Exeter Times, 1912-9-26, Page 3ilEALLY 110111E0�EQ 1REHy �U'IRE
Every mother knows how fatal
the hat summer months are to
small chiildren. Cholera infantum,
diarrhoea,, dy'sentry and stomach
troubles ' are rife at this time and
often a precious little life is lost
after only a few hours illness. The
mother who keeps Baby's Own. Tab-
lets in the house feels safe. The
occasional use 0 the Tablets pre-
vent stomach and boweltroubles,
or if the trouble comes suddenly—
as it generally does tho Tablets
will bring the baby safely through.
The Tablets are sold by medicine
deals or •
er by:mail at 25 cents ts a boar
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine'
Go., Brockville, Ont.
His Story Told in Ancient Papyrus
5,000 Years Old.
In Titres Years $100,000,000
of Coins Have Been Lost
Trace .of,
Statesmen and financiers are at
the present tilne scouring the world
for new supplies of gold, for there
is .a serious shortage of bullion. All
the same, there is an enormous
amount of British coin remaining
from m. a that
buried, altoapart
which , has gone down with vessels,,
says London Answers.. in the
Passing from hand to hand
United Kingdom are sovereigns
and half -sovereigns having a total
value' of £113,000,000. That is
say, technically speaking, there is
that amount es gold coin in circula-
tion, although it includes the
amount of gold held at the banks
in their coffers. ,
All the same, thus is nothing like
the value; d the gold which has
been turned out by the Mint and
that received ` for remaking. In
fact, it has been stated by a recog-
nized authority that in three reoent
years the Bank of England has lost
trace of something like £20,.000,000
worth ,of golden coins,
What, then, becomes d this mon-
ey? Every year the Mint, through
the medium sof the Bank of England,
sends out an enormous amount
gold coin, :and yet receives bask
only a portion of the whole.
One reason for the disappearance
is that throughout the world the
English sovereign is held in the
highest esteem 0 all coins. Thus
on the Continent the writer has
frequently met with refusals tos
cash German and other gold coins,
but never in any country has he had
the slightest difficulty in changing
English gold. Not only is this the
case, but the highest value is al-
ways attached to our gold coins.
Most of the British gold which is
lost gees out to India. There the
people hoard it up, and frequently
it is the ease that a man dies with-
out giving any information as to
where his treasure has been. de-
posited. In this way it is calculated
that in. the Presidency of Bombay
alone some £12,000,000 is hoarded
in the form of .sovereigns and half -
From this fact it may be imagined
what an enormous amount of Bri-
tish gold there mutt be in the
whole of India. The natives o
dia also use •sovereigns and half-
sovereigns as ornaments, partly for
the 'good reason that in times 0
stress th•ornaments may be turned
to a more useful purpose without
any loss.
Signs of Weakness and Strength---
When .a Man Is Lying,
When a man is not telling the
truth he is apt to clench his 1=4
as few men can lie with their hands
A man who holds his thumb tight-
i w>h
ly within his. hand. has weak
power. Strong willed persons hold
their thumbs outside when shutting
their hands
Shaking hands when greeting was
originally an evidence that eaeh
person was unarmed,
Among savage tribes when a man
Bolds up his hands it is a sign of
peace, an evidence that he is un-
armed or does not intend to use
An outlaw says Hold y
up your hands!" meaning thereby
to make his victim power -,leas to re-
sist attack, 0
When a man kisses the hands
a woman he expresses his submiis-
cion, This is also the idea when
kissing the hands 0 kings. By thhs
act their superiority .is acknow-
When an oath is taken it is done
by raising the right hand or laying
it upon a Bible. , &
In the 'consecration 0 bishaps,
priests and deacons and also in con-
firmation the laying of hands is the
essence ,of the sacramental rite.
A bishop gives his blessing
the. thumb and first and second fin
gore. In this the thumb represents
God . the Father the first finger is
the emblem 0 Gori the Son, and the
seeond finger ,stands for God the
Holy Ghost, the three together sym-
bolizing the Holy Trinity.
