HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-15, Page 5'IMUBS1)A` . Arilli:ST 15 10),1. Crediton 3 % . . '4. . . . . . . One try one the old pioneer of this v E Ry THIN 0 section are passing away and on Thur• sdayanother of our respected.. siti'zens in the person of John Hauch passed to EVERYTHINfl or' Years,Resto'redTo Health • 1 Lydia E.Plikham'e Veg. etable Compound. ✓ Canadian women Ave continually writ. ,Ing us such letters as the two following, iwvhith ale heartfelt expressions of grad- forp,restored health: r1 ---". Can qrd Station, Ont.—"I have ta- ten-Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and never an medicine found y to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did' me no good. I, suffered dret}dfullp for- years until I began taking your medicine. I. al- so recommend it for nervrousness and_in- digestion• "'-- Mrs. HENRY 'CLARK, G•lanford Station. Ont. F Chesterville, Ont. — " I heard your ; edicines highly praised, and a year ago 3 began taking them for falling of womb land .ovarian trouble. "My left side pained me all the time and jest before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To nit !down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- ;tCimes that I could not bear to see any ;armor heir any one speak. Little specks ;'would"float before my eyes and I was `always cot`l`stipated. "I cannot, say too much for Lydia E. 13'inkl'am's Vegetable Compound and ,Live=. Pills, for there are no medicines %Ire thein. I have taken thein and I Irecomniend them to all women. You may ipublish this testimonial. Mrs. STE- L J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Oirtario, . Camila. HOME STUDY Thousands ofambitious young ^d' people are instructed in their g' homes by our home study dep- artment You may finish at College if you desire. Pay whenever you wish Thirty t4 Years' Experience. Largest • trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed, If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write $. for particulars.. NO VACATION e Clinton Business College GEO. SPOTTON B. F.1VARD President Principal 2 .4»II»-i•I»-1--I•-I»»li'-i•»c-»i-++:»es a i» eseeetili BUSINESS . AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the .ed'e Y. M: C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, OP?T. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. • Catalogue free. Enter any time. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Charteredricipl�t 16 irinca Children vry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A his reward, Deceased had passed to the good Old age of 88 years,. tilhs was born in Germany and came to this country when a young man and settb ed in Blenheim Township. He was an active member of the Evangelical chlaph and when able attended every in connection with the chver He is survived by his widow and many friends. The remains were entered in. the Bright cemtery. Mr. SamuelBraun has returned home after spending a few days ia Pig- eon Mich. attending the funeral of her little niece. Mrs, Harry Eilbere and daughter left for Sekewaing last week were they will visit friends. Mr. Wm. Pajet spent Sunday with. friends in St Catharines. Messrs. Irish and Carey spent Satur- day and Sunday at the Bend. Mr. Edgar Siebert of . Dashwood sent a few days in town leatt.week. gent Dan. Wein of Detroit is visiting with his mother for a few weeks. Miss. Ethel Clarke ; returned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Detroit and Windsor. Miss Wiggins. of Loadon was the guest of Mr, Wess Kerr a few days last week. Mr. Doer returned to °apace after spending a few days visiting friende. Miss Martha Wenzel of Detroit is spending a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenzel. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Bertrand and little. son of Detroit are the guests of Mrs, S Bertrand for a few weeks. The,Misses Wittachs of Toronto are the guests of ..Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweitzer for a few days, Miss R, Knesper of Buffalo is the guest or Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fahner Mr. Christian 'Beaver is having his dwelling painted and it snakes- a big improvement. Mr Bert Clarke has the job. Mr, and Mrs, J. Preeter of Zurich were in town last week. • Miss R. Sneider of Detroit is spend- ing a few weeks with friends in town. Mrs. H. Rapley and daughter Norma returned to their home in Nanette Ohio after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R m. Lewis. Mr. Andy Hewitt of Dresden called on friends one day last week. Mr, and, Mrs. Russel Huxtable of Hamilton are the guests Mrs. J. Fink- beiner for.a few days. Berry picking ia almost a thing of the past. Rev. Melvin Whiting occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening owing to the abscense of Rey. Burn, Mr. Robert Dinney of London visit- ed with friends in town over Sunday. A large crowd assembled on _•Tnes- evening at the lee Cream social given in connection with the Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical church. The weather was very favorable and it certainly proved a success. A number from here attended the funeral of Timothy Coughlin at Mt. Carmel on Tuesday, Mr. Coughlin well known around being at one time treasurer of the township of Stephen and Member of Parliament. The fam- ily have the sympathy of the 'entire comm unity, '~' .GODERICS Chas. and Jas. Vivian were thrown from a, wagon when the harness broke as they were driving down a hill aed the former was dragged when he held on to the lines and was badly shaken up, The horse finally broke away and dashing into a carriage in which Mr, and Mrs. Walters were riding over- turned it and throwing Mrs. Walters out fractured three of:her ribs. 8peclal Ilotioor • • BETTER THAN SPANKING. eSpaniing does not cure children of beds Petting. There ie a constitutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box 841 Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money,but write bee to -day if your children trouble you in this way..Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also sures adults and aged people troubled with. arise difficultiee try day or night. ' 0 GRAND TRUNK -RAILWAY SYSTEM farm Laborers` Excursions ' 4 i 1 1111,04148 'JCtO4 D Mrs. anti Rey. W, Spargo 0000 la visitin8 friends in t a ncigh- :hood, Mrst A, Snell was the gust o Ruby Passmore last week,, Mry, E. Ferguson was yisiti r►gat lave,(7has. Canne last weak. Mr. A. Horten of St., Thomas icing at T, J, Al}icons, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey of Killarney, Manitoba, are visiting relatives i ♦icinity, Miss Mary Hay of Kippen i guest of Annie Turnbull.bliss K. Robb bas resigned beeped tion as teacher of our school, tidies ,Robb has taken a similar position in Stratfprd, l�il e regret very mu lose her from ouianeighborliood. • Cats: fNie in Vie- n this s the ch to One of the most common ai.tmefltal that MOS t bard workir.s; people are afflicted with is lanae • back '.ripply Chamberlain''§ Liniment' twhod a. day' ar.d massage the parts tlaorpu'ehlsat; each applioetioLs and eon w'lil 'gee nuirk relief.,,;>;''elt saP,d by, all dealers Wtl'ALEN The continued, wet weather of late, has delayed the harvest and it will be rather tate now as the ground is very wet batt the root cropand.pa,zltrlxe tan . has improved very much. Threshing has commenced and far mers are reporting a yield of 35 bush els per acre of wheat. Mrs. Thos, Gould of London visited with her sisters here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis of near Brinsley visited at J, V. Millsons, her uncles, Iasi -week.. Rev. Blatchford our pastor leaves this week fortis vacation. Mr, David Johnston Sr. will preach here next Sunday. The Misses Verde Squire and Hilda Gunning spent last week in St. Marys with friends, The funeral took place on Saturday of Michael Breen of the Chapel Line near Lucan. Mr. Breen has been ail ing for some time. He leaves a wife and a large number of relatives. Mr. Dennis Mclllhargey who has been in St. Josephs Hospital suffering with cancer and whose home was on the Roman Line west of Whalen died at the hospital and was brought to the R. C, Church Saturday afternoon for interment. Miss Emma Fisher is visiting with Vera Hodgson this week. "I was cured of diarrhoea by oris dose of Chamberlain's Colic, ; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,"writes M, E. Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa, There nothing. Netter For sale by all dea• lers, SIO TO WINNIPEG Via Cbicag'o Plus half cent mile from Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Edmouton. Returning ;Half -cent mile from Winnipeg, plus $ 18.oe to destination in E. Canada AUGUST 20—From Toronto to Sarnia:Tunnel, iuelusive, via Stratford, and all stations. South thereof in Ontario, V:M/IUST 23•• -From all stations of, but not including Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford; all stations Toronto and North and East , of Toronto to Kingston and Renfrew, AXIGUST 2S- From all•statione Tonouto and East, and East of Orillia and Scotia Junction. - AUGUST 30—I'roirr all stations Toronto to North Bay, inclusive, and West thereof in Ontario. The Grand Trunk Pacific •Railway is the shortest and quickest route be. xween Wi . nnnag i Saskatoon—P imonten, New Fast Express Service between Winnipeg, Torkton, Canova, and Regina CANADIAN,, NATIONAL., EXHIBITION ,1�A TORONTO Single Fare for Round Trip Geed goingAngust 24 to September 9 inclusive, Return Limito September I0, 1912 SPEC14L W'W RATES ON CERTAIN. DAIS Ask any €rand Trunk Agent for Pull Particiilzra, . 3. 1.NIf.'SIIT, Depot Agent, , WOODi M Mr. Swallow is putting up the super hisnewbuilding. ructus of structure Mr. W. Shier has added a verandah. to his house, The Misses Ella and Vera Mills of Toronto are visitidg their sister Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mrs. (Rev.) Harrison of London will occupy the Methodist pulpit here on Sunday evening next under the aus pices of the W. M. S. The hum of the threshing machine is again heard in our neighborhood. BUSSELDALE Mr. Alfred Dow had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow with . milk fever. Miss, Gertrude Sutton of Tonawanda N. Y. is Yielding Ire this vicinity, Miss. Lizzie Lawrence B. A, and Mr. Harold Lawreace••of •Castle Royal Set - forth and Mr. and Mrs. M. Davi', Staffs were visitors: at Floral Bower the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hod'gert during the week.' • Mrs. Mark Clark entertained the Ladies Aid and other friends, on Thursday afternoon. Canadian rational Exhibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperial Year Imperial• Cadet Review Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions Exhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards Front Buckingham -Palace Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by best Canadian and ' American Artists - Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi Besses U' Th' Barn Band Britain's Best Brass Band Dragoons' Musical•.Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions America's Greatest Live Stock Show Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Fireworks Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Daily Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks --60' Numbers Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9. TORONTO J tlTi,t;llBl 4 . , 'Were allmedicines odici'bfr, and Mrs. W. B. Valls celebrated ' medicinesedioinesas rnexitor- Thursday Y loos Ss CI.Ge.mbextaax►'>;f »+toile, �%llRle'ra MOP 'diamondrve,tld�xxg Un 1' r y Diarrhoea Remedy the world would lost at the borne of their aaughter be much better oft and the pereeot" 511s. A. ,f. Blow•, and :axnost anjoy- .f. ago of, aafferir.' greatly decreased writes Lindsay Scott, pl' Temple, Ind,, l' or sale by all dealezT• XVINSALL The late M. Petty—We•rspret tides pveck to have to chronicle th t death of 'Mrs. John Petty, of this. village Mrs. 'Petty was one of the pioneer reside>xits, of the Township of flay, and afterwards moved into our iviN lege where she bas, reKided+for a lone terns of years, and at her death had attained the ripe old age of 84, Up to within the last ycxr''her life had been u'nursuaily bright and active, for ole..so'advanced in yam land she wan most beloved by iter many relatives'. for her kind sterling qualities,, and highly respected by a bort of friends ELe was a faithfulnand ever liberal number of St. ;Pale's ohuroh and the Rev, 'Rural Dein W, J: Doherty her pastor paid her the liighai•t en''enniums at her funeral service on Saturday July 27th •emphasizing the: evilli,nie- xsess, the deceased always d441;a1„e4, to do anything and everything`s'lie" could for every good cause and that with such modesty of service. The funeral service was, quite largely at- tended and afterwards the remains., were borne to Exeter .cyem;etery. where they were laid to rest in the. family plot. Mrs. Petty's maiden name was Ann. Lockwood. She was born ,.t South. Cave near Yorkshire i!ingfand and emigrated to it s•count- ry in 165,1` ' She leaves to mourn, her lost three some and one daughter; Vra are pleased to 'earn that our brass. band have a number of en,g,a;ge•- Ia ble ,,cue was spent by i1 AMU er' 0, gtucstr•. Both Mr« and ars. Wi!ilo are natives of.,the lade of Wifhte They v,ere