HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-22, Page 7DOD JOKES FROMTNE BENCH UBITCIAL JESTS wITICII IL&VE BECOME FAivtous. Vitty anti Sharp Retorts Between .ru ag-es ani! *' English Lawyers. "Laughter in court" often means nothing more than a relief of the nervous tension of those engagedin trying or in following the develop- ments of a great and grim trial. At ether times genuine merrinieut 1 ' i 1 ' silo al sally, .• is evoked by�a 1u Y,says ndeii Answers. ,urran, as an 'Irishman, might ally be looked to for good th ;. and abundantly he supplied t One anecdote relates how, seeing the judge shake his head at some observation of his, he turned to the jury, exclaiming, "Gentle- men, those who are unfamiliar with. his Lordship might imagine from the motion of his head, that he in- tended to express disapprobation, but I can assure you from long ex- perience that when his Lordship shakes his head there's nothing in it." On another occasion,seeing Lord. Clare caress a Newfoundland dog while he was arguing before him, Curran immediately paused in his argument. "Go on, Mr. Curran," said the judge. "Oh," replied. Curran, indicating. the dog, "I thought your Lord- ships were in consultation. DESIGNED FOR THE STEEPLE ! Some of his jests would now be thought 'strangely in bad taste, as when, appearing with a very tall junior, he observed, "With me, my Lord, is Mr. —, who I believe was intended for the `Church, though I must say that Nature seems to have designed him for the steeple."' The alibi has come in for its fax share of jests. Sir Henry'Hawkins. relates iii his reminiscences how he once found the following in , his iscalled on be- fore brief "If the case r fore 3.15, the defence.' is left to the. ingenuity of the counsel; if after that hour,, the defence' is an. alibi, as by then the usual alibi witnesses will have returned. from Norwich, where they are present profession- ally engaged." There have been few readier men in retort than the late Mr. Francis wald, of "Oswald on Contempt of oust." After a stiff breeze in a Chancery court, the .judge snapped out, "Well, I can't teach you man- ners, Mr. Oswald." "That is so, M'Lud, .that is so," replied the imperturbable one. On another occasion, an irascible judge observed, "If you say another word, Mr. Oswald, Ill commit you." "That raises another point— as to your Lordship's power to con - mit' counsel engaged in arguing. be- fore .you," was the cool answer. INVITING SICKNESS People 'Whose Blood Su 1 po y is Scanty Are in Danger of a Breakdown Thin or impure blood is an invi. tation toxo/ickness. The blood is at work defend )(light to maintain • the health, and any lack ofestrength or purity in the blood is a weakness In the defence against disease, Anaemia is the d doctor's nameme for lack of blood. Its 'surest symptom is .paler., Anaemia does not confine itself to age er .sext ho ugh it i e pa r- ttoulex1 common to younggirls be- tween the ages of 14 and 17, when nature makes peculiar demand upon the blood supply. The ,same lack ,.ef bleed, however, prevents full recovery after la grippe, fev- ers, malaria, and operations, and is ,present in old age, and in persons who have been under unusual men- tal or physical strain. In all cases of bloodlessness Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best medicine known to medical science. They actually make new pure bloody 'which brings with it a healthy appetite and new strength and vitality: Mrs. George. Roy, 'Clair, Sask., says I have tested the value of Dr,. Williams' Pink Pills time and again when a poor condition of the blood might have led to more serious trouble. 1 am a woman of forty and as occa- sion required I have used the Pills off and on since girlhood. I have proved their value in. the ailments. thataftict my sex, and I have never known them to fail. I also gave them to my son for nerve trouble which we thought would result in St. Vitus dance, but the use of the Pills prevented this and made him well and strong. I do not know any better investment than to keep half a dozen boxes d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the house, as they will save more expensive doctor's bills. You can get Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PRESS THE BUTTON. SAVED LAUDER'S LflE. Wearing his kilts, Mr. parry, Lauder, the comedian, played a. Novel part on the sands at Black - peel, England, recently, His eons cern for dumb animals, especially pit ponies, is well known, and when he was invited by the Mayor of Blackpool to distribute the prizes in a competition for donkeys, Mr. Lauder eagerly responded. Raving fixed medals to the winning don- key's bridles;' the comedian mount- ed a-sandhill and indulged in inter- esting and amusing "patter." He .related some of his experi- ences i- ences as a pit boy. He told how, when going through a, drift, in a coal mine, his pit pony suddenly stopped. 