HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-14, Page 14PAGE 14--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,181 Town & Countr CLASSIFIE :WANT ADS CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sale 3. Garage sole 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cors for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7 R.V,'s for sole 8. Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 11 Livestock for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17 Aportments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 24. Wonted to rent 30. Employment wonted 20. Room & board 25 Wonted to buy 31 Service directory 21. Cottoges for rent 26. Help wonted • 32. Custom work 22. Lots for rent 27 Wonted (general) 33. Farm services 23. Commercial property 28. Business opportunity 34. Personal for rent 29. Tenders 35 Notice to creditors 36. Announcements notices 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To give oway 42 Death notice 13 Miscelloneou, 44 Engagement, 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Card of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ods at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ods will be occppted until 4 p.m. some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES '3.75 min. ' 23' words. 17• a word thereafter In Memoriam '3 75 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cord of Thanks '3.75 min. '25 words. 5' o word thereafter. Public Notice '16 for 3 insertions Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions, '22 for 2 insertions, '17 for I insertion. "° Special rotes ovailoble by 6 or 12 months. no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 524-8331 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and mochne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431,-1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available of Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Gc4derich.-ltfor USFD RAILWAY TIES. Pressure . treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium post & economy). Delivered semiload lots only. (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725.2627 office hours. -0.37 KELVINATOR 23 cubic foot chest freezer, nine years old, $230.00, excellent condition. Sanyo tuner, four months old, $50.00. Sony 12 inch black and white TV, $50. 524-7229.-37,38 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 44 north of Clinton, 11/2 miles south of ,, Londesboro - watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508.-45eowtfor OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.--7eowar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241 .-7eowar ONE SANYO XL 400S 8 mm sound camera. Phone 482- 3312,-18tfnx MIXED HARDWOOD, ash, maple, -black cherry and also some soft wood. Phone 529- 7089 or 565.2710.-34tf ROUND sectional chesterfield, white, pink, purple and plaid. $2000 new, asking $700. Phone 524-9441.-35,36.37 DRUMS - 4 piece Ludwig and Stewart snare. High hats, two cymbals and stands 51000. Phone 524.9441.-35,36,37 GARDEN fresh vegetables dai- ly, orders token, tomatoes, cucumbers. broccoli. yellow, green and blue beans, potatoes and dill. Call between 12 to 1 p.m. or 4 - 6 p.m. 524- 7809. -35tf IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND FALL BULBS BEST SELECTION IN HURON COUNTY VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CTRL. 22 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-9333 Tomatoes and Green or Yellow Beans Pick -Your -Own or Readi-Picked Call ahead for large orders Variety or Fresh Vegetables in the Farm Market OPEN WEEK DAYS TILL 9 V.M. SAT. TILL P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY Huron Ridge Acres R.R. 2, Zurich 365-2122 t. Articles for sale CHILD'S CAR seat. infant to 40 lbs., excellent condition, $35.00; boy's one-piece snowsuit, brown, size 2, 515.00; boy's two-piece snowsuit, blue, size 3, 510.00. Phone Lucknow 528-2737.-37nx 10 ACRES of second cut alfalfa. R.R.4, Clinton. Phone 482- 9972.-37x MIXED HARDWOOD, seasoned for over one year; also soft- wood. Phone 524.6311 or 524- 8198.-37-40 SOLID WOOD diningroom suite, includes table, six chairs and buffet. Needs refinishing. Phone 524-9304.-37,38 MATERNITY CLOTHES - Blouses, sweaters, etc. A hospital baby cart: some baby clothes. Phone 524-6900.-37 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebuilt, as is 5400.00. Call 524-8941 or 524- 6947, ask for Larry.