chols
• We are pleased to :roomer teat Mr,
.pobt Dovvie Who was so severely in
jur.ed n thet Deering mins is' improv-
ed as well -as can be oXpeOCIA nd
last week wen b 'to the Minton Hamel
tat Where still better.. ea re aod'atten-
tion-eare be given hint.
•' The Rev, Dr. Strang, Superintend
'ent of missions tin the went and an
old Iiiiroo Boy brought up within a
few miles eh ;our vteltage ;conducted
services in Carmel. • •• Presbyterian
church oi Sahbath evening last 'igiv-
irg a. most tnte.rtestenn accoutre of
the goad -hark there and...creating 'a
,new interest in mis„sione ehte •Oho
close of, ehe serviee: „bee. areaeleo
• received , a cordial welco.ne, from
many of hie eldejOarte.re1atiV:41, .and
friends end. proinised. if -pogaibie
again Vialt- the ,.s.ogre,gation
a year's Crate.. • '
aMrs, Pee efraceetrir who recently
;west. one' West ,:en advonceeof her hus-
band os , they Were Luber:ding to Mee
;there. Tet9.inecl -last week' not „ohne
gethe sabisied with thee, Proerecti.
etere, they'. aeo. lee- the
•preirent .eeest to ehmain t lee • toe
cality ter •
• Miss Vero Weishlefd here on nu:A:,
day*, evening, for •Torentp„ where slit
intends attending' keiOloga previously
to ,:engagin g as 'sae% 'teacher.
Mr. Jarne.s TIpilard left herelisb
week for London where he ietends;
undeetg,oine an operation • whieh his
relatives and friends truat.,will he
succeishit it reStoring. his
actietorned health. '
Dr.; Macdiarmicl from thientatotes a
nephew of Dr. +lief eDiarmid.ahetaregeolt-
lege toad his er.cle Wine; ereee dur-
ing tte past week. • • - •
'Mn, J, Ce.:Storomen 'os. Toronbo
ard 'fotocterly of thee viliegb eterant a
couple of -days with; her ;friends here
during the poet vreek who were phase
ea to 'meet her agaii.,.
Anniversary tservices in connection
with the Methodist .church here was
held an Sabbath September 129th
Services at 2.30 end 7,p, M.. was .con-
duetete by Rev. Paul Wo6d,e, D. A; of
Brucefield. The're was saeciai 'mus-
ic by -the choir. On the ' 'Monday
evening •folieWite e tea eneetin;e• was
held lo the basemene of eIto church,
netext ,weecheo: progroot Wed eeieen in
hae.aeilitoriem.• Addopeopseite.re,given
tey Revs, Beicer oteSeeloettaleteAaseer
ofetExeter, OM...Bicker scar' ae•legroorte
Specialnaiesiel was dereed by; tate
Methodist eaerch ch i ShdfOreb..,,en
. A young ' lad who , iiet- theeampley
.of Mr. Beery Jolson.. while olgicepg
apples fell erom the I :on atrikiog hie,
Lead one receivieg a t•bOd Ohaecireg up
it• was a narrow escape end he will
feel tae effaces .of the fait fei some
Mese Druck and two altildren or
Winnipeg are visiting • her many
friends in Tuckersmis a Mrs. Druck
is an old Tuckersmitli lady formerly
Miss ,Nlyr tle Sprea b.
The friends of Mr. John Landers
will be pasetti to learn that 'he- is
now able to be about the house,'
Mr, and Mrs. C. 1.0tier spent Sun-
day with relatives in Crediton. this continent aa to the relative food
Mr. end Mrs, TI.eo. McAdams tinol values of' tee different grains, and
tend moving to London about the
first of October.
Elmore Rupp of Detroit is home for
a v;sit with hie parents Mr. end 'Mrs.
Henry Ilupp • .„0
Mr, 'Wtn, EcitVnin of Gimp'. is, leere
visiting his parents Mr. and Mese HY
Eskslein Bronson line., •
Mrs, Hampmere and hersi Metz ol
leerier" arevisition a.ttehonia of the
formers -parent's, 'Mi. end Mrs, Geo
There Paeised away at hio •ate, rese
Wenn Mx charcia street Mesa Craig:
• ooe of tae oolese aetteere' of that
,p.acie U kee person of Mr. Georgt:
MeDoneed, Deeeaaed ked been oilieg
for ecreee teme pasit with canteen so
that tbe 'death was; not •unexpeeted.
