HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-8, Page 5\CANJWIAN .;PACiFIC: 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FDR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG plus halt cent per mile froritriVinnipeg np to MacLeod, Pagan*, or Edmonton. "RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus ban Cent per sniletrom all point:least of MacLeod, calgary or =Winton to Winnipeg . • • 'GOING DATES AUGUST 20th-1rom all stations on all Utica on and South of the Grand Trunk Main Lie, Torento to Sarnia, including all stations on the C.k.R.: ?motto to Windaor (inclusive) and Dian& Linea Xelutlinf Guelph sub-4tviiion from . Guelphlotith and front Brampton South. Auousr 23e11..-Frorn Toronto, and all staitiotat,torth of b.0 not. includfOg the Grand 'Triple Main Line, Tgeonto to .Sarnia. Aha (rens Toronto east to, but tot including kingston,.Sharbot Likean:d Renfrew; arid C.P.R. Lines , West of Renfrew, .. , .•.. ' .../.-, • .. AUGUST 2fItft-From all stations in. Ontado;.,,,,'Toronto, and East; OrMia eq. Scotia Junction and east.; also east of North:"iiiyind Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 30th -From Toronto arid all stAtioric rest,-it',Ontario; North Ray and West; ittcludincc.P.R. etatioos, $ OW to :en Ste. Mq,Oe. Potful& ' ellt.WAT SICOND.CLASS 'BOUTS ifitl. illt, SOth TO 10r1Orrrig$ ONLY OneAvey second dna tickets to Winniteg tirilywet be sold. Each ticket will Include, a ' verintatlisn certificate, witit'an 'exterision,coupin‘ Whewextension coupon has been figne1/41 at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engitgett the•bolder to Work as a fan», laborer, the,. coupon Will be honored up to September Seth fOr tieltet .at rate of one-half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Wittidneri en the Canadian Pacific, Canadian: Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific RailvraYs lialificaltote, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but l',.iot„ west of Edmonton. Calgary or McLeod, Alta. ' • . • A certificate telli be Wined entitling/ purchwier to a secoaachentleitiet good RP return-. from arty •station to .the, Cartadiar; Pacifie, Callisdrin Nertherra. or Grand Trtinit Patillc • Pctilwayi in Alberta, Saskatchewan and 1Vlanftoba east Of MaeLeod, Calgary and Eddilonton. NoVereber aOth, T915, on paynient of oae half cent. Per in e (minirrium fifty cents) up -le': to original starting_ point by the same route , as tnitelled' r Ohne JoinneY on or hefOft., Winnipeg added to $18.00 from Winnipeg, 0taidireit the ,hol er deposits the certificate tth ' the.tieket agent on, arriltal at clestiestione tele *Mita at least tlfirty 'dark at harvesting. • ., ' , For to put/cigars* Otte nearest C.P.A. Agent. Ot Write-. s . . .. . Rh' a.. ittfiaallY. D.P.a.'. C.11.111.. !a;a,oata.,•• FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN ThausandslisAreBeenlielped 14% Common Sense Sisigiestions.- , Women Buffering from any form'of fe, 'isiala ills are invited to corrununicate promptly with the woman's private corre- spondence department of the Lydia E. vinkhara Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your ,letter will be opened, read and Onswered by a woman and held in strict ;confidence. * woman can freely talk of Iter private illness to a woman; thus has tibeen established a confidential corre- nponclence win c h h as e.xtended over "anany years and which has never been broken. 'Neer have they published a -*estimonial Or used a letter without the -Written consent of the writer, and never has Al Company allowedthese confiden- tial letters to get out of their possession, tinr hundreds 0 thousands of them in their files mill attest. , Oat of the vast volume of experience lath they hatve,to draw from, it is more pOssible that they possess the very owledge needed inyour case. Noth- g is asked in return except your good 14 and their advice has helped thou. ands. Rarely any Woman, rich orpoor, should be glad to tak oi advantage of., tbis generous offer of assistance. Ad- dress Lydia E. Pink - am Medicine Co„ N (confidential) Lynn, 1d2.99. T.AY ri IR, Every woman' ought to bump Lydia E. .Pinkhanes 80 -page Text Book. It Is not a book for general distribtttion, as itis too autpensive. It is free and °MY abtainable by mail, .Writo. for it today. ri HOME STUDY fi $Thousands ofarabitions young + people are instramted in their 4. homes by our home study dep.