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Exeter Times, 1912-8-15, Page 1
r. Rexaxi Liver Salts i•� Tree to its name and sure and pleasant n its action. Drives awaq "The Bines" and. all other disorders from the .Giver and Stones etch. An aid bo perfect health: We refuted .all money, if it fails. Ask us about it. C01e's Drag $10re $' ,• ► Have You Tested its ]Merits;,: Huron 8c Middlesex -Gazette rium-Emgra 'yEe.R--Na 200,9 Exzwinar ©NT ; , CANADA, TIIMISDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15th 1912 mom PHONE F 11 Go6d We are always ready for the Earl* Shopper. Every day we are opening up New Fall Goods and are able to show you our New Dress Goods; New Fall Coats, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Etc. This is a good time for the- Early Buyer to Get Busy. August'Cleariiig Sale All jSummer Goods to be CleareCout in August. We must make room for the New Goods. Ladies White Dresses All to Clear at One Half Price. Only a Few left. Muslins and Gingham All Reduced to Prices that . will quickly Clear Embroideries Some Special Values in Narrow or W1 lde Embroideries. All to be cleared out Straw Hats , ti ,.. All Mens and Boys Straw ;Hats at 25 and 50 Cents 1 Ladies Waists Every Waist marked down to flock bottom Prices Fancy Parasols Only a few to clear at your own price. Whitewear :Every Garment of Whitewear will be sold at Bargain Prices Clothing Some very Special Bargains in Mens and Boys Clothing for this Sale Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter Use Plymouth Binder Twine Ply+Spec. 500 ft. and Gold Medal 050 ft. The Best is the Cheapest Gold Medal Hay Fork Rope 3 and 4 strands will not break - Pulleys, Sling Ropes and Hooks New Brunswick Plaste Paris and. Paroid Roofing Hot Weather Wants 'Washing Machines from $7.00 to $10 00' 'Washing Machines as cut $10.00 its -Oil Stoves:. from 1.00 to $11..00 Oil Stove ovens from 2.00 to $275 Hammocks from 1,50 to $7.50 Screen Doers from 1.00 to $2,00 :.Screen Windows from. 25c to 40o. cehareoal Irons 75c, �iiEAAN'S HARDViTARE AND STOVE STORE' • '£heBalanae of Our Mens Summer Hate -Worth upto $1.255 for 40c each ys and Girls Hail-- 1€ /.said ]li"i ceras ti Lace Hose llor 15 seats cent Ta eri -Mens Fancy Mose re txlaw 255, ent'e li}pr 18 cents a pails :20 Fancy Parasols ----W rth $1,25' tory 69 cents each '2a Pieces of Englieh Fia ntaelebtee 36 insures wide: •--Werth 14 tents rfior 11 centra a, yard. Childrens Satedals-66 emits a lad Si eeeits'a pair Running goes 4t squirts t , Shoes i k� as •>s . S eol*lt Exeter Bargain Store: is � North t Post Office. Otte Doer o� � 41 �os'lr e. � B. W. F. eavers • B aseball The local players of our town on Thursday afternoon and evening play- ed two games of ball. The Juniors against the Juniors of Dashwood in the afternoon and the Seniors against the Irish nine of Lucan both visiting teams being defeated. The game in the afternoon was fast and interesting A number' of good plays were made but the Exeter ,Pays were to strong for Dashwood, batting the pitcher pretty hard. The following was the line-up and score: Dashwood Neebe 2 Oestricher Ci Musser 1 Gasser 1 Graybeil t Ehlers 3. Zimmer 1 Mclsaae • 1 Kellerman 1 Score by innings: Dashwood -1 0 0 Exeter -2 0 a Exeter Heywood Duplan Mallett Brown Birney Fisher Elliott Fnderson ake 1 1 0 0 4 2-4) 12002 -13 W. S. Cole umpire 2 3 2 1 1 1• 1 1 Again in. the evening a large num- ber witnesse.4 the shettettt our Senior boys gave tFe Irish Nine of Lucan. The game was very interesting but our pitcher Tom Carling seemed to istroug for the' Lucan players, The beam gave Tomood support and they deserve great deal of credit for thway they handled both field and bat. We hope the boys will continue the good work. The following was the line up and ea*ore. .. special g u se Neil eil 0 .Boyle �'-At The Exeter Bargain Store tanle.Lucan Exeter Collins 0 Fisher 12 Young 3 Carling . 