Exeter Times, 1912-9-26, Page 5Children Cry Tho Kind XOni TlaVo Always 1:10UffItt, and et7.11iCh TuaS been, 're 101. Use for oiler yea -,,S* /.111.3 boo the Signattire ..v.r.4 tars be cn tmder his Per.* • , sonal anperyleion 0:nee it* le.fancy.. . Allow no ono to (4c -cell -in youin tbiI All Coure‘terfolts Ieultat'eone a.•:"d. 883 latit...4f,5*c000d " are but Fexperiatents that trifle -with and endanger the of Icifants anol. C.bildren---,Evooricace against, EzkperiutOnt* hat. Is GA, TO IA Gastoria is a harmless substitute ter Castor Old, Pare* • gorie,. Drops alid Soc1...-4,-• Syrups. 1-7,i5 13 pleasant. It contains neither °Own, 31Orphine =cr. other NareotiO subStance. Its age is its gnat -ante°. It destroys Worms and allays Fevealishness. For moro than thirty years it' '-has bocra. In constant use for Tho relief of Constipation*, . Flatulency, Wind CoLic, all Teething 'Troubles am/ Dia. It regulates the Stomach and Bowel% assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea -The .11Zother's Friend., egitkl MIME ALWAYS 1 • e Kind You ave Always ioughij irt Use FOP Ovev 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. tt; „ ft if. VO.N RI)DEN The Rebecee Ledge of Odafellows SENSALL ^ - -,,, •, bald an at home last Wedneeday even s , c f. ' ' i • $ i 11"21 It ;i, egivatirT;hfinetegee : ell woe)t‘eltIS t G j'. . , , 7' 1 ; Teeeekmen are at work petting in - ••• 2' ''''• ' ' , 4 ' ' the SWi,tehell at the 0 T Ft yarcle. et, ha.rids Lydia E Oink Mrs Nesbrt hes rented her house and '11,11140.seseep,ealeee r',... . i intend Moving, to Toronte shortly, ' -100'''''''''' • e ItA00113011111C1 ieeliller Went t0 Terel3t0. I filackackes NerArlou" s- Itsell'eaVeIeTeetthere ehe will spend. a few s • s 1 Ilefilts Headaojeepe ' clays. . Mr P Carlisle a Detroit is the guest .,,,. . ' t • . , a hiseparents Mr and Mrs R Carlisle '1•07.),„ IhY- - "1 Inure been *taking Mrane Mrs'Oharles Dick a Calgary Isydi esekbeen's414.eanstejeaceseteene are the guest of his mother Milt T, forliti ae4es,peuriligkapains,ilirkeplie, 4:12;03 Moron 'evangelist of Toeone,), hera'o os4 and agener Daredevil bon- elitieete ,sYstere and am entlrel?re- will take charge of the Ser'Vice in the 'hese • Kris. 1 reeo e., , MethodierWharch next SuodaY night. your A• moo to lay ftioxia ap, ni,01,17 HI:xilfil. J. Carlisle and sister Mre Ge • veden you pOir`iiirsiten to publish What 1 weitt, 4 • t, gtiestsailtb°etir patents. Mr and Mrs. Incle,an Head, are the --Mrseells, Yot23,,oreeet ,Lyndort Rer ,i• Robert Carlisle -WVekst •Ipffats likee*IVIes. Whi Reel6in Mr Nate Warrener had the misfort is•geperTheseereepth to write timelier lee. ane to lose a very v.aluable colt last tara,,a "thq te.bove tx1r publioafjone Ale week. The animal was a recent pur shnia. .atitat lz,esgiv.en.oteaitvoi, a sga, chase had Arabian breeding and gave -ages% you theis ne tetiererea.:esbxceeer airdaelbsiPidereedn' of near cere' 'iretahelpothereufferingwernen prmemrsisReaomf 5"•• emit catint suable %ester let . Kincardine are guests of her aent Mrs .. cPhersan, Mr Ramshaw is expected iaa nee Womareliss recepoteiensee: in a few days, Mrs Ranashaw was fornveriy Miro; wood and was a resid left ihe a vire& with tert.libl r° ' Eat mY174,.?„'" ent here for some time. lls, •v''79 A fine mare belonging to Mrured Reid swibeet 1 ate, glad of near Varna was sem:lusty ins to tell yen th'ait Ido by running against a plow handle not hese those weak which entered her breast close to cne spells and ..11fee1.1ike of the front legs coming out in front a nese,' v,romen ee of the nibs, The handle broke 00, taking, Lia . leelVing ever two feet in her breast, Zill ?Mantis ',Olge1,.4- having strack as bone. The outer bleCpnipopnel: Tam portion was easily removed but the **•••ezi ijg other was so strongly lodged that it DOW lleadstaib and oan do my o s'n took the united strength of Doc. phesney and"another man aided by Itousework. 