HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-28, Page 80BREAKFAST SPECIAL ; . FRI, SEPT. 30TH & SAT., OCT. 1ST 2 Eggs with &MO% Halls ar Samaras Nettle Friss air Pancakes Toast and Dattotwless Coffee WR Sartre Mother Waln's Poetry FR6SH INULY X1 .99 Fri. till 11 Sat. an dale We Serve O'Brien's Meats Fresh Daily HOURS: Mono to PPI.6 a.m. to Y porno; Saturday $ a.m. tot porn. fa) IA NAP: "The Home Of The Bigger Burger" Highway • beside LLC.B.O. PHONE ORDERS 5244252 :.PAGE 6A GdDERIEH SIGNAI STAR."'WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1983 BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY EARLY for information Call - 524-7711 THIS WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT FRI., SEPT. 30 & SAT., OCT. 1ST "THE CA VA L IERS" LUNCHEON BUFFET EVERY THURS. & FRI. served from NOON TILL 2:00 P.M. Check Next Week's Paper FOR O(JP FABULOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER '"`CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN 350 BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH kntac Fried Chicken Pickup AiVECONOB THISWIYE X 12 PIECES OF kI.NTU(;KY FRIED CHICKEN ONLY$5O So t u rday- Su nda y OCTOBER 1-2, '83 181 S 94 ELGIN AVE. EAST - GODERICH --71-742/`" A%AI .AELE PNRI'IGYPr'l`I'I` GT, li .' ;KY CHTCRT, NSTOR';S, osrabian c1/nepilu! �uaurlOfSY. • •1.94u M i; ,?R1eRtir .�uaarcrlic::! al bawl! Joan McDougall recently received her food service supervision certificate from the Canadian Hospital and Canadian Dietetic Associations. Joan Is the food service supervisor at Maitland Manor in Goderich where she has worked for the past seven years. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) OPEN RECEPTION FOR Wayne Pearson Heather Marshall FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH '83 Dancing 9-1 featuring STAR TREK Goderich Ontario HAPPY 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY BOB AND MAE SEPTEMBER 28, 1983 BEST WISHES FROM:: -Malt/ 1'E£ and CI1 �attl' snob anti' _Linda !1 'Riff and 4azy o7nn aped IhZE 91ancicbtfdtzn HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uncle Love, your Niece ver 30,000 patr Over 30,000 .Ile attend - shows at ° Blyth Sum- mer Festival this year in a season with more perfor- mances than ever before. Patrons spent $181,000 in ticket sales and many more dollars in goods, meals and accommodations at area businesses. Nobody's Child was the season favourite, averaging attend Festiv .8 percent of capacity over the summer. The Tomorrow Box, a revival of the 1981 hit by Anne Chislett, remained popular this year with an average attendance of 79.8 Gene Di Novi opens Blyth Centre's winter music series You're invited to a musical evening with Gene Di Novi and his friends. It will be an informal evening full of anecdotes and songs, and the company will be distinguish- ed. George Gershwin, Stephen Sondheim, Jerome Kern, Rodgers and Ham- merstein and Loesser and Lowe are only a few of the composers that pianist Di Novi will bring to life for his audiences. Di Novi opens the Blyth Centre's winter music series on October 16 at 8 p.m. with his one man musical history of popular music. During Di Novi's lengthy career as a composer, jazz pianist and singer, he has played with Benny Good- man, Buddy Rich, Lena Horne, Tony Bennett and many other of the biggest names in popular music. His friends are the composers who created the tunes that everyone knows, although they do not know the names of the composers. In his con- cert, Di Novi traces the origins of many songs that form partof our daily lives. The personal anecdotes with which he sprinkles 'his per- formances bring the songs to life and create a warm and Book available "Breathe Free", a book and 45 r.p.m. record is a self- help program for children from six to 12 years who have asthma. The program has been produced by the Lung Association, with a grant of $155,000 from Gulf Canada Limited. "Breathe Free" may be obtained from the • Huron Perth Lung Association, 271-7500. There are more than 300,000 children with asthma in Canada, and statistics in- dicate that these children miss approximately 600,000 school days each year. The "Breathe Free" book is an adventure story that takes two asthmatic children through various unexpected situations in many different places. Through their ex- periences the children learn what factors "trigger" their asthma and how to avoid them; how and when to do relaxed breathing, and the importance of taking prescribed medication. • Juno award winners, Sharon, Lois and Bram, have recorded two lively, up- beat songs, "Different", which tells children they can live with a health problem without feeling different from their friends, and "Worry Belt", which ex- plains we all have tight muscles in different places, in our bodies. Beautifully spoken relaxation exercises, approved by the Physiotherapy Section of the Lung Association, complete the record. For further information contact: Huron Perth Lung Association, 271-7500. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cousin 8Aunt Love, Guess Who Happy Birthday BRIAN from your wild and crazy pals. HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY MOM b DAD JOAN & RON PERROTT) Lova Maureen, Jana & Rhonda Mary Jo & Scott 4 intimate "living room set- ting" atmosphere. Listeners to CBC's Morn- ingside will know Di Novi from his weekly concerts and chats with Don Harron. Others may recognize him from TV Onpario's program Gene Di Novi's Music Room, or from his frequent ap- pearances as a nightclub performer. His concert at Blyth Memorial Hall on October 16 will combine a seasoned per- former, a grand piano and an audience, all embarked upon a delightful travelogue through the world of popular music. Series tickets for the four events of Blyth's music series are still available at a cost of $22. Single tickets for the Di Novi concert are $8, and are available by calling 523-9300 or 523-9225 during business hours, or in person or by mail at the Blyth box office. percent. The ToMOITow Box is currently playing to capacity houses throughout Southwestern Ontario, and concludes its tour at the Talbot Theatre in London oh September 30 and October 1. My Wild Irish Roe, averag- ed 83.4 percent attendance, The Innocent and the Just came in at 74 percent and Maritime Faces, an evening of two one act plays, Tighten the Traces, Haul In the Heins, and Naked on the North Shore, had audiences of 62,8 percent. Overall attendance for the festival was 77.8 percent of capacity. Record attendance figures at the Festival were set in the 1982 season when attendance averaged 90 per- cent ercent for the year, and 32,000 people came through the doors. Because of the in- creased number of perfor- mances, erformances, the percentage at- tendance is down, although the total number of play- goers has remained virtually constant. 1984 heralds the tenth an- niversary season of the Blyth Summer Festival. Preliminary plans indicate a 12 week season including four new Canadian plays and an extended run of a hit from a previous season. More in- formation on the season's plays andon anniversary celebrations, along with ad- vance ticket information, will be available soup. unemtv5 N Sept. 28 to Oct. 4 WEDNESDAY -TUESDAY DAYTIME MORNING 5:00 RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (Wed.) 5:00 A BETTER WAY (Thurs.) 5:00 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (Fri.) 5:00 THIS IS THE LIFE (Tues.) 5:30 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS 6:00 FARM AND GARDEN (Wed.) 6:00 TV -5 AND YOUR COM- MUNITY (Thurs.) 6:00 SCOPE (Fri.) 6:00 U.S. FARM REPORT (Mon) 6:00 HEALTH FIELD (Tues) 6:30 NBC NEWS AT SUNRISE 7:00 TODAY 9:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 9:30 SALE OF THE CENTURY 10:OOHAWAII FIVE -O 11:00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 12:30 SEARCH FOR TOMOR- ROW 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 ANOTHER WORLD 3:00 FANTASY 4:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 4:30 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY AND COMPANY 5:00 ALICE 5:30 M.A. S. H. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28. 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:00 THE FACTS OF LIFE 9:30 FAMILY TIES 10:00 LIVE AND IN PERSON 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLtAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "I WALK THE LINE." Gregory Peck•Tuesday Weld THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 GIMME A BREAK 8:30 MAMA'S FAMILY 9:00 WE GOT IT MADE 9:30 CHEERS 10:00 LIVE AND IN PERSON 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: "SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE". Michael Sacks -Ron Leibman FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 700 P.M. MAGAZINE 7 30 THREE'S COMPANY •8 00 MR SMITH 8:30 MANIMAL 10:00 FOR LOVE AND HONOR 11:00 NEWS 11 30 TONIGHT 12:30 FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS 2:00 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 3:00 MOVIE: "THE RELATIVE SOLUTION." Burt Reynolds - Richard Anderson 4:30 MOVIE: "THAT CERTAIN SUMMER". Hal Holbrook -Hope Lange SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1983 MORNING 6:00 VEGETABLE SOUP 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7:00 CARRASCOLENDAS 7:30 THUNDARR 8:00 THE FLINTSTONES FUN- NIES 8:30 THE SHIRT TALES 9:00 SMURFS 10:30 ALVIN AND THE CHIP- MUNKS 11:00 MR. T 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 BASEBALL 5:00 POP 'N' ROCKER GAME SHOW 5:30 TAXI EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 BJ -LOBO 8:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 8:30 THE ROUSTERS 10:00 CANDID CAMERA'S 35TH BIRTHDAY PARTY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 BENNY HILL 1:30 MOVIE: "KOTCH". Wolter Matthau-Deborah Winters SUNDAY OCTOBER 2, 1983 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH GTION7:00 SOCIAL SECURITY IN AC- TION 7:30 Firs YOUR BUSINESS 8:00 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 SUNDAY MASS 10:00 THE MUNSTERS 10:30 MOVIE: "MONEY TO BURN". E.G. Marshall -Mildred Natwick AFTERNOON 12:00 MEET THE PRESS 12:30 NFL '83 1:00 NFL FOOTBALL 4:00 NFL FOOTBALL EVENING 7:00 FIRST CAMERA 8:00 KNIGHT RIDER 10:00 THE YELLOW ROSE 11:00 NEWS 11'30 MOVIE: "ROLLERBALL". James Caan - Maude Adams 'MONDAY OCTOBER 3, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 BOONE 9:00 MOVIE: 'TONIGHT'S 2I ST ANNIVERSARY'.. 11:00 NEWS 11:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "FIVE EASY PIECES Jack Nicholson -Karen Black TUESDAY OCTOBER 4, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 BASEBALL 11:00 NEWS 11!30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: "THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL... Michael Rennie Potricla Neal