Be *leaves to emurn Lis losa one son,
Robert at tone tale wife having pre-
deceaeed his eonee; years ago, OW
brother Joho re,sideo in l'orontO,
was a nember of the l'restryttrian
Church.) MB re zains wem &Wooed to
Ingeesod on Monday leor enter,oent.
Weiee playieg with so De friends
*tale Maggio Blake had eke oisfor-
bade to atep on a piece of gam gash-
ing her loot, She was batrried, to the
Wise; of Dr, Da niitot where oevere/
stetchee were required to' eeose 'the
wound. Sbe wLl be laid up"for some
Mr. John Potter an otd and Itisfhly
respected resident of Nairn passed
away on Sunday at his late residence
after a prolonged ill:leen Deceased
is survived by his widow and
grown up :family He was a member
of the Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. El, Cann were the
geeste of Mrs. J. Car= laat Sabbath.
Sone 'of the farmers; ttroered hero
haver beer. busy getting tip their po-
tatoes lately, aid a good crop is re-
roxted althoagli some are starting to
Sacremer.tal services wile be told
in eke Presbyteriao oherch next Oab-
bath, -
• Or. Friday afternoon Prepartory
aervices will be c,ondocted by Rev,
Carswell, "
Mr. Robt. McDor.avd is adding a
new verandah to the froneoof exits
Loose. ,
Fos -beef Bray who has 'been attend-
itg Stratford Iresiness coilege left
Mouday 'for Regina, to take o pos-
ition as book keeper; foe a hardware
Mrs. Hereee end Ler sat are 'Visit
the formers aster.. Mrs. Ainer.
the Manse.
A naraber from arouxed here took
jr. Eirkton Fair on Friday.
Sieo filling has commenced in aheeie
WHALEN , • t
Rally Day eerviebe was lead here on
Ser.day lost and a solendiet program
was giver_ by thee sahoolti
• Rev. Dr. Medd oft Godgrich will
preach ,here next Sendaye A good-
ly Lumber from here attionded the
Kirkton Fair some of them tell .as: it
was away alhad of Stratford ‘Fair
Well:done for Kirktoaai
. 1issLzcy Gunning who has been
seriously, ilk is, we are vieasrd to -
say t:miprowing a kiree- and: we, hope
.st.,e Will be' get again befeeeimee
Harvey Parkinson left ,nu Monday
Lor. Brantford where he purposes
working for ten winten.
., Mrs.. J. Wright is wasihno her sis-
ler tat Ingersoll for a, few.nreekse.
• 'Mrs. iCampbtel ar.d Miteseposena Bet
tam are eisitena witheetheir ;muslin
Ogder. this week.
,MONEY FOR, g„,pnooris
• Raising :mime for ScLoola—The fol-
lowing item will. be of ineeregie to cer-
tain sections Where it , seems almost
impossible ta get sufficient :roomy to
• properly equip and operate 4 public
school: . Tit Wake county N, 0, the
rural schools are face to face 'wilt
thie 'difficulty, and the meaty Mee
ertr.tendene of public instruction, Mr;
S. V, Judd. soteeated ;that
each :school coltivate the. iaod viona
rounding it and use. ao. money (eh
Joined for tte orop for school -purpose
es On eertein daye. the parents and
tbe :children 'met In soireel farm work
ing bees, and. put' ix1 tehie _crop. The
best farmer :tte neeghborhoodsupe
ervised the week end the, eesiult. was
qui to. enceureging. ei.c first • , ework
wets time at ttollyelee.....ee,'ewo yeare
age when two acres e t
;cotton. Men womeneand ci.,en alt
teemed out to .the tbees ani ince din-
perimeot will arouse a geed• dea.e of
Lee tegethere Tho crop oetted the
'school oilet 3:Ire- following year el-
evetenchoon tried the plan onchmacto
a net pinfie of about O1,'200, , The Un
lai tea States „Bin -eau -of :Educe tion Las
lust heued a monagraPhi: ;frying t•he
details, of_ the plan, One ; of the. tee
-stato rerdecIV„eataa'been't6 increase -
.of• ittehtee,reoekoteecliees•ond etelteet.