married in Newport in tbSa ifil'r� of Wight in l,Sii2, and, came to .Dan - oda on a sailing vessel In, 14354. ',they ,sailed on March 2f3tlr' aald reach» oci Quebec on June 'istl`1'hley from settled in 13owmanville and went.from there to Toronto and thence to 14012.. don. finally eom.ng to Mitchell where they -".have resided sever situcae There are eight isnrvivitt; chi,I rep ap,d► ter] grandchildren', ihilis. :Miller who only arrived 4couple of days ago froln.Wiu'nipelg a'A,,d atupri:,ed her sister Mee, ',coalman who did not know she war, clowning has haste -ed hone as. a result ot'rsecivi10r a telegram that: her huabxrld had been hart at his factory Mro Leadman accompanied her. :tdr. and Mrs. John finder of Hike bort have left on a pleaseri trig to the west. Mr. and Airs. George Anderson and Mrs. Walter Edwards. have lett' for Toron t where they will lF visit refative,s for a couple of w:eelss.. •41P° :: r . AZLSA>*uR�IG, . Mise, E, White lvho has been vl'sibiln`rr Mr: and Mrs. J. A. Bod'ginr has left, for Elmira . M:r. Feed White who bas been vie, Ring in IA �lse Craig for the part month, left Saturday for 'Catltear ,, taking the hoal from Sarnia. Miss Alice Fraser of Nairn, Lau left Cor Strathmore Alta,• Miss la';ate 1,tebonald of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. meets ahead of than. They ,have Dan McDonald. practised very faithfully this, summer and are in,..good forme Quite a number 'from 1leins4l1 and vicinity attended the Gala Day at "rand Bend on Tuesday lar,tt . Miss Lynn Ortwein of Berlin was tare last week visiting her par,iln,ts: Mrs. Manus sr. is in iLotndon vbittu ling her}}""�,.,.grand-daughter Mrs. Myrtle .B:soonis. Mr, W, 1I. Reynolds aecompanicd, by his +daieghter Miss Francis and daughter -Lt -law Mrs. Percy Heyaolds are visiting in; Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perkins have the sympathy of their relatives', and friends in the, death on'ilueseday night of their infant eon two:wreckr, old. Mr. Arnold McArthur and ars. Institute held their picnic at Bayfield mosten'o a tie had and a , + . la t. Frida3 Y Nl'cArth�ur of Toronto have been ,spend s y leg a visit with Mr. McArthur';sa par- outinff encs and friends. Miss. Rosa of Calgary is vishterte lilts \Vm. Ca(dwell. Dr. GraLam of Toronto formerly of 13rusn,ells vifsite.d at Bo.bert Carlihle',s one day last week. Dr. George Schelli,; of Detroit is visiting h � skater Mrs.,. George !Gramam Mrs. ThoinpLon of 'Toronvo has keen spending a few. day:'. wi,.h .her mother 1'vi:rs. Robert Cariicle. Dr. and Mrs. Aikelahead left: las@ 14I IC Lall obabi Monday for algarg i pr 1F liy the doctor will settle in. the went. Miss Maud McAllisuer is sipendi,ng a few weeks holidaying with her grandmol,her Stirs. McAllister and, her uncle Dr. A. McAlli•':."r m Georgetown 'Miss, 1. -'earl and Mr. Mark Drysd!a).e have been spending a fw days 111 Lo:ido'ni, On • Wednesday afternoon July 131st Mr. Hugh, 'McEwen son, of Mr. Alex- ander McEwen of Hay Township was happily united in marratge to Nisar. Belau M. 13�dugh"cr, of tike Iate M'a+.. James Beit e1I a sr,• oef -£his vililage lite ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. 'Smith of !Carmel church in the presence of a few relative., end 'af- ter the ceremony they took the even• ing t•ra:n to Lordoja The bride and groom are both favorably: knowin and Mr a -1d errs. Brown and 1%lirs Brawn of Toronto visited Mr: and Mrs. D. M:uK+eiler recently. Mr. Brown was in St. Thomas re- cently. e•eently. As Thursday last was. Civic holiday Ailsa Craig the people -took advan- tage of the cheap rates. The station agent reports of having .sold h5 tick - ins for Detroit aid about as, ina'ny more to other points. Mr. Lloyd Munro of the Stratford Bank, Forest: apent Thursday with. his pareeee, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. M,u:�ro•. CLINTON • The Clinton branch of the -Women's Dir, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills, aro excdedingly powerful in regulating flus generative portion at the ternale system. iteluse lr cheap imitations. Da'. de V as'a are sold at S a box,.or three for $10. Mailed to any addresal setae 0.0.14 PAIIF tco., *t, civilifkin000, o,.a Rev. Mr. Jeakine has returned from his holidays. Two rinks of Luckaow bowlers were defeated here last Friday by three shots. They left by autoes for Blyth where they played in the afternoon. Norman Fitzsimmons captured a big trout here. It was 10 inches long and ' 10 inches in girth and weighed. 