Exeter Times, 1912-9-26, Page 7sets
Mr. ID. M. McBlaine, Niagara Falls,
nt., writes:—"It is with pleasure I
testify to the sterling qualities a your
Burdock Blood Bitters. After the Boer
War, through which I served in the
1st S. L., I suffered from boils, con-
' stipation, and sick headaches, and
tried many preparations, but got relief
from none till an old comrade of mine
t me to try the Burdock Blood Bitters.
o say I got relief is to put it mildly. It
ade me myself again, viz„ a man who
ws not what it is to be sick, and who
n, and is still, an athlete.
anyone in want of purified blood
nd the resultant all round vigorous
health, I can conscientiously recommend
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufae.
ured only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont,
umberland Prince's Death Re-
vives Old Story.
Superstitious folk in Germany
re attributing the tragic death of
lime George of Cumberland to
e fer-reaohing effects of a curse,
ys the London Chronicle. His
at -grandfather had a Swiss valet
tin 1810, was found dead under
icious circumstances, and many
le suspected his master of inur-
ing him.
me. Sellis, the valet's mother,
s so convinced that this was the
se that she, journeyed from. Swit-
eland to London, confronted the
uke of Cumberland in Pall Mall
d cursed him and his ehildren to
e fourth generation. Nine years
ter the Duke's only eon came into
es -world stone blind.
His on, in turn, the present
uke, was born without a nose, and
.a.s to wear an artificial one. And
ciw Prince George has been killed
hortly after making a marvellous
ecovery from a,n illness which had
rippled him foe years.
istitntion Will Be Welcome to
Houses of Entertainment.
A 11 -night bank is to be estab-
i London, England, in a
. A company has already
en stered, and the scheme has
et ath strong encouragement
sem business men..
' The new institution will be espe-
Itially welcomed by -houses of enter-
ainment of all. orte, which at the
resent time are compelled, to keep
heir nightly takings under strong
guard until the banks open the
The eighteen hours durine which
t is impossible in London t: either
leposie or withdraw money often
orm a very awkward period for
eople who either have too much or
en little money for their oomfort
61 the next day.
It is said that food should, be
eaper this w;nter because of the
g lharvest. Wheat, flour'coffee,
d sugar have already cleclined in
ice. Fruits are abundant, ancl
ig potato crop is assured. The
resident of the Cudahy Packing
=party of Chicago anneunees
bat low prices in meats, especially
beef, are corning soon. The ar-
'ye] of the season of grass-fed eat -
e will bring a heavy run of medi-
m priced cattle that will pull down
rices witha rush, he says. Pork
fall in prie,e about 10 per cent.
in January, and ,by next eummer
till be' about one-third of its pre-
cut price. Food is the chief source
.coist to the great majority of
yorkers, and these prospects of
wer prices, due to increased sup-
ly, instead of the operations of
ey tariff law, are highly welcome,.
The man who shoots at random
ever +hits the target.
Babies and grievances grow
l,rger with nursing.
hey will regulate the flow of bile to
properly on the bowels, and will tone,
ovate, and purify the liver, removing
ry result of liver trouble from the
porary, but disagreeable, bilious head-
e.to the severest forms of liver dam-
Irs. lohti R. Bartell, Mill Cove,
es:—"I suffered, more than tongue
tell, from liver troubles. I tried
ral kinds of medicine, but got no
f until 1 got Milburn'S Laxa-Liver
They are a wonderful remedy."
ilbutzfs Laxa-Liver Pills are 25
per vial, or vials for $1.,00, at all
ra, or mailed direet on receipt of
by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
to, Ont.
Grape Catsup.—Stew five pounds
of grapes, stemmed and washed,
until soft enough to rub through a
colander, leaving out skins and
seeds. To the strained pulp add
one pint vipegar, two pounds sugar,
one-liadf teaspoon salt and one
tablespoonful each of pepper, all-
spice, cloves and cinnamon., Boil
until thick, bottle and seal.
