HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-14, Page 34PAGE OA --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, wpDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1983 Round 'n Ab ut I have re -discovered tn,i old "Whitehouse Cook Book," editien 1920. I mei given this gem about 1924-25 and believe me it le quite a book, (and I needed it). It is ahnostthree inches thick- so it has lots to tell you and it starts out with a chapter in 'CARVING' - not only. the roast but the animal. It tells you how to manage your household especially the servants, how to prepare for dinners and receptions; and Care of the Sick *, right down to feeding and at- tending their hurts to a remedy for boils! It explains how colds are 'contracted' - not contacted - as it uses the same word more titan once; also how to cure growing pains, leanness - whatever that is, toothache, earache, croup - and on and on. I also learned - "Persons troubled with kidney dif- ficulty should abstain from sugar and things converted into sugar in digestion, such as starchy food and sweet vegetables. Inflammation of the 'kidelies" can be treated by large doses of lime -water. There is even a remedy for lockjaw! The remedy for warts should put Compound 'W' out of business - or did it MAKE their business! "Wash with common washing soda, let it dry without wiping. Repeat often until the warts have disappeared". Also, don't sleep in a draft or go to bed with cold feet and don't try to get along in winter without flannel underclothing! Those were the days when you used "Mutton Tallow" to soften the skin. Now it is refined and we call it LANOLIN. Also there were a great many uses for good old RAINWATER. Now only those in the wide open spaces know anything about the gift of RAINWATER! This book tackles DIPHTHERIA," Whooping Cough, Asthma and FELONS - NOT the ones we know today. How time flies - and how we have progressed! We might get nose -bleed - but who gets a cinder in the eye these days? Or chilblains? Although we don't take cod liver oil, now, here is a way to change the flavor - if ever With Many Thanks necessary - to the deli taste of fresth oyster drin a large glass of water pour front a vessel in which nal have been allowed to rust. Did you know a cup of. coffee - strong - will remove the odor of onions from the breath or that asparagus purifies the blood? Dan- delion greens and spinach for complaints of the kid- neys. Ah -h- finally I found it - CELERY is a cure for rheumatism and good for your nerves too! Tomatoes for the LIVER; all the onion and garlic family are medicinal for circulation and digestion. And that fellow who likes a large slice of raw onion before bedtime knows it is for INSOMNIA! lust knew it had to be a big reason! They can sleep - but who else does? Did you know you can remove ink, wine or fruit stains by saturating in tomato juice? I know, now, why I don't buy a pineapple - haven't in years! Reason: The knife used for peeling a pineapple should not be used for slicingit, it, as the rind acid will cause a swollen mouth and sore lips. Cubans use salt as an antidote but no-one ever told me about this. So this is good advice. Equal parts of ammonia and turpentine will take out dry hard paint from materials. Now about that TEA - Tea brokers and tea tasters never add milk or sugar to the tea. "Drink it plain," they say, "milk contains fibrin, albumen or some other stuff and the tea a delicate amount of tannin. Mixing creates a tannate of fibrin - or leather! Old boots, old shoes with your tea? Tea is a cure for a headache - made without too much tannic acid. Both tea and coffee powerfully counteract the effects of opium and liquors - but with FOOD. WOW! Is this book ever full of good STUFF! It contains over ,600 pages and weighs several pounds. I haven't SEEN it - let alone ul read it - in many, many k years! ed ...