'Immediately diets1y struck k him with the. whip," Mr. Lauder TWO GOOD TALES. In a similar case, Curran had replied, "At any rate I •shall have the satisfaction of knowing that I am not the worst thing your Lord- ship has committed." Two .good tales, hang on a minor architectural catastrophe, the fall ing of plaster from the court ceil- ing "Fiat justitia, 'runt : coelum" (,Let justice be done,, though the heavens should fall in) was Lord Justice Chitty's happy and, instant quotation ; on a like incident be- falling in'Chief Justice Holroyd' court in Australia;' counsel, . who was addressing the Court at ` the time incautiously advanced the•siug- geestion, "Dry rot •has probably been the cause ;of that, my Lord. "I am quite of your opinion, Mr. ---," witheringly observed the chief. A counsel apologizing for repeat- ing himself in a very prolix speech with the remark, "I believe I have �a. ate Equity a l said that befor.e , judge long sufferingly observed, "Oh, don't apologize, Mr. —, it was ,such a very long time ago I dare say yoti had forgotten. Lord justice Chitty was more brutal in a case where counsel, had been argu- ing to .distraction on a bill of sale. s `I will now proceed to address my- self to the furniture—an item cow: Bred by the bill," counsel °entirf- tied. ' "You have been doing noth- ing else for the last hour," lament- ' ed the weary judge. Device That Will Hake Railway Ae- eiacnts Impossible. Almost incredible are the possi- bilities attaching to an invention that has nearly been completed and which will make railroad accidents practically impossible. Since the first demonstration of the "railo- phone," which renders possible telephonic communication with a railway train in motion, was given about a year ago, the inventor, Mr. von Kramer, . has made great strides. In conjunction with Pro- fessor Kapp, of : Birmingham (Eng- land) University;he has evolved a sensitive detector, • by means of which, he states, "it is possible to pick up those feeble currents which are receivedby the train and to lay them up into stronger currents to operate electric` bells or hooters, or even to put on the 'brakes of train or to stop them at the will of the signalman at the station." Thus a signalman 10 or 20 ):Hiles away may press a button and the train stops automatically. Another feature of the railophone is that trains equip- pedwwith it can automatically bring back their signals to the danger position if they have been inadver- tently'left open by the sagnalman, and as any such forgetfulness is re- eorded at the time it occurs, -.thein strument settles the question of who is to blame if a driver passes a signal which should be against him. Harry Lauder,' The flies that are note in your kitchen and dining -room were proba- bly feasting on some indescribable nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a single fly often carnes many thousands of ,disease germs attached to its hairy body, it is the duty of every housekeeper to assist in exter- minating this worst enemy of the human race. wogs FLY P kill flies in such immense quantities as cannot be approached.by any other fly killer. now Montessori schools in Boston and New York. At first the children entertain themselves with toys :selected to ap- peal to the senses of touch and sight. Meanwhile the teacher makesa careful study of the pecu- liarities of each pupil, but does not attempt any actual discipline. Indeed, children are in the "House of Childhood" sometimes for several weeks before any real lessons are given them. They are required, however, to be tidy in their persons and in their dress. Now, all children love to dabble in water, particularly when soap p plays a part in the game; in t Montessori schools, under judicious guidance, the washing of the hands and face becomes, even with the youngest, a cleaning process. Doctor Montessori uses light gymnastics to give the little . ones command of their limbs• and to bring about the proper co-ordina- tion of their muscles, but the gym- nastic exercises continue only a few Then follow minutes at a time. Thn. house cares, that is, the arrange went of tables and the washing of dishes,—and then building, with blocks 'and the matching of Tors. The first of the tactile exercises— the one that eventually leads to writing—is carried on by means of rough and smooth paper. The child is taught to distinguish between rough and smooth by having his hands drawn first over one surface and then over the other. Then the child has its fingers brought into coned with squares of cloth ; that is, with yielding surfaces. Next, the child receives wooden tablets in order that