1 -do sheavy pinchers to withdraw it. Al not take medicine of though the lung was pierced the mare, . any kind; It Vas may recover, She cost Mr Reid $300, Lydia,E.- Pinkharres Vegetable, c.ern- A lead. accident happened at the „peemd sthet res red in to .heisti."aes Het:lean Flour Mills on Monday after rs 1-1nErter ‘erneeteltN, k 72 Brtrent neon by which one of tbe employees venue; Windsor, Ontario,. ' Robert Dowey was seriously hurt. e • s., while en,deaverin to relieve a convey • Aif erwbichhadlSecome clogged, is baud got caught in the augur shaped appliance, The fingers especially the be spaaaCke refia....4ne waslyeced n. a second were bady crusheti also the troman'laid held in strict ci,:inlidenda. back of the hand and the cords of the arm which were torn somewhat. The skin was torn trona the finger and the back of the hand Ile was at once taken to Dr Macdaimids office and .be and Dr Meir gave every attention to the injured man. Scotty as be is fam AHORTIIAND iliarly known, is progressing as fayor ably as conld be expected bet it will be some time before he fully recovers the nee dials hand. I. r -.....-4,--. 1 Pew iE any, medicines, Littbe 'rivet - I with Ishceuniferna success that has Iattenact the nstei of Chamberlains. eolic Cholera and, Diarrhoe.a Remedy' This remarkable ,cure of 'Colic and d:wrrheca 3vialela it has laffected run almost every ineighboxircio; have se- en if n,wide rearstatiorr or. sale by all fdeb.lexti: • i. --.-,....--t--... , ' • • I ZURTell ' • t Miss Pearl Wurtz left last Thursday .to 'Visit friends in Detroit. . - • ei, • ••.' •460*- •Hr".4.-444-4'4H-st. 14 The brick work on the ,newe, scliool is ktefilE STUDY- - - ._4, coMpleted elnefreadF fereelse t eel, • t Dr. Mcisian sp a feWdays - hi -:' rigs of amhitietrs young A7.1 kir. mad higher' et Armada - Of la:sb week. :',_-. 1 Woreato•the tot •1 ., idiaamottit in the*, + Mich. is el tag with ttfa tiliiter Mrs. fitt9MS., y our home study dew * 3 Deicher Sr. , ,. . artineit You may finish . at ÷ IV] r Feidinand: SPlinell is vieftling Co if .you .desire:- Pay it •friends and reletiNt. , own and vie - Experience. Largest .+ •er Ion sh. ' Thirty 4.. inZ mai Elitaii, Nee* Yeat 4. tt • in Canada. Enter any •,1' visited with. . 3 porentl3 Mcf tied 2dr 4 dtry Positions guaranteed, if :g A. G Ehnes last wear, . pal. wish to • save board and -4Mr and Mrs Fred earood. of London 4. 1.,.:4,3, e hilt, 3..yti ettin; write ;I.:: are visitingthelatters parentsMrand , . . .41*, Itilsertitiim.r.1.,,,.. . eee - .I. .Mrs JOhn Hilderbrant. NO VACATION, + + his motherinlaw, Id r6 Sippel and other Mr Krueger of Detroit is visiting 4- friends in towu. " ' Olenton • Thinness College + Mr Tat Wain left on Thursday to + GEO. SPOTTON 13:P. WARD 4. visit relatives aed friends in Detroit 4. .4- President Principal ' 4. for a few weeks, et- + Mr John Fritz of Guelph is visiting 4.seasee.e.sesee..H.e.e..eseseese....e.s.+4.4.4...ese with his brother Mr Chas Fritz. . Mrs Brenner eed family of Miehi gan are visiting at Mr and, Mrs John Albrecht and Qther relatives in town F.-"t-IIRAL fur a few weeks. IAN ' ii Mr C Sitnpson of Guelph, is vititing ..e • 4 VOUS at the home of Mr and birs Wm Wag ner Goshen Line North, and other le SZRATFO,R11 ONT. latiyes for a few weeks. Miss Lydia Faudt who was elected itattli vont smi4 advice Ifrftetto ydiat:Binkhanr,Mednet00.e(0011110• dential) Lynn, Ms. Year iettwill Zurich Fair A Success Continued from page 1 r.P Brock Clapp's favorite J Halserer peaches B Bader, prunes Mrs WOO, 11 Well, crab apples red, 3 J Merner, W B Battler collectiell �fgapea W B 13attlet. j,flaherer plenae W SKIM, Alenzo Foster; collection of plums T, 0Ohneten Snowden 13ros; Canned fralit R R Johnston J Deckersr,• • -Judges, Andrew Mittleholth, Jaen') Meyer VERVJABLES