25 ounces: The model school board has secured a new principal in the person of Mr C. tis ur . BonickfMor b D. Bg' Mr. Robert Davis who bas . spent nearly all his lite here, leaves shortly for Woodstock, where he becomes as- sistant superintendent of the Pruden- tial tial Insurance Company in that town. He will be missed here, as he was cheif of the fire brigade and bass soloist of Ontario Street Church choir. Miss Rena Pickett of the pistoffice staff is visiting with Mrs. (Rey.) Cos - ens at London. Miss Kate Barnard of London is here attending her sister, Mrs. C. Pugh who has been ill for the past couple of weeks. The late Mr. Driscoll formerly of London but lately of Winnipeg was the only uncle living of Mr. W. Kil- bride of this town. Mr. Kilbride did not know of the death until informed their many relatives and friends:, wish by seeing it in the Advertiser. them long and continued' happinlesaa. in their fine farm home a.little_over HAVE YOU A 'BAD SORE? a mile sotathwenn,t of our village. Mgrs.: Wm. Stoneman( accompanied If so remember these facts—Zem- by her youngest eon Rosa, deft here i3uk is by far the moet widely used:' to join Mr: Stoneman and the, rest' balm in Canada. W.ty has it become of 'the ;family in their wee,'home in so popular? Because it heals sores, Saskatoon, 'Puevioue, to ties, Stotnet i cures tekiu ;dise,aaea and does what. is roan's departure she was ein.wai,aine.d I ri,:iu,ed for it. "Why not let it heal by •t number of friends at the home I yo,lr aorea. of Mr and Mrs. George LrQW1riit who + Remember that Zaxn-Buk is alto- nreseat:cd her a'it,umber .of valuable I gei:L-er •cliffcrent to the ord'unary'oint- an•d useful tokens, of the est -,em felt for her and all expressed t4ia regr,ab they felt at losing so g•aod a oitizen on Mrs,. Stoneman had always proved and wishing •hernsielf and family all :sued s and happiness in their new home in Saskatoon. mental. Zam-Buk contains, no trace of any animal fat, oil any mineral mat ler ft is aabs,olutely herbal, Remember that Zam-Buk is at the :alnc time. healing ,soothing an 'tan- tiseptic: Kills, poison instantly, and all harmful gerns'. It is, suitable a. - like for recent injuries. and diseases, and for chronic soros, ulcers, etc. Test how different the saperior Zam-Buk Mr, W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer liv- really is All ;drugeiats and stores at ing near Fleming Pa, says be used 501 a box Use also Zam-Buk Soap Chamberlain's Cholla Cholera and Relieees ,:unb'o'en and prevents fr'eek- Diarrhoea remedy ir. his family for les. I3e:.tt for 'baby's bath 25c tablet. 14 years, and that he has found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in recommending it. For :". .10111111011.1111111101111.0111111111111.1.10111100.1101.1.1111101 a ,: The Mand ¥out Have Aways Boutght, and 'Which has leers in use for over 30 years, has borne the Signature o: and has been made Under Iris. per.* r r �. 4 8oIA1bI supervision S ce it ' Irl p iTt, � infancy., w. Oone to deceive (you Allow' not e ii Otis. . $ i tea ve in t_i ai,. exp. All Counterfeits, :iniitatioais :alta "Just-asegood " ere`/but A Experiments r peririr:enus'tlrat trifle with and endanger the health o» Infants and Children:. Experience against Experiutent1 What is AST ."..... A Castoria is a ]harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare•, Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains. neither. Opiiun Morphine nor other Narcesle• substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it '''''has been. in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind. Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend, GENUINE �T� C A. RIA �✓ Bears the Signature of ALWAYS! The Kind You Have Always Bought' its Use For Over 30 Years TMT CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY. #wEAR WALKE:'S OVERALLS Children. Cry sale b' all dealers. • FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORA 50,000 FAR.M•. LABORERS 'WANTED A FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA `'" RETURN TRIP EAST" $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG, Plus half cent penman afro= ally otoptsstatist' MacLeod, Oalgary or icemonton to Winnipeg 41 Q0ING TRIP WEST." . $10.00 TO WINNIPEG_ Plus half cent per mils from Winnipeg up to MacLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton. •GOING; •DATES AUGUST 20th—From all stations on as lines 