HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-11-09, Page 10*ERONZZ PLAQ *CEMETEH VE`rrERING *CUSTOM DESIGNING Now with ttvo;moderin showroom open year round SUNC®AST MALL - GODiRICN, ONT. Open Monday to Saturday 10 AM -5 PM and any evening by appointment. BUS. 524-2337 RES. 524-6621 293 MAIN STREET, EXETER 235-0620 "Memoriolizatlon s our ohly business" Buy Direct and Save May we have the privilege of serving your memorial needs. Love: Markk, Jan Keith'& Lynri And Adoptees - Brenda & Heather Church F ;�.etoo�.a.arsvoo.o�...v:..a.arovw•vas�ar..�.v.am.aeoaaeoao ; First Baptist Church ? MONTREAL STREET. GODERICH Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Thursday 7:00 p.m. - PRAYER a BIBLE STUDY ORGANIST: MRS. ALICE WARR PASTOR: ,REV. GILBERT KIM 521-5130 /i Knox 'resbyte ion Churdtl 1 THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT DR. KATHRYN J. BAKER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10:00 a.m. Communicant's Class , 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship c 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Sermon: "A GOD FOR THE LIVING" j (Nursery Facilities) Cenotaph - Friday, November 11 - 11 o.m. 1 Enter to Worship Deport to Serve . i o..�......v ...... ..e .... �ro,v.......� ............. w.... ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH • Anglican -Episcopal i North and Nelson Streets, Goderich 1 1 Rector: The Reverend Robert .1. Crocker (y Oraanist-Choirmaster: Lorne H. Dotterer 1 Sunday, November 13th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 1 3 11:00 a.m. Church Schaal, age 10 and under. Nursery. 1 11:00 a.m. CONFIRMATION and Holy Communion, modern 1 liturgy: Bishop Morse Robinson. 1. LCoffee time following. 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study. -You are always welcome: North Street United Church® 56 North Street 524-7*31 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1983 1 11:00 A.M. 1 WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL i VISITORS WELCOME 1 —Nursery and Tot Care— • BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 1 t 1 1 Gibbons St. of Suncoost Drive Chris Wicher, Pastor Office 524-2235; Home 524-4134 "500th Anniversary of Luther's Birth" 9:15 Sunday School for all ages. 10:30 Luther mass 3:00 LLL Fall Rally at Berea '1 Calvary Baptist Church 1 HATFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M.-FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.MORNING WORSHIP THE PASTOR WILL SPEAk AT f 1 "a• °7`'ODlllr "'- .1 5:30 P.M. - Y.P.S. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 1:00 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE WED. 6:30 P.M. - THE "OLYMPIANS" WED. 7 P.M. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 1> 1 Ifit's from Anstett's it says, `you're special' • Albert Street. Clinton 26 Main Street South. Seaforth 264 Main Street, Exeter 203 Durham Street East, Walkerton 13S Queen Street East, St. Marys Fabulous Gold STACKING RINGS • STACK 'EM • ADD 'EM • COMBINE THEM • WEAR ONE OR SEVERAL AVAILABLE IN ALL DIAMOND OR ... . DIAMONDS WITH RUBIES, SAPPHIRES OR EMERALDS. VERY SPECIAL from $17950 THE CLASSIC DIAMOND HEART 7fi t.sacc. Fe VERY SPECIALLY PRICED FROM $199-°° Layaway now for Christmas! We gift wrap free of charge. ANSTETT MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY JEWELLERS Sisters of St. Joes: The Sister of St. Joeaph°s Are a brath1g 110 yeilrb Of 'tartlet th t e�. _ Tdede is The collie nt a Goderich was >'Ite amt one 'allowed 00tatde the motherhouse that was fbeatedltlSidon. ,tack Riddeilp MPP was on.hand to present Sister Rita Cie, Sister Lorraine Cote, Sister Anne Antaya and Sister Mary garet 'inn with a plaque from the pro bine for their many years of service and the service of the other Sisters throughout the years. In his speech, Riddell explained that all of the social services we have now, were started by the Sisters of St. Joesph's many years ago. "We can always be certain of the Sisters' services._ because they have always been there," Riddell said in praise of the Sisters. Also presented to the Sisters of ' St. Joesph's were flowers from the staff and students of St. Mary's School, a plaque from the Governor General and one plate and one mug for each Sister from the Catholic Women's League, Sister !Lorraine Co` e, Sister Rita Coyge, sister Mary ttortstet non and Sister Anne Aute,* were presented with flowers, plaques, plates and mugs Friday night as Ste Peter's March celebrated the 110th anniversary of the sisters. of St. Joesph's. Father Loebach presented the plaque from the Governor General. (photo by