-14tfnx WATER SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg 56.00 per bog delivered. Condi- tioner service also available. Call after 6 p.m. 528-5653.-19tf NELSON MEMORIALS - Superb Monuments & Markers in everlasting granite at direct from factory prices. Call your Nelson representative 1-744- 0822 or write for free catalogue to Box 1925, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4R4. -32-39x CARROTS, potatoes, $5 a bushel, 51.50 a 6 qt. basket, pickling cucumbers picked $7.00 a bushel. Phone in your order 529-7615 after 6 p.m.-35-37ar SILVERWARE, 1847 Rogers Bros., Daffodil pattern, com- plete setting for 8 plus serving pieces. 5275.00 firm. 482-3443 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.-36tfnx EATING AND cooking apples. Prices reduced due to hail damage from storm of Aug. 8. McClymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna. Phone 482- 3214.-36tf TWO PINBALL machines, arcade size. One for 5100.00; the other 5225.00. Phone 524- 6653.-36,37ar THREE DRAWER dresser with mirror, old, 540.00; hostess chair upholstered in figured pale rose, 520.00; wash -boiler, sides and bottom copper, 530.00. Phone 482-9901.-37 FACTORY CLEARANCE steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' Arch building including 21'W double 'slide doors 56600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straightwall all•steel buildings 20' • 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1-800-268- 0802.-0-37 BROCCOLI and CAULIFLOWER for Freezing CANNING TOMATOES LARGE CABBAGE BARTLETT PEARS for canning PUMPKINS FOR PIES FRESH EGGS OUR OWN GLADIOLAS martin's market Hwy. $ Goderich 524-8024 C 81 FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES irs OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY Open 'HI 9 pm Nightly Monday thru Friday CLOSED WEDNESDAY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderlch 524-7231 We even Tek. Trades 0 1 Articles for sale LINDE MODEL V205 3-phase tri- ple voltage MIG welder, 51000. Wonted to buy: Massey 7 -foot grain binder. Enos S. Martin, R.R.3, Wallenstein, 519-669- 8400.-0-37 NOW OPEN. Andor House Books, used and rare, Elora St. W., Teeswater. Opea ' most afternoons. Otherwise chance or appointment. Residence (519)392-6966 or business (519)392.8266.-0-37 ONE PAIR of goolie skates, size 9, good condition: one pair of D&R hockey pants; olso o Titan hockey bog. Please call after 4 p.m. weekdays 524•' 8578.-37tfnx SPEED QUEEN automatic washer; Simplicity dryer. Both in good condition. Phone 529- 7132.-37tfnx HARD MAPLE wood, 3 cord; one Quebec heater, in real good condition. Prices reasonable. 524-9037 between 12 and 1.-37,38x CAULIFLOWER, broccoli for freezing. Potatoes, onions for storing. Large Kraut cabbage; u -pick tomatoes and beans. TE- EM Farm, R.R.1, Bayfield, 482- 9940.-37 USED ECONOSOFT water softener, in good condition. Gold drapes, one pair floor length, two pair shorties. Phone 524-6028.-37 THREE WHEEL .bicycle in good condition. Phone 524-7469.-37 SET OF heavy duty 15 -inch tires off mobile home, never used, tubeless, 5200.00; heavy duty trailer hitch and electric brake control, $75.00; telephone ben- ch, 55.00; folding bike, $30.00. 524.7615.-37x COMBINE FOR SALE - 760 M.F., V-8 hydra; in excellent condi- tion, equipped with 4 wheel drive, grain head, grain pick- up, straw chopper and 6 row narrow low profile corn head. Call Amberley Groin Elevators, 395-3300, after 5 p.m. call 395- 5045,-37,38 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT for buy 9- 11 yr. - knee pods, elbow pads, skates size 4-5, pants, hockey bag, complete helmet, 550.00. Phone 524-2556 after 5 p.m. -37 VERY GOOD freezer or fresh eating corn, 500 a baker's dozen, pick your own or ready picked. Garden fresh tomatoes also available. 529.7260.-37 TWO PAIR of pale green drapes, hung only 3 weeks, for patio door or window 72" wide x 851/4" long; window 62" wide x 74" long. May be seen at Morris Draperies, fro -E date of Isabel Freeman. Phone 524- 2551.-37,38 GIRL GUIDE uniform, good con• dition, size 8, 515.00; Gendron 3 -way baby buggy, good condi- tion, $40.00. 524-7928.-37 FIREWOOD, dry mixed hand wood. 4' x 8' x 12 inches long 530. picked up. 4' x 8' x 16 in- ches long 537.50 picked up. Any quantity. 482-9284.-37-39 ONE QUEEN size waterbed, 5200.00; one set of Corvette mogs 8" with new rubber. Call after 5 p.m., - 524- 7741.