'includingas letatuons ontthe C P RTrunI ntoato Line, Tor(inclu oi S) an , Windsor (inclusive) and'Branch Lines including Guelph sigh -division Irons Guelph South and from Bramt4on South: AUGUST 2Zed--•From Toronto. and all,,,a oti 5uortia, h of, `but Torontoing hto, but,. and vroom Bain Line, Toro. t not including Kingston Shat ,,'take and Renfrew; and cx.R. Lines west of Renfrew. �a`' AUGUST Zack—From all stations in Ontario' r h Toronto .a, d Ea tern Ontario d Scotia 7unctiori and east;.also riot. of N Bar :and 3Oth-,tom •Toronto and• ail stations west, in Ontar}o North Bay, and great; • i .T C.P.R. atations,Sudbury :to Sault Ste. Vlasic, Ontario. indud n .r.... oNE-WAY SECOND"CLASS 'MOTS TS ViLL as tole) TO WINNOW ONLY include a One-way second class tickets. to Wiimipeg oily will' be sold, Each ticket will I verification pe aca r er, showiextension g let has e< g ged.the.holdcr'to work as aaxtension ifarm laborer,, thas been he docwinnwill by honor farmer, h mber, 0th for ticket at rate of one-half tent per mile (minim will be honored an station Seop (minimum flttY Ceprunk Pacificikaiseays in Manitoba Saskatcl ewa(t or Alberta,Cbutdnot ween Not o E or Grand or McLeod, Alta. • y Edmonton, Calgary'. b r t ¢ n west of Edmon second-class ticicet ¢Doll to return A certificate station wen the issued entitling purchaser to. a Grand !~rota any; Ale. a. Canadian Pa clfanitot aaeast MacLeod Calgry and Edmonton, to original lri arberta, int by's and a xn o P • N o ember starling point the sante e half s at travelled iillaa• going in niufn fifty cents) p�to care November 30th; 10 *1 ori safron cut adept hal( per z itinlpc¢ adde� to Sis.tlO from'wiiinipe¢, proarided the bolder d'elr�ta at hacva+�itc with ��*rleast thi t tho ticket agent on arrival at destination. and •ggz7W at y. y • For full particulars ace natant C.P.It. Ment, or *rite-- • M. °G. MteerhY, D.1!.A.. C.l.i.. Taro p . made in Walkerville. Ont. We GUARANTEE Ten Cents for every Button that comes off and Twenty-five Cents for every Rip and tor every Six Stamped Pockets cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets: • Sold by J. A. Stewart The Leading Merchant in Exeter, Ont. IGuaranteed by the Walker Pant & Shirt Company. Nit gifililGa.. • WESTERN FAIR September 6th to 14th, 1912 LONDON'S GREAT EXHIBITION LIBERAL PRIZES INSTRUCTIVE EXHIBITS SPEED EVENTS EACH. DAY New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings ATTRACTIONSi PROGRAMME TWICE DAILY LIVE STOCK PARADE DAILY BESSE% 0' T* -JE BARN BAND of Cheltenham, England. One of the Greatest Brass Bands in the World, and several others, c' AERIAL ACTS, COMEDY ACTS, TRAMBOLINE and ACROB 4.TIO ACTS, SEABERT'S EQUI ,TRIENNE .ACT and others. THE MIDWAY BETTER THAN EVER FIREWORKS EACH EVENING. SINGLE FARE RATES over all Railroads from Kingston to Detroit. Special Excursion Days, Sept. loth, lath, i3th, Prize Lists and all information from W, J, REID, President; A. M. HUNT, Secretary 111111111111WEEIPMINSIMMItamminummullaimmiewiia 1.110111114 Early Closing Notice We the, 'undersigned Merchants of this town agree to close our places of business at half past twelve on T h ore- day afternoons during the months of July and August, J. A. Stewart. (Fat; l t ;i•'i 8. Martin & Son. •J I 1, 11. Spackman T.:. c.t Beer. x.11 I itt I 11 te.I 3, Davies l�, ] I xI t'1., W. J. Heamlirna m o ." st 1 W. J. Carling ti;° 1 1 41;11 I. 1+ li' Mrs. 'Yeo ) i t 4,.Lt1 1 A. J. Ford ,ft4I t ii 1, 1 13. W. F.. Beavers. I Wtn. Rivers. • it0i'1 It J. Grigg e. t r s }l..s 1;1 . t• 1'. Frayne. , (;,,_t 9 ,- f ;1.• 1,si r .1 ) 1e. Boyle . 1 1 ! 1 .�1e.&. t'" ,r).:1 W. Ws Taman.' (`.1: t 't, , .: t� -i 1 rl,1 t , , :; 1 � jl'„ � Jones !Et (May. 1, ,l T. Hawkins & Son ; J 51. Fitton, t int" 1l,i ' A1r;Claalsld l' =a w 1 i L ro.' ., 'w NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 'The Bell Telephone ,Cp. of awwr'hg is soon to :print a mewl issue o; Official Telephone Directory r9 for' t�. district •of Western Ontario inol!a'de in,r Exeter.t' 1 Parties whovts1template tbeoolir? t Subscribers or those who wish abases res in their „present eatrty. Sboi1L , place their orders with the local mai 9/get at once; to Unsure iusertiole 11 this lessees • Connecting Companies Should also report additibras and sl:an,des in their 'list of suPeorlbearm ' 1 x+z+r e or 'h! `� er to •• a tete, m g fi eii.k the (1 act to tho special agent's dopizt en Mor.treafr. alzilaL The Bell Telephone C...., of Canada