Grape PreServes.—Remove the
skins, place them in one pan and
the pulp in another, Cook pulp un-
til soft, then run it through a col-
ander to remove the seeds, Add the
skins to the strained pulp, measure
and put in the same amount of
sugar. Boil until it will nearly stay
on the spoon when the spoon is
turned upside down. Preserves
are not bitter or stringy when made
this way.
Spiced Grapes. --Five pounds of
fruit, four pounds brown sugar, one
pint vinegar, one tablespoonful
each cloves and allspice, and a lit-.
tle pepper. Cook slowly three or
four hours.
Grape Sam. --Stew the grapes in
a little water and press them
through a colander, adding more
water to get the pulp through. Boil
fifteen or twenty minutes before
adding sugar. Measure pulp before
putting it on to boil and allow
about three-fourths of a cup of su-
gar to each cup of pulp. Boil half
an hour longer, stirring all the
Grape Wine.—One gallon of wa-
ter to one gallon of grapes. Crush
well. Let stand one week without
stirring. Then draw off the liquor.
To every gallon of wine add three
pounds of sugar. Put in a vessel,
but -do not fasten it at the bung
until it is done hissing. When it
has stopped working fasten it up
and let it stand two months. It
will then draw off clear. Bottle,
cork and seal. Seep in a, dry cele
Grape Pickles.—Grapes must be
underripe and firm, and are better
if but slightly turned. Pick from
the stem and pack into fruit jars,
being eareful not to break the skins.
Make a syrup of one quart vine-
gar, eight cups sugar, one level tea-
spoon whole cloves and a heaping
teaspoon broken cinnamon tied in
a little base Bring to the boiling
point, coolpartiallyand turn over
the grapes. Seal and keep in a
dark, cool place. This amount of
spiced vinegar is enough for seven
pounds of grapes.
Green Grape Preserves. — Cut
open six pounds of green grapes
and remove the seeds with a sharp
knife. Weigh the fruit and use equal
quantities of sugar. Put grapes
into a kettle, with just enough
water to cover; bring to a boil,
skim, then sprinkle over tife'grapes
the quantity of sugar allowed.
Bring to a boil again, pressing
grapes under the syrup, but use
care to keep them unbroken. Add
more sugar, cooking five minutes.
Repeat the process until all ,the
sugar has been used. As soon as
the syrup jellies, ;turn into small
jars. When cold the grapes should
show distinct in the clear jelly.
Pineapple Filling far Cakes. —
Half a. pint of grated pineapple,
one tablespoonful of orange juice,
two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice
and some icing sugar, irnx together
the pineapple, lemon sand orange
juice and enough icing sugar . to
make it if consistency to spread.
Pineapple Canape.—Melt two
tablespoonfuls of butter, add one
pint of shredded pineapple and
cools for 10 minutes, add sugar and
leraon juice to taste and serve on
slices of fried bread or sponge cake;
garnish with cream.
Pineapple Water Ice.. --Having
pared and sliced a sufficient num-
ber of pineapples, cut the slices in-
to small pieces, put them into a
deep dish, Sprinkle sugar over them
and lets them stand several hours in
a cool place. Secure as much pine-
apple juice as possible by squeez-
ing the pieees through a sieve; to
each pine of juice allow one pint
of clarified syrup, mix together
while the syrup is warm; freeze in
the usual manner.
Eau de cologne will remove
candle grease.
Overdone food is almost .worse
than underdone.
T.Teeethe ironing fire for prepare
ing stock for soups or baking laud -
A charming nursery screen San
be covered with the pints that the
small child loves best.
To take xnachthe oil out of white
tnaterials. dip the spot into, cold
water wh'rle it is fresh,
Slight scratches on mahogany
furniture can be removed by rub
bine with a bit of pecan meat,
eso cold milk to seek the cake or
biased crumbs in for yew puddings
if yost wish it to be lights
Never allow a seeking utensil to
stand and dry before wa,shing. put
cold water in it immediately.