••••• .1•••••-• Itntuc Fned Chicken • PICKUP AN ECONO BOX MIS WEE 12 PIECES OF KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN OM/0750 SEPTEMBER 17th & 18th 94 ELGIN AVE. EAST GODERICH -61 a AVM IABLE AT PAMICIPAll% MATUCKV 'FRIED ICKtN It has the best and sim- Pleat recipe for Celery Soup. Real GOOD. I just happened to have a head of celery in the fridge. Well, I talked myself into making celery soup - on a very hot day. I must be off my rocker! To make this soup you must have white soup stock which is made up 'ead of time and kept for just such surprises. So, I went ahead anyway - finally adding a can of chicken noodle soup to thicken it. I haven't used any salt as we seem to get plenty in everything you eat. I thought the soup was delicious. "It's too SALTY," was the grumble - wouldn't you know! So much for the t soup! Well, when if ever do we get so many beautiful days and nights with a little rain add for good measure. You had a fantastic winter - now a great summer - and FALL will be here in a few minutes. How do we rate all this pampering? I'm just, afraid there will be a great big change enough to set us all back on our haunches. artha Anyway, I'm very thankful for the beautiful summer - It's been a Lo .0. N. N. G time between them. So 'get out and enjoy it all - whatever it is. It could be worse than other years as a contrast. So keep working, playing - and keep happy. I'm trying - I'm trying! Love you all, Martha. ittle Theatre wants YOU This is the first annual Goderich Little Theatre talent search. GLT is on the lookout for people who want to act, direct, paint scenery, design sets, sing on -key (or off ! ), play musical in- struments, dance, juggle, do mime, apply makeup, sew costtunes, manage stages, light sets, set lights and sound off with speakers and such. Anybody who wants to become involved backstage, onstage, offstage, abovestage or understage is needed. There are people –no animal acts please — lurking in the wilds of Goderich or even far from Goderich who would like to join a little theatre group. GLT knows that you're out there but doesn't know your names or faces. You've been waiting for this opportunity to join — and here it is! The 1983-84 season is in its final planning stages ( ! ) and this season appears to be one which. anyone (that's you) interested in theatre should become involved. Why not become part of the best little theatre in Western Ontario? On the playbill this year, will be a mystery -thriller, a comedy and a musical. There is always a spot someihere for someone with your talent — come and fill it! There are -two people waiting by their phones to • take your call. They want to meet you — and don't you want to meet them? Pick up your phones (at a reasonable hour — no midnight calls please!) and call Marg at 4- 7235 or Maureen at 4-2308. Become involved with The Goderich Little Theatre and you'll have a lot of fun com- bined with making new friends. Stay tuned for more ex- citing Goderich Little Theatre news — the 1983-84 season is coming. man anct Mr. Dress -up prove popular choices at Blyth Moe Koffman, The Merry Moe Koffman (April 29) and Widow and Mr. Dress -up are pianist Gene DiNovi (O. c - proving popular choices with tober 16) headlining the bill. patrons of the Blyth Centre The series is filled out with for the Arts this fall. the brass quintet Aeolus Brass (November 2) and the Sales of the performing voice and piano duo Kraft arts series featuring these. and Company (May 31) for a performances are going series cost of $22, or $5.50 an briskly with a month still to event. run in the campaign. The Canadian Opera Com - Children's series sales have pany Ensemble brings the already surpassed last comic operetta The Merry year's totals, and music and Widow to Blyth to start off theatre are not far behind. the theatre series on Patrons are advised to buy November 17. The comedy their series nowto ensure team of Sears and Switzer good seating. Series holders brings a satirical touch on receive preferred seat selec- March 28, Theatre Beyond tion until September 15, and Words gives theatre -goers receive a 25 to 40 percent dis- Five Good Reasons to Laugh count on the cost of single tickets. on Apri114, all for $18, or $6 a ticket. As in past years, Blyth's music series has attracted the most interest with inter- national artists like flautist Besides an afternoon with the perennial favourite Mr. Dress -up on December 10, Blyth Centre will be bringing HAPPY 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY singers Chris and Ken White- ly to entertain the kids of the family on October 22, Theatre Beyond Words swit- ches gears for, the younger folk with Potato People on April 14, and Rag and Bone Puppet Theatre winds up the season with a classic fairy tale, The Nightingale on May 5. The series price of $7 for all four events is an enter- tainment value hard to beat anywhere. There are no events scheduled in late December, January or February to avoid the probability of winter storms interfering with travel. More informa- tion on any event or a free brochure is available by call- ing 523-9300. Antonia & George Turton CONGRATULATIONS FROM YOUR CHILDREN Heather 8, Ed Reception 9:00 p.m. Saltford SEPTEMBER 23, 1983 Best Wishes Only OW. PLAYING THIS WEEKEND: FRI., SAT., SUN. SEPT. 16-17-18 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:45 -FIRST SHOW AT 8:13 Every summer Chevy Chase takes his family on a Me trip. This year he went too far. '1'411;.F.011111611 intY5 " Sept. 14 to Sept. 20 WEDNESDAY - TUESDAY DAYTIME MORNING 5:00 RELIGIOUS TOWN 14 (Wed.) 5:00 A BETTER WAY (Thurs.) 