Wbite glephan potatoes, W Rad 'ID 01333CIZOI"Pertek8WP!IIrCapaiglatraeld'NeAwl Yorkers AlonzoWostee H Neeb, W Rader; any variety early, Id Krueger, A Rannie JI Neeb; any yariety late, G60 Olaueins, Alonzo Foster it' Rah erer; American Wonder L Rader A Foster B Clerk; Empire H. Krueger A Ronnie T Brock, White beans Geo Clausins Aga, Woven,: any ya,riety beans L Rader R Neeb, yellow corn fi Kreger Bert Clark; sweet corn T Breck, Snowden Bros; black sweet ,.corn. Jacob Brown; Yellow dent W Rader 0 Klapp; red. onions T Brock, 13eit Clark; yellow onions Bert Clark, Pfaff: Dutch sets R Geiger G Claus ins White field. Carrots, E Rader P' Haberer Red • Field car role W B 13ett1er ShowdeBros; red garden cat vote J _Ditherer, W Smith; Swede turnips L Rader 11 Neeb; globe marigolds W B Battler W Smith long red eaangolds A -Echnes, W B Sat tier. Long yellow marigolds, W 13 Battier H Krueger; Oxford Cabbage, WellE Rader; d,runihead cabbage, Mrs•G Hess; E Radier Spanish reddish Alenzo Foster P Haberer: eaulifloseer T Brock Bert Clark, pumpkins yelow 3 Decker sr, L Werm; Celery, M Cleek, R R Johnston squash, L Rader; Neeb; blood beets w B Battler, w Rader: rooted beets Snowden Bros, w B Battler; musk melons, w Smith; Red Tomatoes w B, Battler Snowden •Bros. w B:Bisttier yellow Tomatoes, w B Battler Snowden Bros; sugar beet mangolds, L Rader, E. Rader, collection of cegetabes, T Broek, ly1A)UPJGT513s 44'D lataX4E* • Buggy harness, R. Stader, double team hesness, R Stader. IJSINIESS AND Subleote taughtsby apert instractors at theses, Y, M. G„pi. BLDG.. , LOND.074, 9NT. . :Students assisted to positions. College • session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W.Westervelt,Jr. Principal Chartered Accouataat 16 Vice-Principai WILL YOU A, 4 tte ','g4..tq by the -Yoking. Peoples Al o iiance atteuded"the' ICP A.', Obnved . O tion held: at Peteidgepsoft. Stiesgeve 'Ite Or 41g. IiirsgtA- tr,eq..• 9.4ert, le'e ,h, ,eepeettole JAliesd utt„ Of this school', ands, yere,o, . iii, .„1:4.0.6,,i1 -•, moilk • ,a.r.4. t, ;IT to') how you cao succeed. T. SaAible Line tieW • e tlieti rest with yeti,. to de :4` 'were unite t :ssf W.I.' uheit'g , scl iy° de if you will succeed. „t• „t,,, sopt 17 th in st, 'is , chureh Drys <10 are placing htuden't8,1114 date by Rev. Father Stroedor l' of prfr, 0Ers paying *500 and 00". Em.kgi. * per innm». and we have ina'ny' . On Tueeclay afternron Sept Nthat ses ench applications for Ihelp, • the botneuf Mr and Mrs Daniel Ging 2 which we cannot supply Tlee".:' erieb, Brontimi Lineeavas the acetic of ete best time to enter our classes is a 9 W Write for our free eat' 40 a happy event when their eldest se daughser Miss Emma was united in lo• rue at once, 40 ae . marriage to Mr. Valentine Gerber of Stenley. The Ceremony was perforni ed. by Rev Bender ef Tavistock iu the presence of a number of • invited guests. We wish the your.g people a happy wedded life, O D. A, MeLACIILAN. Principal. 4.004047.40••• woo otro*Ire-9,0411**** SUFFtft. TO you—my SISTER FREC 7NOGYFORUONINXOTINT'ssi!rJUNTs. Tam a woutan. I know wornan's suffecings. lilhaveyfound the cure. X vrill mall, free of any charge, tny honie treat. *vent with full instructions to any sufferer from women's ailtuents. I want to tell all WORICIT abottt this' cure --- you, ray reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister• r want to : tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the belt) of a doctor. wen cannot understand worn- en'S sufferings. evhat we women know from ex- perience, we know better than any &Etat'. 