,w ete le 'en' the pee t • Ine tk,paren ta
a•nd,childiehe. W. do not 1X flow tha t -
•there are inany !oommunities in Can -
.ode 'where this ',work needs, to he in-
Irodurect _tor el.:et:wed reasocie. elexte,
Out as ainedna .ot cdeeetion along
agricultural lines it secrets to as
in 6,'voeurtyd
each school not betve its own exper-
imental ebatioa. We Lave ' school
gardens why not school market:gar-
dens, on a .somewhat larger •scale.
There 1(09 in th:9t a poseibility of. ed-
acation in agricalture welch seem.'
very :promising. •.
Core, *heat and Otte—There has
.beela a good deal. of descussion epee'
• .1 - f) H fn
.e, , ei He Pott „ ur
W,Lo hpent. the !past w,eek at the
hoe, of Mr.. 1,Vna. Steil 141h ;con re-
-earned to.'his home Monday.
Mery Brown': of Goshen Line
South , visited frier' Is in Ailsa : Craig
for a few days 'las &week.
Mr. and ;Ars; Wm. histenao of
Stratford visited' ' the-latter:el un -
„coo' Mr. II, F, Weseloh, for; a few
days last week.
• Mr,”- Henry Eckstein of' Ile Broil.
sore Line 'died 'on Wednesday evening
atter .a five weeke helves from peter -
lea• which 'developed .;:oto, on -cannon's.
The funerai ,took place an Saturday
fternoon to thc. ottkiet:ary
i3xor,P.o1a ,
khe.:.4e.nerat impresaion in this corn -
in regard; to corn has been that
ft was not as safe a toed nor as
healthful as wheat or oats. t ale
connection recent experimente roads
by the Wisicousin College of Agricui-
cultone atee of nore then Ordinary in-
terestThe experiment was begua
tour years ago with aixteen two, year
old heifers' Which were grouped into
fogr, lots! webh Deur, individuals
cechelotealiech group was fed on bah
ereced, teem, hub the ration far the,
ars!. group was eomposeeeneirely of
Winat. proctucte, Mot foe the secooa.
'alietip at oats tarot Ito by prod uetee
thae Sor the. thirdgtoep ief, cote. taxi.
its by prodelete, heel that for the
fotirth trroOo a mliture • or ,three
geitios The results tif • theo2 (!xperi-
meets havefieteee.tatiu feted with oare
poet deciaadly eto, the •eotielus-
err. that corn with its by-prodects is
superior to eibliekeehite 1etee,00ts, or a
iniottire of all three both IL regard
to milk serretiot, and vigor of POP.
014 These tote will inot he ereept-
eel as echelnalVe .without ferther eX-
perietteot, but if !Other etPerimetOts
steered. bar Met 0040 Of 'the Ws
Thanks to 6INIILLS
owr you want to
have oNg WINTER.
free of Blieninatism?
Don't,you want to
enjoy life as other
to eat and sleep and
work as healthy„ normal
men db; instead of 'being
all creaplea up with Ithenmatiain
Watley Tremble'
Theo take GIN PII41,S and compees.
your old. enemy for giiod. Mr. Beaudry
did, With the helh ot the -01N PILLS
ee 597 Pallet Ste Montreal, P.Q.
• . • March 29th, I9 T2
•eIt agoras me great pleasure to en form
yon flat I have used GIN P.ILLS for
• aboutsix months and that they have
eine me a great d6' 1 of good. I have
had Itheinnatism f.Ve a couple of years,
and thisewinter I saved. myself from it
by using GIN PILI,S. I highly re-
cornmend GIN PILLS to the public."
Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS
are sold every year through the influence
ottlrbse who'have Been cured, and who
recommend QIN PII4LS to their friends '
and neighbors. If you are subject to
leheottratism, Kidney or Bladder
Trouble, start in right now on GIN
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50. -If yen want
to. try thena first, write for a free sampl,e
to National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, Toronto, 148
cousix.. College it will mean a great
revival of core. 'feeding. It is gen-
orally recoeized however, that the
healthfulness of belaxiced Teton de-
pends a good deal nom the kind of
roughaee used, and iteither wheat
nor oat sbraw can •codepare with corn
fodder as food. No doubt. tb.ese exe
diecussior. and lead too ataxy °thee's,
of similar cberacter
The fur.eral of the late Eraperor
of Japan took piece on. Sept 141h,
with simple but impaling Shintootere-
moths, solemnieed on the Aoyama
parade ground in •the presenee of an
immense silent -sorrowing multitude
the new Emperor hall Rmprese being
Present with the princess and prin-
cesses of the blood,, Later in the day
the funerae party ,took a train for
• Mote, *here the buriai took placie at
Momoyanaa, tl.e Hill ca. -Peach Blos-
• soms near that plape, and in accor-
dance with the late Emperor's wish's
'Hick's Forecastts--Ae'e etee.ceiopary
Stoner periodic centre( onee.4.4th and
5th tear tad eeeter of a iNeeroury
period • A 'regular stolen period sea-
ches into first and second central
September 28,th These disturbances
wed, pass over contr. 1 to Oast -heat sec -
hems October O3st d 2nit, ,letrt ,the
failing learometer A Rh cioodimess
atd rain will prevait generally on and
toueleog the 41h and 5th Tho /in-
efloctce of Earth's autumnal equietox
trotting with the Marcure period, will
prolong this period, causing mach
'cloudy, , threatening weather., .
•A' Reg,olar storm period central toa
the .9th covers the lth to 12th. Eaaitli
Mercury iantl , `Vutown," -wilt mete lax
this period wibh Moon,,, a t, ;perigen aa
the, 714, on ;the cepeatoiheux the atle,
and now,..; at, a totit eclipse noteeeno
the Ihtli Great- Ohnoenherie distur-
bances areeprobable 'at 'thee leerier&
Seyete West • India storms are very
likela 'aod. the barometer realeingeste
shotild 'be carefully watched. along
all southerp coast. regions Telel clia-
turbances are to be expected. Ttun
`der, rain ad ,high winds • will visit
Many interior parts of, tle country,
turrang in 'nor tkerrosee tions to 'tenet
ad snow. An early cold, wave, for
the seasoo, will come with the rising
barometer behind these storms, send-
ing frosty nights far • toward the
south.- A very marked. seismic period
incoives the 7th to the 1.3t,11,centr4I
on 'ilda leth.
Kirktou Fair,
Contineed from page 1 "
13, '0,arke; chickee It. Clarke; Ling -
shorn, Worde,1 t. chicks, H., Wur
died, 1 &2; weete Plymouth Rok, 3.
W.. Oetvveir., Dougeas & 'Sons; chieks;
Potteg.as -I&Sote; •barred Plymouth
Rorke, 3; Ortweix.. AH. Sweibzer
cheks, A. Ho Sweitzer., S. 13. Epreett;
Sitver Lacele Veyer.dottese S. W. Ort -
weir.; chicks, a, W. tertwein; go:den
laced, Wyandotees, 3, W. Ortwein;
chicks; Je W; Ortweien White Wyan
elottes; J. W, Ortweire, Geo, 13ent.t.),-;
chicks, 11, Warded, J. W. Ortwein;
Rhode Is,ar.d -Reds* A. IT, Sweitzer.
J. W. Ortiveir.; chicks, A. IL, Sweitzer,
1 & 2; evt.itei ,eghorts, Earl Serino
Doug,as & Sons; Licks, Douelae
Soos, 1 & 2; brown hgaorne, • a.
WLitet & Sons, lie Clarice; chicks,
Wtite & Sons, 1 & ht .brown Leg
horns 1-090 COM% White. ee Sons; IL
Warded; chicks, B. Weeded, White
& Sons,; bore Andalusiene, A.. H. Swei
tZcr B 'Clarke; chicks. A. 1. &welt-
zer, 1 & 2,; Pettods, 13. Clarke; 1 '&; It, 'Ciarke, 1 e?c. whied
Crested Poernete, Geo. Beeitley ; chicks
Geo. Benteey; Iloodens, EL Wurdelle
chicks, II. Worded; llvC Spanglel
Ha ruburgs, 11, W urde.1, '1 ; obicko
Il„; Weeded; white orphirtatoren OT,
Doupe, J1 Ciarke; _butt OrpeenteLons.
aicks. jI, Clarke; Game, 13,heurdelf
1 & t; ;cliche, le. • Wardell -A sii-
Ver 'grey Doekir.s, 13, Weeded 1 &.2;
eLiche theWercleil 1 &( 2,; 'Toulouse
goesoa .3 pun ee ts, White & Soma
goatita, Je. White &eons; Ilene Hone
gonita, ,le, H Sweitzer; Ebney fesc,
A. H.• Sweitzer; tonatnot geese,
Swei I zer ; Pekit ducke, Douglas *
Sortij dilekting9, Doetelae &a Sono 1
& a; Ayosleury ducks,. J. White &
Sons i eotrineove ducktinget B Clarke;
Rronze torkeys, A. R. Sweitzer,
White & Sore; Yolleg torkeV, A: le•
Sweitzer; yoerg Waite turkeys, ,A;
IL Sweitzek; eoileetion of pigeons, ./.