0 Mefiiharge4' Bellwood 1 Loughlin Elliott� 2 0 Heywood 0 eat Webb '0 Brows 1 Score by intiingsc Lucan 0 0 0 0 0•-0 Eiceter 2 0 2 4 3 -11 y, Mr. Stanley, Lucan Rr pire. The Seniors go to Lucan Thrir,sdal*, .to day) to play the return game. p T Fahrrer 2 Exeter School Board Minutes of the SehoolBoard meeting held in the Town Hall Monday August 12. at 9 p. M. Absent I. Armstrong, F. Wood. The following is the order of, busi-; nese duly submitted -and approved. Per Ohair-Minutes of previous meeting. Reports of . Committees., -Repairs, (A. E. Fuke) painting being forwarded the janitor to secure assistance in cleaning chimneys and inpecting fur- naces. Principal -Supply list submit-' edland examination results aa -,follows Lower school thirteen tried nine suc- cessful; Middle school, seven wrote two successful and one with honortr; Junior Matriculation, three wrote tine suc- cessful and one passinglin eight sub- jects. A system of Prizes add Scholarships might be established with profitable results to the school classed as follows; antrrance ngamination 1st form, 2nd form Corgrcia'1Course, and General. (Course an,i '3rd forge. Per F,W. Gladman and A. E. Fluke that this Beard affirm itself in favor of', esta'blis'hing a system of Prizes and Scholarships. That the chair, R. N. Creech and the Principal be acommi't- tee to ,prepare such a list and that the ,cardial support of the citizens be in- vited into -operation. Per A. E. Fuke and F. W. Gladman, that the list of school supplies required be_ referred Lo the Supply Committee with power. Per F. W. Gladman andR. N. Creech that the Principal be requested to fur- nish at the ,next regular meeting of the Board a report of those wholeft school during the years 1910-11 with their age and sbtanding. Per A. E. Fiske adjournment. J. Grigg, Sec'y P. S. -The following subjects are Meld over for further consideration: Regular Medical inspection of the school, The respore; "ay of the State, Corporation, or Section to provide for all the wants of any need of children within its limits duringschool age. A memorial to the Minister of Education asking that; all public Educational Es- tablibhmeeits be placed under render state inspection. the extension of the school age to 15 or 10. The further anoe of a local or Inspectorate Trus- tees Convention to meet in connection with the Teacher's Association. The needs of the Exeter School as the edu- cational centre for this district. ?FALL iATaIN+OT3N,C/EMFiNT The Exeter Public' 'School Board begs to announce the reopening of the 1`I ,g' or Gozetj patron Class Sen. fens !or-.f'heeday S pt. 3rd at O -a' m, when all intending students are de- sired to be present* The aim of the Board is td provide a sound education '.far the various walks in life, Commercial, Industrial and Professional and to carefully train those undertheir care for a true and Honorable 'Canadian Citizen- ship.. The coarse