The wedding ring is placed' upon
the third finger 0 the woman's
hand to show that after the Trinity,
man's love, honor and duty are
given to his wife.-
Beside the deaf and dumb there
are many people, notably of Latin
and Semitic racers, who talk with
their -hands..
Iii the ,hermitage Mu,seuna 0 St,
Petersburg there is a very sinoientd
papyrus, nearly 5,000 years old,
which contains astory reminding
one, isays a writer in ±the Raja Yoga
Messenger, of the adventures 0 the
famous Sindbad in the "Arabian
The hero, a very ancient mariner,
begin,& by saying that he was one 0
a band of 150 fearless adventurers,
"whose 'hearts were stronger than
lions, and who had seen heaven and
earth." They were on their way to
the Mines of Pharaoh in a ship 0
150 cubits, but ill fate awaited
them, forpresently. the wind rosee
and threw' up mighty waves and
The inhabitants of China also•
show a striking partiality for our
.. golden discs: The same tale conies
4, . even from the goldfields in East Af-
rica. As a matter 0 fact, the
tives are never paid in gold coins,
for the reason that the money
would be taken out of circulation at
once, and it is a costly job convey-
ing,coin into the baoklands.
Again, a certain amount 0 coin
is taken out of circulation in this
country by jewellers and similar
craftsmen. When •a jeweller re-
quires a piece 0 gold for making an
ornament he takes a new gold coin.
There is a good reason for this, as
the coin, practically speaking, is
exactly the value of a piece of un-
worked gold, and so the jeweller
loses' nothing by taking a coin in
preference to a piece 'of bullion.
yr the fin0 nis that ''he knows
enessthe goad,
knowledge which is not bound to be
his when. handling a piece of gold
other than a coin.
Apart from this, thereare hun-
dreds of place& in the kingdom
where gold coins have been buried
and their whereabouts forgotten.
Still, it is the East whioh swallows
up our gold.
ship was wrecked.
Every one perished but the hero,
who was washedashoreon a pieoe
0 wood. He found himself strain.d
ed upon an island, but it was no
desert. There were fruits and good-
ly herbs and many other fine
things. Tle sailor had been piously
brought up, for after enjoying a
good meal he made an offering to
the gods.
Immediately the marvels began,
and it is clear that the good char-
acter ofthe hero saved him from
destruction, for the. next thing he
saw was a huge serpent 0 terrible
aspect, :his body overlaid with gold
and his color a bright blue. How-
ever, the serpent did him no harm,
but politely asked chow he ,had
reached the island. '
Being satisfied with the answer,
the king d the serpents, for it was
no lest& a personage, carried the
sailor in his mouth to a place where
there was a tribe of seventy-five
other serpents. The serpent ling
said : "If thou hast come to me it
is God Who has let you live. It is
He Who has brought you to rbhi.s Isle
of the Blest, where nothing is lack-
ing and which is filled with all good
are hatched in manure and revel in
f, ilth. S
eientists 'have discovered
that they are largely resptii'isible for
the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid,
Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile.
piseases of the Bowels, etc,
1very packet of
will kill irlore'dies than 300 sheets
of sticky paper.
The serpent then told him to be
of good cheer for he would be res-
cued by a ship from his own land in
three months. Our Egyptian Sind -
bad spent much of this time waatch-
.ing for the ship from the top of a
tall tree. At last it arrived, and
the first thing he did. was to run to
the king serpent to tell him. His
surprise. was great when he found
that the serpeiit knew all about it,.
and had some gifts ready for him
to take away. On parting the ser-
pent said : "Farewell; go to thy
Lorne and see thy little dhildren
once more;. let thy name be good in
or was very gratful for
the kindness he had received and he
offered to speak for the serpent be-
fore King Pharaoh and: to return
with a ship full of treasures fit for
such a friend of men east away in. a
far off land. . But the sei;pent said
no, they would not meet again,. for
the magical island vlAuad disappear
and. melt away whet_.be was gone.
Prescribed Change 0 Food Instead
of Drugs.