- 4. artment Youmay finish at Cellege if you desire. . Pay 1,•, 4. whenever -you wish. *Thirty Years' Experience. Largest trainers in Canada. -Enter any ••7'• day. Positions guaranteed, If wish to save board and learn while you sun, write for particulars. " • eases; 7.: • NO VACATION -Clinton BusinessOollege GEO. SPOTTON B. E.WARD President Principal BtisOTss AND, - • `SHoRTHAN-D. Subjects "tauglxt byvpert instructora Y. M. C. A:BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College . in Aession from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue' free. Enter any time. 3.W. Westervelt LW.Westervelt,h. Principal: CharteredAceountant 16 litice-Prbicipal Children Clry FOR FLETCHER'S AsT.e5 R 14 Crediton frZs.VV" Braun. returned to' Ba PY ort after apending feW dare with Mrs. J. McDonald returned to her home in Detroit'after spending a few weeks with her parents Mr. and hilen Wee. Wenzel. Mr, Lillow of Hamilton spent Sun- day in town with friends. Mint Walburga Rill returned home after spending iteverel weeks with friends In Berlin, • Miss Martha Wenzel of Detroit is spending a few Weeks with her parents Miss Madeline Grant of London was the guest) of Mine $11OPt (MOP SOP- • 4an Mr, Ira Braun left for Vancouver on Saturday morning; We understand he is going int the real estate business We wish Ira every success, " Mrs. Harry Raplev anddaug.hter Norma left for their homenin Maetta on Monday after spending several months with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lewis. Mies Ablia BM returned home after apending a couple weeks with friends in Detroit. ' Flax -pulling is the prder of the day. Mr. Frank Finkbeiner of London spent Sunday with his parents. • Miss Gertude ;Brown of Strathrov spent a few day:, in town last Week the guest of Miss Myrtle Clark. Mrs. August Hill left for Berlin on Monday where she will visit relatives for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eilber and child. ren of Newark returned to their home after visiting with the formers par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber. , Don.% forget the lce Cream Social in connection with the Y. P. A. next Tuesday evening. alr. Ed. Siebert of - Dashwood is spending a few days in town, , Mr. Samuel Braun left for Pigeon, Mich., to attend •the funeral of his niece., Mrs, Wilkins and da,ughterreturned to their home in Detroit after spend- ing several weeks with friends here, Rev. Zillernerman of Stratford and Rev. Burn exchanged pulpits on Sun- day last. • Mrs, Graft returned to her home in Clitiord after spending a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Either Whets the matter with the Baseball boys? Int it . scion time that we are having a game? • Mr. Fraser Braun and sister spent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wind and ail- dren returned ,o their home in De- troit after spending the holidays with friends in town. - Mr. Emanuel Holtzman of Galt spent Sunday in town. This week we are sorry to report the sad death of Melissa Finkbeiner which took place on Sunday morning ether home. Miss „Finkbeiner has not en- joted good health for the past couple of years. Deceased was 24years of of age. She is survived by her par- ents, seven sisters and four brothers, The funeral took place on Tuesday in terment being in the Creditor' Ceme- tery; A large number --of sorrowing relatives and friends followed.the re- mains to their last` last resting place The sympathy • of a host ot friends is extended the • sorrowing lamily•-in their sore bereavement. • The Eilber families gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber last Thursday afternoon and spent a very eujayable time together. • . • CLINTON • Centre Huron License commission, ere met :hake and igrantea a transfer of the lieense of the 'entail Hotel at Goderica from M. J. Farr to John Ler.non (who has purthase:d the prp- perty It the case of the Hoteallore niattlie here, a thirty -day permit was • giver.. pen -ding theacorapletion of im- provemprOseang eleaeige of manage - mat t: - , , Lea .tateeeet The two licenses cut off at Goderieh those of the Huron and! Kiag Edward Iotels, expired -July !nett Bar tixe tures and alt tLe furniture has been removed from the Huron which will likely be , turned into stores The ee has been a hotel alectostsame the Ibeginning of the towns exist- anee A eeneral jolification was auld by ,patrore of Abe house on the Jut nieht 4011•1011•01M11.1•1•••••11.1111••••• GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM rm Laborers Excursions Via Chicago. tts half cent mile from Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. . • „ Returning --cent mile from Winnipeg, plus $ 88.00 to destination in E. Canada GUST 20 -From Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, inclusive, via Stratford, and all stations South thereof in Ontario, GUST 23 -From all stations of, but not including Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, Tunnel, via Stratford; all stations Toronto and North and East of Toronto to Kingston and Renfrew, . • UST 2S --From all stations Toronto and East, and East of Orillia and Scotia Junctiota ' UST 30-Frora ail stations • Toronte to Noeth Bay, jieclusive, and West thereof in Deetario. . The GrandTrunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and cenickeet routebe- ninirg-Saskatoma-Falmonton, New Fest Express Service between 'nalpeg, Orkton, Canora, and Emma SeASIDE EXCURSION enlist 11, 12, 13, 1'14 eunatrip rates from EXETIER te • eedtm, Conn, S IA* ,ctne , $ $105 etelfft, P.. r. I, . . . 2.00 Vo.‘31- . • • • • •S 30.5 ray ayt Que 24,05 rteata, Me.. ank .. . . . • $ 19,05 -e-a. UPPER LAKE ISAILINGS ney............$ 85.05 Sailings frame Sarnia for Soo and tow.. Limit Augustfl, Pott Arthuv 80 p.m. „....tlidridaYs, Weliesday and Settrirday. ' I onnatioit, Ticlieta. Berth Reservation from any G•raral Trunk Agent, , ee nate A,a1, Duet Of Baia 0.11:13,43% Station, ToroUto Xtntario B.OMESEEKEIRS'._ EXCURSIONS. August 6 and 20 September 3 & 17. . Via Sarnia or Chicago • Winning(' and r6tan $34 Edmonton. " " $42 ' Tickets good for 60 days ' NO CHANGE Ohl CARS tenis J. 3t. Kitafanr, Depot Agena wawa biou;x4,..,44011..yt 4tgnIAatirliporneatt:ieitlair Mite, Iyairtlioand Meets and dauber the an ree tsp er, die g a few.. i atse Freda "bee left bet FricleY for fl trill throegli the Thousend la- terals awe River J. 'Lawreate, O're- Sea end Miss 0. J3rown of leotdon aro visiting at the bome of 11er. aid Mrs. •C,Eitber late 'week Mre, Hetry .Deratith a Port, Ah - le ,vieitieg relatives in teenn ler a few weeks; The Misses Gillespie of 13rentford are the gamts a M. atel Ural J; Irlerner this weekt Mr. Lee Hoff:net is visiting friends in Caro !dietitian for a few weeks-, Mrs. James Laidlaw, of Croswell lelieLigen; is visiting relatives and friends Ilea team; Aceordiag to be bailey °roe) report, there is 'a 'decided smaller aeneY crop in• Oen Province and the prices will be higher, edr: 4.t, Oat in of St, josepli or Tuesday 'unloaded a eitiploed of lum- ber nOefing, lime and about tsvo car loads of bailaers hardware froan Sere tie The ship which brought klie, toted wastereporeed lost smile was to the case as the slip was, out OD the Cake waitir.g for ennoble weather td land 'at S. Josephs we erf. We under- stated that 'Mr. Cantin intends repair- irg tile block at St. Josepht • „. After a short illness of a few wail* Adam relighofter passed away at his one it Blake oe Tuesday of thip week et the ago a 01 yrs. 7 morahs atd 14 days deceased was +bora in Gerraar.y in 1E47 