covered is complete for tirade! Normal and University Enc trance, Special attention is given to the Commercial Department. ' iAe a ,rural-'ICigh. School Special attention is giver.. to the needs of both' the Far- mer and the Citizen. The standing of the School is. Gov errme:it approved . It is exceediitngly well equipped as to play grounds, Iab- oratory reeds library and staff.. The wcrk so far has receivedl'strong ap- proval from both Public and eontitnt- natior- School Inspectors and is rank- ed with: sthe first it the Province The staff remains • as for the Easter terns and ,for the High -School 'Sec- tion id as follows; W. B. Wejdethame mer, 13. :A. llonor Graduate of Tor- onto University and Specialist in mod- ern oderr. and English has charge 'of the modern 'languages higher English Mathematics and ISclence, Miss Ed - moods first clads standing, Claslric'is .English, ldistory and Itead4nn, Mists Campbell first class sLatdieg the Commercial and 'Junior avot'k. The 1T.1 S. t3edtionis open 'to all who have passed the II:, S. Entrance and parents are asked' to seg: that; re- gistration of intending' students is made within ithe least possible delay For informatiop €ts'r to cures pips ply to.'the principal J. GIIIGG SECY.:` Bowling Tournament ;Che ,Exeter bowlers will bold their seconde annual tournament on the xeter Bowling Green cominencin.g August 2)x(: H)H°, when a 1aren number of rinks have promised to come fo Exeter and compete, for th,a txany handsome prizes which have bees donated by friends and mens- hers of the ttsooiaLion, Last year tt great excitement was caused i C" out town, through the bowling tour- nament lout Chis* years tournament vromiaes to exceed teal of last year by many rinks. The l;owlershave been to a great deal of trouble' 'arra.itxin.g tor the tournorrrent >arid all' aro look- ing forward for a pleasant time and also to giving' the teeny visitors tete° will be in am 1peen flint week x nleasaot one,- following is, the programme,,. 5. G. Damien Trophy. Open to four.+ players o1 sa.me clubs, This its a iiandsorno silver cup, to be held one roar, and becoming the property of the clues winning it: three years; also tet. prize 4 buil ` sea -tion club b a gs Zed Prize cut gissberrybo ls3 South Huron 'TIelsity-T)ann.t:ed by 1. S. '1Siteruer M. C'. and 1.1s Maser M. P. open to all rinks 'defatted in. r ,'awden Trophy exeept: winners ' Of The juniors prinyeda return game at Dashwood on Tuesday eysning tine score being a tie4 i47 i. hildr. C 821. Cry .POR �F++'LL�ETGHf R't& so'd .pzeCn:Ci ne i.n I3aw fi4esh n"ropril y.s; 1st:ol?ditrizc ots4 eat gla'es w+ti"er prt:ekers 2nd Prize 4.eerving' Bete It erase? • Coeeol mins -Open to ell rinks, de: tented is the association, except win- r.nre of «erutcrl'zrr fat prise d, cut: titans celery dieke,s'231d Priya four solid brass Lrays f Okra Doubles Open to onv two. bine ,t• of tame club Ist prize a cl. 1i sb.2 *Os ke ,l ljtr:id eat 5i. Biddulph Council The, council met pursuant to fi-. lournuiorit' the. Reeve and AIL the+ members prevent. !Minutes of th'e' last meeting were read and approved. and signed by the Reeve, Jas L. Sealer, owner of Lot 02 WA, claimed that his lot should lee as • - sersad i i P S S no 1 lee:tease of =all at the present. Referred to the olerk • with power, • \. By law was gassed authorizing Rot Weather r>*p.