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Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ritchie
Kevin Ritchie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ritchie of
Blyth and Debbie Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Harrison of R.R. 2 Goderich, were married in
Victoria Street United Church, Goderich by the Reverend
John Wood on August 20. Maid of honor was Darlene
Moore of Goderich, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were
Beverley Harrison of Goderich, sister of the bride, Karen
Dunbar of Belgrave, sister of the groom and Sue Chisholm
of Goderich, friend of the bride Flowergirl was Megan
Thomson of Sault Ste. Marie, cousin of the bride.
Groomsman was Charles Hull of Wingham, friend of the
groom. Guests were ushered into the church by Gary
Hewitt of Belgrave, friend of the groom, Bruce Harrison
of Sault Ste. Marie, cousin of the bride and Ron Ritchie of
Blyth, brother of the groom. Ringbearer was Jeff
Thomson of Sault Ste. Marie, cousin of the bride.
Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held in
Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville. After a wedding
trip to Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ritchie took up
residence in Blyth. ( Photo by Richard Harrison)
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Facchinato
Johnnie Facchinato, son of Lorenzo and Inane Woe-
chinato of Windsor and Kim Brady, daughter of Jack and
Sylvia Brady of Goderich were married in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich by the Reverend G.L.
Royal on August 13. Matron of honor was Jackie Binkert
of Troy, Michigan, sister of Di* groom. Bridesmaids were
Nancy Whidden of Goderich and Rae Webber of Toronto,
friends of the bride. Groomsman was Terry McGee of
Roseville, Michigan, friend of the groom. Guests were
ushered into the church by Peter Binkert, brother-in-law
of the groom and John Brady, brother of the bride.
Following the wedding ceremony, a dinner and reception
were held at the Goderich Township Community Centre.
After a wedding trip to Hawaii, the couple took up
residence in Windsor. Prior to her wedding, the bride was
feted at showers given by Jackie Binkert and Liliana
Facchinato, Nancy Whidden and Vi Bird, Norma Jeffery
and- Ruth Clancy and at a luncheon given by her co-
workers. (Photo by Jim Fltzgerald)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Meredith Wilson
Bryan Meredith Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith
Wilson of Goderich, and Deborah Anne Blaney of R.R. 5
Goderich, daughter of William J. Blaney of Calgary and
Mrs., Mary R. Boyne of Toronto, were married In Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich by the Reverend G.L.
Royal on August 6. Matron of holier was Faith (Hoy)
Mason of Goderich. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Barbara
(Cameron) Elliott of Teeswater, Mrs. Darlene (Schwoob)
Carman of Goderich and Sandra Popp of Clinton.
Flowergirl was Shannon June Miley of Goderich.
Groomsman was Sean Mack of Toronto. Guests were
ushered into the church by Brent Wilson, Mike Miley and
Rick Carman, all of Goderich. Ringbearer was Robert
Anthony Boyne of Toronto. Following the wedding
ceremony, a reception was held at the.Goderich Legion
Hall. After a wedding trip to Manitimlin Island and
Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Meredith Wilson took
up residence at R.R. 5 Goderich. (Photo by Bluewater
Huron Women's Institute rally held in Bluevale
Lynn Dodds of the McKillop 4-H Club was
the winner of this year's County Scholarship
sponsored by the WI and her mother, Mrs.
Don Dodds of Seaforth, accepted the cer-
tificate and cheque on her behalf at the
Huron County Rally of Women's Institutes
held at Bluevale, October 3.
Mrs, Peggy Cudrnore of Brussels,
president of Huron East District, presided
for the day long rally and Mrs. Florence
Johnston was the pianist. The delegates
were welcomed by members of the Bluevale
WI. Beautiful arrangements of fall flowers
adorned the Community Centre where the
rally was held.
Mrs: Bill Peacock of Bluevale gave a
welcome address to nearly 100 delegates
from all over the county. Greetings were
also brought from district presidents, Mrs.
Mabel Jacklin of Huron West and Mrs.
Marian Dougall of Huron South.
