HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-29, Page 8sommetsamaftwouspionimiammimp
• PliCaTS
This past week we have been very busy opening up New Vail
Goods, We most have more roozn and are offering all Summer
Goode at Big Reductious. Oar aim is to clear out all lines in the
season for which it is bought.
4 4.
40 lathes wide in our very
* pretty patterns. This is a,
4 40 Spectal. Regular price is $1
to clear this week at per yard
50 cents.
4 40
4 Fancy Tartans
4 es
• For Gide and Childrene
* Dresses, The patterns are
I, 4, new and the cloth is a, fine
e a. even weave, This is a great
* value at 65c per yd.
e. •
Bordered Delaine
Pretty bordered Detainee
for Waists or Dresses. These
goods are new arrivals and
ate good value at per yard.
50 cents.
Sweater Coats
The new Sweater Coats are
here, A big assortment of
new styles are showu for Boys
and Girls, Men and Women.
Middy Blouses
jest a. few left. They are
made • from fine American
Cloths with collars with col-
lars of Navy Blue, Cadet and
Red. (Nearing at OS cents
and $1,25.
MarketRenorte-The following is
rented up to Aug, 8th,re'1,° '4'71 o.Nit'Llt0A91.14,1144 218t15 t
Oate 35 to 40, • ;
Veriey 48 to 00 • r
Backwheet 70 eeet'bit
)'ea e 1.00 to 1.10
Shorts 28-.,
Erma 22
Otedel Flour O.75
Feed Flour 1,65
nrs tZ3c
nutter 2
: t •
Potatoes 81.00 a bag 'L r l• I
eltee 14
Bees gee I' L F.1
Old rooster.% 7 X 0,
Ducks lio • : "' I a e
Old ducks 9
Elog,s '8;15 '
Choice Export Steets 6.7.5 to 7.00
-eleclium Export Steers 6.40 to 43,60
Choice leutcher Heifers 6,25 to' 6,50
Med:um Bateher Heifers 5.80 to COO
Choice butcher caws 4.50 td 4.70
'hIednun butcher cows 4.00 to 4,25
Choice butchercows 2.50 to
hoiee lambs 7.00 to 7.25 4
.Choice sheep 800 go 4.25
The "Miss Canada" Shoe for
Women is making many new
oustomers for ns. See the
new shapes that have just ar
rived, $3.50 and $4.
.•••••••.•••••••• Wabre..,•mo r • am... •••I,
6 Dozen ladies Parasols. This is a set of travellers samples.
The cloths are good, the handles are new and up-to-date. For
quick eelling we have marked them $1.
Fancy China
This past week we have
teen busy opening up New
China. See our assortment
of Dinner Sets. Prices range
from 147.75 to $32.
Odd Cups
You seldom get a chance to
buy cups without saucers.
We are selling Clover Leaf
and White Clome odd cups
while they last for 5 cents,
; ,41
ea* A big assortment of this About 40 sets in? e1loose from
• popular ware in Trays, Can- We can save yen money if
#4, dle Sticks and Tea Pot stands you want one. $2.25 to $6,50
ait" ewe,
2 IV'
). 4.
z: J CZ
• *
**Aeseeeteeteneeeetetteseatieeine****400**********1441, 4444441/44404040
Brass Ware
Toilet Sets
From now on we will pay the highest prices for live poultry.
This Store closes Thursday Afternoons during the
months of July and August. r_
Till the Eleventh Hour
Earl Parsons leaves Thareday, for
Mr. Hy; Parsons, was 0.10. froln Vont.
.don over Stancley. .
?tr. Ike ileiseett of Strathroy is vie.,
itiii Lijs parent
Mr, Rex Graham. of Sask,atehewant
es visiting in. town,
Dr. IIeuee returned. Sunday from
visiting in Listowee
adis.s Mary Herrt of St Marys vielt-
ecl in town over- Saturday
liNf.r. A. Ileareen of. London.' acelled
on frietds in town Sunday
Mrs Wmt.Dignan of Sheen visaed:
her husband here last' week
Zr Wm. Hagler has returned aftex
seen.ding a week in Dllineoan,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsee* leave'
Thursday to visit ffn Toror.to.
eIrs. Jno. Hawn -shay is visiting her
son Fred in Toronto this weele
Miss Hattie Handford ist
with Mrs .Po*ter Toroeto. ,
" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woo& are in
Toroeto taking in the exhibition, •
Mr. and Mrs. ,Thos. Kestle have
reterned from a trip out west.
