HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-14, Page 37A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. Arne t clown Save! GODF.rRICH SIGN41, TA . WEDN&SDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 -PAGE 9A Prices effective thru Sat., September 17th,1983. Preston L • • PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER NOW! POWDERED LAUNDRY Tide Detergent 12 LITRE BOX ANTI FREEZE Prestone 11 OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.39 OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.99 Nescafe VIVA Decaf. 227 g-5.49 4 LITRE CONTAINER 799 SUPER BUY! ROM at library Huron County Library and the Royal Ontario Museum are sponsoring the "Discover The ROM" series of exhibits at Goderich Public Library' from September 22 to December 13. This is a unique ty for the people '' Huron County to see some very in- teresting exhibits. Pick and choose the ones that interest you the most and bring your friends or children. Admis- sion is free. Viewing times are library hours except on Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. when exhibits change and school lectures are presented. The exhibit schedule is as follows: 1: "Lock, Stock and Bar- rel" - Ontario gunsmiths and firearms, 1850-1880. September= to October 5. 2: "War of 181$" - October 7 to October 19. 3: "Fluorescent Minerals" -October 21 to November 1. 4: "Pipes of the Iroquois" - November 3 to November 15, 5: "Gods of Ancient Egypt" - November 17 to November 29. 6: "High Stepping" - December 1 to December 13. CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF TAILS REMOVED -STEAKS OR ROASTS SAVE 3.31,,/1.50 T -Bone or Wing 725/�Zq or Sirloin Steak ,k9 „b OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 10.56/kg-4.79/Ib SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED Round Roast CHINOOK Windshield Washer Anti Freeze 149 4 LITRE CONTAINER 10W30 Shell Motor 011 1 9 1 LITRE TIN SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib COMBO PK: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT$$HOPS SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib Loin Pork Chops 9579 RUMP INSIDE CUT ROUND OR SIRLOIN TIP STRAINED, MEATLESS VAR OF FOODS & JUICES Gerber Baby Foods Boneless Roasts 71 I')59 /kg / Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.591kg-2.99 Ib ROAST OR CHOPS Centre Cut Pork Loin 5°/2 lb Ikg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.051kq-2.29 Ib PRIDE OF CANADA, SHAMROCK, STAMPEDE OR A&P Side Bacon regular or thick sliced 500 g 249 vac pac RIB OR 3 TO 3''? LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 395 /179 /kg Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF INSIDE CUT Round Steak /kg / Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.031kg-3.19 Ib 3/ 4.5 fl oz 1111 jars OUR REGULAR PRICE .44 EACH 99 FRESH Lean Ground h1 7189 Beef /kg /•Ib 99°/449 37 89 PRIDE OF CANADA, SMOKED, VAC PAC 6/2 /kg Ib Back Bacon OeIiSh0.e Items available in stores with Deli only SWIFT'S -UKRAINIAN, ITALIAN, DUTCH & VIENNA Old World X219 Salami 0009.%./Ib SHOPSY S Potato Salad 11008.26, lob MOX & MATCH, BRANDT ASST VARIETIES Cold Cuts I;Dog• I/229 QUADELCO. BLUE STONE 39 Danish Cheeselloog, 75/3 3 Ib CUT FROM CubecSteakESrGRADE'A'BEFFTENDF, Ib 659 / WHOLE STRIP LOINS OF BEEF OR Strip Loin Steaks 14/659 WHOLE RIB EYES OF BEEF OR Rib Eye Steaks 13?g /599 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION, COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs 411/18? SLICED. SKINLESS & DEVEINED Beef Liver 1' / Ib .79 PETIT GORET SMOKED PICNIC STYLE BONELESS 79 1 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASST COLOURS Cottonelle 49 PRIDE OF CANADA, REGULAR OR B.B.Q. Wieners 450 g 119 vac pac PRIDE OF CANADA, READY TO SERVE, ROUND, VAC P Dinner HamsS lkg 49 PRIDE OF CANADA, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC ' 7 Cottage Rolls Ikg/189 Ib 49 lb 1 pkg of 4 rolls OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.03 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham 175 g 129 vac pac PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, ASST VARIETIES Cooked Meats v375acpag cl69 REGULAR, ALMOND, WHITE OR YELLOW Royale Towels Pork Shoulders 395/1Ikg Ib BREAKFAST Burns Sausages 3 rr BURNS CAMPFIRE, GARLIC Polish Sausage PRIDE OF CANADA Bologna Chunks 373 /169 Ikg Ib 328/149 di1 9 pkg of 2 rolls OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 LEAVER, PIECES & STEMS -OUR