It takes considerable courage for
a \doctor to deliberately prescribe
only food for a despairing patient,
instead of resorting to the usual
list of medicines.
There are some truly scientific
physicians among the present gen-
eration who recognize and treat
conditions as they are and should
be treated, regardless of the value
to their pockets. Here's an in-
stance : _ r
"Four years ago go I. was taken
with severe `gastritis and nothing
would stay on my stomach, so that
I was on the verge 0 starvation.
"I heard of a doctor who had a
summer cottage near me—a speci-
alist from N. Y.—and as a last hope
sent for him, me careful-
he examined a small
ly he advised me to try
quantity of Grape -Nuts at first,'
then as my stomach became stron-
ger to eat more.
"I kept at it and gradually got
so I could eat and digest three tea-
spoonfuls. ,Then
ea-spoonfuls..,Then, I began to have
color in myface, memory became
clear, where before everything
seemed .a blank. My limbs got
stronger ,and I could walk. So I
steadily recovered.
"N year on Grape-
Nuts I_�after a weigh 153 lbs. My people
were surprised at the way 1 grew
fleshy and strong on this food.
Name given by Canatlia:n Past um
Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little
book, "The Road to Wellvi le,
pkgs. "There's a reason.
Ever read the above letter? A. new ono
appears front time to time. They are
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
The bath habits of Britishens have
been thoroughly ,investigated at a
congress of the Royal Sanitary In-
stitute, and Dr. Quine maintains
that the wash -hand basin is the sole
washing vessel in daily use by ap-
proval -lately forty millions of peo-
ple. Referring to na'tn.onalities,
Dr. Quine declares that Sootslne
bathe more often than. any other
race. . Englishmen come second,
Trial -man third. ; Frenchmen and
'Germans appear at the bottom of
the doctor's list. Those who take
a cold bath every day. appear to be
restricted ' to the type of public
school men, and then mostly yonung'
and early middle-aged. As yearrs.s
increase the . daily habit seems
decline. Military men as a 'class
;lead with the daily bath. ``There
is no reason to ,suppose,,adds' Dr.
Quine, "that the presence of medi-
cal men in tturnbers in a town un-
duly taxes the bathing accommoda-
tion, and ithe average of daily bath-
ers among c'1ergyiinen does not seem
hih,". y> .
•Very high,"
, y ,��,,c •,
D elf t roue—wholesomeaAur
scales—no bones—peeked
In parent Olive OIL.
Cet Them From Your Creeer
Trade supplied by
John W. 8lokle & Greening, Natnflton
See How
Prof. Iiaberlandt * Says He Ras
Found Them in Tree Leaves.
After long eYp
e i
study Prof. Gottlieb Haberlandt of
the Botanic Institute, of Gratz, in
Styria, declares that plants, the
word taken in its widest sense, and
including trees, can see.
The professor says that he has
euceeeded through photography and
theuse 0 the microscope on the
visual organs of plants. The
images included objects at different
distances, and even persons and
houses. Plaints may, he says, be
classed with the inferior animals in
this respect. His observations have
boon confirmed by Dr. Nuttall and
Dr. Harold Wagner.
We are still so ignorant of ani-
ni-m ;l, planet and insect life .(because
we do. not understand their lan-
guage) that we fancy the plant, like
the insect, is not conscious of what
it sees, but that is probably a dis-
covery for the future. At present
we are forced to accept the theory
that they are not conscious.
But that they do see, Prof. Haber-
la'nd't says, he has satisfactorily -
proved. We has found the same
minute eye such as belongs to bees
and other insects in sycamore
leaves, in the sugar maple and in
the Peruvian acanthus. The eyes
of plants appear different from the
eyes of insects in that they have
no coloring matter, though this is
not yet determined.
The professor is continuing his
experiment;&, and he expects to
make further interesting and sur-
prising announcements. He says
that plants and trees ;that have
undoubtedly a proof
r -
al life is linked N one long chain.