and 'came to this courtly eaten. a ,young man and 'set- tled in Hay Townshiplater be wee married to Mary Reinhardt They settled in Blake where he foelowed, his trade as shoemaker, 'until the time of his 'death Besides his sorrow- ing wife 'six .SOns ieeraitve Geo. of Dashwooti Edward ar.d Minot:ea Yale Michigar. Henry of JSaskatchewan. Edgar of 13ad Axe Mich artd Arthur of Zurich and Sour daughters M.r,s. J. Johnston of Blake Mee. •IWnle and Mrs. Mamba!' of Fullerton and Viola at home who mourn the loss of a Loving husband and father. iy4r., Ed- ighofier was well keown, loved and respecte.d. by all Lis neighbors and friends', „The taneral took plaoe o,n Thursday laet aed was lar,gely ate tended• .The remains were enberred in Bronson Line cemetery. • (ate ot the meet common ailinenta, that Most herd workiag people ere afflicted -with is lame back Apply ehamberlairtes Liniment twice a dal' and :massage the parts theronghiy at 'tenth applicatipa. and you. .Will get Quick relief. ran sale, by: 41 !dealers DAISHWOOD Mr. FredeDeering our popular bak- er ' has a gang of menmaking name er.t blocks for his mew, 'bakeshop, . Miss .A. Weltit returned to Berlin. OE Saturday to resume her duties as r arse'. The Misses Ruth Oreczebach and Euoleer. and Lettie Guenther Wean succeesful in passing then' Normal school ettrance ,examinations. ltev. and Mrs. Schroeder of Mt, • elemets are visitinge friends here for a few weeks Mr. Schroeder orearshed in the Lutheran Church on. 'Sunday last, BR.Ue4FIELD anae • Mr. David Bell of the I2ra1 .concess- . ion of Teckeremith met with a very •oainfut and serious accident recently les he and his grandson' were 'entcring the harn door with a load of hay Ins Lead was struck agaitst -tthe top of the door brills:re, a•n tracturine the lower jaw Mr. Bell did not think a great deal about it at the time and did hot eonsuIt a doctor for over a week when it was Kfiecovered ;that his jaw was badly -broker. arta tha t in- fection had 'taken piece wallah makes it a serious cape considering 'that Mr. Bell is 74 years Of age. 'Ma A. T, &eta is enlarging his home eta raising the rod and mak- erg it a two storey one Mr. Mc- Kerzitt of Clibton has the cantina for :the woodwork and Mr: Rebert Hotham of Brucefield tae painting. • Mr. Wm. Swaeri lefteBruoefield re- cently and will as,siat friends in Lon- don and Toronto for a time andevail titer go to Lake Couthithing and spend a couple of weeks befotra re,- t . , • . , 'Mr. J. R, Mustard is visjttig friends in Toronto, Rey. J. A, McDonald of the Globe- Torotto 'spent Wednesday in Brecee field He was collectieg material for a story of the American wan esan ol•d vetern named McDonald who died her Some aears aga.end wwsburled in the iaid .graveaarainutti of the vil- lage teek Tart it it _Le vialtenit the greet!' Of the ve test aid his wit& who died at the extrema ageof 102 eating • liARaIgeEY • . ..... Mr. Geo. Patrick a Lucan is visit - Ing Itis daughtet Mr. Roy Sherritt for' a couple o.E weeks. I'lis.y, Battle Hodgins of Detroit tits srpooentd. ing a week ender the parental , . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fella-, ankl son. Master 'Charles, of Ontario Cal. ace coraeanied by Mr. and Mrs 3. Mon lard and daughter Miss Blanche, also Mese. Lillian Patterson of Bath Jordan, are spending the tveek With Mr. and Mrs. Dame. leas and family . Several in this vicenfty attended the service held on Sunday lett in the Presbyterian church at Grana Bend by Dr. Joh,nstori of Montreal who' ie spending a few Week$,,Witii 'hie fam- ily at Maple Grove and reeeived many cie•w though tIn. • . , • • Mrs. Meekle ilis,o Mr's; SanderIgoni and twO.,deugh tars Messes Jessie and Margarotaspent Sunday et Mr. Thota LovertS..' W. Love entertained hie friend Mr. Rota.'Eagleson eaturday eni Stendey .laitt ' • ' 'Little %Peeps Agnets and e Kahle' Vernbuil are spending the Week at the. Poet Office,/ • Fall wbeat is nettrly harvtleted in this vialiity and the fanners:, haVe` Ore de Van's Female Pills !A pellabluFrerich regulator:never fails: These pills are exceedingly powerful In regulating the tenorathre portion of the &Male. system. Refuse aU cheap iniiintions. PM. de irstnola at said et 111 a boic„.or three fOr$10. Mattel to any aricxrcss $10S 1110001 Pettit Co, StAlaitheothwask, flo pr. Wits= ef -Parietal' bag beao 1 i.. ee. Etleaell weet ward wbo eneadiag tlee Peat wk with b•I's brae Lail hoer. tx,ex "health for several thereizeialel Mr, 10. 