REG PRICE -1.13 79 Mushrooms 10floz tin ■ ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags NO. 1 GRADE, GOLDEN, CREAMED Ph6gooil.99 Bee Maid Honey REGULAR OR BROWN SUGAR 500 g plst tub 1 ■ 9 Kellogg's Mini Wheats CEREAL 425 g1 99 pkg ■ Kellogg's Raisin Bran OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.49 800 g PKG 2" BRIGHT S, FANCY Tomato Juice pkg of 4 10 fl oz tins SILVERWOOD-OUR REG PRICE 1.73 -SAVE .24 .99 Sour Cream 500mL1.49 LIQUID (750 mL) OR INSTANT CHOCOLATE 750 g SWISS STYLE, ASST FLAVOURS Nestle Quik each 2.89 Gay Lea Yogourt MCCORMICK'S, ASSORTED VARIETIES Granny Snaps 700bg gatin lie 1.49 WESTON'S, CHOCOLATE OR DOUBLE CHOCOLAT Wagon Wheels 50g�1.69 pkg 2Iub.99 CONGRATULATIONS WINNIE WALTERS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH LUXURY, ASST VARIETIES Miss Mew Cat Food PUDDINGS OR YOGOURTS PKG OF 4-125 g TINS Laura Secord SAVE 169 Mini Desserts.so OUR REGUL•.R PRICE 2.19 MOUNTAIN DEW, PEPSI FREE REGULAR OR SUGAR FREE, REGULAR & DIET Pepsi-Cola 280 mL Tins SAVE 1.10 ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Pastas 900 g pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 PURE VEGETABLE Primo oil CASE OF 24 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE .51 EACH SAVE .36 SAVE .40 MOUNTAIN DEW, PEPSI FREE REG OR SUGAR FREE, REG & DIET Pepsi-Cola UFO'S, SPAGHETTI, SCARROIS, RED, KIDNEY WIPORK, IN MOSLASSES Heinz Beans 359 3 Titre plst cont OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.69 750 mL btl OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 PLUS .30 PER BTL DEP 14 fl oz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE .99 Counselors learn color Local counselors with Beauty Counselors ., of Canada Ltd. were recently treated to an evening presen- • tation on color coding by Dorothy Marshall and Elizabeth Clark of "Color Me Beautiful". Dorothy and Elizabeth, both of Owen Sound, are two of the 11 qualified "Color Me Beautiful" consultants in Canada. Carole Jackson's book, "Color Me Beautiful", has altered the entire concept of wardrobe co-ordination through a new awareness of color. Although many have purchased this book, it takes experience and a trained eye to accurately determine a person's season and palatte. Qualified "Color Me Beautiful" consultants have a framed certificate to offer as credentials. The training program for a consultant teaches a systematic approach to pur- chasing of clothes, makeup, jewellery and accessories. Some 60 years ago, artist Johannes ltten of Germany's Bauhaus School conceived the color concept. Since Carole Jackson's book, this concept has taken off like a sky rocket. The evening centered around a slide presentation explaining the concept of col- or coding, demonstrated by showing "right" and "wrong" colors on several models. There was a time when Mother Nature was all peo- ple thought of in connection with the seasons. Now skin, eye and hair color are taken into consideration to select an individual's proper "season". Autumn and spring people have gold undertones to the skin and are warm palattes. Winter and summer people have blue undertones and are cool palattes. Proper colors make a per- son look vibrant and healthy while incorrect colors detract from one's ap- pearance. Color coded per- sons know exactly what they are looking for when shopp- ing, thereby saving time and money, very valuable com- modities in this day and age. During the afternoon, several Beauty Counselors had the opportunity to be col- or .coded and all agreed that it was indeed a very wor- thwhile experience and truly, startling to see first hand what a difference the right color can make, not only in one's appearance but in per- sonality also. If you know you look good, you feel good and this comes through in everything you do. Each person is rated in- dividually by draping fabric swatches below the face. They then receive 30 color samples in their season, a Beauty Counselor makeup guide, check lists and a packet of information to take home, study and use. "Color Me Beautiful" con- sultants suggest using one's newly acquired information to heighten awareness when making future purchases. They don't suggest that you should rush right out and replace your wardrobe but consider it a "five year plan". With "Color Me Beautiful's" color coding, every woman has the oppor- tunity to look her best at all times. As both Elizabeth and Dorothy state, "Why look good when you can look great!" 4