1 know that rnyixtune treatment is a safeund surc,sure for LeucorthoeaorWhitish discharges, LliceratiOn, ;Pineal:tient or Felling of fhe Womb, Profuse, Scanty Pi Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian *more or Orowths, also pains the head; back and bowel, hearing down feelings, nervousness; °reeving. feel - int nu the spine, rnelanc oly, des re e cry, o gashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles tro piece ,Jocoti Brown; edging work h auSed by Weakneasee peculiar to our Sex. Dignan, ledges, Lvd:fa Faust, Mie E Zell r, rTN.E ARTS Oil painting portrait J G Forest, F J Wickwire; landscame 011 p ,inting '0`1ROrast, Thos jehtfaton;wts''.er coIor landscape E j Wickwire, 3. irore2.,4.1 crayon work portrait J G Firmest; oil os water Color dorrers. J fit- Forest, F 3' Wickwire, pencil drawing Mrs% Go Hese, Thos Johnston: pen and lisk sketch J G Fereali, Thee SoRnetone city sufferer that this hionao Vrostouset realty deceit all wontan's diseases and makes women patiminlaskitS 3 a Iforecete 170.171411ag OR herever yet , strong, plump and robust. 'Met nerd We your address, and the fre ten days' treatment in felt, G ?tweet, The jetieseon; peine pea, ouptimeaks4 Rot wir4psoft, oat.* oillt IMO* Tofu Jolanaitran, also the hook; Write td -(1450, 0414fort t et ace this Offer atutili. A-ddress t ' 111/td1il 310011)14ita Batter ia tub W easith, '4 Decker Su' M Clark; five lbs table butter B Pfile & SOD, A Reichert, R Geiger; butter in prints W 13 Battler. B Phle & Son. A Reichert; home made eese 0 'clop's, E Clopp; home made bread Geo Qlaust ins Mrs G Hess; extraoted honey J Haberer, Geo @lavishes; dolleetion Of honey 3 Haberer; honey in comb, 3 Haberer; maple syrup, W 13 Settler, W Smith. Speciel, buns ,Jas Dick. • EADliES WORK Ornamental -Embroidered tea elOth A Reichert, Mrs G Hess; embroidered centre piece F J Wickwire, R 'Geiger; embroidered over tray cloth Th.os Johnston, R Geiger; embroidered side board scarf E Klopp, Thos Johnston; Mrs G Hess, The Weekly Glebe and Canada Bar- e r has evidently found the secret of perpetual youth. After sixty-eight etears of waiving faithful serviees de- veteel to the uptinilding and shaping yielte fortunes andoelesetely of the Domin ion; it still oontinues to sket the pace in the field of weekly newspeperdem in Canada, It has always aimed at the highest, etaralards and proven itselt ter be a most reliable, national end home news papers. The'ageecultural interests and general welfaTe of thie nation hive them and aretill in•thettra tdest sense of tile term, itte chief concern, In order te maiatain this premier position and keep Abreast of the pho- non:cella] development and geowth of Canada. The Weekly eloli ee and me- adFarmer bah increased its facilities an perfected its mechanical equip- enabrofdered shadow woik aixtrufISM A '4 00110etien of neWers G Campbell, R R JobOstOrK ma* P•mie Ibb""'" e'eg Cempbell; boquet or dowers Geo 00.03p - hell, Thee Johnston; colleotion of ger - sadness G Oansiabelh collection of eoetl Ge O Oanilethell,eTiroe Jedsmeeen; collee-. Hen Calla Lillies R It johoston, Gee Campbell; Pausiea Geo Bek, R R 'Johnston; Fuehiaa Geo OwbelJ, Tilos Johnson, judges, R 3 Brysdele and I 3 Merner Spewed by' R Zeller for pee aud luk writing Mrs 0 lienroele, M Utak and, W Smith. judge, W'rod Hess. ••,ed,S;;„.Y's, EEMEORTIll Perfeet weather favored the direct- ors of the aforth fall fair bp Friday Sept Vat and as a result an immense crowd was in attendance. The iadeor department was fully up to tb.eatend- deed in all the classes. There was an excellent display of fruit, especially' apples and places, The leading featu- res of the outeide deperernent was the horses especeally the heavy classes. In cattle, sheep and ewine the compet- ition was not so keen, alehbugh the • ginality of the animals was the best. In poultry the entry list was fatly as • la,tge as a foniner yeors some very floe birds being shoWa, The horse races End other events Were interesting and exciting and resulted as follows: 2 10 trot -1. Templeton, 3 Troyer, Hills Green; 2 Sister Ethel, N. King, Seatorth. " 2.ett pace -1. Roadneaster, Jr„ T. Murdock. Hensall; 2, Tony Reid, 3, Coulter, Goderieh; Earl Chaplin, 3. Ronald, Clinton. qttarzer mile foot racp open --3. F, Smith, Eeaforth; 2: la McDougall, Porter's Hill, Haltmile bicycle race open -1 W. Hudson, Egreonyille; 2 Rasseil Hays, Sea -forth. -100-yard dash, open --1M, MeDouge all, Peaces Rill; 2 W. Greve, Win- throp. ' " •••stl. • Every Line is Interesting meet. Apparently nothing has Leen F J Wickwire; , embroidered towels ,left undone to rnake every detaAl from the gathering of the newsto the daily - with monogram A Geiger, IS Pille and ery tbe paper to the reader coin. ,Son; ladies handkeirchief Mrs G Hess, cushion, Orate The Otralook (New York), was. Thos Johreston; embroidery:I R GiegereThos Johnstone liardapger .pleased to•say in a recent issue that•it FJ Wrckwilre, RR Jolanstoniwallachire as one of the mose complete neesspape.x Mellisk I Wickivire, Tlios ,Joheetotii:, eaped F Wicliwire, •J, Decker Sr. Mount: plwanhes oantatithelactwontaintsennabeen'• -Itarnan or vet work nes 3sitteetattin hhat ifeipepre41 4toi hetes 'Way he Wickwire; modern oir.etiectie steleli Fs irtiti,dilt leglArtetit Ve.A4 atotaatitt te Wiekvviree Xturs geknistaori; Orli" a„. 2710, a tive w at I'd's news Ws tle &on contee pieee It is.er, Pale and he know hew th $on; embroidery on peedjlw.�saky in the fewest irft.uttioxis 1Poltaistcht, Thos'8013 n; in eyfAtit ThosJohnsfon.11 Well; any iltdietans Work bag R Gieger, F Wiok.evire; hest Aandard fe liattenburg lace J Wickwire airs G 'Hess; teneriffe lace jaeob Brown, Thos elinstote Irish crochet lace F3 Wick- wire, 11 Gieger; &awe thread work F J Wickwire, R Geiger; mounted bola cushion G Forest F Wickwire collection ladle§ nuderw,ear It Geiger; fancy apron F J Wickwire. 11 Geiger; fancy child's dress F J Wickwire, H Neeb; linen laundry bag F -J Wickwire, ft Wells; infant's crochet set W Rader, H Neeb: embroidered pillow cases Thos Johnston; whiek bolder 1? Wickwire, R Geiger; head rest Thos Johnston, F 3 Wickwire; toilet units Mrs C. Henrock, 'Fe Livigood; table mats F Wickwire, Mrs G Hess; but- ton holes Mrs G Hess; pierced braes F J Wickwire, J G Forest; brunt work J Preeter, J G Forest; collection of tatting Th tee Joheston: (*shims for deo R Johnefon, G Forest; knitted luee curtains in cottin H Neeb; hernetitch- in g on pillow case R Geiger, Thos John- ston; ttitchen, ttpxon 13 Pipe a.ntl Son, `Mrs,01- lieditiom slippers II•Neeb, Mrs C Henrock; braided mat Geo • rill 0'01 la V , ocewszi Paes Johne Wee Nel ,Weet; fine w Otol 1 ni Mrs G Ilese-A•er 10,41 eels • t G I , W 13' • log cat t If, cot J Deck - 'fl Rader eh': wee quilt cettot J Decker Ste W 33. Battler; patchwork quilt silk 6.) Et4liber, Thos Johnston; crazy work quilt Wilk Thos Johnston; crazy work quilt cot- ton Thos Johnston; crazy %yolk quilt ,vroel Thos Johr.sten, W 13 Settler; counterpane tnffied II Well, W B Bat- tle!; knitted counterpane II Neel). li Rade!: counterpane crochet 3 Pecker Sr, J Decker 3i; counterpane etching work P Haberer. D Dignan; conutex- pine drasvn S Livigood, Geo Brock; crochet wool cape P J Wick wile, Mrs *C Ilenrosk; bowie Made rag carpet M Clark, Thos Johnston; wool hearth rug Geo Campbell; rag hearth lug Geo Campbell, Thom J oh n StOli: W( set yarn homespun H Neel), W Rader; tidy srochet cotton Thos Johnston, f' Hab- prer; tidy kbitted cotton Th is John- sror, le. Neel I slumber rug in silk Mrs 0 Bess, II WelI; cotton stockit geThos Johnitori, Jacob Brown; band sewing R Geiger. 11 Well; floe wool stcektngs II N'eeb, Mrs G flees; coar•e wool stockings 24 Clark, H Well; flee wool- len with' II Well, 13 13111e ot, d Son; .eoarde woolleri mitts Mrs G siess, L Rader; quilt sewed on ground work TA ,Rader, 11 Well. Special, Battenturz sideboard scarf L, Rader; crochet ceri- I want to send you a complete 10 days' treatment entirely free to prove to yott that yoU can CUre ..