1A2 31:14)04`41 Qf coor.the, died et the each of erearel tkie vt,taitta. • Tiereetiieg has &nada ()online -need •seetlion and the gra R. ?)21, Oust- ing out very weil ?Ars. jamas Moore 4eft Item ilia week lit seimpany with her teeter Las beer. visiting' .bere to spend a week or eel le Detroit ansi otLer plauest The Misses McEwen of Toronto, are visiting thelir tionsitos aifi. and Mt% Robert Teeter:air at Flax atillir.g. and clilatin gathering drew•e lMatehtell, ar.d Nopina 1.)eeeased 'was. born An tsalferle Back' ieghttoislitre, Ianglatal, end ,eeme to Mitchell with his farrillY as' .years ago Ile was a man of quiet, unt'emsup5i•og manner and had no enemies: "desidba his watlew, lie leaves two earn, "inn. ard .ard 11Ohert of alitohellt and 'five daughters. Mrs Err,est Sollereber,ae•of Tilr.s. ..611u;sust Mell.,e-e, of Toronto Mts. Robert Pallman ef• era a. ford; Mrs. a. E. Gefertbe of Ste 4t•4 are mow the 03.4er 0g 034 day. wee exe bonen The feteral took pleoe frora ;Oleg 'eau/be:pent to a very laeeti reamher After this will follow the bean orop and cleaning of Peale, so apart altogether from ordinaey in tlee- tries efensall is Inateratartere for a large araoant of latter end puts ferge .arnoatt of money in en -ciliation Bee. Devid Bethel:ale wife end fain ily are here •spending a few data with eilr, Buchanan's parents toefore returtieg to South America to ae- sume miesienary work Mies' Maggi' Bachax.an who has beenin Vancouver is also Lome here 'aral Intends remain - its with her parents, " It is reported that Mr. R. Pttcr- fpit ho r ecently moved from tho thwxship of Ray, and ,purcbased u. term near Egmenclville and tv•heth he has now sold is negotiating- for the purchase of Mr. VVIlliarn Meira chvelang staid part of Lis unsold farm The friends of Mrs, Hunt will re- gret to kart that she has been sufe feritg more than •esnal of late DIKE rheumatism and hes been ,00rifieed to Ler rooms for the suet week. We hope the family home or. Tuescley. OnFelday afternoon a little daugh- ter' a Mr. Alfred Price of this toWnt had a critical operation perfo:rmed. by Dr. Faster of Stratford, ire the general hospital in that city The: oP- eratiox: was eueeensfel and the. little girl :Is eettiree along Mr. are:1'1111re. Walter leant, of or onto, have been visiting 'ties parents Mrtied airs, Isaac Hord, tend other frier -ds during the •f," t week. ' ter Was operated on foU• appendicitis and some other traublee twig ettetetba ago and it Will he S01310 time befOre he is ,f,u,ily recovered: ' The 'town Cowell is Jaavieg the scales moved from tate rear of the L'eNV1 Government building to the east or.a of the. town hail. Mf. °aeries Polton who recently recently finished the work of extend-, Vhe water mains on S. ,Seor,ge St, has 'be.e.-1 awarded the contract for "the extetsion work to be &toe, on a ettiraber of ether streets, ased Le • started et -gaae of men et work on St/ Davales Street, to emir. etc ler improved. Mr. Henry Dougall a the Landon 'Were all medicines ts meritor- ious as CLamberfain's -Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be tnack, better oft and the percent- age of. saffering greatly decreased writes Lindsay Scott. ot Temple, Ind. For sale by all .dealers. • road Itsborr.e is }so. 'improving his dwelling by raising the kiethen to the fail 'heighth of the' main 'building eta ano adding to its 4 meth. Irkomas A•ppelten of this; village teas nee week happily 'married eo Miss Florence yousigeet eleuighter of Mr. Thomas. Cook, and they are 'now settled on Queen Street East. friends wish ete:ne penal joy. Mae alcEwer. who has been vein It her trite her Hueli returned to London on Wednesday last Mr. Alex McPherson and Ibis bro- thel Mr. 