After •the presentation of the Huron.,
County Scholarship to Miss Dods, Mrs. Jane
,Muegge of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, presented Jane Schade of Walton with
an engraved trillium tray for completing 24
4-H projects. She has, completed her hair-
dressing course in Kitchener and has a
h i she will commence on
October 4.
Mrs. Norman Coultes of Belgrave, rally
secretary, read the minutes and also gave
the financial statement. Mrs. Mary Hunter,
of Belgrave, reported for the auditors.
District secretaries, Mrs. Wilma Higgins of
Huron West and Mr. Margaret McMahon of
Huron East, gave reports which showed
great increase in work done by members
throughout the county.
Mrs. Doris Batkin of Clinton, secretary of
the Huron County Historical Society,
reported that there were 199 member a last
year and nearly all WI branches made their
• curators members of the Society. She
thanked all Branches who had hostd
meetings and told about some family tree
searches. She also spoke of the essay con-
tests and the displays that had been set up at
rural fairs, especially in Seaforth when 38
historical displays met the judges.
Two•solos were-sungby Mrs. Irene -Judge
- Of Lakelet, accompanied by Mrs. Janet
Huth, also of Lakelet.
James Cargin, director of the Huron
• County Family and Children's Services,
gave the bursary report, thanking the
members for their donations to a girl in the
agency's care to further her education..
He reported this girl has noW become a
hairdresser and has a steady job in the city.
He appealed to all to assist the Christmas
bureau by knitting mitts.
In closing, he thanked all for their time
and donations to make life a little easier for
the needy children in the county.
On motion of Mrs. Leone Armstrong and
Mrs. Ruth Hardin, it was decided to again
pay 75 cents per month.
Jane Muegge of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food gave the rural
organization services spetialist report,
stating that over 800 have joined the 4-H fall
project, "Looking Good, Feeling Good." She
said that the spring project will be on
quilting. She reviewed the adult courses
especially the Wise Money Management
course which was well attended. For those
who could not attend, there will be another
next spring.
Thebraiding ,project classe&will.be held
in October and Mrs. Muegge told of the
leaders' training course available to Huron
County women and men. A demonstration
on the use of microwave ovens will be held
November 28 at Exeter and she spoke of the
changes in 4-H clubs and agricultural clubs.
Mrs. Evalina Webster spoke on Huron -
view Auxiliary and invited all to come o the
fall tea on October -12 at Huronview. She
thanked the WI branches for their monthly
birthday parties and spoke of the new
directory erected there with the financial
help of Huron County WI.
It was decided to use the interest from the
ploughing match money and buy a
wheelchair for Huronview.
The afternoon session started with 0
Canada and a sing -song led by Mrs. Bill
Peacock and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
The guest speaker, Mrs. Sheila Lancaster,
Public Health Nurse with the Huron County
Home Care program, was introduced by
Mrs. Charles Mathers of Bluevale. She
showed pictures and spoke of her work as
• goober 17, .0
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The. Reverend Glenn Luca% amhfoist- nem**, wished t� send money . boat to
in Toronto, delivered an address on ”The relatiVes' in Britain.. In the Remittances
historian with United Chiurch Archives
Et tbOntario".i jonct of .Religious abaerkmoeu n)Dy ed:olintanainiroaltanionselhol a:it:M*1*e. °11thearepareeniltrdraneddtce"aqiiveresofatnhde
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Ahaoeean for those Who Sent
. lf..the Cotapany,OUrhig that
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nealogleal Record *Moro,
• preSejatation was both informative and ,
teresting and, at some times*, huniorOns. ..tymiii
He was able to detail the, ,,iiillabey of
ministers and charges ...of each major '7.Briani.
denomination for various time periods detifired
from pre4800 to 1925 and their geographic delioted 4 fascinating outline of bis
area of strength. Inteffitolls ordoclonenting his IdtClutre con -
To illustrate but one division - prior to iterittOlk - without having to go overseas!
