HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-11-09, Page 26...WELC .q ME BACK FOR MORE Ir,1r'Yhl`Yy� mei GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1963 -PAGE 7A �U CNATsi EAC ROOT BEER, COLA, GINGER ALE, ORANGE OR GRAPE Chateau Beverages CASE OF 24-10 FL OZ TINS 99 Also available Canada Dry beverages 6 pack of 300 inL bits. at reg. price - plus btl. deposit ASST VAR BEANS OR CORN (14 FL OZ TIN) Green Giant Niblets 12 FL OZ TIN MEADOWLIGHT, CALORIE REDUCED OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO .99 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, BLADE, CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Beef Roasts OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.05Ikg-2.29 Ib SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib COMBINATION PACK. CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS. 2 LOIN ENDS. 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS. 8 CHOPS IN A PKG. Loin Pork Chops 3/1 69 OUR REGULAR PRICE 5 05Ikg-2 29 Ib RE SH. WHOLE OR HALF 0 29 Boneless Hams 51kg5 /2 It) EXCELLENT F OR BRAISING 3 Blade Steaks 37kg /16! FRESH MEDIUM 13 69 Ground Beef 31kg /1 Ib RIO PORTION. BONEI FSS 615 /279 Pork Loin Iko Ib FREEZER SPECIAL 10 TO1.1I.BAVERAGE 73 69 Whole Pork Loins 31kg/1 PREVIOUSL Y FROZEN PORK SIDE Spare Ribs 351 / 159 'kg Ib Si ICED SKINLL Si, .5 DE VI INL0 PPE VIOUSLY FROZEN 174/Ib Beef Liver A&P REGULAR 8 THICK Sl ICE D Side Bacon OLDMill BREAKFAST Swift Sausages .79 SOO g 99 vac par 32$ /1 I lb REDHOTS DUTCH TREE T At 81-11 & DINNER A K,S_ Schneiders Wieners vac p FRA (`� RRISTIF Si.., y LIK u I 13 BONUS PACT OuR REG PRICE t9 17 89 IkgMI Ib SAVE 1.10Ikg-.50 Ib CUT FROM CANADA; S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF SEMI -BONELESS BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB Beef Roasts 351/15! kg / Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.61 /kg -2.09 Ib SCHNEIDER'S. HALVES Olde -Fashioned Hams 880 Ikg /39! SCHNEIDER S. REGULAR OR ALL BEEF PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Sliced Bologna vac pac 169 Spare Ribs 39/199 SCHNEIDER'S SAUSAG' S. REGULAR. BEEF ORM PLE 500 g 1 99 Ground Pork 3 /1 H Mini Sizzlers vac pac SAVE 1.76/kg-.80 Ib ROAST OR CHOPS, CENTRE CUT (BONELESS 6.591kg-2.99 Ib Pork Loins 483/ 21 e9 OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.59Ikg-2.99 Ib RIB OR 3 TO 3' 2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Lion Roasts V/16! SCHNEIDER S SLICED. REGULAR COUNTRY MAPLE OR THICK Side Bacon5008 949v ac pac16. SCHNEIDER'S. PARTY SPECIAL -10 VAR INCL PEPPERONI & SALAMI Mini Deli Chubs 250 g 1 59 size LABEL LE FERMIERE 50g 99 Tourtiere Meat Pies 4Size 1 SHOPSY 'S. COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 500 g 139 cont ALL BEEF Shopsy's Sausages OO pkg 269 SHOPSY S 00 69 Melton Mowbray Pies 5°izeg 2 SHOPSY S CORNED BEEF OR Pastrami pkg of 4 259 50 g pouches L. ,the OeIiSh0 $p AT �Chips Ahoy 6Df)gltgntIr 99 CHRISTIE S IPRE TZEl 5 ;no (1140x 1 Bits & Bites OUAK E R OUR RE 5))) AR 0110 Life Cereal E 104 RE GM AR & IINSr f N tf fl f ABM( Bounce 1 (9) 29( 1) 1.39 42cq pkq 1 69 SOF TE NE R pkg of 60 5 49 sheet's • -' NJaurt 1 tL) VARIETIES Primo Pastas 900 g pkg .99 MON'AIN DEW PEPSI I REE REG OR SUGAR FREE REG & DIET 750;L 4Q Pepsi-Cola plus 30 btl dep e CONGRATULATIONS JOHN CLUTTON EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH POWDERED LAUNDRY ABC Detergent 6 litre box OUR REGULAR PRICE 4 39 DETERGENT -FOR DISHES Sunlight Liquid 199 nisi btl 500 mL OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 SCHNEIDER'S. JUMBO LOOP Polish 00 Sausage.44:i/19? Soft Butter CANADA NO.1 GRADE 1 LB TUB 69 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.46 FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON -1.99 1 -PLY, BATHROOM, ASST COLOURS White Swan Tissue 1 49 pkg of 4 rolls OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.13 I SCHNEIDER'S, FINE OR COARSE' Liverwurst .441100g/1lb 99 SCHNEIDER.S. MILD. MEDIUM OR OLD 9 Cheddar Cheese .81,10.9/36! SCHNEIDER'S. JUMBO Summer Sausage.88"° 3919 TANK II -OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 Sant -Flush BEEF CHUNKS. CHOPPED BEEF. MEAT TRIO Alpo Dog Food AUTOMATIC, DRIP OR REGULAR Mother Parkers Coffee 2 369 g vac pac OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.79 each 2.59 2 14 oz 89 tins • GLAD Kitchen Catchers P b gs48 2.99 PLAIN (FRUIT FLAVOUR 1 49) Silouette Yogourt S00g 1 39 tub • CHEFMASTER, 100°4 VEG OIL Soft Margarine .49 1 Ib tub WHITE, YELLOW OR PRINTS Hi-Dri Towels rmm®mmm'OP nossmo..l • WITH THIS COUPON 8 • MEADOWLIGHT 1 1 Calorie reduced, Canada No. 1 grade 11 Soft Butter I 11b 1 1.69 tub 1O 1 Limit one per family purchase. ; 1 Valid until Nov. 12th, 1983 1 I In (Feature price 1.99 ■ • without