'Murdock albPheasor. of Sal- mon City Idaho, are expected bere this week after a pie:matt trip to Halifax, Nova Scab their bayhood home ard which they Wad not visit- ed for 'some fifty years They will to doubt I.ave. miter pleaseat and inter- esting .experienee's to relate. Mr. jaiaes Ballard ,campiata at Grand Bend was inken Seriously ea and Ins parents -were sent for, Eind. arriv;ng there •feAnd 'him in- a ex It-' icet state and at the date pf writing etel ecatinaes aot 7 Mrs. J. encGarva and ester Mass. Waltace both of •eiintolo, were here thee week spending a day or so with friende. The Rebecca Order of Oddeetlowe gJAYFIELD • The Leta= ,peopte are begienina to recognize the celebrated watering place of Bayfield nt lase, ard it is great wonder it has :not been rearg- nized sooner ar.dbaa large numbera Et is loped that with the Dor:canine Government we May .sooa have steet rails laal to the honor af n progres- sive Goverrment in this (Charming town, and will give the; inland, beat sufferers an opportunity to enjoy the balmy breezes of 000l Bayfield. The -congregation of the Holy Trin- ity Chard) heed their annual ,garden aarty or. the rectory. Id WU) Thursday /august let The -citizen,* band of etitton as engaged for' the evene beg ana eyerytbang was done to make this Sean party in every w•ay worthy of its West:ricks atesstorse A.1.1 the most eelio'ous daiuttes and Lome maele cooking were served: by the mast courteoue, of waiters. intend holder -1g a picnic to .Baytuel or. Wednes.day Aug, 7th and i will be FIFTY 'I HO CSAND MEN REWIRED. coined by the °Mellow:6 01 the fienSall Led.ge andavery preparation Farm Laborer's excursions -This years wheat crop will be the largest is belng made for •aca• enjoy:teal uut- ' ir. the history of Canada.. - Miss Elgie nf Lontleta, :formerly of this village has beet - spending ,the past week with aelatives and friends in Heneall and vicinity.' Ildr. Peter Munn of Hay recently re- turned from a trip through different parts of the west He snet with a host qf Itiende, ;who gay- Iiim• EaYel eveleotee azei he was pleased to meet the a to ate that theyeevere prosper- -so well, Dr, George Blataford af Clinton Michigan, is viseting Iis raany friends in Hensall and vicinity. Mrs. Deleon and daugliter 'of Tor- otto .have beem ,spendilig, the week or so with alrseChesteypast . • transperting the inen to thearranaewest.- - is aiready .making special Di meats for this year Excursions from r. We. S. Gunsalus, a•tn farer liv- points ln Ontario to Manitoba 'Sask- atchewan. and Alberta will . be run special trains operated mskifog the• trip in about1,36 Lours and avoidiern any cL.ange of cars -or transfers Thisawill be a day storter than any other route See display add in this oublicaton qf dates rates end condite ems Consult any C. P. R. agent for R • 0110MATY pal particulars ticket's etc. -- A incr. bridge is beina bleat on the Cettre Read south of Cromarty, . Mr. T. 'Mclean:a is slightly ',ladle- po.i e d. tetise Mary eutrie viii tad her anatt Mra. Garditer of Farquhar this week. A. sclera:Me game a tennis mas played or, the CromartyTennis court .on Wednesday evening east. The ton- testiregepartles being S. A. Kellar and Elwin Rivers of !Cromarty and Thos. Hamittor. and De leoursey tatutschiloa of Stara. The .game woe a brilliantl are. restating in a Cromarty will play a frierany game of 'tennis \vitt Mitchell on efaiday *evening next. . • eOwing to: the recent rains • the spring 'grain and root crop are great- ly improved. The When e crop of 1,912 will be Use greatest lever harvested in Man- itoba, Saskt tot:await 'and taliberta. taus requiring the farm laborers of theca at to recrnit and assiatin her the world's :greatest baaad basket'. The Governments of the Reprannv- er.tativa Provinces tstate that 50,000, men will