he may learn to discri- minate between the weights of two different objects. Then the pupil has geometrical forms in metal, which he places on paper and the outlines of which he. traces with a colored crayon. These outlines he fills in with color. This last exer- cise Doctor Montessori regards as of the greatest importance, for it Mins the fingers to direct the pen- cil or crayon. When the child's sense of touch has thus been actually developed, he receives an alphabet, each letter of which is mounted on a separate piece of sandpaper. He traces the outline of each letter with his .fin- ,gers as it is pronounced by the teacher. The sound of each letter becomes so strongly .associated with the muscular movements necessary to produce it that when he hears a word spoken of which the fetters are known to him, 'his fingers in- stinctively make the, motions that they have so often made in tracing the sandpaper alphabet. If he has a crayon in his hand the'record be- comes visible, and he begins to write. proceeded: "He turned round to the side of the little tub I was sit- ting in, and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that about 10,000 tons of stone fell. Had it not been for the cuteness of the hearing of that y ony we should both have been buried alive. I owe my life to that Shetland pony. Instead of licking my pony because he didn't go on, when I saw what happened I jumped ped out of the tub and put my arm around Ms neck and kissed him." • . g WELL PEOPLE TOO. Wise Doctor Gives Postum to Con- valescents. Light moves at the rate of 200,000 miles a second_ MR. JUSTICE DARLING. Sir Charles Darling nev: r haps Pe a,P S er raised heartier laughter than in' an action some two years ago e waswhether the issue he s t where Plaintiff, whohad been engageda ge d h. y the defendant to sing in "potted opera" at a music hall, was compe- tent to fulfil his contract. "Well, he could not sing like 'the archangel Gabriel," a witness had sad • id, in rePpY 1 to Mr. Duke, K.O. "I have never heard the sixth angel Gabriel," • commented the eminent counsel. "That, Mr. Duke, is a' pleasure to comewas his Lordship's swift, if gently sarcastic; rejoinder. --'1' opo LDY ALiOST CRZY WITH ECZEM?i A Remarkable andrConvincing State- ment of the Success of euticura Soapand Ointment in the Treat - merit of the Pain Itchingand , Burning of Eczema "I, the undersigned, cannot give enough praise to the Calculi). Remedies. 1 had been ma doctoring for at least. a year forsuis on my foot. I had tried doctor after doctor all to no avail. When a young girl I sprained my ankle three different times, paying little or no attention to it, when five years ago nide. left t a u Y. of showed on m n 11 a small spot Ile sent for a doctor. nd worried n I was Said it was eczema. He drew a small bone. froth the ankle •about the size eofmalmatch and about an nfch,long.ofTh apple, and the size to about grew eczema spread to the knee. Tho doctors the. never could heal the hole In the ankle. The whole foot ran water all the time Of the 3,000 languages and dia., lects on the earth, the Bible has been tr,anel:at• into 180. :During the past fourteen yeara the p'roduotion Of :crude petroleum in India has. ,increased by ne&rly 200 million uallAno. A wise doctor tries to give nature its best chance by saving the little strength of the already exhausted patient, and building up wasted energy with simple but powerful nourishment. "Five years ago," writes a doc- tor, "I commenced to use Postum in my own family instead of coffee." (It's a well-known fact than tea is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the sarste drug found in coffee.) "I was so well pleased with the results that I had two grocers place it in stock, guar- anteeing its sale. "1 then commenced to recommend it to my patients in place of eoffee, as a nutritious beverage. The con- sequenceis every ,store in town is now .selling it, as it has become a household necessity in many homes. "I'm sure I prescribe Postum as often as any one remedy in the Materia Medica --in almost every case of indigestion) and nervousness I treat, and with the best results. "When I once introduee it into a family, it is quite sure to, remain. I shall continue to use it and pres- cribe -it in families where I prac- tice. "In convalescence from pneu- monia, typhoid fever and other cases :I give it as a liquid, easily absorbed diet. You may use my letter as a reference any way you see fit." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville" in a� pk� "There's • a a reon. s s. g Ever read the above hitter'?hitter'?A new ono appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. THE MONTESSORI SYSTEM. "My husband and my sons were up night and day wheeling me from one room to an- other in the hopo of giving me some relief. 