coupon) VC .. ®mmmmmmmmmmlls®tim mmindi Profile on new Iibrarian ROBERTSON ROUND -UR School's new librarian is Miss Heather Broadwell. She first started her career in a atm in London, Ontario where she found thatshe liked working with books and people. She attended the University of Guelph where she received a degree in Honours Spanish. Then she went to -Althouse College in London where she received her Bachelors Degree in Spanish and Library Science. Miss Broadwell attended the University of Western Ontario from which she received her Masters Degree in Library Science. The reason Miss Broadwell chose her career was because she likes to help children help themselves in the use of books and other study aids. The easiest part of, her job is the Dewey Decimal System and keeping books straight, and the hardest is having time to card, shelve and do other numerous things. For this reason, she has many library helpers. The way she chooses new books is by reading catalogues, reviews and also listening to students' opinions. Miss Broadwell says that she plans to keep on being an elementary or high school librarian and has no real desire to work in a public library. -By Michelle Rotteau Mistake Last week we mistakenly reported that the Student Council at Robertson had sponsored a Hallowe'en Carnival for Grades K-5. The carnival was actually the respon- sibility of students in 7-D. They are to, be congratulated for their effort and their time given for the entertainment of the younger students. Thank you 7-D. Percussion Ensemble On November 24, the Toronto Percussion Ensemble will be performing for the senior students at Robertson School. Classes from St. Mary's Separate School and Victoria Public School will also be attending. -By H. Larsen Dear Principal Dear Principal, I was wondering how hard the older grades were - like Grade 8 or if they were easy but you still have to try. -Abby S. You do have to try in all grades. Grade 8 can be reasonably easy if you work hard all of the other years. ' Dear Principal, Does the librarian in our school buy new books with her own money or with the school's money? Jill Dineen The budget for our library - which is money from the school board, because your parents pay taxes, is approximately $3000 per year. New books are added to the library every year. St. Mary's School names special students One student from each class at St. Mary's Separate School is awarded "Student of the month" for effort and good conduct. The award for September went to Martha Jasper, Aaron Hackett, Jackie Bowen, Christy Shanahan, Peter Hrynieviecki, Kel- ly Wade and Mary Jo Evans. These students do the reporting. The Kindergarten class, taught by Mrs. Johnston is split into two groups, and they have parent volunteers to help out occa- sionally. The entire class visited the apple orchard and pumpkin patch. Halloween was celebrated with a dress -up party. Grade one is taught by Sister Anne. They visited the pumpkin patch and apple or- chard also. Grade two, is taught by Sister Rita. The class was very excited to discover they had five winners in the Junior Huron Perth I.A.P.A. Safety Slogan contest. Michael Barlow placed first with "One at a time on the slide and everyone will get a ride". Crystal Brennan came second with "When coming or going to the school yard - watch for traffic - be on guard". Jackie Bowen placed third, Greg Steward, fourth and Shel- ly Stanley came in fifth. Mrs. Park's grade three-four lass had Lee-ann Langford sell the most candy for the candy sale and receive the prize of $30. The school is trying to raise money for a computer printer. Jeff Phelan received a trophy smanlike for squirtplayer. town soccer as most sport - Mrs. Doherty's grade four -five class visited The Homestead and a pond for their science lesson. Jackie Allin won the French award for September. Leah Groen won first in the slogan contest with "Give Safety a Thought - it means a lot". She is in Miss Ayotte's grade six -seven class. Grade seven -eight is taught by Miss Stemp. Marianne Glazier completed the 10 hour skate -a -thou and received a medal. Gregg De Winter received a trophy in Mos- quitos soccer for the best offensive players. Marc Mielhausen placed first in the senior slogan contest with "Safety is great - so don't make it wait." SPORTS The junior soccer team came first in Huron -Perth. Team members are Dan Mielhausen, Jim Craig, Bart Drennan, Justin Fagan, Pheng Troeung, Chris O'Neill, Pat Donnelly, Andre Cauchi, Blair Waterfield, Lance Langford, Bryan Cor- riveau, Mike Stegansted and Jean-Paul Cauchi. The cross country junior boys placed first for Huron -Perth. Team members are Dan Mielhausen, Blair Waterfield, Pheng Troeung, Bryan Corriveau, Chris O'Neill and Bart Drennan e )