HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-10-12, Page 22i PAGE 6A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1983 Chil,ren * � '� � . l s ul A coxn111on sight each school morning is a line of lunch bags at the school bus stop and children playing. When the boa comes into sight, the children get into line in sequence as established by the lunch bags. Late arrivals may be rushing or running from -any direction, not always protected by the flashing lights on the stationary bus. In the afternoons, younger children getting off a bus are prone to relish their new freedom from authority and rush into play. More children have been killed, according to latest' available figures, while walling for, boarding, or leaving the school bus than wile rlcw g IL. The engineering side of school buses has improved greatly. One innovation is a crossover mirror that enables the driver to see a small child who forgets instructions and crosses too close to the front of the bus after getting off. All buses require the driver to have this visibility. Each parent must assume the respon- sibility for children at or near the school bus stop. School authorities can instruct each child on correct behaviour, but it is up to parents to enforce the teaching. The Canada Safety Council suggests one us rules thing parents can do is ensure the child is following instructions. Occasional discus- sions about buses and school bus procedures will ensure the child understands what is ex- pected. The parent also becomes more aware of instructions given at school. This ensures no conflicting instructions are given. Safety Tips How should children behave around school buses? While any school authority may have in- structions geared to the needs of a par- ticular area or condition, the Canada Safety .ouricil makes the following guidelines available to parents for their consideration: 1. If the bus stops at a driveway (most likely in a rural area) use a sheltered area to watch for the approaching bus. 2. Watch for traffic before crossing any street. 3. Never push anyone getting on or off the bus. 4. Always hold the handrail when getting on or off the bus. 5. Sit quietly when riding on the bus. 6. Watch for traffic when leaving the bus. 7. Tell the driver before stopping to pick up anything you drop. 8. Do not put arms out a bus window. 9. Use emergency exits only when directed to do . Formula allows for accurate estimatation Estimating corn yields There is a formula available for estimating corn yields. This formula is bas- ed on counting the number of kernels per ear and then making some calculations. You can do this calculation any time after the kernels start to fill. However, if the corn has reached the black layer stage, your yield estimate will be more accurate. This is because you will be able to count all the harvestable kernels. To find if your corn has reached the black layer stage,cut the kernel from top to bottom and observe the black layer formed at the tip of the kernel where the kernel attaches to the cob. The first step to estimate your yield is to count the number of fully formed ears in 1/1000 of an acre . If you are in 30 inch rows, it takes 17.4 feet to make 1/1000 of an acre. Similarly, if you are in 28 inch rows, it takes 18.7 feet, and if you have 32 inch rows, it takes 16.5 feet to make 1/1000 of an acre. After you have counted the number of ears in 1/1000 of an acre, select,' three average ears. Count the number of rows of kernels — this will always be an even number. Then count the number of harvestable kernels per row. times the average number of kernel rows times the average number of kernels per row times 0.01116. This will give you bushels per acre at 15.5 percent moisture. For example, if you find 22 ears in the row length, 14 kernel rows per ear and 36 kernels per row, your estimated yield is 22 x 14 x 36 x 0.01116 equals 124 bushels per acre. As in any sampling technique you should sample a number of areas. Also, the areas should represent the field. If 20 percent of your corn field is poor, you should do one sample in the poor area and four samples in the other areas. The more samples you do the more ac- curate your field results will be. Generally, I am skeptical about calcula- tions such as you have just read. However, this formula is used by crop scouts in Michigan on a regular basis. Last year they boasted about using this calculation and were generally within five to ten percent of the actual yield. If you use this calculation, let me know how close it came to your actual yield. Pat J. Lynch, Soils and Crops Specialist. To calculate your estimated yield, take Feeding wheat to milking cows the number of ears per 1/1000 of an acre We have received a few calls and visits to the office regarding the question to feed wheat or not to feed. Wheat usually is not considered to be a feed grain, but evidently there is a carry-over of sprouted wheat on some farms. The real incentive for feeding wheat is its value as a protein supplement. It does not contain as much protein as supplements such as the oil meals; it can, however, be us- ed to replace the mixtures of corn and pro- tein supplements. Wheat contains about 13 percent protein compared to 9 percent of corn. Since protein is the expensive component in dairy rations, wheat's higher protein content makes it more valuable than corn. The net energy content of corn and wheat are similar, thus adding wheat to a grain mixture does not af- fect its net energy content. The best way to adjust a grain mixture when adding wheat is to replace 10 pounds of soy meal or other 44 percent protein supple- ment and 90 pounds of corn for each 100 pounds of wheat added. The resulting mix- ture will contain about the same amounts of protein and net energy as the original mix. Economically, then, the value of feeding wheat depends on the prices of ingredients it replaces. However, since wheat has not been a com- CALI,ING- ALL C K 6TH ANNUAL WHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST OD c' ry' Send us your favourite recipe = /, for publication in our special Fall Cook Book Edition YOU COULD WIN 100.