be required for this years harvest .These will bave to be prin- cipally recruited 'tram Ottaree, and the prosperity of Canada depende on securing labor premptly. The Can- adian Pacific on which Company will " fail practically the entire teak tee mg near Eternal,- Pasays ke used Chamberlain's Cliolic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy in his family for 14 ears, apd that he' has found it to be an excellent rem .r : end takes eleaeure 1, recoramending it. For sale by all dealers. • 111111•11111111Mh. A itignog sAemiy eAeH noA puN oqi •maJPITTIO P" .10a eirefe 4rettd0a -brae s14og !Er S44.1,1: OW 9V 11210,4, Aft o.Iniaak(5 ontlqsavA man ao ssolvvogg* -tierianerSUOIspal0,1sUPOM. •raokusicrusesto)s.moS°11.09 -011s1,10;woj Aromaalavlaciv ' 4647Pn -PIT141/ # VISO! kivir*tale , eaatelerialtetAtritfinetee, 0/3LO lirrAt Jail iqd.iowmd aamiu SUMUOMSOA SS= 411j.13GTSUODS3 Jo S`Earitocuare stpuultgvtp -tingainwPooMounviTim Asvailnorreaed4&910P.0 • 01, as Heel IMO Wel 1, 11S111111111111111111 11111,111 Ids a an WEAR.- - WALKERS OVERALLS atit"1""" WOODHAM • Some of our young people visited. in St. Marys on Sundayt Mise, Finley nurse from New. York visited at the the heme of Mr, and Mrs. F.AlileNaughton. The 5Yliatests Jessie ancl Sadie Anson of lorunto are visiting att tin hopeee o 'MnaThos. Joaneture. The Mise Kate and Cora Tien are visifingant St. Max -yr. Mrs. Shier who watt taken al on M-ty 25t.a remains about the tame Mrs. (RevaHarrieton of- irnottdon will preach on • theeircui t ont Aug tiotb under the anspiceeof the W. M. S. • Quarterly service at Woodham next' Sunday Aug Ilth at 30.30 a, m. p”? ANMEMannate made in Walkerville. Ont. We GUARANTEE Ten „ Cents for every Button that comes off and Twenty-five Cents for every Rip and tor every Six Stamped Pockets cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets. Sold by J. A. Stewart The Leading Merchant in Exeter, Ont. Guaranteed by the Walker Pant & Shirt Company. mosoms 111101111M1611111111111116. p_sommeenumge WESTERN FAIR 1 September 6th to 14th, 1912 LONDON'S GREAT EXHIBITION LIBERAL PRIZES INSTRUCTIVE EXHIBITS SPEED EVENTS EACH DAY New Art Building filled -with Magnificent Paintings ATTRACTIONS PROGRAMME TWICE DAILY LIVE STOCK PARADE DAILY BESSE% 0° THE lEtARN ESANID of Cheltenham, England. One of the Greatest, Brass Bands in the World, and several others. • AERIAL ACTS, COMEDY ACTS, TRAMBOLINE and' ACROB WIC ACTS, SEABERT'S EQUESTRIENNE ACT and others, THE M,IDWAY,BETTER THAN EVER FIREWORKS EACH EVENING SINGLE FARE RATES over all Railroads • from Kingston to Detroft. Special Excursion Days, Sept. loth, seth, 13th, • Prize Lists and all information from W, J. REID, President: A. Me HUNT, Secretary Early Closing Notice " NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY We the undersigned Merchants of this town agree, to ole.se our Tiepin of business at half past twelve on Thum - day. afternoons during the moptlas of Ally and August. _Lee tee J. A. Stewart.,LeeeN 1.11. S. Martin & Son, a-a-17.rittea-41 111 H. Spaokraten fe ;* :vir, 3. Beer.f 0 14, t • a. Davis CO I 1.1 INA W, Beaman 4,11.. 1111t W. J. Carling et '•01 14 Mrs. Yeo t ,eet A4 J. Ford 1 t tit ( ( IJ „ W . P. meavets. 78fI a Wm. Rivers. • 1 t 111 ir t iT, Grigg P., Frayne. ; 1 e 1 Ltiti 1.,LA LU 11'.Boyle el, I 't t;..1 JO 4 W. W. Taman t f i• n, Willis' I 1.:1X...14,.1.i Jones l& 11 T: Hawkins & &Ono :3 Lilt', a. t MArAlkao4 .1 1 The Bali Telephceae De, of lail4ta. is soon to print a new leen oa Mei Official Teleptone Directory for 04 dietrict of Western Ontario inelgdis Ina Exeter. Parties wto conteraplate ibetenelbet Subsciibers at those who wish okiinl ;tee in their present entrty eliOnit11 'Mace their broder$ With the local &tang ager at arca intturn inseation tee this Weae. N' e Connecting Companies Should alge report' additions alai tikatges b their tint of attottorebeaa either to dm Uocal manager oct to the spettial agent's deptrt: Met treati: • The Bell Telephone CO of Canada