•ec alg Reza!' Foot Comfort ..PM�p ...,..Y 'fk xfaM•N '' Eilexall Tan ,anal Freckle l.,otzon. P , P .2$0 Regan liverSultss, .,.;..,., ,!'1<50o Trailing' Arbutus Talcum (latest)- ,2.5e Cold C;reawe Toilet Lotions mad Water , 'oJe% Drug Store Monte of The Retell liemeddes,)„ $lt»t f per :year in advance r 0 • b the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow se, whaf money may be required for the r sae of the council but, not to exeocd: � ♦- $2.00), The clerk was iee:trueted to prat Dare a lay -law to authorizethe levy - lin or; a rase ora a-4' rains on. tee cater for county purposes,and 31-2 mil -Is for Tesv nhip puxpoees in inolud!ing Grants to Schools. The following accounts were ord- ered to be paid. V. We1Ntreaa Gravel coateact Din 5 ; 24,00; V. M. 3E01107R cut;tfng weeds an h,i;o;hway e90t i lanense. re voter, riot .5.50; Stewart' Hodgins Eitchireg 33iv'2, 75,00; J, M. se McFalls rep culverts division 32 10.00 I Sas Whalen graven eo'atraet;' id'id, 2 93. 75; J. Know -les gravel co'ntrxet` • div b' 40;00; Morley Wasr, dr lin div ®' 5'150; W, R. Dykes Gravel centrecti • S. B. Div 1 13:35; Jas Whalen gravel s, contract s.b, div L, 28.00; R. Naar- • sey o'vers.eeing s.b . div 1 .3.00 r Geos •. Ryan rep culverts div 1 3,00 W. Sov- :e ereign on acet of printing con 21.00 e, Bell Telephone massages 45; Expra • charges on roll of by -1 a.w4, 25; Ml. McLaughlin cutting weeds on highs Y way 3:50.; Chas Blake tile for GLasde-•'t Hoye 1132 13. Dobbs damage to •' buggy in defective culvert 1.50;1 Vey • Harrison gravel act 20.00 P. Mc ei • rep bridge error in tax and oy e at Gate 3;20; 'G. A: ,Stanley oiling+ t. street in front or town Hall 1.05 G. A. Stanley for cement for Clande'- boyo ,i?il•-85 • Thos. Morley •, prow '' broke : w'brhing on' *, roast repairs 1530 C. Carroll: ditching ♦; 22.00; X. Flodgins 2 hay,. to London re approval against County Equalize • ation and two days en rotad and over- e seeing bridge 14:60; P. Dickens prop- •• ring up 'bridge div 3 3,00 .Fred Me- e Lean Balance for bridge con 4 and 5 15th 00; ; Fred McLean for BLakes } • bridge on account 225.1011 M. I Dobbsavel acct and work- in nit Him 1. Dobbs gravel acct and • Boy et gate 4.60 Geo Uod_ins over- seeing and spreading ,gravel 8.00; A. ®. Patton Grant to Clardeboye 18.50 ; • Tte cou:icil adjourned to meet again t• of Monday Sept 2nd 19.12 at 10''a, m . W. D. STANLEY Clerks • • CENTRALIA e • • Mr. Frank Colwill returned from the • west on Saturday last Unfortunately e' lie is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. • Rev. T. W. Blatchford and wife left on Wednesday for a trip to Toronto, es Coburg and.Thousand Islands • Rev. Andrew Butt paid a short visit • o to Centralia on Monday. • The choir of the Methodist church • take their plaoes again on Sunday next after an -rest of several weeks. • The most exciting game of the sea- I son was played on the local diamond ; last Friday evening when our Dalys es nine defeated the famous Crediton '3 Stars 6-5. Teddy Brown twirled for ®a the Stars, A. Duplan for the home • boys pitched in great form. Several O MMERGOO �ALLj D 1 etx. t A Av MIKE II:NU t ,' rri..,_ i' Call hi and SEE Our Summer Lines 'oi 0 antings `ai ...._ .1,; 1 i'' F.nCy Vests 1 ..., „ ., ., . n egi •Straw at Shirts .. .. 2., f Socks an Underwear! Suitings, •G e a' • t 2' • j • t• •• al 4. 4 �. 