White I hal; larrit,
moo nottivelatell11114111144)
oo Dims
unlaaaaamolicallo ammursummaccammeteco
Jtvolabiet 'mi. A
e..e repar_on or s-
nessandiresteontains neither
ro:Norpliitte nor Iftacral.
N'Anc meld.
' .ritnprdn,._80a-
flinn;leca -
ApetOct ilemedy'roreanstipa,
tion. SOLT toreteli.Diarrhoeo,
• nest ar41.kiSS'OF SLEEP:.
lfacSinalo'aeenatiire of
• •
Alt) eoieeeheita;
For Infanta au
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
.roe ace -roma counter. tr Yoex ernr.
ehterea: oehoehlo.
. °Counterpane, ex•ochetted, lefre, • Tg,
.Single top ba47,y,,. D. Bra/trey & Marriott; patchwork oath," airs. Be
eon e siaoglt open Ouony, DeeeicLarty Bantam, Mrs, J. GiafiLtan,r , crazy
& Sox., W., Rabb et:Son; Portland cut patchwork qubt Mrs. ilia tee Sanaa
ter, aire.311ebb & San; mingle piano box Dotope; appeque work, Men 1,V1.012-
entter,, D,eVieLeirty & Son, 'We ;Babb trirVi Mrs. Marriott; roman' enahreol-
& Son. • •" • ery, Mrs. Marriott', Mon E. f etaetam,-;
GRAIN ,AND SEEDS • bettenburg lace, Mrs. Marriott, Gad.
Leehite, fail wheab SatnO Doupe # M.1. Norris; shop -era, Mrs. Meer:0kt,, Mabee
ieretteur ; revlaall wkeab, Mess Atkin. Brook; chiedee (locos, Mite. Weellevaere,
sono6erowed barley, 8. ;Donpe, M. Bre-
thour ; 'large oats, Brethpur; com-
mon oats, M. iBrettour, • Doupe,
black eats M Sreauer; timothy
seed, Bretkonr, Vold; ". Doupe;
whife beans, W,31. Sinclair, S. Dotupe;
corn. .1, Haziewood, Wee, Sinclair;
Sx,yeet corn, Wm, Sinclaii, W. klanna; Geo Norrs; Afghan cottou, Mrs, Mar-
cr.silage corn and cars, M. Gregory, riotto Afghan patchwork, Mrs, •
Je. eLerkby 4' Bantam, Geo. Norris; drawn work,
HORTICULTURAL rnontcTs • Mrs. Marriott, Mrs, Wickwire; knitt-
Grayer-steins, W Sperling S Doope; ed .tace in cotton, Mrs. elanhani, Mee.
Bever, 8, Doupe E, Hewitt;
efewiet; Wolfe Marriott; roilectiori of ladies work,
Newer,. Mos. Marriott', Mrs. Wickwire; col -
Ontario, ,e1. Doupe E,
ern spy, R. Selves, Vie:Sinclair.; Bien. ierriton of novelties, Dawson Bros
keen Pippo:ate Ratcliffe, e3ree. W.
Sparlirg; Wealthy, Ratcliffe Bros;
Fallwater Rabeiiffe Bros,W. Baran,
Talnian Sweet Ratcliffe, Bros., N.
•hero Marreott; rag carpet, Wme Sine
ciair; tea eosy, Tom heeoyee haaaiteh
Brown; tenterpiece, Mrs'; S, Marripbe
May D&britlge; Omer mate; Mos,
Witekwitree piano scare, Mrs, lefor.riette
pielow stems, Mrs. 3e.. Harlem:, F,
Gaullogo; Afshan 'wool; Wen. Sinclair,
Mrs. Wickwire; bead _work, ,Javt.