-37,38n x 95 BUSHELS treated Fredrick seed wheat: guards and knife for 16 foot love bar. Custom combining of soybeans and corn. 524-9054.-37.38 GOOD USED Junior C.C.M. tack skates, fit boy's size 6, 540.00. 524-2214. -37 PEACHES, APPLES, Bortlett pears, potatoes and honey. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.--37ar SELF SUPPORTING 60 foot TV tower with antenna, rotator and booster. Phone 524.7138.-37 TABLE SAW • 8" • To be sold without stand or motor, 535.00. 524.7993.-37x FRESH CAULIFLOWER ONw `6.50/DOZ. Open Dully 1 a.m. - p.m. Closed Sundays. VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. No.113. P1,.,,.237-3442 1. Articles for sale MIXED HARDWOOD seasoned for one year, also softwood. Phone 524-6311 or 524- 8198.-37.40 LAWN BOY mower with grass catcher, chain saw and gas heater. 524-2005.-37x 26" COLOR TV, picture tube and cabinet excellent condition, 5185.00; 19" color portable TV, $175.00. Phone 396- 8569.-37,38 U PICK tomatoes $6.00 per bu., also available squash, pum pkins and winter onions. Evans' Form Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.-37 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE, September 17, 33 Bloke Street West, 8:30 a.m. Rain date September 24.-37x SATURDAY, September 17th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 83 Colborne St., Goderich. Rain date September 18th. -37 YARD SALE in Huron Hoven Park, Sutton Drive 116, Satur- day, September 17, 9 till 4. Sew- ing machine, footstool, small things, etc. -37 3. Garage sale LARGE GARAGE Sale, Friday, September M and Saturday, September 17, 8 a.m. • ?, 146 King St., Clinton, 11/2 blocks south of Post Office. Six dining room chairs, dresser, odd chairs (some antique), crocks, clothing, hanging plants, clay pots, misc. household items, children's games, bedspreads, drapes and bedding.-37nx SATURDAY, September 17th, 10 a.m., 248 Cameron Street, Goderich. Three family sale, many bargains. -37 5. Cars for sale 1976 AMC MATADOR station - wagon, as is. Phone 524- 4371.-27tfnx 0 1972 CHEVELLE, safetied, above average body, rally wheels, 51,200.00. Phone 524- 2433.-33tfar 1977 CORDOBA, p.w., p.s., p.b., cruise, reclining seats, stereo, excellent milage V8, super shape - 524-7215.-34tfnx 1974 CHEV MALIBU, 350 automatic, four door, certified safe, sound and dependable. 524-9012 after 1:00 p.m. -35- 37x 1977 T -BIRD, black, grey in- terior, excellent condition. Cer- tified. Phone Lucknow 528- 2737. -37nx 1975 PONTIAC Laurentian, 5250.00 as is. Phone 482- 3023. -37tf n x 1978 SILVER Horizon, 4 door, 52,500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-7795.-37 1975 HORNET, 5600.00 or best offer. 524-7622.-37ar 1977 ASPEN S.E., 6 cylinder, 3 speed standard, p.s., p.b. Good winter car. Best offer, as is. Phone 524-2045.-37,38nx 1969 AMERICAN Rambler, $1,000.00 certified. Phone 524- 2796.--37 48 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, WAGON, 4x4's & WRECKERS 22 - 1901-82 Mercury's, Fords, Chev's & Plymouths 1-1901 Lincoln Mark VI 1-1171 Cadillac 1-1170 Volare Station Wagon 4-1976-7e Dodge. Chew, i Jeep 4x4's ••1$70-E '/, a s/. ton Na -ups 0-1176.7E 1a2 ton stakes. dumps ifL cab's i chassis 3 -OMC 1 tons with Nelms. Wrecker.. 1-1076 Plymouth as low es '705.110 Stock No. 111611 MIGNON'S CAR SALES 6 MOOS E. et Ifunover en Hwy. No. 4 Phone &wham 1-34-3134 5. Cors for sale 1975 MONTE CARLO, in ex- cellent running order, 350 engine, new brakes and shocks. For more details cull 524- 6032,-37 6. Trucks for sale 1975 HALF TON Ford Courier, good motor and transmission, needs body work, 68,000 miles, $750.00 or best offer. Will take snowblower os port or even trade. Phone 1-523-4455.-37 1950 FARGO 1/2 ton pick-up, as is, driven daily. Phone 529- 7579,-37 7. R.V.'s for sale TENT TRAILER, excellent tires and canvas, 5450.00. 524- 9200.-37,38 8. Marine 1980 16 FT. Worldcraft Star Trek II with 70 h.p. Chrysler; one set of skis, four life jackets, two gas tanks, two tow ropes and one ski bar plus a trailer. Ask- ing 53395.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9550.-34tf 9. Automotive SAVE $6.00 PER PAIR ON RADIAL TUNED SHOCK ABSORBERS NOW 00EN1-9 Thursday &'Friday 11. Livestock for sale SHEEP - Small flock. 13 ewes are Suffolk, Dorset and some Finn crosses. One Finn ram. Ewes 585.00, ram 5150.00. Phone 529- 7026.-36,37 29- 7026.