4 MERCHANT TAILOR good plays were pulled off by both 4, teams. *0 Manager Hodgins took his ball tos- sers to Lucan on Monday evening last and defeated the team of thaeplace by the score of 12 6, Three cheers for Daly. ST. MARYS At the meeting of the water light and heat board Friday evening Chair - Weir brought up the matter of pur- chasing the hydro -electric exhibition display of lamps and fiixtures that was used on the street illuminations during the firemans demonstration. The board• decided to have the secretary *rite at once to the Ontario hydro- electric commission to tell them that no other town hes such a favorable conformation to display electric illum- inations as St. Marys and to ascertain the cast of lamps, etc. If a favorable reply is received a member of the hoard will go down to Toronto and interview the commtsion. The dis- play lamps are still on the streets and are very much admired by incoming visitors from various points of the Do- minion and the United States. The display lamps would only be used on band concert nights, Saturday nights and Fall Fair nights. The number of the old boys now here is gradually getting less the final ending of their excursion tickets is August 12. Usborne Council Usborne Municipal Council met in Hall Aug.All the Township H iton A g. :*cd A members were present. The minutes of the Cast meeting were read and ap proved. Bylaw No. 4, -To raise additional funds for the completion of Fish Creek Drain, and Bylaw No. 5 providing for refund on Sauble River were passed and signed by, the Reeve. The following rates were levied on the rateable property of the Munici pality for the current year: County rate 1,8 twills on the dollar; Township rate 1 mill on the dollar; general school rate 1,125 mills on the dollar The ;-mount required by .the Trus tees of the various school sections to be levied by separate rate, entered on the collectors roll and collected with the other rates; A by-law to be draft ea cantireeing the aboverates. Rates amounting to $81 .00 were read, r ud tionneil adjourned to meet >5ept. 7th at one o,cioek. FRANCIS NC1S MCR1.E"2", C,erl(c •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••4••••••••••••••••••• , Junior Matriculation Examination Results The fists, given below contain the e.:antes of the candidates who were successful in whole; or in part of; the Dass Artier matriculation examina- tion Normal entrance candidates who were also candidates for matric- ulation have been considered in the nesalts.. Complete Matrienlants In group A under each county are given the names of all candidates who have ob- tained complete matriculation' by pas- sing on the twelve required examine ation papers Cart:ai Matriculants` In group 13 under each county ate Given cn;+ yam es of those who have ,passed on at feast nine of the papers required for ccmp:ete matriculation and have ob- taunen the minimum required on the .whsle examine Lion. They 15 ve More, fore not -failed in more than thre* trape ln group C under each county are given the fannies or tnose cana'ttie.t+:'_ who have been granted partial mat- ercata;v yon under t he retreuxtinn ''ba.t•3 c'Eaas. A candidate wlio has obtainedrn d 4,0 ocr cunt, • on each' of at least eight papers, tvitli the average; of 60 ,percent:. Such candidates failed to obtain f.lse tnFninium required on the tt 1 o.e, exatnin.tLion, In order to cosi- - .r.i,ta .herr i t Matriculation they -nus obtain at one exatninn.t:ion 40 net oent oil naclt of the remaining papers with en average of 60 per