Creighton, Mrs. Wickwire; leek sofa
pelow, Mrs. thEarebett, lYlay Pahridge-;
Gowans Baldwins, Ede roPelead, embroedery on sac, Mose elanheme
wood.en sofa pillow, Mos; Marriote;
Sinclair; Snows Je Appletb, F. Det- Mee.- Marriott; erobroideryeon Omen,
bridge; Rhode islard Greenin.ga, Bat. Mee. Wickwire, Mrs, Bonham; eta-
broidery in bolting, eloth, Mrs, Mara
rn,t 1; ,point race, Jas. CreighrOrt, Ar._,414
Wickwire; eyelet embroidery, Mrs'
Benham, Mrs. Marriott; ideal. Hone -
ton. „taco, Mrs. Jefarriobt • Bardangor
work, Mrs. ;Marriott, Mrs.. Wiekeveree
rag. mat, ea. Brethour, Se:eclair;
. ,
bead 'made gloves, Meal Plarriate,
Foster; Sweet pear, Sparlir.g .,S. John Haarewood; plain, woollen steak*
'Cooelanti; iColverta, R. Sentese Lad'', Mee •IMeee'et•te P:a;in
socks, Mos. Marriott; wooden •mitee, •
JI. Ter f Ls e Duchess of Oideoburg, Rat-
Pevvaukee, Wm; Sietciaio, NV, Gowans- Mrs. Marriott; mending patches,
cafe :Tiros, Bd. Copeland', Ctayuga Red Mrs. 'Marriott'. jeke
Ser.eak, Wm. Hanna. Wm. Sinceair; darning on stockings, Jas. Creightan,,
St. Lawrence nottenee Bros, le, see. ,Hate" Doupe, Mrs. 31 }Tatham; table
ves ;4. Fail Pippira, J. 33. Epplete, W. tdoyeies, Id.rs. Wickwire, F. Gatilir.gs;
cliffe Bros, Dawaor. Bros; Ring .o
Tompkins W. Sinclair, 110.ecliffe Bros;
Maidens. Brush, p. S. Daw-
son 'Bros; Mann, • W. Gowan, W. Siete.
hale; Alexantiers S,4 Ttuftet, D. Bog-
er; Goolen Remote F. Delbridgee
Gowan; Ben Davis, W. Gowans, R.
Doupe; Meson Pippins R. Selves, Ed:
Gowars; •Codection of Appies., Rat-
cliffe Bees, 33awatio Bros; Crab apple's
red, Wm Harare 13,Doepe; Plums, W.
Fleown Wm. Hanna; Fall Pears D.
•Romeo M. Brethour ,Wir.ber pears,
De Kemp., Demeter:, Rios; Peactes,
Mrs. Meer:of-to Goapeee green, Mrs.
Witkivire.:.MnsajMarrioSt., Grapes red,
.." • aliadieeAl3LES
Herat New Yorker Potatoes, ,
;Birch, Tone Crews e Beauty" of heb-
rone John Hodge; 'White Eiephante
Hodge; Earry St, George, Jan H000e
any variety potatoes, Willie illtackler,
John, Cottie; three varieties arot on
list, Geo, Bentley; Sweheshr turnips!,
toilet mats, Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs, lean
lam; grochet wool, Mabel Brook,
Mrs. Marriott; pin queetion Mrs. Mare .
riotte Tom Crewe; atachir.e Sewing,
hilt'oate.41Mmrl, Peltinnhalsemw; • bail-tat:4
hnZess Mabel Brook, Jae. Creighton.;
fere,y Lanillteichiefs, Mrs. Wickwire
elloa"Brover.; hatadicerchief raen, Nei-
sor. Bonio, Mrs. Marriott; rad thug,.
Mrs. Benham, Mrs. Marr.otte
cotbon shirt waist, Mrs. Baraboo:to
'darning on net, Mrs. Marriott;
Creigh•tot ; worlein,e ethirt; M. Areth-
our.; ter.eriffe lace, Mrs. Ba.neetre,
airs. Marriott; towel rack, Mies
Browr., linen ein.broidery alas Brown.'
Miss Atkinson, David Faster; heavi- Lt) 11U -
est burning, John Hodge; It, Selves; Collection. of house plants, Mrs. S.
gardon carrots, War. Jamiesan,, J. , Brown, Le N. Shier; General:me, Mrs.