- urseif at home, easily, quickly and surely. .11 member, that it will cost you nothing*, give thd . %trent a complete trial; and if you should vish to continue, it will cost you only' about 12 a S a-wcek, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with yottr worIc or ocettpatiOn. st sand me your mune and addresseten.nte hew you suffer, if you wish, and I wilt send you the ent for your case, eatirelY free, in plain wrapper, hpreturn mad. l' will. also send you fres , my boOlo,-"WOMAN'S OWN mtradaL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations shor- ties ty women suffer, and how they can e&eily cure themselves at home. nvery 'woman Should Wv. e it, and learn to think for loosen. Thutt *hen the doctor says -vol lutist have an opera - .1i.,9 yoti call decide for yourself, Thousands of women have cure thentselves with nay honte 4g edy. "t/t cttres all, old or young, TO Withers a Daughters, 111 explain a gin* home t mitf which speedily and effectually cures teticorrhcca, Ore Sicknets and Petuflit dr 1r Oar Menstruft.tion in voiongLadies. rhampuess and health always result rrotti its ewe. fyou to failed Of .your OW11 locality who know and Will Madly • OirrilVITTgO) 1,4" Cleves' 're'etiee af J1Iy awl 140'0516;4 J;l9u6044441:13:1f little:1044:iinfigiel#4,11; A taka )111i It .os, 41 r.,1; ttbeo Is:i!114013:01,41 e�J� ' colit9. r.:,121"F0,06 mista,a13., a.11bp $110ivsttlietisaft ifee,fejiifih, 14;479S:0111%e,, eis , a leak nmi etroV1ti1s iyeaset rts, p4,6.43,74rt; 11#?.. %"' ni.illata,iMi'si‘ereti,,,Eita)"he had hia y.tetlai• eswnietaly i iliS pew„e174pri5 te..gra #ti"e1.0f30$11$11,11117.1* ettitttx,'Ilte 1,ty*Iseci thc:vpc'6,4..12 P- 141(' ,s1ri.on ei t aii441.1is 1‘47ag.1..ria;"'hi'lb, "the itnegl to free" itibar fa,htat,e4a. , tbi4b2isits.414,; e 4'. 164) tils"pttes006w9t4414113k.a4.piasi.xlittledbfg tIV' the gra eceneltrk: "!..ilevrierNi*Aike,•21sea .7.,•`e` 4'7W; 4.'6, • , tihn; bo -n-dol tetl •z• f„? 7..1184 •-• • •• 'eserftd 'to,Shovikiurte,.0 • flntbe ,• leso.k;'iliwtonrW.that• 1110 tivap ritlkst,t1d-Ilet p,01, ; •Lf,rap3., Ite' l'eld'sl'erele 4{-1P ioq ifdbban pteglingIttieni - ; , , oxe ilkeygrras,„,7, .;tillitan'ki`tet?cs.e...Z.Vg.,eu far' flieott'sti'gqi,117',Wi-u:ii sbef ek sin tieteottlAr Ate sa.„au bd"e . nged and showed dimsett • .ati,atto etile , "' • - - tlfit•i'glificili;Ii-ruite. was :$,Esf• 401 rtrid:41n • ,to,da*: enefeteSpaSitlieb.R rditleeps. an:cl #iet ; witrieVa biteted Illep.AA110113;41.. a*b.' ed,'ethefeleeltIto tth 14411,,,to ,tre "bkierieti, artbee ,Wie ate 61-4040i'41111telet,1 h,t1st:dg'is#1,1AdelhWage„*4'141'ist , setpatfone-,Harper • • "4,.4.o-' OREAT FIO,RN SPOONS. , 13 iNt st• Sfle"P „7tr ?et ret which -e it the leader ittomng; Canadian letpolitan Weeklies. Eyery depart meet pulsetes with vitality. The fourpages of bright pictures on eelendered paper is in itself eq,A1to fifty,, two ,of the orditiary preniro givetilriOray each year Lay'- some papers. 'Very favorable arrangements have been made with The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer whereby our ;traders can have it in combination with this paper on zemarkable favor le terms. Sample copies r.0 any ad dress by making appltratil either verbally or by card to this Dr. de Van's Female Pilis A reliable FrenAgeegtfleter; never fails. These are exceedin powerfal in regulating the geperative fortioa of the fernaib sy,stem. Refase al4 cl eap imitations. Dr'. de Vort'a ate sold at te 'ofrtzt tuam:bd,tvz.. Tho Ones Thel'A"re Made by tAlsei's • iiitiVe" sa." • . • • h'ell4)65y relsi QWer "sik-* tier-as:JD-ft t u t sop Eris; buff•Alb4and_tilt4inpii,trtekt oPe inte'Thtlis741.4*; 1ses"‘A4 Sonseepf these Ace needesseekke areseefetli eheKed''PhVesiiiiN Tife'elikeiratibis. 'ser4"V* se: . It eigie-n'Conversisioair rep tiona'of,larilmat,ferms.