If windows stick, rub at little reci-
ted lard on the sash cord and be-
tween the frame and casing.
Never use a scraper to take
crumbs off the table cloth. A brush
will not roughen the serface of the
A mixture of salt and lemon juice
will remove perspiration marks.
Then expose the blemish to the sun-
When plain white lawn waiste
are worn aroand the neck and
sleeves they can often be made in-
to corset covers.
If your gloves get wet, dry them
in a cool place and rub a little olive
oil into the kid before putting them
on again.
• To damn a rent in dark material,
ravel out and use some of, the
thread of it instead of regular darn-
ing and sewing cotton,
If you keep your clean kitchen
utensils in cupboards • and drawers
you will find them always ready for
immediate use.
*" When the cake in the oven 'is
ready for a final browning throw
a handful of chips on the fire or
tuck in a newspaper.
If you wish to give a brass ar-
ticle a polish like new, heat it east,
thenrub -on a paste of hot salt and
lemon juice. Rub clear.
A good salad is made of stuffed
cucumbers, the filling made of diced
cucumbers and onions, or cabbage
and green pepper salad. Serve on
nasturtium leaves.
'When stitching chiffon. or any
such material on the machine, use
the finest possible thread and put
a strip of thin paper under the
goods and stitch them together,
then tear away the paper when the
work is done.
Do not allow, tin, iron or pewter
to touch the jam, as any of these
are liable to spoil the color.
Everything employed in the jam
making must be scrupulously clean.
The sugar must be of the best.
The freit must be gathered ow -a
dry day, any that is imperfect or
damaged being discarded. It should
be just ripe.
• Tht jam should be boiled until on
dropping a little on a plat, if jel-
lies. Jam should be boiled fast to
preserve the color of the fruit and
kept well stirred..
'All scum must be carefully re-
moved as it rises.
11,000- 11T.1111111 SKELETONS.
Mystery Surrounds the Origin of
These Bones.,,.
The mysterious removal of 1,000
human skeletons from a.n a,neient
crypt under the Parish Church at
Rothwell, Northamptonshire, Eng-
land, revives the question of the
origin of these bones. Rothwell
was once an important place, but
never important enough to own so
many skeletons. Moreover, a large
proportion of them bear tile marks
of wounds, but the theory that they
originated in some battle is nega-
tived by the fact that many of thxn
are these of women. Moreover no
battle has been fought near there
except the, battle of Naseby, and
less than a thousand .men were
killed in that fight. Even the an-
cient battlee between the Danes
and the Saxon's weee, all recorded,
and there is no story of such a bat-
tle as this, nor was there ever a
-visita,tion from plague so far as is
known. The crypt itself is of un-
known age, and the mystery is fur-
ther increased by the fact that
when thebones were first, discover-
ed nearly two hundred years ago,
they were carefully arranged in
la,yers with the skulls on top, then
the legs, and then the arms. .They
have now been removed and placed
in shelves—a, sight well worth see-
ing by the curious tourist—Dundee
Italian Scientist Offers Solution of
Future Fuel Problem.
The possibility of using the ener-
gy of the sun as a Substitute for the
failing coal supply was the subject,
of an address by Prof. Giacomo
Cinxedeiare of Bologna, at the In-
ternational Chemists' Congress.
The speaker said that since the
earth's supply of coal is limited, it
is not too aeon to consider the pos-
sibilities of getting power from
other SOUrC6S.
Re outlined a plan of putting the
sun's rays to work by a chemieal
process after the manner Of plants.
He said :—
"If we should became able to
utilize the energy of thr, sun in the
way I have described, the tropical
countries would become conquered
by civilization, which would in this
manner return to its birthplace..