Miss Lily Hall of Toronto,:.is
ng trierds and relatives, :in 'Low*. ;
Mrs. Itobt Sweet and child of Olin: -
tan visited in Exeter' last week.
Mrs. Jas. Ford •and daeghter Sella
left far the west last/ Thursday:
Mr. end Mrs. Fred lihrton, left Fri-
day fort a trip ,throtagh the west •
Miss Etta May Bowey has -returned
after spending a week iri London
-Mr. and Mrs. Trio Pealer arrived
home from the west on Thursday lase'
A Miea Lila Johns le visiting,' Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. 'Tama's' aV Granwl Boodle
Yen Walter Efarclin.g o1 Landbn for-
merly of Exeter visited he town. Sun-
day •
Rev. Collins and family arej
ing ekes week at Beer' London Townf-
Misses ,Tenr.et and Helen Brown
taking in Toronto fair this, week-.
Mr, Philip and Miss Ida. Her at
Whalen visited) Mr.. Jas; Hero Telles-.
day .• : ,• !/?,•.!
al:ss Whn:T
i.; -endive, the
millinery °peelings in Torontol thie
Mr. J. T. Wood skipped' a load of
13etchers cattle to Toronto on Sat -
Men wanted -To work on • ;drain,
Highest wages paid. Apply to , Wt.
.T. Bissetai
I I -
Mr. jas- WaLers. Las reterne,d home
after a. business ,trip to • Toronto' end
• 1., t :
Miss, Blanche Atkinson eeterked
Saturday after enendirg a month! at
Guaranteed for
Being overstocked with Pianos and anxious to clear our large stock in
TWO WEEKS we have decided to cut the prices within the reach of all:
Don't hesitate if you are going to buy a piano this fall. Come in Now,
Trook them. over and you will be snrprised at what little money will buy You
a good reliable piano. We Mean Business, this is no bluff and as soon as the
steckis sold former prices will prevail. The following Pianos may be seen on
our floor,
Nordheimer Ennis Stanlaus
Gerhard Fleintzman Krydner Wright
New. Scale Williams fleintzman & Co
We would advise you to Call Early while the Assortment is large.
S. Martin & on
.. .
! selves Nista it is to deceive any one
gok It is a beat) easier to deceive our -
An Advance ,* No .ine can keep a seetet 'that spoils.
In Furniture, in quan- 4
# tity, variety and beatity, if The mm *ho thinks before he
ESOVelifent how being ex, but not in prices, is the 1
In Co do afterward
speeks doeen't been So much raminat-
- ' t
1 ecuted in our store. , We are often 'kept ins the dark hy
: Residence nett to store. i the itiqt remark e of oar associates.
t P hone 20a 4
• \ gieri girt knows where there is
splendid material fo,r,.'a woild famous
actress. ' .*
Soto'd menlieep trikr tomilles bitot
water all the tittre theeatteil , the ekeal
billet are se high: ' ,. ... w
Yeti; 4.:10% mate very grilitt'pregtess
yr•Ali pisir apa Aorktvitiokyeri SWe to
mg* iVit 4900„ 440r9Okt ...;t0, Yonr
tie Ailor , •
i I
' owe
1 . N.
' trndertaker & Licensed
' 104Peter* .-- Cater a
r,rie ,
Mrs Ea .Treble and son! Leon le'f
Tuesday to spend 1 couple; of _weeks
in Toroz to.
Mise, Vera Sweet has returned
from Lecatn accomparned by theo'hvo
Wes Bawdein,...
Messrs Gerald Efurdon and Frank
Ilaudford are attending Toronto
Fair tide week • . .
, Miss Grace Stewirt of Clinton( re -
„turned home Saturday erten visiting
Miss May ,Tones.
Mrs. F. T. Boyle' and family have'
returned home after a five. weeks('
outing ad Grand Bend;
To Rent -A new house on the cor-
er of Sanders and Carling Street:
Apply to 3, N. Howard,, „
Mrs. Wm. Davis of Hamilton' tab
returned home after a vitsit with
friends in and around town:
• &[r. Harry !Sweet leaves 'next' week
to attend the ibusinetss College" • ars
Landon. He will be missed by tbe band
Oer ?baseball team go to Clinton'
to -day (TleIrsday) for their return
game of ball We Lope. lthe boys will
be Vic(:orious. t . i••••••4".15..k 111V-
Misses Giadye and Ulu ihavetr •
et from Harrow where. the
• La•ve teen v i,sithrg It'haVr-sister M.Ee
Jack eVaiper ot liar -row. .