• *This ifir'esg 1•,Y,7 true, e`the,tspedies' itae:i4dieeee tge eatek epf •noy-Mlern'.113r-ltifila t)i)le:rid Steritlie'rnektieiia. Ver•eof theSe, .i,peort:c tare, large-, weeider- l'itily sattigI4,eniatee W1 Made fpinn the litifilL;Cif, the rare ,ilnek,y 611..41-04. :s eSe,S-r6 i. • hafTtile'S' o:t.ERA • a‘s repe6, • prZoritir )1ea, eas5belc di, 4,10e` japi;anip ea rwt1WA Ply mernograll3.--D4rOit 'ETA Press. 4%te • 14, • •tt, Chi:well:itchy& 13*Ifries. k Probably You.,bave:•noticea tbat the ope9in,gs•in,,the'belfrY "ee„efealiterch are usually filled with. a 'number of slant:: Ink, beard's,- soniretirpes'76ov,tred with lead. ThleSe pre impraperly called louvres. and, many persons imegiae seat they are so' itetptigedas to keep out tbe rain. The rioht name for these stats.is abwisons„a word that means to 1.• threw don. 4 ' .31)6ir take 1s4not to keep out the eain. Isecniee the wet does net hietteeheebelle at all and.r'elp canllier4' in through .the opeieice*'"arti eetsliy4, -Tfiey gee sleeved tfi tidier ,tite stettpd •Ok belts fie thatorpetri.33.4n Big e 'Cab "lideirtleeti4eft,**0ftlo g ages ebtftsons; re hen ea:Petty OninOtl- aaa derated. or it %Pit, 37, 41eTiter Oa ese• o aeressOa Tete known • as Increkse was oolOridliy ple,yeti by the'Onnarlian th and," frets - there aelteittp f'suc- oegively by the French tried lieiglith :3e -triers, , And by them 14rodliced to the .IInited States. The object cif the game Is . deicer sthe beil. thiouger gpitis,sitteated eactreend of.the field. Theerlayers nee Insanity twteive on a e settee ; iln 18t17 'the Lanresse Assedia-, Mitt et •Carinda wes ..firtneti„, aid an Indians team visited Clatletir* tireiftleg gaeat -exc41terneit.. Vheegame Is one.`cit rpirl tmpertance- In the Eng- lish .sporgeg' wcir " , ,6131' '1;e0bSp A IOverheard ,in a S1e€6,Kair. There's a lesson riiik (bled ; Little blemishes Of cktomt plexion, gmall,soret, ersiptkonsA. spots, are not only: ,to tile person affliite Abet. ,_tate :Ihe first thing not' &Vie - A little Zani;auk:stigild". night to sspOts,...eroPtiims; unis of any kind will do wimencs:` , . • 7.0odluk is net. a' goeisti preparliioti which .wilt cid on 16er arwiqg It it mager:oin,heatpgs extracts and iite7110611. 11011tiliti# °pure, fxeS.b. and Tea* ftk Doesn't I* its power. 'indefiiitefy. and antiseptic all Oh bionict Try'itl, 504 be:e chnvOsisitat*itinfo):. .C;learlY triooMpetent. ,wrIttve ...ins ever'betet'epeteled be forele' hstenitIA the,litienpe ;clerk. ' "'Graaf betwelin, YOnllg ,Schal" 'ex" claitried' the exParke'need priial•elerina. -"Iiitili'Wyob' Woad tbe4i43ersr , Virb efieStien obi) wfre1 i1tninediate4ro, etrOOrittiteeharge herrpreas agent: ,--Waeliegiten Stara , ,4 • 4,1043t Stike Miter' latestcfnet te • ent Man G Li. I iWk4*,,,V glrAltr. tun ponio,inen;r4;• to eta/ SO- * hut' h* 4'115:14 - • . • • ‘ti."1„r1r,. !Itt: -• 1-141t!`:`441t061144*Itf;444 4'1*(0: 14t„r1 .***11444044:94•440040004446.0.0.0 • 0.4441.04.1144+0•4+•••* .. • • • • A TOAST- • * • • 2 Here's to the Eeter Central School, ' • ;,.. Where the law of life is the golden rules • •A' Where the boys are ideate, and tbe girls are true- • 4 , • di Happy the man that governs you; , 40 • • • 'Where life is held as the gift a -God, • And its channels safe 'by the flaming sword '4 - OP • 0 i Tat lies in sheath in each youthful breast,. • 0 , i4 flashes fire at the levelserds,jfists, t . ti , , Where each one knows their regal birth 4 • 4 - To the,conihig pUrple of all the earth, • * AssA ;oda purpose firm and brow elate, 4) Trahas each day hard for the walls of state; Whose stones ane knowledge, power to serve, * Aird 'calls that ill can never swerve enti stead •detsainee c the was ess Algebra's s d EinAse'e nitro • • • 4.440*411$40110*,oipi*o*throw5044.0***********. see Chat/. of 1141`ealitiOliff,N41, Tait 0 •114;1). c me lit o ,hose4giinie ; flrle.qi,ikhve,-.WOdu Re° itsattie Oh* 41 adlers .4eir c ecansedts,„„toikb hollevied", eat lii6; an m nVe an:, coupL &ccord1ngi te,:heatiftnd &edit:ion; spends. of this was IA614176d , laiglitehrthe Chair °fides will on cheater.s.7a complete tansy'. tisetryl;proc: following rnorntng,be dead, riv eAs." It .is.n's that the:same, thin4 third or endewed with the loftiest pd% has„nothappened' to "gull." Here else lent haspiralien. No one seemsfie , .