5:00 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (Fri.) 5:00 THIS IS THE LIFE (Tues.) -5:30 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS 6:00 FARM AND GARDEN (Wed.) 6:00 TV -5 AND YOUR COM- MUNITY (Thurs.) 6:00 SCOPE (Fri.) 6:00 U.S. FARM REPORT (Mon) 6:00 HEALTH FIELD (Tues) 6:30 NBC NEWS AT SUNRISE 7:00 TODAY 9:00 DIFFVENT STROKES 9:30 SALE OF THE CENTURY 10:00 HAWAII FIVE -0 11:00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 12:00NEWS 12:30 SEARCH FOR TOMOR- ROW 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 ANOTHER WORLD 3:00 FANTASY 4:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 4:30 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY AND COMPANY 5:00 ALICE 5:30 M.A.S.H. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 LL EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:30,FAAAILY TIES 10:00 ST. ELSEWHERE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG". Marlon Brondo-Sophia Loren. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 GIMME A BREAK 8:30 MAAAA'S) FAMILY 9:00 WE GOT IT MADE 9:30 CHEERS 10:00 HILL STREET BLUES 11:00NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: "THE TERMINAL MAN". George Segal -Joan Hackett FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 FIRST ANNUAL NBC YUM- MY AWARDS 9:00 MOVIE: "YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN". Gene Wilder - Peter Boyle. 11 :00NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS 2:00 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 3:00 MOVIE: "CRAZY JOE". Peter Boyle- Patila Prentiss 4:30 MOVIE: "ESCORT WEST". Victor Mature -Elaine Stewart. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1983 MORNING 6:00 VEGETABLE SOUP 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7:00 CARRASCOLENDAS 7:30 THUNDARR 8:00 THE FLINTSTONES FUNL NIES 8:30 THE SHIRT TALES 9:00 SMURFS 10:30 ALVIN ND THE CHIP- MUNKS 11:00 MR. T 11:30501)1 TRAIN AFIEWNCICIN 12:30 EBONY - JET CELEBRITY SHOWCASE 1:00 SHOPSMITH 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 BASEBALL 4:30 ADAM -12 5:00 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 5:30 TAXI EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7:308.1-1080 8:00 DIFF RENT STROKES 8:30 SILVER SPOONS 9:00 TV's CENSORED BLOOPERS 10:00 MISS AMERICA PAGEANT 12:00 NEWS 12:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 2:00 MOVIE: "THE SUGARLAND EXPRESS". Goldie Hown-William Atherton, , SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1983 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS 8:00 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 SUNDAY MASS 10:00 THE MUNSTERS 10:30 MOVIE: MOVIE: "STAND UP AND CHEER". Shirley Temple -Warner Baxter. AFTERNOON 12:00 MEET THE PRESS 12:30 NFL '83 1:00 NFL FQOTTBALL 4:00 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 5:00 GRIZZLY ADAMS EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:00 FIRST CAMERA 8:00 KNIGHT RIDER 9:00 THE BEST OF EVERYTHING 11:00 NEWS 11:30 MOVIE: "TORN CURTAIN"„ Paul Newman -Julie Andrews MONDAY . SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 BOB HOPE SALUTES NASA: 25 YEARS OF REACHING FOR THE STARS 9:30 GEORGE BURNS CELEBRATES 80 YEARS IN SHOW BUSINESS 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:30 MOVIE: "A WALK IN THE SPRING RAIN", Ingrid Bergman - Anthony Quinn. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 8:00 THE A -TEAM ' 9:00 REMINGTON STEELE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 2:30 BIONIC WOMAN 3:30 MOVIE: "THE EXECU- TIONFR" George Peppard-Joan Collins. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBI Love, CLUCKER LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. BA ?FIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 THIS WEEK FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPT. 16& 17 THE FABULOUS 'CHARLIE ECKSTEIN