'On the arid lands there will
spring up industrial colonies with-
out smoke and without smoke-
etacks ; for ests of glass tubes will
arise everywhere • inside these will
take place the photo -chemical pro-
cesses that have hitherto been the
guarded secret of the plants., but
that will have been mastered by
llama), industry, which will know
how to make them bear evoe mors.
abundant fruit than nature; for
lettere is not in a burry and man,
kind is
The Linibs,of 85 Out of 87 Patients
Are Saved in a London
English doctors are now engaged
upon tracking the wily and crinenal
microbe to its lair, The medical
man who takes up the latest meth-
ods in the treatment of diseases at-
tributable to microbes becomes,. in
effect, a skilled detective. This spe-
cial medical police work is known
by the somewhat forbiddiug title of
'‘Vaccine Therapy,'the develop-
m.ent of which Sir Almoth Wright
and his staff are pursuing with
much success in th,e inoculation de-
partment of St. Mary's Hospital,
Paddington, London, England.
This remarkable war on microbes,
in which the, dead are used to help
in the destruction of the living, is
described in a report just issued by
the department, and it makes fa.sei-
nating reading. Having found the
central abode of the criminal mi-
crobe; the doctor hands over the
administration ef, capital punish-
ment to microbes of its own class,
for one of the principles in vaccine
therapy is that of killing living mi-
crobes by the lase of dead ones of
their own variety. By inoculating a
patient euffering with inflammation
with a suitable number of dead mi-
crobes of the same variety as those
found to be causing the inflamraa-
tims, the natural opponents of mi-
crobic life in the blood are stimu-
lated into action and assist the
So remarkable have been the
tures obtained at St. Mary's Hospi-
tal that the nurabe,r of patients un-
der treatment now runs into thou-
sands. During the past two years
some 2,000 patients have been dealt
with, and. 500 are still under. treat-
ment. Two men who made pilgrim-
ages from Russia and Hungary re-
spectively, in the` hope of deliver-
ance from their microbic oppres-
sors, and another Wretchedly ill
-with an exquisitely painful foot,
crossed the continent of America
and suffered torments in an, Atlan-
tic steerage, 'rather than submit to
the. loss of a limb without playing
the last card to save it. The rou-
tine work, together with some spe-
cial investigations, has required
during the two years the examina-
tion of some 20,000 specimens of
blood. •
Experiments onethose lines, with
the aid of a patent splint recently
introduced into England by Mr.
Gauvain'medical superintendent
to the Lord Mayor Treloar Crip-
ples' Hospital at Acton, have sug-
gested the possibility of even more
in the near future. Already con-
sumption of the glands, bones, and
skin is yielding to the treatment.
"It is not too mueh to hope," says
the governing body, in their report,
"that when treatment along these
lines is generally adopted, the
hunchback and high -booted cripple,
as a result of tubercular disease,
will disappear from our streets.
"It is very satisfactory to record,
in. connection with this form of Mt-
berculosis, that of eighty-seven pa-
tients treated during these, two
years, only two have eventually
suffered the loss ,of a limb despite
our efforts to save it, and that with
both these men we were hea.vily
. .
handicapped by the circumstance
that the disease had already ex-
isted for eeverel months and in-
volved most of the bones about the
ankle before they came under treat-
Certain forme of heart disease
and child -bed fever have been bene-
ficially treated by inoculation, and
here again eventually complete
success is anticipated by the oper-
In deaceibing the cure of tooth-
ache by the injection of dead mi-
crobes, the report state:
"There is a girl now in our
wards with hip disease who bad
been much treubled by neuralgia,
long standing. Removal of the
worst teeth did not suffice to cure
the neuralgia, which was due, we
supposed, to microbic activity in
other teeth not yet so grossly de-
cayed as to warrant their removal.
A microbe obtained from inside of
one of
was used for thepreparation of a
vaccine,. to inoculation of whieh the
neuralgia at once showed itself se
amenable that in a week or twe it
had entirely gone." .