Master Jeseph. rollick of town
and Leonard Rogers, of Toronto
spent several ,deys, at! Gran& Bend
daring itle past week. .
51r. and Mrs. T, Hawklaney who
are staying at Grand Ben& spent
day and and Monday kr town Mr.. Am.
Hawkshew accompanied them hack to
the Bend for a weeks holidays).
Our handl gave an open air concert
at the Bowling Tournament
day and and. Thursday evening which', was
enjoyed /very mech by the bowlers
and also by the crowd of spectators.
Mr. Ai E. Spencer eold the t vale-
eble ;farm iots lt"e end .48. coneostrien
15, townshiri of Hoy, tot Mr, W. Nail
a. the, 'London Pod fl�Cfi he? sale
Was pat ,through Iley: Mn. Thomatf
0ameroe Farquhar
5fe.r alied Mre.. Jas. Grieves ar.d eon'
teatinter keve ret.erned keine after
siendiree the suerinaer at their cot-
m:her Tiatitner Vae coincluoted' a;
tage 13i/de-a'Weet This' is the, ftetlied
o °graph ibusocan at Ole .tletd st,ut
'Lls War* was, appreciated an, the reteile
wd ta,10,.! paroutagoi
* DELAWARE 1.4.0X. +
+ +
I .
ii Scranton Coal , +
+ +
The Best Hard CO* Mined 4*
q- *
+ Try a ton +
+ *
a VV. tli. LEVETT
oto :I:
fCOAL + 'MAN 4.
of the work to be aceomplished aYs.
tematmes your: efforts for the day,
First in importance comes the Flour
to ba used.
is good enough to put into the Bread
Cake and Pasty for your family to eat
We furnish the most
flour that is milled, Try it.
Exeter. Ontario.
.1tliss Nettie Walters la ViatiAg with
friends in Toronto,
Mrs. Hodgins of Creditonis viaite
hag ir., :town for a couple; of days,
iNlisees Irina Sweet and. Beta RoW-A1
have returned home from Clinton.
Miss BeatriceeWheeler, of, Rorie' En
visiting Mess Stella Gillies thiet week,
Mr ,Taines Sparks of bagel's° il 14s
been visiting, in Exeter for a new,
Miss, Ruby Treble left Saterday, for
TOron to where she WiliA take ir. the
Exhibit -Lon.
Mr. Frank johns has returned to
Toro•nto after a two week holiday at
his ;home. , - •
Mr T. .0 Smith:cote: has returned
alter spending a ten day holiday at
San Scud. Muskoka,
Mies E. M. Robb of. Toronto visit14
ed Sir., and Mrs. W. B WeiciferlhamT
mar for a tow idays.
Miss A. Handfard Las re barred fro&
Aylmer accompanied by her nephew
Master Silas Reid who iwill Ina
grandparent •
Mrs. W. r: Mlohie (nee) Miss Fe
Ching ad two children of Little Falls
Man, 1ef t Tuesday after* cisithaz
and around town for a couple of
Two rinks of Exeter Bowlers' wene
to Winghem on Mo.n.dayt eonepete
lin the tournament of that place. The!
rinks were -skipped by W. W. Taman
and W. D. Clarke ,
&dna Moore -On Wedn.lsclay Ztalg-
ust 141h a very quiet, pretty wed-
ding took place at the Methodist.
Phrsonage Dunn :Ave. Toronto when
Netta Agnes, eideet daughter of Mr:
and Mrs. Wra. Moore. Arthur was
united int naa.rxelige to H. Theme
berton !Stone so.n or Mr. J. Stonn
Barrie. The .bride who was unattend-
ed looked ,charming a eneani • of.
handsome 'embroidered cream silk
voile daintily trimmed! with!' 'Prime
rose wearing aeemart white felt walk
ing hat The .ceremony tbeine cane
dacted iby Rev. .T." E. Start •The' brida
was the recipient of? a ost beaute
iful Gerhard Heintz:nen piano the gift
or the groom. Mr. and! Mrs,•StOnei
after a prolonged 'trip will reside' at
-103 (Cumberland Street Barrie: Tbq
bride assisted. by lee mother-in.law
Bers. 3.' Stone also •Mrs. Ai E. Store
will be kome to her many :friends
etepteraber 1st
Your Youngsters can
with a
Sim pie to the last degrde
yet thoroughly practical, no,
°dark room for any part of the
Bring the 'iAildrett in mil let us
Stew thous bow easy it is.