'.There area few homely remedies
for seasickness), suds as etUfi.Ug the
ears with cotton wool, taking a
&traria reap of very hot eaffee or a
teaspoonful 0 neat .Worcestershire
sauce just. before embarking, whnch
may tide the poor sailor ,safely over
a short journey. Chromic vietirrts of
sea sickness, however, should we
the linear a, rest for 24 hours before
going on a voyage, eating only
a£ a simple and readily digestible
nature. Rest, with the head low-
ered in a comfortable position with
the hands and feet kept warm, as
the first rule l' i all cases.
•Wife -•rtln battle "of✓ tongt,ies a
woman can hold her own." ' Hus-
band--"M--y.es, p'r'aps she can;
but she never does.
no Wringer Board extends from the side,
ont of the way of the covey. This allows
practically tho Whole top of the tub toopen up—
snakes it easy to put in and take out clothes.
No other washer has as targeass opening.
No other washer can be worked Walt crank
handle at side as weft es top lever.
D• you use Maxwell's "Favorite" --the
churn that makes quality butter t
Write nro for cataioguoa if your dealer does
net handle them. 89
Agnes—"This novel looks adful-
ly interesting. Is it good?" Gladys
-"It's perfectly splendid. I'd lend
it to you in a minute, but it be-
longs to me."
To Men Who Live Inactive L"ives.
—Exercise in the open air is the
best tonic for the stomach and sys-
tem generally; but there are those
who are compelled to follow seden-
tary occupations and the inactivity
tends to restrict the healthy action
of the digestive organs and sickness
follows. Parmelee's ,. Vegetable
Pills regulate the staomach and
liver and restore healthy action. It
is wise to have a packet of the pills
always on hand.
An eminent scientist, the other
nion that the most
ave ,his: o
clay, �•
wonderful discovery of recent ysate
was the discovery 0 Zaire.-Buk. Just
think? As soon as a single thin
layer of Za o-Buk is applied to a
wound or sore,, such injury is in-
sured againstabllood poison I Not
one species sof microbe has been
found that Zazn-Buk does nob kill!
Then again. As. soon as Zara-Buk
is .applied to a Bore, or a out, or to
skin disease, it tops the smarting,
That is why children, ere such
friends of Zam-Buk.
Again. As soon as Zarin -Bak is
applied to a wound or to a, diseased
part, the cells beneath the skin's
.surface are sa stimulated that new
(healthy tissue is quickly formed.
This forming 0 fresh healthy tissue
from below is Zam-Buk's secret of
healing, This is why Zam-Buk
cures are permanent.
:Only the other day Mr. Marsh,
of 101 Delbrmier Ave,, Montreal.,
called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and
tall them that for over twenty-five
years he had been a martyr to ec-
zema. His hands were at one time
so covered with sores that he had
to sleep in gloves. Four years ago
Zam-Buk was introduced to him,
and in a few months it cured him..
To-day—over three years after hie
cure of a disease he had for twenty-
five years—he is still eared. at
All druggists sell Zam-Buk
50e. box, or we will send free trial
box if you send this advertisement
and •a lc. stamp (to pay return
postage). Address Zara-Buk Go.,
., tn�ent
Soap and
No other emollients: do so much
for pimples, blackheads, red,
rough and oily skin, itching,
scal scalps, dry, thin and falling
hair,, chapped hands and shapeless
nails. They do even more for skits
tortured and disfigured infants.
Althougil Cabana Soap and alntrnent are
mold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal
temple of oath, with 82 -tinge booklet on treatinena
of hto ' OUtto tlra;"1Dept. BM, Bn
estAn. 11+5arplleAer
millions who drinlr
it recora mend
(3oeefarthest •tee the money
W. DAWSON, Ninety
On Sale Everywhere.—There may
be country merchants who do not
keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil,
though they are few and far be-
tween, and these may suggest that
.some other oil is just as good. There
is nothing so good as a liniment or
as an internal medicine in certain
eases. Take no other. The de-
mand for it shows that it is the
only popular oil.
Poverty has helped many a young
man out after he has fallen in love.