1784 there wasno Methodist sect so 4=4 His r4ports ,, gave an insight into what
(adherents were part of the Church of record&are available, how to obtain them
England). However, after the American and what uses can be made of them andhis
Revolution, no chtirch bearing the name iniriiitable style added the usual touch of °'
"England" waaparticularly popular hithe h or. He emphasized the need to,speCify
United States so the formation of the your sources clearly and thoroughly and
"Methodist Episcopal Church" as the recommended a number of books useful to
'colonial' church was noted. By 1810 in . all genealogists.
Canada they had four circuits, five; ,
ministers and 936 regular , menobers,, , . . He also delivered a brief report nnlia.
(although likely 3,600 adherents). In 1824 a migration patterns froinEhglanik Irelandand Scotland to Huron County areas which
separate Canadian Conference was he had prepared primarily from1871'cen-
established to break from the American in- sus records. Apparently after having sear -
fluence. It was about this time that land ched the available cemetery records for
grants to Americans were prohibited and Wawanosh and Hullett Townships, , he
this resulted in cutting off American could only conclude that our ancestors had
emigration ,to Canada. Followed by the not bothered to list their county of origin on
hungry 405 in England and the famines in
Ireland with their resulting emigrations, their tombstones!
the expansion of this church did not
All speakers were presented with copies
tinue to keep pace with the many newer ofJim Scott's book, "The Settlement of
Methodist divisions (Wesleyan Methodist, Huron
Huron County" which were donated by the
Primitive Methddist, Bible Christians, County
New Connection Methodists and A delicious luncheon was organized by
Ryanites). •Roberta Linskill and Ruth Ann Chapman.
Bessie Diebel, branch librarian for the Much time was spent pouring over the
London Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ displays of members' pedigree charts,
of Latter Day Saints (LDS), brought an ex-.•: library holdings and publications for sale.
tensive report of their library holdings •Welcomed was Gordon Hillman of Sar -
( both microfilm and books) and detailed ', nia with his display of a computer pro -
the wealth of information available gram for genealogists which he has
through their lending system from the designed for the Commodore computer
Utah Genealogical Library. system.
Since it is a Mormon belief that families, A microfilm display was also well
and family relationships, are eternal, the visited with Lorne Mann of London
Mormons have done their best to collect demonstrating their quick and easy ser -
microfilms of all available records around vices - which is also remarkably inexpen-
the world to aid their members in sive!
establishing genealogical relationships. Door prizes were won by Angus Cline of
These records are available to anyone and Hamilton, Yvonne Porter of Goderich and
no genealogist is unfamiliar with their an unidentified lady. Raffles were won by
generous services! Harry Ball of Clinton and Doris Batkin of
Ross Cturunings, a retired United Clinton.
Church minister and founder of the CumThe workshop is truly a co-operative ef-
ings family publishing firm, well-known fort of many of the local members and
f h 1879 Belden's Atlas thanks is extended to all: Yvonne Porter,
'co-ordinator in this program. She answered for their rep
many questions following her presentation series, and more recently the 1982 Perth Elaine McKinnon, Ruth Ann Chapman,
on this_work which is funded by OHIP. County Atlas, was on hand with his series Roberta Linskill, Karen Harman, Bill Par -
Mrs. Marie McTaggart of Brussels of County Atlases and encouraged the tridge, Bill Clutton, Jim, Mulhern, Nancy
thanked .Mrs. ., Landcaster • ion- her in-....—grautgoApensometimedeliiii .thitough„ Kale, myrtle -Johnstone, 'Evelyn Mcgin-
formative address. - - those historic books. chey, Ann Clarke, Eleanor Williams and
Mrs. Mabel Jackline, president of Huron. Roger Nickerson, Archivist in the Alison Lobb. Also, very special thanks to
West, invited the rally to be held in 1984 in Private Manuscripts Section . of the Ar- all the wonderful people who assisted in
Huron West District. chives of Ontario, introduced his talk on making the lunch.
Courtesies to all who had taken part in this Canada Company Records with a brief Of special note, also, a thanks to those
year's rally were given by Mrs. Maian history of the Company. After dealing in who organized the day - particularly
Dougall of Huron South. some detail with the type of documentation Carole Robinson.
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