Anne Narejko) Says writer does not give clear answer Dear Editor,. Your "Minister's Study" of this week rais- ed the question: "How do you understand the prayer, "Your Will Be Done"? The writer referred to "Faith" and "God's Kingdom", but did not really give a clear answer to his question. "Faith" in God and His Word the Bible, clearly implies that one possessing such "faith" have a clear knowledge of God (John 17:3) and of God's Word the Bible; then confidently rely upon such knowledge. (Hosea 4:1, John 17:6; Matthew 4:4). The Bible makes a clear distinction between "the god of this world" who has "blinded the minds of unbelievers" (2 Corin- thians 4:4); and the God that Jesus referred to when he said to the Samaritan woman: "God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must, worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24). See also Matthew 4:8-10. comp. Psalm 83:18. Almighty God expressed his will that his name be declared in all the earth (Exodus WINGHAM MEMORIALS *Monuments •Markers *Cemetery Lettering • Large Modern Showroom BUY DIRECT AND SAVE REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSION Bus. 357-1910 Res. 357-1015 or 357-1535 Ma .K IV PICTURES Presents A TRUE STORY THAT IS TET TO HAPPEN o feature length colour movie From the producers of A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, A DISTANT THUNDER, and IMAGE OF THE BEAST the next two chapters in the tribulation saga BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Part 1 - SUNDAY, NOV. 13th 7 P.M. Part 2 - SUNDAY, NOV. 20th 7 P.M. 9:16), He chose the nation of Israel for that purpose (Isaiah 43:1-12). The nation of Israel failed, because of the activity of "the god of this world". (Matthew 23:39), Therefore "God "visited" the Gentiles" to take out of them' a people for His name. (Acts 15:14) Jesus left us an example. "0 righteous Father, the world hath not known thee; but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it." (John 17:25, 26). Jesus also proclaimed God's Kingdom aS the one hope for peace and security, which was also included with 'Your will be done' (Matthew 6:9, 10). The "people for his name" are today proclaiming the Kingdom and also making known, as Jesus did; the NAME of the supreme Sovereign of the Universe, Jehovah. (Isaiah 9:6, 7). Sincerely, C. F. Barney Says Witnesses and Spiritualists common Dear Editor, "Says Organization's Teachings Are Con- fusing" — this ise a letter written by Mr. Barney on October 5. I am going to use Mr. Barney's own words. He was referring to an organization, and he claims that their teachings left us confused. In his most recent letter, he wants to know who is confused. I was wondering if he believes in himself and what he says. The quotations I made in regard to the divinity of Christ in the flesh (the Biblical quotations) have been taken out of context, and there is one, Mat. 28:46, that does not exist in the King James or the Douay Ver- sions of the Bible. Could such a distortion come from a ra- tional mind? I believe the public can readily understand what a hocus-pocus, mish-mash their composition of the Bible is. If Mr. Barney is an example of clarity of thought, I would like to talk to someone who at least believes in themselves. I believe that the Witnesses and Spiritualists have quite a bit in common, because each organization vehemently denies the Trinity, and the divinity of Christ while He was in the flesh, and they are as compatible as bread and butter. I don't know what kind of practises the Witnesses uphold, nor am I interestedin fin- ding out, only what Mr. Barney has stated, and he has discredited himself by; question- ing his own public confession. I'm not sure if they practise seances like the spiritualists do, or not, but they certain- ly have the right ideas to make them a suc- cess. Any further criticisms that Mr. Barney makes, I, believe, leaves him open to public question. s I have read a lot of Witness literature, and when they are openly questioned by Biblical scripture, their strategy usually is to change the subject and misquote the scripture. When a record is made of what they say, it amounts to a mass of contradiction from beginning to end. This is why they compiled their own Bible. N.J. Minaker Forethought spares us BY HERBERT A. MCLEOD, PASTOR, GODERICH FREE METHODIST CHURCH There are two kinds of people in the world: those who stop to think, and those who stop thinking. In which group are you? An engineer of the Twentieth Century Limited was asked by an interviewer what he thought about as he was rushing along at 70 miles an