”,Iloweys for Kodaks"
tut Bend
Mine Annie Fish is a,tteuding TC,
onto Fair.
Arr. Beavers was away ou a business
trip this week,
Jr Wzo. Howard of no.ncion was +a
town on Monday.
Mee Nancy TWA a ettendiAlr 'the
Exhibition at Toronto.
Mrs. john Mel liaith of Darhana
visited in town Manley.
The harvestwZioIhae been) veil',
imettwards nearly Over.
Miss Laulse Sweet hatOt 'returned:
f riga Visitilng in Miehixan.
f 'Mrs. Geo. Lyne of liondon is visite
ine with relatives and friends here.
Mr, and Mrs, j. Charlton are vis -
'ting the letters parents in Parkhill
Mrs, Frank Sweet hes, reburied
Lowe Irani a visit to Sarnia and Lon -
Ir. Doyle of Stratford, has taken.
it position as barber with, Mr, Ed*
Miss, 'Winona Howard has retereed
atter spenditg a pleasant visat in
17:11e:,riaat'oelern.elee, Glanvitlitei 1nel
Vancouver are visiting with. relate
Miss Gladys Elena end •Floseio
unteifel3ralvee7.tur."4 after visit
-Rev. W. Walden of Point Edward
was the Duest of Mr. and Mrs, A.
Canun over Sunday , • •
miss nal of Hamilton and Mary
Murray QC Pattsville, are visiting Mr:
and Aire. T. II. Scott. .
Mr; re L. Waugh, Manager; or the
Bank of Commerce has returned!' af-
ter visiting in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Inksater have return-
ed to their home in Paris after visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs., Wesley: Bistsett
Miss fano Gaya= of London who
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ee
.A. ,Follick has returned to her home
neneNTED.-A. smart boy to learn
plumbing and tinsmithing, one wRth
one or two years experience; prefer, -
ted,. Apply to lIeamanes Hardware -
Died in the West -Me. :John Fere
wick or Gull lake, Man, passei navaY
ecentiy at. the ago of 70 years. Kr.:
Irene ick was a ;brother of Mrs. Enoch.
Verock Exeter and Mrs. lin Gill
Grand Ilona. He was a Xormer
and favorably known resident of Sar-
epta. •
Harvest Home 'Anniversary- The
Annual harvest home anniversary ser-
vices of the Trivitt Memorial church
mail be held next Sabbath when Rev.
Cainnon Sage of St. Georges church
Landon will preach special sermons.
Special music wilt be provided by the
A nem bir ot ball players and eev-
area otheas picked air for the occaa-
sion went to Centralia to play
a friendly game of ball! or. Monday
-The team was defeat -ad by a ccore of
five to three Our senior team goes
to Canton on Thursday. to. play the
return game which will no doubt be
a fast one. • -
Cann--Ferisusea--A. 'pretty weddinte
was ;solemnized at ,the home of Mrs
Mary Ferguson Wednesdlay afternoon:
G o'clock when in the presence'
of abant thirty guests mostly relat-
ives Mr. 'Syneuies, 1Car.in son of :are
Thos. Cam., of Bxetervwasf united ii
marriage to Miss Mary' len' Fergu-
son: The Bev. Mr. Peavelf of Exe-•
ter performed theeceremany Lei front
of a .beautiful bank of flowers. The
bride wore a handsome cream' satin
dress trimmed with .crystal near,'
trimming arel wore a :bridal valet.
she carried a :bouquet of as,tors end
ferns. The ;brides travelling ts
was a blue 'serge. The bride reneie-
ed many hatdsome ,gifta inctuded iin
whicb leas several cheques and a
bend:some gotd watch the ,gift of the
green. The newly married couple will
reside in towt. Avenge with the late
ters mother. Mrs. Mary Ferguson or.
Anr. Street. i
Getleng 'Acquainted -Too muoll ind
1.rospeat1on is not healthy, but a, man
really ought to he alone avaih him.?