-36,37 12. Real estate for sale LARGE EXCLUSIVE lot 132' x 132' on a quiet cul-de-sac. Lake Huron nearby, nine miles to Goderich. Water and hydro avoilajjle, low taxes. 59,200.00. Must sell. Phone 529- 7804.-32tf COUNTY OF HURON TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND IN ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Godarlch, Ontario. on Tuesday, December 6, 1903, at 10:00 A.M. re: any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 3, 1903. NOTICE IS HEIREBY FURTHER GIVEN that If any of the unpaid lends remain unsold, an edlourned sale will be Mid on Tuesday. December 13. H03 et the same hour and place. List of properties Involved may be secured at my .office In the Court House. Oadarld.. Ontario. Bill O. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer i Administrator County d Huron 12. Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale HOUSE FOR SALE QUIET -PRIVATE -YEAR ROUND LIVING 3 Mlles North of Goderich at Sunset Beach 1 STOREY BUNGALOW FEATURING: 3 Bedrooms 1-4 pc. Bath Living Room w/Sliding Glass Doors onto Patio Large Kitchen w/plenty of Cupboards Water Conditioner -- Electric Fireplace Paved Driveway -- Storage Shed "* Situated on 150' x 100' well -Treed Lot "* 5 Minute Walk to Beach Low Heating Costs and Taxes COME TAKE A LOOK OR GIVE US A CALL 519-524-6729 Please call after 5 p.m. FOR SALE TRUCK STOP RESTAURANT 8 COFFEE SHOP ready for takeover CALL GODERICH 524-2282 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 68 ft., three bedroom, fridge, stove, washer and dryer; cedar deck, patio and toolshed. Phone 524- 6325.--13tf FOR SALE BUY CANADIAN! 1976 Homco 14 ft. x 70 ft., three bedroom, family roots, com- pletely fenced in yard, patio with deck, beautifully land - scoped, must sell. Phone 524- 9211 or 524-4240 after 5 p.m. -35-38 MOBILE HOME for sale or rent. furnished or unfurnished. Private. Hwy. 21 South. 524- 9012 after 1 p.m. -37x 15. Out of town properties FOR SALE - 50 acre farm with stream and river, on a paved road. 528.200o after 6 p.m. -37,38 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, 530.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx FOR REALLY 1 CLEAN CARPETS I Do it yourself with Deep Stoom Extraction-. Bluewater Cleaners 524- •- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent SALTFORD two bedroom. 5215.00 per month plus hydro, carpeted throughout. stove in- cluded. Available September 1st. Phone 524-9166. -34tf TWO BEDROOM apartment near Square, available first of November. Apply in writing to Box 353, Goderich. Ontario, N7A 4C6.-36.37 FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment. Available Oct. 1, 1983. 164 Nelson Si,.East Goderich PHONE 524-6057 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable, Fridge end stow Included. All utilities Pew. Security controlled. r:IONE 324-M53 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM, 194 Bennett St. W. Available October lst. Phone 524-9629 or 524- 7898.- 37,38 TWO BEDROOM apartment, availoble 6ctober 1st. 524- 6214.-37x FOR RENT immediately, three bedroom apartment, close to Square, utilities included. References required. Phone after 5 p.m. 482-3312.-37tfnx DELUXE ONE bedroom adult oportment, available November 1st, located close to the Square. Call 524-7186 after 6 p.m.-37ar ONE BEDROOM, downtown locotion, fridge and stove in- cluded. Available October 1st. Phone 524-74 93 evenings weekdays. -37,38 ONE BEDROOM, heated, close to all conveniences, suitable for older person. No pets please. $165.00 per month. Available November 1, 1983. Phone 524- 6948.-37,38 TWO BEDROOM apartments, both clean, close to Square, available October lst. Phone 524-8921.-37 CHRISLYN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management 1 FREE MONTH WITH LEASE ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA PHONE 482-9084 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM semi-detached, close to Square. Available im• mediately. Phone 524.4226 after 6 p.m.-35-37ar FAMILY HOME for responsible party, references, October 1st, possession. Phone 524• 8480.-36,37 TWO BEDROOM town house. ovailoble immediately. Phone 524-2748.-- 36tf THREE BEDROOM bungalow at Bogie's Beoch, lake view, fireplace, 5300.00 per month. Phone 524.6007.- 36,37 WINTERIZED two bedroom cot- tage at Sunset Beach. Rent by the year. Phone Seoforth, 527- 07°02.