13, Eppeette lotagercel manset wurzel. S. BrOwn, Hatkney & Madge; Peebles
Davis Foster; intermediate. inang-el Mrs. S. 13rown; Cacti; Mrs. 5, Brown,
wurzel. D. Foster, la •Roger; shear. ;rare pants, .11-ackney & Idadge. Ae
mar.gel roster R. Selves; heaviest Duffield; col. of cut flowers, John
neatocis, Ratcliffe 33rose D. y,ostter; Cottle, Mies ALkitson; bouguet oe
ior.g blood beets, IL W, cut flowers, Mrs. B. Har.hare, Hack.%
Jamiesot; 'turnip beetle, W. Jettniesone r.ey & Madge; foattee planes, W..
joha Votele; white cabbage,( Jahn Hanna, Mrs. 8: -Brown; collection oD
Cottle; Tom Crewe; red cabbage, 'W. ..haves, N.:0. Sweitzer; eawevion 0,e
Jamieson,. H. eiollielay; Winningstead wied flowers and points, A. Duffielele
cabbage-, Tom Crewe, Wm. Jamieson; Judges Mrs. If. W. •Sereitzer, „*.
tomatoes Wm. Sioeutir, Miss Atkin- Annie ifoY,
son; celery, John Cotble, leena. Sin- • FINE ARTS' •
emir; long citron, Wm. Slinclairl Stuffed birds and oniteals , • W.
round eitroe, A, Duffield; spampktn, Browr.; crayon or pa•steleo, J. Taylor',
A. Duffield; Tom, Crewe; in,usknaelon T. Williams; coilectiot of • photo -
.Win. Siociaie; par,snips, Tom. Clreeve, graphs "le. Gautingis; pencil eleawina,
John Cottee; treble seemeth, Was jam Jas.. Creightor., E. N. Shier; naintioe
ecoop; WeBrowb; white or yellow on- or. tgiase, Robt, Taylar. Mrs. Wickwire
ions, H. Bolliday, Wen. Jamieson; ree painting in oil filet:1.e, Roble Taybere A,
onions; Wen. J'amieson; lifollielae; G.etning; pia:nine in oil laodsctape#
CO:100tier. et v-ege Labia, Wm. Jamie- fruit or flowers, A. Gunning, 11.: Tay-
"Stpc; turraps, Miss At'. 51°.'a',:ipdatixs:troinge. aoand cil;.3.11L-ttelee"tehinit (11:"L`lel°er'!
kix.son p Yellow Globe Wm. ris Saral ,Doupe; pyrograpey, Mrs. J.
table sauash Tom Crewe; cueumbers Gilfillan, 3,, Hooper ec Scat; water sot -
W. Sparlixar or landscape, J. Taylor% Mrs, Wick'
Judge—Jos. Moore. wire; :metal work, W. .ol'01811,,,
1)A 1 it"Y VitteDUC3'S iCar,oed leruit---Peaches, Jos, Creigha
Five poands butter, Wan leiree, Jae.. tot, airs! Wickwire; PRIMO, Mrs.
Roact ; facet:her' butter, Geo, Jacques; Wickwire, T. Williams; eerrants,
judges H., C. Facey, 3. G, Jones Tom ,Crewe; cherries, Jas. Creightoto
. MISCELLANEOUS t Wino Siteilair- ,gooecberriee, Mt Galan.
• Single set ot carriage harness F. thous; rasPhe'reies last L'Ireight'""
A. Taylor. & 12; double Iseloof team 11, Sweiteer; tomatoes, 3, Urquhart,.
harness F. A. Tarore tioney in sere Wililta.ms; aro' vatiety• fruite joke
tier- •M• Pratour, P. GatilingSi homer Motphet. Siociair; homa triode
extracted F. Gatilitge, Re N. Shier; bread. 3, Urquhart, Oars, Biarr:oet;
display of boots atd shot,* G'uoraing jefly, Dawson Uros:'
Si; tweed ota .11%. $htal Maple Ougar, Kate Doupel •Dawson
Gunning Bros; maple syrup, Ms.
Gregory; strawberries4 Jae. teeteeeket
toth enoneetoettote tenao.coneeneenent.
• alitige$""••ttrs. Ilodigert, jeab, M.
fl,gwpAtAgee 1 ritt,o0N.
- 4
• 4