hour. "I am thinking about a half mile ahead," was his reply. Many wrecks, physically, mentally, and spiritually, would be avoided if we all adopted that policy to every day living. Forethought spares tragic afterthought! George Matthew Adams said, "What you think means more than anything else in your life: more than what you earn, more than where you live, more than your social Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 INVITES YOU TO JOIN THEM FOR THE REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th 11 a.m. at the CENOTAPH A11 Legion members and veterans will form up at the Legion Hall at 10:45 a.m. "WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM" MINISTER'S STUDY position, and more than what anyone else may think about." What a person thinks greatly determines what he becomes. If you think about the hurts and disappointments you have had in life, or if you think jealous or revengeful thoughts, you will be a most unhappy person indeed, and you will be very difficult to live with. But if you think good, positive, wholesome thoughts, you will enjoy life, be healthier mentally, physically and spiritual- ly and be much easier to live with. This is why Philippians 4:8 is so practical and important. What does it say? "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is no- ble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." And the result, Verse 9b - "And the God of peace will be with you." The Bible tells of two ways. and only two: also of two destinies, and only two. Ours is the privilege and responsibility to choose which way we will travel through life, and of course, that also determines our destiny. It also speaks of two Masters: Jesus, the Saviour, and Satan, the Deceiver. We will do well to do some serious thinking about these things, and then deliberately act in our own best interests. It is so very true: Forethought saves us from tragic afterthought! The Free Methodist Church in Canada has established centralized headquarters Of- fices ffices in Mississauga, strengthening its ministry as the only continuing Methodist denomination in Canada. There's ,more to Mutual Life than Life Insurance. Whotever your needs ... income for retirement, protection for your family, insurance to cover the amount of your mortgage or complete estate planning ...get in touch. Mutual Life con help you in more ways than you think. GARY W. SHOLDICE 1711 Bidder Et. Godsrtdh, Ont. NMA 3V4 524-2277 iiiiiduaTlife ofCanada( ,r o MEMIIAL8. ESTABL.ISHEDO!VER50Wats e Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Love: Markk, Jan Keith'& Lynri And Adoptees - Brenda & Heather Church F ;�.etoo�.a.arsvoo.o�...v:..a.arovw•vas�ar..�.v.am.aeoaaeoao ; First Baptist Church ? MONTREAL STREET. GODERICH Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Thursday 7:00 p.m. - PRAYER a BIBLE STUDY ORGANIST: MRS. ALICE WARR PASTOR: ,REV. GILBERT KIM 521-5130 /i Knox 'resbyte ion Churdtl 1 THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT DR. KATHRYN J. BAKER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10:00 a.m. Communicant's Class , 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship c 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Sermon: "A GOD FOR THE LIVING" j (Nursery Facilities) Cenotaph - Friday, November 11 - 11 o.m. 1 Enter to Worship Deport to Serve . i o..�......v ...... ..e .... �ro,v.......� ............. w.... ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH • Anglican -Episcopal i North and Nelson Streets, Goderich 1 1 Rector: The Reverend Robert .1. Crocker (y Oraanist-Choirmaster: Lorne H. Dotterer 1 Sunday, November 13th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 1 3 11:00 a.m. Church Schaal, age 10 and under. Nursery. 1 11:00 a.m. CONFIRMATION and Holy Communion, modern 1 liturgy: Bishop Morse Robinson. 1. LCoffee time following. 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study. -You are always welcome: North Street United Church® 56 North Street 524-7*31 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1983 1 11:00 A.M. 1 WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL i VISITORS WELCOME 1 —Nursery and Tot Care— • BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 1 t 1 1 Gibbons St. of Suncoost Drive Chris Wicher, Pastor Office 524-2235; Home 524-4134 "500th Anniversary of Luther's Birth" 9:15 Sunday School for all ages. 10:30 Luther mass 3:00 LLL Fall Rally at Berea '1 Calvary Baptist Church 1 HATFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M.-FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.MORNING WORSHIP THE PASTOR WILL SPEAk AT f 1 "a• °7`'ODlllr "'- .1 5:30 P.M. - Y.P.S. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 1:00 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE WED. 6:30 P.M. - THE "OLYMPIANS" WED. 7 P.M. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 1> 1 Ifit's from Anstett's it says, `you're special' • Albert Street. Clinton 26 Main Street South. Seaforth 264 Main Street, Exeter 203 Durham Street East, Walkerton 13S Queen Street East, St. Marys Fabulous Gold STACKING RINGS • STACK 'EM • ADD 'EM • COMBINE THEM • WEAR ONE OR SEVERAL AVAILABLE IN ALL DIAMOND OR ... . DIAMONDS WITH RUBIES, SAPPHIRES OR EMERALDS. VERY SPECIAL from $17950 THE CLASSIC DIAMOND HEART 7fi t.sacc. Fe VERY SPECIALLY PRICED FROM $199-°° Layaway now for Christmas! We gift wrap free of charge. ANSTETT MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY JEWELLERS Sisters of St. Joes: The Sister of St. Joeaph°s Are a brath1g 110 yeilrb Of 'tartlet th t e�. _ Tdede is The collie nt a Goderich was >'Ite amt one 'allowed 00tatde the motherhouse that was fbeatedltlSidon. ,tack Riddeilp MPP was on.hand to present Sister Rita Cie, Sister Lorraine Cote, Sister Anne Antaya and Sister Mary garet 'inn with a plaque from the pro bine for their many years of service and the service of the other Sisters throughout the years. In his speech, Riddell explained that all of the social services we have now, were started by the Sisters of St. Joesph's many years ago. "We can always be certain of the Sisters' services._ because they have always been there," Riddell said in praise of the Sisters. Also presented to the Sisters of ' St. Joesph's were flowers from the staff and students of St. Mary's School, a plaque from the Governor General and one plate and one mug for each Sister from the Catholic Women's League, Sister !Lorraine Co` e, Sister Rita Coyge, sister Mary ttortstet non and Sister Anne Aute,* were presented with flowers, plaques, plates and mugs Friday night as Ste Peter's March celebrated the 110th anniversary of the sisters. of St. Joesph's. Father Loebach presented the plaque from the Governor General. (photo by Anne Narejko) Says writer does not give clear answer Dear Editor,. Your "Minister's Study" of this week rais- ed the question: "How do you understand the prayer, "Your Will Be Done"? The writer referred to "Faith" and "God's Kingdom", but did not really give a clear answer to his question. "Faith" in God and His Word the Bible, clearly implies that one possessing such "faith" have a clear knowledge of God (John 17:3) and of God's Word the Bible; then confidently rely upon such knowledge. (Hosea 4:1, John 17:6; Matthew 4:4). The Bible makes a clear distinction between "the god of this world" who has "blinded the minds of unbelievers" (2 Corin- thians 4:4); and the God that Jesus referred to when he said to the Samaritan woman: "God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must, worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24). See also Matthew 4:8-10. comp. Psalm 83:18. Almighty God expressed his will that his name be declared in all the earth (Exodus WINGHAM MEMORIALS *Monuments •Markers *Cemetery Lettering • Large Modern Showroom BUY DIRECT AND SAVE REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSION Bus. 357-1910 Res. 357-1015 or 357-1535 Ma .K IV PICTURES Presents A TRUE STORY THAT IS TET TO HAPPEN o feature length colour movie From the producers of A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, A DISTANT THUNDER, and IMAGE OF THE BEAST the next two chapters in the tribulation saga BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Part 1 - SUNDAY, NOV. 13th 7 P.M. Part 2 - SUNDAY, NOV. 20th 7 P.M. 9:16), He chose the nation of Israel for that purpose (Isaiah 43:1-12). The nation of Israel failed, because of the activity of "the god of this world". (Matthew 23:39), Therefore "God "visited" the Gentiles" to take out of them' a people for His name. (Acts 15:14) Jesus left us an example. "0 righteous Father, the world hath not known thee; but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it." (John 17:25, 26). Jesus also proclaimed God's Kingdom aS the one hope for peace and security, which was also included with 'Your will be done' (Matthew 6:9, 10). The "people for his name" are today proclaiming the Kingdom and also making known, as Jesus did; the NAME of the supreme Sovereign of the Universe, Jehovah. (Isaiah 9:6, 7). Sincerely, C. F. Barney Says Witnesses and Spiritualists common Dear Editor, "Says Organization's Teachings Are Con- fusing" — this ise a letter written by Mr. Barney on