self once in a while. &Vlach of our
busy' aetivity, whether inl work or in
pleasure eeking, is little Olise ttaxi:
a 'cowardly effort to get away from
ourselves, 'But he who has not !learn-
ed to !find rest ant SItisfaction, and'
the truest kind of ex,joyenent. in the
einec conpanionship of 11.7,0: own heart'
has not got into the real segrAt oX
happy living. If ir.stead of puttin.w
forth the effort we sometimes da to
Iniet and to make new frioads an
acquaintar.ce.e in the social world a-
bout us. • we ,spent sometime making
friends with ourselves, it night bring
us an izealeutabfe blessing: teemaa es
enter this own beet f ramar or nes own,
best <tee .nr., and te 'lenient to know
Lloyd 'George gives the If
`brief sketch . of what !militarism
niteans • to the world lIe said, That
ovillzed countr:es of the world are
spendir.g. nearly E500,0.10 000, ($25001,-
000,000.) a year upon weapons .oft war
and in the forging ot. the machinery
they are withdrawing from Useful
end productive labor some of the
most effectivie and skilled, .braibas. tn
.coun try (Britain) the annual hill
armarn:lnts !s. eornoth.'ng like E70, -
000N00, (8,36a00)" 000); that is, it la
as E8 (840) for every household
tLe kaagcicm 'Were 1.1V.s Lardere re-
moved Great Britain could afford to,
pay every tnetetha ale erige'
additional dollar a
'cnefek, 'without in terferlbagi n • tlec
elightte.t ;i1e,eree with the prelas of
capitae' In war the poor maxi INCA
killed; in peace iugat.s piundbred; in
both eases he foots the bill. .1
.1 MI Summer Dress Goods, Whitewear
if and Embroideries to be Cleared at Cost.
in price from 50c to $140 per yard, We can save you from 15 to 20
per cent on these goods. Intending purchasers should not fail to in-
spect our range of Dress Goods, as it will certainly belo their advent -
age to do so.
Middy Blouses, reg. $1.25, fiti 80c.,
Ladies Hose
Silk Hose- Reg. 50c for 40c pair
Black Lace Lisle- " 5oc " 40c pair
" Emb. " 35c L." 28c pair
Black Cotton " 2 pr. 5c, now roc pr.
Meni Half Hose
Regular soc, fancy, now 40c pair
4egular 25; fancy, now 20C pair
W. J. . Carling tir
Men's Shirts
Regular $1.25 for $r.00
$Loo " 85c
.75 " 65c
.5o " 40c
Highest Price Paid for Produce
1 •
THERE WILL BE a great many WG
dings during this month. There will
also be a corresponding number of per-
plexed friends wondering what would make
'1! a Suitable Gifr- and where to get it.
4.4. tiful and Novel Gifts for the Bride
the Groom and the New Horne.
rt -
A Marchand
EINVITE THEM to inspect our
Stock, which includes Useful, Beau -
st, '411 Repairing Neatly and Quickly Done.,
Opposite Electric Tizghb Pia
Aunt Susan's, joined the Sunshine
listers, a cheerup chyle in town, Ind
noteitg, from, cyclones twisters to.
eartequakes melees ber frown. The
rain conies 'flows.; 1 elt repionagn Oh
eat your griefs to flieht. Somewhere
she saes, the Allmi la, shining, and
the skiets are ?bitai, and bright. Thn
sun is hot atd 1 arn frying'. Aunt!
Susan heavee mile. 'Some where'
see ',says, the enow is flyir.g endi
ari instylei I have: the
interealtece glanders; Aunt 'Susan
tears .nae groan, 'etimewhere'Abe :sayefO r
Spain or flaeders the Ai:Intent ie.
n known." IVIon Win try bliereard t
&wet the tegleiands, at& :Agee-,
through th vaes, eeriio weei eleelb.1
say in topic IS,Fauds there areto nip -
Wag gales, el know nly auttee refire-
tione enerry tamed make insi spirti&
alai; .alaa-emen le ;e0 ',Went otmtroli
Keep Happy in the Horne
by getting YOUR
HOUSE 1-101.,D
NgC. egSlile5
Here. We handle only
the BEST and we have
everything you need at
Fresh Eggs.
WANTBD-Choiee Batter ard
Make your Vacation
Visit more Enjoyable
with a
-they onty Make me mad: WIlien all
nerags w-ith sweat are. l'ingiAr4 mita ri
am prtme swear, avhiat boots it,
that the ,birds are *legion* on s*.aytilrlIg
boughs eoiriewhete? I tell, you • whet
xtou land brothere yeeene of liberty
when in the heat Man grasps .end
Smotl.'ers he wants sone sYmpathY
it lizEtens not the load thaf's squashe
iis spersit to deSpair to beer
that peeple waves are 'washing on(
Coral ebriree soinewlhere-Walt
Children Cry
FOR 11.04RER's
Add to the pleasure of tak,
tut,/ pictures and the satisfac-
tion of possessing pictures of
014 and new friends.
KODAKS $ 5O'and up.
"ifloweys for Kodaks"
414 '