-- 37 19. Rooms for rent RELIABLE PERSON to shore home, close to the Square. Rent negotiable to the right person. Apply to Drawer 127, c'o Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-37,38x 23. Commercial property for rent COMMERCIAL Storage ,,spore, odjocent to Canadian Tire Store, Phone Century 21 All Points Realty Inc. 524.2111,-34tfor GARAGE in Clinton, one bay or two boy, plenty parking space Phone 1.291-4849, 482. 9042.-370 24. Wanted to rent FOUR BEDROOM house (would take three bedroom) in Goderich area. Phone 524.9175 after 5:30 p.m.-27tf 25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. -3tf FULL HOCKEY goaltending equipment. Must be in good shape and reasonably priced. Call Larry 524 -8331 weekdoys.-32tfnx WANTED TO BUY - Baby cradle and, or change table. in good condition. 524.7081. -37 FREEZER in good condition. Phone 529-7615 after 6 p.m. - 37ar USED CHILDREN'S educational toys; children's tables and chairs, reasonably priced. Pleuse call 524-7847. -• 37 WANTED Electric Typewriter in good condition PHONE 524-4463 26. Help wanted HAIRSTYLIST, licenced and ex- perienced. Apply at Hair Affair, 53 South St., Goderich,--17tfar '•CONSIDERING A trucking career? Contact your Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office. Toronto (416)251-9073: Ottowa (613)523- 3489; London (519)432-1726; North Bay (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Cambridge (519)648.2519.- • 0- 30tf RESPONSIBLE and mature bobysitter, in my home, part time, weekdays, no shift work. References required. Saltford area. Call after 4 p.m., 524- 2567.- 37 __ - . _ EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Canadian Motorist's Service Association in its 30th year of growth requires additional representatives. Are you of legal age, ambitious and a positive thinker? Are you free to travel 'on short local trips with your own car? If you qualify yoy will be guaranteed a weekly income plus substantial bonus payments with opportunity to advance in- to management as your ability warrants. Act today! Apply in person to Ed Bauer at the Elm Haven Inn, Clinton, on Wednes• day, September 21st at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp.-37ar TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE PART-TIME OPERATORS required for snow removal operations from December 1, 1103 through March 31, 1984. Applicants are requested to fill out an application available the Township form at Ha Il, Carlow, Ontario. Applications will be received until 5:00 p.m. October 4, 1983. R.E. Durnin, Rd. Supt. Twp. of Colborne, R.R. 5, Goderlch, Ont. N7A 3Y2 Tel: 524-4661 26. Help wanted LIVE-IN companion and housekeeper in lovely home with all conveniences. Apply in writing with references to Drawer 128, c/o Signal-Stor Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4136.-37,38 VOLUNTEERS ore needed to assist at the Lady Diana' Nursery. Vonostro, with han- dicapped preschoolers in o mor- ning program. For more infor- mation call Brenda McEwin 482- 7634 or 524-4608. --37,38 27. Wanted (general) SHARE DRIVING to London weekly. Call 482-9748. -37x 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. raise large bait worms at hone for extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion, n Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 652. (519)625.8140.-21tf GROUND FLOOR opportunity in Canada! U.S. most successful multi-level now here! Con- sumable, fast advancement. Be the Leader! ,Box 224, Blessing, Texas 77419. -34-37x EARN EXTRA money part-time as a Regal Sales Represen- tative. Our Gift Catalogue is all you need. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave,- E., Dept. 447, Toronto, M4G 2L6. - 0-37 $ 1000.00 WEEKLY Instant cosh, by joining Canada's largest and most successful chimney and ' fireplace cleaning company. No experience necessary. Only 54950.00 Invest- ment. PHONE NOW for your future with us 416-366-0444 1 29. Tenders TENDERS WANTED For SNOW REMOVAL At Saltford Valley Hall Closing Date Sept. 30th Apply P.O. Box 183 GODERICH TENDERS WANTED For OIL HEATING At Saltford Valley hall Closing Date Sept. 30th Apply P.O. Box 103 Goderich Family and Children's Services of Huron County requires Volunteer Drivers Adults with a good driving record are needed to provide transportation In your area. A commitment of 2-3 hours per week Is requested. Mileage and other expanses paid. For Information. phone coll.ct: Mrs. Peggy Rivers Co-ordinator of Volunteer services 524.7356