1,would sit for hours at a tune in front of the fireplace hoping ' for daybreak. The pain Was so intense I was almost crazy, in fact, I would lose mY reason for hours at a timeOne day a friend of Mine drop ed . in to see me, No mote had She glanced at my foot than she exclaimed, 'Mrs. Finnegan, why in the World don't you try the Cutt- cura Remedies!' B.oing disgusted noithet e doctors and their medicines, ng able to sleep at ail, I decided to give the Calcine After using themetLhe.edrayathat night .1 slept at sound as a 'silver dollar for eight long hours. I awoko In the mistiest with abut very little pain, In fact, I though t 1 Wagin heaven, After Wing the Cutiotlre itemedies, tot three Menthe,to Was Ci fe tlyl festered to: health, a and to. I will, he sixty foot Soap of age ny„next birthday hale itnd. arty at bbr�esent, , (Signed) M. quilt .Fit;ne nn 2234 Iiolaert.St.,8t.Lottfs,Mo.,Mar,7, ii. s Cutic�tti1Ya Seep Sud Ointment are bold tht8ughotrt the werld Send to ettei. . A frasofOli2 A. uiim shell wt1 1P. b**k4 TAIVLB ABOUT x'nA. Little commonplace matterse are so very often lost sight of in the etress of life.. And the one and only way to make a drinkable 'cup of tea is no small fact overlooked. in the education of most, and yet it is a thing which every man, woman, or child should know how to elo ear redly. To begin with, if possible,. an eel' benware teapot should be used. elver, plated, . co per, and �p 1 other metal vessels do not seem to possess the virtues of making a real good cup of tea. Then, of course, the pot must be scrupulously clean. Ho even the most time tivevver, in cleanly -kept teapots are liable to become objectionable owing to the rapid accumulation of tannin on the ` inside. Thus it would be wise, if beobtained, 's perfection of brew 1 to ocoasionally to place soda. in the boiling water used for the washing of this utensil. Before putting on the tea—one teaspoonful for each person and one for the pot—the latter must be heated with hot wa- ter. Then freshwater must be brought to the boil, and poured on the tea, without lifting the kettle from the fire. INSECT STINGS AND SUMMER SORES. Izisect bites and stings, blistered feet and sunburn 1 These three things, or any one of them, may spoil ,some days of your vacation, or make your work a bore! Zam Buk is the remedy you need"! It takesthe "burn" out of these red, inflamed patches where the sun has got homeon you ; it eases bad mos- quito bines, and it soothes and. heals blistered feet and hands. In the hot weather young babies suffer greatly from heat spots and. chafed places. Here, again, Zane- Buk will' give almost instant ease ! For cuts, burns, and more serious skin diseases, such as eczema, blood -poisoning, etc., and for piles, Zam-Buk is absolutely without an equal. All druggists and stores 500 box or Zana-Buk Co., Toronto. ALL MABEL KNOWS. "Mabel is engaged." "Whom to i" "She -doesn't say in her letter. All that she knows iso far is that his first name is Frank." To submit to a hoadtehe ill to route sgtwriD'. time Anil comfort.. 'To stop it at True s mpiy take NA -9113.C° headache Waters Your ?9ruggist will certftsrn, our .statement that they do net aotltakn anything that nen harm heart or nervous system, , a box. NATIONAL; MIIYei AN! GHSMIOAL co. or CANADA. !Antrum. 12.4 The Heart *fa Phan. is th. Actitsn. insist on the s"O O HIGEL" Plan* Actili►n; r� ELECTRICITY ON THE FAILM. FARMS FOR SALE, Hydro -Electric Will Remonstrate at the C.N.E. Just how electricity can be util- ized on the farm will be fully shown at the Ca,nadian National Exhibi- tion. The ilydro-Electric Commise. siert have taken a large space in the Process .building, where all kinds of farm machinery will be run by the. white juice from Niagara. It. will be a demonstration no up-to- date ptodate farmer can afford to miss. DIDN'T WOR. The Barber—"One of our cus- tomers had his rheumatism cured by mud baths."' The CLtstomer—t `No good to me. I've stood as a candidate in two. elections—and my rheumatism is as bad as ever !" Costiveness and Its Cure, :When the excretory organs refuse to per- form their functions properly the intestines become clogged. This is known as costiveness and if neglect- ed gives rise to •dangerous compli- cations. Parmelee's cure: eu eVegetable P Pills effect a ,speedy first intimation of this ailment the sufferer should ,procure .a packet of the pills and put himself under a course of treatment. The good ef- fects of the pills will be almost im- mediately evident. HADN'T HADA CHANCE.. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mo- ther &Graves' Worm Exterminator. In Tasmania, an island off the coast of Australia, there are only a dozen Americans, of whom one is a mine manager and the others doc- tors and dentists. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, Eta • PAVING THE WAY. "Had your vacation yeti" "No?" "Lend me five, will you V' Ilow It Develops the Faculties in the, Child. The most conspicuous achieve- ment of Dr.Maria. Montessori's in- teresting educational methods, says a rds The w•� 1 it in h Josephine oz e Work of London, is the'way in which her little pupils begin &pone. taneously read and write—or " "explodead ane M writing," as Tit lice , g Montessori herself graphically puts it. to en • are children taught Ordinarily, long ,ofa sans read and rite by m succession of monotonous and, to them, meaningless tasks imposed upon them by the teacher. , By the Montessorimethod there is no'co- ercion, there is no attempt even to persuade the child. He uncon- sciously masters the means of ex- pression through toys and games devised s to develop his faculties that they will respond quickly and aocuratel to the demands of his mind, t d T to n w a e h 0 y About four years ago Maria Mon- taessori,' an Italian' physician and teacher, opened in Rome the first "Rouseof Childhood," d, and began _ to apply her revolutionary methods of education to the teaching of little children. Her work has set •on foot (a new. eduoatienal . movement throughout Europe, and there are 14. W. DAWSON, Ninety Celbnrnp Toronto. VER . FIFTY GOOD IMPROVE)) Faring 'kJ Fa in Manitoba, Saskratchewan, and Alberta at right prices on easy ter ', RUIT PARKS IN, TICE BEST FXttif' district al outset*. .A,11,sizes at rirf prizes, Ikl`YOU WANT TQ BUY OR SELL A stock, grain of dairy favrm consult met. H4 w, DAWsON, Toronto. Ole Lady—"Sir, ,your clerk told me I had the largest foot he ever saw in this shoe store." ,� the young ut lady,3' r— B a e Mall , man' has only been here two .years. Relief for the Depressed.—Phy- sical and mental depression usually have their origin in a disordered state of the stomach and liver, as when these organs are deranged in their action the whole system is affected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They revive the digestive processes, act beneficially on the nerves and More the spirits as no other pills wall. They are cheap, simple and sure, and the effects are lasting. "THE LADY OF THE LAMP." The City of London's memorial to Florence Nightingale is rapidly nearing completion and is expected to find a place in the lobby of the Guildhall early in the autumn. It is a marble sta'uette 3 feet in height. Miss Nightingale is shown setting out upon oneh Lheroic of errands of mercy. The "Lady the Lamp" stands bareheaded in the simple dress of the Victorian period, which preceded the urine- line. In her left hand she carries a candlestick, while with her right hand she is shielding her eyes from its light. :The portrait and model e inth • tte fetus were founded on a ,statuette possession of Sir Harry Verney. y. Walter Merrett ie the sculptor, T D.` E E MALE HP WAN L 'pp AILW,AYS REQUIRE YOUNG MEIN AIL for positions in stations.. These men are placed in positions as fast as we eau, prepare them. Railway officials endorset. our School. Now is the time to iurake a rangaplents for Fall studies, Free Beed No. . 18 explains. Dominion School Retiree inti•Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. 't I7.ASe€tleNWD orks, Esplanade, Terouto, s. ri V ANGER, 'TUMORS. LUMPS. etc. Ito • ternal and external, oared *tiho;% pain by our home treatment. Write ai before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical de Limited, Ool.lingwood, Ont. p TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's V Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.. Ikr ENTRILOQUISM LEARN TO THROW your voice; complete instructions, • 25e. Ventriloquism box 401, Wingham, Ont. This is to certify that I . have used MINARD'S Liniment in my family for years, and consider it the best liniment on the market. I have found it excellent for horse Sesh. (Signed) W. 5. i'INEO. "Woodlands,” Middleton, N. S. Salford cattle market, the largest in the North of England, supplies meat to a population of 10,000,000. Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtherip. Over 75 per cent. of the trade of the British Empire is foreign ; the rest is inter -Imperial. ED. 7. L`t AIiARIED POSITION AWAITS cox. 17 patent business :man Vvho oan invest $1;000 in profitable going manufacturing business. Manager, 601 Rent Building, To- ronto. Men's SuitsFREADYEOANED Best Work In Canada. Gold Medalist In dITISII AMERICAN DYEINC CO. P. 0. COY. 233. SIOHTIMIL ,AL. XV' - BM u xu. CREOSOTE as23.iza.glta Protect Preserve— Beautify Bangles and Booklets on "Application. JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 137411 Bathurst Street TORONTO ECONOMY. "Pa, what is economy V' "Saving money on what you real- ly need to spend for something that does you no good." It Makes New Fri ndby s Ever Day.