HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-10-05, Page 1610:30 A.M. AND 12:30 P.M. SATURDAY, OCT. 15TH EXTINGUISHER ,� a DEMONSTR>IATION ~�ui.. 7rati:•y _ to a a• � '+c�, 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY, OCT. 14TH EXTINGUISHER DEMONSTRATION ew s balled H L E VILLE NEWS. E41a y Ite Cleave®, 4I312-33 )E3aLMESVILLE - On Sunday morning the congregation of Holmesville United Church participated in communion. Ten beautiful stained glass windows were installed in the sanctuary. Organist Nancy Hearn accompanied the sends choir as they sang an anthem. Rev. James Bechtel talked to the Sunday School children about the church and communion. Mr, and Mrs.. John Greidanus joined the chug h by transfer of membership. BillNorman and Don Harris received the offering. Upcoming events include: Oct. 8, Choir for the Angels; Oct. 11, UCW meeting and the last day for ladies to being in the pen- nies; Oct. 25, penny saver dinner. People report Get well wishes go out to Les Jervis, a patient in the Goderich hospital and to Bill Batkin, in the Clinton hospital. The Oct. meeting of the Goderich Township WI will be held on Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. in the Community Centre. A film entitled Ruth Stout's Gardening will be shown. All ladies are welcome to attend. The Playground Equipment Program Dance will be held Nov. 4 in the Community Centre. For tickets call 982-3780. Money rasied will help to buy playground equip- ment for the school. Professional Development Day will be held Oct. 28. Parents please note that school will be cancelled on this day. The Enterprising Seniors will meet on Oct. 6 at 8 po& m the Holmesville Com- inunity Centre. Holmesville 1, 4-11 The third meeting of the Budding Beauties, the Holmesville I, 4-H Club was held at Shelly Pearson's house on Oct. 3. Nine members were present and the meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. Helen VandenHeuvel, a Mary Kay representative came to the meeting. Mothers were invited to join in learning about skin care and make-up. The next meeting will be held at Lori Forbes on Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. -by Jodi Mustard. Round 'n About with Martha Have you stopped to think about the things that are happening around the world weather-wise? We are not the only ones who have been surprised. We are just the lucky ones. Others have had killer floods and freezing weather when it should be warm or hot. In the desert areas, they have never needed " storm sewers to protect the towns -now they are seeing floods. Everything has been changed around and many areas are really suffering. We have to be thankful for our great weather and try to help those who have taken the brunt of the storms. Think about it. Last week I met many people who were really enjoying our nice town. I had decided to do a painting of our lighthouse and was quite surprised there were so many changes there. Oh, the big light doesn't change and our square building is still very unique but the grounds have changed. Where do they find all those chains? They certainly tell our visitors that we are the Port of Goderich-- and a very important Port at that. I missed that crooked tree that had been near the lighthouse for so many years (it always filled out the left side of the pain- ting). So, the painting will be entirely different to others I have done and I have done a few. i have only painted it once in the winter when big fat foot prints gouged holes in the smooth whiteness. It is a real challenge to try painting it at any time but you'll love it. As long as 1 have lived in this nice town, I have had to go to Lighthouse Park every time i was near the harbor. Although the scene hasn't really changed much over the years, I just have to stand and stare -which is very important to me -to see what is and has happened around there. At least the trees -the tops of them -do not block the view as they do at the other lookout nearby. i hate to see trees topped but I hope for next season some of them can be trimmed a bit. Tray I met a lovely lady many of you have enjoyed for some time. This gifted one realizes the wonderful things she can ex- press in music and enjoys it. We are lucky that she wants us to enjoy it too. i)r. Kathryn J. Baker, now organist and Director of Praise at Knox Presbyterian Church in Goderich, was making great music at the age of five. She liked what she was doing. Practising was a must and no problem. Her folks believed in her and helped by encouraging her. Out of the little town of Rodney, Ontario, she pushed on to the University of Western Ontario for her Bachelor of Arts degree in inusic. Next came time at the Eastman School of Music at Rochester, New York for her Masters. At U.W.O. she taught music for seven years, then went to the University of Arizona for her Doctorate. My memory of all the things this lady has done with organ and piano music is not too clear but 1 hope I have some of the facts right. On Sunday, October 16 at 4 p.m., Dr. Baker will give a recital at Knox along with A. James Ford, the principal trumpet player with Orchestra London. This will be an hour to remember. Do mark your calendar -you will be sorry if you miss it. Love, Martha. t GODERICH SIGNALSTAI , WEDNESDAY, OBER 5,19113 --PAGE 13 us srs Wit. '{r IN CONJUNCTION WITH' -:FARE PREVENTION WEEK MAK IT A POINT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO ATTEND OUR FREE DEMONSTRATIONS AND DISPLAYS AT mow out mo -lel /j% /1 'Meal Mst 10 k 1�'11I@4 r yah.n SUNCOAST MALL Tr DO YOU KNOW THE FIRE DEPARTMENT PHONE NUMBER? (524-7211) IT COULD SAVE A LIFE! FREE BALLOONS TOWN OF GODERICH FIRE PREVENTION WEEK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9th THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th,1983 Let's work together! YOU can play a big part in reducing the danger of fires by keeping aware of the safety procedures. K now that carelessness is a major cause in manyfires, and take extra care. Find out what else you can do at home...and on the job! THIS MESSAGE WAS BROUGHT TO YOu BY THESE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSES. McCALLUM FUNERAL HOME Bob McCallum 11 Cambria Road North Goderich At East COMMERCIA L•PERSONA L•A UTO •LIFE PRODUCTS LYONS & MULHERN INSURANCE BROKERS 46 West St. Goderich N7A 2K3 Mf .1111N INSURANCE BROKERS ASSOCIA77ON 524-2472 or 524-7878 West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company •FIRE •LIABILITY •AUTO •HOUSE OWNERS FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA Dungannon, Ontario 529-7922 STILES FUNERAL HOME RICK PALLA ED STILES JACK WALKER 77 Montreal St., GODERICH 524-8142 "FIRE EXTINGUISHERS" sales and service -Industrial and -Hotel inspection PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 Kingsfon St., Goderich CD 524.4671 "KEEP YOUR FIRE EQUIPMENT CHECKED" THE MET SUNCOAST MALL G:':DERICI4 IS YOUR INSURANCE BROKER A SMART SHOPPER? DOES NE KNOW HOW TO SAVE YOU MONEY? At Peter S. MacEwen we do all the footwork. Wo do our bast to do hotter for you. Talk to us. PETER S. MAC EWAN INSURANCE BROKERS 38 St David St . Goderich 524 9531 GENERAL INSURANCE•REALTOR• LIFE INSURANCE®TRUST CERTIFICATES AS, REALTY INSURANCE INC. 53 WEST STREET CLARE SAGER GODERICH 524-2118 INSURANCE BROKERS ASSOCIATION .' GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER GEORGE TURTON / M6rnbry INSURANCE' BRO ASSOC/A' IA? T1ON cr f,r,f, 56 EAST STREET G DERICH ONTARIO N7A 1N3 524-7411 "HELP PREVENT FIRES" ROGERS ELECTRONIC SERVICE DIVISION 5 Miles from Goderich on Hwy. 8 524-2418 BANTER & MacEWAN INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 12 Victoria St. Goderich. Ontario Me qy INSURANCE BROKERS ASSOC'IA77'I'ON OW MN 524-8376 FIRE NEVER MAKES GOOD NEWS! DO YOUR PART TO PREVENT FIRES. G.