The research towards the evens
teal cure of "hay fever" by inocu-
lation with anti -pollen subetanees
is also stated to be producing satis-
factory results. The seasonal char -
meter of this disease is apparently
the only hindrance,
"Scarcely yet," says the director
of the department, "hes a due ap-
preciation been obtained of the
large part played by microbes on
the stage of our common life, their
striking role in the infectious and
eptisteroie diseases blinding our
sense of theit similar eomplicity in
such ,prosaie (alternative) maladies
as 'indigestion,' 'colds,' to oth-
steles,' 'bronchitis,' eta Thougheut so large an area of human dis-
ease microbes are at work, and over
just such an area may eur expecta-
tion of the suecess of vaccine tiler-
apy legitimately extend, although
not without eertain limits,"
Laws fdr Protection of the Beasts
Cetista,ntly Violated.
Ivory menggling is looked upon
as a very serious crime in British
East Africa, and this is wily as it
should be, for, in order to obtain
the ivory, the traders have to kill
great numbers of elephants. The
game preeervation laws, particular-
ly as regards elephants, says the
Wide World 1Vlagazine, are most se-
vere, arid woe betide the man who
is eaughb breaking the game regu-
lations or in possession of illicit
spoils ef the chase.
The sniuggling of ivory, there-
fore, is treated in the same manner
as .smeggling gems and clothing in-
to the United States, illicit dia-
mond buying in South Africa, or
other forms of smuggling in Eng-
land. The rigid laws, however, clo
not prevent the Arabs and India,ris
nom indulging in an illegal trade
in ivory en a, large ecale, Many a
caravan of huge elephant tusks as
brought miles and mules from the
interior of Central Africa to Mosn-
base, and there surreptitiously
ernuggled out 'of the country in
dhows or Arab sailing boats.
It is the keen desire of every po-
llee and administrative °facial of
the British East Africa.,n Govern-
ment to capture one of these ivory
caravans, bat, despite their efforts,
many a consignment esca,pes their
eagle eyes and finds its way to the
markets of Zanzibar and Bombay.
SEPT, 20,
eview. Golden
Text, John 6. 63.
Lessen I.—On a clay of sunshine
I went into a room ebsolutely dark.
The occupant had drawn the cur-
tains &we. tight, Christ was the
light of the werld, but he could not
brthg light to those who loved
Lesson IL—The Word is a living
seed. Plant it amid favorthg con-
ditioes and you have the miracle of
spiritual life, jest as when you
plant a eeed you have the miracle
of plant life.
Lesson III. — Spiritual growth,
our Lord tells us, is like plant
growth—first the blade, and then
the ear, and then the full corn in
the epae The blade may be very
small and the harvest very great.
Lesson IV—Like the dieciples we
would put an end to wrong -doing,
_here and now. But in trymg to
eroot out wicked members of church
and Sunday school we may do more
,Istarm than good, "like striking a
heavy blew at a fly on a Venetian
Lesson V.—"Put God first" is a
fine motto. When. the sun was put
in the center of our system the
astronomers were able to bring or-
der out of ehaos. They would have
stayed in the dark forever if they
had insisted that the heavenly bod-
ies move around the earth. "Seek
ye first the kingdom of heaven,"
said the Master.
Lesson VI.—Our hope lies not in
the absence of storm, but in the
presence of Christ who is able to
control the tumult—not only that
of wied and wave but that of trou-
bled soul and mind.
Lesson VII.—,Tesus in restoring
the daughter of Jairus to life
proved that the soul does not die
with the body. Death sloes not end
Lesson VIII.—If people should
'think to put out fire by tearing
down the firebell we should call
them exceedingly foolish. When
the people of Nazareth rejected
'Jesus they were rejeeting their
Physician, their Deliverer, their
Joy -Bringer.
Ldsson IX.—John's success lay in
the fact that he preserved his man-
hood untarnished amid great terap-
tation. No man's life is a failure
who is himself a moral success. ,
Lesson X --Christ always uses'
men to reach other men. He sent
out twelve men and not twelve an-
gels. The children of Israel were
brought out el Egypt by a rasa --
Moses. In military hospitals it
has been found that the best nurses
are soldiers who had been wound-
Leeson XI.—Capernitum had a
great advantage in Christ's person-
al teaching and miracles. We are
responsible for our advantages. We
expect the steamship to. cross the
sea faster than a sailing vessel:.