„, . otu tla,vei amee, from , the ,substaretive turning tiedupeand as thegull gtrikes one ASS' .r4ha.r a • knowing , bird one might,,havit:exyeelefltbe-same evoln• Mu ;las in thelscasel. 'of the rook. It sliirild! be "obserejil, ehow.e'ver, ' that 'gull" a ,dupe, etlid snot refer Speetitilly te ikhosseiregnitethe word having for eely. meaitt; a young;litrd of tiny:kind. inizichethan; sliveified a callow yearrgater wished.,to be thonght - f Thi:sltorfshr dam i.noni an 8t, tit a ei en 1:4. me on. f yr4,03iiion„ yeat:i th,:eres noWonlit but finit h : „OftlanaWei Wionld •beeeteneratele it the obitietii:", Teals forobliblyea4tes ; tor • the popular idea . that a ssIntriander Ilyes„Lin tife•t-fire, a falineF trir re - 'veva frern etre -trell)"Wint the carious liTstAiNe beast so' called. enenot en. dere ev-em, the 'he:tit of .,1j) E.' SRO, hot a'keillts away... trader itonerto avoid iv. It will sever lose Its reputlifIlm foe ere eating. stiwpgh, sihich lingers still Moltke heating utensil that is named af E'er it. te Card Marks. It is cenetateared by some writers on • Ile selij;etwthrtt the marks open the wrel's designating 'the four kinds in a peek' weiv symnboliC01 and • intended, to sirguify ihe,different class. es osoZietty. Aceordiag tb this sett- Pot*ton, the hearts represented ,,the elergp, spSdes tbe nehilltysenieold know exactlyewho Idris was or wh he listed, but -he-must' have been/ giant if his body was l proportla with his celebrated,"chnir." Mrs e H mens„ has a 'fine peem evith the Ohal of Idris as*the, theme, and. Tennyso also mentions it in "Maid." . • • 'Tart! In the days whetMrs. George Cori "trellis, West . was Lady Ran:dole .sh,eAni_xed,"*:,tonaiderti,, aiintfreginell.ticians and political affal 4.• si41'.3iye spory told of her shows howl slIn4P.-*Wh 011)11.illa4mCrlare al'r e chithIliNier about So liOEti!r she had dofte.• - '1Int•tnitly not iittliit.usr one of thenii Shed. "Where cap' you find more' at ' Wictixo rafedelar "Impossible!" Lady Randolph claimed,. "1 could never paint yott hlaCk enoughr-Loodon Tit -Bits. Si ta, Fifth Monarchy Men. The fifth monarchy men formed a re., ligious sect that sprang up in the days of Clint -hes L England. They were so called from the fact that they use' seited that in the last days the four,, anrii:mt inonarehies, the Assyrian, thri Persian, I 11P Babylonian and the Ito. mare would be restored, and to them would be Added a Christian monarphy,, or fifth monarchy, of which Christ would be the king,. ft et Seenet Meet:int Family Physician -The trouble 'with your husband, madam, is that lie bast paCks ef 'carels bearlirga sword or overdrawn his ateount at the bank ot talkie head luatead *ea "i§vade; clubs vitality. hirm 0a7ma1i-1 felt sure 114 114 serfs andvdtansends'the barghers was deeekTing nie 1000 Something!' Doctpr, I give yen my word 1,neven knew he had any account tbere,-Ex. 'change. 1 or oteizen olaSsea. , enemy People. ' tA Sheewered 'delights In seekty• peoPle. The Old are. Winged, for Wove more than foir,ltreatl. The Air of loy Is, very cheap; and ean help the.;pr en With iteei,eiMetit ot,praiise it will be bettfisbiA4heta theblen1aelis.-B6ntY Dramtneed, 'IN A, itaitint`et: It?femteer,i , te i1414 Pled alidilpet:consklenb Malting' arouses trilten ilme that 1111 better ,f•sent in "Making goed:•1 Yen thto CASTOR IA For initiate and children. 10 KIM You Have Always Boughi Beata the ttignatVit,e of c