cant: on the eecmw Candidates for xx'llt:riculatiotu into the faculty of .IppJicd science: tubs 1?ave obtnioel aL Icnst'10 perae:nl on eight •of their pass. papers -incl an average of •00 • per cent on the racier, are- reported in this list.. The hem - r statnditig of suck ce edidates 111 tinted with the honor mitricutatio'a .0 istltatnatics has alredy been pub- i'csurts, rt i Other Candidates In group Van- der each county, are given the t:arnrs of '.these. Cites written on .,any pninber Of ma nape re Tess than eight, req aired for partial rna' .r•Icn.Bat:en anti tt+Y.S have obtatne<r 1 Der cent st erten or the papers ilpon which they have tvrtLt:eta but: who v � n z1 rrietiix r. t c, int a ota r ax i t 1 i; tion. as in the case of those in, groit s Y .I V . Y • a fJ. i F n.t llli'0 ''-'freaks It.- , . T1', A11Cef,t4eatr .t. .1, y-B,elt, W. 1', Buei•,a:nen u. E.• "(Opiate,tits• r. PI,uke, mpbcil, itc lower, E. M. Dison T. IT.: Dick V. 13,, Uurnin M. M. Fisher 13. Forbes.' J. Gillespie ,11 'Govenlock M. liabkirk E. Hammett R. J. Irwin 'A: 1,', King! Mit k. Knight E- M. Lyon` ACs M. Mair J, McClinton, 111, McGregor, At E. 'Me,-' Gregor, M. E. McKinley V. 3., .Me - Laughlin 11. Middleton G. Muir. P,; Muir, 13 M Nichols. ti- Deity. 1c' AI Ross E. II. Scott ,T. Its Scott F. G. Stewart G. 'L. Stephenson IL 0, Tures tier M. 1'. Toni. 0. C. 'Weir it, JeWiee eines. ;roup 1e1 -.--N Amy '13, Ili iL;ase 3,. Finir:on G. It. Farland E. G. Harris M'. 0. Irwin, L. V. Jobns C. +I, Kennet' IL W. Levy IL 17. McKay 3'. .A, ME.. Burney II- 13. Pridbnrn A. 73; Shaw, M. A. Shipley G. J. Sills 1)i V Tierney. 'r, 13. Torrance 0. G., Wood. Group D --C. G. !Currie, IL 'C, :()ores 0. W. -Geddes 13. 0. Dogger=: C. Hol- mes, P 0. ICncchtct 1$8 \V, I inklatcr W: w. mullet A. Wallace A., R'., Wells. - t , - are Made:enx Group A-. -.P. Andrus E. 7Ai., Appl`o- rarct 11. A. Berber J. Re Belton. G. S. 13ere. E. Bowes S. L, Boyd Di. I Ce nap bell 1t. E. Crowek 1': 'C. Burch W. Den ney It It. Garbutt W. it. 'Grackles I3a, M. )IexnutetL 0. ll'. Henry 11} ,,,III tricks .P. V. 'lluglres. E. llarrison I. M. Do -Nand. 1•I A .1Lloyd ' Jackson ; 1�. 1 G. Lawson; K. Love 3. J; 7leUann, J. A. McDonald, A. ACeLaughlin J. W.. McAlpine A. eafeLeod. h, McDougal l`. • Moore, .11. Alitliken, T. MiIbikcni W. Miller C. Mose. 0. 1 ,, Muncrock 1.3•. B. Newton .A. S. l'I'riott 11. 3. 1.attar. > ' sou, A. T. 1 urcl +tT .13.. Phelan A. A, Hose C. diose. T. ''iebson R.I. Rob- inson, Is. l:, ltunn,illy, V. !f,v Smith E. Anther L. IT. Shoetottom W. 'li,; Shosenburg S. ,Steer V. W. Stella II.. K. Taylor A. W. tTpshell ff.; A'. \Nat'l non A. II. Wright 0. 1.7. Wright N, R. Wright X. J. Wardrope II,. W,, Wri;;'hton 11- M. Weir. Group II ---M. 3 Coiling 3, 6,, lluyele ..L Mclean L, V. St' /Yes 0. 13. Wceire,tx. , Group 0-11 A. Aitken E. I.I., Attend con. i'. L. Brown 13. Oottani ADS. Fop- mason 'ex'-•luson 11. G. Fowler l,'. IL t alpine A. Gibbs M. 0- Dodges It. Hannah; M. Isaac 9'. E. .Tncksa.: R. If. Lunar, 10. O. McKenzie II, V, Mol roy. F. W. MoNieec'B. Robert ;r1t1bri- hell,,�,, E. Palmer P. Ge k'api; tau, Ns 10 Tiller. 0, If. ¶'roonans'i 11. .4;: Wright: 3. E. Windsor ., Group1),---I). M. Austin Ai',, 1),; Nem skit: G. M. Cole 3. D Collrte las p IFP.;, es1.I' S. '1) C. X. Ilea p «Parr: S. n•Ic Hoag ,t* Little E. At. McLachlin, G. 13, Nett J9 A.. 13s:riwirk, W. G. SIddell W. t.. Weekes I. li. Westbya t t lxl!li�lr