Have we not 'had greater religious
advantages than Ca,pernaum?
Lesson XII.—Jesus conferred a
great privilege on the disciples. in
making them the agents of his
bounty when the five thousand were
fed. He could have rained manna
from heaven, or summoned.angels
to help, but he chose a lad with his
lunch, and his twelve disciples. •
Now in Canada, vsho declares
that wives should be able to keep
house properly.
Lost on a Roof for Sixty Ilours,
Child is Held by Tar.
A remarkable story of the loss
and recovery of a child from one of
the small etreete on the riverside
at Southwark is reported in the,
"South London Press," of Landon,
The eighteen -months -old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Evans, who was miss-
ed on Sunday afternoon by his
parents, was found on Monday on
the roof of model dwellings which
is used as a drying -ground.
He was lying on his side, and
was held =a prisoner owing to his
frock, pinafore and hair having bs-.
come embedded in a coat of tar
whieh had beets softened by the heat
of the sun. The child was discov-
ered in this position by a neighbor,
who went to the roof to bang out
some clothes on Monday morning,
and b•esides being in a very ex-
hausted state from want of food,
the child was severely blistered
through ,exposure to the tropical
heat. •
The child had bees) lost for two
nights and a day, during which the
police had made every effort to find
it, even to the extent of dragging
the Thames in the vicinity.
Under the ware of the reedieel
staff at a local hospital the boy is
now making satisfactory progrees.
Also -Claimed "Quinine Eggs" Are
Eggs are. moat useful articles,
Some German scientists are pro-
claiming that an eggshell diet
breeds oesatenarians. In France
they have dieeoveres1 another vu bus
in them. Aecorcling to a paper read
by Dr. Arria,t before the Societe
Therapentique, the membrane cov-
ering a new -laid egg forms an ex-
cellent fertilizer for human skin,
When a patient cOMee to him with a
bad weund, he washes it, covers it
with tiny layers of eg•g membrane,
and bandages it up. In four or five
Zays the wound is healed and a
fresh patch of skin has grown.
Another Frenchman—a chemist --
does his •chickons with quinine and
other drugs in frequent demand,
and sells their eggs at prices rang-
ing from 5 fran.es a dozen. These
are sold to, people who object to
taking their modieine neat, and are
assnred by the enterprising chem-
ist that the doetored eggs 41 do
them all the good they require,
Pictures Taken During Eclipse of
Sun Prove It Oval.
That the moon is not round, but
oval, is the conclusion reached by
Prof. Castaditobo, of Coimbra Uni-
versity, Portugal, the report of
whose observations during the re-
eent total eclipse of the sun was
read before the Academy of
He took cinematograph pictures
of the whole .of the eclipse, and was
rewarded in finding from the fame
that at the tittle of the maximum
obscuration the moon, while com-
pletely blotting out the sun at top
and bottom, slid not quite cover it
en the right and left.
From this he eoneludes that the
satellite, like the earth, is not a
sphere. The difference between.the
greatest and least breadth is, how-
ever, estimated by him at less than
three miles.
When Sir Thomas Lipton woe a
small boy in Seotiand he dropped
into a thatch one Stindey morning
and was put by himself in a pew
direetly in front of the minister,
who preached a sermon on the text
"Am I my brother's keepei ?” The
parson, who was rintsually, elo-
quent, tlked on this theme for
about forty minutes, and finally
worked up to the climax of his re-
marks. He, kept his gaze fixed di-
rectly on the little Lipton, who be-
gan to fidget and look very self-
conscious. At last, after an over-
whelming outpouring of long
words, the minister, his eyes blitz-
ing, made a quick gesture and
shouted at -the boy "Am I my bro-
ther's keeper Lipton could
etaod the strain no longer, and to-
plid ih a timek voieet—"bie, gra"
Had To Quit Work
Diarrhcea, especially if left to run any
length of time, causes great weakness,
50 the only thing to prevent this is to
check- it on its first appearance. You
will find that a few doses of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry will do this
quickly and ,effe.ctively. Mr. jtio. R.