°4 ASH • •'qt.' In Ear h re( ipe you send in entitles you to also send along one Official Entry form (see below) for the prize draw. PRIZES 1ST—S100e"° 2 - $60.00 KID 1-1340 e00 Enter as often as you like. Send one Offic cal Entry form with each recipe you submit. (Additional entries do not have to be submitted on an Offir ial Entry Form, but can he photocopied or plainly printed in ink or typed on an exact fat simile 1 A random draw will be held Nov. 10, 1983 for the Lucky Winners. It ll��l'l�rtf'!. fr f �lll `"liii=i I ntrie, are welt ome from groups as well as individuals. Enter as often as you like. As many recipes as possible will be published in our special Fall Cookbook. OFFICIAI nLry foral ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 1983 Clip and send Along with your favourite recipe to: WHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST COOK BO( )K FDITOR SI(,NAI 51 AR F'l IBI ISHING P.O. BO\ 220 GODf RI( 11, N7A 4B6 NAME ADDRESS IPHONE POSTAL CODE NFUw..It on proposed mon feed ingredient, many diarymen have had no or little experience with it. This, then, brings up the matter of a few precau- tions that should be taken. Wheat protein (gluten) has different pro- perties than proteins of other feed grains. (Gluten is responsible for the pasty nature of the wet wheat flour, which is so very im- portant to the baking industry). However, this characteristic can affect how much cows will 'eat and cause some digestive disturbances if too much wheat is fed. How much is too much? I believe the amount of wheat in grain mixtures should be limited to about one-third of the total mix. At this level, palatability should not be a problem. Most palatability problems due to feeding wheat are caused by grinding too fine. This finely -ground material results in a floury meal that forms a pasty material in the mouth which causes cows to eat a great deal less and tends to form a sticky mass in the rumen. Therefore, coarse rolling or grinding is necessary and recommended. Another problem with the feeding of wheat is one of making a change to wheat too quickly. Sometimes, cows will go off feed since the rumen bacteria have not ad- justed to the different feed. A gradual change to wheat should be made. Start by adding 10-15 percent to the grain mix for 2-3 weeks. After this, the level may be increas- ed to 30-35 percent without any rumen disfunction. Winter Experience 1983 The main purpose of the program is to provide the youth with a training experience leading toward a better understanding of farm responsibilities and duties. Eligible youth must be between 16-24 years of age and .must hake been unemployed and looking for work for at least 12 weeks. The host farmer must be willing to pro- vide a learning experience for the youth. The youth will receive $3.50 per hour based on a 40 hour week with both the government and host farmer contributing 50 percent of the wage. Employment will be for 12 to 19 weeks beginning no earlier than November 1, 1983 and ending by March 16, 1984. More information and application forms are.available at the Agricultural Office. The O.M.A.F. office received several calls on corn smut in September. Common smut is prevalent this fall. It usually affects the stalk, showing as a spongy grey mass. This turns dark as the smut spores mature. The smut spores are not toxic to cattle. In severe cases where the smut reduces grain yield, the energy level in the silage will be lower and should be com- pensated for by feeding extra grain. Head smut was identified in Ontario in 1979. It was more wide -spread in 1980 and has been less prevalent since. Head smut, a fungus, enters the seedling corn plant only during seed germination and seedling emergence. Symptoms are not evident until development of the tassel and ear. In infected plants, the cob is usually replaced by a mass of spores enclosed com- pletely by the husk. The ears will be shorter, swollen and spongy when grasped and have no silks. The infected tassel looks like a black tar brush. Where the tassel is infected by head smut, the ear will also be infected. Other plants may show infected ears without infected tassels. The same plant can be infected by head and common smut. The head smut will ap- pear on the ear and possibly the tassel while common smut may appear on the stack. Head smut spores over winter in the soil and attacks corn in the seedling stage in the spring. Spores can survive for several years in the soil. The fungus grows within the plant, affecting the ears and tassel. On maturity, the spores drop to the ground reinfecting the soil The National Farmers Union will take a stand on the proposed Ontario Tax Reform as proposed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. Marie Bright, Regional Co-ordinator of the Union, says that, "many have forgot- ten that the Union worked hard to get the current 50 percent rebate for farmers. We will work even harder to have the system straightened