Minard's Liniment Cures BUrns, Etc.
"Too bad Mrs. Smartleigh always
has such abominable weather for
her afternoon teas." "Yes; she
never pours but it rains."
Cholera and all summer com-
plaints are so quick in their action
that the cold hand' of death is upon
the victims before they are aware
that danger is near, If attacked
do not delay in getting the proper
medicine.. Try' a dose of Dr J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, and
you will get immediate relief. It
acts with wonderful rapidity and
never fails to effect a cure.
It',s all right to build castles in
the air if you're willing to work up
to them.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Try to win the friendship of
your butcher, so that you can go
to his icebox and pick out your
own steak.
Inspector—"An abstract noun is
something we can think of, but can-
not touch. • Can you give Me an
example V'
Tommy—"Yes, sir; a red-hot
poker 1"
Always screw the lids of the glass
fruit jars on so tightly that it will
be necessary to break the cans open
with a hammer next •winter. This
is one of the first principles of can-
ting g and it should never e
r be
Can everything yon find except-
ing your husband. You may need
him from time to time.
It is better to remove the pits
from peaches before canning there,
for. the pits are hard to digest and
form a very heavy diet when eaten
in the winter. Canned peaches are
more to be pitted than. censured.
"Do you admire Burns' poems?"
asked the young man with the 'seri
ous face.
"Pardon me for correcting you,"
answered Miss Pansy Hobbletrot,
"but Mr. Burns ain't • a poetry
writer. He's the famous author of
detective stories."
Education begins with the cradle
and ends only with the grave.
It is easy to screw a lawn -mower
up so • tight that your neighbor
can't 'ase it after he has borrowed
It is no longer fashionable to out
a boy's hair by 'putting a large bowl
on his head and trimming up to
the edge of it. Take him to a bar-
ber and pay for the hair -cut out of
the boy's savings bank.
Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta p
lbez at right rices on easy terms.'
r g
district of Ontario. A11 sizes at right
stook, grain of dairy farm consult uiA,
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
work and earn more money than 1
any other trade, We qualify for all
Canadian Railways, Positions secured,
Write for Free Book 18. Dominion School
Railroading, Toronto.
"How old-fashioned they are."
"So ?"
"Yens, they still keep their fa-
thers' pictures hanging in the liv-
ing room."
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via
Chicago and North Western Ry., Sept. 25th
to Oct. 10th from all points in Canada to
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Efelena,
Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello,
Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand
Jct., etc. Through Tourist sleepers and
free reclining chair cars from Chicago.
Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. For
information write or call on R. R. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto.
JL. Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
V ternal and external, cured wi,Ghoa9
pain by our home treatment. Write ns
before too late. Dr: Beilmaa Medical Coo
Limited. Collfngwood. Ont.
LD Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German Remedy,
"Sanol," price $1.50. .Another new remedy
for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, is
"Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 frons
druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufao•
turing Company of Canada, Limited,
Winnipeg, Man.
Forthe very beat, send your work to the
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
Montreal. Toronto Ottawa. Quebec.
A Remedy for Bilious Headache.
—To tiros subject subect to bilious head-
ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
are recommended as the way to
speedy relief, Taken according to
directions they will subdue irr•egu-
rarities of the stomach and so act
upon the nerves and blood vessels
that the pains in the head will
cease. There are few who are not
at sometime subject to biliousness
and familiar with its attendant
evils. Yet none need suffer with
these pills at hand.
It is sometimes a good plan to be
sure the other fellow is right—then
follow in his footsteps.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
"He sure is an optimist."
"No question of it,"
"But I heard him growling yes-
terday because he has hay fever."
"That's just the point. He's had
it for ten years, but always he is
sure that he won't get it next
.41L-1412" Ge ZYJE Z ' "3
Protect — Preserve — Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
18741 Bathurst Street TORONTO
"Your bean," remarked the first
summer girl, "doesn't seem to care
to spoon in secluded nooks."