Childerhouse,UOrillia, Ont., writes:—
" When in Fort 'William, last summer, X
was taken sick with diarrhea, and
became so weak and suffered such great
pain, I had to quit work. Our manager
advised me to try Dr. Fosvlees Extract
of Wild Strawberry, so on my way hotne
1 bought a, bottle, and after taking four
doses I was cured, We always keep a
bottle in the house. We have also used
it for our children, and find it an excellent
remedy for summer complaint"
Price 35 cents. When you go to get a
bottle' of "Dr. Powler'ennsist on being
given That you ask for, as we know of
many cases where unscrupulous dealers
have handed out some other preparation,
The genuine is manufactured only by
The T. Milburn Co., Linctited, Toronto,
Effects of Summer Heat on Infants
and Older Children.
A series of extremely interesting
observations have been made by
Schlesinger of Vienna on the efs
fects af suramer heat on infants and
ether children in some of the vari-
ous districts of Germany, mare par-
ticularly in Strasburg. The abnor-
mally high niortality among infants
during an extraordinary hot sum-
mer oceesioned the study.
On comparison of various dis-
tricts, all having the, same elimatie
conditions, :the milk supply and
general care of infants being also
practiseally identical, it was found
that in one district the mortality
was higher than in the ethers. In
this ,clistriet the houses were tightly
packed, with but, little open space
between. In such places the air
does not cool off at night during the
summer, the temperature in one
piace remaining practicallycon-
stantly about 30 O.
A study .of the effects of heat on
260 school children, between the
ages of six and ten, was made, and
it was found that 30 per cent. lost
appreciably in. weight from May to
August; in 5 per cent. this less was
extreme. The cause of this was the
heat stagnation during an extreme-
ly warm season, the children being
confined in warm .sehoolrooms with
a high lnunidity over long periods
during the day. In these children
the effects were restlessness, la,ssi-
tusk headache, nose bleed and
simular symptoms. With shorter
hours, and a vacation extending
over seven weeks, the heat, remain-
ing the same, all the- children re-
gained their previous weight and
moist of them added to their former
Treatment and care of infants
during the summer should Dot be
confined to the ordinary treatnaent
af definite diseases, but should be
directed e.specially t owe rd offset-
ting the effects of the heat, says
The Jeanie' of the American Medi-.
eal Association. Lees food should
be given than in 000l weather; plen-
ty of water, however, is desirable.
Children should wear little and
loose dealings and frequent cool
and tepid baths should be 'given.
Heat stagnation should. be avoided
so far as possible.
To Irian it is snid, you do net live
for yourself. If you live for your -
sell yeas shall come to nothing. Be
brave, be just, be miral. be true in
word and deed; eare not for your
enjoyment, care not for your life,
care -only for what is right. So,
and not otherwise, it shall be well
with you.—Frotele.
Suit red Vifith
Nerve Tr Elble
Mr. Chas, W. Wood, 34 Torrance St,
Montreal, Que., writes:—" For two years
1 had suffered with nerve trouble, and it
was inmossible for rne to sleep. It did
not matter 'seat time 1 went to bed, in
the morning 1 was evea worse than the
night before. 1 consulted a doctor, and
he gave me a tonic to take a half hour
oefore going to bed. It was all right fat
time, but the old trouble returned with
greater force than before. One of the
boys who works with me, gave me hall
a box of Milburres Reart and Nerve
Pills. I took them, and I got such
satisfaction that I gat another box, and
before I finished it I could enjoy sleep
from 10 pan. until 6 a.m., and now feel
Milburtes Heart and Nerve Fills art
50 cents per box, or 3 boxt,s for 81.25, at
nif dealers, or Mailed direct on receipt of
price by the T. Milburn Co., iiiinitect
Toronto, Olt