out." Bright went on to say that farmers are very independent and very proud of their ability to raise food which feeds this coun- try; they would also like to be in a financial • position to pay their own way. Unfor- tunately, government has, in the past, pro- moted cheap food and in Ontario, we have witnessed friends and neighbours going bankrupt while government runs to pro- vide dollars for large corporations such as Dome, Maislin or Chrysler. "No wonder our members are a little concerned when any government appears to offer something for nothing, °' said Bright. "The NFU will certainly take the e stand t reform NU perceat re11aLe but with hesitation and concern. Now is the time to re -organize the tax system and get the people who benefit most, paying." " By way of explanation, Bright says it doesn't make sense to tax people who own property for our educations system." A much fairer system would be to tax those who benefit from that education; ie: cor- porations, orporations, who benefit from technical schools, teachers, lawyers, doctors, who have gone through the system that general property owners have almost totally sub- sidized. It is time for those who benefit to pay."" I most rural municipalities, this would decrease municipal taxes by 60-70 percent. A motion passed to this extent at the District 7 NFU Convention held in Walker- ton alkerton will be considered by the N.F.U.'s Na- tional Convention slated for Regina in December. Anyone wishing more information, may contact the Union office at 5 Douglas St., Guelph, Ontario NIH 2S8 or phone (519) 836-2515. unemtv5 N Oct. 12 to Oct 18 WEDNESDAY . TUESDAY DAYTIME MORNING 5:00 RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (Wed.) 5:OOA BETTER WAY (Thurs.) 5:OOCHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (Fri.) 5:00 THIS IS THE LIFE (Tues.) 5:30 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS 6:00 FARM AND GARDEN (Wed.) 6:00 TV -5 AND YOUR COMMUNITY (Thurs.) 6:00 SCOPE (Fri.) 6:00 U.S. FARM REPORT (Mon) 6:00 HEALTH FIELD (Tues) 6:30 NBC NEWS AT SUNRISE 7:00 TODAY 9:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 9:30 SALE OF THE CENTURY 10:00 HAWAII FIVE -O 11:00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 12.:30 SEARCH FOR TOMORROW 1:1)0 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 ANOTHER WORLD 3:00 FANTASY 4:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 4:30 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY AND COMPANY 5:00 ALICE 5:30 M.A.S.H. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 REAL PEOPLE • 9:00 THE FACTS OF LIFE 9:30 FAMILY TIES 10:00 CANDID CAMERA: NOW AND THEN 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "THE WILD PARTY". James Coco, Raquel Welch. THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 GIMME A BREAK 8:30 MAMA'S FAMILY 9:00 WE GOT IT MADE 9:30 CHEERS 10:00 HILL STREET BLUES 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: THE VIKING QUEEN', Don Mur- ray, Adrienne Corri. FRIDA Y OCTOBER 14, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS the only account you need. D ' ylnterest Cheq _Account VIC l V IIIA AND( GREY TRUST Since 1844 101 Kingston - At The Sive Potents Dederick -Ontario DIAL 3124-7311 Marko Canada permit Insurance Corporation 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 MR. SMITH 8:30 THE CONEHEADS 9:00 MANIMAI. 10:00 FOR LOVE AND HONOR 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS 2:00 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 3:00 MOVIE: "PICKUP ON 101", Jack Albert- son, Lesley Warren. 4:30 MOVIE: "JARRETT". Glenn Ford, Anthony Quayle. SATURDAY OCTOBER 15. 1983 MORNING 6:00 VEGETABLE SOUP 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7:00 CARRASCOLENDAS 7:30 THUNDARR 800 THE FLINTSTONESFUNNIES 8:30 THE SHIRT TALES 9:00 SMURFS 10:30ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS 11:00 MR. T 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 BIONIC WOMAN 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 MOVIE: "THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES". Ray Millond, Diana Van Der Vlis. 3:30 MOVIE: "HEAT WAVE Ben Murphy, Bon- nie Bedelia. 5:30 NEWS. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 BJ -LOBO 8:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 8:30 SILVER SPOONS 9:00 THE ROOSTERS 10:00 THE YELLOW ROSE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 BENNY HILL 1:30 MOVIE: "TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN". James Cagney, Irene Papas. SUNDAY OCTOBER 16, 1983 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS 8:00 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 SUNDAY MASS 10:00 THE MUNSTERS 10:30 MOVIE: "'BOHEMIAN GIRL". Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. AFTERNOON 12:00 MEET THE PRESS 12:30 NFL 83 1:00 NFL FOOTBALL 4:00 MOVIE: "WAIT UNTIL DARK". Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 TAXI 7:00 FIRST CAMERA 8:00 KNIGHT RIDER 9:00 MOVIE: "HIGH SCHOOL U.S.A.". Michael J. Fox, Nancy McKeon. 11:00 NEWS 11:30 MOVIE. "PLAZA SUITE". Walter Matthau, Maureen Stapleton. MONDAY OCTOBER 17, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 BOONE 9:00 MOVIE: "POLICEWOMAN CENTERFOLD". Melody Anderson, Ed Marinaro. 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "LOLA". Charles Bronson, Susan George. TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY B:00 THE A -TEAM 9:00 REMINGTON STEELE 10:00 TO BE ANNOUNCED 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: "WHEN THE NORTH WIND BLOWS". Henry Brandon. Herbert Nelson. a