"No," responded the second sum-
mer girl, "the poor gink only has
four days in which to acquire a coat
of to
Caterhali, Ned.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—While in the country last
summer I was badly bitten by mosquitoes,
so badly that I thought I would be dis-
figured for a couple of weeks. I was ad-
vised to try your Liniment to allay the
irritation, and did so. The effect was
more than 1 expected, a few applications
completely curing the irritation, and pre-
venting the bites from becoming sore.
M ARD'S LINIMENT is also a good ar-
ticle to keep off the mosquitoes.
Yours truly, W A. V.
Corns cannot exist when HolIo-
way's Corn Cure is applied to them,
because it goes to the root and kills
the growth.
Every young man when starting
in the raoe 0 life ,should stamp into
his being the fundamental principle
of all moral philosophy—that the
real dignity of a man lies not in
what he has, but in what he is. Be-
ware of being infected by the moral
contagion which more or less taints
the atmosphere of every rich trad-
ing and manufacturing community
—the contagion which breeds a ha-
bit of estimating the value of men
by the external apparatus of life
rather than by its internal nobility.
ED. 7
ISSUE 35—'12
OR sunburn, windburn, cracked lips,
chaps, roughness or irritation after
a in
sh v g, try
Witch Hazel Cream
Its creamy Ingredients soothe and soften
the eater skin, while the Witch Hazel
penetrates and heals the deeper tissues.
Delightful after shaving or washing,
25o. a bottle, at your druggist's.
A masher is a despicable creature
who gets a good deal. of encourage-
Nochild should be allowed to
suffer an hour from worms when
prompt relief ca,i be got in a sim-
ple but strong remedy—Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator.
Too often it is the things we
shouldn't do that seem to make life
worth living.
Nrfnard's Liniment for sale everywhere,
and Station Agents' work In all
its details are included in the
course of training in eluded in The
Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger-
rard St. B, Toronto. Correspond-
ence invited. T. J. Johnston, Prin.
W. H. Shaw, President.
.Maypole Soap
Gives rich glowing
colors, fadelesain sun
or suds. Dyescotton,
silk, wool or mixtures.
Use it yourself at
home. No trouble—
no muss. 24 colors• .
will give any shade.
at your dealer's or
postpaid with booklet
"How to Dye' from
F. L BENED CT & 00. Montreal
disinfectant sweeping
powder, is a life -pre-
server because it kills
all disease germs.
Floors clean; car-
pets bright; home
fresh and sweet. No
dust while sweeping.
Ask your Dealer for it.
MaoLaren Imperial'Ohoese Co.
Bole distributors for Ontario
THE SAPHO MFG. CO.,. Limited
One of the Freneh marshals who
had been defeated by the Duke of
Wellington in the Peninsula trie
to insult the duke, when the latter
was visiting Paris. But in the ball-
froom as on the battle -field, the
victory was Wellington's.
Louie Philippe of France had just
introduced the marshal to the duke.
Smarting under the memory of his
thought defeats, the marshal ou�;ht to
slight Wellington by ostentatiously
turning his back to him, Louie
Philippe was greatly displeased,
and apologized .for his general e
"Forgive brim, sir," said the
duke. ''I taught him to do that in
the Peninsula."
It doesn't take very len g for the
'worst to happen.
The chief thought about ealt in
the midst of all holiday-makers will
be in connection with the area; but
it bas other uses and significance.
Most people think that spilling salt
is unlucky. This superstition has
been handed down from the an-
cient Romans. Two or three hun-
dred years ago all the servants 0
the wealthy sat below the salt 1»
show their •humble .origin,, and this
custom was observed net so very
long ago in Seotband. Salting a
coffin is still prevalent among some
nations, but the most cuxiaut use
to which wilt is put to -day is itt
Abyssinia and Tibet, where cakes of
salt are employed as money.
Drs 14.orseis
Indian .00t Dr'It1
are made according to a formula to
orb n the
use nearly a �centtiry ago o It
Indians, and learned from theta by
Dr. Morse. Though repeated at-
tempts have been tirade, by phYd-
cions and chemists, it has been found
iinpoflailale to improve the f %inula or
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