—Not a day g Thomas' Eclectric Oil does not widen the circle of its friends. Or- ders for it corns from the most un- likely nlikely places 'in the ;west and far north, for its fame has travelled far. It deserves this attention, for no oil has done so much for human- ity. Its moderate cost makes it easy to get. In one year over 500,000,000 tons of goods were carried on the rail- ways of Great Britain. If attacked with cholera or sum- mer oomplaintof any kind send at Dr.Kellogg's ofgg s c for a bottle once Dysentery Cordial and use it ac- cording to directions. It acts with wonderful rapidity in subduing that dreadful disease that weakens the strongest man and that destroys the young and delicate. Those who have used this cholera medicine say it acts promptly, and never fails • to effect a thorough cure. Since 1901 the death -rate among children in the United Kingdom aged five to ten years has steadily fallen from 4 per 1,000 to 2.9. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Pouting Wife—"You' knew before you married me that I couldn't cook." Hub—' `Yes, but I didn't know•that it was impossible for you to learn," ETIQUETTE ON 'WARSHIPS. Etiquette plays s q uito an impor- tant or- tant part on a modern battleship, and the Navy enforces many little forms and customs., In the ward- room, om wherem • thefli officers andmid- shipmen shipmen dine, the, commander does not sit at the head ;of the table. That plane is reserved for the presi- dent ands The commander mess, s ft s, dealt o invariably sits at his right hand, while the former changes every month. Evening -dress is a stead- fast rule ; so much so that the man who has to take a watch after din- ner, and who has no time to change,, sits at a table by himself. The . toast of "The Bing��in the Navy is drunk sitting. Tradition has it that a certain king once proposed a toast, and, jumping up, hit his head against a beam above. Orders were given, the story . goes, that all. toasts were to be drunk sitting in future. "The "middy" on a war, ship is just lake a fag at a public school, with. the °facets as his pre- fects or monitors,. :Midshipmen have to make themselves generally S4---112 ` useful to the latter. CHALLENGE COLLARS Acinowi.ditedto ttcrea• h.fines Water- proof ter boa of • proof Coils r• aver most, A.L to test ana' Att THE ARLIROTON 00. no other. Wore ar sLrcnt of Canada, Ltd. for 25c. re FRAZCN AV[NU[ Warts on the hands is a disfigure - es. ladies. that troubles many, snit m Holloway's Corn Cure will remove the blemishes •without pain. Among the Swiss Alps there are several post -offices at a height of 6,000 feet, and there is one letter- box from which four daily collec- tions are made 10,000 feet above the sea level. ISSUE Minard's Liniment Cures Cargot In Cows. ENGLISH RAT SUPPER.. In the year 1868 rat pies wore frequently eaten in the neighbor - hoed of Nottingham, England. One al . iodic of periodical 1• e feature fp made a inn rat suppers. Frank Buckland re oords.the immunity from scurvy of those nem bexs of a polar exp edi- tion who did not disdain to partake of the wok's excellent rat soup, Sea -water contains silver in con- siderable on-sider.able quantities, and it is often found deposited. en the copper sheathing of chips. Alltidthst disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it ]rills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and •sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask jour Dealer' for it. IaoLaren Imperial Choose (la, Limited Sole distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFG. CO., Limited Montreal R.tf It 14 IIEELS Tread WIN - step safelj, :Ws PA al,Neewnu� tat ROBBER SOLES Ernbodg thepetenttd ;features of Cat's Ptiw Heels. lin_ PosnommPososoonmsonewsionoilmost TWO CRUISES R —ON THE— S.S. CLEVELAND CSC 500 Tons) From Now York Oct. 12, 191a . From San Fransisoo Feb. 13, 1913 Will visit Madeira, Spain, Italy, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits. Seans, China, yttlements, Java, Philan, Santieriel Islands, with OretiandAserisaa Tour. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL ! 17 Days in India TOURS 1 14 Days to Japan Duration 110 Days Each $650 e_n d uDebHata and a.hashore.eo•. "Ask among who has male the Cruise, With for ,$eokfd. HAMBURG- AMERICAN L, 41.45 BROADWAY. N. Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, 63 Yongo St., Toronto, Canad5. To-day—Rightsnow— before you forget, a ask your grocer for `KEflC OSCR' SARDINES those delirious little Norway fish that are packed with such scrupulous care in the purest and most wholesome Olive Oil. Cot Thom From Your Crocor Trade supplied bit John W. Sickle le Crooning, • Maitnitton