October 5. I am going to use Mr. Barney's own words. He was referring to an organization, and he claims that their teachings left us confused. In his most recent letter, he wants to know who is confused. I was wondering if he believes in himself and what he says. The quotations I made in regard to the divinity of Christ in the flesh (the Biblical quotations) have been taken out of context, and there is one, Mat. 28:46, that does not exist in the King James or the Douay Ver- sions of the Bible. Could such a distortion come from a ra- tional mind? I believe the public can readily understand what a hocus-pocus, mish-mash their composition of the Bible is. If Mr. Barney is an example of clarity of thought, I would like to talk to someone who at least believes in themselves. I believe that the Witnesses and Spiritualists have quite a bit in common, because each organization vehemently denies the Trinity, and the divinity of Christ while He was in the flesh, and they are as compatible as bread and butter. I don't know what kind of practises the Witnesses uphold, nor am I interestedin fin- ding out, only what Mr. Barney has stated, and he has discredited himself by; question- ing his own public confession. I'm not sure if they practise seances like the spiritualists do, or not, but they certain- ly have the right ideas to make them a suc- cess. Any further criticisms that Mr. Barney makes, I, believe, leaves him open to public question. s I have read a lot of Witness literature, and when they are openly questioned by Biblical scripture, their strategy usually is to change the subject and misquote the scripture. When a record is made of what they say, it amounts to a mass of contradiction from beginning to end. This is why they compiled their own Bible. N.J. Minaker Forethought spares us BY HERBERT A. MCLEOD, PASTOR, GODERICH FREE METHODIST CHURCH There are two kinds of people in the world: those who stop to think, and those who stop thinking. In which group are you? An engineer of the Twentieth Century Limited was asked by an interviewer what he thought about as he was rushing along at 70 miles an hour. "I am thinking about a half mile ahead," was his reply. Many wrecks, physically, mentally, and spiritually, would be avoided if we all adopted that policy to every day living. Forethought spares tragic afterthought! George Matthew Adams said, "What you think means more than anything else in your life: more than what you earn, more than where you live, more than your social Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 INVITES YOU TO JOIN THEM FOR THE REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th 11 a.m. at the CENOTAPH A11 Legion members and veterans will form up at the Legion Hall at 10:45 a.m. "WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM" MINISTER'S STUDY position, and more than what anyone else may think about." What a person thinks greatly determines what he becomes. If you think about the hurts and disappointments you have had in life, or if you think jealous or revengeful thoughts, you will be a most unhappy person indeed, and you will be very difficult to live with. But if you think good, positive, wholesome thoughts, you will enjoy life, be healthier mentally, physically and spiritual- ly and be much easier to live with. This is why Philippians 4:8 is so practical and important. What does it say? "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is no- ble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." And the result, Verse 9b - "And the God of peace will be with you." The Bible tells of two ways. and only two: also of two destinies, and only two. Ours is the privilege and responsibility to choose which way we will travel through life, and of course, that also determines our destiny. It also speaks of two Masters: Jesus, the Saviour, and Satan, the Deceiver. We will do well to do some serious thinking about these things, and then deliberately act in our own best interests. It is so very true: Forethought saves us from tragic afterthought! The Free Methodist Church in Canada has established centralized headquarters Of- fices ffices in Mississauga, strengthening its ministry as the only continuing Methodist denomination in Canada. There's ,more to Mutual Life than Life Insurance. Whotever your needs ... income for retirement, protection for your family, insurance to cover the amount of your mortgage or complete estate planning ...get in touch. Mutual Life con help you in more ways than you think. GARY W. SHOLDICE 1711 Bidder Et. Godsrtdh, Ont. NMA 3V4 524-2277 iiiiiduaTlife ofCanada( ,r